package Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;

#    Net::FullAuto - Distributed Workload Automation Software
#    Copyright © 2000-2024  Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
#    modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
#    the License, or any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
#    License along with this program.  If not, see:
#    <>.

## ******* Misc Notes ******************************************
## For Testing Multiple Iterations in a BASH shell environment
#  num=0; while (( $num < 1000 )); do --login *******
#  --password --code hello_world --log; let num+=1;
#  echo "FINISHED NUM=$num"; done
## For CPAN availability
#  The Perl NOC (Network Operations Center)
## For re-configuring CPAN:
#  at CPAN prompt (cpan[1]) type: o conf init
#  at CPAN prompt: o conf urllist unshift
#  cpan -D Module::Name  -  to check module versions
## For root access on Ubuntu and Amazon EC2 servers
#  sudo su  -or-  sudo bash -l
## For creating gpg secret key for use with cpansign -s
#  gpg --gen-key (then follow onscreen instructions)
#  Export Public Key:
# (gpg cheatsheet)
## For running CPAN with sudo
#  sudo -i cpan   (-i loads the root environment)
## For compiling into MSWin32 setup executable with PAR::Packager
#  pp -o "Setup-FullAuto-v.99999932-MSWin32-x86.exe"
#     -l C:\strawberry\perl\bin\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
#     -l C:\strawberry\c\bin\libeay32_.dll
#     -l C:\strawberry\c\bin\libz_.dll
#     -l C:\strawberry\c\bin\libz.dll
#     -l C:\strawberry\c\bin\ssleay32_.dll Makefile.PL
#     -M Module::Build -M Task::Weaken -M YAML
#     -M Capture::Tiny -M ExtUtils::Depends
#     -M ExtUtils::MakeMaker -M B::Utils
#     -M Data::Dump::Streamer -M LWP -M IO::Socket::SSL
#     -M LWP::Protocol::https -M Mozilla::CA
#     -M Term::RawInput -M JSON -M Term::Menus
#     -M Win32::API -M Win32::DriveInfo -M DBD::SQLite
#     -a bin -a ChangeLog -a inc -a Module -a lib -a t
#     -a META.yml -a LICENSE -a MANIFEST -a README
#     -a UNINSTALL_CYGWIN --icon FA_Setup.ico
## For OpenSolaris - getting a dev environment
#  pfexec pkg install ss-dev
## For password-less ssh
#  a@A: ssh-keygen -t rsa
#  a@A: ssh b@B mkdir -p .ssh
#  a@A: cat .ssh/ | ssh b@B 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
## apt-cyg
## For Slow SSH on Cygwin
#  verify that the fifth field in the user entry in /etc/passwd
#  references the correct host name of the machine.
#  loginId,U-WRONGHOSTNAME\loginId,S-1-5-21-...
#  -to- loginId,U-RIGHTHOSTNAME\loginId,S-1-5-21...
#  Also - in the /etc/ssh_config, set UseDNS to no.
## Cygwin sshd - /bin/bash: Operation not permitted.
#  Culprit is mostly permissions on /var/empty and /var/run
#  chown cyg_server /var/empty
#  chmod 755 /var/empty
#  see cygwin_sshd.pdf (in FullAuto distribution) and at
#  http://
## ASCII BANNER Courtesy of (small font):
## Vim auto-indenting turn off
#  :set paste
## Send cmd and do interactive over ssh:
#  ssh user@host  -t 'bash -l -c "ls;bash"'
## Check for "Run as Administrator"
## Copyright and other symbols
## Stream file over ssh
#  ssh "cd mydir && tar cfp - mysubdir" | tar xvfp -
## Setup Windows Scheduler for FullAuto:
#  cmd /c "c:\cygwin64\bin\bash -lc 
#         '/usr/local/bin/fullauto -gc custom_code --log --authorize_connect'"
#  Place above command in shell file custom_code.bat
#  Put EXIT after command in custom_code.bat
#  | General | tab
#  Inidicate a User Account to use with Task Scheduler
#  Be sure to select 'Run whether user is logged on or not
#  Check the box 'Do not store password ...'
#  Check with highest privileges
#  | Triggers | tab
#  Begin the task: On a schedule
#  One time
#  Check the box 'Repeat task every: time  for a duration of  indefinitely'
#  Check the box 'Stop task if it runs longer than xx minutes'
#  Check the box 'Enabled'
#  | Actions | tab
#  Action: Start a program
#  Program/script:  c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
#  Add arguments:   /c start "" "c:\cygwin64\home\User\custom_code.bat"
## TO DO: Look for way to fix this error:
#  cd "/cygdrive_funkyPrompt_cd "/cygdrive/c/Users/KB06606-admin" 2>&1
#  Look into Parallel ForkManager
## To tunnel Windows RDP over SSH
#  ssh -i fullauto.pem -L 13389:windows_at_aws:3389 ec2-user@linux_at_aws
#  With local RDP app, connect with localhost:13389
## Kill all processess
#  ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep fullauto | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9
## Exchange Colors in Gimp
#  colors->map->color-exchange
## Check Domain Names using netcat
#  echo | nc 43
## Backup to Google Drive
#  wget -O drive
#  mv drive /usr/sbin/drive
#  chmod 755 /usr/sbin/drive
#  drive
#  BOOTDRIVE="$(fdisk -l | grep '^/dev/[a-z]*[0-9]' |
#     awk '$2 == "*"' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"  # or awk 'NR==2'
#  sudo dd conv=sparse if=${BOOTDRIVE} | gzip -c --fast |
#     drive upload --stdin --title bootdrive.gz
## Use netstat to check for apps listening on what ports
#  sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
## *************************************************************

use strict;
use warnings;

our $cygwin_berkeley_db_mode = 777;

our $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
our @tran=('','',0,$$."_".$^T,'',0);
$ENV{OS}='' if !$ENV{OS};
my $md_='';our $thismonth='';our $thisyear='';
my $mo_=$thismonth;my $yr_=$thisyear;
$md_="0$md_" if $md_<10;
$mo_++;$mo_="0$mo_" if $mo_<10;
my $yr__=sprintf("%02d",$yr_%100);
my $yr____=(1900+$yr_);
my $mdy="$mo_$md_$yr__";
my $mdyyyy="$mo_$md_$yr____";
my $tm=scalar localtime($^T);
my $hms=substr($tm,11,8);
my $hr=$1;my $mn=$2;my $sc=$3;
our $curyear=$thisyear + 1900;
our $curcen=unpack('a2',$curyear);
our @invoked=($^T, $tm, $mdy, $hms, $hr, $mn, $sc, $mdyyyy);

   unless (exists $INC{'Net/'}) {
      foreach my $fpath (@INC) {
         my $f=$fpath;
         if (-e $f.'/Net/') {
   } else {


   if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64') {
      print "\n       FATAL ERROR! : Cygwin Linux Emulation Layer".
            "\n                      is required to use FullAuto".
            "\n                      on Windows - goto".
            "\n\n       \(Be sure to install the cygserver ".

   if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $0 ne 'test.t') {
      my $srvout=`/bin/cygrunsrv -Q cygserver 2>&1`;
      if (-1<index $srvout,'Stopped') {
         print "\n   FATAL ERROR! - The Cygwin cygserver service is NOT",
               " running:\n\n   ${srvout}To start type:  ".
               "'net start cygserver'\n\n";
      } elsif (-1<index $srvout,'The specified service does not exist') {
         print "\n   FATAL ERROR! - The Cygwin cygserver service is NOT",
               " installed:\n\n   ${srvout}To install type:  ",
   use IPC::Semaphore;
   push @INC, substr($main::netfull,0,-3);


use warnings;
   no warnings;
   use Socket;
   require Exporter;

our @ISA     = qw(Exporter Net::Telnet Cwd);
our @EXPORT  = qw(%Hosts $localhost getpasswd
                  connect_host get_all_hosts die
                  $username connect_ftp $cron
                  connect_telnet connect_sftp log
                  send_email $log connect_ssh $prod
                  connect_shell connect_secure
                  connect_insecure connect_reverse
                  @invoked $cleanup pick Menu $quiet
                  $progname memnow acquire_semaphore
                  release_semaphore $savetran %hours
                  $increment %month ls_parse $batch
                  cleanup $dest_first_hash %days
                  test_file test_dir timelocal 
                  %GLOBAL @GLOBAL $LOG $fullauto
                  $funkyprompt handle_error @plans
                  $unattended %email_addresses
                  $adminmenu %email_defaults $proxy
                  $service $determine_password
                  persist_get persist_put cache
                  $berkeleydb %admin_menus $^O
                  $cache_root $cache_key username
                  acquire_fa_lock release_fa_lock
                  $choose_pass_expiration fetch
                  %monthconv %mimetypes %admin_menu
                  check_for_amazon_localhost $OUTPUT
                  get_amazon_external_ip $random
                  fa_welcome get_isets cmd_raw
                  connect_berkeleydb $dashboard

   no warnings;
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use Sys::Hostname;
   our $local_hostname=&Sys::Hostname::hostname;
   use Data::Dump::Streamer;
   use Devel::StackTrace;
   use Time::Local;
   use Crypt::CBC;
   use Crypt::DES;
   use Cwd qw(getcwd);
   use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
   use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
   use English;
   use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
   use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP qw();
   use File::HomeDir;
   use File::stat;
   use File::Copy;
   use MIME::Entity;
   use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
   use Net::Telnet;
   use Getopt::Long;
   use Pod::Usage;
   use Proc::ProcessTable;
   use Term::ReadKey;
   use Term::RawInput;
   use LWP::UserAgent ();
   use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type media_suffix);
   use URI ();
   use HTTP::Date ();
   use IO::Handle;
   use IO::Select;
   use IO::Capture::Stderr;
   use Capture::Tiny;
   use String::Random;
   use Symbol qw(qualify_to_ref);
   use Tie::Cache;
   use IO::Pty;
   use POSIX qw(setsid uname getuid geteuid);
   use Want qw(howmany);


our $home_dir='~';
if (exists $ENV{HOME} && -d $ENV{HOME}) {
} elsif (exists $ENV{USER} && $ENV{USER}) {
   if (-d "/home/$ENV{USER}") {
   } elsif (-d "/export/home/$ENV{USER}") {
} elsif ((getpwuid($<))[7]) {


   my $md_='';our $thismonth='';our $thisyear='';
   my $mo_=$thismonth;my $yr_=$thisyear;
   $md_="0$md_" if $md_<10;
   $mo_++;$mo_="0$mo_" if $mo_<10;
   my $yr__=sprintf("%02d",$yr_%100);
   my $yr____=(1900+$yr_);
   my $mdy="$mo_$md_$yr__";
   my $mdyyyy="$mo_$md_$yr____";
   my $tm=scalar localtime($^T);
   my $hms=substr($tm,11,8);
   my $hr=$1;my $mn=$2;my $sc=$3;
   our $curyear=$thisyear + 1900;
   our $curcen=unpack('a2',$curyear);
   our @invoked=($^T, $tm, $mdy, $hms, $hr, $mn, $sc, $mdyyyy);
   my $customdir='Net/FullAuto/Custom';

   our $fa_conf='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_conf) {
      if (defined $fa_conf->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_conf->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf->[0],(rindex $fa_conf->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $fa_host='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_host) {
      if (defined $fa_host->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_host->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_host->[0],(rindex $fa_host->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $fa_menu='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_menu) {
      if (defined $fa_menu->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_menu->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_menu->[0],(rindex $fa_menu->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $sftpport='';
   our $sftpifil='';

   sub sftport {

      my $sftppath=$_[0];
      my $sftport=`${sftppath}sftp 2>&1`;
      my $sftpidf='';
      if ($sftport) {
         if ($sftport=~/-P sftp_server_path/s) {
         } else {
            $sftport='-P ';
            $sftpidf='-i ';

   my $win2unix=sub {

      my $slash=$_[0];
      return $slash;

   our $gbp=sub { # Get Bin Path

      my $cmd=$_[0];
      my $handle=$_[1]||'';
      my $hostlabel=$_[2]||'';
      my @topcaller=caller;
      print "\nINFO: main::gbp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         (join ' ',@topcaller)," and CMD=$cmd\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nmain::gbp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         (join ' ',@topcaller)," and CMD=$cmd\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         unless $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo;
      my $object=($handle)?$handle:$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo;
      unless (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo->{$object}->{$cmd}) {
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{$cmd}) {
            my $cmdpath=
            $cmdpath.='/' if $cmdpath!~/\/$/;
            return $cmdpath;
         if ($handle) {
            if (ref $handle eq 'Net::Telnet') {
               if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  $stdout=$handle->cmd_raw('ps -p $$',
                     # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                     # attempt to retrieve output from socket
               } else {
                  $stdout=$handle->cmd_raw('ps -p $$');
               if ($stdout=~/(bash|ksh)/s) {
               if ($handle->{_shell} eq 'bash' ||
                     $handle->{_shell} eq 'ksh') {
                  my $delay=0;
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     $delay=20; # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send
                                # and attempt to retrieve output from
                                # socket
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        "if [ -f /usr/bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi",
                        # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                        # attempt to retrieve output from socket
                  } else {
                        "if [ -f /usr/bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                  if ($stdout=~/[^"]FOUND[^"]/s) {
                     return "/usr/bin/";
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        "if [ -f /bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi",
                        # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                        # attempt to retrieve output from socket
                  } else {
                        "if [ -f /bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                  if ($stdout=~/[^"]FOUND[^"]/s) {
                     return "/bin/";
                  my $w='which';
                  if (exists
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo->{$object}->{$w}) {
                     my $b=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo->{$object}->{$w};
                     ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("${b}which $cmd");
                     my $found='';
                        "if [ -f $stdout ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                     if (-1<index $found,'FOUND') {
                        return $found;
                     } else { return '' }
                  } else {
                        "if [ -f /bin/$w ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                     if (-1<index $stdout,'FOUND') {
                        ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("/bin/$w $cmd");
                           "if [ -f $stdout ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                        if (-1<index $stdout,'FOUND') {
                           return $stdout;
                        } else { return '' }
                        "if [ -f /usr/bin/$w ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                     if (-1<index $stdout,'FOUND') {
                        ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("/usr/bin/$w $cmd");
                           "if [ -f $stdout ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                        if (-1<index $stdout,'FOUND') {
                           return $stdout;
                        } else { return '' }
                     } else { return '' }
            } else {
               if (!exists $handle->{_shell} ||
                     $handle->{_shell}=~/^\s*$/s) {
                  foreach my $i (1..5) {
                     my ($cfh_ignore,$cfh_error)=&clean_filehandle($handle);
                     &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
                     if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        $stdout=$handle->cmd_raw('ps -p $$',
                           # 200 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                           # attempt to retrieve output from socket
                     } else {
                        $stdout=$handle->cmd_raw('ps -p $$');
print "PS STDOUT=$stdout<== and CALLER=",caller,"\n";
                     if ($stdout=~/(bash|ksh)/s) {
               if ((-1<index $handle->{_shell},'bash') ||
                     (-1<index $handle->{_shell},'ksh')) {
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        "if [ -f /usr/bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi",
                        # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                        # attempt to retrieve output from socket
                  } else {
                        "if [ -f /usr/bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                  if ($stdout=~/[^"]FOUND[^"]/s) {
                     if ($object=~s/^.*=//) {
                     return "/usr/bin/";
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        "if [ -f /bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi",
                        # 20 millisecond delay between cmd send and
                        # attempt to retrieve output from socket
                  } else {
                        "if [ -f /bin/$cmd ];then echo \"FOUND\";fi");
                  if ($stdout=~/[^"]FOUND[^"]/s) {
                     if ($object=~s/^.*=//) {
                     return "/bin/";

         } elsif (-e "/usr/bin/$cmd") {
            sftport("/usr/bin/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/usr/bin/";
         } elsif (-e "/bin/$cmd") {
            sftport("/bin/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/bin/";
         } elsif (-e "/usr/local/bin/$cmd") {
            sftport("/usr/local/bin/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/usr/local/bin/";
         } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' && (exists $ENV{'WINDIR'}) &&
               ((-e $win2unix->($ENV{'WINDIR'}).'/system32/'.$cmd)
               || (-e $win2unix->($ENV{'WINDIR'}).'/system32/'.$cmd.'.exe'))) {
            if (-e $win2unix->($ENV{'WINDIR'}).'/system32/'.$cmd) {
            } else {
               if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return $win2unix->($ENV{'WINDIR'}).'/system32/';
         } elsif (-e "/etc/$cmd") {
            sftport("/etc/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/etc/";
         } elsif (-e "/usr/sbin/$cmd") {
            sftport("/usr/sbin/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/usr/sbin/";
         } elsif (-e "/sbin/$cmd") {
            sftport("/sbin/") if $cmd eq 'sftp';
            return "/sbin/";
         } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('which')) {
            my $which=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('which');
            my $found=`${which}which $cmd`;
            if (-e $found and $found!~/Command not found/i) {
            } else { return '' }
      } else {
         return $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmdinfo->{$object}->{$cmd};

   my $termwidth='';my $termheight='';
   my $stdout_capture='';my $stderr_capture='';
   if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            $stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=eval {
         no strict 'subs';
         my ($termwidth,$termheight)=('','');
         my ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=
            Capture::Tiny::capture {
               ($termwidth, $termheight) =
         }; return $termwidth,$termheight,
      if ($@) {

   our %admin_menus=(

      'define_module_from_viewdef'  => '',
      'defaultsettings'             => '',
      'viewdefaults'                => '',
      'cacode'                      => '',
      'cahost'                      => '',
      'caconf'                      => '',
      'camenu'                      => '',
      'cacomm'                      => '',
      'admin'                       => '',
      'plan'                        => '',
      'define_modules_commit'       => '',
      'define_modules_menu_fa_menu' => '',
      'define_modules_menu_fa_host' => '',
      'define_modules_menu_fa_conf' => '',
      'define_modules_menu_fa_code' => '',
      'delete_sets_menu'            => '',
      'im_ex_menu'                  => '',
      'im_from_remote'              => '',
      'login_to_remote'             => '',
      'manage_modules_menu'         => '',
      'remote_fa_users'             => '',
      'select_component_dir'        => '',
      'select_comp_to_import'       => '',
      'select_how_to_insert'        => '',
      'select_user_comp_file'       => '',
      'set_default_menu'            => '',
      'set_default_menu_in_db_sub'  => '',
      'set_menu'                    => '',


   our $locks = {

      1234 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 1,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 1,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     'DEFAULT Lock - used when a unique'.
                     " key is not supplied.\n          ".
                     'Used internally mostly to protect'.
                     ' short duration input I/O.',
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 1000,
      7755 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 1,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 1,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     'clean_filehandle() Lock - '.
                     "used to prevent more than\n          ".
                     'one FullAuto instance using'.
                     ' this routine at a time.',
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 500,
      9854 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 1,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 1,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     'Password Input Lock',
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 500,
      9876 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 2,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 1,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     'FullAuto Capacity '.
                     'Lock - dictates the '.
                     "maximum\n          number of FullAuto".
                     ' invocations running in '.
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 500,
      6543 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 1,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 0,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     'Local Host Login Lock',
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 500,
      8712 => {
                  MaxNumberAllowed => 1,
                  KillAfterSeconds => 300,
                  Enable_This_Lock => 1,
                  Lock_Description =>
                     '/bin/mount Lock',
                  Wait_For_NewLock => 60,
                  PollingMilliSecs => 500,

   use Fcntl qw(S_IMODE O_WRONLY O_CREAT);
   our $fa_perm=S_IMODE((CORE::stat($main::netfull))[2]);


# Globally Scoped Variables, but Intentionally NOT Initialized.
# Getopt::Long needs it this way for some args to work properly. 
our ($plan,$plan_ignore_error,$log,$cron,$edit,$version,$set,$cat,

# Globally Scoped and Intialized Variables.
our $blanklines='';our $oldpasswd='';our $authorize_connect='';
our $scrub=0;our $pcnt=0;our $chk_id='';our $d_sub='';
our $deploy_info='';our $f_sub='';our $updatepw=0;
our $shown='';our $websphere_not_running=0;my @hours=();
our $master_hostlabel='';our $random=0;our @plans=();
our $parent_menu='';our @menu_args=();our $savetran=0;
our $LOG='';our @pid_ts=();our %drives=();our @month=();
our $username='';our @passwd=('','');our %cygpathw=();
our $localhost={};our %localhost=();our %cygpathu=();
our @RCM_Link=();our @FTM_Link=();our $cleanup=0;our %Maps=();
our $starting_memory=0;our $custom_code_module_file='';
our %email_addresses=();our $debug=0;our %tiedb=();
our @ascii_que=();our $passetts=['','',''];our $OUTPUT='';
our %Connections=();our $tranback=0;our @ascii=();our $uhray='';
our %base_excluded_dirs=();our %base_excluded_files=(); 
our %hours=();our %Hosts=();our $berkeleydb='';
our %same_host_as_Master=("__Master_${$}__"=>'-','localhost'=>'-');
our @same_host_as_Master=();our $dest_first_hash='';
our %file_rename=();our %rename_file=();our $quiet='';
our %filerename=();our %renamefile=();our %fullmonth=();
our %Processes=();our %shellpids=();our %ftpcwd=();our $newuser='';
our $master_transfer_dir='';our $proxy='';
our %perms=();our @ApacheNode=();our $test=0;our %days=();
our $prod=0;our $force_pause_for_exceed=0;our $tosspass=0;
our $timeout=60;our $cltimeout='X';our $slave=0;our $dcipher='';
our %email_defaults=();our $increment=0;our %tosspass=();
our $email_defaults='';our %semaphores=();our $batch='';
our $unattended='';our %month=();our $fullauto='';our $service='';
our @dhostlabels=();our %monthconv=();our $cache_root='';
our $cache_key='';our $admin='';our $menu='';our $welcome='';
our %hourconv=();our @weekdays=();our %weekdaysconv=();
our %mimetypes=();our $skip_host_hash='';
our $crypt_cipher='DES';our $save_main_pass=0;
our $password_from='user_input';our $amazoncleanup='';
our $funkyprompt='\\\\137\\\\146\\\\165\\\\156\\\\153\\\\171\\\\120'.
our $specialperms='none';our $gatekeep_expir_shown=0;
   my $ex=$0;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
   } else {
   if (-u $ex) {
   } elsif (-g $ex) {


@hours=('12:00am',' 1:00am',' 2:00am',' 3:00am',' 4:00am',
        ' 5:00am',' 6:00am',' 7:00am',' 8:00am',' 9:00am',
        '10:00am','11:00am','12:00pm',' 1:00pm',' 2:00pm',
        ' 3:00pm',' 4:00pm',' 5:00pm',' 6:00pm',' 7:00pm',
        ' 8:00pm',' 9:00pm','10:00pm','11:00pm');

%hourconv=('12:00am'=>0,' 1:00am'=>1,' 2:00am'=>2,' 3:00am'=>3,
           ' 4:00am'=>4,' 5:00am'=>5,' 6:00am'=>6,' 7:00am'=>7,
           ' 8:00am'=>8,' 9:00am'=>9,'10:00am'=>10,'11:00am'=>11,
           '12:00pm'=>12,' 1:00pm'=>13,' 2:00pm'=>14,' 3:00pm'=>15,
           ' 4:00pm'=>16,' 5:00pm'=>17,' 6:00pm'=>18,' 7:00pm'=>19,
           ' 8:00pm'=>20,' 9:00pm'=>21,'10:00pm'=>22,'11:00pm'=>23);

@weekdays=('Sunday   ','Monday   ','Tuesday  ','Wednesday',
           'Thursday ','Friday   ','Saturday ');



@month=('January  ','February ','March    ',
        'April    ','May      ','June     ','July     ',
        'August   ','September','October  ','November ',
        'December ');

%monthconv=('January '=>1,'February'=>2,'March   '=>3,
            'April   '=>4,'May     '=>5,'June    '=>6,
            'July    '=>7,'August  '=>8,'September'=>9,
            'October '=>10,'November'=>11,'December'=>12);






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   uni => 'text/uri-list',
   unis => 'text/uri-list',
   unv => 'application/i-deas',
   uri => 'text/uri-list',
   uris => 'text/uri-list',
   ustar => 'application/x-ustar',
   #ustar => 'multipart/x-ustar',
   #uu => 'application/octet-stream',
   uu => 'text/x-uuencode',
   uue => 'text/x-uuencode',
   vcd => 'application/x-cdlink',
   vcs => 'text/x-vcalendar',
   vda => 'application/vda',
   vdo => 'video/vdo',
   vew => 'application/groupwise',
   viv => 'video/vivo',
   #viv => 'video/',
   vivo => 'video/vivo',
   #vivo => 'video/',
   vmd => 'application/vocaltec-media-desc',
   vmf => 'application/vocaltec-media-file',
   voc => 'audio/voc',
   #voc => 'audio/x-voc',
   vos => 'video/vosaic',
   vox => 'audio/voxware',
   vqe => 'audio/x-twinvq-plugin',
   vqf => 'audio/x-twinvq',
   vql => 'audio/x-twinvq-plugin',
   #vrml => 'application/x-vrml',
   vrml => 'model/vrml',
   #vrml => 'x-world/x-vrml',
   vrt => 'x-world/x-vrt',
   vsd => 'application/x-visio',
   vst => 'application/x-visio',
   vsw => 'application/x-visio',
   w60 => 'application/wordperfect6.0',
   w61 => 'application/wordperfect6.1',
   w6w => 'application/msword',
   wav => 'audio/wav',
   #wav => 'audio/x-wav',
   wb1 => 'application/x-qpro',
   wbmp => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp',
   web => 'application/vnd.xara',
   wiz => 'application/msword',
   wk1 => 'application/x-123',
   wmf => 'windows/metafile',
   wml => 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
   wmlc => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc',
   wmls => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript',
   wmlsc => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc',
   word => 'application/msword',
   wp => 'application/wordperfect',
   wp5 => 'application/wordperfect',
   #wp5 => 'application/wordperfect6.0',
   wp6 => 'application/wordperfect',
   wpd => 'application/wordperfect',
   #wpd => 'application/x-wpwin',
   wq1 => 'application/x-lotus',
   wri => 'application/mswrite',
   #wri => 'application/x-wri',
   #wrl => 'application/x-world',
   wrl => 'model/vrml',
   #wrl => 'x-world/x-vrml',
   wrz => 'model/vrml',
   #wrz => 'x-world/x-vrml',
   wsc => 'text/scriplet',
   wsrc => 'application/x-wais-source',
   wtk => 'application/x-wintalk',
   #xbm => 'image/x-xbitmap',
   #xbm => 'image/x-xbm',
   'xbm' => 'image/xbm',
   'xdr' => 'video/x-amt-demorun',
   'xgz' => 'xgl/drawing',
   'xif' => 'image/vnd.xiff',
   'xl' => 'application/excel',
   'xla' => 'application/excel',
   #xla => 'application/x-excel',
   #xla => 'application/x-msexcel',
   'xlb' => 'application/excel',
   #xlb => 'application/',
   #xlb => 'application/x-excel',
   'xlc' => 'application/excel',
   #xlc => 'application/',
   #xlc => 'application/x-excel',
   'xld' => 'application/excel',
   #xld => 'application/x-excel',
   'xlk' => 'application/excel',
   #xlk => 'application/x-excel',
   'xll' => 'application/excel',
   #xll => 'application/',
   #xll => 'application/x-excel',
   'xlm' => 'application/excel',
   #xlm => 'application/',
   #xlm => 'application/x-excel',
   'xls' => 'application/excel',
   #xls => 'application/',
   #xls => 'application/x-excel',
   #xls => 'application/x-msexcel',
   'xlt' => 'application/excel',
   #xlt => 'application/x-excel',
   'xlv' => 'application/excel',
   #xlv => 'application/x-excel',
   'xlw' => 'application/excel',
   #xlw => 'application/',
   #xlw => 'application/x-excel',
   #xlw => 'application/x-msexcel',
   'xm' => 'audio/xm',
   #xml => 'application/xml',
   'xml' => 'text/xml',
   'xmz' => 'xgl/movie',
   'xpix' => 'application/',
   #xpm => 'image/x-xpixmap',
   'xpm' => 'image/xpm',
   'x-png' => 'image/png',
   'xsr' => 'video/x-amt-showrun',
   'xwd' => 'image/x-xwd',
   #xwd => 'image/x-xwindowdump',
   'xyz' => 'chemical/x-pdb',
   z => 'application/x-compress',
   #z => 'application/x-compressed',
   #zip => 'application/x-compressed',
   #zip => 'application/x-zip-compressed',
   zip => 'application/zip',
   #zip => 'multipart/x-zip',
   zoo => 'application/octet-stream',
   zsh => 'text/x-script.zsh',



# our $maintainer='Brian Kelly';

@FTM_Link=('sftp','ftp'); # Options: ftp sftp

my $count=0;
# Set Blanklines
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
   while ($count++!=5) { $blanklines.="\n" }
} else {
   while ($count++!=5) { $blanklines.="\n" }

sub die {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::die() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::die() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

sub get {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return File_Transfer::get(@_);


sub put {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return File_Transfer::put(@_);


sub lcd {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return File_Transfer::lcd(@_);


sub ftpcmd {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return File_Transfer::ftpcmd(@_);


sub old_cpan {

   foreach my $inc (@INC) {
      if (-e $inc.'/CPAN/') {
         unless (-e $inc.'/CPAN/') {
            my $cmd='sed -i \'s/^\\(.*use_sqlite.*q\\).*$/'.
                    '\\1[0],/\''." $inc/CPAN/";
            `$cmd` || print $!;
         return 1;

sub find_kids {

   my $process=$_[0];
   my $family=$_[1];
   my $ppid=$_[2];
   my $pid=$_[3];
   push @{$family},$process;
   if (exists $ppid->{$process}) {
      foreach my $child (@{$ppid->{$process}}) {
         $family=return find_kids($child,$family,
         my $ppid_of_child=-1;
         $ppid_of_child=$pid->{$child} if exists
         unless ($ppid_of_child==-1) {
            $family=return find_kids($ppid_of_child,
   } return $family;


sub test_for_amazon_ec2 {

   if ($^O eq 'linux' || $^O eq 'freebsd') {
      if ((-e "/etc/system-release-cpe") &&
            ((-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,'amazon:linux') ||
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,'amazon_linux'))) {
      } elsif ((-e "/etc/os-release") &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/os-release`,'ubuntu')) {
         if (-e "/usr/bin/ec2metadata") {
      } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
         if ((-e "/usr/local/bin/aws") &&
               (-1<index `cat /usr/local/bin/aws`,'')) {
      } elsif (-e "/etc/SuSE-release") {
         if (-e "/etc/profile.d/") {
      } elsif ((-e "/etc/system-release-cpe") &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,
            'fedoraproject')) {
         if (-e "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/amazon-id.conf") {
      } elsif ((-e "/etc/system-release-cpe") &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,
            'redhat:enterprise_linux')) {
         if (-e "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/amazon-id.conf") {
      } elsif ((-e "/etc/system-release-cpe") &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,
            'centos:linux')) {
         if ((-e "/sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiled_by") &&
               (-1<index `cat /sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiled_by`,
               'amazon')) {
      } elsif (-e "/etc/gentoo-release") {
         if ((-e "/sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiled_by") &&
               (-1<index `cat /sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiled_by`,
               'amazon')) {
   } else { $main::system_type=$^O }


# cleanup subroutine called during normal & abnormal terminations
sub cleanup {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $param_one=$_[0]||'';
   my $param_two=$_[1]||'';
   my ($stdout,$stderr,$track)=('','','');
   my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
   print "\nINFO: main::cleanup() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::cleanup() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   if (keys %semaphores) {
      foreach my $ipc_key (keys %semaphores) {
         next if $ipc_key=~/^\s*$/;
         if (-1<index $semaphores{$ipc_key},'IPC::') {
            my $val=$semaphores{$ipc_key}->getval(0)||0;
            if (1<$val) {
            } else {
         } else {
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks) {
      my $cursor=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_cursor();
      my ($lockid,$locks)=('','');
      while (defined $cursor && $cursor->c_get($lockid, $locks, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         my $locks=eval $locks;
         my @processes=keys %{$locks};
         if (-1==$#processes) {
            my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_del($lockid);
         foreach my $process (@processes) {
            if ($process eq $$) {
               delete $locks->{$process};
         if (keys %{$locks}) {
            my $status=
         } else {
            my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_del($lockid);
      $cursor->c_close() if defined $cursor;
      undef $cursor;
      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks;

   my $tm='';my $ob='';my %cleansync=();
   my $new_cmd='';my $cmd='';my $clean_master='';
   my @cmd=();my %did_tran=();
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   foreach my $hostlabel (keys %Processes) {
      foreach my $id (keys %{$Processes{$hostlabel}}) {
         foreach my $type (reverse sort keys
                           %{$Processes{$hostlabel}{$id}}) {
            my ($cnct_type,$id_type)=split /_/, $type;

my $show1="CNCT_TYPE=$cnct_type and HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel "
         ."and PROCESS=".$Processes{$hostlabel}{$id}{$type}."<==\n";
print $show1 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $show1
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

            if ($cnct_type eq 'ftm') {
               my ($ftp_fh,$ftp_pid,$shell_pid,$ig_nore,$shell)=
               if (defined fileno $ftp_fh) {
                  eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                          # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                          # of this routine.
                     SC: while (defined fileno $ftp_fh) {

print "FTP_FH_ERRMSG=",$ftp_fh->errmsg,"\n"
   if $ftp_fh->errmsg
   && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

                        my $ftploopcount=0;
                        while (my $line=$ftp_fh->get(timeout=>2)) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "cleanup() LINE_2=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                           last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|
                           last SC if
                           if ($line=~/^\s*$|^\s*exit\s*$/s) {
                              last SC if $count++==20;
                           } else { $count=0 }
                           if ($^O eq 'cygwin' ||
                                 (-1<index $line,'password:') || $ftploopcount) {
                           } else {
                              # sleep for 1/50th second;
                  if ($@) {

print "WHAT IS THE LINE_2 EVALERROR=$@<====\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

                     if ((-1<index $@,'read error: Connection aborted')
                           || (-1<index $@,'read timed-out')
                           || (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')
                           || (-1<index $@,'input or output error')) {
                     } else { 
                        &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$@       $!")
               if (($tran[0] || $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__")
                      && !exists $did_tran{$hostlabel}) {
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     $clean_master=2 if $tran[2];
                     $clean_master=3 if $tran[4]
                        && $clean_master!=2;
                  } $did_tran{$hostlabel}='-';
                  if &testpid($shell_pid);
                  if &testpid($ftp_pid);
            } else {
               my ($cmd_fh,$cmd_pid,$shell_pid,$cmd,$shell)=
               if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}) {
                  foreach my $element
                        (@{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}) {
                     my $tmpdir=$element->[0];
                     my $tdir=$element->[1];
                     { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"cd $tmpdir");
                     { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"rm -rf $tdir");
               if (defined fileno $cmd_fh) {
                  my $gone=1;my $was_a_local=0;my $exit_flag=0;
                  eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                          # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                          # of this routine.
                     CC: while (defined fileno $cmd_fh) {
                        $cmd_fh->print(' '.
                                       "printf $funkyprompt");
                        while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get(timeout=>2)) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "cleanup() LINE_3=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                           if (-1<index $line,'logout') {
                              if (-1<index $line,'Exit status') {
                                 last CC;
                              } else {
                           } elsif ($line=~/221\sGoodbye/sx) {
                           my %tmp_files_dirs=
                           if ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
                              my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                              if ($cfh_error eq 'Exit status') {
                                 last CC;
                              } else {
                                 if (!$exit_flag && !$savetran) {
                                    if (exists $tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}) {
                                       my $tmpdir=
                                       my $tdir=${$tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}[1];
                                          { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                            _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                                          "cd $tmpdir");
                                          { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                            _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                                          "rm -rf $tdir");
                                    if ($tran[3]) {
                                          { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                            _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                                          "cd $tran[0]",'__delay__=200');
                                          { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                            _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                                          "rm -f transfer$tran[3].tar",
                                       if ($tran[4]) {
                                             { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                               _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                                             "cmd /c rmdir /s /q ".
                                          if (&test_dir(
                                                $cmd_fh,"transfer$tran[3]")) {
                                                { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                                  _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                                                "chmod -Rv 777 transfer".
                                                { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                                                  _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                                                "cmd /c rmdir /s /q ".
                                 } $did_tran{$hostlabel}='-';
                                 $cmd_fh->print(' exit');
                           } elsif (($line=~/Killed|_funkyPrompt_/s) ||
                                 ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?$/s) ||
                                 ($line=~/sion denied.*[)][.]\s*$/s)) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "cleanup() SHOULD BE LAST CC=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                              if ($line=~/printf/) {
                              $gone=0;last CC;
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,'Exit status') {
                              last CC;
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,
                                 'Connection to localhost closed') {
                              last CC;
                           } elsif ($line=~/Connection.*closed/s) {
                              last CC;
                           if ($line=~/^\s*$|^\s*exit\s*$/s) {
                              last CC if $count++==20;
                           } else { $count=0 }
                           if (-1<index $line,'password:'
                              || -1<index $line,'Permission denied') {

print "WOW I ACTUALLY GOT OUT3 and GONE=$gone ",
   "and WASALOCAL=$was_a_local AND CMD_ERR=",
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "cleanup() I AM OUT OF CC and EVALERR=$@ ".
   "and WAS=$was_a_local and GONE=$gone<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                  if ($@) {
                     if ((-1<index $@,'read error: Connection aborted')
                           || (-1<index $@,'read timed-out')
                           || (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')
                           || (-1<index $@,'input or output error')) {
                     } else {
                        &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$@       $!")

