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use Dancer ':syntax';
use URI ();
use Socket6 (); # to ensure dependency is met
use HTML::Entities (); # to ensure dependency is met
use URI::QueryParam (); # part of URI, to add helper methods
use Path::Class 'dir';
use Module::Load ();
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Storable 'dclone';
use App::Netdisco::Util::Permission qw/acl_matches acl_matches_only/;
no warnings 'redefine';
*Dancer::_redirect = sub {
my ($destination, $status) = @_;
my $response = Dancer::SharedData->response;
$response->status($status || 302);
$response->headers('Location' => $destination);
# neater than using Dancer::Plugin::Res to handle JSON differently
*Dancer::send_error = sub {
my ($body, $status) = @_;
if (request_is_api) {
status $status || 400;
$body = '' unless defined $body;
return_value => to_json { error => $body, return_url => param('return_url') }
return_value => Dancer::Error->new(
message => $body,
code => $status || 500)->render()
# to insert /t/$tenant if set
# which is fine for building links, but not fine for
# comparison to request->path, because when is_forward() the
# request->path is changed...
*Dancer::Request::uri_for = sub {
my ($self, $part, $params, $dont_escape) = @_;
my $uri = $self->base;
if (vars->{'tenant'}) {
$part = '/t/'. vars->{'tenant'} . $part;
# Make sure there's exactly one slash between the base and the new part
my $base = $uri->path;
$base =~ s|/$||;
$part =~ s|^/||;
$uri->query_form($params) if $params;
return $dont_escape ? uri_unescape($uri->canonical) : $uri->canonical;
# here we are monkeypatching request->path as well
*Dancer::Request::path = sub {
die "path is accessor not mutator" if scalar @_ > 1;
my $self = shift;
$self->_build_path() unless $self->{path};
if (vars->{'tenant'} and $self->{path} !~ m{/t/}) {
my $path = $self->{path};
my $base = setting('path');
my $tenant = '/t/' . vars->{'tenant'};
$tenant = ($base . $tenant) if $base ne '/';
$tenant .= '/' if $base eq '/';
$path =~ s/^$base/$tenant/;
return $path;
return $self->{path};
# implement same_site
*Dancer::Session::Cookie::_cookie_params = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->session_name;
my $duration = $self->_session_expires_as_duration;
my %cookie = (
name => $name,
value => $self->_cookie_value,
path => setting('session_cookie_path') || '/',
domain => setting('session_domain'),
secure => setting('session_secure'),
http_only => setting("session_is_http_only") // 1,
same_site => setting("session_same_site"),
if ( defined $duration ) {
$cookie{expires} = time + $duration;
return %cookie;
sub _load_web_plugins {
my $plugin_list = shift;
foreach my $plugin (@$plugin_list) {
$plugin =~ s/^X::/+App::NetdiscoX::Web::Plugin::/;
$plugin = 'App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin::'. $plugin
if $plugin !~ m/^\+/;
$plugin =~ s/^\+//;
$ENV{ND2_LOG_PLUGINS} && debug "loading web plugin $plugin";
Module::Load::load $plugin;
if (setting('web_plugins') and ref [] eq ref setting('web_plugins')) {
_load_web_plugins( setting('web_plugins') );
if (setting('extra_web_plugins') and ref [] eq ref setting('extra_web_plugins')) {
unshift @INC, dir(($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}), 'site_plugins')->stringify;
_load_web_plugins( setting('extra_web_plugins') );
foreach my $tag (keys %{ setting('_admin_tasks') }) {
my $code = sub {
# trick the ajax into working as if this were a tabbed page
params->{tab} = $tag;
var(nav => 'admin');
template 'admintask', {
task => setting('_admin_tasks')->{ $tag },
