# display RGB colorspace 16 pages (green 0 to F) of 256 colors R x B
# with red increasing to right and blue increasing to top
# same, for Gamma 2.2
# display CMYK colorspace 16 pages (magenta 0 to F) of 256 colors C x Y
# with cyan increasing to right and yellow increasing to top. Black = 0 in all
# display Lab colorspace 16 pages (L 0 to F) of 256 colors a x b
# with a increasing to right and b increasing to top
# display named colors 2.5 pages, alphabetical order L to R, B to T
# TBD: consider reordering to put min in upper left, max in lower right
# (are there any conventions for this?). currently is LL/UR.
use strict;
use POSIX;
#my $compress = 'none'; # uncompressed streams
my $compress = 'flate'; # compressed streams
my $cx = 315;
my $cy = 400;
my $cr = 15;
my $cs = 32;
my $ang = 30;
my $pdf = PDF::Builder->new(-compress => $compress);
my @doSect = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1); # which section(s) to display
my $fnt = $pdf->corefont('Verdana-Bold');
my ($page, $gfx, $text);
if ($doSect[0]) {
# RGB colorspace
print STDERR "RGB colorspace (16 pages) ";
foreach my $z (0 .. 0xf) { # one green value per page
print STDERR ".";
$page = $pdf->page();
$gfx = $page->gfx();
$text = $page->text();
$text->textlabel(300,750, $fnt, 20, 'RGB Colorspace', -color=>'#000', -hscale=>125, -center=>1);
foreach my $x (0 .. 0xf) {
foreach my $y (0 .. 0xf) {
my $t = sprintf('#%01X%01X%01X', $x,$z,$y);
$gfx->circle($cx+($x-8)*$cs,$cy+($y-8)*$cs, $cr);
$text->textlabel($cx+($x-8)*$cs+2,$cy+($y-8)*$cs-2, $fnt,8, $t, -color=>'#000', -strokecolor=>'#FFF', -rotate=>$ang, -hscale=>85, -center=>1);
print STDERR "\n";
if ($doSect[1]) {
# RGB colorspace with Gamma = 2.2
print STDERR "RGB colorspace with Gamma 2.2 (16 pages) ";
foreach my $z (0 .. 0xf) { # one green value per page
print STDERR ".";
$page = $pdf->page();
$gfx = $page->gfx();
$text = $page->text();
$text->textlabel(300,750, $fnt, 20, 'RGB Colorspace (Gamma=2.2)', -color=>'#000', -hscale=>125, -center=>1);
foreach my $x (0 .. 0xf) {
foreach my $y (0 .. 0xf) {
my $t = sprintf('#%01X%01X%01X', $x,$z,$y);
$gfx->circle($cx+($x-8)*$cs,$cy+($y-8)*$cs, $cr);
$text->textlabel($cx+($x-8)*$cs+2,$cy+($y-8)*$cs-2, $fnt,8, $t, -color=>'#000', -strokecolor=>'#FFF', -rotate=>$ang, -hscale=>85, -center=>1);
print STDERR "\n";
if ($doSect[2]) {
# CMYK colorspace
print STDERR "CMYK colorspace (16 pages) ";
foreach my $z (0 .. 0xf) { # one magenta value per page
print STDERR ".";
$page = $pdf->page();
$gfx = $page->gfx();
$text = $page->text();
$text->textlabel(300,750, $fnt,20, 'CMYK Colorspace', -color=>'#000', -hscale=>125, -center=>1);
foreach my $x (0 .. 0xf) {
foreach my $y (0 .. 0xf) {
my $t = sprintf('%%%01X%01X%01X0', $x,$z,$y);
$gfx->circle($cx+($x-8)*$cs,$cy+($y-8)*$cs, $cr);
$text->textlabel($cx+($x-8)*$cs+2,$cy+($y-8)*$cs-2, $fnt,8, $t, -color=>'#000', -strokecolor=>'#FFF', -rotate=>$ang, -hscale=>85, -center=>1);
print STDERR "\n";
if ($doSect[3]) {
# Lab colorspace
print STDERR "L*a*b colorspace (16 pages) ";
foreach my $z (0 .. 0xf) { # one L value per page
print STDERR ".";
$page = $pdf->page();
$gfx = $page->gfx();
$text = $page->text();
$text->textlabel(300,750, $fnt,20, 'Lab Colorspace', -color=>'#000', -hscale=>125, -center=>1);
foreach my $x (0 .. 0xf) {
foreach my $y (0 .. 0xf) {
my $t=sprintf('$%01X%01X%01X',$z,$x,$y);
$gfx->circle($cx+($x-8)*$cs,$cy+($y-8)*$cs, $cr);
$text->textlabel($cx+($x-8)*$cs+2,$cy+($y-8)*$cs-2, $fnt,8, $t, -color=>'#000', -strokecolor=>'#FFF', -rotate=>$ang, -hscale=>85, -center=>1);
print STDERR "\n";
if ($doSect[4]) {
# named colors
print STDERR "named colors (RGB colorspace) ";
my @cols=sort keys %PDF::Builder::Util::colors;
# quick'n'dirty numeric sort of two 0..100 sections of list
# after sorting, they should be contiguous stretches. will need to revisit
# this code if no longer 0..max sequence
foreach my $base ('gray', 'grey') {
my $start = 0;
my $end = -1;
my ($i, $j);
for ($i=0; $i<scalar @cols; $i++) {
next unless $cols[$i] =~ m/^$base\d+$/;
if ($end < $start) { $start = $end = $i; } else { $end = $i; }
# have $start and $end indices in @cols. rewrite them
$j=0; # so perlcritic won't moan about comma expressions in for!
for ($i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) {
$cols[$i] = $base.$j;
$j++; # to mollify perlcritic
while (scalar @cols > 0) { # next (up to) 256 names
print STDERR ".";
$page = $pdf->page();
$gfx = $page->gfx();
$text = $page->text();
$text->textlabel(300,750, $fnt,20, 'Named Colors (RGB)', -color=>'#000', -hscale=>125, -center=>1);
foreach my $x (0 .. 0xf) {
last if scalar @cols == 0;
foreach my $y (0 .. 0xf) {
last if scalar @cols == 0;
my $t = shift @cols;
$gfx->circle($cx+($x-8)*$cs,$cy+($y-8)*$cs, $cr);
$text->textlabel($cx+($x-8)*$cs+2,$cy+($y-8)*$cs-2, $fnt,7, $t, -color=>'#000', -strokecolor=>'#FFF', -rotate=>$ang, -hscale=>85, -center=>1);
print STDERR "\n";