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "cleanup() I GOT TO WAS A LOCAL\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                  if ($tran[0] && !exists $did_tran{$hostlabel}) {
                     if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        $clean_master=2 if $tran[2];
                        $clean_master=3 if $tran[4]
                           && $clean_master!=2;
                  } elsif ($tran[3] && !$savetran) {
                     if ($was_a_local) {
                        $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar")
                           if ref $localhost eq 'GLOB';
                     } elsif (!$gone) {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::alarm_sounded) {
                           my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        $cmd_fh->print(" rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar");
                        my $lin='';my $cownt=0;
                        eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                                # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                                # of this routine.
                           while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
                           if ($lin=~/_funkyPrompt_/s ||
                                    $lin=~/assword: ?$/m ||
                                    $lin=~/Exit\sstatus\s0/m ||
                                    $lin=~/sion denied.*[)][.]\s*$/s ||
                                    $lin=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:] ?$/s) {
                              } elsif ($lin=~/(Connection.+close.+)$|
                                    Killed\sby\ssignal\s2\.$/xm) {
                                 my $one=$1;$one||='';
                                 if ($one=~/local.+close/) {
                                 } elsif ($one=~/Connection clo/) {
                              } elsif ($cownt++<20) {
                              } else {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                  if ($was_a_local) {
                     foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
                        $localhost->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
                  } elsif (!$gone) {
                     foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
                        $cmd_fh->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
                  if (!$was_a_local && !$gone) {
                     eval {
                        $cmd_fh->print(' exit');
                        while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
                           if ($line=~/onnection.*close/
                                 || $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/
                                 || $line=~/siondenied.*[)][.]$/
                                 || $line=~/logout/
                                 || $line=~/cleanup/
                                 || $line=~/Exitstatus(0|-1)/
                                 || $line=~/exit\s*$/s
                                 || $line=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:]$/) {
                  if (&testpid($shell_pid)) {
                     eval {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "WHAT IS SHELL_PID=$shell_pid "
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "LINE ".__LINE__." ERROR=$@\n"
                        if $@ && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     eval {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "and \$\$=$$ and ".
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "LINE ".__LINE__." ERROR=$@\n"
                        if $@ && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                     if &testpid($cmd_pid);
   if ($clean_master) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "INFO: &cleanup() GOING TO CLEAN MASTER\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if ($tran[3] && exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $cfh_error",'-1') if $cfh_error
            && (-1==index $cfh_error,'Connection to localhost closed');
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $stderr",'-1') if $stderr;
            $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar");
            $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar")
            if $stderr;
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $stderr",'-1') if $stderr
            && $stderr!~/^\[[A|C](\[C)+\[K?1?\s*/s;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if ($clean_master==2) {
               $localhost->cmd('cd ..');
            if ($clean_master==2 || $clean_master==3) {
                  "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]");
               if (&test_dir($localhost,
                      "transfer$tran[3]")) {
                     "chmod -Rv 777 transfer$tran[3]");
                     "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]")
                     if !$savetran;
      foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
         $localhost->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
   if (%Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs &&
         exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs
         {$localhost->{_cmd_handle}}) {
      foreach my $element
            {$localhost->{_cmd_handle}}}) {
         my $tmpdir=$element->[0];
         my $tdir=$element->[1];
         { _cmd_handle=>$localhost->{_cmd_handle},
           _hostlabel=>[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ] },"cd $tmpdir");
         { _cmd_handle=>$localhost->{_cmd_handle},
           _hostlabel=>[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ] },"rm -rf $tdir");
   if (defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
      my $next=0;
      eval { # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
             # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
             # of this routine.
         my $lyne='';
         while (my $line=$localhost->{_cmd_handle}->get(timeout=>2)) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "localhost cleanup() LINE=$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

print "localhost cleanup() LINE=$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

            last if -1<index $lyne,'exit';
            last if -1<index $lyne,'Exit status';
   if ($@) {
      print "localhost_end_error=$@\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         if &testpid($localhost->{_sh_pid});
      if (&testpid($localhost->{_cmd_pid})) {
   if (defined $master_hostlabel &&
         (-1<index $localhost,'=')) {
      #   $username);
   undef $localhost;
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan) {
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $plan_number=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan->{'Number'}||'';
      my $plan_title =$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan->{'Title'}||'';
      my $put_plan=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump(
      if ($plan_number) {
         my $pregx=qr/\]quit\[|INT|ERROR/;
         unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan_ignore_error) {
         unless ($param_two=~/$pregx/) {
            my $status=$bdb->db_put($plan_number,$put_plan);
            print "\n\n       ################ NEW PLAN ##################\n\n",
                  "          Number: $plan_number\n",
                  "          Title:  $plan_title\n\n",
                  "       WAS SUCCESSFULLY CREATED!\n";
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   my ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=
         Capture::Tiny::capture {
      my $proc_table=Proc::ProcessTable->new;
      foreach (@{$proc_table->table()}) {
         my $proc_pid=$_->pid||0;
         my $proc_ppid=$_->ppid||0;
         kill 15, $proc_pid if ($proc_ppid == $$);
   if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
      print "\n";
   } ReadMode 0;
   CORE::close($OUTPUT) if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   CORE::close($LOG) if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $outd=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}||'';
   print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"",
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      !($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet ||
   print "  OUTPUT  ==> \"",
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      !($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet ||
   my $c=($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'MSWin64' && $^O ne 'cygwin' && !exists
   print "FullAuto$c COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY on ".localtime()."\n"
      if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
      || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
      && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
         && exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}
         && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}) {
      unlink $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'};
   my $fa_conf='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_conf) {
      if (ref $fa_conf eq 'ARRAY' && defined $fa_conf->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_conf->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf->[0],(rindex $fa_conf->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
   if ($fa_conf::save_fa_logs_dot_zip_in_current_directory) {
      if (my $zip=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('zip')) {
         `cp $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'} .`
	        if (-e $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'});
         `cp $outd/OUTPUT.txt .` if (-e "$outd/OUTPUT.txt");
         my $logname=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'};
         unlink '';
         `$zip/zip OUTPUT.txt $logname`
	    if (-e "OUTPUT.txt");
         unlink "OUTPUT.txt";
         unlink $logname;
   if ($param_two eq 'ALRM') {
      print "\nINFO: Going to pkill"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nINFO: Going to pkill"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      my $pkill=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('pkill');
      exec "$pkill/pkill";#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   return 1 if $param_one eq '__return__';#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   exit 1 if $param_one;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   exit 0;#<-DO NOT REMOVE


# Handle INT SIGNAL interruption
$SIG{ INT } = sub{
                    print "\n\nSIG INT CALLER=".caller."\n";
      my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
      print "\nINFO: SIG INT (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",

                    print "\n\nCAUGHT AN INTERUPT SIGNAL!!\n";
                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                       "\n====   INTERUPT SIGNAL   ====",
                       if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                       -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                    unlink $ENV{FA_ACQUIRING_BERKELEY_DB_LOCK}
                       if exists $ENV{FA_ACQUIRING_BERKELEY_DB_LOCK};
                    $cleanup=1;&cleanup('','INT') };
our $alarm_sounded=0;
$SIG{ ALRM } = sub{ open(AL,">>ALRM.txt");
                    print AL scalar(localtime()),"\n";
                    print AL "CAUGHT AN ALRM FROM: ",caller,"\n";
                    close AL;
                    print "CAUGHT AN ALRM!! FROM ",caller,"\n";
                    $cleanup=1;&cleanup('','ALRM') };

my @Hosts=@{&check_Hosts($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host)};

sub username

   my $path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
   eval {
      require "${path}Net/FullAuto/";
      my $mod="fa_global";
      import $mod;
   $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
   $username=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname if
         defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname
         && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname;
      if exists $Net::FullAuto::fa_global::FA_Sudo{$username};
   if (wantarray && !$@) {
      my $force_login=0;
      if (defined $Net::FullAuto::fa_global::FA_Force_Login &&
            $Net::FullAuto::fa_global::FA_Force_Login) { 
      } elsif (defined $fa_conf::fa_force_login &&
            $fa_conf::fa_force_login) {
      } elsif (defined $fa_conf::force_login &&
            $fa_conf::force_login) {
      return $username, $force_login;
   } elsif (wantarray) {
      return $username, 0;
   return $username;


sub grep_for_string_existence_only
   my $file=$_[0];
   my $pattern=$_[1];
   my $return_value=0;
   eval {
      open(FH,"<$file") || return 0;
      my $keygen_flag=0;
      while (my $line=<FH>) {
         if ($line=~/^\[localhost\]/) {
         } elsif ($line=~/^\|?\[?(?:1|localhost)\]?\|?|ssh-rsa|ecdsa-sha2/s) {
         } elsif ($line=~/$pattern/) {
      if ($keygen_flag) {
         my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         my $output=`ssh-keygen -F localhost 2>&1`;
         $return_value=1 if (-1<index $output,'localhost')
            || (-1<index $output,'illegal option -- F');
   return $return_value;

sub fetch
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::fetch() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nINFO: main::fetch() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];my $output='';my $select_timeout=2;my $ready='';
   my $save=$_[1]||'';
   my $display=(grep { /__display__/ } @_)?1:0;
   if (select $ready=${${*{$self->{_cmd_handle}}}{net_telnet}}{fdmask},
          '', '', $select_timeout) {
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") }; # \n required
         sysread $self->{_cmd_handle},$output,
      if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
      my $prompt=$self->prompt();
         if $display;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $output
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $output unless wantarray;
      return $output,'' unless $save;
      return $output,$save;
   } return '' unless wantarray;
   return '','';


sub cmd_raw

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::cmd_raw() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nINFO: main::cmd_raw() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $cmd=$_[1];
   my $delay=0;
   my $display=0;
   foreach my $item (@_) {
      if (-1<index $item, '__delay__') {
         if (-1<index $item, '__delay__=') {
         } else {
      } elsif (-1<index $item, '__display__') {
   my $prompt=$self->prompt();
   if ($delay) {
   my $alloutput='';
   my $save='';
   while (1) {
      my $output='';
      last if $output=~/$prompt/;
   return $alloutput;


sub version

   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });

my $version=<<VERSION;

This is Net::FullAuto©, v$Net::FullAuto::VERSION
(See  fullauto -V  or  fa -V  for more detail)

Copyright © 2000-2024, Brian M. Kelly  Brian.Kelly\

FullAuto© may be copied only under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
License, which may be found in the FullAuto source distribution.

Complete documentation for FullAuto©, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man fullauto" or "perldoc fullauto".  If you have access
to the Internet, point your browser at, the
FullAuto© Home Page.

FullAuto© uses the Crypt::DES module which is software developed by
Systemics Ltd (
FullAuto uses the Net::SSLeay module which is software developed by the 
OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
and includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay\
and Tim Hudson (tjh\

   print $version;

sub users

   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $term_menus_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Term/'},'Term'));
   my $net_fulla_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
      if -1<index $term_menus_path,'share';
   my $o='';
   foreach my $p (@INC) {
      last if -1<index $o,$term_menus_path;
      last if "$o/" eq $term_menus_path;
   my @tmlist=();
   if (-f $o.'/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist') {
      open (TH,"<$o/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist");
      while (my $f=<TH>) {
         chomp $f;
         push @tmlist,$f;
   my @falist=();
   if (-f $o.'/auto/Net/FullAuto/.packlist') {
      open (PH,"<$o/auto/Net/FullAuto/.packlist");
   my $checkpath='';
   foreach my $file (@falist) {
      if (-1<index $file,'Net/FullAuto/Custom') {
         $checkpath=substr($file,0,(index $file,'Net/FullAuto/Custom')+19);
   my $output=`ls -l $checkpath 2>&1`;
   my ($size,$timestampd,$dirname)=('','','');
   my @users=();
   my $nl=0;
   foreach my $line (split "\n", $output) {
      print "\n" if $nl==1;
      next unless $line=~/^d/;
      next if $dirname eq 'BackUp';
      print $dirname;
   print "\n" unless $^O eq 'cygwin';


sub figlet
   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
   my $figlet='';my @figletfonts=();
   if ($figlet=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('figlet')) {
      my $path=`$figlet/figlet -I2`;
      chomp $path;
      opendir(my $dh, $path) ||
         Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("can't opendir $path: $!");
      while (my $file=readdir($dh)) {
         next unless $file=~s/.flf$//;
         push @figletfonts,$file; 
      my $figban=`$figlet/figlet -f small "FIGlet   Fonts"`;
      $figban=~s/^/   /mg;
      $figban="\n\n$figban   ".
         "Choose a FIGlet Font (by number) to preview with text \"Example\"".
         "\n   -OR- continuously scroll and view by repeatedly pressing ENTER".
         "\n\n   HINT: Typing  !figlet -f<fontname> YOUR TEXT\n\n".
         "         is another way to preview the font of your choice.\n\n";

      $main::figletoutput=sub {

         return `figlet -f ]P[{figmenu} $_[0]`;


      my $figlet_banner=<<END;


                        ]P[{figmenu}  font

   The box above is an input box. The [DEL] key will clear the contents.
   Type anything you like, and it will appear in the ]P[{figmenu} FIGlet font!


      my %figletoutput=(

         Name   => 'figletoutput',
         Result => sub { return '{figmenu}<' }, 
         Input  => 1,
         Banner => $figlet_banner,


      my %figmenu=(

         Name => 'figmenu',
         Item_1 => {

            Text    => ']C[',
            Convey  => \@figletfonts,
            Result  => \%figletoutput,

         Display => 8,
         Scroll => 1,
         Banner => $figban,

      my $selection=Menu(\%figmenu);

   } else {
      print STDERR "\n   FATAL ERROR: FullAuto cannot locate",
                   " the program 'figlet' on this host.\n\n";

sub tutorial
   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username(); 
print "USERNAME=$username\n";

   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $term_menus_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Term/'},'Term'));
   my $net_fulla_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
      if -1<index $term_menus_path,'share';
   my $o='';my @tmlist=();my @falist=();
   foreach my $p (@INC) {
      if (-f $o.'/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist') {
         open (TH,"<$o/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist");
         while (my $f=<TH>) {
            chomp $f;
            push @tmlist,$f;
         open (PH,"<$o/auto/Net/FullAuto/.packlist");
   my @pl=();my @exe=();my @O=();my %Cust=();my @Dist=();
   my @Tpm=();my @html=();my @Core=();my @README=();my @CUF=();
   foreach my $file (@falist) {
      chomp $file;
      if ($file=~/\.pm$/) {
         if (-1<index $file,'Distro') {
            push @Dist, $file;next;
         } elsif (-1<index $file,'Custom') {
         } else {
            push @Core, $file;
            my $path=$file;
            push @Core, "$path/" if
               -e "$path/"; 
      } elsif ($file=~/\.pl$/) {
         push @pl, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/fullauto(?:\.exe)*$/) {
         push @exe, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/1$/) {
         push @O, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/html$/) {
         push @html, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/3pm/) {
         push @Tpm, $file;next;
      } elsif (-1<index $file,'README') {
         if (-1<index $file,'Custom/README') {
            my $path=$file;
            opendir(my $dh, $path) ||
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("can't opendir $path: $!");
            while (my $file=readdir($dh)) {
               next if $file eq '.';
               next if $file eq '..';
               $Cust{"$path/$file"}='' if $file!~/^[.]|README$/
                  && -f "$path/$file";
               if (-d "$path/$file" && ($file eq $username)) {
                  opendir(my $dc, "$path/$file") ||
                        "can't opendir $path/$file: $!");
                  while (my $cfile=readdir($dc)) {
                     next if $cfile eq '.';
                     next if $cfile eq '..';
                     if (-d "$path/$file/$cfile") {
                        opendir(my $du, "$path/$file/$cfile") ||
                              "can't opendir $path/$file/$cfile: $!");
                        while (my $ufile=readdir($du)) {
                           next if $ufile eq '.';
                           next if $ufile eq '..';
                           push @CUF,"$path/$file/$cfile/$ufile";
                        } close $du;
                  } close $dc;
            } closedir $dh;
         push @README, $file;
   print "\nTerm::Menus Version $Term::Menus::VERSION\n",
         (join "\n",@tmlist),"\n\n",
         "Net::FullAuto Version $Net::FullAuto::VERSION\n",
         (join "\n",@pl),"\n",
         (join "\n",@exe),"\n\n";
   print '',(join "\n",@O),"\n" if -1<$#O;
   print '',(join "\n",@Tpm),"\n",
         (join "\n",@html),"\n",
         (join "\n",@Core),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",sort @Dist),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",@README),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",sort keys %Cust),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",sort @CUF),"\n";


sub pick
   return &Menus::pick(@_);

sub Menu
   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   return &Term::Menus::Menu(@_);

sub get_today
   my @what=split / +/, scalar localtime(time);
   my $day=$days{$what[0]};
   my $month=$fullmonth{$what[1]};
   my $what="$day, $month $what[2], $what[4]";
   return $what;

sub get_tomorrow
   my $t=time+86400;
   my @what=split / +/, scalar localtime($t);
   my $day=$days{$what[0]};
   my $month=$fullmonth{$what[1]};
   my $what="$day, $month $what[2], $what[4]";
   return $what;

sub get_now_am_pm
   my $time=$_[0]||time;
   my $t=unpack('a5',(split / +/, scalar localtime($time))[3]);
   my $i=unpack('a2',$t);
   if ($i<12) {
      substr($t,0,1)='' if $i<10;
      return $t.'am';
   } elsif ($i==12) {
      return $t.'pm';
   } else {
      return $t.'pm';

sub ls_parse

   my $line=$_[0];my $size='';my $file='';
   my $mn='';my $dy='';my $time=0;my $fileyr='';
   my $rx1=qr/[\d|\.]+[KMG]?\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/[\d|\.]+[KMG]?\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   if ($line=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/) {
   my $hr=12;my $mt='00';
   if (length $time==4) {
   } elsif ($time) {
      ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$time);
      my $yr=unpack('x1 a2',$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear);
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
         $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
      } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
         my $filetime=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
         if (time()<$filetime) {
            $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
   } else { return 0,0,'' }
   return $size, timelocal(0,$mt,$hr,$dy,$mn-1,$fileyr), $file;


sub find_berkeleydb_utils {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $hlab="localhost - ".hostname;
   print "\nINFO: main::find_berkeleydb_recover() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::find_berkeleydb_recover() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $db_util=$_[0];
   my $berkeleydb_perl_module_lib='';
   can_load(modules => { "BerkeleyDB" => 0 });
   my $berkeleydb_path=$INC{''};
   my $ext=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'dll':'so';
   my $bcmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('strings').'strings '.
            "$berkeleydb_perl_module_lib | ".
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('grep')."grep \"Berkeley ?DB.*:\"";
   my $bver=`$bcmd`;
   my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   unless (exists $Hosts{$mr}) {
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && -f "/bin/db${bver}_$db_util.exe") {
      return "/bin/db${bver}_$db_util.exe";
   } elsif ((defined $fa_conf::berkeleydb) &&
         ($fa_conf::berkeleydb) && (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb)) {
      if (-1<index $fa_conf::berkeleydb,$bver) {
         if (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_'.$db_util;
         } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util) {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util;
      } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include') {
         if (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include/db.h') {
            my $dbh=$fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include/db.h';
               or &handle_error(
               "Cannot open $fa_conf::berkeleydb/include/db.h");
            my @finc=<FH>;
            foreach my $line (@finc) {
               if ($line=~/^.*VERSION.*$bver.*$/) {
                  if (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
                     return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_'.$db_util;
                  } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util) {
                     return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util;
            &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB installation");
         } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_'.$db_util;
         } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util) {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util;
         } else {
            &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB db_$db_util utility");
      } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
         return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_'.$db_util;
      } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util) {
         return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_'.$db_util;
      } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' && (-f "/bin/db${bver}_$db_util.exe")) {
         return "/bin/db${bver}_$db_util.exe";
      } else {
         &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB db_$db_util utility");
   } else {
      my @output=();
      my $greppath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('grep');
      my $testgrep =`${greppath}grep -H 2>&1`;
      my $testgrep2=`${greppath}grep 2>&1`;
      my $grepopt='';
      if ((-1==index $testgrep,'illegal option')
            && (-1==index $testgrep2,'-insvxbhwyu')) {
         $grepopt='-H ';
      my $find_cmd1=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('find')."find ";
      my $find_cmd2=" -name \"*.h\" ".
                   "| ".$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('xargs')."xargs ".
                   $greppath."grep ".
      print "\nSearching for latest verison of BerkeleyDB.\n".
            "This may take up to five minutes ...\n\n";
      foreach my $dir ('/usr/local/',
            '/usr/','/opt/',(getpwuid $>)[7].'/') {
         next if unpack('a1',$dir) eq '.';
         next unless -d $dir;
         opendir(DIR, $dir) or Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($!);
         while (my $file = readdir(DIR) ) {
            next if ($file eq "." or $file eq ".." or $file eq "doc" or
                     $file eq "X11R6" or $file eq "docs" or
                     $file eq "man" or $file eq "ssl" or
                     $file eq "license" or $file eq "logfile" or
                     $file eq "bin" or ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                     ($file eq "Application Data" or
                      $file eq "Favorites" or $file eq
                      "Local Settings" or $file eq "Recent" or
                      $file eq "Start Menu" or $file eq "SendTo" or
                      $file eq "NetHood" or $file eq "PrintHood")));
            if (-d $dir.$file) {
               print "Searching $dir$file ...\n";
               my @subout=`$find_cmd1\"$dir$file\"$find_cmd2`;
               if (-1<$#subout) {
                  eval {
                     our %Config=();
                     require Config;
                     import Config;
                     if (!(-e "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan/CPAN/") || (!old_cpan() && -e $^X)) {
                        my $run_cpan="echo y | $^X -e \"require CPAN;".
                                     'require CPAN::FirstTime;'.
                                     '*{CPAN::FirstTime::_using_sudo} = sub { return 1 };'.
                                     "CPAN::FirstTime::init(\'$Config{privlib}\');\" 2>&1";
                        $run_cpan="echo yes | /usr/bin/perl -e \"require CPAN;".
                     require CPAN;
                     import CPAN;
                  &handle_error($@) if $@;
                  my $ccon=(defined $CPAN::Config &&
                        exists $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home})?
                  my @vers=();my %verhash=();
                  foreach my $version (@subout) {
                     next if (-1<index $version, $ccon) ||
                             (-1<index $version, 'Net-FullAuto-') ||
                     my @fileparts=split 'db.h:', $version;
                     $fileparts[1]=~s/^.*DB (\d+[^:]+):.*$/$1/;
                     if (-1<index $fileparts[1], $bver) {
                        my $bintest=$subout[0];
                        substr($bintest,(rindex $bintest,'include'))='bin';
                           if -d $bintest;
            last if $berkeleydb;
         } last if $berkeleydb;
      if ($berkeleydb) {
print "MR=$mr and THIS=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_conf\n";
         my $fconf=$Hosts{$mr}{'FA_Core'}.'Custom/'.
         open(CH,"+<$fconf") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fconf");
         flock CH, 2;
         my @data=<CH>;
         my $bd=0;my @new=();
         foreach my $ln (@data) {
            if (($bd==0) && ($ln=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+[\$]berkeleydb\s*=/)) {
               push @new, "our \$berkeleydb = \"$berkeleydb\";\n";
            } else {
               push @new, $ln;
         unless ($bd) {
            foreach my $ln (@data) {
               my $l=$ln;
               if (($bd==0) &&
                     ($l=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+(?!ISA|VERSION|EXPORT)/)) {
                  push @new, "our \$berkeleydb = \"".
                  push @new, $ln;
               } else {
                  push @new, $ln;
         seek CH, 0, 0;
         truncate CH, 0;
         print CH @new;
         close CH;
      return $berkeleydb.'/bin/db_'.$db_util;

sub cat {

   my $path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
   my $cpath=$path."Custom/$username/";
   my $arg=$_[0];
   if (-e $arg) {
      if (-r $arg) {
         if ($arg=~/^$cpath/) {
            open (FH,"<$arg") ||
               (print STDERR "\n\n   FullAuto cannot open $arg $!\n\n"
               && exit 1);
            my $file='';
            while (my $line=<FH>) {
            print $file;
         } else {
            print STDERR "\n   FATAL ERROR: The user $username is not",
                         " authorized to view - \n\n      $arg\n\n";
      } else {
         print STDERR "\n   FATAL ERROR: FullAuto cannot read",
                      " - \n\n      $arg\n\n";
   } else {
      print STDERR "\n   FATAL ERROR:\n\n      $arg\n\n   DOES NOT EXIST\n\n";

sub edit {
   my $path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $cpath=$path."Custom/$username/";
   my $tpath=$path;

   our $fa_code='';
   our $fa_conf='';
   our $fa_host='';
   our $fa_menu='';
   require Term::Menus;
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_conf) {
      if (-d $tpath.'Net/FullAuto/Custom/'.$username) {
         eval {
            require $fa_conf->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf->[0],(rindex $fa_conf->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         if ($@) {
            warn "ERROR=$@\n";
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_code) {
               (rindex $Term::Menus::fa_code->[0],'/')+1);
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_host) {
               (rindex $Term::Menus::fa_host->[0],'/')+1);
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_menu) {
               (rindex $Term::Menus::fa_menu->[0],'/')+1);

   my $editor='';
   unless ($editor=$fa_conf::editor) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         my $mount=`/bin/mount -p`;
         if (!$ENV{SSH_TTY} && -e $mount.
               '/c/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe') {
               '/c/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe';
         } elsif (-e '/bin/vim.exe') {
      } else {
         if (-e '/usr/bin/vi') {
         } elsif (-e '/bin/vi') {
         } elsif (-e '/usr/bin/emacs') {

   my $savdir=Cwd::cwd();
   if ($_[0]=~/ho*s*t*|^fa_host$/i) {
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_host;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/^m$|^me$|^men$|^menu$|^fa_menu$/i) {
         unless -f "$cpath./$fa_menu";
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_menu;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/^c$|^co$|^cod$|^code$|^fa_code$/i) {
         unless -f "$cpath./$fa_code";
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_code;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/con*f*|^fa_conf$/i) {
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_conf;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/f/) {
      system("cd $path;\"$editor\";cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/r/) {
      system("cd ${tpath}Term;\"$editor\";cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/t/) {
      system("cd ${tpath}Term;\"$editor\";cd \"$savdir\""); 
   } else {
      my $stderr='';my $stdout='';
      chdir $cpath;
      ($stdout,$stderr)=cmd($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls')."ls -lR");
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      my @files=split "\n", $stdout;
      my @file=();my $dirr='';
      my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
      my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
      foreach my $file (@files) {
         next if $file=~/^\s*$/;
         next if unpack('a1',$file) eq 'd';
         next if $file=~/^total/;
         next if $file eq '.:';
         if (unpack('a2',$file) eq './') {
         next if $file=~/\/$/;
         next if $file eq 'README';
         if ($file=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/) {
         push @file,$username.'/'.$dirr.'/'.$file;
      my $owner=getpwuid(${stat($path)}[4]);
      if ($owner eq $username) {
            "ls -1 ..");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
         foreach my $file (split "\n", $stdout) {
            push @file, "Template $file" if $file=~/[.]pm$/;
         push @file, "Global Settings";
      my %Menu_1=(

         Item_1  => {

            Text    => "]C[",
            Convey  => \@file,

         Select => 'One',
         Banner => "\n   Choose a File to Edit:\n\n"

      my $file=Menu(\%Menu_1);
      if ($file eq ']quit[') {
         print "\n";
      chdir '..';
      $file=~s/^Template (.*)/$1/;
      chdir '..' if $file=~s/^Global Settings (.*)/$1/;
      system("\"$editor\" $file");
      chdir $savdir;

my $today=unpack('x2a2',$invoked[7]);
my $curmonth=unpack('a2',$invoked[7]);
my $fullmonth=$month[$curmonth-1];
my $todays_date="$fullmonth $today, $curyear";
my $endyear=$curyear + 20;
my $lastday='';
my $showmins=sub { package showmins;
                   my $datechosen=']P[{select_cal_days}';
                   $datechosen=~s/^(?:Today|Tomorrow) - //;
                   $datechosen=~s/^[A-Za-z]+, //;
                   my @hrmn=();
                   if ($datechosen eq $todays_date) {
                      my $now=unpack('a2',(split ':',
                      foreach my $hr (@hours[$invoked[4]..23]) {
                         foreach my $mn ($now..59) {
                            if (length $mn==1) {
                            push @hrmn, unpack('a3',$hr).$mn.unpack('x5a2',$hr);
                         } $now=0;
                      } return @hrmn;
                   } else {
                      foreach my $hr (@hours[0..23]) {
                         foreach my $mn (0..59) {
                            if (length $mn==1) {
                            push @hrmn, unpack('a3',$hr).$mn.unpack('x5a2',$hr);
                      } return @hrmn;

my $hours=sub { package hours;
                my $date_chosen=']P[';
                $date_chosen=~s/^(?:Today|Tomorrow) - //;
                $date_chosen=~s/^[A-Za-z]+, //;
                if ($date_chosen eq $todays_date) {
                   my $in=$invoked[4]+1;
                   return (@hours[$in..23])
                } else { return @hours } };

my $cal_months=sub { package cal_months;
                     my $yr=']P[';
                     my $yrs=']P[{calendar_years}';
                     $yr=$yrs if -1==index $yrs,'calendar_years';
                     my @munths=();
                     my $cmonth=$curmonth-1;
                     if ($curyear==$yr) {
                        if ($curmonth==12) {
                        } else {
                     } else {
                     my @new=map { $_.' '.$yr } @munths;
                     return @new };

my $fulldays=sub { package fulldays;
                   my ($a,$b)=('','');
                   my $p=']P[';
                   ($a,$b)=split / +/, $p;
                   my $c=pack('A9',$a);
                   my @n=();
                   my $s=1;
                   $s=$today if $b eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::curyear &&
                      -1<index $month[$curmonth-1],$a;
                   my $currmonth=$curmonth;my %mdates=();
                   foreach my $year ($curyear..$endyear) {
                      my $cnt=0;
                      if ($year ne $curyear) {
                      } else {
                      foreach my $mth ($currmonth..12) {
                         my $d=localtime($lastday);
                         my @d=split ' ',$d;
                   foreach my $d ($s..$mdates{$b}{$c}) {
                      $d='0'.$d if length $d==1;
                      push @n, $a.' '.$d.', '.$b;
                   return @n };

my $track='';

my %show_mins=(

   Name => 'show_mins',
   Item_1=> {
      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $showmins,
      Result => sub{ my $previous_selection=']P[{select_cal_days}';
                     my $s=']s[';
                     return substr($previous_selection,1,-1)." ".$s }
   Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
            "   Please Select a Password Expiration Time :\n\n",


my %select_hour=(

   Name => 'select_hour',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "Show Minutes",
      Result => \%show_mins,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $hours,
      Result => sub{ my $previous_selection=']P[';
                     return $previous_selection." ".']S[' }

   Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
            "   Please Select a Password Expiration Time :\n\n",


my %select_cal_days=(

   Name => 'select_cal_days',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $fulldays,
      Result => \%select_hour,

   Banner=> "   Please Select a Password Expiration Date :\n\n",

my %select_cal_months=(

   Name => 'select_cal_months',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $cal_months,
      Result => \%select_cal_days,
   Banner=> "   Please Select a Month :\n\n",

my %calendar_years=(

   Name => 'calendar_years',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => [$curyear..$endyear],
      Result => \%select_cal_months,

   Banner=> "   Please Select a Year :\n\n"

my $select_time_result_sub = sub {
   package select_time_result_sub;
   use Net::FullAuto::FA_Core qw/%month timelocal/;
   my $selection="]S[{select_minutes|select_hours|".
   my ($num,$type)=('','');
   my $expires=0;
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use File::Path;
   my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   require "$loc/";
   my $mkdflag=0;
   ($num,$type)=split /\s+/, $selection;
   if ($num!~/^\d/) {
      my @d=split /,* +/, $selection;
      my $mn=unpack('a3',$d[0]);
      if (defined $d[3] && $d[3]) {
         my $ap=substr($d[3],-2);
         my ($h,$m)=('','');
         ($h,$m)=split ':',substr($d[3],0,-2);
         $h+=12 if $ap eq 'pm' && $h!=12;
         my $mon=$month{$mn} if $mn && exists $month{$mn};
         my $day=$d[1] if defined $d[1] && $d[1];
      } else {
         my $mon=$month{$mn} if $mn && exists $month{$mn};
         my $day=$d[1] if defined $d[1] && $d[1];
   } elsif ($type=~/Min/) {
      $expires=time + $num * 60;
   } elsif ($type=~/Hour/) {
      $expires=time + $num * 3600;
   } elsif ($type=~/Day/)  {
      $expires=time + $num * 86400;
   } elsif ($type=~/Week/) {
      $expires=time + $num * 604800;
   } elsif ($type=~/Month/) {
      $expires=time + $num * 2592000;
   my $previous="]!P[{existing_plans}";
   if ($previous=~/[]]!P[[][{]existing_plans[}]/) {
      return $expires;
   } else {
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $cursor=$bdb->db_cursor();
      my ($k,$v)=('','');
      my $planhash={};
      my $plan_number=$previous;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         #print "WHAT IS K=$k<== and PLAN=$plan_number\n";
         if ($k eq $plan_number) {
            $planhash=eval $v;
      undef $cursor;
      my $put_plan=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($planhash)->Out();
      my $status=$bdb->db_put($plan_number,$put_plan);
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
      return '{activate_or_disable_expiration}<';


my %select_minutes=(

   Name => 'select_minutes',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "1  Minute",
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[  Minutes",
      Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "]C[ Minutes",
      Convey => [10..60],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Banner => "   Choose Time :\n\n",


my %select_hours=(

   Name => 'select_hours',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "1  Hour",
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[  Hours",
      Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "]C[ Hours",
      Convey => [10..24],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Scroll => 2,
   Banner => "   Choose Time :\n\n",


my %select_days=(

   Name => 'select_days',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "1  Day",
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[  Days",
      Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "]C[ Days",
      Convey => [10..365],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Banner => "   Choose Time :\n\n",


my %select_weeks=(

   Name => 'select_weeks',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "1  Week",
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[  Weeks",
      Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "]C[ Weeks",
      Convey => [10..53],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Banner => "   Choose Time :\n\n",


my %select_months=(

   Name => 'select_months',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "1  Month",
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[  Months",
      Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "]C[ Months",
      Convey => [10..12],
      Result => $select_time_result_sub,

   Scroll => 3,
   Banner => "   Choose Time in Months (A Month is 30 Days)\n\n".
             "   [Hint: Use FULL CALENDAR for more precision]:\n\n",


my $ask_exp_banner_sub = sub {

   my $banner='';
   my $caller="]P[";
   if ($caller eq 'Set New Expiration') {
      my $plan=']!P[{existing_plans}';
      return "   Choose the Expiration Time for\n\n".
             "      $plan\n";
   } else {
      my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
      return "   Choose the Expiration Time of the local saving\n".
             "   of ${username}\'s ".
             "Password via one of the following\n".
             "   selection methods (Password is Saved with Encryption):\n"


my %ask_exp=(

   Name => 'ask_exp',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "FULL CALENDAR",
      Result => \%calendar_years,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "Number of MINUTES",
      Result => \%select_minutes,

   Item_3=> {

      Text => "Number of HOURS",
      Result => \%select_hours,

   Item_4=> {

      Text => "Number of DAYS",
      Result => \%select_days,

   Item_5=> {

      Text => "Number of WEEKS",
      Result => \%select_weeks,

   Item_6=> {

      Text => "Number of MONTHS",
      Result => \%select_months,

   Scroll => 3,
   Banner => $ask_exp_banner_sub,


my $get_expiration_sub=sub {

   package get_expiration_sub;
   use Net::FullAuto::FA_Core qw/%days @month/;
   my $arg=']!P[{existing_plans}';
   my $plan=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getplan($arg);
   my $return="\n   Choose an expiration action for\n\n      $arg:\n";
   if (exists $plan->{Expires} && $plan->{Expires} &&
         $plan->{Expires} ne 'never') {
      my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=
      my $m=$month[$mon];$m=~s/\s*$//;
      $year += 1900;my $xp='--EXPIRED--';
      $xp='EXPIRES' if time<$plan->{Expires};
      $return.="\n   PLAN $xp => $days{$wday} $m $mday, $year ".
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::get_now_am_pm($plan->{Expires})." ".
   } else {
      $return.="\n   -- NO EXPIRATION IS SET --\n";
   return $return;


my $never_expires_sub=sub {

   package neverexpires;
   my $arg=']!P[{existing_plans}';
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   my $plan=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getplan($arg);
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $cursor=$bdb->db_cursor();
   my ($k,$v)=('','');
   my $planhash='';
   my $plan_number=$arg;
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      #print "WHAT IS K=$k<== and PLAN=$plan_number\n";
      if ($k eq $plan_number) {
         $planhash=eval $v;
   undef $cursor;
   my $put_plan=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($planhash)->Out();
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($plan_number,$put_plan);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return '<';


my $set_optional_expiration_sub=sub {

   my %activate_or_disable_expiration=(

      Name => 'activate_or_disable_expiration',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => 'Set New Expiration',
         Result => \%ask_exp,

      Item_2 => {

         Text => 'Set to Never Expires',
         Result => $never_expires_sub,

      Banner => $get_expiration_sub,

   return \%activate_or_disable_expiration;


my $plan_options_sub=sub {

   #my $choice=']P[';
   #print "\n   PLAN=$choice\n";<STDIN>;

   my %plan_options=(

      Name   => 'plan_options',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => 'Set Optional Maximum Number of Invocations',

      Item_2 => {

         Text => 'Set Optional Expiration Date and/or Time',
         Result => $set_optional_expiration_sub,

      Item_3 => {

         Text => 'Set Authorized Users of this Plan',


      Banner => sub {

         my $plan=']P[';
         return "   Choose an operation to perform".
                " with\n\n      PLAN:  $plan"


   return \%plan_options;


my $change_existing_plan_sub=sub {

   package change_existing_plan_sub;
   my $choice="]S[{plan_existing}";
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   my ($plan_number,$planhash,$bdb,$dbenv)=('','','','');
   if (-1<index $choice,'Delete') {
      my $answer='';
      while ($answer!~/^[yY|nN]$/) { last }
      my $ch=$choice;
      $ch=~s/Delete //s;
      $ch=~s/\s\s+/   /gs;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
      print "\n Are You Sure You want to DELETE\n\n",
            " $ch?   (y|N) ";
      while ($answer!~/^[yY|nN]$/) { 
         last if $answer=~/^[yY|nN]$/;
      if ($answer=~/^[yY]$/) {
         my $status=$bdb->db_del($plan_number);
   } elsif (-1<index $choice, 'Rename') {
      print "\n\n\n   Type New Name for Plan $plan_number: ";
      my $newname=<STDIN>;
      my $status=$bdb->db_put($plan_number,$planhash);
   } else {
      print "GOING TO EXPORT\n";
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return '{plan_menu}<';


my $plan_existing_sub=sub {

   my %plan_existing=(

      Name   => 'plan_existing',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => 'Delete Plan:  ]C[',
         Convey => sub {

            my $p=']P[';
            return $p;

         Result => $change_existing_plan_sub,

      Item_2 => {

         Text => 'Rename Plan:  ]C[',
         Convey => sub {

            my $p=']P[';
            return $p;

         Result => $change_existing_plan_sub,

      Item_3 => {

         Text => 'Export Plan:  ]C[',
         Convey => sub {

            my $p=']P[';
            return $p;

         Result => $change_existing_plan_sub,


      Banner => sub {

         my $p=']P[';
         return "   Choose an operation to perform".
                " with\n\n      PLAN:  $p"


   return \%plan_existing;


my $getplans_sub=sub {

   my $plans=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getplans();
   if (-1<$#{$plans}) {
      return $plans;
   } else {
      my $message=<<'END';

    _  _  ___ _____ ___   _
   | \| |/ _ \_   _| __| (_)
   | .` | (_) || | | _|   _
   |_|\_|\___/ |_| |___| (_)

   *NO* Plans have yet been 'made' with
   this FullAuto installation.

   To make a 'plan' use the --plan argument
   in conjunction with the --code argument
   invoked from the command line.

      Example:  fa --plan --code hello_world

   Press ANY KEY to return to the Plan Menu
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,$message;
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '{plan_menu}<';


my $generate_crontab=sub {

   package generate_crontab;
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
   use Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;
   use File::Path;
   my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   require "$loc/";
   my $data='][[ "select_recurrent_minutes" '.
            ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_months} '.
            ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_weekdays} '.
            ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_days} '.
            ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_hours} '.
            ']|[ ]S[{select_recurrent_minutes} '.
            ']|[ ]P[{existing_plans} ]][';
print "DATA=$data\n";
   my $output=eval $data;
print "ERROR=$@\n" if $@;
print "OUTPUT=$output\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($monthstring,$weekdaysstring,$daystring,
   if (ref $output->[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
      if ($#{$output->[1]}==11
            || -1<index $output->[1]->[0],'Every') {
      } elsif ($#{$output->[1]}==0) {
      } else {
         my $cnt=$monthconv{$output->[1]->[0]};
         my $save_start=$cnt;
         foreach my $month (@{$output->[1]}) {
            unless ($cnt++==$monthconv{$month}) {
         if (-1<$save_start) {
         } else {
            chop $monthstring;
   } elsif (-1<index $output->[1],'Every') {
   } else {
   if (ref $output->[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
      if ($#{$output->[2]}==6
            || -1<index $output->[2]->[0],'Any') {
      } elsif ($#{$output->[2]}==0) {
         my $day=$output->[2]->[0];
print "DAY1=$day<==\n";
      } else {
         my $day=$output->[2]->[0];
print "DAY2=$day\n";
         my $cnt=$weekdaysconv{$day};
         my $save_start=$cnt;
         foreach my $weekday (@{$output->[2]}) {
            unless ($cnt++==$weekdaysconv{$weekday}) {
         if (-1<$save_start) {
print "FIVE={${$output->[2]}
            my $day=$output->[2]->[$#{$output->[2]}];
         } else {
            chop $weekdaysstring;
   } elsif (-1<index $output->[2],'Every') {
   } else {
print "FOUR=$output->[2]\n";
      my $day=$output->[2];
   if (ref $output->[3] eq 'ARRAY') {
      if ($#{$output->[3]}==30
            || -1<index $output->[3]->[0],'Any') {
      } elsif ($#{$output->[3]}==0) {
         $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',$output->[3]->[0]);
      } else {
         my $cnt=unpack('x5 a*',$output->[3]->[0]);
         my $save_start=$cnt;
         foreach my $day (@{$output->[3]}) {
            $day=unpack('x5 a*',$day);
            unless ($cnt++==$day) {
         if (-1<$save_start) {
         } else {
            chop $daystring;
   } elsif (-1<index $output->[3],'Every') {
   } else {
      $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',{$output->[3]});
   if (ref $output->[4] eq 'ARRAY') {
      if ($#{$output->[4]}==23 
            || -1<index $output->[4]->[0],'Every') {
      } elsif ($#{$output->[4]}==0) {
         $hourstring=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$output->[4]->[0])};
      } else {
         my $out=${$output->[4]}[0];
         my $cnt=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$out)};
         my $save_start=$cnt;
         foreach my $hour (@{$output->[4]}) {
            unless ($cnt++==$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}) {
            $hourstring.=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}.',';
         if (-1<$save_start) {
               $hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',
         } else {
            chop $hourstring;
   } elsif (-1<index $output->[4],'Every') {
   } else {
      $hourstring=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$output->[4])};
   if (ref $output->[5] eq 'ARRAY') {
      if ($#{$output->[5]}==59
            || -1<index $output->[5]->[0],'Every') {
      } elsif ($#{$output->[5]}==0) {
         $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',$output->[5]->[0]);
      } else {
         my $cnt=unpack('x8 a*',$output->[5]->[0]);
         my $save_start=$cnt;
         foreach my $minute (@{$output->[5]}) {
            $minute=unpack('x8 a*',$minute);
            unless ($cnt++==$minute) {
         if (-1<$save_start) {
         } else {
            chop $minstring;
   } elsif (-1<index $output->[5],'Every') {
   } else {
      $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',$output->[5]);
   my $planstring=$output->[6]->[0];
print "WEEKDATS=$weekdaysstring<==\n";
   my $cronstring=$minstring.' '.$hourstring.' '.$daystring.' '.
         $monthstring.' '.$weekdaysstring;
print "CRONSTRING=$cronstring and PLANSTRING=$planstring<==\n";<STDIN>;
   my $crontabpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('crontab');
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmd("${crontabpath}crontab -l");
print "WAHT IS CRONTABSTDOUT=$stdout and STDERR=$stderr\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $cronentry="$cronstring /usr/local/bin/fa --login ".
                 "$username ".
                 "--password --plan $planstring";
   if ($stderr && -1<index $stderr,'no crontab') {
      my $dig=sha256_hex($cronentry);
print "DIG=$dig and CRONENTRY=$cronentry\n";
         "printf \"# FullAuto Job: $dig\012".
         $cronentry."\012\"".' | crontab -');
   } elsif ($stdout=~/^\s*[^#].*$/m) {
      my $line='';
      my %fullauto_jobs=();
      my %all_cron_entries=();
      my %line_lookup=();
      foreach my $line (split "\n", $stdout) {
         if ($line=~/^\s*[#] FullAuto Job: (\S+)$/) {
         } else {
            print "UNCOMMENTED LINE=$line<==\n";
            my $dig=sha256_hex($line);
#print "LINE=$line\n";
      if (exists $line_lookup{$cronentry}
            && exists $fullauto_jobs{$line_lookup{$cronentry}}) {
         print "FullAuto Cmd: $cronentry\nAlready exists as a job: $line_lookup{$cronentry}\n";<STDIN>;
#print "WE GOT CRON CONTENTS=$stdout<==\n";
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;

   return '{plan_menu}<';


my %select_recurrent_minutes=(

   Name => 'select_recurrent_minutes',
   Item_1 => {

        Text => 'Every Minute of the Hour (*)',
        Result => $generate_crontab,

   Item_2 => {

      Text => "Minute  ]C[",
      #Select => 'Many',
      Convey => [0..59],
      Result => $generate_crontab,

Select => 'Many',
   Banner => sub {

      my $plan="]P[{existing_plans}";
      return "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                 POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
             "   Select the --MINUTE(S)-- of the Day Where\n\n   ".
             "   $plan\n\n   Will be Run :"



my %select_recurrent_hours=(

   Name => 'select_recurrent_hours',
   Item_1 => {

        Text => 'Every Hour of the Day (*)',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_minutes,

   Item_2 => {

        Text => 'Hour  ]C[',
        Convey => $hours,
        Select => 'Many',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_minutes,

   Banner => sub {

      my $plan="]P[{existing_plans}";
      return "   Select the --HOUR(S)-- of the Day Where\n\n   ".
             "   $plan\n\n   Will be Run :"



my %select_recurrent_days=(

   Name => 'select_recurrent_days',
   Item_1 => {

        Text => "Any Day of the Month (*)\n".
                "                [Subject to Day of the Week selections]",
        Result => \%select_recurrent_hours,

   Item_2 => {

        Text => 'Day  ]C[',
        Convey => [1..31],
        Select => 'Many',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_hours,

   Banner => sub {

      my $plan="]P[{existing_plans}";
      return "   Select the --DAY(S)-- of the Month Where\n\n   ".
             "   $plan\n\n   Will be Run :"



my %select_recurrent_weekdays=(

   Name => 'select_recurrent_weekdays',
   Item_1 => {

        Text => "Any Day of the Week (*)\n".
                "                [Subject to Day of the Month selections]",
        Result => \%select_recurrent_days,

   Item_2 => {

        Text => ']C[',
        Convey => \@weekdays,
        Select => 'Many',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_days,

   Banner => sub {

      my $plan="]P[{existing_plans}";
      return "   Select the --WEEKDAY(S)-- Where\n\n   ".
             "   $plan\n\n   Will be Run :"



my %select_recurrent_months=(

   Name => 'select_recurrent_months',
   Item_1 => {
        Text => 'Every Month of the Year (*)',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_weekdays,
   Item_2 => {

        Text => ']C[',
        Convey => \@month,
        Select => 'Many',
        Result => \%select_recurrent_weekdays,

   Display => 6,
   Banner => sub {

      my $plan="]P[{existing_plans}";
      return "   Select the --MONTH(S)-- where\n\n   ".
             "   $plan\n\n   Will be Run :"



my %select_min_for_invocation=(

   Name => 'select_min_for_invocation',
   Item_1 => {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $showmins,
      Result => sub{ return 'select_min_for_invocation '.
                ']P[{one_time_launch} '.
                ']S[ | ]P[{existing_plans}' }

   Banner => "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                 POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
             "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :",


my %select_hour_for_invocation=(

   Name => 'select_hour_for_invocation',
   Item_1 => {

      Text => "Show Minutes",
      Result => \%select_min_for_invocation,

   Item_2 => {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $hours,
      Result => sub{ return 'select_hour_for_invocation '.
                ']P[{one_time_launch} '.
                ']S[ | ]P[{existing_plans}' }

   Banner => "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                 POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
             "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time for\n\n   ]P[ :",


my %select_cal_mins_for_plan=(

   Name => 'select_cal_mins_for_plan',
   Item_1 => {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $showmins,
      Result => sub{ return 'select_cal_mins_for_plan '.
                ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_months_for_plan} '.
                ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_days_for_plan} '.
                ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_hours_for_plan} ]|[ '.
                ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{existing_plans}' }

   Banner => "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                 POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
             "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :",


my %select_cal_hours_for_plan=(

   Name => 'select_cal_hours_for_plan',
   Item_1 => {

      Text => "Show Minutes",
      Negate => [ 'Item_2' ],
      Result => \%select_cal_mins_for_plan,

   Item_2=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $hours,
      Negate => [ 'Item_1' ],
      Result => sub{ return 'select_cal_hours_for_plan '.
               ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_months_for_plan} '.
               ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_days_for_plan} ]|[ '.
               ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{existing_plans}' }

   Banner => "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                 POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
             "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :",


my %select_cal_days_for_plan=(

   Name => 'select_cal_days_for_plan',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $fulldays,
      Result => \%select_cal_hours_for_plan,

   Banner => '   Please Select a Job cal_days Invocation Time :'


my %select_cal_months_for_plan=(

   Name => 'select_cal_months_for_plan',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => $cal_months,
      Result => \%select_cal_days_for_plan,
   Banner => "   Please Select a Month :\n\n",


my %calendar_years_for_plan=(

   Name => 'calendar_years_for_plan',
   Item_1=> {

      Text => "]C[",
      Convey => [$curyear..$endyear],
      Result => \%select_cal_months_for_plan,

   Banner => "   Please Select a Year :\n\n",


my %one_time_launch=(

   Name => 'one_time_launch',
   Item_1 => {

        Text => 'FULL CALENDAR',
        Result => \%calendar_years_for_plan,

   Item_2 => {

        Text => "]C[", 
        Convey => sub { return 'Today - '.&get_today() },
        Result => \%select_hour_for_invocation,

   Item_3 => {

        Text => "]C[",
        Convey => sub { return 'Tomorrow - '.&get_tomorrow() },
        Result => \%select_hour_for_invocation,

   Banner => "   Select Invocation Time for\n\n   ".
             "Plan -  ]P[{existing_plans}",


my $select_type_of_scheduled_plan_sub=sub {

   my %select_type_of_scheduled_plan=(

      Name   => 'select_type_of_scheduled_plan',
      Item_1 => {

           Text => 'This Plan will Launch Recurrently',
           Result => \%select_recurrent_months,

      Item_2 => {

           Text => 'This Plan will Launch One Time Only',
           Result => \%one_time_launch,

      Banner => sub { 

           my $choice=']P[';
           return "   Select Type of Scheduled Job for\n\n      Plan:  $choice";


   return \%select_type_of_scheduled_plan;


my $plan_options_work_with_sub=sub {

   my $choice="]!T[{plan_menu}";
   if ($choice eq '"Work with Existing Plans"') {
      return $plan_existing_sub;
   } elsif ($choice eq '"Set Up a New Scheduled Job"') {
      return $select_type_of_scheduled_plan_sub;
   } else {
      return $plan_options_sub;


my $plan_menu_options_sub=sub {

   my $plans=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getplans();
   if (-1<$#{$plans}) {
      my %existing_plans=(

            Name => 'existing_plans',
            Item_1=> {

               Text => "Plan: ]C[",
               Convey => $getplans_sub,
               Result => $plan_options_work_with_sub,

            Banner=> '   Select a Plan to work with:'
      return \%existing_plans;
   } else {
      my $message=<<'END';

    _  _  ___ _____ ___   _
   | \| |/ _ \_   _| __| (_)
   | .` | (_) || | | _|   _
   |_|\_|\___/ |_| |___| (_)

   *NO* Plans have yet been 'made' with
   this FullAuto installation.

