# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
# (C) Paul Evans, 2020-2024 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk
use v5.14;
use Carp;
=head1 NAME
C<Net::Prometheus::Registry> - a collection of metrics collectors
This class, or instances of it, acts as a simple storage array for instances
derived from L<Net::Prometheus::Metric>, known as "collectors".
A single global collection is stored by the module, accessible via the class
methods. Additional collections may be made with the constructor and then
accessed by instance methods.
# These are the global ones
=for highlighter language=perl
=head2 new
$registry = Net::Prometheus::Registry->new;
Returns a new registry instance.
sub new
my $class = shift;
return bless [], $class;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 register
$collector = Net::Prometheus::Registry->register( $collector );
$collector = $registry->register( $collector );
Adds a new collector to the registry. The collector instance itself is
returned, for convenience of chaining method calls on it.
sub register
my $collectors = ( ref $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : \@COLLECTORS;
my ( undef, $collector ) = @_;
# TODO: ban duplicate registration
push @$collectors, $collector;
return $collector;
=head2 unregister
Net::Prometheus::Registry->unregister( $collector );
$registry->unregister( $collector );
Removes a previously-registered collector.
sub unregister
my $collectors = ( ref $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : \@COLLECTORS;
my ( undef, $collector ) = @_;
my $found;
@$collectors = grep {
not( $_ == $collector and ++$found )
} @$collectors;
$found or
croak "No such collector";
=head2 collectors
@collectors = Net::Prometheus::Registry->collectors;
@collectors = $registry->collectors;
Returns a list of the currently-registered collectors.
sub collectors
my $collectors = ( ref $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : \@COLLECTORS;
return @$collectors;
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>