Changes for version 0.025 - 2024-12-21

  • Marked OpenTelemetry::Exporter::OTLP as a dependency instead of a recommended distribution. Since OTLP is the default exporter for the SDK, it doesn't make sense to ship without it. The reason it was released as a separate distribution was initially because it depended on Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic, but now it doesn't: it will use that distribution if it is available but use JSON otherwise.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: the SDK will now die if it encounters an error during initialisation. This will only affect the code executed during import. Once the SDK has been loaded, it will never intentionally raise an exception.
  • Add 'isa' as a dependency and reduce the minimum supported Perl version to 5.30. If you are running 5.30 please consider installing Type::Tiny::XS which should improve the performance of these 'isa' checks.


An implementation of the OpenTelemetry SDK for Perl
An OpenTelemetry span exporter that prints to the console
A logical unit of instrumented code
Represents the entity producing OpenTelemetry data
The abstract interface for a sampler object
A sampler that will never sample
A sampler that will always sample
The result of a sampling decision
A single operation within a trace
A batched OpenTelemetry span processor
A basic OpenTelemetry span processor
A readable snapshot of an OpenTelemetry span
A class that governs the configuration of spans
A Tracer for the OpenTelemetry SDK
Provides access to SDK OpenTelemetry Tracers