use alienfile;
plugin 'PkgConfig' => (
pkg_name => 'openssl',
share {
# when building OpenSSL from source we have a few challenges.
# - AB uses Net::SSLeay (via HTTP::Tiny) by default when downloading https URLs
# - Net::SSLeay requires OpenSSL
# - We can download OpenSSL from FTP, but that is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks
# (and that is a bad look for a security product)
# Solution:
# - try downloading with curl or wget via the 'bootstrap_ssl' option.
# - if that doesn't work, fallback on FTP
# - don't attempt FTP transfer if ALIEN_OPENSSL_FTP is set to 0
plugin Download => (
version => qr/^openssl-([0-9\.]+[a-z]*)\.tar\.gz$/,
bootstrap_ssl => 1,
my $ftp_ok = $ENV{ALIEN_OPENSSL_FTP};
$ftp_ok = 1 unless defined $ftp_ok;
log(" ************************************************* ");
log(" * WARNING downloading OpenSSL via FTP * ");
log(" ************************************************* ");
plugin 'Fetch::NetFTP';
plugin 'Decode::DirListing';
log("Unable to download OpenSSL via https without OpenSSL!");
log("Recommend installing wget or curl to bootstrap Alien::OpenSSL");
die "unable to download OpenSSL via https";
plugin 'Extract' => 'tar.gz';
build [
'%{perl} Configure --prefix=%{.install.prefix} no-shared cc',
'%{make} install',
# This package doesn't build a dynamic library by default, but if
# it did this would make sure that it wasn't used with XS.
# (See Alien::Build::Manual::AlienAuthor for details).
plugin 'Gather::IsolateDynamic';