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Jabber::RPC::Server - Jabber-RPC Server


  use Jabber::RPC::Server;

  sub function1 {

  sub function2 {

  # Server as Jabber component
  my $server = new Jabber::RPC::Server(
    server         => '',
    identauth      => '',
    connectiontype => 'component',
    methods        => { 
                        'rpc.function1' => \&function1,
                        'rpc.function2' => \&function2,

  # or ...

  # Server as Jabber client
  my $server = new Jabber::RPC::Server(
    server    => '',
    identauth => 'id:secret',
    resource  => 'jrpc-server',
    methods   => { 
                   'rpc.function1' => \&function1,
                   'rpc.function2' => \&function2,




Jabber::RPC::Server is an implementation of a Jabber-RPC server. A Jabber-RPC server receives XML-RPC-encoded calls carried over Jabber and responds to them.

You can have your Jabber::RPC::Server connect as a Jabber component or as a Jabber client - see the differences in the SYNOPSIS example above. (One difference is that you need to specify connectiontype => 'component' for a Jabber component connection - the default assumption is that you want to connect as a Jabber client.)

If you don't specify a value for the 'resource' argument (in the SYNOPSIS example, a value is specified for the Jabber client 'flavour' but not for the Jabber component 'flavour') then the default of 'jrpc-server' will be used.




DJ Adams


Jabber::RPC::Client, Jabber::Connection