   To make a 'plan' use the --plan argument
   in conjunction with the --code argument
   invoked from the command line.

      Example:  fa --plan --code hello_world

   Press ANY KEY to return to the Plan Menu
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,$message;
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '<';



my $setup_new_sched_job_menu_sub=sub {

   my %setup_new_sched_job_menu=(

      Name => 'setup_new_sched_job_menu',
      Item_1 => {

           Text => 'Choose a FullAuto Plan to Schedule',
           Result => $plan_menu_options_sub,

      Item_2 => {

           Text => 'Choose a FullAuto Custom Code Block to Schedule',

      Item_3 => {

           Text => 'Set up a Non-FullAuto Task to Schedule',

      Banner => '   Select a Task to Perform',

   return \%setup_new_sched_job_menu;


my $plan_menu_banner=<<'END';
     ___ _               _        _     _      __  __ 
    | _ \ |__ _ _ _    _| |_   _ | |___| |__  |  \/  |___ _ _ _  _ 
    |  _/ / _` | ' \  |_   _| | || / _ \ '_ \ | |\/| / -_) ' \ || |
    |_| |_\__,_|_||_|   |_|    \__/\___/_.__/ |_|  |_\___|_||_\_,_|

    Plan:  Indicated by a Plan Number, A FullAuto 'Plan' is a
           recording of user &Menu() choices and user input.

    Job:   A FullAuto Scheduled 'Job' is a fully unattended
           invocation of a Custom Code Block via cron.

my %plan_menu=(

      Name   => 'plan_menu',
      Item_1 => {

          Text => 'Accept Defaults and Record New Plan',
          Result => sub {

                            unless (grep { /--plan/i } @ARGV) {

          my $message=<<'END';
    ___                     _            _     _
   |_ _|_ __  _ __  ___ _ _| |_ __ _ _ _| |_  | |
    | || '  \| '_ \/ _ \ '_|  _/ _` | ' \  _| |_|
   |___|_|_|_| .__/\___/_|  \__\__,_|_||_\__| (_)

   This selection is not available when accessed
   via the Admin Menu. This item is available only
   when the --plan argument is used in conjunction
   with the --code argument invoked from the command

      Example:  fa --plan --code hello_world

   Press ANY KEY to return to the Plan Menu
                               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,
                               alarm 120;
                               # Turn off controls keys
                               eval {
                                  local $SIG{ALRM} =
                                     sub {
                                     # \n required
                                  my $key='';
                                  $key = ReadKey(0);
                               # Reset tty mode before exiting
                               return '<';

                            return ']S['


      Item_2 => {

          Text => 'Set Options for Plan',
          Result => $plan_menu_options_sub,

      Item_3 => {

          Text => 'Set Up a New Scheduled Job',
          Result => $setup_new_sched_job_menu_sub,

      Item_4 => {

          Text => 'Work with Existing Plans',
          Result => $plan_menu_options_sub,

      Item_5 => {

          Text => 'Work with Existing Scheduled Jobs',


      Banner => $plan_menu_banner,


my $plan_menu_sub = sub {

   package plan_menu_sub;
   use if (!defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost), 'Net::FullAuto';
   our $fa_code='';
   unless (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost,'=') {
      undef $main::plan_menu_sub;
   return \%plan_menu;


sub plan {

#print "PLANCALLER=",caller,"\n";

   my $output=&Menu(\%plan_menu);
   &cleanup() if $output=~/\]quit\[/i;

#print "WHAT IS OUTPUTFRESH=$output\n";
my $outp=join ' ', @{$output} if ref $output eq 'ARRAY';

print "OUTPUT=$outp\n" if defined $outp && $outp;

   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   if ($output ne ']quit[') {
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $new_plan_number=0;
      my ($k,$v) = ('','') ;
      if (-1<index $output,'Accept Defaults and Record New Plan') {
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         my $status=$cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_LAST);
         undef $cursor;
         my $plann={ 'Number' =>$new_plan_number,
                     'Host'   =>$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname,
                     'Plan'   =>[] };
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         return $plann;
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'Work with Existing Plans') {
         my $plans=getplans($bdb);
         if (-1<$#{$plans}) {
            my %existing_plans=(

                  Name => 'existing_plans',
                  Item_1=> {
                     Text => "]C[",
                     Convey => $plans

                  Banner=> '   Select a Plan to work with:'
            my $outp=Menu(\%existing_plans);
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;
         } else {
            print "\n\n   ########################### NOTE ".
                  "   *NO* Plans have been \"made\" with ".
                  "this FullAuto installation.\n\n";
      } elsif (ref $output eq 'ARRAY' && $output->[0]
                  eq 'select_recurrent_minutes') {
         my ($monthstring,$weekdaysstring,$daystring,
         if (ref $output->[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[1]}==11) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[1]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$monthconv{${$output->[1]}[0]};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $month (@{$output->[1]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$monthconv{$month}) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $monthstring;
         } else {
         if (ref $output->[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[2]}==6) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[2]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$weekdaysconv{${$output->[2]}[0]};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $weekday (@{$output->[2]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$weekdaysconv{$weekday}) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $weekdaysstring;
         } else {
         if (ref $output->[3] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[3]}==30) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[3]}==0) {
               $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',${$output->[3]}[0]);
            } else {
               my $cnt=unpack('x5 a*',${$output->[3]}[0]);
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $day (@{$output->[3]}) {
                  $day=unpack('x5 a*',$day);
                  unless ($cnt++==$day) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $daystring;
         } else {
            $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',{$output->[3]});
         if (ref $output->[4] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[4]}==23) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[4]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',${$output->[4]}[0])};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $hour (@{$output->[4]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}) {
                  $hourstring.=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}.',';
               if (-1<$save_start) {
                     $hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',${$output->[4]}
               } else {
                  chop $hourstring;
         } else {
            $hourstring=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$output->[4])};
         if (ref $output->[5] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[5]}==59) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[5]}==0) {
               $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',${$output->[5]}[0]);
            } else {
               my $cnt=unpack('x8 a*',${$output->[5]}[0]);
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $minute (@{$output->[5]}) {
                  $minute=unpack('x8 a*',$minute);
                  unless ($cnt++==$minute) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $minstring;
         } else {
            $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',$output->[5]);
         my $planstring=$output->[6];
         my $cronstring=$minstring.' '.$hourstring.' '.$daystring.' '.
               $monthstring.' '.$weekdaysstring;
         print "CRONSTRING=$cronstring\n";
         our $crontabpath='';
         if (-e '/usr/bin/crontab') {
         } elsif (-e '/bin/crontab') {
         } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/crontab') {
         my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         ($stdout,$stderr)=cmd("${crontabpath}crontab -l");
#print "WAHT IS CRONTABSTDOUT=$stdout\n";
         my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
         if ($stderr && -1<index $stderr,'no crontab') {
            $planstring=~tr/ //s;
            my $plnn=$planstring;
            my $dig=sha256_hex("$cronstring /usr/local/bin/fa --login ".
                               "$username --password --plan $plnn");
               "printf \"# FullAuto Plan $planstring \]|\[ $dig\012".
               "$cronstring /usr/local/bin/fa --login $username ".
               "--password --plan $plnn\012\"".'| crontab -'); 
         } elsif ($stdout=~/^\s*[^#].*$/m) {
            my $line='';
            foreach my $line (split "\n", $stdout) {
               if ($line=~/^\s*[#]/) {
                  next if (-1<index $line,'# DO NOT EDIT T');
                  next if $line=~/^# \(.* installed on /;
                  next if (-1<index $line,'# (Cron version');
                  print "COMMENTED LINE=$line\n";
                  my @plancom=split ' ',$line;
                  my $plnum='';my $chksum='';
#print "WHAT IS THIS=$plancom[$#plancom-2]\n";
                  if ($plancom[$#plancom-1] eq ']|[') {
#print "PLAN=$plnum and CHKSUM=$chksum\n";
               } else {
                  print "UNCOMMENTED LINE=$line<==\n";
                  my $tesline=sha256_hex($line);
                  print "TESTLINE=$tesline<==\n";
#print "LINE=$line\n";
            print "WE GOT CRON CONTENTS=$stdout<==\n";
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
print "STDOUTCRONT=$stdout<==\n";
print "STDERRCRONT=$stderr<==\n";

      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;
   } else {
      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;


sub persist_get {

   my $key=$_[0]||'';
   my $value='';
   &handle_error("Missing Arguements: ".
      unless $key;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   $key.=join '&', caller;
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($key,$value);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return ($value,$key,$status);


sub persist_put {

   my $key=$_[0]||'';
   my $value=$_[1]||'';
   &handle_error("Missing Arguements: ".
      unless $key && $value;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($key,$value);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return $status;


sub getplan {

   my $plan=$_[0];
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $cursor=$bdb->db_cursor();
   my ($k,$v)=('','');
   my $planhash='';
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
#print "WHAT IS K=$k<== and PLAN=$plan\n";
      if ($k eq $plan) {
         $planhash=eval $v;
   undef $cursor;
   return $plan,$planhash,$bdb,$dbenv if wantarray;
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return $planhash;


sub getplans {

   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $cursor=$bdb->db_cursor();
   my @plans=();
   my ($k,$v)=('','');
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      my $planhash=eval $v;
      push @plans, pack('A10',$k).$planhash->{'Title'};
   undef $cursor;
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return \@plans;

sub sysreadline(*;$) {
   my($handle, $timeout) = @_;
   $handle = qualify_to_ref($handle, caller());
   my $infinitely_patient = (@_ == 1 || $timeout < 0);
   my $start_time = time();
   my $selector = IO::Select->new();
   my $line = '';
   until (at_eol($line)) {
      unless ($infinitely_patient) {
         return $line if time() > ($start_time + $timeout);
      #sleep only 1 second before checking again
      next SLEEP unless $selector->can_read(1.0);
      while ($selector->can_read(0.0)) {
         my $was_blocking = $handle->blocking(0);
CHAR:    while (sysread($handle, my $nextbyte, 1)) {
            $line .= $nextbyte;
            last CHAR if $nextbyte eq "\n"; 
         # if incomplete line, keep trying
         next SLEEP unless at_eol($line);
         last INPUT_READY;
   return $line;
} sub at_eol($) { $_[0] =~ /\n\z/ }

sub acquire_fa_lock

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
   print "\nINFO: acquire_fa_lock() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nacquire_fa_lock() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   my $fullauto_lock_id=(defined $_[0] && $_[0])?$_[0]:'1234';
   my $lock_description=(defined $_[1] && $_[1])?$_[1]:'';
   my $cache=(defined $_[2] && $_[2])?$_[2]:'';
   my $maxnumberallowed=(defined $_[3] && $_[3])?$_[3]:1;
   my $killafterseconds=(defined $_[4] && $_[4])?$_[4]:0;
   my $enable_this_lock=(defined $_[5] && $_[5])?$_[5]:1;
   my $wait_for_newlock=(defined $_[6] && $_[6])?$_[6]:60;
   my $pollingmillisecs=(defined $_[7] && $_[7])?$_[7]:500;
   my $return_if_locked=(defined $_[8] && $_[8])?$_[8]:0;
   if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
         if exists $_[0]->{'FullAuto_Lock_ID'};
      if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}) {
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}->
               {'Enable_This_Lock'} && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->
               {$fullauto_lock_id}->{'Enable_This_Lock'}==0) {
         } else {
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}->
               {'Wait_For_NewLock'} && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->
               {$fullauto_lock_id}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'}==0) {
         } else {
         if exists $_[0]->{'Lock_Description'};
      $cache=$_[0]->{'Cache'} if exists $_[0]->{'Cache'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'MaxNumberAllowed'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'KillAfterSeconds'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'Enable_This_Lock'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'Wait_For_NewLock'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'PollingMilliSecs'};
         if exists $_[0]->{'Return_If_Locked'};
   } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}) {
      if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}->
            {'Enable_This_Lock'} && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->
            {$fullauto_lock_id}->{'Enable_This_Lock'}==0) {
      } else {
      if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->{$fullauto_lock_id}->
            {'Wait_For_NewLock'} && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::locks->
            {$fullauto_lock_id}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'}==0) {
      } else {

   my $locks='';my $getnewlock=0;my $newlock={};my $queue='';

   my @letoct=split '', $fullauto_lock_id;
   my $letoct='';
   foreach my $c (@letoct) {
     if ($c=~/\d/) {
     } else {
        $enable_this_lock=1 unless $enable_this_lock;

   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   unless (exists $Hosts{$mr}) {
   unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks) {
      my $mkdflag=0;
      unless (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}
            {'berkeley_db_path'}) {
         if (-w "/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto") {
         } else {
            my $home_dir=File::HomeDir->my_home||$ENV{'HOME'}||'';
            mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto" unless
                  -d "$home_dir/.fullauto";
            chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto";
            mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto/db" unless
                  -d "$home_dir/.fullauto/db";
            chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto/db";
      unless (-d $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}
            {'berkeley_db_path'}.'Locks') {
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
         my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
         $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').'mkdir -p '.
         &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';
         if ($m) {
            my $cd=cwd();
            chdir $m.$Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.'Locks';
            my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('bash').
                    'bash -c umask u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx';
            chdir $cd;
      my $ff=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.
      if (-e $ff) {
         open (FF,"<$ff") || &handle_error("FATAL ERROR: Cannot open $ff");
         my $lock_info=<FF>;
         close FF;
         my @lock_info=();
         @lock_info=split '|',$lock_info if -1<index $lock_info,'|';
         if ($lock_info[1] && (time>$lock_info[1]+5)) {
            my $d=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::find_berkeleydb_utils('recover');
            my $cmd="$d -h ".$Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.'Locks';
            my $out=`$cmd`;
            &handle_error($out) if $out;
            unlink $ff;
            my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
            my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
               if &testpid($lock_info[0]);
      my $kas=$killafterseconds||
      if ($kas) {
         open (FF,">$ff") || &handle_error("FATAL ERROR: Cannot open $ff");
         my $ltime=time + $kas;
         $ltime=0 if $kas==0;
         print FF "$$|$ltime";
         close FF;
      unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_locks) {
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_locks = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.
            -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_INIT_MPOOL,
            -LockDetect => DB_LOCK_DEFAULT
         if (-1==index $BerkeleyDB::Error,'Successful return') {
               "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
         } my $line_number_marker3;
      } my $line_number_marker4;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
         "\n%%%% Attempting to create locks.db %%%%\n".
	 "(Manually delete ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_locks.db\n".
	 "if processing hangs here.)\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_locks.db",
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Compare  => sub { my $z=$_[0]||0;my $o=$_[1]||0;$z <=> $o },
         -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_locks
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
      unlink $ff if $kas;
      if ($mkdflag) {
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
         my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
         $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('chmod')."chmod -Rv $mode ".
         &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';

   my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_get($letoct,$locks);

   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "acquire_fa_lock() ",
      "ALL LOCKS=$locks and LOCK_ID_OCT=$letoct and STATUS=$status\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   my @processes=();
   unless ($status) {
      $locks=eval $locks;
      @processes=keys %{$locks};
   if (-1<$#processes) {
      my @proc=();my $pn=0;
      foreach my $proc (keys %{$locks}) {
         if (exists $locks->{$proc}->{'FullAuto_Lock_ID'} &&
               $locks->{$proc}->{'FullAuto_Lock_ID'} eq $fullauto_lock_id) {
      if (exists $locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Enable_This_Lock'} &&
            $locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Enable_This_Lock'}==0) {
      } else {
      if (exists $locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'} &&
            $locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'}==0) {
      } elsif (!defined $wait_for_newlock || $wait_for_newlock<0) {

         FullAuto_Lock_ID => $fullauto_lock_id,
         MaxNumberAllowed => $maxnumberallowed,
         KillAfterSeconds => $killafterseconds,
         Enable_This_Lock => $enable_this_lock,
         Lock_Description => $lock_description,
         Wait_For_NewLock => $wait_for_newlock,
         PollingMilliSecs => $pollingmillisecs,
         Return_If_Locked => $return_if_locked,

      if ($maxnumberallowed>$pn) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "acquire_fa_lock() ",
            "GETTING NEW LOCK for $$ because MAX ALLOWED: ",
            "$maxnumberallowed > NUM OF LOCKS: $pn\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      } else {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "acquire_fa_lock() ",
            "*NOT* GETTING NEW LOCK for $$ because MAX ALLOWED: ",
            "$maxnumberallowed < NUM OF LOCKS: $pn\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         my $ps=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ps').'ps -ef';
         my ($psout,$pserr)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmd($ps);
         if ($pserr=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
            $psout=`$ps 2>&1`;
         my %pid=();my %ppid=();
         foreach my $line (split "\n", $psout) {
            $line=~/^I*\s*[^ ]+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*$/;
            my $pid=$1||0;my $ppid=$2||0;
            push @{$ppid{$ppid}},$pid;
         my @del_locks=();
         foreach my $proc (@processes) {
            my $process=$proc;
            unless (exists $pid{$process}) {
               push @del_locks, $process;
            } elsif ($killafterseconds) {
               my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
               my $t=time;
               my $ta=$locks->{$process}->{'TimeLockAcquired'};
               if ($t>$ta) {
                  my $family=find_kids($process,[],\%ppid);
                  foreach my $member (@{$family}) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "acquire_fa_lock() ",
                        "KILLING THIS PROCESS: $process ",
                        "after $killafterseconds seconds\n",
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     eval {
                        kill INT => -$member;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "acquire_fa_lock() ",
                        "KILL ERROR IS ==>$@<==\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*'
                        && $@;
                  push @del_locks, $process;
         if (-1<$#del_locks) {
            foreach my $process (@del_locks) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "acquire_fa_lock() ",
                  "DELETING LOCK FOR THIS PROCESS: $process\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               delete $locks->{$process};
            if (-1==$#{[keys %{$locks}]}) {
               my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_del(
            } else {
               my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_put(
            my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_get(
            if ($status) {
            } else {
               $locks=eval $locks;
               my @processes=keys %{$locks};
               my $pn=$#processes+1;
               unless ($maxnumberallowed>=$pn) {
         my $expired_flag=0;
         if (!$getnewlock) {
            return 0 if $return_if_locked &&
               exists $locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'} &&
            my $expires=time+$locks->{$processes[0]}->{'Wait_For_NewLock'};
            my $p_length=length $pollingmillisecs;
            my $polling=$pollingmillisecs;
            if ($p_length==3) {
            } elsif ($p_length==2) {
            } elsif ($p_length==1) {
            } else {
            my $pollcount=0;my $dotcount=0;
            my @dots=('.     ','. .   ','. . . ');
            if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
               print "\n";
            while (time<$expires) {
               $dotcount=0 if 2<$dotcount;
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                     || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                     && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  printf("\r% 0s",
                         "Waitingggg for another process with lock ID ".
                         "[$fullauto_lock_id] to finish (".$pollcount++.") ".
               $cache->set($cache->{'key'}, [0,
                  "Waiting for another processxx with lock ID ".
                  "[$fullauto_lock_id] "."to finish (".$pollcount++.
                  ") $dots[$dotcount++]"]) if $cache;
               $locks=eval $locks;
               my @proc=();my $pn=0;
               foreach my $proc (keys %{$locks}) {
                  if (exists $locks->{$proc}->{'FullAuto_Lock_ID'} &&
                        eq $fullauto_lock_id) {
               if ($status || $maxnumberallowed>$pn) {
         if ($status || $expired_flag==0) {
         } elsif ($return_if_locked) {
            return 0;
         } else {
            my $max="          Maximum Number Allowed => "
            print "\n";
            my $die="FATAL ERROR: FullAuto ACQUIRE Lock\n\n"
               ."          Waiting period expired while waiting "
               ."for lock:\n\n          $lock_description\n\n$max"
               ."       Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller;
            $cache->set($cache->{'key'}, [1,$die])
               if $cache;
   } else {

         unless $maxnumberallowed;
         unless $killafterseconds;
         unless (defined $enable_this_lock && $enable_this_lock==0);
         unless $lock_description;
      if (!defined $wait_for_newlock || $wait_for_newlock<0) {
         unless $pollingmillisecs;
         unless $return_if_locked;

         FullAuto_Lock_ID => $fullauto_lock_id,
         MaxNumberAllowed => $maxnumberallowed,
         KillAfterSeconds => $killafterseconds,
         Enable_This_Lock => $enable_this_lock,
         Lock_Description => $lock_description,
         Wait_For_NewLock => $wait_for_newlock,
         PollingMilliSecs => $pollingmillisecs,
         Return_If_Locked => $return_if_locked,
         UserName         => $username,
         Logfile          => $Hosts{$mr}{'LogFile'}


   if ($getnewlock) {
      return 0 if (!(exists $newlock->{'Enable_This_Lock'} &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "acquire_fa_lock() ",
         "NEW LOCK => $locks\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_put($letoct,$locks);
      return 1 unless $status;
      return 0;

sub release_fa_lock

   my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
   print "\nINFO: release_fa_lock() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nrelease_fa_lock() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $lockid=(defined $_[0] && $_[0])?$_[0]:'1234';

   my @letoct=split '', $lockid;
   my $letoct='';
   foreach my $c (@letoct) {
     if ($c=~/\d/) {
     } else {

   my $locks='';
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks) {
      my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_locks->db_get($letoct,$locks);
      if ($status) {
         return 0;
      $locks=eval $locks;
      if (exists $locks->{$$}) {
         delete $locks->{$$};
      if (keys %{$locks}) {
      } else {
   return 0;

sub acquire_semaphore
   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $sem='';
   my $IPC_KEY=(defined $_[0] && $_[0])?$_[0]:'1234';
   my $process_description=$_[1]||'';
   my $pd="$process_description " if $process_description;
   print "acquire_semaphore() ${pd}CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "acquire_semaphore() ${pd}CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $semaphorecount=$_[2];
   my $semaphore_count;
   $semaphore_count=(defined $semaphorecount && 0<$semaphorecount) ? 
                    $semaphorecount : 1;
   &handle_error(("IPC Semaphore FATAL ERROR:\n\n"
      ."    semaphore count argument must greater than zero\n\n"
      ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__')
      if $semaphore_count<1;
   my $semaphore_timeout=$_[3]||180;
   if (0) {
   #if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      # try to open a semaphore
      my $sem=Win32::Semaphore->open($IPC_KEY);
      if (defined $sem && $sem) {
         # wait for semaphore to be zero
         my $previous='';
         if ($semaphore_count<2) {
            if ($process_description
                  && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet)) {
                  "\n\n  Status:  Waiting for lock release. Another FullAuto",
                  "\n           process has a lock on ",$process_description,
                  "\n           . . .\n\n";
            eval {
               local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
                                  }; # \n required
               my $stim=$semaphore_timeout * 1000;
               sleep 2;
            if ($@) {
               &handle_error(("Win32 Semaphore Timed Out:\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         } elsif (!$sem->release(1,$previous)) {
            &handle_error(("FATAL ERROR: Maximum Number of FullAuto Processes"
                  ." Exists:\n\n"
                  ."          Maximum Number => $semaphore_count\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');

      # create a semaphore
      --$semaphore_count if 1<$semaphore_count;
         || &handle_error(("Could not create Win32 Semaphore: $!\n\n"
                 ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
   } else {
      # create a semaphore
      unless ($IPC_KEY=~/^\d+$/) {
      $sem = IPC::Semaphore->new($IPC_KEY,$semaphore_count,&S_IRWXU);
      if (defined $sem && $sem) {
         if ($semaphore_count<2) {
            if ($process_description
                  && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet)) {
                  "\n\n  Status:  Waiting for lock release. Another FullAuto",
                  "\n           process has a lock on ",$process_description,
                  "\n           . . .\n",
                  "\n  (Hint: If lock fails to release in a reasonable",
                  "\n         time period, use command line tools 'ipcs'",
                  "\n         and 'ipcrm' to investigate and resolve, or",
                  "\n         simply restart the host computer)\n";
            eval {
               local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
                                  }; # \n required
               # Decrement the semaphore count by 1
               my $success=
                  # blocks if semaphore is zero
               my $result = int $!; # capture the value of errno
               if (!$success && $result == &EINTR) {
               sleep 2;
            if ($@) {
               &handle_error(("IPC Semaphore Timed Out:\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         } else {
            my $value=$sem->getval(0); 
            if ($semaphore_count<=$value) {
               # semaphore was zero, no slots available
                  ("FATAL ERROR: Maximum Number of FullAuto Processes"
                  ." Exists:\n\n"
                  ."          Maximum Number => $semaphore_count: $!\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
            } else {
      } else {
         # create a semaphore
            || &handle_error(("Could not create IPC Semaphore\n\n"
            ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         $sem->op(0,1,&SEM_UNDO) if 1<$semaphore_count;
   return $sem


sub test_semaphore
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "test_semaphore() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "test_semaphore() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $IPC_KEY=$_[0];

   my $opstring='';
   my $opstring1='';
   my $opstring2='';
   my $semnum=0;
   my $semop=0;
   my $semflag=0;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {

      # try to open a semaphore
      if (Win32::Semaphore->open($IPC_KEY)) {
         return 1;
      } else {
         return 0;

   } elsif (0) {



sub release_semaphore

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "release_semaphore() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "release_semaphore() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $IPC_KEY=$_[0]||0;
   my $semaphore_timeout=$_[1]||180;
   if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY}) {
      if (0) {
      #if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {

         # Increment the semaphore count by 1
         # Destroy the semaphore

         my $previous='';
         delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY};

         # once past this point, any process waiting can proceed

      } else {

         # Increment the semaphore count by 1

         delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY};

         # once past this point, any process waiting can proceed


sub kill
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::kill() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::kill() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $pid=$_[0];my $arg=$_[1]||'';my $cmd=[];
   my $stdout='';my $ignore='';
   my $killpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('kill');
   my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('bash');
   my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sed');
   if ($pid) {
      if ($arg) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $cmd=[ "${killpath}kill -$arg $pid" ]
         } else {
            $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
                   "\"${killpath}kill -$arg $pid\" 2>&1" ]
      } else {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $cmd=[ "${killpath}kill $pid" ]
         } else {
            $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
                   "\"${killpath}kill $pid\" 2>&1" ]
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "BEFOREKILL -> ",join ' ',@{$cmd},"\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=('','');
         Capture::Tiny::capture {
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,'';
   } else { return $stdout }

sub testpid
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::testpid() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::testpid() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $pid=$_[0];
   if (!$pid) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return 0,'';
      } else { return 0 }
   my $killpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('kill');
   my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('bash');
   my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sed');
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
      my $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
                "if ${killpath}kill -0 $pid"
                ." \012then echo 1\012else echo 0\012fi"
                ." | ${sedpath}sed -e \'s/^/stdout: /' 2>&1" ];
      my ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=('','');
            Capture::Tiny::capture {
         ($stdout,$stderr)=&setuid_cmd($cmd,5); # Save Pound Sign
      if ($stdout_capture=~s/^stdout: ?//) {
      } elsif ($stdout_capture) {
         if (ref $stdout_capture eq 'SCALAR') {
   } else {
      my $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash".' -c'
                ." \"if ${killpath}kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null;"
                ." then echo 1; else echo 0; fi\""
                .'|'."${sedpath}sed ".' -e '."\'s/^/stdout: /' ".'2>&1' ];
      my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nppppppp &main::testpid() ppppppp STDOUT ",
      "==>$stdout<== and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   print "\nppppppp &main::testpid() ppppppp STDOUT ",
      "==>$stdout<== and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout, $stderr;
   } elsif ($stdout) {
      return $stdout;
   } elsif ($stderr!~/^\s*$/) {
print "XXERROR=$stderr<== and CALLER=",caller,"<==\n";<STDIN>;
   } else { return $stdout }

sub get_master_info

   my $Local_HostName='';my $Local_FullHostName='';
   my $Local_IP_Address={};
   $Local_HostName=&Sys::Hostname::hostname if !$Local_HostName;
   my $addr='';
   if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
      if ($Local_HostName!~/^localhost\.local/) {
         my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            Proto       => 'udp',
            PeerAddr    => '', #
            PeerPort    => '53', # DNS
         my $ip=$socket->sockhost ||
            "Couldn't Resolve Local Hostname $Local_HostName : ");
      } else {
         my $ip='';
   } else {
      #my $route=cmd('cmd /c route print',3);
      my $route=cmd('route print',3);
      my $getip=0;
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $route) {
         if (!$getip) {
            if (-1<index $line, 'Metric') {
            } else { next }
         } else {
            my $gip=(split ' ', $line)[3];
            next if !$gip;
            next if -1==index $gip,'.';
            next if $gip=~/\d+\.0\.0\.1/;
   $Local_FullHostName=$Local_HostName if !$Local_FullHostName;

   return $Local_HostName,$Local_FullHostName,$Local_IP_Address;


sub check_Hosts

   our ($Local_HostName,$Local_FullHostName,$Local_IP_Address)=
   my $chk_hostname='';my $chk_ip='';my $trandir_flag='';
   my $name=substr($_[0],0,-3);
   my @Hosts=();
      no warnings;
      @Hosts=eval "\@${name}::Hosts";
   my @Cycle=@Hosts;
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   HOST: foreach my $h (@Cycle) {
      my $host=$h;
      my $hostn='';my $ipn='';my $lh_key=0;
      foreach my $keee (keys %{$host}) {
         my $ke=$keee;
         if (lc($ke) eq 'label' && lc($host->{$ke}) eq 'localhost') {
         } elsif (lc($ke) eq 'hostname') {
         } elsif (lc($ke) eq 'ip') {
      if ($hostn eq lc($Local_FullHostName)) {
      } elsif ($hostn eq lc($Local_HostName)) {
      } elsif (exists $Local_IP_Address->{$ipn}) {
      } elsif ($lh_key) {
      } else { next }
   if (!$chk_hostname && !$chk_ip) {
      my $hostn='';my $ip='';
      if ($Local_FullHostName) {
      } elsif ($Local_HostName) {
      if (keys %{$Local_IP_Address}) {
         $ip="'IP'=>\'".(keys %{$Local_IP_Address})[0]."\',";
      my $label="\'Label\'=>\'__Master_${$}__\',";
      my $uname="'Uname'=>'".(uname)[0]."',";
      my $local="'Local'=>'connect_ssh_telnet',";
      my $remote="'Remote'=>'connect_host',";
      unshift @Hosts,
          eval "\{ $ip$hostn$label$uname$local$remote \}";
   } return \@Hosts;


$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'}=&Sys::Hostname::hostname if
   !exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'};
$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'}='' if
   !exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'};
if (!exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}) {
} else {
   eval "require " . $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'};
   &handle_error($@) if $@;

my %msproxies=();my %uxproxies=();my %labels=();
my $msflag='';my $uxflag='';

sub host_hash

   foreach my $host (@{$_[0]}) {
      $host->{'label'}=$host->{'Label'} if exists $host->{'Label'};
      if (exists $labels{$host->{'label'}} && 
            ($host->{'label'} ne "__Master_${$}__")) {
         &handle_error("DUPLICATE LABEL DETECTED - $host->{'label'}");
      } $labels{$host->{'label'}}='' if $host->{'label'};
      foreach my $key (keys %{$host}) {
      if (exists $Hosts{$host->{'label'}}->{'loginid'}) {
      } elsif (exists $Hosts{$host->{'label'}}->{'login'}) {
      } elsif ($Hosts{$host->{'label'}}->{'username'}) {
   foreach my $key (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
      if (exists $Hosts{$key}{'berkeley_db_path'}) {
         $Hosts{$key}{'berkeley_db_path'}.='/' if
            substr($Hosts{$key}{'berkeley_db_path'},-1) ne '/';
   if (!exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'}) {
      unless (-d '/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto') {
         my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
         my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
         $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
         unless (-d '/var/db') {
            my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').'mkdir -p '.
            my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
            &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
         unless (-d '/var/db/Berkeley') {
            my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').'mkdir -p '.
            my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
            &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
         unless (-d '/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto') {
            my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').'mkdir -p '.
            my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
            &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      if (!(-d '/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto' && -w _)) {
         &handle_error("Cannot Write to Berkeley FullAuto Directory :".
            "\n\n             ".
   } elsif (!(-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'} && -w _)) {
      handle_error("Cannot Write to Berkeley FullAuto Directory :".
         "\n\n             ".
   } else {
      $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'}.='/' if
         substr($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'},-1) ne '/';
   my $FA_Core_path='';
   foreach my $key (keys %INC) {
      if (-1<index $key,'') {
         $FA_Core_path=substr($INC{$key},0,(rindex $INC{$key},'/')+1);
   } $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}=$FA_Core_path;


my ($ps_stdout,$ps_stderr,$ps_retcod);

sub get_all_hosts
   return keys %Hosts;

sub connect_sftp
   push @_, '__sftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_ftp
   push @_, '__ftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_ftp_sftp
   push @_, '__ftp_sftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_sftp_ftp
   push @_, '__sftp_ftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_shell
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_shell() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_shell() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__shell__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle;

sub connect_ssh
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_ssh() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__ssh__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle;

sub connect_ssh_telnet
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__ssh_telnet__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_telnet_ssh
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__telnet_ssh__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_secure
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_secure() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_secure() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__secure__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n"
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n"
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $handle;

sub connect_insecure
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_insecure() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "connect_insecure() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   push @_, '__insecure__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_telnet
   push @_, '__telnet__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_reverse
   push @_, '__reverse__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::connect_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::connect_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_host

