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NAME - developer-only maintenance script to sync this DBIx::Class object layer with the latest upstream version of Chado


NOTE: this script is intended for use only by the Bio::Chado::Schema maintainers.

This script basically:

  - checks out a clean chado schema copy (unless you pass --chado-checkout=)
  - drops all tables from the target database
  - parses the chado module metadata
  - uses DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::make_schema_at() to update the
    dumped modules in lib/ with any schema changes

SYNOPSIS [options]


    -r <rev>
       chado SVN revision to use.  Default HEAD.

    -d <dsn>
       DBI dsn of an empty database to use as temp storage for loading
       and dumping.  WILL DELETE THIS ENTIRE DATABASE.  Note that the
       user name and password used to connect to the database also
       goes here.
        -d 'dbi:Pg:dbname=cxgn;host=localhost;user=somebody;password=something'

    -c <dir>
       optional path to existing chado checkout to use.  if passed,
       will not check out a new copy from SVN.


Robert Buels, <>


Robert Buels, <>


Copyright 2009 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.