}, { layout => 'main' };
if (setting('_admin_tasks')->{ $tag }->{ 'roles' }) {
get "/admin/$tag" => require_any_role setting('_admin_tasks')->{ $tag }->{ 'roles' } => $code;
else {
get "/admin/$tag" => require_role admin => $code;
# after plugins are loaded, add our own template path
push @{ config->{engines}->{netdisco_template_toolkit}->{INCLUDE_PATH} },
# sort the reports which have been loaded, by their label
foreach my $cat (@{ setting('_report_order') }) {
setting('_reports_menu')->{ $cat } ||= [];
setting('_reports_menu')->{ $cat }
= [ sort { setting('_reports')->{$a}->{'label'}
setting('_reports')->{$b}->{'label'} }
@{ setting('_reports_menu')->{ $cat } } ];
# any template paths in deployment.yml (should override plugins)
if (setting('template_paths') and ref [] eq ref setting('template_paths')) {
if (setting('site_local_files')) {
push @{setting('template_paths')},
dir(($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}), 'nd-site-local', 'share')->stringify,
dir(($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}), 'nd-site-local', 'share', 'views')->stringify;
unshift @{ config->{engines}->{netdisco_template_toolkit}->{INCLUDE_PATH} },
# load cookie key from database
setting('session_cookie_key' => undef);
setting('session_cookie_key' => 'this_is_for_testing_only')
eval {
my $sessions = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Session');
my $skey = $sessions->find({id => 'dancer_session_cookie_key'});
setting('session_cookie_key' => $skey->get_column('a_session')) if $skey;
hook after_error_render => sub { setting('layout' => 'main') };
# build list of port detail columns
my @port_columns =
sort { $a->{idx} <=> $b->{idx} }
map {{ name => $_, %{ setting('sidebar_defaults')->{'device_ports'}->{$_} } }}
grep { $_ =~ m/^c_/ } keys %{ setting('sidebar_defaults')->{'device_ports'} };
splice @port_columns, setting('device_port_col_idx_right') + 1, 0,
grep {$_->{position} eq 'right'} @{ setting('_extra_device_port_cols') };
splice @port_columns, setting('device_port_col_idx_mid') + 1, 0,
grep {$_->{position} eq 'mid'} @{ setting('_extra_device_port_cols') };
splice @port_columns, setting('device_port_col_idx_left') + 1, 0,
grep {$_->{position} eq 'left'} @{ setting('_extra_device_port_cols') };
set('port_columns' => \@port_columns);
# update sidebar_defaults so hooks scanning params see new plugin cols
setting('sidebar_defaults')->{'device_ports'}->{ $_->{name} } = $_
for @port_columns;
# build lookup for tenancies
set('tenant_data' => {
map { ( $_->{tag} => { displayname => $_->{'displayname'},
tag => $_->{'tag'},
path => config->{'url_base'}->with("/t/$_->{tag}")->path } ) }
@{ setting('tenant_databases') },
{ tag => 'netdisco', displayname => (setting('database')->{displayname} || 'Default') }
= URI::Based->new((config->{path} eq '/') ? '' : config->{path})->path;
set('tenant_tags' => [ map { $_->{'tag'} }
sort { $a->{'displayname'} cmp $b->{'displayname'} }
values %{ config->{'tenant_data'} } ]);
hook 'before' => sub {
my $key = request->path;
if (param('tab') and ($key !~ m/ajax/)) {
$key .= ('/' . param('tab'));
$key =~ s|.*/(\w+)/(\w+)$|${1}_${2}|;
var(sidebar_key => $key);
# trim whitespace
params->{'q'} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if param('q');
# copy sidebar defaults into vars so we can mess about with it
foreach my $sidebar (keys %{setting('sidebar_defaults')}) {
vars->{'sidebar_defaults'}->{$sidebar} = { map {
($_ => setting('sidebar_defaults')->{$sidebar}->{$_}->{'default'})
} keys %{setting('sidebar_defaults')->{$sidebar}} };
