Changes for version 1.003 - 2016-11-11

  • Fixed
    • Fix the unsubscribe callback (returned from the `subscribe` method) throwing an exception if the emitter object has already been destroyed. Since the unsubscribe callback has a weak reference to the emitter object, we have to make sure the reference still exists before using it to unsubscribe. Thanks @djerius! (Github #14)
    • Fix unsubscribing from an event during an event not firing all the rest of the events properly. When using the unsubscribe callback to create a one-time event handler, the emitter could miss the next event listener (since we were looping over the listeners array and modifying it in the loop). Now we loop over a copy of the listeners array so that the original can be modified to remove the listener we want. Thanks @djerius! (Github #15)


Role for event emitting classes
Base Event class