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::connect_host() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::connect_host() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $c=($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'MSWin64' && $^O ne 'cygwin' && !exists
   print "STARTING FullAuto$c on ". localtime() . "\n"
      if !($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) &&
      (ref $localhost ne 'GLOB') && !(defined $main::aws)
      && !(ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' && exists $_[0]->{quiet}
      && $_[0]->{quiet}==1) &&
      (-1==index $topcaller[1],'Net/FullAuto');
   my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
   substr($caller,0,(index $caller,'::')+2)='';
   my $sub='';my $_connect='connect_host';my $cache='';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $quiet=0;
   $quiet=1 if grep { /__quiet__/ } @_;
   if ((-1<index $caller,'connect_ftp')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_ssh')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_sftp')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_secure')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_shell')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_telnet')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_insecure')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_reverse')) {
      my $connect_caller=$caller;
      $_connect=(split '::', $caller)[2];
      ($caller,$sub)=split '::', (caller(2))[3];
      if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$_[0]}) {
         if (exists $_[0]->{'loginid'}) {
         } elsif (exists $_[0]->{'login'}) {
         } elsif (exists $_[0]->{'username'}) {
      } elsif ($_[0] eq '__shell__') {
   } else {
      my @called=caller(2);
      if ((-1<index $caller,'mirror') || (-1<index $caller,'login_retry')) {
      } else {
         $caller=(caller(0))[0] if $caller=~/[(]eval[)]/;
      } $sub=~s/\s*\;\n*//
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (defined $_[1] && $_[1]=~/^[1-9]+/) {
   } elsif (defined $_[1] && (-1<index $_[1],'Cache::FileCache')) {
      unless (exists $cache->{'key'} && $cache->{'key'}) {
         if ($cache_key) {
         } else {
            handle_error("A cache object exists, ".
                         "but a cache key is not defined");
   } elsif (defined $_[1] &&
         (-1<index $_[1],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($_[1]->chi_root_class)) {
      unless (exists $cache->{'key'} && $cache->{'key'}) {
         if ($cache_key) {
         } else {
            handle_error("A cache object exists, ".
                         "but a cache key is not defined");
   } elsif ((-1==index $caller,'mirror') &&
         (-1==index $caller,'login_retry')) {
      my $time_out='$' . (caller)[0] . '::timeout';
      $time_out= eval $time_out;
      if ($@ || $time_out!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $timeout=$time_out }
   } else { print "FOUR\n";$timeout=30 }
   if (defined $_[2] && lc($_[2]) ne '__telnet__' && lc($_[2]) ne '__ftp__') {
   } elsif (defined $_[2] && (-1<index $_[2],'Cache::FileCache')) {
      unless (exists $cache->{'key'} && $cache->{'key'}) {
         if ($cache_key) {
         } else {
            handle_error("A cache object exists, ".
                         "but a cache key is not defined");
   } elsif (defined $_[2] &&
         (-1<index $_[2],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($_[2]->chi_root_class)) {
      unless (exists $cache->{'key'} && $cache->{'key'}) {
         if ($cache_key) {
         } else {
            handle_error("A cache object exists, ".
                         "but a cache key is not defined");
   } else {
      my $tst='$' . (caller)[0] . '::test';
      $tst= eval $tst;
      if ($@ || $tst!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test=$tst }
   if (!$cache && $main::cache) {
   unless (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}) {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - The First Argument to "
             ."&connect_host()\n              ->  \"$hostlabel"
             ."\"\n              Called from the User Defined "
             ."Subroutine\n              -> \&$sub\n       "
             ."       in the \"Custom Code\" module file"
             ."\n              ->   $caller   is NOT a\n"
             ."              Valid Host Label\n\n"
             ."              Be sure there is Valid Host "
             ."Block\n              Entry in the Hosts file\n"
             ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
          -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                   && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                   && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   my $new_handle='';my $stderr='';
   if ($_connect eq 'connect_ssh'
         || $_connect eq 'connect_shell'
         || $_connect eq 'connect_telnet') {
      ($new_handle,$stderr)=new Rem_Command($hostlabel,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "connect_host()1 STDERRFOR1011=$stderr<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   } else {
      ($new_handle,$stderr)=new File_Transfer($hostlabel,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "connect_host()2 STDERRFOR1011=$stderr<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNING1\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $new_handle,$stderr;
   } elsif (!$stderr) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "RETURNING2\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $new_handle;
   } else {
     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DIEINGNOWHERE\n"
        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';


sub cache

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::cache() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::cache() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
   substr($caller,0,(index $caller,'::')+2)='';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $path_to_cache_root=$_[1]||$master_transfer_dir;
   my $namespace=$_[2]||&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my @called=caller(2);
   $caller=(caller(0))[0] if $caller=~/[(]eval[)]/;
   my $sub=($called[6])?$called[6]:$called[3];
   if ($hostlabel) {
      unless (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}) {
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - The First Argument to "
                ."&cache()\n              ->  \"$hostlabel"
                ."\"\n              Called from the User Defined "
                ."Subroutine\n              -> \&$sub\n       "
                ."       in the \"Custom Code\" module file"
                ."\n              ->   $caller   is NOT a\n"
                ."              Valid Host Label\n\n"
                ."              Be sure there is Valid Host "
                ."Block\n              Entry in the Hosts file\n"
                ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                      && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                      && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
      unless (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{Cache}) {
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - There is no defined 'Cache'"
                ."item for\n              ->  \"$hostlabel"
                ."\"\n              Called from the User Defined "
                ."Subroutine\n              -> \&$sub\n       "
                ."       in the \"Custom Code\" module file"
                ."\n              ->   $caller\n\n"
                ."              Be sure there is a Valid  Cache => sub { ... },"
                ."              item/element in the Host Block labeled "
                ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                     && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                     && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
      unless (ref $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{Cache} eq 'CODE') {
         my @called=caller(2);
         $caller=(caller(0))[0] if $caller=~/[(]eval[)]/;
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - The 'Cache' item/element "
                ."for\n              ->  \"$hostlabel"
                ."\"\n              Called from the User Defined "
                ."Subroutine\n              -> \&$sub\n       "
                ."       in the \"Custom Code\" module file"
                ."\n              ->   $caller\n\n"
                ."              is not a valid reference\n"
                ."              to an anonymous subroutine:\n\n"
                ."                 Example:  Cache => sub { ... },\n\n"
                ."              in the Host Block labeled $hostlabel\n"
                ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
            && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
            && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel} and exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{Cache}) {
      return $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{Cache}->($path_to_cache_root,$namespace);
   } elsif ($main::cache) {
      return $main::cache;

sub memnow
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $all=0;
   $all=1 if $_[0] && grep { /__all__/i } @_;
   if ($_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $_[0],"cat /proc/meminfo");
            $stderr,'__cleanup__') if $stderr
            && !wantarray
   } else {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         ($stdout,$stderr)=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmd("cat /proc/meminfo");
            if $stderr && !wantarray
   if (!$all && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $cnt=0;
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
         next if !$cnt++;
         $stdout=substr($line,(rindex $line,' ')+1,-1);
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout, $stderr;
   } else {
      return $stdout;

sub handle_error

#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_Core::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_Core::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
   my $return=0;
   my $line_adjust=0;my $warn=0;
   my $error=$_[0]||'';my $track='';
   my $cleanup=0;
   my $mail='';my $new_invoked='';
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[1] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[1] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[1] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[1]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*$/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG1 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[1]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if (ref $_[2] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[2] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[2] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[2] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[2]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG2 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[2]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if (ref $_[3] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[3] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[3] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[3] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[3] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[3]=~/^-(\d+)/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG3 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[3]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[4] && $_[4]) {
      if (ref $_[4] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[4] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[4] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[4] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[4] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[4]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG4 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[4]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[5] && $_[5]) {
      if (ref $_[5] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[5] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[5] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[5] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[5] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[5]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG5 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[5]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[6] && $_[6]) {
      if (ref $_[6] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[6] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[6] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[6] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[6] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[6]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG6 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[6]<==\n";
   } my $line='';
   if ($line_adjust) {
      if (unpack('a1',$line_adjust) eq '-') {
         $line_adjust=unpack('x1 a*',$line_adjust);
      } else {
   } else { $line=$topcaller[2] }
   my $tie_err='';my $trackdb='';my $hostlabel='';
   my $command='';my $suberr='';
   if ($track) {
      $suberr=${$track}[3] if defined ${$track}[3] && ${$track}[3];
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $tref='';
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($invoked[2],$tref);
      $tref=eval $tref;
      if (!$status && exists ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$command"}
            && ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$command"}
            eq $error) {
         # loop the contents of the file
         my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
            if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
         undef $cursor;
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 1,'';
      } elsif ($suberr && exists ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$suberr"}
            && ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$suberr"}
            eq $suberr) {
         # loop the contents of the file
         my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
            if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
         undef $cursor;
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 1,'';
      } else {
         my $put_tref=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($tref)->Out();
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      # loop the contents of the file
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
      undef $cursor;
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   } my $errtxt='';
   if (10<length $error && unpack('a11',$error) ne 'FATAL ERROR') {
      $errtxt="$error\n\n       at $topcaller[0] "
             ."$topcaller[1] line $line.\n";
   } else {
   if ($errtxt=~/^You have mail/) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\nAttn: --> $errtxt\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      print "\nAttn: --> $errtxt\n\n";
   } elsif ($track || $return || $cleanup) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n       $errtxt"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      print "\n       $errtxt"
   if ($mail) {
      if ($warn) {
      } else { send_email($mail,$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) }
   } elsif (!$mail && exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
         lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error'
         && ($track && ($cleanup || $return))) {
      my %mail=(Body=>"       $errtxt");
      if ($warn) {
      } else { send_email(\%mail,$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) }
   if ($track) {
      if (wantarray) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 0,$errtxt;
      } else {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 0,'';
   } elsif ($cleanup) {
   } else {

   (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if
   !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   (join ' ',@topcaller)," and ERROR=$errtxt<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

      if ($return && $warn) {
         print "\n       $errtxt\n";
      } else { handle_error($errtxt,'__cleanup__') }

sub lookup_hostinfo_from_label
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "lookup_hostinfo_from_label() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "lookup_hostinfo_from_label() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $ip='';my $hostname='';my $use='';my $ms_share='';
   my $ms_domain='';my $cmd_cnct=[''];my $ftr_cnct=[''];
   my $login_id='';my $su_id='';my $chmod='';my $ping='';
   my $owner='';my $group='';my $transfer_dir='';
   my $uname='';my $proxy='';my $identityfile='';
   my $ip_flag='';my $hn_flag='';my $password='';
   my $spawn='bash';my $local_pw='';my $noretry='',my $log='';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $_connect=$_[1]||'';my $debug='';
   $hostlabel="__Master_${$}__" if lc($hostlabel) eq 'localhost';
   my $timeout=0;
   $use=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Use'} if exists
        $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Use'} &&
   my $defined_use=0;
   $defined_use=$use if $use;
   $ping=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Ping'} if exists
        $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Ping'} &&
   foreach my $key (keys %{$Hosts{$hostlabel}}) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "KEY FROM HOST HASH=$key and USE=$use\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

      if (!$use || (!$defined_use && $ip && !$hostname)) {
         if (lc($key) eq 'ip') {
            if (ref $Hosts{$hostlabel}{$key} eq 'CODE') {
            } else {
            if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip} || $ping) {
               if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip}
                     || !(&ping($ip,'__return__'))[1]) {
               } else { $ip_flag=1 }
         } elsif (lc($key) eq 'hostname') {
            if ($hostname && $ping) {
               if (&ping($hostname,'__return__')) {
               } else {
                  my $pinghost=$hostname;
                     (index $hostname,'.'))
                     if -1<index $hostname,'.';
                  if (&ping($pinghost,'__return__')) {
                  } else { $hn_flag=1 }
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'ip') {
         if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip} && $ping) {
            unless (&ping($ip,'__return__')) {
               if ($defined_use eq 'ip') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'hostname') {
         if ($ping) {
            my $pinghost=$hostname;
               (index $hostname,'.'))
               if -1<index $hostname,'.';
            unless (&ping($pinghost,'__return__')) {
               if ($defined_use eq 'hostname') {
      if (lc($key) eq 'ms_share') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'MS_Domain') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Remote') {
         my $rem_cnct=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{$key};
         if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
            if ($_connect && $rem_cnct ne $_connect) {
               if (($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ssh'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_telnet'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_sftp'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_ftp')
                     || (($_connect eq 'connect_secure'
                     || $_connect eq 'connect_insecure')
                     && ($rem_cnct ne 'connect_host'
                     && $rem_cnct ne 'connect_reverse'))) {
                  my $die.="\n              \"Remote\" Value:  \'$rem_cnct\'"
                         ."\n              for Host Block  --> $hostlabel"
                         ."\n              in file "
                         ."\n              conflicts with calling connect"
                         ."\n              method:  $_connect";
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_secure') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_insecure') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_host') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_reverse') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];
         } else {
            if ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_secure') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ssh') {
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_sftp') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ]; 
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_host') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_insecure') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_telnet') {
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ftp') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
            } elsif ($ftr_cnct eq 'connect_reverse') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];
      } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 'l') && (lc($key) eq 'loginid'
            || $key eq 'login')) {
      } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 's') && (lc($key) eq 'su' ||
            lc($key) eq 'su_id' || lc($key) eq 'suloginid'
            || lc($key) eq 'suid' || lc($key) eq 'sulogin')) {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'chmod') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'owner') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'group') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'timeout') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'transferdir') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'uname') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'password') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'debug') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'quiet') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'proxy') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'identityfile') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'noretry') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'spawn') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'localpw') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'log') {
            unless $LOG;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   if (!$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
      if ($_connect eq 'connect_secure') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_host') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_ssh') {
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_sftp') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_shell') {
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'shell' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_telnet') {
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_ftp') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_insecure') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_reverse') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WHAT IS USE?=$use\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if ((!$use || (!$ip && !$hostname)) && $_connect ne 'connect_shell') {
      my $die="Cannot Contact Server \'$hostlabel\' -";
      my $fah=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host;
      if ($ip_flag) {
         $die.="\n              ping (1) failed for ip address $ip";
         if ($hn_flag) {
            $die.="\n              and hostname: $hostname\n" if $hostname;
         } &handle_error($die);
      } elsif ($hn_flag) {
         $die.="\n              ping (2) failed for hostname: $hostname  &"
             ."\n              No ip address if defined for Server"
             ."\n              --> $hostlabel  in $fah file.";
      } elsif ($hostname || ($use eq 'ip' && !$ip)) {
      } elsif ($ip) {
      } else {
         $die.="\n              No ip address or hostname defined for Server"
             ."\n              --> $hostlabel  in $fah file.";
   } elsif ($use eq 'hostname' && !$hostname && $ip) {
   } elsif ($use eq 'ip' && !$ip && $hostname) {
   return ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,


sub pty_do_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: FA_Core::pty_do_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nFA_Core::pty_do_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $cmd='';my @args=();
   my $pty='';my $pty_err='';my $try=0;
   my $capture = IO::Capture::Stderr->new();
   while (1) {
      my $m="Hint: Try Rebooting the Local Host";
      eval {
         $pty = IO::Pty->new;
      if ($@) {
         if ($@=~/Cannot open/is && $try++!=4) {
            sleep $try;next;
         } else {
            my @all_lines = $capture->read || ();
               $@."\n        $all_lines[$#all_lines]\n       $m");
      } else { last }
   $try=0;my $child='';
   my $cmd_err=join ' ',@{$cmd};
   my $one=shift @{$cmd};
   my $doslave=${$cmd}[$#{$cmd}] eq '_slave_' ? pop @{$cmd} : '';
   my $two='';my $three='';
   my $four='';my $five='';
   if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
      $two=shift @{$cmd};
      if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
         $three=shift @{$cmd};
         if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
            $four=shift @{$cmd};
   while (1) {
      my $m="Hint: Try Rebooting the Local Host";
      eval {
         $child = fork;
      if ($@) {
         if ($@=~/temporarily unavailable/ && $try++!=4) {
            sleep 5;next;
         } else {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@."\n       $m");
      } else { last }
   return $pty,$child if $child; # Save Pound Sign
   POSIX::setsid or &handle_error("setsid failed: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   my $tty = $pty->slave; # Save Pound Sign
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') || ($doslave eq '_slave_'); # Save Pound Sign
   CORE::close $pty; # Save Pound Sign

   STDIN->fdopen($tty,"<")  or &handle_error("STDIN: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   STDOUT->fdopen($tty,">") or &handle_error("STDOUT: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   STDERR->fdopen($tty,">") or &handle_error("STDERR: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   CORE::close $tty; # Save Pound Sign
   $| = 1; # Save Pound Sign
   #my $flag=''; # Save Pound Sign
   #if (!$flag || lc($flag) ne '__use_parent_env__') {
   if ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::specialperms eq 'setgid') {
      $ENV{PATH} = ''; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}  = ''; # Save Pound Sign
   } else {
      $ENV{PATH}=~/^(.*)$/; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{PATH}=$1; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}||=''; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}=~/^(.*)$/; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}=$1; # Save Pound Sign
   $ENV{DISPLAY}=''; # Save Pound Sign
   if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
      print "\n"; # Save Pound Sign

   if ($four) {
      exec $one, $two, $three, $four ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } elsif ($three) {
      exec $one, $two, $three ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } elsif ($two) {
      exec $one, $two ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } else {
      exec $one ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE


sub apache_login
print "APACHE_LOGINCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($ip,$hostlabel,$hostname,$info,$apache_handle,$ua)=@_;
   my @info=@{$info};
   my %apache_handle=%{$apache_handle};
   my %ua=%{$ua};
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $an='';
   eval {
      #$apache_handle{$info[2]} = new LWP::UserAgent;
#print "GP1\n";
            "$progname " . $ua->agent);
   if ($@) {
      return $@;

sub test_file

   my ($cmd_handle,$tfile)=@_;my $test_result=0;
   my $shell_cmd="if\n[[ -f $tfile ]]\nthen\nif\n[[ -w $tfile ]]"
                ."\nthen\necho WRITE\nelse\necho READ\nfi\n"
                ."else\necho NOFILE\nfi";
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   return $stdout;


sub test_dir

   my ($cmd_handle,$tdir)=@_;my $test_result=0;
   my $shell_cmd='';
   if (exists $ENV{'SHELL'} && -1<index $ENV{'SHELL'},'bash') {
      #$shell_cmd="if\n[[ -d $tdir ]]\nthen\nif\n[[ -w $tdir ]]"
      #          ."\nthen\necho WRITE\nelse\necho READ\nfi\n"
      #          ."else\necho NODIR\nfi";
      $shell_cmd="if [[ -d $tdir ]]; then ".
                 "if [[ -w $tdir ]]; then echo WRITE; ".
                 "else echo READ; fi; else echo NODIR; fi";
   } else {
      #$shell_cmd="if [ -d $tdir ]; then\nif [ -w $tdir ];"
      #          ." then\necho WRITE\nelse\necho READ\nfi\n"
      #          ."else\necho NODIR\nfi";
      $shell_cmd="if [[ -d $tdir ]]; then ".
                 "if [[ -w $tdir ]]; then echo WRITE; ".
                 "else echo READ; fi; else echo NODIR; fi";
   my ($stdout,$stderr,$retcod)=('','','');
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
   } else {
   return $stdout;


sub inc_oct
   my $num=$_[0];
   while (1) {
      return $num if (-1==index $num,'8') && (-1==index $num,'9')

sub get_prompt {
   unless ($#ascii_que) {
   } return shift @ascii_que;

sub clean_filehandle

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::clean_filehandle() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::clean_filehandle() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $filehandle=$_[0];
   my $cftimeout=$_[1]||0;
   my $command=$_[2]||'';
   if (!defined $filehandle || -1==index $filehandle,'GLOB'
         || !defined fileno $filehandle) {
      if (defined $filehandle && (-1==index $filehandle,'GLOB')) {
         eval {
               if exists $filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->{_cmd_handle} &&
               (-1==index $filehandle,'GLOB');
         if (($@ && -1==index $filehandle,'GLOB') ||
               !defined fileno $filehandle) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '','Invalid filehandle';
            } else {
                 "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
                 "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
                 "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
      } else {
         if (wantarray) {
            if ($cftimeout) {
               my $die='';
               if ($command) {

      The Command:


      did not complete before timeout => $timeout seconds.
      This is common if the command takes more than $timeout
      seconds to complete, and/or no output is generated
      within $timeout seconds.

               } else {

      Command did not complete before timeout => $timeout seconds.
      This is common if the command takes more than $timeout
      seconds to complete, and/or no output is generated
      within $timeout seconds.

      Increase the timeout for the command, or if it is a script
      or program you authored, consider adding verbose output
      that appears before the timeout of $timeout seconds expires.

               return $die;
            } else {
               return '','Invalid filehandle';
         } else {
               "$filehandle is NOT a valid filehandle".
               "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
               "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
               "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
   } my $loop=0;my $sec=0;my $ten=0;my $hun=5;my $closederror='';
   while (1) {
      $filehandle->print(' cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                         ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                         '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('printf').
                         'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                         '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
      if ($loop==100) {
         my $die="100 attempts without indication that filehandle is clean";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else {
      my $wait=$sec.'.'.$ten.$hun;
      if ($wait!=3.00) {
         if ($hun==9) {
            if ($ten==9) {
            } else {
         } else { $hun++ }
         if $loop++!=1; # sleep;
      my $eval_out='';my $eval_err='';
      ($eval_out,$eval_err)=eval {
         my $all_lines='';my $loop2=0;
         while (my $line=$filehandle->get(Timeout=>30)) {
#print "CLEAN_LINE=$line and ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-<==\n";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\nclean_filehandle() ",
               "(((((((CLEAN_LINE))))))):\n       CLEAN_LINE=$line AND ",
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if ($line=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
               return '',$line;
            } elsif ((-1<index $all_lines,
                  "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray->[0]_-") ||
                  (-1<index $all_lines,'Killed')) {
               if ($all_lines=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
                  return '','';
               } else {
            } elsif (-1<index $all_lines,'Exit status') {
               $closederror='Exit status 0';
            } elsif (
                  $all_lines=~/(Conn.*reset|Conn.*closed|filehandle.*isn)/s) {
            } elsif ($loop2==100) {
               my $die="100 attempts without indication ".
                       "that filehandle is clean";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else {
            if ($wait!=3.00) {
               if ($hun==9) {
                  if ($ten==9) {
                  } else {
               } else { $hun++ }
               if $loop2++!=1; # sleep;
      if ($@) {
         print "\nmain::clean_filehandle() ERROR:\n$@\n       ",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nmain::clean_filehandle() ERROR:\n$@\n       ",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         my $prompt=$filehandle->prompt;
         $filehandle->print("echo DONE");
         sleep 1;
         eval {
            my $prompt=substr($filehandle->prompt,1,-1);
            while (my $line=$filehandle->get(Timeout=>10)) {
               print "\nINFO: main::clean_filehandle() INFO:".
                  "\n\FLUSH IT ALL=$line<==\n       \n       ",
                  (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nmain::clean_filehandle() INFO:".
                  "\n\FLUSH IT ALL=$line<==\n       \n       ",
                  (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               last if $line=~/$prompt/s;
         if ($@) {
            print "\nINFO: main::clean_filehandle() ERROR:".
               "\nWE TIMED OUT TRYING TO SALVAGE SOCKET\n       \n       ",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nmain::clean_filehandle() ERROR:".
               "\nWE TIMED OUT TRYING TO SALVAGE SOCKET\n       \n       ",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         } else {
            return '','';
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$@;
         } else {
               "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
               "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
               "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
      } elsif ($eval_err && $eval_err=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
         return '',$eval_err;
      } elsif ($closederror) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$closederror;
         } else {
               "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
               "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
               "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
      } else {
         # sleep for 1/50th second;
         return '',''
} ## END of &clean_filehandle

sub master_transfer_dir

   my $localhost=$_[0];
   my $tdir='';my $transfer_dir='';my $curdir='';my $retcod='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $work_dirs={};my $endp=0;my $testd='';
   while (1) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $cdr='';
         if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
            my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
            $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
         } else {
               "cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         $work_dirs->{_pre}=$curdir.'/' if $curdir ne '/';
      } else {
         $work_dirs->{_pre}=$curdir.'/' if $curdir ne '/';
      if (!$curdir || $curdir=~/^\s*$/s ||
            256<length $curdir || $curdir=~/\n/s) {
            "(TRYING AGAIN):",
            " ==>$curdir<== ".
            " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            " ==>$curdir<== ".
            " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      last if $curdir;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $tdir=~/^[\\|\/]/
            && $tdir!~/$localhost->{_cygdrive_regex}/o) {
         if (($work_dirs->{_tmp},$work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin})
               $tdir,'Destination','',"__Master_${$}__")) {
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
                     'cd '.${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::work_dirs}{_tmp});
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            } else {
                  'TransferDir not Writable');
      } elsif ($tdir=~/^[a-zA-Z]:/) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$tdir);
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               if ($tdir ne $curdir) {
                     'cd '.$work_dirs->{_cwd});
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
               } else {
               return $work_dirs;
            } else {
                  "TransferDir not Writable and TESTD=$testd<==".
                  " and work_dirs-_cwd=$work_dirs->{_cwd}<==");
         my $warn="Cannot cd to $tdir\n\tOperating " .
                 "System is $^O - NOT cygwin!";
         warn "$warn       $!";
      } $tdir=~tr/\\/\//;
      if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
         my $drive='';my $path='';
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 a*',$tdir);
         if ($tdir ne $curdir) {
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  'cd '.$work_dirs->{_cwd});
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $tdir");
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         } else {
               if $^O eq 'cygwin';
            if $^O eq 'cygwin';
         return $work_dirs;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd /tmp;pwd",'__delay__=20');
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nTTTTTTT cd /tmp TTTTTTT OUTPUT ==>$output<== ",
         "and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
         "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      print "\nTTTTTTT cd /tmp TTTTTTT OUTPUT ==>$output<== ",
         "and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
         "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      if (!$stderr || ($stderr=~/^.*cd \/tmp 2[>][&]1$/)) {
         my $cnt=2;
         while ($cnt--) {
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            my $cdr='';
            if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
               my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
               $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
            } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  "cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir() of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               return $work_dirs;
            } elsif ($testd eq 'READ' || $testd eq 'NOFILE') {
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd('cd -')
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      my ($output1,$output2)=&File_Transfer::get_drive(
      if ($output1) {
         if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
               'cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
            &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         return $work_dirs;
      if ($output1) {
         if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
               'cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
            &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         return $work_dirs;
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $home_dir");
      my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      if (!$stderr) {
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $cdr='';
         if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
            my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
            $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
         } else {
               $localhost,"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
            return $work_dirs;
         } else {
            ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd('cd -')
            &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
         return $work_dirs;
      } else {
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
                ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!";
   } $testd=&test_dir($localhost,'/tmp');
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      ($output,$stderr,$retcod)=$localhost->cmd('cd /tmp')
         if '/tmp' ne $curdir;
      &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      return $work_dirs;
   } $testd=&test_dir($localhost,$home_dir);
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      ($output,$stderr,$retcod)=$localhost->cmd("cd $home_dir")
         if $home_dir ne $curdir;
      &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      return $work_dirs;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir() of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   print "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      return $work_dirs;
   } else {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
             ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!";


sub master_transfer_dir_no_telnet_login

   #my $transfer_dir='';
   my $curdir=Cwd::getcwd();
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}
         && -d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}
         && -w _) {
      if (unpack('x1 a1',"$master_transfer_dir") eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 @2 a*',$master_transfer_dir);
   } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' &&
               $^O ne 'MSWin32' &&
               $^O ne 'MSWin64' &&
               $ENV{OS} ne 'Windows_NT' &&
               -d '/tmp' && -w _) {
   } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                        -d $localhost->{_cygdrive}.'/c/tmp' && -w _) {
   } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                       -d $localhost->{_cygdrive}.'/c/temp' && -w _) {
   } elsif (-d $home_dir && -w _) {
      if (unpack('@1 a1',$master_transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$master_transfer_dir);
   } elsif (!(-w $curdir)) {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
             ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!\n";
      print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                   || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                   && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   } else {
print "GETTING CURDIR FOR TRANSFER=",cwd(),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GETTING CURDIR FOR TRANSFER=",cwd(),"\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return $master_transfer_dir;


sub getpasswd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::getpasswd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::getpasswd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   unless (exists $Hosts{$mr}) {
   my $hostlabel=$_[0]||$mr;
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   if ((exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'cyberark'})
         || (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CyberArk'})
         || (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CYBERARK'})) {
      my $capath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('clipasswordsdk');
      my $app_id=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'ca_appid'}||'';
      my $ca_das=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'ca_das'}||'';
      my $ca_safe=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'ca_safe'}||'';
      $ca_das=";DualAccountStatus=$ca_das" if $ca_das;
      $ca_safe="Safe=$ca_safe;" if $ca_safe;
      my $ca_host=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'ca_host'}||'localhost';
      my $ca_user=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'loginid'}||$username;
      my $cmd="${capath}clipasswordsdk GetPassword -p "
             ."AppDescs.AppID=$app_id -p Query=\"${ca_safe}Address="
             ."$ca_das\" -p RequiredProps=* -o Password";
      unless ($ca_das) {
         $cmd="${capath}clipasswordsdk GetPassword -p "
             ."AppDescs.AppID=$app_id -p Query=\"${ca_safe}Address="
             ."$hostname;Username=$ca_user\" "
             ."-p RequiredProps=* -o Password";
      if ($ca_host=~/localhost/i or !$ca_host) {
         unless (keys %{$localhost}) {
      } else {
      return $stdout;
   my $sshport='';
   if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
   $login_id=$_[1] if $_[1];
   my $force=0;my $su_login=0;
   my $errmsg='';
   my $track='';my $prox='';
   my $pass='';my $save_passwd='';
   my $cmd_type='';my $status='';
   my $encrypted_passwd='';
   my $bdb='';
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[3] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[4] && $_[4]) {
      if ($_[4] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[4] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[5] && $_[5]) {
      if ($_[5] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[5] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[6] && $_[6]) {
      if ($_[6] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[6] eq '__su__') {
   if (defined $_[7] && $_[7]) {
      if ($_[7] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[7] eq '__su__') {
   my $cipher='';
   if ($passetts->[0]) {
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   if (!$hostlabel) {
      my $herr="HOSTLABEL or LABEL needed for first arguement to &getpasswd()"
              ."\n\n              Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
              .(caller(0))[2]." :\n       ";
   my $key='';
   my $local_host_flag=0;my $href='';
   my $label_for_db=$hostlabel;
   my $passlabel=$hostlabel;
   if ((exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel} && !$sshport) ||
         ($hostlabel eq $mr)) {
      return $local_pw if $local_pw;
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan) {
      #my $pl=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan->{Number};
#print "WHAT IS PL=$pl<==\n";<STDIN>;
      if ($local_host_flag && $username eq $login_id) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
   } else {
      if ($local_host_flag && $username eq $login_id) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::scrub) {
      unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
      } else {
         delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass{$key};
   my $kind='prod';
   $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to "
           . $Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}
   unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
      print $LOG "PASSWDDB=",
         if -1<index $LOG,'*';
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
      } else {
         $href=eval $href;
      print $LOG "HREF=$href and KEY=$key and KEYS=",
         (join "\n",keys %{$href}),"<==\n"
         if -1<index $LOG,'*';
      if (exists $href->{$key} && !$force) {
         my $pspath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ps');
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
            "${pspath}ps -e",'__escape__');
            if $stderr;
         my $encrypted_passwd=$href->{$key};
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
            if ($ky=~/_X_(\d+)_X_\d+$/) {
               my $one=$1;
               delete $href->{$ky} if (-1==index $stdout,$one);
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         eval {
            # Dont' know why this was here
            chop $pass if $pass eq substr($pass,0,(rindex $pass,'.')).'X'
               && $^O eq 'cygwin';
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT IS PASS=$pass<====\n";
# print "WHAT IS PASS=$pass<==== and PASSLABEL=$passlabel\n";sleep 5;
         return $pass if $pass && $pass!~tr/\0-\37\177-\377//;
         if (!$pass && $oldpasswd) {
            my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($oldpasswd,
      } elsif (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}
            and $passlabel eq 'localhost') {
      } elsif (keys %{$href}) {
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
            if ($ky=~/_X_(\d+)_X_\d+$/) {
               unless (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($1)) {
                  delete $href->{$ky}
                     unless &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($1);
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      } else {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      &scrub_passwd_file($hostlabel,$login_id) if
         $errmsg=~/Permission denied|[Pp]assword:/s;
         # SCRUB PROBLEM;
   } elsif (!$force && (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass{$key})) {
   if (!$save_passwd) {
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
            my $die="\n\nBoth 'cron' and 'tosspass' Conditions"
                   ." Active.\n\n              Hostlabel:  "
                   ." $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id\n    "
                   ."          Needed For:  $host\n\n        "
                   ."      &getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - 'cron' and 'tossposs' are incompatible "
                   ."conditions "
                   ."\n          and cannot be specified together for any "
                   ."FullAuto "
                   ."\n          invocation.\n";
            return '',$die;
         } elsif ($host) {
            my $die="Invalid Password Stored for\n\n              Hostlabel:  "
                   ." $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id\n    "
                   ."          Needed For:  $host\n\n        "
                   ."      &getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - Run $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname outside "
                   ."of cron and enter "
                   ."\n         the correct Password when prompted.\n";
            return '',$die;
         } else {
            my $die="Invalid Password Stored for\n\n              Label:"
                   ."   $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id"
                   ."\n\n              "
                   ."&getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - Run $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname "
                   ."outside of cron and enter "
                   ."\n         the correct Password when prompted.\n";
            return '',$die;
      my $loop_count=0;
      while (1) {
         print $blanklines;
         my $errm=$errmsg;
         $errm=~s/^(.*) (at .*)$/$1\n  $2/s;
         if ($errmsg) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE (1) -> $errm";
            } else {
               print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> $errm";
         my $print1='';
         if ($ms_domain) {
            if ($local_host_flag) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (1) the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host \'$passlabel\' - $host)"
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host \'$passlabel\' - $host)"
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (2) the MS Domain password "
                         ."for $login_id"
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\' - $host)\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\' - $host)\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (3) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         } elsif ($login_id eq 'root') {
            if ($local_host_flag) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (4) the \'root\' password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for "
                         ."HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the \'root\' password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for "
                         ."HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (5) the \'root\' password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the \'root\' password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (6) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         } else {
            if ($local_host_flag) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (7) $login_id\'s "
                         ."password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Local Host \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter $login_id\'s password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Local Host \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (8) $login_id\'s password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter $login_id\'s password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (9) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         my $passwd_timeout=350;
         my $te_time=time;
         eval {
            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") }; 
               # \n required
            local $SIG{INT}  = sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("int\n") };
            print $print1;
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n  Password (1): ";
            } else {
               print "\n  Password: ";
            ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n" or $@ eq "int\n") {

            print "\n\n";
            $errmsg.="\n\n       ".
                     "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.\n";
            if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
                  lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error') {
               my $body='';
               if ($errmsg) {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE (2) -> $errmsg";
                  } else {
                     $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> $errmsg";
               $body.=$print1;my $subject='';
               if ($host) {
                  $subject="Login Failed for $login_id on $host";
               } else {
                  $subject="Authentication Failed";
               my %mail=(
                  'Body'    => $body,
                  'Subject' => $subject
            if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                  "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
            } else {
                  "Interupt Signal Received - FullAuto will exit",
         my $te_time2=time;
         if (10<$loop_count ||
               (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
               !$save_passwd)) {
            if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
               print "\n";
               "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
               "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
               "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
               "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
               "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
               "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
               "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
               "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
               "\n              was previously saved".
               "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
               "\n              --password option (with no actual".
               "\n              password following the option) and".
               "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
               "\n              with the resulting menus.",
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
               lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error') {
            my $body='';
            if ($errmsg) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE (3) -> $errmsg";
               } else {
                  $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> $errmsg";
            $body.=$print1;my $subject='';
            if ($host) {
               $subject="Login Failed for $login_id on $host";
            } else {
               $subject="Authentication Failed";
            my %mail=(
               'Body'    => $body,
               'Subject' => $subject
         last if $save_passwd;
   unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
      } else {
         $href=eval $href;
      while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
      $save_passwd.='X' if $save_passwd
         eq substr($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname,0,
         (rindex $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname,'.'));
      my $cipher='';
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher) {
         if ($Hosts{$mr}{'Cipher'}
               =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
            if (8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt(
                  $passetts->[0])) {
               $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
            } else {
               $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
         } else {
            $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
         my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($save_passwd);
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      } else {
         my $rstr=new String::Random;
         if ($Hosts{$mr}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
         } else {
         my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
         undef $passwd[0];
         my @tpass=@{$passetts}[0..1];
         my $put_href=
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   } else {
   return $save_passwd;


sub chgdir
   my $pwd='';my $destdir=$_[1];
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   $cmd_handle->cmd("cd $destdir");
   if ($pwd eq $_[1] or "$pwd/" eq "$_[1]") { return 1 }
   else {
      print "FATAL ERROR! The directory \"$_[1]\" does NOT exist!";
      return 0;

sub runcmd # USAGE: &runcmd(FileHandle, "command_to_run_string")

    my @output=${$_[0]}->cmd($_[1]);
    foreach (@output) {
       if (/Execute permiss/) {
          print "FATAL ERROR! Execute permission denied for command:";
          print "--> $_[1]\n";
          return 0;
    } return \@output;

sub check_if_websphere_is_running

   my ($cmd_handle,$applic)=@_;
   return if $websphere_not_running==1;
   my @ls=$cmd_handle->cmd("ls -C1 /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin");
   my $wscp_UX||='';
   @ls=grep { /^wscp/ } @ls;
   print "--> Verifying that WebSphere is Offline ...\n";
   my $wscp_sub = sub {
      my $wscp_copy=$wscp_UX;
      substr($wscp_copy,(index $wscp_UX,'__JVM__'),7)=$_[1];
      #   || handle_error(
      #         "Cannot &chgdir /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin");
      my ($output,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cwd(
      &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      my $app='';
      $output=&runcmd($_[0],$wscp_copy) ||
         &handle_error("Cannot &runcmd $wscp_copy");
      my @output=@{$output};
      if ($applic eq 'member') { $app='Empire' }
      elsif ($applic eq 'provider') { $app='Provider' }
      foreach (@output) {
         if (/Running|Initializing/ &&
               (($app eq 'Empire' && /(EmpireServer.*)}/m) ||
               ($app eq 'Provider' && /(ProviderServer.*)}/m))) {
            my $serv="";($serv=$1)=~s/}.*$//;
            my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - \"$serv\" is RUNNING!\n\n";
            print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   foreach (@ls) {
      my $num='';
      $num='' if substr($num,0,4)=='wscp';
   } $websphere_not_running=1;


sub apache_download

   $| = 1;  # autoflush
   my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
   my ($file,$host,$hostlabel)=@_;
   my ($size,$start_t,$length,$flength,$last_dur)='';

   $ua->agent("$progname " . $ua->agent);
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
#print "GP3\n";

   my $url="http://${$ApacheNode[0]}[0]/download/$_[0]";
   my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
   my $shown = 0; # have we called the show() function yet
   my $res = $ua->request($req,
      sub {
         my $res = $_[1];
         open(FILE, ">$file") ||
            &handle_error("Can't open $file: ");
         binmode FILE;
         $length = $res->content_length;
         $flength = fbytes($length) if defined $length;
         $start_t = time;
         $last_dur = 0;
         $size += length($_[0]);
         print FILE $_[0];
         if (defined $length) {
             my $dur  = time - $start_t;
             if ($dur != $last_dur) {  # don't update too often
                $last_dur = $dur;
                my $perc = $size / $length;
                my $speed = fbytes($size/$dur) . "/sec" if $dur > 3;
                my $secs_left = fduration($dur/$perc - $dur);
                $perc = int($perc*100);
                my $show = "$perc% of $flength";
                $show .= " (at $speed, $secs_left remaining)" if $speed;
                show($show, 1);
         } else {
            show( fbytes($size) . " received");

   if ($res->is_success || $res->message =~ /^Interrupted/) {
      print "\r";
      print fbytes($size);
      print " of ", fbytes($length) if defined($length) && $length != $size;
      print " received";
      my $dur = time - $start_t;
      if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
            || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
            && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
         if ($dur) {
            my $speed = fbytes($size/$dur) . "/sec";
            print " in ", fduration($dur), " ($speed)";
         print "\n";
      my $died = $res->header("X-Died");
      if ($died || !$res->is_success) {
         if (-t) {
            print "Transfer aborted.  Delete $file? [n] ";
            my $ans = <STDIN>;
            unlink($file) if defined($ans) && $ans =~ /^y\n/;
         } else {
            print "Transfer aborted, $file kept\n";
   } else {
      print "\n" if $shown;
      print "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.pl: ", $res->status_line, "\n";
      exit 1;


sub fbytes
   my $n = int(shift);
   if ($n >= 1024 * 1024) {
      return sprintf "%.3g MB", $n / (1024.0 * 1024);
   } elsif ($n >= 1024) {
      return sprintf "%.3g KB", $n / 1024.0;
   } else {
      return "$n bytes";

sub fduration
   use integer;
   my $secs = int(shift);
   my $hours = $secs / (60*60);
   $secs -= $hours * 60*60;
   my $mins = $secs / 60;
   $secs %= 60;
   if ($hours) {
      return "$hours hours $mins minutes";
   } elsif ($mins >= 2) {
      return "$mins minutes";
   } else {
      $secs += $mins * 60;
      return "$secs seconds";


    my @ani = qw(- \ | /);
    my $ani = 0;

    sub show
        my($mess, $show_ani) = @_;
        print "\r$mess" . (" " x (75 - length $mess));
        print $show_ani ? "$ani[$ani++]\b" : " ";
        $ani %= @ani;


sub Net::Telnet::select_dir
print "NetSELECTDIRCALLER=",caller,"\n";#<STDIN>;
   return File_Transfer::select_dir(@_);

sub Net::Telnet::diff
   return File_Transfer::diff(@_);

sub Net::Telnet::mirror
   return File_Transfer::mirror(@_);

sub send_email

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::send_email() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::send_email() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $usage='notify_on_error';my $mail_module='Mail::Sender';
   my $mail_method='';my $mail_server='';my $mail_port='';
   my $bcc='';my $cc='';my $content_type='';my $priority='';
   my $content_transfer_encoding='';my $content_disposition='';
   my $date='';my $from='';my $keywords='';my $message_id='';
   my $mime_version='';my $organization='';my $received='';
   my $references='';my $reply_to='';my $resent_from='';
   my $return_path='';my $sender='';my $subject='';my $body='';
   my $to='';my $sendemail=0;my $done_warning=0;my $transport='';
   my $head='';my $mail_sender='';my %mail_sender_defaults=();
   my $mail_info=$_[0];my $ent='';
   my $warn=1 if grep { lc($_) eq '__warn__' } @_;
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   #tie *debug, "Net::FullAuto::MemoryHandle";
   if (ref $mail_info eq 'HASH') {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Usage}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Usage})) {
      if ($usage ne 'notify_on_error'
               && (caller(1))[3] eq 'FA_Core::handle_error') {
         return 0;
      if (exists $mail_info->{Mail_Method}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Method})) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Mail_Server}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Server})) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Mail_Port}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Port})) {
      if ($mail_method=~/smtp/i) {
         if ($mail_server) {
            if ($mail_port) {
                   host => $mail_server,
                   prot => $mail_port 
            } else {
                   host => $mail_server
      $ent = MIME::Entity->build(Type       => "multipart/mixed",
                                 'X-Mailer' => undef);
      if (exists $mail_info->{Bcc}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Bcc})) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Cc}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Cc})) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{"Reply-To"}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{"Reply-To"})) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Priority}) {
      if (exists $mail_info->{From}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults && ref $email_defaults eq 'HASH' &&
            (exists $email_defaults{From})) {
      } else {
      if (exists $mail_info->{Subject}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Subject})) {
      } elsif ($usage eq 'notify_on_error') {
         if ($warn) {
            $subject="WARNING! from $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname";
         } else {
            $subject="FATAL ERROR! from ".
         $ent->head->mime_attr("Importance:"=>1) unless $warn;
      if (exists $mail_info->{To}) {
         if ($email_defaults &&
               (exists $email_defaults{To})) {
            push @{$to}, @{$email_defaults{To}};
         if (exists $mail_info->{To} && $mail_info->{To}) {
            if (ref $mail_info->{To} eq 'ARRAY') {
               if ($to) {
                  push @{$to}, @{$mail_info->{To}};
               } else { $to=$mail_info->{To} }
            } else {
               if ($to) {
                  push @{$to}, $mail_info->{To};
               } else { $to=$mail_info->{To} }
         if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $going_to='';
            foreach my $item (@{$to}) {
               if ($item=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
                     if exists $email_addresses{$username};
               } $going_to.="$item\,";
            } $to=substr($going_to,0,-1);
         } elsif ($to=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
               if exists $email_addresses{$username};
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{To})) {
         if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $going_to='';
            foreach my $item (@{$to}) {
               if ($item=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
                     if exists $email_addresses{
               } $going_to.="$item\,";
            } $to=substr($going_to,0,-1);
         } elsif ($to=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
               if exists $email_addresses{$username};
      if (exists $mail_info->{Attachments} &&
            $mail_info->{Attachments}) {
         if (ref $mail_info->{Attachments} eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $attach (@{$mail_info->{Attachments}}) {
               my $f='';
               if (ref $attach eq 'HASH') {
                  if (exists $attach->{Path}) {
                     unless (-f $f) {
                           "Cannot locate attachment file: $attach->{Path}");
                  } else {
                        "ERROR: No attachment file specified");
                  unless (exists $attach->{Type}) {
                     if ($attach->{Path}=~/[.](\S+)$/) {
                        my $mt=$1;
                        if (exists $mimetypes{$mt}) {
                        } else {
                     } else {
                  unless (exists $attach->{Encoding}) {

