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Java::Swing - Perl extension providing direct access to the Java Swing API


  BEGIN { $ENV{CLASSPATH} .= ':java'; }

  use Java::Swing;
  my $swinger = Java::Swing->new();

  my $frame  = JFrame->new();
  my $button = JButton->new( { label => 'Press Me' } );


    'ActionListener', $button, { actionPerformed => \&myListener }

  my $timer = Timer->new(10, { actionPerformed => \&timer_catcher });


  sub mylistener {
    my $generating_object = shift;
    my $event             = shift;
    print "Hello, Rob!\n";

  my $count = 1;
  sub timer_catcher {
    print "Timer went off " . $count++;


  Provides direct access to the Java Swing toolkit from Perl.


Though you can write a Java program which is driven by Perl, some people may prefer to keep their Perl pure. This package lets you do that in manner similar to the way Perl/Tk and Gtk2:: provide access to their underlying C libraries. This lets us code in our favorite language, while using the graphical interface capabilities of Java Swing. Swing is advantageous since it is highly platform independent.


In the example directory of the distribution there are two examples that differ by only one character. The unix version uses : for the classpath separator, win32 uses ;. The unix version is below, for no particular reason. Comments are interspersed. To see the uninterrupted version, look for example/calc.*.

    use strict; use warnings;

    # This program provides an example of a simple Java::Swing application.
    # Type an expression in the top text box, press evaluate, and see the
    # answer in the other box.

As the comment tries to say, this program displays two JTextFields and a JButton. When the button is pressed, the expression in the first field is eval'd and the result is placed in the second field.

    # Note that to make the example work, you must have the directory containing
    # the Java::Swing classes in the classpath.  In the distribution this is
    # called java.

    BEGIN { $ENV{CLASSPATH} .= ':java' }

No changes to the CLASSPATH will be effective if they come after use Java::Swing, so put them in a BEGIN block before that statement. The classes in the java directory of the distribution provide support for event listeners.

    use Java::Swing;

This innocuous looking statement actually sets up the aliases that make it easy to refer to Java Swing classes. In particular, it sets up namespaces for each widget so you can refer to them directly as shown immediately below.

    my $expression  = JTextField->new();
    my $answer      = JTextField->new( { columns => 10 } );
    my $submit      = JButton   ->new("Evaluate");
    my $frame       = JFrame    ->new();
    my $root_pane   = $frame    ->getContentPane();
    my $south_panel = JPanel    ->new();

Once you use Java::Swing, you can refer to javax.swing classes by their class name alone as if it name were a Perl package name. All class methods, including constructors, can be called as normal through this Perl package name.

But, if you like, you may also used Java::Swing named attribute construction, as shown for the second JTextField above. Simply supply a hash reference whose keys are attributes of the widget with the proper values. Your object will be constructed by calling the empty argument constructor. Then the attribute values will be supplied by calling set accessors. So columns => 10 will translate into setColumns(10).

    $south_panel->add(JLabel->new("Answer:"), "West"  );
    $south_panel->add($answer,                "Center");
    $south_panel->add($submit,                "East"  );

    $root_pane->add($expression,  "North");
    $root_pane->add($south_panel, "South");

    $frame->setSize(300, 100);

These lines perform widget layout. If you are not familiar with layouts in Java Swing (which has the same scheme as awt), consult a book (O'Reilly has more than one that will do, try the Java Foundation Classes Nutshell or Java Swing).

    my $swinger = Java::Swing->new();

At some point, you must obtain a Java::Swing object. Through it, you stop and start event listening. It also allows you to connect listeners directly to Perl code.

            "ActionListener", $submit, { actionPerformed => \&evaluate }

            "WindowListener", $frame, { windowClosing => \&ending }

Call connect through your Java::Swing object passing it the listener type, the object to listen to, and a hash reference whose keys are all the events you care about. The values in the hash must be code references. These will be called when the event is triggered. They will receive the stringified name of the sending object (the originator of the event) and the event object. If you need the actual sending object, ask the event for it (try getSource). You only need to supply the events you care about. Leave others out, default no-ops will be called for them.

If you plan to disconnect, you need to store the hash reference in a variable, so that you can pass EXACTLY the same arguments to the disconnect method. It is not enough to have the same data in the hash reference, it must be the same reference.

If you want multiple routines called for the same event, call connect repeatedly. Give it a different hash reference each time, even if that reference refers to the same name/code ref pairs.


After everything is ready, call start on your Java::Swing object. Once you do this Java takes over control with its event loop. This probably makes Java::Swing incompatible with other packages that want to manage the main loop, like POE (if you can make such packages cooperate, please advise me on how it is done).

    sub evaluate {
        my $sender_name = shift;
        my $event       = shift;

        $answer->setText(eval $expression->getText());

Here, evaluate pays no attention to the arguments it receives, but they are included so you can see how they come in. Instead, the text in the expression box is passed directly to eval (yes, security is important here, don't set uid). That answer is directly placed in the answer field via setText.

    sub ending {

When you receive control via an event, you can stop the Java event loop by calling stop on you Java::Swing object. Here that happens when the user closes the window.