# swagger submits "false" params whereas web UI does not - remove them
# so that code testing for param existence as truth still works.
hook 'before' => sub {
return unless request_is_api_report or request_is_api_search;
map {delete params->{$_} if params->{$_} eq 'false'} keys %{params()};
hook 'before_template' => sub {
# search or report from navbar, or reset of sidebar, can ignore params
return if param('firstsearch')
or var('sidebar_key') !~ m/^\w+_\w+$/;
# update defaults to contain the passed url params
# (this follows initial copy from config.yml, then cookie restore)
var('sidebar_defaults')->{var('sidebar_key')}->{$_} = param($_)
for keys %{ var('sidebar_defaults')->{var('sidebar_key')} || {} };
hook 'before_template' => sub {
my $tokens = shift;
# allow portable static content
$tokens->{uri_base} = request->base->path
if request->base->path ne '/';
$tokens->{uri_base} .= ('/t/'. vars->{'tenant'})
if vars->{'tenant'};
# allow portable dynamic content
$tokens->{uri_for} = sub { uri_for(@_)->path_query };
# current query string to all resubmit from within ajax template
my $queryuri = URI->new();
$queryuri->query_param($_ => param($_))
for grep {$_ ne 'return_url'} keys %{params()};
$tokens->{my_query} = $queryuri->query();
# hide custom fields according to only/no settings
$tokens->{permitted_by_acl} = sub {
my ($thing, $config) = @_;
return false unless $thing and $config;
return if acl_matches($thing, ($config->{no} || []));
return unless acl_matches_only($thing, ($config->{only} || []));
return true;
# access to logged in user's roles (modulo RBAC)
$tokens->{user_has_role} = sub {
my ($role, $device) = @_;
return false unless $role;
return user_has_role($role) if $role ne 'port_control';
return false unless user_has_role('port_control');
return true if not $device;
my $user = logged_in_user or return false;
return true unless $user->portctl_role;
my $acl = setting('portctl_by_role')->{$user->portctl_role};
if ($acl and (ref $acl eq q{} or ref $acl eq ref [])) {
return true if acl_matches($device, $acl);
elsif ($acl and ref $acl eq ref {}) {
foreach my $key (grep { defined } sort keys %$acl) {
# lhs matches device, rhs matches port
# but we are not interested in the ports
return true if acl_matches($device, $key);
# assigned an unknown role
return false;
# create date ranges from within templates
$tokens->{to_daterange} = sub { interval_to_daterange(@_) };
# data structure for DataTables records per page menu
$tokens->{table_showrecordsmenu} =
to_json( setting('table_showrecordsmenu') );
# linked searches will use these default url path params
foreach my $sidebar_key (keys %{ var('sidebar_defaults') }) {
my ($mode, $report) = ($sidebar_key =~ m/(\w+)_(\w+)/);
if ($mode =~ m/^(?:search|device)$/) {
$tokens->{$sidebar_key} = uri_for("/$mode", {tab => $report});
elsif ($mode =~ m/^report$/) {
$tokens->{$sidebar_key} = uri_for("/$mode/$report");
foreach my $col (keys %{ var('sidebar_defaults')->{$sidebar_key} }) {
# fix Plugin Template Variables to be only path+query
$tokens->{$sidebar_key} = $tokens->{$sidebar_key}->path_query;
# helper from NetAddr::MAC for the MAC formatting
$tokens->{mac_format_call} = 'as_'. lc(param('mac_format'))
if param('mac_format');
# allow very long lists of ports
$Template::Directive::WHILE_MAX = 10_000;
# allow hash keys with leading underscores
$Template::Stash::PRIVATE = undef;
# prevent Template::AutoFilter taking action on CSV output
hook 'before_template' => sub {
my $template_engine = engine 'template';
if (not request->is_ajax
and header('Content-Type')
and header('Content-Type') eq 'text/comma-separated-values' ) {
$template_engine->{config}->{AUTO_FILTER} = 'none';
# debug $template_engine->{config}->{AUTO_FILTER};
hook 'after_template_render' => sub {
my $template_engine = engine 'template';
if (not request->is_ajax
and header('Content-Type')
and header('Content-Type') eq 'text/comma-separated-values' ) {
$template_engine->{config}->{AUTO_FILTER} = 'html_entity';
# debug $template_engine->{config}->{AUTO_FILTER};
# support for report api which is basic table result in json
hook before_layout_render => sub {
my ($tokens, $html_ref) = @_;
return unless request_is_api_report or request_is_api_search;