                     Path  => $attach->{Path},
                     Type  => $attach->{Type},
                     Encoding => $attach->{Encoding},

               } elsif (-f $attach) {
                  my $type='';
                  if ($attach=~/[.](\S+)$/) {
                     my $mt=$1;
                     if (exists $mimetypes{$mt}) {
                     } else {
                  } else {

                     Path  => $attach,
                     Type  => $type,
                     Encoding => 'base64'

               } else {
                     "Cannot locate attachment file: $attach");
   } elsif ($email_defaults) {
         if (exists $email_defaults{Usage});
      if ($usage ne 'notify_on_error'
               && (caller(1))[3] eq 'FA_Core::handle_error') {
         return 0;
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Server};
      $mail_port  =$email_defaults{Mail_Port}
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Port};
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Method};
      if ($mail_method=~/smtp/i) {
         if ($mail_server) {
            if ($mail_port) {
                   host => $mail_server,
                   port => $mail_port
            } else {
                   host => $mail_server
      $ent = MIME::Entity->build(Type       => "multipart/mixed",
                                 'X-Mailer' => undef);
      if (exists $email_defaults{Bcc}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{Cc}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{From}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{Subject}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{To}) {
   } else {
      warn "EMAIL ERROR - no email information defined       $!";
   if (!$sendemail && !$done_warning) {
      warn "EMAIL ERROR - no recipients defined       $!";
   if ($sendemail) {
      if (ref $mail_info eq 'HASH') {
         if (exists $mail_info->{Body}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Body})) {
         } elsif (exists $mail_info->{Msg}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Msg})) {
         } elsif (exists $mail_info->{Message}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Message})) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Body})) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Msg})) {
      $body=join '',@{$body} if ref $body eq 'ARRAY';
      $ent->attach(Data => $body);
      my $stdout_capture='';my $stderr_capture='';
      while (1) {
         my $eval_error='';
         ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=Capture::Tiny::capture {
            eval {
               if ($transport) {
               } else {
         if ($eval_error || $stdout_capture) {
            if ($eval_error=~/^\s*$/ && $stdout_capture) {
            } elsif ($stdout_capture) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $eval_error
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$eval_error,'';
            } else {
         } elsif (wantarray) {
            return 'Mail sent OK.','','';
         } elsif ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                    $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
                    !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            print "\nMail sent OK.\n";


$main::get_default_modules=sub {

   if ($Net::FullAuto::cpu) {
      my $idle=(split ',', $Net::FullAuto::cpu)[3];
      my $cpyou=100-$idle;
      if ($idle<20) {
         my $die="FATAL ERROR - CPU Usage is too high\n"
                ."              to run FullAuto safely.\n"
                ."   CPU are Starttime ==> ${cpyou}%\n";
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   unless (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'') {
      my $fd=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'';
      open (FD,">$fd") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fd: $!\n");
      print FD "package fa_global;";

my $affero=<<END;

#    Net::FullAuto - Powerful Network Process Automation Software
#    Copyright © 2000-2024  Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
#    License along with this program.  If not, see:
#    <>.
   print FD $affero."\n",
         "use strict;\n",
         "use warnings;\n\n",
         "##  Do NOT alter code ABOVE this block.\n",
         "##  -------------------------------------------------------------\n",
         "##  ADD SETTINGS HERE:\n",
         "##  -------------------------------------------------------------\n",
         "our \$berkeley_db_path = \"",$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'},"\";\n",
         "##  Do NOT alter code BELOW this block.\n",
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $default_modules='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$default_modules);
      if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
   $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   if ((-1<index $status,
         'DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found')
         || !($default_modules)
         || !exists $default_modules->{fa_code}
         || !exists $default_modules->{fa_conf}
         || !exists $default_modules->{fa_host} 
         || !exists $default_modules->{fa_menu}) {
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::connect_berkeleydb('Sets');
      my $sref={

         fa_demo => {

            Label       => 'fa_demo',
            Description => 'FullAuto Demo Module Set',
            fa_code     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
            fa_conf     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
            fa_host     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
            fa_menu     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',

      my $put_sref=
         set     => 'none',
         fa_code => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
         fa_conf => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
         fa_host => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
         fa_menu => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   return $default_modules;

my $set_default_sub=sub {

   package set_default_sub;
   my $default_set=shift;
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use File::Path;
   my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   require "$loc/";
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::connect_berkeleydb('Sets');
   my $mysets='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
   $mysets=eval $mysets; 
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   my $desc='';
   my @sets=();
   foreach my $key (keys %{$mysets}) {
      push @sets,"SET Label:   $key\n                ".
                 "Description: ".$mysets->{$key}{'Description'}; 
   return [ sort @sets ];

my $get_modules=sub {

   use File::Path;
   use File::Copy;
   my $type=$_[0]||'';
   unless ($type) {
      my $ind=rindex $type,'fa_';
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $mkdflag=0;
   unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
      $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
      unless (-d "$fadir/Custom") {
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                 'mkdir -p '.$m."\'$fadir/Custom\'";
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username") {
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                 'mkdir -p '.$m."\'$fadir/Custom/$username\'";
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                 'mkdir -p '.$m."\'$fadir/Custom/$username/$type\'";
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('cp').'cp '.
           "\'$fadir/Custom/fa_".lc($type).'.pm\' '.
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=&setuid_cmd($cmd,5);
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   if ($mkdflag && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('chmod')."chmod -Rv $mode ".
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=&setuid_cmd($cmd,5);
         if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';
   my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls')."ls -1 ".
        "\'$fadir/Custom/$username/$type\' 2>&1";
   my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sed');
   $cmd="$cmd | ${sedpath}sed -e \'s/^/stdout: /\' 2>&1";
   my @return=();
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=&setuid_cmd($cmd,5);
   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   foreach my $entry (split "\n",$stdout) {
      next if $entry eq '.';
      next if $entry eq '..';
      next if -d $entry;
      push @return, $entry;
   return \@return;

my $custmm=<<'FIN';
    __  __                __  __         _      _
   |  \/  |___ _ _ _  _  |  \/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | |\/| / -_) ' \ || | | |\/| / _ \/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_|  |_\___|_||_\_,_| |_|  |_\___/\__,_|\_,_|_\___|


my $custpm=<<'FIN';
    __  __                __  __         _      _
   |  \/  |__ _ _ __ ___ |  \/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | |\/| / _` | '_ (_-< | |\/| / _ \/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_|  |_\__,_| .__/__/ |_|  |_\___/\__,_|\_,_|_\___|


my $custhm=<<'FIN';
    _  _        _     __  __         _      _
   | || |___ __| |_  |  \/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | __ / _ (_-<  _| | |\/| / _ \/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_||_\___/__/\__| |_|  |_\___/\__,_|\_,_|_\___|


my $custfm=<<'FIN';
    ___           __   __  __         _      _
   / __|___ _ _  / _| |  \/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
  | (__/ _ \ ' \|  _| | |\/| / _ \/ _` | || | / -_)
   \___\___/_||_|_|   |_|  |_\___/\__,_|\_,_|_\___|


my $custcm=<<'FIN';
    ___         _       __  __         _      _
   / __|___  __| |___  |  \/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
  | (__/ _ \/ _` / -_) | |\/| / _ \/ _` | || | / -_)
   \___\___/\__,_\___| |_|  |_\___/\__,_|\_,_|_\___|


my $fabann=sub {

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $type=$_[1]||'';
   unless ($type) {
      my $ind=rindex $type,'fa_';
   my $caps='';
   if ($type eq 'code') {
   } elsif ($type eq 'conf') {
   } elsif ($type eq 'host') {
   } else {
   my $set='';
   if ($default_modules->{'set'} ne 'none') {
      $set="   WARNING!: Set \'$default_modules->{'set'}\'".
           " is currently the Default Set;\n             ".
           "it will be changed to \'none\' if you proceed.\n".
           "             Run  \'fa --set\'  to work with ".
           "FullAuto Sets.\n\n";
   return "   CURRENT MODULE DEFAULTS when Default Set".
          " is \'none\':\n\n   Code  =>  ".
          "   Conf  =>  ".
          "   Host  =>  ".
          "   Maps  =>  ".
          "$caps$set   Please select the fa_".$type."[.*].pm ".
          "module that will become the new\n   ".
          ucfirst($type)." Module Default (run  \'fa --import\'".
          "  to add more choices):";

my $fasetdef=sub {
   package fasetdef;
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use File::Path;
   no strict 'subs';
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::connect_berkeleydb('Defaults');
   my $default_modules='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get(
      if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
   $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
   if (-1<index ']S[','code') {
      unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_conf'}) {
   } elsif (-1<index ']S[','conf') {
       unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_host'}) {
    } elsif (-1<index ']S[','host') {
       unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_menu'}) {
    } else {
       unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_menu'}) {
    my $put_dref=
    undef $bdb;
    undef $dbenv;
    print "\n\n   New Default Modules ".
          "now:\n\n   Code  =>  ".
          "\n   Conf  =>  ".
          "\n   Host  =>  ".
          "\n   Menu  =>  ".
          "\n   Set   =>  \'none\'".
   return "Finished Default Module";

my $default_sets_banner_sub=sub {

   package default_sets_banner;
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use File::Path;
   use Data::Dump::Streamer;
   my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   require "$loc/";
   my $mkdflag=0;

   my $dfbann=<<'FIN';

    ___     _ _   _       _           ___       __           _ _
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |     |   \ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \   | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-<
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©  |___/\___|_| \__,_|\_,_|_|\__/__/


   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::connect_berkeleydb('Sets');
   my $mysets='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
   $mysets=eval $mysets;
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $set=$default_modules->{'set'};
   my $spc=length $set;
   my $banner=$dfbann."      ** DEFAULT SET -> $set **\n\n"
          ."     \'$set\'  --> Code => "
          ."      $spc       Conf => "
          ."      $spc       Host => "
          ."      $spc       Menu => "
          ."      ${spc}Description => "
          ."      NOTE: Any action in this Menu"
          ." will change the Default Set to 'none'.\n"
          ."            To work with FullAuto Sets, "
          ."run  \'fa --set\'  instead.\n";
   return $banner;

my $fa_congrats=<<'END';

     ___                        _        _      _   _             _ 
    / __|___ _ _  __ _ _ _ __ _| |_ _  _| |__ _| |_(_)___ _ _  __| |
   | (__/ _ \ ' \/ _` | '_/ _` |  _| || | / _` |  _| / _ \ ' \(_-<_|
    \___\___/_||_\__, |_| \__,_|\__|\_,_|_\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_/__(_)

   You have QUICKLY gotten started with FullAuto! The goal of this new
   user wizard experience was to acquaint you both with managing your
   automation code files, and demonstrating how FullAuto wizards and Menus
   (using Term::Menus) can break down and make the most complex and difficult
   tasks EASY! Imagine transforming ALL the processes in your organization
   into self-documenting presentations that anyone can follow - and that
   unlike ordinary documentation, actually DOES STUFF! It can be achieved
   with FullAuto! But only the surface has been scratched - FullAuto
   is really all about AUTOMATION - and we will get into that NEXT. THANKS!


my $setup_new_user11=sub{

   my %setup_new_user11=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user11',
      Item_1 => {
         Text => 'Continue with AUTOMATING *any* process with FullAuto!',
      Item_2 => {
         Text => "Exit FullAuto  (Setup is COMPLETE! Use 'fa' to run FullAuto)",
      Scroll => 2,
      Banner => $fa_congrats,
   return \%setup_new_user11;


my $cacomm_sub=sub {

   my $new_user_flag=0;my $item_2={};
   if (defined $main::new_user_flag and $main::new_user_flag) {
         Text => "No",
         Result => $setup_new_user11,
   } else {
         Text => "No  ( FullAuto [fa --defaults] will EXIT )",
   my %cacomm=(

      Name   => 'cacomm',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => "YES",
         Result  => sub {
                           package del_sets;
                              unless defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_global;
                           #use BerkeleyDB;
                           use File::Path;
                           no strict 'subs';
                           my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
                           my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},
                           my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')
                           require "$loc/";
                           my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
                           my $default_modules='';
                           my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                              if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
                           $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
                           my $put_dref=
                           undef $bdb;
                           undef $dbenv;
                           print "\n\n   New Default Modules ".
                                 "now:\n\n   Code  =>  ".
                                 "]P[{cacode}\n   Conf  =>  ".
                                 "]P[{caconf}\n   Host  =>  ".
                                 "]P[{cahost}\n   Menu  =>  ".
                                 "]P[{camenu}\n   Set   =>  ".
                           if (defined $main::new_user_flag &&
                                 $main::new_user_flag) {
                              return $setup_new_user11;
                           return "Finished Defining Defaults";
      Item_2 => $item_2,
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
my $custnd=<<'FIN';
    _  _              ___       __           _ _      
   | \| |_____ __ __ |   \ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | .` / -_) V  V / | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-< o
   |_|\_\___|\_/\_/  |___/\___|_| \__,_|\_,_|_|\__/__/ o

         my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
         return "$custnd    Code  =>  ".
                "    Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Conf/".
                "    Host  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Host/".
                "    Menu  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Menu/".
                "]P[{camenu}\n    Set   =>  none\n\n\n   ".
                "Would you like to COMMIT the New Defaults?:\n";
   return \%cacomm;

my $camenu_sub=sub {

   my %camenu=(

      Name   => 'camenu',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Menu'),
         Result => $cacomm_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
         my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
         return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Code/".
         "   Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Conf/".
         "   Host  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Host/".
         "$custmm   Please select a fa_menu[.*].pm ".

   return \%camenu;

my $cahost_sub=sub {

   my %cahost=(

      Name   => 'cahost',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Host'),
         Result => $camenu_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
         my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
         return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Code/".
                "   Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Conf/".
                "$custhm   Please select a fa_host[.*].pm ".

   return \%cahost;

my $caconf_sub=sub {

   my %caconf=(

      Name   => 'caconf',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Conf'),
         Result => $cahost_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
         my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
         return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/Code/".
                "$custfm   Please select a fa_conf[.*].pm ".

   return \%caconf;

my $cacode_sub=sub {

   my %cacode=(

      Name   => 'cacode',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Code'),
         Result => $caconf_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => "$custcm   Please select a fa_code[.*].pm ".
   return \%cacode;

my $define_module_from_viewdef_sub=sub {

   my %define_module_from_viewdef=(

      Name   => 'define_module_from_viewdef',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules,
         Result => $fasetdef,
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $fabann,
   return \%define_module_from_viewdef;

my $vdbanner=sub {

   my $dfbann=<<'FIN';

    ___     _ _   _       _           ___       __           _ _
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |     |   \ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \   | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-<
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©  |___/\___|_| \__,_|\_,_|_|\__/__/

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $banner=$dfbann;
   if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
       $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
       $banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n\n";
   $banner.="    Code  =>  "
          ."\n    Conf  =>  "
          ."\n    Host  =>  "
          ."\n    Menu  =>  "
   return $banner;

my $viewdefaults_sub=sub {

   my %viewdefaults=(

      Name   => 'viewdefaults',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => "Change ALL Defaults",
         Result => $cacode_sub->($_[0]),
      Item_2 => {
         Text   => "Change Default ]C[",
         Convey => ['fa_code','fa_conf','fa_host','fa_menu'],
         Result => $define_module_from_viewdef_sub->($_[0]),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $vdbanner->($_[0]),
  return \%viewdefaults;

my $defaultsettings_sub=sub {

   my %defaultsettings=(

      Name   => 'defaultsettings',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   =>
         "View Defaults when Default Set equals \'none\'",
         Result => $viewdefaults_sub->($_[0]),
      Item_2 => {
         Text   => "Change ALL Defaults",
         Result => $cacode_sub->($_[0]),
      Item_3 => {
         Text   => "Change Default ]C[",
         Convey => ['fa_code','fa_conf','fa_host','fa_menu'],
      Banner => $default_sets_banner_sub->($_[0]),

   return \%defaultsettings;

my $admin_defaults_sub=sub {

   my $default_modules=$main::get_default_modules->();
   if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
         $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
      return $viewdefaults_sub->($default_modules);
   } else {
      return $defaultsettings_sub->($default_modules); 


my $defaults_sub=sub {

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->(); 
   if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
         $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
      my $selection=Menu($viewdefaults_sub->($default_modules));
      if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
            (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
            ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults') ||
            ($selection eq 'Finished Default Module')) {
   } else {
      my $selection=Menu($defaultsettings_sub->($default_modules));
      if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
            (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
            ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults')) {

my $define_modules_commit_sub=sub {

   my %define_modules_commit=(

      Name   => 'define_modules_commit',
      Item_1 => {
         Text => "YES",
         Result => sub {
            package set_default_sub;
            no strict 'subs';
            use BerkeleyDB;
            use File::Path;
            use Data::Dump::Streamer;
            my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
            my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
            my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
            my $mysets='';
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
            $mysets=eval $mysets;
            my $ph="Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/";
               Label       => $main::setname,
               Description => $main::desc,
               fa_code     => 
               fa_conf     =>
               fa_host     =>
               fa_menu     =>
            my $put_mref=
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            return "Finished Defining Set";
      Item_2 => {
         Text => "No  ( FullAuto [fa --set] will EXIT )",
      Scroll => 2,
      Banner => sub {
         my $custns=<<'FIN';
    _  _              ___      _   
   | \| |_____ __ __ / __| ___| |_ 
   | .` / -_) V  V / \__ \/ -_)  _| o
   |_|\_\___|\_/\_/  |___/\___|\__| o

         my $spc=length $main::setname;
         return "$custns     \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                "      $spc       Conf => ".
                "      $spc       Host => ".
                "      $spc       Menu => ".
                "      ${spc}Description => $main::desc\n\n\n".
                "   Would you like to COMMIT the New Set ".
                "( $main::setname )?:";
   return \%define_modules_commit;

my $define_modules_menu_fa_menu_sub=sub {

   my %define_modules_menu_fa_menu=(

      Name   => 'define_modules_menu_fa_menu',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Menu'),
         Result => $define_modules_commit_sub->(),
      Banner => sub {
         my $spc=length $main::setname;
         return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                "              $spc       Conf => ".
                "              $spc       Host => ".
                "$custmm   Please select a fa_menu[.*].pm ".
   return \%define_modules_menu_fa_menu;

my $define_modules_menu_fa_host_sub=sub {

   my %define_modules_menu_fa_host=(

      Name   => 'define_modules_menu_fa_host',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Host'),
         Result => $define_modules_menu_fa_menu_sub->(),
      Banner => sub {
         my $spc=length $main::setname;
         return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                "              $spc       Conf => ".
                "$custhm   Please select a fa_host[.*].pm ".
   return \%define_modules_menu_fa_host;

my $define_modules_menu_fa_conf_sub=sub {

   my %define_modules_menu_fa_conf=(

      Name   => 'define_modules_menu_fa_conf',
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => ']C[',
         Convey => $get_modules->('Conf'),
         Result => $define_modules_menu_fa_host_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
         return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                "$custfm   Please select a fa_conf[.*].pm ".
   return \%define_modules_menu_fa_conf;

my $define_modules_menu_fa_code_sub=sub {

   my %define_modules_menu_fa_code=(
      Name   => 'define_modules_menu_fa_code',
      Item_1 => {
         Text    => ']C[',
         Convey  => sub {
            use File::Path;
            use File::Copy;
            while (1) {
               print "\n\n\n   Please type the name\n".
                     "   for the new Set: ";
               my $sets=$set_default_sub->();
               my %sets=();
               foreach my $set (@{$sets}) {
               if (exists $sets{$main::setname}) {
                  my $bann="   The set name you typed: ".
                           "$main::setname\n   already ".
                           "is in use. Would\n   you ".
                           "like to replace it?";
                  my $ans=Term::Menus::pick(['yes','no'],$bann);
                  if ($ans eq 'no') {
                  } else { last }
               } elsif ($main::setname=~/^\s*$/) {
               } else { last }
            print "\n\n\n   Please type the Description\n".
                  "   for the new Set: ";
            my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
            my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
            unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/Code") {
               my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
               my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
               $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
               unless (-d "$fadir/Custom") {
                  my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                          'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom";
                  my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username") {
                  my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                          'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom/$username";
                  my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/Code") {
                  my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                          'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom/$username/Code";
                  my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('cp').'cp '.
                   "$fadir/Custom/ ".
               my ($stdout,$stderr)=
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
                  my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('chmod').
                       "chmod -Rv $mode ".
                  my ($stdout,$stderr)=
                     if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';
            my @xfiles = readdir(DIR);
            my @return=();
            foreach my $entry (@xfiles) {
               next if $entry eq '.';
               next if $entry eq '..';
               next if -d $entry;
               push @return, $entry;
            return @return;
         Result => $define_modules_menu_fa_conf_sub->(),
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => sub {
         return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'\n\n".
                "$custcm   Please select a fa_code[.*].pm ".
                "\n\n   (Hint: Use the 'Manage Module Sets'".
                " feature to import and export modules".
                "\n   owned by other users, or that are".
                " components of third party distributions.)\n";
   return \%define_modules_menu_fa_code;

my $delete_sets_menu_sub=sub {

   my %delete_sets_menu=(

      Name       => 'delete_sets_menu',
      Item_1     => {
         Text    => "]C[",
         Convey  => sub {
                           my $arr=$set_default_sub->();
                           my @ret=();
                           foreach my $ar (@{$arr}) {
                              push @ret,"$ar\n\n";
                           return @ret;
         Result  => sub {
                           package del_sets;
                           use BerkeleyDB;
                           use File::Path;
                           use Cwd;
                           no strict 'subs';
                           my $res='';
                           if ("]S[") {
                              if (substr($res,0,1) eq '[') {
                                 $res=eval $res;
                           my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
                           my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')
                           my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
                           my $default_modules='';
                           my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                              if -1<index $default_modules,
                           $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
                           my ($sdbenv,$sbdb)=
                           my $mysets='';
                           $mysets=eval $mysets;
                           foreach my $set (@{$res}) {
                              if ($default_modules->{'set'}
                                    eq $set) {
                                 my $ban=
                                    "\n\n   WARNING!: You are ".
                                    "about to delete the default".
                                    " set\n\n   -> \'$set\'; ".
                                    " Do you still wish to ".
                                    "proceed?\n\n   (The ".
                                    "Default Set will be set to".
                                    " \'none\' if \'yes\')";
                                 my $ans=Term::Menus::pick(
                                 if ($ans eq 'no') {
                                 } else {
                              delete $mysets->{$set};
                           my $put_dref=
                           my $put_fref=
                           undef $bdb;
                           undef $dbenv;
                           undef $sbdb;
                           undef $sdbenv;
                           return 'Finished Deleting Set';
      Select => 'Many',
      Banner => sub {
my $custds=<<'FIN';
    ___      _     _         ___      _      
   |   \ ___| |___| |_ ___  / __| ___| |_ ___
   | |) / -_) / -_)  _/ -_) \__ \/ -_)  _(_-<
   |___/\___|_\___|\__\___| |___/\___|\__/__/

         return "$custds   ".
                "Please Select one or more Sets to Delete:"

   return \%delete_sets_menu;

my $manage_modules_menu_sub=sub {

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $current_default_set=$default_modules->{'set'};
   my $mm_banner="   Please Select a Module Set Operation:\n\n";
   if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
      $mm_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
   } else {
         "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
   my %manage_modules_menu=(

      Name   => 'manage_modules_menu',
      Item_1 => {
         Text    => 'Examine Module Set(s)',
      Item_2 => {
         Text    => 'Modify  Module Set',
      Item_3 => {
         Text    => 'Delete  Module Set(s)',
         Result  => $delete_sets_menu_sub->(),
      Item_4 => {
         Text    => 'Export  Module Set/Components',
      Item_5 => {
         Text    => 'Import  Module Set/Components',
      Banner => $mm_banner
   return \%manage_modules_menu;

my $set_default_menu_in_db_sub=sub {

   package set_default_menu_in_db_sub;
   no strict 'subs';
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use File::Path;
   my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
   my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
   require "$loc/";
   my $selection=']S[';
   $selection='none' if -1<index $selection,"'none'";
   my $default_modules=$main::get_default_modules->();
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $put_dref=
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($username,$put_dref);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   print "\n\n   Default Module Set is now -> \'$selection\'.\n";


my $set_default_menu_sub=sub {

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $current_default_set=$default_modules->{'set'};
   my $sdf_banner="   Please Select a Default Module Set:\n\n";
   my $clearoption='';
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
      $sdf_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
      $clearoption="Keep as 'none'\n\n";
   } else {
         "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
      $clearoption="Set to 'none'\n\n";
   my %set_default_menu=(

      Name   => 'set_default_menu',
      Item_1 => {
         Text    => $clearoption,
         Result  => $set_default_menu_in_db_sub,
      Item_2 => {
         Text    => "]C[\n                ".
            "Username:    $username\n\n",
         Default => "SET Label:   $current_default_set",
         Convey  => $set_default_sub->($current_default_set),
         Result  => $set_default_menu_in_db_sub,
      Banner => $sdf_banner
   return \%set_default_menu;

my $insert_comp_sub=sub {

   my $item_to_insert_around="]T[{select_how_to_insert}";
   my $comp_dir="]!P[{select_component_dir}";
   my $comp_to_import="]!P[{select_comp_to_import}";
   $comp_to_import=~s/\s+at Line.*$//;
   my $local_code=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_set;
   require PPI;
   my %fa_subs=();
   foreach my $sub (keys %main::fa_subs) {
   my %loc_subs=();
   my $local_doc = PPI::Document->new($local_code->{lc($comp_dir)});
   my $subs_ref =
         sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') });
   my %refs=();
   foreach my $ref (@$subs_ref) {
      unless ($ref->forward) {
         $loc_subs{ $ref->location->[0] } =
            [ $ref->name, $ref->content ];
   my $replace_flag=0;
   my $where='above';
   if ($item_to_insert_around=~s/^Replace\s+(.*)$/$1/) {
   } else {
      $item_to_insert_around=~s/^Insert (above|below)\s+(.*?)\s+at Line.*$/$2/;
   if ($where eq 'above') {
      my $lines=PPI::Document->new(\"\n\n");
      my $import_sub=PPI::Document->new(\$fa_subs{$comp_to_import});
      if ($replace_flag) {
         while (my $ws=$refs{$item_to_insert_around}->next_token) {
            last if $ws ne "\n";
         $refs{$item_to_insert_around}->remove if $replace_flag;
   } else {
      my $import_sub=PPI::Document->new(\$fa_subs{$comp_to_import});
      my $lines=PPI::Document->new(\"\n\n");

   return '{admin}<'


my $select_location_to_insert_comp_sub=sub {

   my $insert_item="]T[{select_comp_to_import}";
   my $i_item=$insert_item;
   $i_item=~s/\s*at Line.*//;
   my $compon="]!P[{select_component_dir}";
   my $local_code=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_set;
   require PPI;
   require Data::Dump::Streamer;
   my %loc_subs=();
   my $local_doc = PPI::Document->new($local_code->{lc($compon)});
   my $subs_ref =
         sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') });
   my $replace_flag=0;
   foreach my $ref (@$subs_ref) {
      unless ($ref->forward) {
         if ($ref->name eq $i_item) {
         $loc_subs{ $ref->location->[0] } =
            [ $ref->name, $ref->content ];
   my @comp=();
   my $ll=0;my $l=0;
   foreach my $loc (keys %main::loc_subs) {
      $l=length $loc_subs{$loc}->[0];
      $ll=$l if $l>$ll;
   foreach my $loc (sort numerically keys %loc_subs) {
      push @comp, "Insert above  ".sprintf "%-${ll}s %-s",
                  $loc_subs{$loc}->[0]," at Line $loc";
   my $last=$comp[$#comp];
   $last=~s/ above / below /;
   push @comp, $last;
   if ($replace_flag) {
      unshift @comp, "Replace $i_item";
   my $banner='';
   if ($compon eq 'Code') {
      $banner="   Select how to insert CCB - $i_item";
   } elsif ($compon eq 'Host') {
      $banner="   Select how to insert CHB - $i_item";
   } elsif ($compon eq 'Conf') {
      $banner="   Select how to insert CCI - $i_item";
   } elsif ($compon eq 'Maps') {
      $banner="   Select how to insert CMI - $i_item";
   } else {
      $banner="   Select how to insert CMB - $i_item";
   my %select_how_to_insert=(

      Name => 'select_how_to_insert',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@comp,
         Result => $insert_comp_sub,

      Banner => $banner,

   return \%select_how_to_insert,


my $select_file_components_to_import_sub=sub {

   my $file_comp="]T[{select_user_comp_file}";
   my $user="]!P[{remote_fa_users}";
   my $compon="]!P[{select_component_dir}";
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
      '/usr/local/bin/fullauto --cat '.
   if ($stderr) {
      $stderr=~s/Connection cl/   Connection cl/s;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,"\n\n   ",$stderr,
            "   Press ANY KEY to return to the Admin Menu\n";
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '{admin}<';
   } else {
      require PPI;
      require Data::Dump::Streamer;
      my $remote_doc = PPI::Document->new(\$stdout);
      my $subs_ref = 
            $remote_doc->find( sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') });
      foreach my $ref (@$subs_ref) {
         unless ($ref->forward) {
            $main::fa_subs{ $ref->location->[0] } =
               [ $ref->name, $ref->content ];
      my $banner='';
      if ($compon eq 'Code') {
         $banner="   Select CCB (Custom Code Block) to Import";
      } elsif ($compon eq 'Host') {
         $banner="   Select CHB (Custom Host Block) to Import";
      } elsif ($compon eq 'Conf') {
         $banner="   Select CCI (Custom Config Item) to Import";
      } elsif ($compon eq 'Maps') {
         $banner="   Select CMI (Custom Maps Item) to Import";
      } else {
         $banner="   Select CMB (Custom Menu Block) to Import";
      my @comp=();
      my $ll=0;my $l=0;
      foreach my $loc (keys %main::fa_subs) {
         $l=length $main::fa_subs{$loc}->[0];
         $ll=$l if $l>$ll;
      foreach my $loc (sort numerically keys %main::fa_subs) {
         push @comp, sprintf "%-${ll}s %-s",
                     $main::fa_subs{$loc}->[0]," at Line $loc";
      my %select_comp_to_import=(

         Name => 'select_comp_to_import',
         Item_1 => {

            Text => ']C[',
            Convey => \@comp,
            Result => $select_location_to_insert_comp_sub,

         Banner => $banner,

      return \%select_comp_to_import,


my $select_component_file_sub=sub {

   package select_component_file_sub;
   use Term::ReadKey;
   my $component="]!S[{select_component_dir}";
   my $server="]!P[{im_from_remote}";
   $server=~s/^["]Import from (.*)["]$/$1/;
   my $user="]!S[{remote_fa_users}";
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$main::remote_host->cmd('/usr/local/bin/fullauto -V');
   if ($stderr) {
      $stderr=~s/Connection cl/   Connection cl/s;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,"\n\n   ",$stderr,
            "   Press ANY KEY to return to the Admin Menu\n";
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '{admin}<';
   my @comp=();
   foreach my $line (split "\n", $stdout) {
      next if -1==index $line, "$user/$component";
      push @comp, $line;
   my %select_user_comp_file=(

      Name => 'select_user_comp_file',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@comp,
         Result => $select_file_components_to_import_sub,

      Banner => "   Select $component File for $user",

   return \%select_user_comp_file,


my $select_component_dir_sub=sub {

   my %select_component_dir=(

      Name => 'select_component_dir',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => ['Code','Conf','Host','Maps','Menu'],
         Result => $select_component_file_sub,

      Banner => '   Select Component Directory',

   return \%select_component_dir,


my $login_to_remote=sub {

   package login_to_remote;
   use Term::ReadKey;
   my $host_to_connect_to=']T[{im_from_remote}';
   $host_to_connect_to=~s/^"Import from (.*)"$/$1/;
   use if (!defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost), 'Net::FullAuto';
   our $fa_code='';
   my @Hosts=();my $fa_host='';
   unless (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost,'=') {
      eval {
         undef $main::plan_menu_sub;
      die $@ if $@;
   my $error='';
   my $host='';
   foreach my $h (@Hosts) {
      if ($h->{Label} eq $host_to_connect_to) {
   if ($error) {
      $error=~s/Connection cl/   Connection cl/s;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,"\n\n   ",$error,
            "   Press ANY KEY to return to the Admin Menu\n";
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '{admin}<';
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
      '/usr/local/bin/fullauto --users --quiet');
   if ($stdout=~/^\s*$/s) {
      my $message="\n\n".
                  "    _  _  ___ _____ ___   _   \n".
                  "   | \\| |/ _ \\_   _| __| (_)\n".
                  "   | .` | (_) || | | _|   _   \n".
                  "   |_|\\_|\\___/ |_| |___| (_) \n".
                  "   *NO* users have yet been added to\n".
                  "   the FullAuto installation on $host_to_connect_to.\n\n".
                  "   To add a user, login directly to $host_to_connect_to\n".
                  "   with the desired user login and run\n".
                  "   fullauto with the --defaults argument\n".
                  "   invoked from the command line.\n\n".
                  "      Example:  fa --defaults\n\n".
                  "   Press ANY KEY to return to the Admin Menu\n";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines,$message;
      alarm 120;
      # Turn off controls keys
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") }; # \n required
         my $key='';
         $key = ReadKey(0);
      # Reset tty mode before exiting
      return '{admin}<';
   print "USERS=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr\n";
   my @users=();
   foreach my $user (split /\n/,$stdout) {
      chomp $user;
      push @users, $user;
   if (-1<$#users) {
      my %remote_fa_users=(

         Name => 'remote_fa_users',
         Item_1 => {

            Text => ']C[',
            Convey => \@users,
            Result => $select_component_dir_sub,

         Banner => '   Select User Account',

      return \%remote_fa_users;


my $im_from_remote=sub {

   my $fa_host='';
   my @Hosts=@{&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::check_Hosts(
   my %im_from_remote=(

      Name => 'im_from_remote',
      Item_1 => {

          Text => 'Import from ]C[',
          Convey => [ sort map { $_->{Label} } @Hosts ], 
          Result => $login_to_remote,

      Banner => '   Select Remote Host to Import From',

   return \%im_from_remote;


my $im_ex_menu_sub=sub {

   my %im_ex_menu=(

      Name => 'im_ex_menu',
      Item_1 => {

          Text => 'IMPORT Component(s) from Remote Host',
          Result => $im_from_remote,

      Item_2 => {

          Text => 'IMPORT Component(s) from Local Host',
          Result => '',

      Item_3 => {

          Text => 'EXPORT Component(s) to File',
          Result => '',

      Banner => '   Select a FullAuto Component Operation to Perform',
   return \%im_ex_menu;


my $set_menu_sub=sub {

   my $default_modules=$_[0] || $main::get_default_modules->();
   my $current_default_set=$default_modules->{'set'};
   my $clearoption='';
   my $sm_banner=<<FIN;
    ___     _ _   _       _           ___      _      
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |     / __| ___| |_ ___
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \   \__ \/ -_)  _(_-<
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©  |___/\___|\__/__/

   $sm_banner.="   Please Select a Module Set Operation:\n\n";
   if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
      $sm_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
      $clearoption="Keep as 'none'\n\n";
   } else {
         "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
      $clearoption="Set to 'none'\n\n";
   my %set_menu=(
      Item_1 => {
         Text   => 'Select Default Module Set',
         Result => $set_default_menu_sub->($default_modules),
      Item_2 => {
         Text   =>
            "Keep Default Module Set: $current_default_set",
      Item_3 => {
         Text   => 'Clear Default Module Set',
      Item_4 => {
         Text   => 'Define New Module Set',
         Result => $define_modules_menu_fa_code_sub->(),
      Item_5 => {
         Text   => 'Manage Module Sets',
         Result => $manage_modules_menu_sub->($default_modules),
      Banner => $sm_banner
   return \%set_menu;

our $fa_welcome=<<'END';

    __       __)
   (, )  |  /      /)
      | /| /   _  // _  ______    _    _/_ ___
      |/ |/  _(/_(/_(__(_) // (__(/_   (__(_)
      /  |

           _   _      _         _____      _ _    _         _
          | \ | | ___| |_      |  ___|   _| | |  / \  _   _| |_  | 
          |  \| |/ _ \ __| o o | |_ | | | | | | / _ \| | | | __/ | \
          | |\  |  __/ |_  o o |  _|| |_| | | |/ ___ \ |_| | ||     |
          |_| \_|\___|\__|     |_|   \__,_|_|_/_/   \_\__,_|\__\___/ ©

   Copyright © 2000-2024  Brian M. Kelly


my $fa_tutorial=<<'END';

    ___     _ _   _       _
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©

    _____     _           _      _ 
   |_   _|  _| |_ ___ _ _(_)__ _| |
     | || || |  _/ _ \ '_| / _` | |
     |_| \_,_|\__\___/_| |_\__,_|_|


my $fa_fullauto_welcome=<<END;

                         ___     _ _   _       _       
                        | __|  _| | | /_\\ _  _| |_  |  
   (   /_ /_   _  _     | _| || | | |/ _ \\ || |  _/ | \\
   |/|/(-(( ()//)(-  To |_| \\_,_|_|_/_/ \\_\\_,_|\\__\\___/©  $username

   Items with the arrow character  >  are the current selection, Just
   press ENTER or Scroll with UP and DOWN arrow keys. You can also type
   the number of your selection, and then press ENTER to activate your

my $fa_fullauto=<<'END';

    ___     _ _   _       _
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  | 
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©


my $fa_mini_welcome=" (   /_ /_   _  _ \n".
                    "       |/|/(-(( ()//)(- ";

my $fa_new_user=<<'END';

    _  _              _   _             
   | \| |_____ __ __ | | | |___ ___ _ _ 
   | .` / -_) V  V / | |_| (_-</ -_) '_|
   |_|\_\___|\_/\_/   \___//__/\___|_|

my $fa_process_lifecycle=<<'END';

    ___                          _    _  __                _     
   | _ \_ _ ___  __ ___ ______  | |  (_)/ _|___ __ _  _ __| |___ 
   |  _/ '_/ _ \/ _/ -_|_-<_-<  | |__| |  _/ -_) _| || / _| / -_)
   |_| |_| \___/\__\___/__/__/  |____|_|_| \___\__|\_, \__|_\___|

   In large organizations, development of any software or business
   process takes place in stages, and the code travels through multiple
   tiers or environments before it reaches "production" (or the live
   environment that serves customers and end-users). Therefore, it is
   likely that components developed in your configuration "set" (which
   includes the all important file) will migrate to other
   environments, other computers, even other users. You are likely to
   eventually have multiple copies of a single process in different
   stages of it's lifecycle - one in active development, one in testing,
   and one in use for live processing.


my $fa_organization=<<'END';

     ___                     _         _   _          
    / _ \ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ (_)_____ _| |_(_)___ _ _  
   | (_) | '_/ _` / _` | ' \| |_ / _` |  _| / _ \ ' \ 
    \___/|_| \__, \__,_|_||_|_/__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|

   "A place for everything, everything in its place." - Benjamin Franklin

   FullAuto organizes everything for you. A FullAuto working configuration
   consists of four files which are listed below. You can read a summary
   of each, or move on to creating ${username}'s own FullAuto setup!


my $fa_privacy=<<'END';

    ___     _
   | _ \_ _(_)_ ____ _ __ _  _
   |  _/ '_| \ V / _` / _| || |
   |_| |_| |_|\_/\__,_\__|\_, |

   FullAuto users *own* their setup. Nothing is shared
   without an express intent to share it. That means
   other FullAuto users cannot see or access your
   automation projects. Sensitive projects can be
   automated with TRUE privacy.

   Additionally, no passwords are stored in clear
   text. Even in memory, passwords are encrypted and
   remain so until fed directly to an authenticating
   process, safe even from core dumps.


my $fa_security=<<'END';

    ___                  _ _        
   / __| ___ __ _  _ _ _(_) |_ _  _ 
   \__ \/ -_) _| || | '_| |  _| || |
   |___/\___\__|\_,_|_| |_|\__|\_, |

   FullAuto is a SECURE Automation Framework. Security
   is a necessary evil. Everybody needs it, but few want
   to focus on it. It is inconvenient, and productivity
   suffers from the burden it imposes. Yet, it is an
   unavoidable requirement.

   FullAuto was built from the ground up to be SECURE. User
   authentication is therefore a requirement. One FullAuto
   installation, on one computer, can service any number
   of users. FullAuto has built in utilities to setup and
   manage user code, files, and configuration - securely!


my $fa_basics=<<'END';

    ___                  ___          _
   / __| ___ _ __  ___  | _ ) __ _ __(_)__ ___
   \__ \/ _ \ '  \/ -_) | _ \/ _` (_-< / _(_-<
   |___/\___/_|_|_\___| |___/\__,_/__/_\__/__/

   This wizard is interactive. You can go backwards and forwards.
   Just press the LEFTARROW  <  key to navigate backwards, the
   RIGHTARROW  >  key to go forward. Try it!

   Notice at the bottom are some hot key hints:

   [F1]  (F1 key on your keyboard) to get the help pages.
   [ESC] to quit FullAuto.

   You can also type out the words 'quit' or 'bye' or 'exit' to quit.
   There are also hotkey shortcuts - 'admin' takes you to the admin menu.