While I have tried to provide all the Swing you will ever need, there are inevitably some things I have not gotten to. Further, you may have in house code which you would like to incoroprate into this scheme. This section explains the pieces needed to use other code as part of Java::Swing.

Adding Widgets or Families of Them

While most of the widgets from Swing are implemented, AWT, SWT and other kits are not implemented (though parts of AWT are). If you have one widget to add do the following:

  1. Make a module in the Java/Swing directory or a subdirectory of it named for the Java class.

  2. Name the package for your new module with the Java class name (don't include Java::Swing in front)

  3. Use the widget_generator program (in the Swing/Generate subdirectory of the distribution) or follow the plan in any of the standard widgets like JFrame or JButton.

  4. Add your short package name to the list in

  5. If you need an AUTOLOAD in your module, turn warnings off before defining it. uses AUTOLOAD to avoid loading all modules at once. Your AUTOLOAD will be a redefinition which generates a warning.

  6. If the Java class is standard (for some sense of standard), send the module to me so I can add it to future distributions.

For one widget, the above is easy enough. If you need to add multiple widgets (like if you want to implement all of SWT), there is another way.

  1. Use all_widgets (in the Swing/Generate subdirectory of the distribution). Provide it with the Java package name (like java.awt), the directory containing the java source files you want to incorporate, and a directory where perl modules should be built.

  2. After you verify that you have the perl modules of your choosing, copy or move them into the Swing directory of the distribution, unless you built them in place in step 1.

  3. Update the list of widgets, usually in

  4. If your additions are for common classes, send in the modules. Then they might be added to the widget list in and shipped with new versions of Java::Swing with hearty thanks.

Adding Listeners

In Java::Swing, events are handled through callbacks to Perl code. To make that happen, there are two pieces (1) a Java class which implements the listener interface and (2) a Perl module which Perl programs use. These pieces can be hand coded, but that is a pain (and prone to error).

There are two real possibilities. Either you have a single listener or you have several. In the first case, you can use listener_generator and listener_mod_generator (the first make the java piece, the second makes the perl piece). In the second case, you should use decomp_listeners followed by all_listeners. Details follow.

One Listener at a Time

Create a file describing the listener with a valid Perl hash reference in it like this:

{ 'listener' => 'TreeWillExpandListener', 'methods' => [ { 'name' => 'treeWillExpand', 'type' => 'javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent', 'throws' => 'javax.swing.tree.ExpandVetoException' }, { 'name' => 'treeWillCollapse', 'type' => 'javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent', 'throws' => 'javax.swing.tree.ExpandVetoException' } ], 'full_name' => 'javax.swing.event.TreeWillExpandListener' }

Always use all three keys:


The fully qualified name of the listener.


The interface name (short form, not qualified).


An anonymous list of hash references. Each hash needs two keys:

name (required)

The name of the method.

type (required)

The type of event the method receives.

throws (optional)

The type of event the method throws.

Once you have a file describing your listener, run listener_generator and listener_mod_generator with that file as the only command line argument. Both of these write to standard out. Save the resulting files as and respectively. When you compile the java file, include the Inline classes in the CLASSPATH, these will be in a directory like


(During run time, Inline::Java makes sure these are in the CLASSPATH.)

Families of Listeners

When adding a whole new toolkit (like swt) you need to add all the listeners. To do this use the following steps (all scripts mentioned are in the Swing/Generate directory of the distribution):

  1. Use decomp_listeners, giving it the package name and the directory where source and class files live. (Note that it relies on a hard coded path to your rt.jar, change that to the correct location.) (If you don't have sources, you'll have to change the script substantially.) The output comes to standard out, store it in a file.

  2. Use all_listeners, giving is the name of the file from step one along with directories for the java and perl pieces.

  3. Copy or move the perl pieces into the build or install Swing directory (unless you gave the proper directory in step 2).

  4. Compile the java programs. Remember to include the Inline::Java classes in the CLASSPATH for compilation (they are supplied for you at run time). On my machine these are in /usr/src/Inline-Java-0.47/Java/classes.

  5. Make sure that the classes from step 4 are in the CLASSPATH for all scripts that need them.

Adding Constant Interfaces

Since Java::Swing is based on Inline::Java it is inherently a remote procedure call system. Among other things this means that only methods can be called from one language to another. Constants cannot be seen. Therefore, if you have constants in an interface, or even in a class, you must provide subs for these, typically in both java and perl.

To see how to do this, consult in the java directory of the distribution and its pair in the Swing directory.

There is not currently an automated way to build these wrappers.




The documentation above is, of course, incomplete. It gives you the spirit of using the kit. The real documentation is the Java official documentation for the version of the jdk you have installed.

Particular Java::Swing:: modules may have additional Perl specific documentation (though none of mine do, since they were generated).

Questions about this module may be addressed to the author or posted to the Inline mailing list to which the author and other interested parties subscribe.


Phil Crow, <>


Copyright 2004 by Philip Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.8.0 itself.