if (ref {} eq ref $tokens and exists $tokens->{results}) {
${ $html_ref } = to_json $tokens->{results};
elsif (ref {} eq ref $tokens) {
map {delete $tokens->{$_}}
grep {not blessed $tokens->{$_} or not $tokens->{$_}->isa('App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet')}
keys %$tokens;
visit( $tokens, sub {
my ( $key, $valueref ) = @_;
$$valueref = [$$valueref->hri->all]
if blessed $$valueref and $$valueref->isa('App::Netdisco::DB::ResultSet');
${ $html_ref } = to_json $tokens;
else {
${ $html_ref } = '[]';
# workaround for Swagger plugin weird response body
hook 'after' => sub {
my $r = shift; # a Dancer::Response
if (request->path =~ m{/swagger\.json} and
request->path eq uri_for('/swagger.json')->path
and ref {} eq ref $r->content) {
my $spec = dclone $r->content;
if (vars->{'tenant'}) {
my $base = setting('path');
my $tenant = '/t/' . vars->{'tenant'};
$tenant = ($base . $tenant) if $base ne '/';
$tenant .= '/' if $base eq '/';
foreach my $path (sort keys %{ $spec->{paths} }) {
(my $newpath = $path) =~ s/^$base/$tenant/;
$spec->{paths}->{$newpath} = delete $spec->{paths}->{$path};
$r->content( to_json( $spec ) );
header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
# instead of setting serialiser
# and also to handle some plugins just returning undef if search fails
if (request_is_api) {
header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
$r->content( $r->content || '[]' );
# setup for swagger API
my $swagger = Dancer::Plugin::Swagger->instance;
my $swagger_doc = $swagger->doc;
$swagger_doc->{consumes} = 'application/json';
$swagger_doc->{produces} = 'application/json';
$swagger_doc->{tags} = [
{name => 'General',
description => 'Log in and Log out'},
{name => 'Search',
description => 'Search Operations'},
{name => 'Objects',
description => 'Device, Port, and associated Node Data'},
{name => 'Reports',
description => 'Canned and Custom Reports'},
{name => 'Queue',
description => 'Operations on the Job Queue'},
$swagger_doc->{securityDefinitions} = {
APIKeyHeader =>
{ type => 'apiKey', name => 'Authorization', in => 'header' },
BasicAuth =>
{ type => 'basic' },
$swagger_doc->{security} = [ { APIKeyHeader => [] } ];
if (setting('trust_x_remote_user')) {
foreach my $path (keys %{ $swagger_doc->{paths} }) {
foreach my $method (keys %{ $swagger_doc->{paths}->{$path} }) {
unshift @{ $swagger_doc->{paths}->{$path}->{$method}->{parameters} }, {
name => 'X-REMOTE_USER',
description => 'API client user name',
in => 'header',
required => false,
type => 'string',
# manually install Swagger UI routes because plugin doesn't handle non-root
# hosting, so we cannot use show_ui(1)
my $swagger_base = config->{plugins}->{Swagger}->{ui_url};
get $swagger_base => sub {
Dancer::Plugin::Swagger->instance->doc->{schemes} = [ request->scheme ];
redirect uri_for($swagger_base)->path
. '/?url=' . uri_for('/swagger.json')->path;
get $swagger_base.'/' => sub {
Dancer::Plugin::Swagger->instance->doc->{schemes} = [ request->scheme ];
# user might request /swagger-ui/ initially (Plugin doesn't handle this)
params->{url} or redirect uri_for($swagger_base)->path;
send_file( 'swagger-ui/index.html' );
# omg the plugin uses system_path and we don't want to go there
get $swagger_base.'/**' => sub {
Dancer::Plugin::Swagger->instance->doc->{schemes} = [ request->scheme ];
send_file( join '/', 'swagger-ui', @{ (splat())[0] } );
# remove empty lines from CSV response
# this makes writing templates much more straightforward!
hook 'after' => sub {
my $r = shift; # a Dancer::Response
if ($r->content_type and $r->content_type eq 'text/comma-separated-values') {
my @newlines = ();
my @lines = split m/\n/, $r->content;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
push @newlines, $line if $line !~ m/^\s*$/;
$r->content(join "\n", @newlines);
# support for tenancies
any qr{^/t/(?<tenant>[^/]+)/?$} => sub {
my $capture = captures;
var tenant => $capture->{'tenant'};
forward '/';
any '/t/*/**' => sub {
my ($tenant, $path) = splat;
var tenant => $tenant;
forward (join '/', '', @$path, (request->path =~ m{/$} ? '' : ()));
any qr{.*} => sub {
var('notfound' => true);
status 'not_found';
template 'index', {}, { layout => 'main' };