   When you quit either help or admin, you automatically return to this
   screen. To quit admin, press [ESC], and help pages. type 'q'.

my $fa_no_web=<<'END';

    _  _      __      __   _      ___              ___ _
   | \| |___  \ \    / /__| |__  | _ \__ _ __ _ __|__ \ |
   | .` / _ \  \ \/\/ / -_) '_ \ |  _/ _` / _` / -_)/_/_|
   |_|\_\___/   \_/\_/\___|_.__/ |_| \__,_\__, \___(_)(_)

   YES! FullAuto is Automation & High Productivity software. Ever see a
   furnace room with marble tile? Or a gold plated broom handle? We
   decorate what we SEE and spend lots of *leisure* time around. Things
   we rarely access, and places where we need sharp focus and a lack of
   distraction, we keep simple and utilitarian. Ever seen an operating
   room with a rich color palette? (No? - neither have I!)
                 __ _____        __ __  __  __  _____ 
                (_ |_  |   _|_  |_ /  \|__)/ _ |_  |  
   FullAuto is  __)|__ |    |   |  \__/| \ \__)|__ |  software.

   Hence the name Full - Auto (as in 'full' or 'complete' AUTOMATION).
   You tell it what to do, you turn it on - and you MOVE ON to more
   enjoyable or urgent activities!

my $fa_intro=<<'END';

    ___     _               _         _   _          
   |_ _|_ _| |_ _ _ ___  __| |_  _ __| |_(_)___ _ _  
    | || ' \  _| '_/ _ \/ _` | || / _|  _| / _ \ ' \ 
   |___|_||_\__|_| \___/\__,_|\_,_\__|\__|_\___/_||_|

   FullAuto is an Automation & High Productivity Framework. With FullAuto
   almost any computer process can be *fully* automated. In addition,
   processes can be optimized for extremely rapid and precise user interaction.
   FullAuto was designed from the ground up to tackle both the problem of
   process automation itself, and the often BIGGER problem of process
   automation setup and maintenance. FullAuto is both the "end" and the
   "means to the end". This is what makes FullAuto unique and groundbreaking.

   This wizard is an important component of FullAuto. Everything you are
   experiencing now is the High Productivity Framework in action. This
   framework can be used to make your computer processes (such as complex
   business and data manipulation processes and projects) easier to create,
   manipulate and maintain. FullAuto makes +BIG DATA+ a lot -smaller-!

   See this introduction anytime with this command:  fa --new-user

my $fa_continue_setup=<<END;

my $fa_fa_code_banner=<<'END';

      __                      _                  
    _/ _)__ _      __ ___  __| |___   _ __ _ __  
   (   _/ _` |    / _/ _ \/ _` / -_)_| '_ \ '  \ 
    |_| \__,_|====\__\___/\__,_\___(_) .__/_|_|_|

   This is the single most important file in FullAuto. In
   this file, 90% of all automation development work takes
   place. This is the FullAuto Custom Code file. This file
   is where you give FullAuto its "marching orders".

   You can always access this file - and all your user
   files from the the 'edit' menu:

   fa --edit

   You can also use a shortcut to access it directly:  fa -ec

my $fa_fa_conf_banner=<<'END';

      __                         __
    _/ _)__ _      __ ___ _ _  _/ _)  _ __ _ __
   (   _/ _` |    / _/ _ \ ' \(   _/_| '_ \ '  \
    |_| \__,_|====\__\___/_||_||_| (_) .__/_|_|_|

   This is the user's FullAuto Configuration File. This file
   contains personal preferences such as choice of editor.

   (Currently this file does not have much use beyond the
   editor setting. But as FullAuto grows and matures, it
   is certain that more settings will be developed).


my $fa_fa_host_banner=<<'END';

      __           _           _                
    _/ _)__ _     | |_  ___ __| |_   _ __ _ __  
   (   _/ _` |    | ' \/ _ (_-<  _|_| '_ \ '  \ 
    |_| \__,_|====|_||_\___/__/\__(_) .__/_|_|_|

   This is the user's FullAuto Host File. The host file
   is used to store connection and authentication settings
   for individual computers and devices. This enables
   processes to be developed in different environments,
   but sharing the same custom code (in the

   FullAuto was designed to make automation code as
   portable as possible. This file makes that goal easy!

   This file can be accessed with the shortcut:  fa -eh

my $fa_fa_menu_banner=<<'END';

    _/ _|__ _      _ __  ___ _ _ _  _   _ __ _ __  
   (   _/ _` |    | '  \/ -_) ' \ || |_| '_ \ '  \ 
    |_| \__,_|====|_|_|_\___|_||_\_,_(_) .__/_|_|_|

   This is the FullAuto Menu File. Net::FullAuto has
   a sister module also written by Brian Kelly called
   Term::Menus. Any process can contain Term::Menus
   menus, but this file solves the problem of menu-zing
   the process itself. When FullAuto is started without
   a specifc --code argument (which specifies a single
   process), a menu showing all available processes is

   This file can be accessed with the shortcut:  fa -em


my $fa_batter_up=<<'END';

    ___       _   _             _   _ ___ _ 
   | _ ) __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ _  | | | | _ \ |
   | _ \/ _` |  _|  _/ -_) '_| | |_| |  _/_|
   |___/\__,_|\__|\__\___|_|    \___/|_| (_)

   In baseball, there are many players on a team, but
   only one player at a time can pick up a bat and step
   up to the plate. Similarly, only one FullAuto "set" can
   be active at any one time. A FullAuto "set" consists of
   the the four files listed two screens ago. (You can
   navigate backwards and review them at any time.) As
   mentioned in the last screen, there may be multiple
   copies of any or all of the four files.

   How does FullAuto know which four to use?


my $fa_fa_defaults2=<<'END';

     ___                     _      ___       __           _ _
    / __|  _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _| |_   |   \ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | (_| || | '_| '_/ -_) ' \  _|  | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-<
    \___\_,_|_| |_| \___|_||_\__|  |___/\___|_| \__,_|\_,_|_|\__/__/

   The --defaults utility also (conveniently) displays what your current

my $fa_set_defaults=<<'END';

    ___ _            _     ___      _           _ 
   / __| |_ __ _ _ _| |_  |   \ ___(_)_ _  __ _| |
   \__ \  _/ _` | '_|  _| | |) / _ \ | ' \/ _` |_|
   |___/\__\__,_|_|  \__| |___/\___/_|_||_\__, (_)

   It's time to do you FIRST FullAuto activity! It's time to
   select your very first "set" of the four required files. For
   your first file set, you will simply be choosing the templates
   supplied with FullAuto - and there are only one of each.
   It's REALLY EASY - the next screen is the actual utility
   you will always use to choose and change your defaults.
   Choose the first option and follow the instructions.

   When finished you can choose to commit the changes - or not.
   If not, you will get this "new user wizard" the next time you
   run FullAuto. (Which is great if you're just exploring!)


my $fa_fa_defaults_sub=sub {

   '   "defaults" are. Below are the actual defaults currently set. ';
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $default_modules=$main::get_default_modules->();
   if (-1<index $default_modules->{'fa_code'},'/Distro/') {
      $fa_fa_defaults2.="Since $username\n".
         "   is a new user, you see the word 'Distro' in the four ".
         "file locations below.\n\n\n";
   } else {
      $fa_fa_defaults2.="You can see\n".
         "   the full paths to these files anytime by using the ".
         "command:  fa -V\n\n\n";
   my $banner=$fa_fa_defaults2;
   $banner.="    Code  =>  "
          ."\n    Conf  =>  "
          ."\n    Host  =>  "
          ."\n    Menu  =>  "
   return $banner;


my $fa_fa_defaults=<<'END';

    ___     _ _   _       _           ___       __           _ _      
   | __|  _| | | /_\ _  _| |_  |     |   \ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | _| || | | |/ _ \ || |  _/ | \   | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-<
   |_| \_,_|_|_/_/ \_\_,_|\__\___/©  |___/\___|_| \__,_|\_,_|_|\__/__/

   Most of the time you'll be working with the same four file set. It would
   get VERY tiring to have to choose these files manually every time you
   went to work with FullAuto. Not to mention trying to keep the same four
   files bundled together accurately. (Which is critical for proper
   functioning of your automation code.)

   For that reason, one of the most important features of FullAuto is the
   --defaults utility - which is built into FullAuto itself. The defaults
   utility is a menu-ized wizard just like this presentation you are now

   You can access the --defaults utility at the command line:  fa --defaults


my $fa_fa_code=sub {

   my %fa_fa_code=(

      Name   => 'fa_fa_code',
      Result => sub { return '{setup_new_user5}<' },
      Banner => $fa_fa_code_banner,
  return \%fa_fa_code;


my $fa_fa_conf=sub {

   my %fa_fa_conf=(

      Name   => 'fa_fa_conf',
      Result => sub { return '{setup_new_user5}<' },
      Banner => $fa_fa_conf_banner,
  return \%fa_fa_conf;


my $fa_fa_host=sub {

   my %fa_fa_host=(

      Name   => 'fa_fa_host',
      Result => sub { return '{setup_new_user5}<' },
      Banner => $fa_fa_host_banner,
  return \%fa_fa_host;


my $fa_fa_menu=sub {

   my %fa_fa_menu=(

      Name   => 'fa_fa_menu',
      Result => sub { return '{setup_new_user5}<' },
      Banner => $fa_fa_menu_banner,
  return \%fa_fa_menu;


my $setup_new_user10=sub{

   my %setup_new_user10=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user10',
      Result => $viewdefaults_sub,
      Banner => $fa_set_defaults,
   return \%setup_new_user10;


my $setup_new_user9=sub{

   my %setup_new_user9=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user9',
      Result => $viewdefaults_sub,
      Banner => $fa_fa_defaults_sub,
   return \%setup_new_user9;


my $setup_new_user8=sub{

   my %setup_new_user8=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user8',
      Result => $setup_new_user9,
      Banner => $fa_fa_defaults,
   return \%setup_new_user8;


my $setup_new_user7=sub{

   my %setup_new_user7=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user7',
      Result => $setup_new_user8,
      Banner => $fa_batter_up,
   return \%setup_new_user7; 


my $setup_new_user6=sub{

   my %setup_new_user6=(

      Name => 'setup_new_user6',
      Result => $setup_new_user7,
      Banner => $fa_process_lifecycle,

   return \%setup_new_user6;


my $setup_new_user5=sub{

   my %setup_new_user5=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user5',
      Item_1 => {

          Text => '',
          Result => $fa_fa_code,

      Item_2 => {

          Text => '',
          Result => $fa_fa_conf,

      Item_3 => {

          Text => '',
          Result => $fa_fa_host,

      Item_4 => {

          Text => '',
          Result => $fa_fa_menu,

      Item_5 => {

          Text => 'Continue Getting Started with FullAuto.',
          Result => $setup_new_user6,

      Scroll => 5,
      Banner => $fa_organization,
  return \%setup_new_user5;

my $setup_new_user4=sub{

   my %setup_new_user4=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user4',
      Result => $setup_new_user5,
      Banner => $fa_privacy,
  return \%setup_new_user4;

my $setup_new_user3=sub{

   my %setup_new_user3=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user3',
      Result => $setup_new_user4,
      Banner => $fa_security,
  return \%setup_new_user3;

my $setup_new_user2=sub {

   my %setup_new_user2=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user2',
      #Result => $setup_new_user3,
      Result => $setup_new_user5,
      Banner => $fa_basics,
  return \%setup_new_user2;

my $setup_new_user_a=sub {

   my %setup_new_user_a=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user_a',
      Result => $setup_new_user2,
      Banner => $fa_intro,

   return \%setup_new_user_a;

my $setup_new_user=sub {

   my %setup_new_user=(

      Name   => 'setup_new_user',
      Result => $setup_new_user_a,
      Banner => $fa_no_web,

   return \%setup_new_user;

my $do_wxPerl_setup=sub {

   package do_wxPerl_setup;
   require Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;
   import FA_Core;

   # \
   # install-firefox-on-amazon-linux-x86_64-compiling-gtk/


   # \
   # x11-connection-rejected-because-of-wrong-authentication


   print "\n";
   my $c='sudo yum --assumeyes install make libjpeg-devel libpng-devel '.
         'libtiff-devel gcc libffi-devel gettext-devel libmpc-devel '.
         'libstdc++46-devel xauth gcc-c++ libtool libX11-devel '.
         'libXext-devel libXinerama-devel libXi-devel libxml2-devel '.
         'libXrender-devel libXrandr-devel libXt dbus-glib '.
         'pandgo pango-devel';
   while (my $line=<AWS>) {
      print $line;
   close AWS;

   my @creds=();
   open(AWS,"(sudo -u ec2-user xauth list 1>&2) 2>&1|");
   while (my $line=<AWS>) {
      print "WHAT IS THE VALUE=$line\n";
      chomp $line;
      push @creds, $line;
   close AWS;
   foreach my $cred (@creds) {
      system("sudo xauth add $cred");

   # for gcc compiles (building a program with Gcc and a simple "make"):
   # Code: -Wl,-rpath,$(DEFAULT_LIB_INSTALL_PATH)
   # This is a good link:

bash -c "
cat << EOF > /etc/
   while (my $line=<AWS>) {
      print $line;
   close AWS;
   system("sudo chmod 444 /etc/");
   my @urls=(
   my $pkg_config='export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/';
   foreach my $url (@urls) {
      my $file=$url;
      my $base=$file;
      unless (-d $base) {
         system("sudo wget $url");
      } else { next }
      if ($file=~/.xz$/) {
         system("sudo tar xvfJ $file");
      } else {
         system("sudo tar zxvf $file");
      chdir $base;
      system("sudo bash -lc \'$pkg_config;./configure\'");
      system("sudo make");
      system("sudo make install");
      if (-1<index $url,'gtk+') {
         chdir 'demos/gtk-demo';
         system("sudo make install");
         chdir '..';
         system("sudo make install");
         chdir '..';
         system('sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig');
         system('sudo cp gtk+-2.0.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig');
         my $missing_pc=<<'END';

Name: GDK
Description: GTK+ Drawing Kit (${target} target)
Version: 2.24.10
Requires: pango pangocairo gdk-pixbuf-2.0
Libs: -L${libdir} -lgdk-${target}-2.0
Cflags: -I${includedir}/gtk-2.0 -I${libdir}/gtk-2.0/include
         print FH $missing_pc;
         close FH;
         system('sudo cp gdk-x11-2.0.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig');
      system("sudo ldconfig");
      chdir '..';
   system('sudo chmod -Rv 755 /usr/local/lib/pango');
   system('sudo chmod -Rv 755 /usr/local/etc/*');
   system('sudo bash -lc '.
          '"export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig;'.
          'perl -MCPAN -e \'install Fatal\'"');
bash -c "
cat << EOF > /etc/
   while (my $line=<AWS>) {
      print $line;
   close AWS;
   system("sudo chmod 444 /etc/");
   system('sudo bash -lc '.
          '"export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig;'.
          'perl -MCPAN -e \'install Alien::wxWidgets\'"');
bash -c "
cat << EOF > /etc/
   while (my $line=<AWS>) {
      print $line;
   close AWS;
   system("sudo chmod 444 /etc/");
   system('sudo find /usr/local/lib64/perl5 -type d | xargs sudo chmod 755');
   system('sudo find /usr/local/share/perl5 -type d | xargs sudo chmod 755');
   system('export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig;'.
          'perl -MCPAN -e "install Wx::Demo"');
   system('sudo find /usr/local/lib64/perl5 -type d | xargs sudo chmod 755');
   system('sudo find /usr/local/share/perl5 -type d | xargs sudo chmod 755');
   return '<';


sub new_user_experience {

   print $fa_welcome;
   sleep 3;
   my $new_user=$_[0]||'';
   my $welcome=$_[1]||'';
   my $newuser=$_[2]||'';
   my $banner='';my $text=[];
   my %welcome_menu=();
   if ($new_user or $newuser) {

              "Setup User $username (Advanced Users)",
              "Continue with Login (No setup for $username) &\n       ".
              "            Do Not Show this Screen Again",
              "Continue with Login (No setup for $username)" ],

             ."\n      It appears "
             ."that $username is new to FullAuto,"
             ."\n      for there is no FullAuto "
             ."Setup for this user.\n\n";

         Label  => 'welcome_menu',
         Item_1 => {
            Text   => "Getting Started (quickly) with FullAuto.\n".
                      "                   ".
                      "Recommended for beginners.\n\n",
            Result  => $setup_new_user_a,
         Item_2 => {

            Text   => ']C[',
            Convey => $text,

         Scroll => 1,
         Banner => $banner,


   } elsif ($welcome) {

      $text=[ "Admin Menu",
              "User Accounts" ];

             ."      Please select a subject to explore:";

         Label  => 'welcome_menu',
         Item_1 => {

            Text   => ']C[',
            Convey => $text,

         Banner => $banner,


   my $choice=Menu(\%welcome_menu)||'';
   if (-1<index $choice,'Create Account') {


sub get_amazon_external_ip {

   require LWP::UserAgent;
   require HTTP::Request;

   my $URL=''.

   # $URL='';

   my $MAX_TRIES=5;
   my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
         env_proxy  => 1,
         keep_alive => 1,
         timeout    => 30 );
         $agent->agent('Internet Explorer/6.0');
   my $header=HTTP::Request->new(GET => $URL);
   my $request=HTTP::Request->new('GET',
               $URL, $header);
   my $response;
   my $tries = 1;
   do {
      if ($response->is_error) {
         print "URL: $URL   tries: $tries\n";
         print "Got Error: " . $response->code .
               ':' . $response->message. "\n";
         if ($tries <= $MAX_TRIES) {
             sleep $SLEEP_BETWEEN_TRIES;
   } until  (($response->is_success) ||
      ($tries > $MAX_TRIES));
   my $external_IP=$response->content;

   if (-1<index $URL,'whatismyip') {
      my $content=$external_IP;
      $content=~s/^.*Your IP:<\/div>.*?([&][#].*?)<\/div>.*$/$1/s;
      foreach my $char ($content=~m/(?:[&][#](\d\d);)/g) {
         $char=sprintf "%c", $char;
   return $external_IP||'';


sub check_for_amazon_localhost {

   if ($^O eq 'linux') {
      if ((-e '/etc/system-release-cpe') &&
            ((-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,'amazon:linux') ||
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,'amazon_linux'))) {
         return ['ami',get_amazon_external_ip()];
      } elsif ((-e '/etc/os-release') &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/os-release`,'ubuntu')) {
         return ['ubuntu',get_amazon_external_ip()];
      } elsif ((-e '/etc/SuSE-release') &&
            (-e '/etc/profile.d/')) {
         return ['suse',get_amazon_external_ip()];
      } elsif ((-e '/etc/system-release-cpe') &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,
            'redhat:enterprise_linux')) {
         return ['rhel',get_amazon_external_ip()];
      } elsif ((-e '/etc/system-release-cpe') &&
            (-1<index `cat /etc/system-release-cpe`,
            'centos:linux')) {
         return ['centos',get_amazon_external_ip()];
      } elsif (-e '/etc/gentoo-release') {
         return ['gentoo',get_amazon_external_ip()];
   } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd' && (-e '/usr/local/bin/aws') &&
               (-1<index `cat /usr/local/bin/aws`,'')) {
      return ['freebsd',get_amazon_external_ip()];
   } return 0;

sub numerically { $a <=> $b }


our $gatekeep=sub {

   my $href=$_[0];
   my $username=$_[1];
   my $bdb=$_[2];
   my $dbenv=$_[3];
   my $label_for_db=$_[4];
   my $loop_count=$_[5]||0;
   my $errmsg=$_[6]||'';
   my $zyxarray=$href->{"passetts_$username"};
   $passetts=eval $zyxarray;
   undef $zyxarray;
   my $ignore_expiration=$passetts->[1]||0;
   my $now=time;
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::scrub) {
   if ($now<$ignore_expiration && !$errmsg) {
      $passetts->[2]=$dcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      my $rstr=new String::Random;
      if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      } else {
      my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      my $tpess=$dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]);
      my $skipflag=0;
      my $pass=$tpess;
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::password_from
            ne 'user_input') {
         if ($passwd[0] ne $tpess) {
            undef $tpess;
            undef $passwd[0];
         } else {
            print "\n   Saved Password matches ",
                  "commandline password!\n";
      unless ($skipflag) {
         undef $tpess;
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet &&
               !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gatekeep_expir_shown) {
            print "\n   Saved Password will Expire: ",
               scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n";
                  [0,"\n   Saved Password will Expire: ".
                  scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n"])
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
         my $arr=[$tpess,$ignore_expiration];
         undef $tpess;
         my $put_href=
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($label_for_db,$put_href);
      return $pass;
   } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::password_from
         ne 'user_input') {
      my $rstr=new String::Random;
      if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      } else {
      my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      my $pass=$passwd[0];
      undef $passwd[0];
      return $pass;
   } else {
      if ($errmsg) {
         print "  $errmsg";
      } elsif ($ignore_expiration) {
         print "\n   NOTICE!: Saved Password --EXPIRED-- on ".
               scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n";
            [0,"\n  NOTICE!: Saved Password --EXPIRED-- on ".
            scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n"])
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
      my $passwd_timeout=350;
      my $pas='';
      my $te_time=time;
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         local $SIG{INT}  =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("int\n") };
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print "\n   Local Password for $username (1) : ";
         } else {
            print "\n   Local Password for $username : ";
         ReadMode 2;
      if ($@ eq "alarm\n" or $@ eq "int\n") {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         print "\n\n";
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
         ReadMode 0;
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
               "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
         } else {
               "Interupt Signal Received - FullAuto will exit",
      ReadMode 0; 
      my $te_time2=time;
      if (10<$loop_count
            || (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
            !$pas)) {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         print "\n";
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
            "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
            "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
            "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
            "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
            "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
            "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
            "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
            "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
            "\n              was previously saved".
            "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
            "\n              --password option (with no actual".
            "\n              password following the option) and".
            "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
            "\n              with the resulting menus.",
      print "\n\n";
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
      my $rstr=new String::Random;
      if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      } else {
      my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      my $pass=$passwd[0];
      undef $passwd[0];
      my @tpass=@{$passetts}[0..1];
      my $put_href=
      my $status=$bdb->db_put($label_for_db,$put_href);
      return $pass;


our $determine_password=sub {

   my $login_Mast_error=$_[0]||'';
   my $loop_count=$_[1]||0;
   my $hostlabel=$_[2]||'localhost';
   my $password=$_[3]||'';
   return if $password;
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   $username=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname if
         defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname;
   my $kind='prod';
   $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $href={};
   my $label_for_db=$hostlabel;
   if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel} ||
         $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::save_main_pass ||
          $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::password_from ne 'user_input'
          || ($login_Mast_error &&
          -1<index $login_Mast_error,'Not a GLOB reference')) {
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($label_for_db,$href);
      my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
      } else {
         $href=eval $href;
      if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
      } elsif ($passwd[0]) {
         my $rstr=new String::Random;
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
         } else {
         my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
         undef $passwd[0];
      } else {
         my $passwd_timeout=350;
         my $pas='';
         my $te_time=time;
         eval {
            local $SIG{ALRM} =
               sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
               # \n required
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n   Local Password for $username (2) : ";
            } else {
               print "\n   Local Password for $username : ";
            ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         my $te_time2=time;
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            print "\n\n";
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
               "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
         if (10<$loop_count ||
               (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
               !$pas)) {
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            print "\n";
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
               "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
               "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
               "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
               "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
               "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
               "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
               "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
               "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
               "\n              was previously saved".
               "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
               "\n              --password option (with no actual".
               "\n              password following the option) and".
               "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
               "\n              with the resulting menus.",
         print "\n\n";
         my $rstr=new String::Random;
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
         } else {
         my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
         undef $passwd[0];
         my @tpass=@{$passetts}[0..1];
         my $put_href=
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($label_for_db,$put_href);
   } elsif ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher ||
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'} &&
         $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'IdentityFile'})) {
      my $passwd_timeout=350;
      my $pas='';
      my $te_time=time;
      eval {
         local $SIG{ALRM} =
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
            # \n required
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print "\n   Local Password for $username (3): ";
         } else {
            print "\n   Local Password for $username : ";
         ReadMode 2;
      my $te_time2=time;
      if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         print "\n\n";
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
            "Input Time Limit for Password Prompt:\n\n".
            "         Password: Expired");
      if (10<$loop_count ||
            (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
            !$pas)) {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         print "\n<---";
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
            "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
            "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
            "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
            "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
            "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
            "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
            "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
            "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
            "\n              was previously saved".
            "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
            "\n              --password option (with no actual".
            "\n              password following the option) and".
            "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
            "\n              with the resulting menus.",
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($label_for_db,$href);
      my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
      } else {
         $href=eval $href;
      my $pselection='';
      my $ignore_expiration=0;
      if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
         my $zyxarray=$href->{"passetts_$username"};
         $passetts=eval $zyxarray;
         undef $zyxarray;
         my $now=time;
         my $tdcipher='';
         if ($now<$ignore_expiration) {
            $tdcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
            my $askaboutpass_banner=<<END;

   FullAuto has detected a Saved Password from previous invocations that has
      NOT yet expired. Please select how FullAuto should proceed . . .

   To avoid this screen when using a Saved Password, always be sure to start
      FullAuto with the  --password  argument *WITHOUT* a password after the

   (Saved Passwords are NEVER recommended and are ALWAYS an increased
      security risk - but are allowed for unattended mode and for making
      interactive use easier and more efficient - like during custom code
      development. Always use sparingly.)

   (FullAuto also supports command line argument passing of a clear text
      password after the --password argument; BUT, know that this is an EVEN
      MORE INSECURE and *HIGHLY DISCOURAGED* practice than using Saved
      Passwords! Use this approach at YOUR OWN RISK!)

            if ($passwd[0] eq $tdcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
               my %askaboutpass=(

                  Item_1 => {

                     Text => 'Keep the Saved Password',

                  Item_2 => {

                     Text => 'Discard the Saved Password',

                  Scroll => 1,
                  Banner => $askaboutpass_banner,
               cleanup() if $pselection eq ']quit[';
      my $rstr=new String::Random;
      if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
         && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
            =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      } else {
      my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      undef $passwd[0];
      if ($pselection ne 'Keep the Saved Password') {
         delete $href->{"gatekeep_$username"};
      } else {
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            print "\n   Saved Password will Expire: ".
               scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n";
                  [0,"\n   Saved Password will Expire: ".
                  scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n"])
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cache;
         my $tpess=$ecipher->encrypt(
         my $arr=[$tpess,$ignore_expiration];
         undef $tpess;
      my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
   } elsif ($passwd[0]) {
      my $rstr=new String::Random;
      if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
         && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
         =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      } else {
      my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      undef $passwd[0];
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub loopdir {
   my ($dir,$fulldir,$dirtree,$dirpath) = @_;
   opendir(DIR, "$fulldir$dirpath$dir");
   while (my $f=readdir(DIR)) {
      next if ($f eq "." || $f eq "..");
      if (-d $f) {
      } else {
         my $dd=$dirpath.$dir;
         my $fp=$dd;
         if ($dd=~/is[.]pm$/) {
            my $nm=$f;
            require $dd;
            my $display='$'.$dd.'DISPLAY';
            eval "\$display=$display";
            my $connect='$'.$dd.'CONNECT';
   return $dirtree;

sub get_isets

   my $path_to_iset=$_[0]||'';
   my $path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
   my $ispath=$path."ISets";
   $ispath.='/' if $path_to_iset &&
            unpack('a1',$path_to_iset) ne '/';
   my $dirtree={};
   unless (-d $ispath.$path_to_iset) {
      if (-e $path_to_iset) {
         my $fp=$path_to_iset;
         if ($path_to_iset=~/is[.]pm$/) {
            my $nm=$path_to_iset;
            require $path_to_iset;
            my $display='$'.$path_to_iset.'DISPLAY';
            eval "\$display=$display";
            my $connect='$'.$path_to_iset.'CONNECT';
   } else {
   return $dirtree;


my $addprivs=sub {

   my $srvaccount=`sc qc sshd`;
   $srvaccount=~s/^.*SERVICE_START_NAME : (?:.\\)*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s;
   my $rights=`/bin/editrights -u $srvaccount -l 2>&1`;
   if ($rights!~/^Error/) {
      if ((-1<index $rights,'SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight') ||
            (-1==index $rights,'SeServiceLogonRight') ||
            (-1==index $rights,'SeTcbPrivilege') ||
            (-1==index $rights,'SeCreateTokenPrivilege') ||
            (-1==index $rights,'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege') || 1) {
         my @missing_rights=();
         my $output='';my $restart_sshd=0;
         if (-1<index $rights,'SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight') {
            my $die_deny=<<END;

   FATAL ERROR! - The following restriction was
                  discovered for the sshd service
                  account  $srvaccount :


                  Please contact your Domain and/or System
                  Administrators for assistance or policy
                  questions and clarifiations.

         if (-1==index $rights,'SeTcbPrivilege') {
            $output=`/bin/editrights -a SeTcbPrivilege -u $srvaccount 2>&1`;
            if ($output=~/^Error/) {
               push @missing_rights, 'SeTcbPrivilege';
            } else { $restart_sshd=1 }
         if (-1==index $rights,'SeCreateTokenPrivilege') {
            my $prv='SeCreateTokenPrivilege';
            $output=`/bin/editrights -a $prv -u $srvaccount 2>&1`;
            if ($output=~/^Error/) {
               push @missing_rights, 'SeCreateTokenPrivilege';
            } else { $restart_sshd=1 }
         if (-1==index $rights,'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege') {
            my $prv='SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege';
            $output=`/bin/editrights -a $prv -u $srvaccount 2>&1`;
            if ($output=~/^Error/) {
               push @missing_rights, 'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege';
            } else { $restart_sshd=1 }
         if (-1==index $rights,'SeServiceLogonRight') {
            my $prv='SeServiceLogonRight';
            $output=`/bin/editrights -a $prv -u $srvaccount 2>&1`;
            if ($output=~/^Error/) {
               push @missing_rights, 'SeServiceLogonRight';
            } else { $restart_sshd=1 }
         if (-1<$#missing_rights) {
            my $mis=join "\n",map { "               $_" } @missing_rights;
            my $die_miss=<<END;

   FATAL ERROR! - The following priviliges

      are missing from the ID  $srvaccount :


      An attempt was made to add these priviliges,
      but was not successful. Please contact your
      your Domain and/or System Administrators for
      assistance. These priviliges can be controlled at
      the domain level with a global policy that
      affects one or multiple hosts. These policies
      are often enforced at host startup - which would
      explain why sshd may have worked in an earlier
      session, or immediately following installation,
      but not after a reboot.

            print $die_miss;
         } elsif ($restart_sshd) {
            my $srvout=`/bin/cygrunsrv -Q sshd 2>&1`;
            my $output=`net stop sshd 2>&1`;
            unless (-1<index $output,'CYGWIN sshd service was stopped') {
               print "\n   FATAL ERROR! - ".
                     " The Cygwin sshd (Secure Shell) service ",
                     " could NOT be restarted:\n\n${srvout}".
                     "Error: $output\n\nTo restart, Run as Administrator\n".
                     "\nand type:  'net stop sshd'\n".
                     "and then:  'net start sshd'\n\n";
            $output=`net start sshd 2>&1`;
            unless (-1<index $output,'CYGWIN sshd service was started') {
               print "\n   FATAL ERROR! - ".
                     " The Cygwin sshd (Secure Shell) service ",
                     " could NOT be started:\n\n${srvout}".
                     "Error: $output\n\nTo restart, Run as Administrator\n".
                     "\nand then:  'net start sshd'\n\n";
   } return 'return';


sub bash_operation_not_permitted {

   my $hostlabel=$Hosts{$_[0]}{HostName}||
   my $looped=$_[1]||0;
   my $banner2='';my $result='';
   if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
      my $srvaccount=`sc qc sshd`;
         s/^.*SERVICE_START_NAME : (?:.\\)*(.*?)\s*$/$1/s;
      my $account_is_admin=0;
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
             can_load(modules => { "Win32::RunAsAdmin" => 0 })) {
      my $txt1="Attempt to add system privileges\n".
               "                 to ID:  $srvaccount";
         my $banner3='';
      if ($account_is_admin) {
         if ($looped==2) {
            my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
            my $windows_login=`tasklist /V | /bin/grep dwm`;
            if ($windows_login eq $username) {


   FATAL ERROR! : The attempt to add priviliges to the
      ID:  $srvaccount.

      did not succeed.

   HINT: Please contact your Domain and/or System Administrators
         for assistance or questions and clarifiations.

               print $banner3;
            } else {

   FATAL ERROR! : The attempt to add priviliges to the ID:
                  $srvaccount  did not succeed.

   HINT: It appears you are running FullAuto from a terminal started with
      elevated prililiges using ID: $username, and your Windows Desktop
      login is $windows_login. You may be able to update priviliges
      from a Desktop session using $username. Log out of your current
      Desktop session, and login in as $username (if allowed).
      Once logged in you can either run FullAuto again, or use gpedit.msc.

      1. Click Start, click Run, type gpedit.msc, and then click OK.
      2. Expand Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration,
         expand Windows Settings, expand Security Settings, expand
         Local policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.
      3. Double-click Log on as a batch job, click Add user or group,
         type the name of the service account, and then click OK two times.
      4. Double-click Log on as a service, click Add user or group,
         type the name of the service account, and then click OK two times.

      OR - contact your Domain and/or System Administrators
      for assistance or policy questions and clarifiations.
               print $banner3;
         } else {

   FullAuto can attempt to add the missing system
   privileges to the ID:  $srvaccount.


               Name => 'result',
               Item_1 => {

                  Text => $txt1,
                  Result => $addprivs,

               Item_2 => {

                  Text => 'Exit FullAuto',

               Scroll => 1,
               Banner => $banner3,

      } else {
    No attempt was made to add these priviliges, because
    the user \'$username\' lacks sufficient administrative
    rights on this host. Please contact your Domain and/or
    System Administrators for assistance.

    HINT: If you have an ID with administrator priviliges,
          exit Windows and login with that ID instead, or
          when opening any program in Windows, (including
          a Cygwin Terminal) right click on icon and select
          "Run as administrator"

            Name => 'result',
            Banner => $banner3,


    There may be system priviliges missing from the ID: $srvaccount
    needed for the Cygwin sshd service on $hostlabel.

    FullAuto by default attempts to fork a local SSH process to act as a
    parent for SFTP. An option to fork a local BASH shell process is also
    available, but SSH is default because it is more secure, and it enables
    shelling out from SFTP to the local system, which does not work from a
    BASH shell process. All other SFTP functionality on remote hosts is
    available however. In situations like this where a local SSHD service is
    not available, forking a BASH shell is a viable alernative. To use BASH
    shell parenting, add this line to your host block configurations:

       Spawn => 'bash',
   } else {

   FATAL ERROR! : /bin/bash: Operation not permitted

       There may be system priviliges missing from the
       account needed for the sshd service on $hostlabel.
       Please contact your Domain and/or System Administrators
       for assistance. These priviliges may be controlled at
       the domain level with a global policy that affects
       one or multiple hosts.
       $result=sub { cleanup() };
   my $banner=<<END;

   FATAL ERROR! : /bin/bash: Operation not permitted

      This error is usually a result of the sshd
      service account on $hostlabel not having proper
      privileges. For a more detailed explanation,
      type 2 and press ENTER.

   my %bsp=(

      Name => 'bsp',
      Banner => $banner2,
      Result => $result,

   my %bonp=(

      Name => 'bonp',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => 'Exit FullAuto',
         Result => sub { cleanup() },

      Item_2 => {

         Text => 'Detailed Explanation',
         Result => \%bsp,
      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $banner,

   my $timeout=350;my $returned='';
   eval {
      local $SIG{ALRM} =
         sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") }; # NB:
         # \n required
      print "\n";
   cleanup() unless $returned eq 'return';


sub log

   my $log=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log||0;
   $log=$_[0] if defined $_[0] && $_[0];
   return 1 if $log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $logcount=0;
   $logcount=$_[1] if defined $_[1] && $_[1];
   my $cache=$_[2]||'';
   my $logdir='';
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}
         && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}) {
      if (substr($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'},0,1) eq '~') {
      my $die="Cannot Open LOGFILE - \"" .
              $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'} . "\"";
      if ($logdir=~/[\/|\\]/) {
      } else {
      umask 0027;
                          ,(O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)) # write mode,
                          || &handle_error($!);# create if needed
      unless ($quiet) {
         print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"",
            [0,"\n  LOGFILE ==> \"",
            if $cache;
      my $outd=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'};
                    ,(O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)) # write mode,
                    || &handle_error($!);# create if needed
      unless ($quiet) {
         print "  OUTPUT ==> \"",
            [0,"  OUTPUT ==> \"",
            if $cache;
      my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
      print $LOG "\n\n#### NEW PROCESS - ",
         scalar localtime(time)," #####\n\n",
         "#### COMMAND - $0 ",
         (join " ",map { (-1<index $_,' ')?"\"$_\"":$_ } @ARGV),
         " ####\n\n";
      print "\nINFO: log() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nlog() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
   } elsif ($log || $fa_conf::save_fa_logs_dot_zip_in_current_directory) {
      $log=1 if !$log and $fa_conf::save_fa_logs_dot_zip_in_current_directory;
         unless $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log;
      my $olog='';
      umask 0027;
      if ($log!~/^\d$/) {
         if ($log!~/\//) {
         } elsif ($log=~/\/$/) {
      } else {
         mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto" unless
               -d "$home_dir/.fullauto";
         chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto";
         mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto/logs" unless
               -d "$home_dir/.fullauto/logs";
         chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto/logs";
      sysopen($LOG,$olog,(O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)) # write mode,
                          || &handle_error($!);# create if needed
      my $outd=$olog;
      unless ($quiet) {
         print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"$olog\"\n";
         print "  OUTPUT  ==> \"$outd/OUTPUT.txt\"\n";
            [0,"\n  LOGFILE ==> \"$olog\"\n"])
            if $cache;
            [0,"  OUTPUT ==> \"$outd/OUTPUT.txt\"\n"])
            if $cache;
      sysopen($OUTPUT,"$outd/OUTPUT.txt",(O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)) # write mode,
                          || &handle_error($!);# create if needed
      my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new();
      print $LOG "\n\n#### NEW PROCESS - ",
         scalar localtime(time)," #####\n\n",
         "#### COMMAND - $0 ",
         (join " ",map { (-1<index $_,' ')?"\"$_\"":$_ } @ARGV),
         " ####\n\n";
      print "\nINFO: log() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nlog() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
   } else {
      return 0;
   my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   unless (exists $Hosts{$mr}) {
   my $fconf=$Hosts{$mr}{'FA_Core'}.'Custom/'.
   my @data=();
   if (-e $fconf || $0=~/ {
      open(CH,"+<$fconf") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fconf");
      flock CH, 2;
      foreach my $ln (@data) {
         if ($ln=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+[\$]logcount\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;*\s*$/i) {
   if (-e $fconf) {
      open(CH,"+<$fconf") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fconf");
      flock CH, 2;
      foreach my $ln (@data) {
         if ($ln=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+[\$]logcount\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;*\s*$/i) {
   if ($logdir && ((exists $Hosts{'localhost'}{'LogCount'} &&
          $Hosts{'localhost'}{'LogCount'} &&
          $Hosts{'localhost'}{'LogCount'}=~/^\d+$/) || $logcount)) {
      my @logs=();
      eval {
         @logs=`ls -t $logdir`;
      if ($@) {
         print $LOG "Cannot Read Contents of LOGDIR $logdir=$@\n"
            if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
      my $count=$logcount||$Hosts{'localhost'}{'LogCount'};
      my $logcount=$#logs;
      if ($count<$logcount) {
         foreach my $log (reverse @logs) {
            chomp $log;
            next if $log eq '.';
            next if $log eq '..';
            eval {
               unlink $logdir.'/'.$log;
            if ($@) {
               print $LOG "Cannot Remove Logfiles=$@\n"
                  if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
            last if $count >= --$logcount;
   return 1;


sub connect_berkeleydb

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "main::connect_berkeleydb() for $_[0] CALLER="
      ,(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::connect_berkeleydb() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $dbname=$_[0];
   my $lc_dbname=lc($dbname);
   my $mkdflag=0;
   my $kind='prod';
   $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
   my $track='';
   my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   unless (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}
         {'berkeley_db_path'}) {
      if (-w "/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto") {
      } else {
         my $home_dir=File::HomeDir->my_home||$ENV{'HOME'}||'';
         mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto" unless
               -d "$home_dir/.fullauto";
         chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto";
         mkdir "$home_dir/.fullauto/db" unless
               -d "$home_dir/.fullauto/db";
         chmod 0770, "$home_dir/.fullauto/db";
   unless (-d $Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.$dbname) {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
      $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
      my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').'mkdir -p '.
      my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
      &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
      if ($m) {
         my $cd=cwd();
         chdir $m.$Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.$dbname;
         my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('bash').
                 'bash -c "umask u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx"';
         chdir $cd;
   } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
         !(-e $Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.$dbname.'/'.
         "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_${kind}_$lc_dbname.db")) {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.$dbname,
      -LockDetect => DB_LOCK_DEFAULT
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename =>
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Env      => $dbenv
   unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
      my $d=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::find_berkeleydb_utils('recover');
      my $cmd="$d -h ".$Hosts{$mr}{'berkeley_db_path'}.$dbname;
      my $out=`$cmd`;
      &handle_error($out) if $out;
      $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("Cannot Open DB:".
             " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
      unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
   # print the contents of the file
   if ($mkdflag && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('chmod')."chmod -Rv $mode ".
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::setuid_cmd($cmd,5);
      &handle_error($stderr) if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';
   return $dbenv,$bdb;


sub fa_login

   if (defined $_[0] && $_[0]=~/^\d+$/) {
   } else {
      my $time_out='$' . (caller)[0] . '::timeout';
      $time_out= eval $time_out;
      if ($@ || $time_out!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $timeout=$time_out }
   } $test=0;$prod=0;

   # The following are being set if
   # found defined in Term::Menus
   my $log_='$' . (caller)[0] . '::log';
   $log_= eval $log_;
   $log_=0 if $@ || !$log_;
   my $tosspass_='$' . (caller)[0] . '::tosspass';
   $tosspass_= eval $tosspass_;
   $tosspass_=0 if $@ || !$tosspass_;
   ## end Term::Menus defs ###########

   my $fhtimeout='X';
   my $fatimeout=$timeout;
   my $tst='$' . (caller)[0] . '::test';
   $tst=eval $tst;
   $test=$tst if !$@ || $tst=~/^[1-9]+/;
   my $_connect='connect_ssh_telnet';
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'}) {
      my $loc=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'};
      unless ($loc eq 'connect_ssh'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet_ssh') {
          my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - \"Local\" has "
                 ."*NOT* been Properly\n              Defined in the "
                 ."\"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host\" File."
                 ."\n              This "
                 ."Element must have one of the following\n"
                 ."              Values:\n\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh'or 'connect_telnet'\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh_telnet' or\n       "
                 ."          'connect_telnet_ssh'\n\n"
                 ."       \'$loc\' is INCORRECT.\n\n";
          print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
             if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
             -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_telnet') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') {
      } else {
   } else {
   $email_defaults='%' . (caller)[0] . '::email_defaults';
   %email_defaults=eval $email_defaults;
   if ($@) {
   } else { $email_defaults=1 }
   my $email_addresses='%' . (caller)[0] . '::email_addresses';
   %email_addresses=eval $email_addresses;
   %email_addresses=() if $@;
   my $test_caller=(caller)[0];
   $custom_code_module_file='$' . (caller)[0] . '::fa_code';
   $custom_code_module_file=eval $custom_code_module_file;
   if ($@) {
      my $die="Cannot Locate the \"FullAuto Custom Code\" "
           ."perl module (.pm) file\n       < original "
           ."default name '' >\n\n       $@";
   my $man=0;my $help=0;my $userflag=0;my $passerror=0;
   my $test_arg=0;my $oldcipher='';
   my @holdARGV=@ARGV;@menu_args=();my $username_from='';
   my $cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file;my $sem='';
   my $sshport='';

   Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
                'admin'                 => \$admin,
                'menu'                  => \$menu,
                'welcome'               => \$welcome,
                'new_user'              => \$newuser,
                'newuser'               => \$newuser,
                'new-user'              => \$newuser,
                'iset-amazon:s'         => \$iset_amazon,
                'iset-local:s'          => \$iset_local,
                'amazon-cleanup'        => \$amazoncleanup,
                'tutorial'              => \$tutorial,
                'figlet'                => \$figlet,
                'g'                     => \$go,
                'go'                    => \$go,
                'about'                 => \$version,
                'authorize_connect'     => \$authorize_connect,
                'cache_root=s'          => \$cache_root,
                'cache_key=s'           => \$cache_key,
                'debug'                 => \$debug,
                'dashboard'             => \$dashboard,
                'scrub'                 => \$scrub,
                'help|?'                => \$help,
                'h|?'                   => \$help,
                'i=s'                   => \$identityfile,
                'identity_file=s'       => \$identityfile,
                'identity-file=s'       => \$identityfile,
                'identityfile=s'        => \$identityfile,
                'log:s'                 => \$log,
                'l:s'                   => \$log, 
                 man                    => \$man,
                'password:s'            => \$passwrd,
                'pw:s'                  => \$passwrd,
                'password_no_warning:s' => \$passwrdnw,
                'pwnw:s'                => \$passwrdnw,
                'quiet'                 => \$quiet,
                'oldpassword=s'         => \$oldpasswd,
                'oldcipher=s'           => \$oldcipher,
                'updatepw'              => \$updatepw,
                'local-login-id:s'      => \$usrname,
                'localid:s'             => \$usrname,
                'local_id:s'            => \$usrname,
                'local-id:s'            => \$usrname,
                'login:s'               => \$usrname,
                'loginid:s'             => \$usrname,
                'login_id:s'            => \$usrname,
                'login-id:s'            => \$usrname,
                'id:s'                  => \$usrname,
                'username:s'            => \$usrname,
                'user:s'                => \$usrname,
                'u:s'                   => \$usrname,
                'code=s'                => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'c=s'                   => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'subroutine'            => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'subname'               => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'sub'                   => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'sub-arg=s'             => \@menu_args,
                'sub_arg=s'             => \@menu_args,
                'arg=s'                 => \@menu_args,
                'a=s'                   => \@menu_args,
                'cron:s'                => \$cron,
                'unattended:s'          => \$cron,
                'batch:s'               => \$cron,
                'fullauto:s'            => \$cron,
                'defaults'              => \$default,
                'default'               => \$default,
                'fa_code:s'             => \$facode,
                'fa_conf:s'             => \$faconf,
                'fa_host:s'             => \$fahost,
                'fa_menu:s'             => \$famenu,
                'm:s'                   => \$famenu,
                'sets'                  => \$set,
                'set:s'                 => \$set,
                's:s'                   => \$set,
                'random'                => \$random,
                'timeout=i'             => \$cltimeout,
                'prod'                  => \$prod,
                'plan_ignore_error:s'   => \$plan_ignore_error,
                'plan:s'                => \$plan,
                'p:s'                   => \$plan,
                'test'                  => \$test_arg,
                'tosspass'              => \$tosspass,
                'daemon'                => \$service,
                'service'               => \$service,
                'cat:s'                 => \$cat,
                'edit:s'                => \$edit,
                'e:s'                   => \$edit,
                'users'                 => \$users,
                'v'                     => \$version,
                'version'               => \$version,
                'V'                     => \$VERSION,
              ) or pod2usage(2);
   pod2usage(1) if $help;
   pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
   @ARGV=@holdARGV;undef @holdARGV;
   $random='__random__' if $random;
   if (defined $log) { $log=1 }
   $log=$log_ if !$log;
   $tosspass=$tosspass_ if !$tosspass;
   if ($test_arg) {
   } elsif ($prod) {
   my $track=0;
   if (defined $passwrd) {
      if ($passwrd) {
         my $warn_against_commandline_password=<<END;

  WARNING!  A cleartext password is being passed to FullAuto via 
            commandline argument. This is a VERY insecure and *HIGHLY
            DISCOURAGED* practice. It is suggested to use Saved Passwords
            instead which is more secure, and does not leave cleartext
            passwords in the process table, invocation history, volatile
            memory and log files.

