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Bigtop::Docs::QuickRef - a quick reference guide to bigtop syntax

An HTML Table

This file is html only. If you want a text version see Bigtop::Docs::Keywords. Note that this file is note complete. Running tentmaker should give you complete and accurate information, since its docs come from the code. See Bigtop::Docs::TentTut for a tutorial on tentmaker use and Bigtop::Docs::TentRef for full details.

Below you should see a pretty table in your browser.

Bigtop Quick Reference

This page is meant to show what's possible with the Bigtop web app description language. It's main feature is a table summarizing the syntax of the Bigtop language.

Each Bigtop file has the following basic structure:

    config {
    app App::Name {

Inside those blocks you can have simple statements and other blocks. Simple statements are a keyword followed by a number, a valid Perl identifier, or a backquoted string and terminated with a semi-colon. Sometimes the values can also be lists of single values separated by commas. In rarer cases, the values can themselves be key/value pairs. As in Perl, the keys and values are separated with the fat comma =>. See below for details.

The Key Strangeness

One syntax feature that strikes people funny is that Bigtop uses backquotes around strings. The reason is simple. Bigtop never shells out, but it often needs to store Perl's favorite quotes in strings. Using backquotes makes it easy to embed either single or double quotes in its strings.

A Bigger Example

Before going into the table of descriptions, it might help to see a bigger example:

config {
    engine          MP13;
    template_engine TT;
    Init            Std      { no_gen 1; }
    SQL             Postgres {}
app Simple::Sample {
    authors               `Phil Crow`;
    config                { dbconn `dbi:Pg:dbname=simple` => no_accessor; }
    sequence contacts_seq {}
    table contacts        {
        sequence contacts_seq;
        field id   { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }
        field name {
            is              varchar;
            label          `Contact Person`;
            html_form_type text;
    controller Names {
        controls_table   names;
        uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD;
        text_description `contact name`;
        method do_main is main_listing {
            title           `Contact Names`;
            cols            name;
            header_options  Add;
            row_options     Edit, Delete;
        method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
            fields          name;
               legend     => `$self->>path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`;

The Quick Reference Table

The following table tries to cover all the statements and blocks available, but keep in mind that backends can add simple statements of their own. So, the table may be incomplete. Running tentmaker will show all the available possibilities. It asks all the backends on your system what they understand.

