use Dancer ':syntax';
use JSON::PP ();
register_worker({ phase => 'check' }, sub {
return Status->error('Missing device (-d).')
unless defined shift->device;
return Status->done('Show is able to run');
register_worker({ phase => 'main', driver => 'snmp' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my ($device, $class, $object) = map {$job->$_} qw/device port extra/;
$class = 'SNMP::Info::'.$class if $class and $class !~ m/^SNMP::Info::/;
my $snmp = App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP->reader_for($device, $class);
$object ||= 'interfaces';
my $orig_object = $object;
my ($mib, $leaf) = split m/::/, $object;
SNMP::loadModules($mib) if $mib and $leaf and $mib ne $leaf;
$object =~ s/[-:]/_/g;
my $result = sub { eval { $snmp->$object() } };
if ($ENV{ND2_DO_QUIET}) {
my $coder = JSON::PP->new->utf8(1)
print $coder->encode( $result->() );
else {
Data::Printer::p( $result->() );
return Status->done(
sprintf "Showed %s response from %s", $orig_object, $device->ip);