            Use the  --password  (or --pw) argument with *NO* password after
            it, and follow the online instructions that will appear when
            you this method of invocation.

            It is *STRONGLY* advised that you change your password BEFORE
            saving since the current one was used insecurely.

            If you still want to pass cleartext passwords on the commandline
            and not see this warning, use the  --password_no_warning  or
            --pwnw  arguments (followed by the password) instead.
            Use at YOUR OWN RISK!

         warn $warn_against_commandline_password;
      } else {
      } undef $passwrd;
   } elsif (defined $passwrdnw) {
      if ($passwrdnw) {
      } else {
      } undef $passwrdnw;
   } elsif (defined $go) {
   my $uname_uid=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
   my $launch_local_ssh_telnet=0;
   if (defined $usrname) {
      $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if $username ne $uname_uid; 
   } elsif (defined $go) {
      $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if $username ne $uname_uid;
   } else {
      my $force_login=0;
      $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if ($username ne $uname_uid)
         || $force_login;
      $userflag=1 unless $force_login;
      $username_from='from_uid' if $userflag;
   if (defined $identityfile && $identityfile) {
   } elsif (exists $Hosts{'localhost'}{'IdentityFile'}) {
   if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'} &&
        !(-r $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'})) {
      my $i=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'};
      my $login_Mast_error=
            "SSH identity_file  $i  cannot be read.";
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - The Host "
         ."$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname Returned"
         ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error Condition"
         ."\,\n              Rejecting the Login Attempt of the ID"
         ."\n              -> $username :\n\n       "

   if (-1<$#_ && $_[0] && $_[0]!~/^\d+$/) {
      if ($#_ && $#_%2!=0) {
         my $key='';my $margs=0;
         foreach my $arg (@_) {
            if (!$key) {
            } else {
               if ($key eq 'local-login-id') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'login') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'password') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'sub_arg' ||
                     $key eq 'sub-arg') {
                  @menu_args=() if !$margs;
                  push @menu_args, $arg;
               } elsif ($key ne 'test' || $prod==0) {
               } $key='';
      } else {
         &handle_error("Wrong Number of Arguments to &fa_login");
   } elsif (!$prod && defined $_[1] &&
           (!defined $_[0] || !$_[0] || $_[0]=~/^\d+$/)) {
   if (defined $cron) {
      if ($cron) {
   my $cache='';
   foreach my $hl ('cache','localhost') {
      if (exists $Hosts{$hl} && exists $Hosts{$hl}->{Cache}
            && ((exists $Hosts{$hl}->{Start_Cache}
            && $Hosts{$hl}->{Start_Cache})
            || $cache_root || $cache_key)) {
         if (ref $Hosts{$hl}->{Cache} ne 'CODE') {
            my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - The 'Cache' item/element "
                   ."for\n              ->  \"$hl"
                   ."\"\n              called from fa_login() "
                   ."              is not a valid reference\n"
                   ."              to an anonymous subroutine:\n\n"
                   ."                 Example:  Cache => sub { ... },\n\n"
                   ."              in the Block labeled \"$hl\"\n"
                   ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
            print $die if (!$cron && $debug) && !$quiet;
            exit 1; 
         } elsif (defined $cache_root && $cache_root && -d $cache_root) {
            if ($cache->chi_root_class) {
               if (defined $cache_key && $cache_key) { 
               unless (exists $cache->{'key'} && $cache->{'key'}) {
                  my $die="\n   FATAL ERROR - No key defined for cache.\n\n"
                         ."              at ".__PACKAGE__." Line: "
                  print $die if (!$cron && $debug) && !$quiet;
                  exit 1;
            } else {
               my $die="\n   FATAL ERROR - No cache root dir defined "
                      ."for cache.\n\n"
                      ."              at ".__PACKAGE__." Line: "
               print $die if (!$cron && $debug) && !$quiet;
               exit 1;
         } elsif (defined $cache_key && $cache_key) {
            unless ($cache->chi_root_class) {
               my $die="\n   FATAL ERROR - No cache root dir defined for "
                      ."cache.\n\n              at ".__PACKAGE__
                      ." Line: ".__LINE__."\n\n";
               print $die if (!$cron && $debug) && !$quiet;
               exit 1;
         } last if $cache;

   if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
      print "\n   Starting $progname . . .\n";
      $cache->set($cache->{'key'},[0,"\n   Starting $progname . . .\n"])
         if $cache;
   sleep 2 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

   my $su_scrub='';my $login_Mast_error='';my $id='';my $use='';
   my $hostlabel='';my $mainuser='';my $retrys='';
   my $su_err='';my $su_id='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   my $hostname='';my $fullhostname='';my $passline='';
   my $host=''; my $cmd_type='';my $cmd_pid='';my $login_id;
   my $password='';
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'} &&
         -1<index $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'},'.') {
              ,(index $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'},'.'))||'';
   } else {
   my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
       Proto       => 'udp',
       PeerAddr    => '', #
       PeerPort    => '53', # DNS
   my $ip=$socket->sockhost||'';
   my $suroot='';
   foreach my $host (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
      next if $host eq "__Master_${$}__";
      if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} &&
            ($Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} eq $username)) {
         $su_id='' if !$mainuser;
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
         if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'SU_ID'}) {
            last if $su_id eq 'root';
         } next
      } elsif (!$mainuser && exists $Hosts{$host}{'SU_ID'}) {
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
      } else {
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
      } $hostlabel=$host if !$hostlabel;
   } $hostlabel="__Master_${$}__" if !$hostlabel;
   if ($cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif ($fhtimeout ne 'X') {
   } $retrys=0;

   if ($updatepw) {
      my $uid=$username;
      while (1) {
         if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
            print $blanklines;
         } else {
            print "$blanklines\n";
         if ($login_Mast_error) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE (4) -> $login_Mast_error";
            } else {
               print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> $login_Mast_error";
         if ($test && !$prod) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n  Running in TEST (1) mode\n";
            } else {
               print "\n  Running in TEST mode\n";
         } else {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION (1) mode\n"
            } else {
               print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION mode\n"
         my $usrname_timeout=350;
         my $usrname='';
         eval {
            local $SIG{ALRM} =
               sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
               # \n required
            my $ikey='';
            print "\n";
            ($usrname,$ikey)=rawInput("  $hostname Login <$uid> : ");
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
            print "\n\n";
               "Time Allowed for Username Input has Expired.",
         chomp $usrname;
         next if $usrname=~/^\d/ || !$usrname && !$uid;
         $username= ($usrname) ? $usrname : $uid;
      while (1) {
         print "\n  Enter Old Password: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         my $pas=<STDIN>;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               && 7<length $passwd[0]) {
         print "  Please Enter Old Password Again: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               && 7<length $passwd[3]) {
         if ($passwd[1] eq $passwd[4]) {
         } else {
            if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
               print $blanklines;
            } else {
               print "$blanklines\n";
            } print "\n  Passwords did not match!\n";
      while (1) {
         print "\n  Enter New Password: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               && 7<length $passwd[5]) {
         print "  Please Enter New Password Again: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
              && 7<length $passwd[7]) {
         if ($passwd[6] eq $passwd[8]) {
         } else {
            if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
               print $blanklines;
            } else {
               print "$blanklines\n";
            } print "\n  Passwords did not match!\n";
      my $cipher_algorithm=($oldcipher)?$oldcipher:
      my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($passwd[8],
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         my $href=eval $v;
         foreach my $key (keys %{eval $v}) {
            if ($key=~/\d+$/) {
               while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
            my $href_2='';
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($k,$href_2);
            my $encrypted_passwd=$href_2->{$key};
            my $pass=$cipher->decrypt($encrypted_passwd);
            if ($pass && $pass!~tr/\0-\37\177-\377//) {
               print "Updated $key\n";
               while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
               my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($passwd[8],
               my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($pass);
            } else { print "Skipping $key\n" }
         } my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($k,$put_href);
      undef $cursor ;
      undef $bdb ;
      undef $dbenv;


   my $loop_count=0;
   while (1) {
      eval { # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
             # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
             # of this routine.
         my $logdir='';
         if (-r "/tmp/fa_aws_home.txt") {
            my $credentials_csv_path=<RD>;
            close RD;
            if (-e "$credentials_csv_path/credentials.csv") {
               my $cred_ts=stat("$credentials_csv_path/credentials.csv");
               while (my $line=readdir(DH)) {
                  chomp $line;
                  if ($line=~/\.pem/) {
                     my $pem_ts=stat("$credentials_csv_path/$line");
                        if $pem_ts->[9] <= $cred_ts->[9];
                     $iset_amazon=1 if !$amazoncleanup && !$iset_amazon;
         } elsif (defined $iset_amazon) {
            unless (%main::amazon) {
               my $die="FATAL ERROR - Amazon EC2 Cloud Network"
                      ." NOT Detected.\n\n     "
                      ."  Must be on EC2 Instance to use --iset-amazon\n";
         if (($Term::Menus::new_user_flag or $welcome or $newuser) &&
               !$default && !$iset_amazon && !$iset_local &&
               !$amazoncleanup) {
         if (!$LOG) {
         if (defined $default || (defined $facode && !$facode)
                              || (defined $faconf && !$faconf)
                              || (defined $fahost && !$fahost)
                              || (defined $famenu && !$famenu)
                              || (defined $set && !$set)) {
            my $default_modules=$main::get_default_modules->();
            if (defined $facode) {
               my %define_module_fa_code=(
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Code'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->($default_modules,'Code'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_code);
            } elsif (defined $faconf) {
               my %define_module_fa_conf=(
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Conf'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->($default_modules,'Conf'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_conf);
            } elsif (defined $fahost) {
               my %define_module_fa_host=(
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Host'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->($default_modules,'Host'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_host);
            } elsif (defined $famenu) {
               my %define_module_fa_menu=(
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Menu'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->($default_modules,'Menu'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_menu);
            } elsif (defined $set) {
               my $current_default_set=$default_modules->{'set'};
            if (defined $famenu) {
            } elsif (defined $facode) {
            } elsif (defined $fahost) {
            } elsif (defined $faconf) {
            } elsif (defined $default) {
               my $ca_sub=sub {
                  use File::Path;
                  use File::Copy;
                  my $type=$_[0];
                  my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
                  my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
                  unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
                     my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
                     my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
                     $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
                     unless (-d "$fadir/Custom") {
                        my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                                'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom";
                        my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                           if $stderr;
                     unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username") {
                        my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                                'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom/$username";
                        my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                           if $stderr;
                     unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
                        my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir').
                                'mkdir -p '.$m."$fadir/Custom/$username/$type";
                        my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
                           if $stderr;
                     my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('cp').'cp '.
                          "$fadir/Custom/fa_".lc($type).'.pm '.
                     &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                     if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        my $mode=
                        my $cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('chmod').
                             "chmod -Rv $mode ".
                        my ($stdout,$stderr)=&setuid_cmd($cmd,5);
                           if $stderr && -1==index $stderr,'mode of';
                  my @xfiles = readdir(DIR);
                  my @return=();
                  foreach my $entry (@xfiles) {
                     next if $entry eq '.';
                     next if $entry eq '..';
                     next if -d $entry;
                     push @return, $entry;
                  return @return;
               if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
                     $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
                  my $selection=Menu($viewdefaults_sub->());
                  if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
                        (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Default Module')) {
               } else {
                  my $selection=Menu($defaultsettings_sub->());
                  if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
                        (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults')) {
         if ($plan || $plan_ignore_error) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::cpu) {
               my $idle=(split ',', $Net::FullAuto::cpu)[3];
               my $cpyou=100-$idle;
               if ($idle<20) {
                  my $die="FATAL ERROR - CPU Usage is too high\n"
                         ."              to run FullAuto safely.\n"
                         ."   CPU are Starttime ==> ${cpyou}%\n";
            my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
            my $pref='';
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($plan,$pref);
            my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($pref)->Out();
            if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
            } else {
               $pref=eval $pref;
            my $pla_n=$pref;
            unless (ref $pla_n eq 'HASH' and exists $pla_n->{Plan}) {
               my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! -  Plan $plan is *NOT* a"
                  ."\n              Valid FullAuto Plan. Please indicate\,"
                  ."\n              a Valid Plan, or Create one using the"
                  ."\n              --plan argument without a number.\n"
                  ."\n           $status\n";
               print $LOG $die
                  if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
         if ($admin && !defined $main::plan_menu_sub) {
         if ($localhost &&
               (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'invalid log'
               && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'ogin incor'
               && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'sion den') ||
               (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'/dev/tty: No')) {
            if ($cmd_type eq 'telnet' &&
                  defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
               $localhost->{_cmd_handle}->print(' exit');
               while (defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
                  while (my $line=$localhost->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     my $allout.=$line;
                     last if $allout=~/logout|closed/s;
                  } $localhost->{_cmd_handle}->close;
            } elsif ($cmd_type eq 'ssh') {
            } elsif (exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {

         if ($login_Mast_error) {
            if ($login_Mast_error=~/[Ll]ogin|sion den|Passwo/) {
               $login_Mast_error=~s/^(.*try again.).*$/$1\n/s;
            } else {
         if ((!$userflag && !$cron) || 
               (defined $usrname && !$usrname) || $launch_local_ssh_telnet) {
            my $uid=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && !$usrname) {
               while (1) {
                  if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
                     print $blanklines;
                  } else {
                     print "$blanklines\n";
                  if ($login_Mast_error) {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE (5) -> $login_Mast_error";
                     } else {
                        print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> $login_Mast_error";
                  if ($test && !$prod) {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "\n  Running in TEST (2) mode\n";
                     } else {
                        print "\n  Running in TEST mode\n";
                  } else {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION (2) mode\n";
                     } else {
                        print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION mode\n";
                  my $usrname_timeout=350;
                  my $usrname='';
                  eval {
                     local $SIG{ALRM} = 
                        sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
                        # \n required
                     my $ikey='';
                     print "\n";
                     ($usrname,$ikey)=rawInput("  $hostname Login <$uid> : ");
                  if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                     print "\n\n";
                        "Time Allowed for Username Input has Expired.",
                  chomp $usrname;
                  next if $usrname=~/^\d/ || !$usrname && !$uid;
                  $username= ($usrname) ? $usrname : $uid;
            } elsif ($login_Mast_error &&
                  (-1==index $login_Mast_error,'/dev/tty: No')) {
            } else { 
                if (defined $usrname) {
                   $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if $username ne $uname_uid;
                } elsif (defined $go) {
                   $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if $username ne $uname_uid;
                } else {
                   my $force_login=0;
                   $launch_local_ssh_telnet=1 if ($username ne $uname_uid)
                      || $force_login;
                   $userflag=1 unless $force_login;
                   $username_from='from_uid' if $userflag;

         my $kind='prod';
         $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&

         my $mkdflag=0;


         my $lc_cnt=-1;
         $localhost={};my $local_host='';
         $localhost=bless $localhost, 'Rem_Command';
         bless $localhost,
         my $ignore='';my $href={};my $newpw='';

         if ($launch_local_ssh_telnet) {
            foreach my $connect_method (@RCM_Link) {
               if (lc($connect_method) eq 'telnet') {
                  my $telnetpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('telnet');
                  my $telnetport='';
                  if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'telnetport'}) {
                  if ($telnetport) {
                        or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                        "couldn't launch telnet subprocess"));
                  } else {
                        or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                        "couldn't launch telnet subprocess"));
                     [ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
                  $local_host=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $localhost,
                     Timeout => $fatimeout);
                     if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};
                  delete $localhost->{_cmd_handle}
                     if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};
                  while (my $line=$local_host->get) {
                     if (7<length $line && unpack('a8',$line) eq 'Insecure') {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$line;
                        } else {
                     last if $line!~/Last login/i &&
                        $line=~/login[: ]*$|username[: ]*$/i;

                  if ($local_host->errmsg) {
                  ## Wait for password prompt.
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if ($lc_cnt==$#RCM_Link) {
                     } else { next }
                  } last 
               } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'ssh') {
                  if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sshport'}) {
                  my $try_count=0;my $v='vvv';
                  while (1) {
                     if ($sshport) {
                        if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'}
                              && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                           my $i=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'};
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                        } elsif (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'/dev/tty: No') {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  "ssh -p$sshport -$v $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  "ssh -p$sshport -v $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                     "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                        } else {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd'; 
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) && 
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                     } elsif (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'}
                           && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                        my $i=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IdentityFile'};
                        if (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'/dev/tty: No') {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  "ssh -$v -i \'$i\' $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  "ssh -v -i \'$i\' $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                     "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                        } else {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                     } else {
                        if (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'/dev/tty: No') {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  "ssh -$v $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  "ssh -v $login_id\@localhost",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                     "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                        } else {
                           if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              $v='v' if $^O eq 'freebsd';
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } else {
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                     "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "SSH_Pid=$cmd_pid at Line ", __LINE__,"<==\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
                     $local_host=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $local_host,
                        Timeout => $fatimeout);
                        if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};

                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                           { _cmd_handle=>$local_host,
                             _hostlabel=>[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ],
                             _connect=>$_connect },$timeout,'',
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if ($lc_cnt==$#RCM_Link) {
                        } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                               "can\'t open /dev/tty: ".
                               "No such device or address\n");
                        } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'read timed-out:do_slave') {
                           my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
                              if &testpid($cmd_pid);
                        } elsif (3<$try_count++) {
                        } else { sleep 1;next }
                     } last
                  } last
         } else {
               or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
               "couldn't launch bash subprocess"));
            $local_host=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $local_host,
               Timeout => $timeout);
               " export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];

         ## Send password.
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PRINTING PASSWORD NOW<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if ($launch_local_ssh_telnet) {
            if ($dcipher && !$ignore) { 
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
               if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
                  print $blanklines;
                  $cache->set($cache->{'key'},[0,$blanklines]) if $cache;
               } else {
                  unless ($login_Mast_error) {
                     print "\n\n";
                        if $cache;
               # Logging (1)
               unless ($login_Mast_error) {
                  print "--> Logging into $host via $cmd_type",
                     "  . . .\n\n" unless $login_Mast_error;
                        [0,"--> Logging into $host via $cmd_type".
                        "  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
            } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               if ($login_Mast_error) {
                  print "LOGIN MASTER HOST ERROR: ",
                        [0,"LOGIN MASTER HOST ERROR: ".
                     if $cache;
               print "--> Logging (1) into $host via $cmd_type",
                  "  . . .\n\n";
                     [0,"--> Logging (1) into $host via $cmd_type",
                     "  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            unless ($ignore && $ignore=~/[:\$%>#-] ?/s) {
               while (my $line=$local_host->get) {
                  print "WAITING FOR CMDPROMPT=$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "WAITING FOR CMDPROMPT=$line<== at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  my $output='';
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     my $pass_test=$dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]);
                     if ($line=~/^$pass_test\n/) {
                        undef $pass_test;
                     } else {
                        undef $pass_test;
                  if ($line=~/Permission denied|Password:/s) {
                     my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
                     my $status=$bdb->db_get('localhost',$href);
                     my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
                     if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
                     } else {
                        $href=eval $href;
                     if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
                        my $tdcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                        if ($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]) eq
                              $tdcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
                           delete $href->{"gatekeep_$username"};
                           my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
                     undef $bdb;
                     undef $dbenv;
                  } elsif (-1<index $line,
                        '/bin/bash: Operation not permitted') {
                  if ($line=~/Connection reset by peer|node or service name/s) {
                  if ($line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m ||
                        (-1<index $line,' sync_with_child: ')) {
                  if ($line=~/new password: ?$/is) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GOING LAST ONE<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     if ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?$/m &&
                          unpack('a10',$line) ne 'Last Login') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GOING LAST TWO<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  } elsif ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?/m &&
                        (-1==index $line,'Authenticated to') &&
                        ($line!~/^debug\d+:/)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "BOTTOM OF WHILE<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GOT OUT OF COMMANDPROMPT<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';


            &change_pw($localhost) if $newpw;

            ## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
            $local_host->print(" export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
            $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            foreach my $host (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
               if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} &&
                     ($Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} ne $username) &&
                     !exists $Hosts{$host}{'sshport'}) {
            if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'SU_ID'}) {
               my $ignore='';my $su_err='';
               my $su_id=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'SU_ID'};
               &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;
         my $wloop=0;
            $localhost,'export HISTCONTROL="ignorespace"');
         while (1) {
            my $_sh_pid='';
               $localhost,'echo $$');
# --CONTINUE-- print "LOCAL_sh_pid=$_sh_pid<==\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LOCAL_sh_pid=$_sh_pid<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ERROR LOCALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL_sh_pid=$localhost->{_sh_pid}<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (0) {
   #if (!$localhost->{_sh_pid}) {
               $localhost->print(' '.
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;echo $$;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';my $ct=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$localhost->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                              Timeout=>5)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PID_line_sh_pid_1=$allins<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FORCING_sh_pid=$localhost->{_sh_pid}<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if ($@) {
                  } elsif (!$localhost->{_sh_pid} && $ct++<50) {
                  } else { last }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            } else { last }
            last if $localhost->{_sh_pid} && $localhost->{_sh_pid}=~/^\d+$/;
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            if ($stderr || $wloop++==10) {

         if ($launch_local_ssh_telnet) {
            &su_scrub($hostlabel) if $su_scrub;

            my $switch_user='';
            if (!$mainuser && (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'LoginID'}) &&
                  ($Hosts{$hostlabel}{'LoginID'} ne $login_id)) {
               my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;

            my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
            my $local_host_flag=0;
            my $host__label='';
            if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
               foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT ARE HOSTLAB that are SAME AS MASTER=$hostlab<==\n";
                  next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
               if (!$local_host_flag) {
            } elsif (exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
            } else { $host__label=$hostlabel }
            my $key='';
            if ($local_host_flag) {
            } else {
            my $lref={};
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($host__label,$lref);
            my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($lref)->Out();
            if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
            } else {
               $lref=eval $lref;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LREF=$lref<==\n if ref $lref eq 'HASH"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            foreach my $ky (keys %{$lref}) {
               if ($ky eq $key) {
                  while (delete $lref->{$key}) {}
               } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
                  while (delete $lref->{$ky}) {}
            unless ($tosspass || $ignore) {
               my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
               if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
                     =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
                  if (8<length $dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
                     $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
                  } else {
                     $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]),
               } else {
                  $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]),
               my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt(
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\nFA_LOGIN__NEWKEY=$key<== and HOST__LABEL=$host__label\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               my $put_lref=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($lref)->Out();
               my $status=$bdb->db_put($host__label,$put_lref);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "BDB STATUS=$status<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            } elsif (!$ignore) {
            if (!$identityfile && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::save_main_pass) {
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  print "\n   Saved Password will Expire: ",
                        scalar localtime($passetts->[1])."\n";
                        [0,"\n   Saved Password will Expire: ".
                        scalar localtime($passetts->[1])."\n"])
                     if $cache;
                  sleep 2;
               my @tpass=@{$passetts}[0..1];
               my $status=$bdb->db_get('localhost',$href);
               my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
               if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
               } else {
                  $href=eval $href;
               my $put_href=
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            if ($switch_user) {
               my $ignore='';
               &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;

            if (($^O ne 'cygwin') && $su_id) {
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                  if $cfh_error;
               my $ignore='';
               &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;

         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            my $wloop=0;
            while (1) {
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mount')."mount -p");
               last if $localhost->{_cygdrive} && unpack('a1',
                  $localhost->{_cygdrive}) eq '/';
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            } $localhost->{_cygdrive_regex}=
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         } else {

         if ($su_id) {
         } else {

      if ($passerror) {
      } elsif ($@) {
         if (7<length $@) {
            if (unpack('a8',$@) eq 'Insecure') {
               print $@;cleanup();
            } elsif (unpack('a8',$@) eq 'INSECURE') {
            || "Intruder!!" if !$username;
         $login_id=$username if !$login_id;
         my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
         if ((-1<index $@,'Not a GLOB reference') ||
               (-1<index $@,'Connection reset by peer')) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nERROR: main::fa_login() CONNECTION ERROR:\n       ",
               "$@\n       and SH_PID=$localhost->{_sh_pid}",
               " and CMD_PID=$localhost->{_cmd_pid}\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            unless ($localhost->{_sh_pid}) {
               my $pspath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ps');
               my $ps_out=`${pspath}ps -el`;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nHERE IS THE BEFORE PS CMD OUTPUT:\n       ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               my $proc_table=Proc::ProcessTable->new;
               foreach (@{$proc_table->table()}) {
                  CORE::kill 15, $_->pid if ($_->ppid == $$);
               $ps_out=`${pspath}ps -el`;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nHERE IS THE AFTER PS CMD OUTPUT:\n       ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            } else {
                  if exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_sh_pid}
                  && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid(
               if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid(
         } elsif ((-1<index $@,'Address already in use' ||
               -1<index $@,'Connection refused')
               && $retrys<2) {
            my $warn="$@\n       Waiting ".int $fatimeout/3
                    ." seconds for re-attempt . . .\n       "
            warn $warn if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
            print $LOG $warn
               if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
            sleep int $fatimeout/3;$retrys++;next;
         } elsif (-1<index $@,'/dev/tty: No') {
            print $LOG $@
               if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
         } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
               (unpack('a3',$@) eq 'pid') ||
               (-1<index $login_Mast_error,$passline)) {
            if ($retrys<2 && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'timed-out') {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE ARE RETRYING LOGINMASTERERROR=$login_Mast_error\n";
               my $pspath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ps');
               my $psoutput=`${pspath}ps`;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PSOUTPUTTTTTTTTTTTT=$psoutput<==\n";
               if (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'read') {
               } else {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       $host - is visible on the "
                     ."network,\n       but the Telnet Server is NOT "
                     ."RESPONDING.\n       Check the availability of Telnet "
                     ."Service on\n       $host before continuing"
                     ." ...\n\n";
#LOGINMASTERERROR=Can't locate object method "cmd" via package "fa_code_demo"
# at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/Net/FullAuto/ line 4759.

#print "LOGINMASTERERROR=$login_Mast_error\n";sleep 5;
            if ($login_Mast_error=~/invalid log|ogin incor|sion den|Passwo/) {
               if (($^O eq 'cygwin')
                     && 2<=$retrys) {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                                   ." Danger of locking out MS Domain "
                                   ."ID - $login_id!\n\n";
                  if ($retrys==3) {
                  } else { $retrys++;next }
               } elsif (2<=$retrys) {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                                   ." Danger of locking out $^O "
                                   ."localhost ID - $login_id!\n\n";
                  if ($retrys==3) {
                  } else { $retrys++;next }
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } elsif ($login_Mast_error=~/Input Time Limit/) {
            } elsif ($su_id &&
                  -1<index($login_Mast_error,'ation is d')) {
            } elsif (defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher) {
         my $c_t=$cmd_type;$c_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - The Host $host Returned"
            ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,"
            ."\n              Rejecting the $c_t Login Attempt of the ID"
            ."\n              -> $login_id :\n\n       "
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
         print $LOG $die
            if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';

      } last;
   if (defined $plan_ignore_error && !$plan_ignore_error) {
      cleanup() if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan eq ']quit[';
   } elsif (defined $plan && !$plan) {
      cleanup() if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan eq ']quit[';
   } elsif ($plan || $plan_ignore_error) {
      my $plan_num=$plan;
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $pref='';
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($plan_num,$pref);
      my $test_string=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($pref)->Out();
      if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
      } else {
         $pref=eval $pref;
      if (exists $plan->{Expires} && $plan->{Expires} ne 'never'
            && $plan->{Expires}<time()) {
         my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=
         my $m=$month[$mon];$m=~s/\s*$//;
         $year += 1900;
         my $x="Expired => $days{$wday} $m $mday, $year ".
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::get_now_am_pm($plan->{Expires})." ".
         my $die="\n   FATAL ERROR! - Plan $plan_num is --EXPIRED--\n".
                 "\n      Plan $plan_num $x".
                 "\n      Run   fa --plan   to alter Plan Settings.\n";
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
         print $LOG $die
            if $log && -1<index $LOG,'*';
   } elsif (defined $iset_amazon &&
         can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto::Cloud::fa_amazon" => 0 })) {
   } elsif (defined $iset_local &&
         can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto::Cloud::fa_local" => 0 })) {
   } elsif ($amazoncleanup &&
         can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto::Cloud::fa_amazon" => 0 })) {
   return $cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file, \@menu_args, $fatimeout, $cache;

} ## END of &fa_login

sub fa_set {

   my $vlin=__LINE__;
   ####                                                              ###
   #### DEFAULT MODULE OF  Net::FullAuto  $fa_code IS:               ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### ==> Distro/ <==  If you want a different      ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### module to be the default, change $fa_code variable below or  ###
   #### set the $fa_code variable in the BEGIN { } block             ###
   #### of the top level script invoking Net::FullAuto. (Advised)    ###
   ####                                                              ###
   our $fa_code=['Distro/', #<== Change Location Here ###
                 "From $INC{'Net/FullAuto/'}, Line: ".     ###
                 ($vlin+15)];                                        ###

   ####                                                              ###
   #### DEFAULT MODULE OF  Net::FullAuto  $fa_conf IS:               ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### ==> Distro/ <==  If you want a differnet           ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### module to be the default, change $fa_conf variable below or  ###
   #### set the $fa_conf variable in the BEGIN { } block             ###
   #### of the top level script invoking Net::FullAuto. (Advised)    ###
   ####                                                              ###
   our $fa_conf=['Distro/', #<== Change Location Here      ###
                 "From $INC{'Net/FullAuto/'}, Line: ".     ###
                 ($vlin+33)];                                        ###

   ####                                                              ###
   #### DEFAULT MODULE OF  Net::FullAuto  $fa_host IS:               ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### ==> Distro/ <==  If you want a different           ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### module to be the default, change $fa_host variable below or  ###
   #### set the $fa_hosts_config variable in the BEGIN { } block     ###
   #### of the top level script invoking Net::FullAuto. (Advised)    ###
   ####                                                              ###
   our $fa_host=['Distro/', #<== Change Location Here      ###
                 "From $INC{'Net/FullAuto/'}, Line: ".     ###
                 ($vlin+51)];                                        ###

   ####                                                              ###
   #### DEFAULT MODULE OF  Net::FullAuto  $fa_menu IS:               ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### ==> Distro/ <==  If you want a different      ###
   ####                                                              ###
   #### module to be the default, change $fa_menu variable below or  ###
   #### set the $fa_menu variable in the BEGIN { } block             ###
   #### of the top level script invoking Net::FullAuto. (Advised)    ###
   ####                                                              ###
   our $fa_menu=['Distro/', #<== Change Location Here ###
                 "From $INC{'Net/FullAuto/'}, Line: ".     ###
                 ($vlin+87)];                                        ###

   unless (exists $INC{'Net/'}) {
      foreach my $fpath (@INC) {
         my $f=$fpath;
         if (-e $f.'/Net/') {
   my $fa_path=$INC{'Net/'};
   my $net_path=$fa_path;
   my %fullpath_files=();
   my $default_modules='';
   unless ($main::fa_code && $main::fa_conf && $main::fa_host
           && $main::fa_menu) {
      my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
      if (-f $fa_path.'/') {
         if (-r $fa_path.'/') {
               no strict 'subs';
               require $fa_path.'/';
               if ($fa_global::berkeley_db_path &&
                     -d $fa_global::berkeley_db_path.'Defaults') {
                  BEGIN { $Term::Menus::facall=caller(2);
                          $Term::Menus::facall||='' };
                  use if (-1<index $Term::Menus::facall,'FullAuto'),
                  my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
                  my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                  if (exists $ENV{'SSH_CONNECTION'} &&
                        exists $ENV{'USER'} && ($ENV{'USER'}
                        ne $username)) {
                  } elsif ($username eq 'SYSTEM' &&
                        exists $ENV{'IWUSER'} && ($ENV{'IWUSER'}
                        ne $username)) {
                     my $login_flag=0;
                     foreach (@ARGV) {
                        my $argv=$_;
                        if ($login_flag) {
                        } elsif (lc($argv) eq '--login') {
                     $username=$ENV{'IWUSER'} unless $login_flag;
                  my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                        $username,$default_modules) if $bdb;
                  my $test_string=
                  if (-1<index $test_string,'{}') {
                  } else {
                     $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
                  undef $bdb;
                  undef $dbenv;
                  unless (keys %{$default_modules}) {
                  } elsif (exists $default_modules->{'set'} &&
                        $default_modules->{'set'} ne 'none') {
                     my $setname=$default_modules->{'set'};
                     my ($stenv,$std)=
                     my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
                     my $set='';
                     my $status=$std->db_get(
                        if -1<index $set,'$HASH';
                     $set=eval $set;
                     undef $std;
                     undef $stenv;
                               "From Default Set $setname ".
                               "(Change with fa --set)"];
                               "From Default Set $setname ".
                               "(Change with fa --set)"];
                               "From Default Set $setname ".
                               "(Change with fa --set)"];
                               "From Default Set $setname ".
                               "(Change with fa --set)"];
                  } else {
                     if (exists $default_modules->{'fa_code'}) {
                                  "From Default Setting ".
                                  "(Change with fa --defaults)"];
                     if (exists $default_modules->{'fa_conf'}) {
                                  "From Default Setting ".
                                  "(Change with fa --defaults)"];
                     if (exists $default_modules->{'fa_host'}) {
                                  "From Default Setting ".
                                  "(Change with fa --defaults)"];
                     if (exists $default_modules->{'fa_menu'}) {
                                  "From Default Setting ".
                                  "(Change with fa --defaults)"];
         } else {
            warn("WARNING: Cannot read defaults file $fa_path/".
                 " - permission denied (Hint: Perhaps you need to 'Run as ".
      my @A=();my %A=();
      push @A,@ARGV;
      my $acnt=0;
      foreach my $a (@A) {
         my $aa=$a;
         if (-1<index $aa,'--fa_') {
            my $k=unpack('x5a*',$aa);
            my $v=$A[$acnt]||'';
            unless (-1<index $v, '--fa_') {
            } else {
         } elsif (-1<index $aa,'--set') {
            my $v=$A[$acnt]||'';
            unless (-1<index $v, '--') {
            } else {
      foreach my $e (('set','code','conf','host','menu')) {
         if (exists $A{$e}) {
            if ($e eq 'set') {
               no strict 'subs';
               my $setname=$A{$e};
               my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
               if (-f $fa_path.'/') {
                  my ($stenv,$std)=
                  my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
                  my $set='';
                  my $status=$std->db_get(
                     if -1<index $set,'$HASH';
                  $set=eval $set;
                  undef $std;
                  undef $stenv;
                            "From CMD arg fa --set $setname line ".__LINE__];
                            "From CMD arg fa --set $setname line ".__LINE__];
                            "From CMD arg fa --set $setname line ".__LINE__];
                            "From CMD arg fa --set $setname line ".__LINE__];
               } else {
                  my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR: The Set indicated from".
                          " the CMD arg:\n\n".
                          "              ==> fa --set $A{$e}n\n".
                          "              does not exist. To create this\n".
                          "              set, run fa --set without any\n".
                          "              other arguments";
            } elsif ($e eq 'code') {
                         "From CMD arg: fa --fa_code $A{$e}"];
            } elsif ($e eq 'menu') {
                         "From CMD arg: fa --fa_menu $A{$e}"];
            } elsif ($e eq 'host') {
                         "From CMD arg: fa --fa_host $A{$e}"];
            } elsif ($e eq 'conf') {
                         "From CMD arg: fa --fa_conf $A{$e}"];
         my $abspath=Cwd::abs_path($0);
         if (defined $main::fa_code && $main::fa_code) {
            my $p=Cwd::abs_path($0);
                      "From \$fa_code variable in $abspath"];
         if (defined $main::fa_conf && $main::fa_conf) {
                      "From \$fa_conf variable in $abspath"];
         if (defined $main::fa_host && $main::fa_host) {
                      "From \$fa_host variable in $abspath"];
         if (defined $main::fa_menu && $main::fa_menu) {
                      "From \$fa_menu variable in $abspath"];
   } else {
      my $abspath=Cwd::abs_path($0);
                "From \$fa_code variable in $abspath"];
                "From \$fa_conf variable in $abspath"];
                "From \$fa_host variable in $abspath"];
                "From \$fa_menu variable in $abspath"];
      if $fa_code->[0] && -1==index $fa_code->[0],'Net/FullAuto';
   $fullpath_files{'code'}=$net_path.$fa_code->[0] if $fa_code->[0];
   my $argv=join " ",@ARGV;
   if (!map {/^--edi*t* *|^-e[a-z]|^--admin|^-V|^-v|^--VE*R*S*I*O*N*/} @ARGV) {
      if ($fa_code->[0]) {
         if ($Term::Menus::canload->($fa_code->[0])) {
            require $fa_code->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_code->[0],(rindex $fa_code->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         } else {
            my $ln=__LINE__;
                "Cannot load module $fa_code->[0]".
                "\n   $fa_code->[1]\n".
                "\"require $fa_code->[0];\"".
                "--failed at ".$INC{'Term/'}." line $ln\.\n$@\n");
      } else {
         require 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/';
         import fa_code;
      if $fa_conf->[0] && -1==index $fa_conf->[0],'Net/FullAuto';
   $fullpath_files{'conf'}=$net_path.$fa_conf->[0] if $fa_conf->[0];
   if (!map {/^--edi*t* *|^-e[a-z]|^--admin|^-V|^-v|^--VE*R*S*I*O*N*/} @ARGV) {
      if ($fa_conf->[0]) {
         if ($Term::Menus::canload->($fa_conf->[0])) {
            require $fa_conf->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf->[0],(rindex $fa_conf->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         } else {
            my $ln=__LINE__;
                "Cannot load module $fa_conf->[0]".
                "\n   $fa_conf->[1]\n".
                "\"require $fa_conf->[0];\"".
                "--failed at ".$INC{'Term/'}." line $ln\.\n$@\n");
      } else {
         require 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/';
         import fa_conf;
      if $fa_host->[0] && -1==index $fa_host->[0],'Net/FullAuto';
   $fullpath_files{'host'}=$net_path.$fa_host->[0] if $fa_host->[0];
   if (!map {/^--edi*t* *|^-e[a-z]|^--admin|^-V|^-v|^--VE*R*S*I*O*N*/} @ARGV) {
      if ($fa_host->[0]) {
         if ($Term::Menus::canload->($fa_host->[0])) {
            require $fa_host->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_host->[0],(rindex $fa_host->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         } else {
            my $ln=__LINE__;
                "Cannot load module $fa_host->[0]".
                "\n   $fa_host->[1]\n".
                "\"require $fa_host->[0];\"".
                "--failed at ".$INC{'Term/'}." line $ln\.\n$@\n");
      } else {
         require 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/';
         import fa_host;
      if $fa_menu->[0] && -1==index $fa_menu->[0],'Net/FullAuto';
   $fullpath_files{'menu'}=$net_path.$fa_menu->[0] if $fa_menu->[0];
   if (!map {/^--edi*t* *|^-e[a-z]|^--admin|^-V|^-v|^--VE*R*S*I*O*N*/} @ARGV) {
      if ($fa_menu->[0]) {
         if ($Term::Menus::canload->($fa_menu->[0])) {
            require $fa_menu->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_menu->[0],(rindex $fa_menu->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         } else {
            my $ln=__LINE__;
                "Cannot load module $fa_menu->[0]".
                "\n   $fa_menu->[1]\n".
                "\"require $fa_menu->[0];\"".
                "--failed at ".$INC{'Term/'}." line $ln\.\n$@\n");
      } else {
         require 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/';
         import fa_menu_demo;
   return \%fullpath_files;


our $adminmenu=sub {

   my $invoke_menu_here=0;
   if ((-1==index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost,'=')
         && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::skip_host_hash==0)) {
      can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
      can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
      my @Hosts=@{&check_Hosts($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host)};
   my $fam=<<'FAM';
      _      _       _        __  __              
     /_\  __| |_ __ (_)_ _   |  \/  |___ _ _ _  _ 
    / _ \/ _` | '  \| | ' \  | |\/| / -_) ' \ || |
   /_/ \_\__,_|_|_|_|_|_||_| |_|  |_\___|_||_\_,_|

   my %admin=(

      Item_1 => {

          Text => 'FullAuto *PLAN + JOB* Menu',
          Result => $plan_menu_sub,

      Item_2 => {

          Text => 'FullAuto *DEFAULT* Settings Menu',
          Result => $admin_defaults_sub->(),