config {...}
engine Your framework's engine module. Try MP13 for mod_perl 1.3.x or MP20 for mod_perl 2.0. CGI for cgi or FastCGI.
template_engine Your framework's template engine. Try TT.
base_dir [ DEPRECATED ]
In create mode, the directory under which the app will be built. (Defaults to the current directory.) Ignored, with a warning, outside of create mode.
app_dir [ DEPRECATED ]
In create mode, the sub directory of base_dir where the app will be built. (Defaults in the manner of h2xs.) Ignored, with a warning, outside of create mode.
LEGAL BLOCKS In the config section, blocks represent backend generators. Each generator has a type and a name. These translate directly to the name of the module which will do the generating. So,
    SQL Postgres {}
means use Bigtop::Backend::SQL::Postgres. Further, it means that the user of bigtop at the command line can request generation of postgres SQL by saying
    bigtop app.bigtop SQL
Finally, if the user of bigtop at the command line types:
    bigtop app.bigtop all
each generator will be called on to make its files in the order it is listed in the config section.
All blocks accept no_gen. Use this statement when you no longer want the generator to do anything. But, don't omit the generator entirely. That will likely cause parse errors, since it won't be able to register it's keywords.
Most blocks accept template. Use this statement to specify an alternate template for the backend. It will be used instead of the Inline::TT template hard coded in the backend. Templates define a set of BLOCKS. To see what blocks you must define and what parameters they have to work with, examine the templates hard coded in the backend(s) of interest to you. Example:
SQL Postgres { template ``; }
Backend Type Available Backends Description
Init Std Generates the things h2xs would if it used Build.PL
SQL SQLite Generates docs/schema.sqlite using SQLite syntax.
SQL Postgres Generates docs/schema.postgres using Postgres syntax.
SQL MySQL Generates docs/schema.mysql using MySQL syntax.
Conf General Makes docs/app.conf from app and controller level config blocks in Config::General format, usually for use with Gantry::Conf. Use the instance statement in your HttpdConf or CGI backend block for Gantry::Conf.
HttpdConf Gantry Makes the docs/httpd.conf needed for Gantry's default scheme (for mod_perl). Allows skip_config and full_use statements. See Bigtop::Docs::Syntax.
Control Gantry Makes the Controllers needed for use with Gantry. Allows full_use statement (which defaults to true). See Bigtop::Docs::Syntax.
Model GantryDBIxClass Makes DBIx::Class Models for use with Gantry. Remember to use
  dbix 1;
in your Control Gantry backend block.
Model Gantry Makes native Models for use with Gantry.
Model GantryCDBI Makes Class::DBI Models for use with Gantry.
SiteLook GantryDefault Makes the Gantry uses for default site look.
Accepts a gantry_wrapper statement with a proper path to a (like the one provided with gantry which is the default).
app App::Name {...}
authors A comma separated list of the authors for the AUTHORS section in generated POD. Elements in the list can be strings or pairs. If they are pairs the name is on the left of the => and that author's email address is on the right. The first author is the default copyright holder.
Defaults to the gcos name of the current logged in user.
copyright_holder The exact text which fills in this following blank in generated POD Copyright (c) 200x, _____
Defaults to the first author.
contact_us The contact information for the project, used in generated POD. Say what you like here. You might include a mailing list address or project web site.
license_text The exact license text which follows the copyright claim in generated POD.
Defaults to the language of h2xs for Perl 5.8.0, but your company might prefer `All rights reserved`.
location The Apache Location of the base module of the app (or its moral equivalent for cgi/fast cgi). Defaults to '/'.
config {...} Each statement has a PerlSetVar name, its value, and (optionally) => no_accessor. Usually the value must be backquoted.
If you end the statement with => no_accessor, no accessor will be made for this set var by the controller (in which case your framework should catch it).
sequence name {} Defines an sql sequence. There are no legal statements, leave the block empty.
table name {...}
Defines an sql table. This might lead to generation of sql schema and/or a model. Controllers also depend on tables (usually).
data Each data statement becomes an INSERT INTO statement in the generated SQL. This allows you to populate your tables with test data or with data known in advance.
Each data statement has a list of pairs where the key is a column name and the value is its value.
foreign_display What outsiders will see when they call foreign_display on a row object from this table. Like this:
`%last_name, %first_name`
The %field_names are replaced with values from the row object.
model_base_class Replaces the default parent class for this table's model class.
not_for The value must be either SQL or Model or both in a comma separated list. It instructs those backends to skip this table. For instance, you may want models for authentication tables, but they might live in a different database.
sequence The name of a previously defined sequence for use when auto generating primary keys.
LEGAL BLOCK: field name {...}
is The SQL type. The keywords int4, primary_key and assign_by_key are special. int4 becomes a reasonable int for your database. primary_key marks the field as a primary key in the generated SQL and Model. assign_by_key (a.k.a. auto) yields auto-incrementing possibly based on a sequence.
label What the user sees as a label whenever this field appears on screen.
html_form_cols The number of columns for fields whose html_form_type is textarea.
html_form_constraint The regex (or sub which will immediately return one) which must match the value entered by the user. See Data::FormValidator.
html_form_default_value A literal to use when the user and the database have provided a value.
html_form_display_size The width of the text input box for fields whose html_form_type is text.
html_form_optional If true, the controller will not validate the field. (Not the same as non_essential.)
html_form_options A comma separated list of pairs whose keys are user visible labels for drop down choice lists. The values are the form values. The first item is the default. Example:
html_form_options Yes => t, No => f;
Required for fields of html_form_type select, unless the field refers_to another table.
html_form_rows The number of rows for fields whose html_form_type is textarea.
html_form_type The html element type used when this field appears in an html form. Choose from: text, textarea, or select.
non_essential If true, this field will not be included in the Model's essential field list. Not all models honor this. (Not the same as html_form_optional.)
not_for The value may only be Model at the present time. It means that the model should completely ignore this field.
refers_to Indicates that this field is a foriegn key. The value is the name of the table whose primary_key it stores.
controller name {...}
controls_table The name of the table this module will control.
location The absolute path of the Apache Location for this controller or its moral equivalent.
page_link_label Implies that this page should appear in the site navigation menu. This is the text to use in the menu (think of the small links at the bottom of the page generated by that comes with Gantry).
rel_location This controller's Apache Location path, relative to the app level location.
text_description Used only by AutoCRUD.
Fills in the blank in page titles Add ___, Edit ___, Delete ___, and the confirmation question Delete this ____?
uses A comma separated list of modules that the generated stub will use.
LEGAL BLOCK: method name is type
Type must be one of these: main_listing,\ AutoCRUD_form, CRUD_form, or stub
Legal statement for all method types:
extra_args A comma separated list of extra parameters the method should accept. These will appear exactly as you type them in the comment above the sub and in the argument retrieval inside it. Remember to include the sigil. Example:
extra_args `$id`, `$some_name`, `@greedy`;
Legal statements for main_listing methods:
cols Comma separated list of columns for the main listing table, must match field names for the controlled table. The column label will be taken from col_labels list, if you have one, from the label attribute of the field block in the table, or from the fields name if no label was given there.
header_options These appear as links in the title bar above the table. Supply a comma separate list of labels or label => value pairs. The values must be literal perl code for the href. Options appear in the order you give here.
row_options Like header_options, but appearing at the right end of each row in the listing. If you supply the url, use Perl code and remember to include $id. Options appear in the order you give here.
title The browser window title.
Legal statements for AutoCRUD_form methods:
all_fields_but A comma separated list of field names which should not appear on the form. All other fields in the controlled table will appear in the order they were defined in that table.
extra_keys AutoCRUD_form methods return a hash. You can add keys to that hash with this statement. Give a comma separated list of pairs you want added to the hash. Backquote the values and make them EXACTLY like you want them to appear in the generated output, no alterations are made. Example:
extra_keys legend =>
`$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`;
fields A comma separated list of field names from the controlled table in the order they will appear on the form.
form_name The name attribute of the html form element (note that form names are not allowed in xhtml 1.0 strict).
Legal statements for CRUD_form methods:
Same as for AutoCRUD_form.


Phil Crow, <>

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2005-6, Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.