Changes for version 1.25

    • html_ok() clears the HTML::Lint object that gets passed in, if any. Thanks to Cees Hek.
    • Ran everything through Devel::Cover to see what wasn't getting exercised.
    • Removed _element_stack() which was never used.
    •'s internals now eat their own dog food of methods, rather than accessing internals directly.
    • line(), column() and file() are no longer setters in HTML::Lint. I sure hope this doesn't break anything for anyone.
    • Removed some explicit "return undef" stuff.


web based (CGI) interface to weblint


check for HTML errors in a string or file
Error object for the Lint functionality
Rules for HTML 4 as used by HTML::Lint.
Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Lint