      Item_3 => {

          Text => 'FullAuto *SET* Configuration Menu',
          Result => $set_menu_sub->(),

      Item_4 => {

          Text => 'FullAuto *IMPORT/EXPORT* Menu',
          Result => $im_ex_menu_sub,

      Banner => $fam,

   unless ($invoke_menu_here) {
      return \%admin;
   } else {
      my @menu_output=();
      while (1) {
         last if ($menu_output[0] ne '-' && $menu_output[0] ne '+');
      if ( grep { /\]quit\[/ } @menu_output) {

our $admin_menu=sub {

    return $adminmenu->();


our $choose_pass_expiration=sub {

   my $selection=&Menu(\%ask_exp);
   &cleanup if $selection eq ']quit[';
   my ($num,$type)=('','');
   ($num,$type)=split /\s+/, $selection;
   if ($num!~/^\d/) {
      my @d=split /,* +/, $selection;
      if (defined $d[3] && $d[3]) {
         my $ap=substr($d[3],-2);
         my ($h,$m)=('','');
         ($h,$m)=split ':',substr($d[3],0,-2);
         $h+=12 if $ap eq 'pm' && $h!=12;
         return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
      return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
   } else {
      return $num;


sub passwd_db_update
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "main::passwd_db_update() CALLER="
      ,(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";# if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::passwd_db_update() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $login_id=$_[1];my $passwd=$_[2];
   my $cmd_type=$_[3];my $sshport=$_[4]||'';
   my $kind='prod';
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      # print the contents of the file
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         next if $k eq "__Master_${$}__";
      undef $cursor ;
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } elsif (exists
         && !$sshport) {
   } my $key='';
   if ($local_host_flag) {
   } elsif ($cmd_type) {
   } else {
   my $href='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
   $href=eval $href;
   foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
      if ($ky eq $key) {
         while (delete $href->{"$key"}) {}
      } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
         while (delete $href->{"$ky"}) {}
   my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
         =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher &&
            8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt(
            $passetts->[0])) {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   } else {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($passwd);
   my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub su_scrub
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $login_id='';my $cmd_type=$_[1];
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      foreach my $hostlab (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master) {
         next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
   my $href='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
   $href=eval $href;
   my $key='';
   if ($local_host_flag) {
   } elsif ($cmd_type) {
   } else {
   foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
      if ($ky eq $key) {
         while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
      } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
         while (delete $href->{$ky}) {}
   my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_".$$."__";
   if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
         =~/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::crypt_cipher/) {
      if (8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   } else {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[1],
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[1],
   #   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'});
   #my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[0]);
   my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt(
   #my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[0]);
   my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub su
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "su() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "su() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $fh=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $username=$_[2];
   my $su_id=$_[3];
   my $hostname=$_[4];
   my $ip=$_[5];
   my $use=$_[6];
   my $uname=$_[7];
   my $_connect=$_[8];
   my $cmd_type=$_[9];
   my @connect_method=@{$_[10]};
   my $errmsg=$_[11];
   my $pass_flag=0;
   my $id='';my $stderr='';my $track='';
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
   if ($su_id eq 'root') {
      my $gids='';
      my $ctt=2;
      while ($ctt--) {
            { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
              _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'groups');
         if (!$gids && !$stderr) {
               if $cfh_error;
         } last if $gids;
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error('no-gids') if !$gids || $stderr;

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "su() DONEGID=$gids<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

      if (lc($uname) eq 'aix' && (-1==index $gids,'suroot')) {
         my $hostlb=$hostlabel;
         if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
            foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
               next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
         my $die="\"$username\" does NOT have authorization to "
                ."run this\n       script on Host : $hostlb\n"
                ."       \"$username\" is not a member of the \"suroot\""
                ." UNIX group.\n       Contact your system administrator.\n";
         my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
         my $href='';
         my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
         $href=eval $href;
         my $key="${username}_X_${su_id}_X_${hostlabel}";
         while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DYING HERE WITH LOCK PROB" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return '',"$die       $!";
   #if ($su_id eq 'root') {
      $fh->print("su $su_id");
   #} else {
   #   $fh->print("login $su_id");

   return '', $fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

   # Wait for password prompt.
   my $ignore='';
      { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
        _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
        _connect=>$_connect });
   if ($stderr) {
      return '',$stderr if $stderr;

   ## Send password.


   my $cnt=2;
   while (1) {
         { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
           _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
           'id -unr');
      if ($id eq $su_id || $id eq 'root') {
      } elsif ($cnt--==0) {
            "Cannot discover user id at ".__LINE__);
   return '',$fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

   if ($id ne $su_id && $id ne 'root') {

      $fh->print("su $su_id");

      return '',$fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

      ## Wait for password prompt.
      while (my $line=$fh->get) {
         if ($line=~/password[: ]*$/i) {
         } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $line=~/\[YOU HAVE NEW MAIL\]/m) {
            my $hostlab=$hostlabel;
            $hostlab=(keys %same_host_as_Master)[1]
               if $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__";
            print "\nAttn: $su_id on $hostlab --> [YOU HAVE NEW MAIL]\n\n";
            sleep 1;
         } last if $line=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:] ?$/m; 

      ## Send password.
      if ($pass_flag) {
      if (defined $stderr) {
         return '',$stderr;
      } elsif ($id ne $su_id) {
         return '', "Cannot Login as Alternate User -> $su_id";

   ## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
   my $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
   $fh->print(" export PS1=$prompt;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
   while (my $line=$fh->get) {
      last if $line=~/$prompt$/s;


sub change_pw {

   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   print $blanklines;
   ## Send new passwd.
   ReadMode 2;
   my $npw=<STDIN>;
   ReadMode 0;
   PW: while (1) {
      my ($output,$line)='';
      while ($line=$_[0]->get) {
         if ($line=~/changed/) {
            print $blanklines;
            last PW;
         if ($line=~/: ?$/i) {
            print $output;
            ReadMode 2;
            ReadMode 0;
            print $blanklines;

sub unix_id {
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "unix_id() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";
      #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
      "unix_id() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $localhost=$_[0];
   my $su_id=$_[1];
   my $hostlabel=$_[2];
   my $die='';my $id='';
   my $prompt='';my $dieline='';
   eval {
      my $next=0;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GETMAILLINE=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "GETMAILLINE=$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         next if $line=~/^\s+$/s;
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $line=~/\[YOU/s) {
            my $hostlab=$hostlabel;
            $hostlab=(keys %same_host_as_Master)[1]
               if $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__";
            print "\nAttn: $su_id on $hostlab --> [YOU HAVE NEW MAIL]\n\n";
            sleep 1;
         } elsif ($line=~/\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d /s) {
         } else { $localhost->print }
      } $localhost->print;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "OUTOFGETMAIL\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "OUTOFGETMAIL\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GETPROMPTLINE=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "GETPROMPTLINE=$line\n"; #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         next if $line=~/^\s*$/s;
print "WHAT IS PROMPT=$prompt<===\n";
         return if $prompt;
   my $cmd_prompt=quotemeta $prompt;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PROMPT=$prompt<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "PROMPT=$prompt<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   if ($die) {
      $die=~s/^/       /m;
      $die="       $hostlabel Login ERROR! :\n$die";
      $die.="       ".($!)." at Line $dieline";
   if ($@) {
      if ($die) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return '',$@
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
   &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
   eval {
      $localhost->print(' id -unr');
      select(undef,undef,undef,0.02); # sleep for 1/50th second;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ID_PROMPTLINE=$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         $id=~s/id -unr\s*//s;
         next if $id!~s/\s*$cmd_prompt$//s;
   if ($@) {
      if ($die) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return '',$@
   } elsif ($die) {
      if (!$id) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return $id
   return $id,''


sub ping
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "ping() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ping() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $cmd='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $didping=10;
   if ($specialperms eq 'setuid') {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         $cmd=[ $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ping').
                "ping",'-n','1',$_[0],"2>&1" ];
      } else {
         my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('bash');
         my $pth=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}."ping$$.sh";
         open(TP,">$pth") || Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
            "CANNOT OPEN $pth $!");
         print TP $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ping')."ping -c1 $_[0] 2>&1"; 
         $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",$pth,"2>&1" ];
   } else {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         $cmd=[ $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ping')."ping -n 1 $_[0]" ];
      } else {
         $cmd=[ $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ping')."ping -c1 $_[0]" ];
   eval {
      unless ($specialperms eq 'setuid') {
      } else {
   my $ev_err=$@||'';
   if ($specialperms eq 'setuid' && $^O ne 'cygwin') {
      unlink $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}."ping$$.sh";
   if ($ev_err) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return 0,
            "ping timed-out: $ev_err";
      } else {
            "ping timed-out: $ev_err","-$didping");
   if (-1<index $stderr,'is alive') {
   foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
      if (-1<index $line,' from ' || -1<index $line,'is alive') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return $stdout,'';
         } else {
            return $stdout;
      $stderr=$stdout if (-1<index $line,'NOT FOUND')
         || (-1<index $line,'Request Timed Out')
         || (-1<index $line,'Bad IP')
         || (-1<index $line,'100% packet loss');
   $stderr=~s/^(.*)$/       $1/mg if $stderr;
   if (wantarray) {
      return 0,$stderr;
   } elsif (defined $_[1] && $_[1] eq '__return__') {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nPING ERROR for CMD=",(join " ",@{$cmd})," AND STDERR=$stderr\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return 0;
   } else {


sub work_dirs

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "work_dirs() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "work_dirs() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $transfer_dir=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $cmd_handle=$_[2];
   bless $cmd_handle;
   my $cmd_type=$_[3];
   my $cygdrive=$_[4];
   my $_connect=$_[5];
   my ($output,$stderr,$regex)=('','','');
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   if (-1<index $cmd_handle,'HASH') {
         if exists $cmd_handle->{_cygdrive};
   } elsif ($cygdrive) {
   my $work_dirs={};
   if ($transfer_dir) {
      if (unpack('x1 a1',$transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$transfer_dir);
      } elsif ($cygdrive && $transfer_dir=~/$regex/) {
      } elsif ($cygdrive && unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '/' ||
            unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '\\') {
            { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,_cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$hostlabel);
      } elsif (unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '/') {
      } else {
         my $die="Cannot Locate Transfer Directory - $transfer_dir";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } ${$work_dirs}{_lcd}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_lcd}
      return $work_dirs;
   if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir($cmd_handle,'/tmp')
         eq 'WRITE') {
      my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      if ($cmd_handle->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         my $pwd='';my $curdir='';my $cnt=5;
         while ($cnt--) {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            next if $stderr;
            if ($pwd=~/\n/s) {
               my @split_on_newline=split "\n", $pwd;
               $pwd=pop @split_on_newline;
            } next if $pwd!~/^[\/]/;
         &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            "cd \"".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}."\"");
         &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         if (ref $localhost eq 'GLOB') {
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
               my $cdr='';
               if (exists $localhost->{_cygdrive} &&
                     -1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
                  my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
                  my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
               } elsif (exists 
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
               } else {
                     $localhost,"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            'cd '."\"$pwd\"");
         &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      } ${$work_dirs}{_lcd}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_lcd}
         =$localhost->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp} if ref $localhost eq 'GLOB';
      return $work_dirs;
   if ($cmd_handle->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($ms_share) {
         my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
      return $work_dirs if ${$work_dirs}{_tmp};
   } ${$work_dirs}{_tmp}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_mswin}='';
   return $work_dirs

sub close
   return &File_Transfer::close(@_);

sub cwd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   if (!defined $_[1]) {
      return Cwd::getcwd();
   } else { 
      if (wantarray) {
         return $stdout,$stderr;
      } elsif ($stderr) {
      } return $stdout;

sub setuid_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller; # Save Pound Sign
   print "\nINFO: setuid_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "setuid_cmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*'; # Save Pound Sign
   my $cmd=[]; # Save Pound Sign
   $cmd = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? $_[0] : [ $_[0] ]; # Save Pound Sign
   my $timeout=$_[1]||0; # Save Pound Sign
   my $regex=''; # Save Pound Sign
   if ($timeout) {
      alarm($timeout+10); # Save Pound Sign
      if (7<length $timeout &&
             unpack('a8',$timeout) eq '(?-xism:') {
         $regex=$timeout; # Save Pound Sign
         $timeout=shift; # Save Pound Sign
         $timeout||=''; # Save Pound Sign
      if ($timeout!~/^\d+$/) {
         undef $timeout; # Save Pound Sign
   } else { alarm($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout) }
   my $flag=shift; # Save Pound Sign
   $flag||=''; # Save Pound Sign
   my $cmd_err=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $cmd_err=join ' ',@{$cmd} if ref $cmd eq 'ARRAY'; # Save Pound Sign
   my $one=${$cmd}[0]||'';my $two=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $two=${$cmd}[1] if 0<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $three=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $three=${$cmd}[2] if 1<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $four=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $four=${$cmd}[3] if 2<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $five=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $five=${$cmd}[4] if 3<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $six=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $six=${$cmd}[5] if 4<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $seven=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $seven=${$cmd}[6] if 5<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   my $eight=''; # Save Pound Sign
   $eight=${$cmd}[7] if 6<$#{$cmd}; # Save Pound Sign
   if (!$one && ref $cmd ne 'ARRAY') {
      $one=$cmd;$cmd_err=$cmd; # Save Pound Sign
   $regex||='';my $pid='';my $output=''; # Save Pound Sign
   my $stdout='';my $stderr=''; # Save Pound Sign
   &handle_error("Can't fork: $!")
      unless defined($pid=open(KID, "-|")); # Save Pound Sign
   if ($pid) { # parent
      while (my $line=<KID>) {
         $output.=$line; # Save Pound Sign
      CORE::close(KID); # Save Pound Sign
   } else { # child
      my @temp     = ($EUID, $EGID); # Save Pound Sign
      my $orig_uid = $UID; # Save Pound Sign
      my $orig_gid = $GID; # Save Pound Sign
      $EUID = $UID; # Save Pound Sign
      $EGID = $GID; # Save Pound Sign
      # Drop privileges
      $UID  = $orig_uid; # Save Pound Sign
      $GID  = $orig_gid; # Save Pound Sign
      # Make sure privs are really gone
      ($EUID, $EGID) = @temp; # Save Pound Sign
      if (!$flag || lc($flag) ne '__use_parent_env__') {
         $ENV{PATH} = ''; # Save Pound Sign
         $ENV{ENV}  = ''; # Save Pound Sign
      if ($eight) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven, $eight ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($seven) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($six) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($five) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($four) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($three) {
         exec $one, $two, $three ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($two) {
         exec $one, $two ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } elsif ($one) {
         exec $one ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1');#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } else { alarm(0);return }
   if ($regex && $output!~/$regex/s) {
      if (wantarray) {
         alarm(0);return '',"Cmd $cmd_err returned tainted data";#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      } else {
            "Cmd $cmd_err returned tainted data");#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } $output=~s/^\s*//s;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   if ($one!~/^[^ ]*clear$/) {
      my @outlines=();my @errlines=();#<-DO NOT REMOVE
      foreach my $line (split /^/,$output) {
         if ($line=~s/^[\t ]*stdout: //) {
            push @outlines, $line;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
         } else { push @errlines, $line }
      } $stdout=join '', @outlines;$stderr=join '',@errlines;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } else { $stdout=$output }
   chomp $stdout;chomp $stderr;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   alarm(0); # Save Pound Sign
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,$stderr;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
   } else { return $stdout }

sub print

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "main::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   return $self->{_cmd_handle}->print(@_);


sub prompt

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "main::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   if (-1<$#_) {
      return $self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(@_);
   } return substr($self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);


sub cmd

   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $hlab='';
   if ((-1<index $self,'HASH') && (exists $self->{_hostlabel})) {  
      $hlab=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0] || "localhost - ".hostname;
   } else { $hlab="localhost - ".hostname }
   print "\nINFO: main::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nmain::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $escape=0;
   my $cmd='';my $cmd_timeout=$timeout;my $delay=0;
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if ($_[1]=~/^[0-9]+$/) {
         if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
               if exists $Hosts{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}{'Timeout'};
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[1]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2]=~/^[0-9]+$/) {
            if exists $Hosts{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}{'Timeout'};
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[2]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
      } else {
         if ($_[2]!~/^__[a-z]+__$/) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return 0,'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number';
            } else {
                  'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number')
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[3]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
   my $stderr='';my $stdout='';my $exitcode='';my $pid_ts='';
   my $all='';my @outlines=();my @errlines=();
   if (!$escape) {
      if ((-1<index $self,'HASH')
            && exists $self->{_cmd_handle}
            && defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::cmd() CMD to Rem_Command=",
   (join ' ',@_),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         if ($cfh_error) {
            if ($self->{_connect} eq 'shell') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "main::cmd() LAUNCING ***NEW*** HANDLE=",
   (join ' ',@_),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         #&handle_error($cfh_error,'__cleanup__') if $cfh_error;
         if ($delay) {
         eval {
         if ($@) {
            if ($stderr) {
               $stderr.="\n   $@";
            } else {
         if (wantarray) {
            my $howmny=Want::howmany()||'';
            if (!$howmny || $howmny==1) {
               return $stdout;
            } elsif ($howmny==2) {
               return $stdout,$stderr;
            return $stdout,$stderr,$exitcode;
         } elsif ($stderr) {
            #my $discoverprompt="echo xyzzyplughtwisty | ".
            #      "bash -i 2>&1 | grep xyzzyplughtwisty | ".
            #      "head -1 | sed 's/xyzzyplughtwisty//g'";
            #my ($disout,$diserr,$disrc)=Rem_Command::cmd($_[0],
            #   $discoverprompt,'__delay__200');
            if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } else {
         } return $stdout;
      if (defined $localhost &&
            $localhost &&
            (-1<index $localhost,'HASH')
            && exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle}
            && defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         return `@_`,$cfh_error if $cfh_error=~/password[: ]+$/si;
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
         if (wantarray) {
            return $stdout,$stderr;
         } elsif ($stderr) {
            if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } else {
         } return $stdout;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($self!~/^cd[\t ]/) {
         $cmd="$self|perl -e \'\$o=join \"\",<STDIN>;\$o=~s/^/stdout: /mg;".
              "print \$o,\"__STOP--\"\' 2>&1";
      my $cmd_handle='';my $cmd_pid='';my $next=10;
      while (1) {
            or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
            "couldn't launch cmd subprocess");
         $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
            Timeout => $cmd_timeout);
         my $first=0;
         eval {
            while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>$cmd_timeout)) {
               next if $line=~/^\s*$/ && !$first;
               last if $all=~s/\n*_\s*_\s*S\s*T\s*O\s*P\s*-\s*-\s*$//s;
         if ($@) {
            my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
               if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($cmd_pid);
            if ($next--) {
            } else { &cleanup }
         } else { $cmd_handle->print("\004");last }
      } $cmd_handle->close;
   } else {
      if ($self!~/^cd[\t ]/) {
         my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sed');
         $cmd="$self | ${sedpath}sed -e \'s/^/stdout: /\' 2>&1";
      &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   if ($all) {
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $all) {
         if ($line=~s/^[\t ]*stdout: // || $line=~s/[[]6nstdout: //) {
            push @outlines, $line;
         } else { push @errlines, $line }
      } $stdout=join '', @outlines;$stderr=join '',@errlines;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
      if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
      } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
      } else {
   } return $stdout;


sub tmp
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "PARENTTMPCALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PARENTTMPCALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller), "\nand ARGS=@_\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return File_Transfer::tmp(@_);

sub scrub_passwd_file

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $track='';
   print "scrub_passwd_file() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "scrub_passwd_file() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $passlabel=$_[0];my $login_id=$_[1];
   my $cmd_type=$_[2];
   my @passlabels=();
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   if ($passlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      my $local_host_flag=0;
      foreach my $passlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
         next if $passlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
         push @passlabels, $passlab;
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } else {
   foreach my $passlabel (@passlabels) {
      my $key='';
      if ($local_host_flag) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "SCRUBBINGTHISKEY=$key<==\n"
         if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return unless exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'berkeley_db_path'};
      my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
      my $href='';
      my $successflag=0;
      if ($bdb) {
         my $status=$bdb->db_get($passlabel,$href);
         $href=eval $href;
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
            if ($ky eq $key) {
               while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
            } elsif ($ky=~/gatekeep_$username/) {
               while (delete $href->{$ky}) {}
            } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
               while (delete $href->{$ky}) {}
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
      return $successflag;



package File_Transfer;

use Time::Local;
use BerkeleyDB;

sub new {

   return eval {

      local $SIG{ALRM} = 
         sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
         # NB: \n required
      alarm $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;

      my @topcaller=caller;
      print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nFile_Transfer::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
         (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      our $timeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
      our $test=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test;
      my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
      my $hostlabel=$_[1]||'';
      my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
      my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
      my $cache=$_[4]||$main::cache||'';
      my $quiet=$_[5]||0;
      my $self = { };
      my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
      my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
      my $chk_id='';
      if ($su_id) { $chk_id=$su_id }
      elsif ($login_id) { $chk_id=$login_id }
      else { $chk_id=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username(); }
      if (!$new_master &&
            exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
            "${hostlabel}__%-$chk_id"}) {
         if ($ping) {
            if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ping($host,'__return__')) {
               return $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
            } else {
               delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
         } else {
            return $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{

      my ($ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$homedir,$ftr_cmd,$ftm_type,
      if ($stderr) {
         $stderr=~s/(at .*)$/\n\n       $1/s;
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - $stderr";

         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return $ftp_handle,$die;
#print "WTFFFFF is the HOSTLABEL HERE=$hostlabel<==\n";sleep 10;
      $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
      if ($ftr_cmd) {
         if ($ftr_cmd->{_cygdrive}) {
      } else {
         if (-1==$#{$cmd_cnct}) {
         } else {
         if $self->{_fpx_handle};
      $self->{_ftp_pid}=$ftp_pid if $ftp_pid;
      $self->{_fpx_pid}=$fpx_pid if $fpx_pid;
      return $self,'';
   if (-1<index $@,'alarm') {
         "alarm timeout at Line: ".__LINE__."\n",'-1','__cleanup__');


sub handle_error
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(@_);

sub close

   my $self=$_[0];
   if (exists $self->{_ftp_handle} &&
         defined fileno $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
      my $ftp_handle=$self->{_ftp_handle};
      my $count=0;
      eval {
         SC: while (defined fileno $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
            while (my $line=$self->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
               last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|
               if ($line=~/^\s*$/s) {
                  last SC if $count++==20;
               } else { $count=0 }
      eval { $self->{_ftp_handle}->close };
      my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($self->{_ftp_pid});
      foreach my $h_id (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections) {
         if ($self eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{$h_id}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{$h_id};


sub clean_filehandle

   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::clean_filehandle(@_);


sub get_vlabel
print "GET_VLABEL_CALLER=",caller,"\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($self,$deploy_type,$dest_hostlabel,
       $base_hostlabel,$archivedir) = @_;
   my ($archive_hostlabel,$version_label,$label1,$label2)='';
   my @output=();
   if ($deploy_type eq 'get') {
   } else {

   while ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::version_label eq '') {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
      print "\n\n       Please Type the Version Number of the\n";
      print "       Build being Deployed TO Host \"$dest_hostlabel\"\n";
      print "       FROM Host \"$base_hostlabel\" : ";
      next if $label1 eq '';
      if ($label1 ne uc($label1)) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
         print "\n\n       ERROR! - Use Only Upper Case Letters ",
               "for Version Labels!";
      print "\n       Please Re-Enter the Version Number : ";

      if ($label1 eq "") {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
      if ($label1 eq $label2) {
         if (($deploy_type eq 'get' || ($deploy_type eq 'put' &&
                   ($dest_hostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__" &&
                    $base_hostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__")))
                    && $archivedir) {
            my $chmod='';my $own='';my $grp='';
            my %settings=();
            if (($archive_hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                   && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname eq substr(
                   '.')) || $deploy_type eq 'put') {
               if (defined $archivedir && $archivedir ne '') {
                  if (-1<index $archivedir,'__VLABEL__') {
                  if (-d "$archivedir") {
                     if (-f "$archivedir/mving.flg") {
                     } else {
                        my $target=$archive_hostlabel;
                        my $die="\n\nFATAL ERROR!!!\n\nThis Version "
                               ."- $label1 - already exists on $target"
                               ."!\n\nIf this is the right Version, "
                               ."move or delete the\ndirectory on $target "
                               ."before running this script\n\n";
                  } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $^O ne 'MSWin32'
                        && $^O ne 'MSWin64'
                        && $ENV{OS} ne 'Windows_NT') {
#### DO ERROR TRAPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!
#print "MKDIR1=$archivedir\n";
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mkdir')."mkdir \'/$archivedir\'");
                     my $chmod=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Chmod'};
                     my $own=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Owner'};
                     my $grp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Group'};
                        "chmod -v \"$chmod\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $chmod;
                        "chown \"$own\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $own;
                        "chgrp \"$grp\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $grp;
                        "touch \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"");
                       "chmod -v \"$chmod\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $chmod;
                       "chown \"$own\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $own;
                       "chgrp \"$grp\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $grp;
                  } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'
                        || $ENV{OS} eq 'Windows_NT') {
                        "mkdir -m 777 $label1");
            } else { $version_label=$label1;last }
         } else { $version_label=$label1;last }
      } else {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
         print "\n\n       Version Numbers Do NOT Match!";
   } print "\n\n";
   return $version_label;


sub select_dir

   my $self=$_[0];
   my $dir='.';my $random=0;
   my $dots=0;my $dot=0;my $dotdot=0;
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if ($_[1] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dotdot__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dotdot__') {
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dotdot__') {
   my $caller=(caller)[2];
   my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host= ($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $ms_share||='';my %output=();my $nt5=0;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $i=0;my @output=();
   if ($ms_share || $self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my $test_chr1='';my $test_chr2='';
      if ($dir) {
         if (1<length $dir) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($dir=~s/^$self->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
               } elsif ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                     && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
               } else {
                       . unpack('x1 a*',$dir);
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                  $test_chr2 eq '\\\\' || $test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                     && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $curdir='';
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  my $cdr='';
                  if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
                     my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
                     my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
                  } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
                  } else {
                     $localhost,"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               } else {
            } else {
                  "Destination Directory (1) - $dir CANNOT Be Located");
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if (($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                  && $^O eq 'cygwin') ||
                  $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~/$self->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
            } else {
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
            $dir=$test_chr1 . ':/';
         } else {
               "Destination Directory (2) - $dir CANNOT Be Located");
         } $dir=~tr/\\/\//;$dir=~tr/\//\\/;$dir=~s/\\/\\\\/g;my $cnt=0;
      } else {
         if (($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
               && $^O eq 'cygwin') ||
               $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~/^$self->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
         } else {
      my $cnt=0;
      while (1) {
         ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"");
         if (!$stderr && $output!~/bytes free\s*$/s) {
prin $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "sub select_dir Rem_Command::cmd() BAD output=$output\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            unless ($cnt++) { $output='';next }
            my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                   ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"\n"
                   ."\n       run on the host $self->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED"
                   ."\n\n       BAD OUTPUT==>$output\n";
         } else { last }
      if (!$stderr) {
         $output=~s/^.*Directory of (.*)$/$1/s;
         my $mn=0;my $dy=0;my $yr=0;
         my $hr=0;my $mt='';my $pm='';my $size='';
         my $file='';my $filetime=0;my $cnt=0;
         foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
            next if $cnt++<4;
            next if -1==index $line,'<DIR>';
            if (39<length $line) {
               if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                   unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
               } else {
                   unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
            } push @{$output{$filetime}},
                  {$file=>"$mn/$dy/$yr  $hr:$mt$pm"};
         foreach my $filetime (reverse sort keys %output) {
            foreach my $filehash (@{$output{$filetime}}) {
               foreach my $file (reverse sort keys %{$filehash}) {
                  push @output,${$filehash}{$file}."   $file";
   } else {
      ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("ls -lt $dir");
      if (!$stderr) {
         my $lchar_flag=0;
         foreach my $line (split /\n/, $output) {
            next if unpack('a5',$line) eq 'total';
            my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
            if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/' || $lchar eq ':') {
               if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
               chop $line;
            my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
            if ($endofline eq '..' && !$dots && !$dotdot) { next }
            if ($endofline eq ' .' && !$dots && !$dot) { next }
            my $date=substr($line,41,13);
            my $file=unpack('x54 a*',$line);
            push @output,"$date   $file";
   } my $die='';
   if ($stderr) {
      my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
      substr($caller,0,(index $caller,'::')+2)='';
      my $sub='';
      if ($caller eq 'connect_ftp'
            || $caller eq 'connect_telnet') {
         ($caller,$sub)=split '::', (caller(2))[3];
      } else {
         my @called=caller(2);
         if ($caller eq 'mirror' || $caller eq 'login_retry') {
         } else {
         } $sub=~s/\s*\;\n*//
      my $mod='';($mod,$sub)=split '::', $sub;
      $stderr=~s/\sat\s${progname}\s/\n       at ${progname} /;
      $die="Cannot change to directory:\n\n"
          ."       \"$dir\"\n\n       in the \"&select_dir()\" "
          ."Subroutine (or Method)\n       Called from the "
          ."User Defined Subroutine\n       -> $sub\n       "
          ."in the \"subs\" Subroutine File ->  "."${mod}.pm\n\n"
          ."       The Remote System $host Returned\n       "
          ."the Following Error Message:\n\n       $stderr";
   } elsif ($random) {
      $output=$output[rand $#output]; 
      chomp $output;
      if ($ms_share) {
         if ($nt5) {
         } else {
      } else { substr($output,0,16)="" }
   } else {
      my $banner="\n   Please Pick a Directory :";
      chomp $output;
      if ($output ne ']quit[') {
         if ($ms_share) {
            if ($nt5) {
            } else {
         } else { substr($output,0,16)="" }
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cleanup() }
   if (wantarray) {
      return $output,$die;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else { return $output }


sub testfile

   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my @output=();
   my $output="";
   eval {
      $output=$self->cmd("ls -l @args");
      print "OBJECT=$output\n";<STDIN>;


sub sftp

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::sftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::sftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self = shift @_;
   if (exists $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
      return $self->{_ftp_handle}->cmd(@_);
   } else {
      my $error="Not logged in via (s)ftp\n";


sub ftp

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::ftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self = shift @_;
   if (exists $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
      return $self->{_ftp_handle}->cmd(@_);
   } else {
      my $error="Not logged in via (s)ftp\n";


sub ftpcmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ftpcmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::ftpcmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   #my $self = shift @_;
   #my $cmd  = shift @_;
   if (exists $_[0]->{_ftp_handle}) {
      return Rem_Command::ftpcmd(@_);
      #return $self->{_ftp_handle}->cmd($cmd);
   } else {
      my $error="Not logged in via (s)ftp\n";


sub sftpcmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::sftpcmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::sftpcmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self = shift @_;
   if (exists $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
      return $self->{_ftp_handle}->cmd(@_);
   } else {
      my $error="Not logged in via (s)ftp\n";


sub cmd_raw

   my $self=$_[0];
   my $cmd=$_[1];
   my $delay=0;
   my $display=0;
   foreach my $item (@_) {
      if (-1<index $item, '__delay__') {
         if (-1<index $item, '__delay__=') {
         } else {
      } elsif (-1<index $item, '__display__') {
   my $prompt=substr($self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);
   if ($delay) {
   my $alloutput='';
   my $save='';
   while (1) {
      my $output.=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fetch($self);
      last if $output=~/$prompt/;
      print $output if $display;
         if $display;
   return $alloutput;


sub print

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   return $self->{_cmd_handle}->print(@_);


sub prompt

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   if (-1<$#_) {
      return $self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(@_);
   } return substr($self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);


sub cmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $command='';my $cache='';
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   if (-1<index $args[$#args],'Cache::FileCache') {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif ((-1<index $args[$#args],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($args[$#args]->chi_root_class)) {
      $cache=pop @args;
   my @output=();my $cmdlin=0;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   eval {
      if (ref $self eq 'File_Transfer' && (!exists $self->{_cmd_handle}
            || $self->{_cmd_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ((($self->{_cmd_type} eq 'telnet' ||
               $self->{_cmd_type} eq 'ssh' ||
               $self->{_cmd_type} eq 'shell') && unpack('a1',$command) ne '!')) {
         } elsif ($self->{_ftm_type} eq 'ftp' ||
               $self->{_ftm_type} eq 'sftp') {
         } else {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($self->{_cmd_type} .
               " protocol not supported for command interface: ");
      } else {
   if (wantarray) {
      return $output,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,-$cmdlin) if $stderr;
   } else { return $output }


sub ls
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ls() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::ls() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($self, $options, $path, $cache) = @_;
   $path='' unless defined $path;
   $options='' unless defined $options;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if ($path && unpack('a1',$path) eq '"') {
      $path=unpack('a1 a*',$path);
   if ($path) {
      if ($options eq '-l') {
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"ls -l \"$path\"",$cache);
      } else {
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"ls \"$path\"",$cache);
   } else {
      if ($options eq '-l') {
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,'ls -l',$cache);
      } else {
   my $newout='';
   if ($options eq '1' || $options eq '-1') {
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
         my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
         if ($line=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/) {
      } $output=$newout if $newout;
   return '',$stderr if $stderr;
   return $output,'';


sub lcd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::lcd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::lcd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($self, $path, $cache) = @_;
   my $output='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   if (unpack('a1',$path) eq '"') {
      $path=unpack('a1 a*',$path);
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "File_Transfer::lcd() PATH=$path<==\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"lcd \"$path\"",$cache);
   if ($self->{_ftm_type} eq 'sftp') {
   } else {
   return '',$stderr if $stderr;
   return $output,'';


sub get

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $cache='';my $display=0;
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   if (-1<index $args[$#args],'Cache::FileCache') {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif ((-1<index $args[$#args],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($args[$#args]->chi_root_class)) {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif (grep { /__display__/ } @args) {
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   my $path='';my $file='';
   foreach my $file_arg (@args) {
      if ($self->{_ftm_type} eq 'ftp') {
         if (-1<index $file_arg,'/') {
            $path=substr($file_arg,0,(rindex $file_arg,'/'));
            $file=substr($file_arg,(rindex $file_arg,'/')+1);
               "cd \"$path\"",$cache);
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
         } elsif (-1<index $file_arg,'\\') {
            $path=substr($file_arg,0,(rindex $file_arg,'\\'));
            $file=substr($file_arg,(rindex $file_arg,'\\')+1);
               "cd \"$path\"",$cache);
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
         } else { $file=$file_arg }
      } else { $file=$file_arg }
      unless (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::acquire_fa_lock($file_arg)) {
         return 'SEMAPHORE','' if wantarray;
         return 'SEMAPHORE';
      if ($display) {
            "get \"$file\"",$cache,'__display__');
      } else {
            "get \"$file\"",$cache);
      if ($stderr) {
         if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
               && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            print "GET ERROR! - $stderr\n";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else {
      } elsif (wantarray) {
         return $output,'';
      } else {
         return $output;
   } return $output,'' if wantarray;
   return $output;


sub put
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $cache='';my $display=0;
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   if (-1<index $args[$#args],'Cache::FileCache') {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif ((-1<index $args[$#args],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($args[$#args]->chi_root_class)) {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif (grep { /__display__/ } @args) {
   my ($output,$stderr)='';
   foreach my $file (@args) {
      if ($file eq '*') {
            "put *",$cache,$display);
      } else {
            "put \"$file\"",$cache,$display);
      if ($stderr) {
         if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
               && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            print "PUT ERROR! - $stderr\n";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else {
      } elsif (wantarray) {
         return $output,'';
      } else {
         return $output;

sub size
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::size() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::size() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $cache='';
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   if (-1<index $args[$#args],'Cache::FileCache') {
      $cache=pop @args;
   } elsif ((-1<index $args[$#args],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
         && ($args[$#args]->chi_root_class)) {
      $cache=pop @args;
   my ($output,$stderr)='';
   foreach my $file (@args) {
      if ($self->{_ftp_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__") {
            "get \"$file\"",$cache);
      } else {
         $output=(stat("$file"))[7] || ($stderr=
            "cannot stat and obtain file size for $file\n       $!");
      if ($stderr) {
         print "ERROR! - $stderr\n";

sub ftr_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ftr_cmd() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "File_Transfer::ftr_cmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $ftp_handle=$_[1];
   my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
   my $cache=$_[4]||'';
   our $track='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host= ($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $ms_share='' unless defined $ms_share;
   $ms_domain='' unless defined $ms_domain;
   $login_id=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username() if !defined $su_id;
   my $work_dirs={};my $ftr_cmd='';my $ms_su_id='';my $ms_login_id='';
   my $ms_hostlabel='';my $ms_host='';my $ms_ms_share='';
   my $local_transfer_dir='';my $cmd_type='';my $ms_ms_domain='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $ms_transfer_dir='';
   my @output=();my $cw1='';my $cw2='';my $ftm_type='';
   foreach my $cnct (@{$cmd_cnct}) {
      if (($cmd_type eq 'telnet' || $cmd_type eq 'ssh')) {
         if ($stderr) {
            chomp $stderr;
            return '','','','',$stderr;
         if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
            my $curdir='';
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            my $cdr='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  $ftr_cmd,"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            ($output,$stderr)=$ftr_cmd->cmd('cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp},
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".$work_dirs->{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $stderr";
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            $output=join '',
               $ftr_cmd->{_ftp_handle}->cmd('cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp},
            if ($output=~/^(5.*)$/m) {
               my $line=$1;
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".$work_dirs->{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $line";
         } else {
            my $curdir='';
            if ($ftr_cmd->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $cdr='';
                  if (exists $localhost->{_cygdrive} &&
                        -1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
                     my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
                     my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
                  } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
                  } else {
                        $localhost,"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            } else {
               my $cnt=3;
               while ($cnt--) {
                  if (!$curdir) {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
               $curdir.='/' if $curdir ne '/';
         } return $work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,'' if $ftr_cmd;
   return $work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,'';

sub ftm_login
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::ftm_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $new_master=$_[1]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $cache=$_[3]||'';
   my $quiet=$_[4]||'';
   my $homedir='';
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my @connect_method=@{$ftr_cnct};
   my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
      $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "NEWMASTER=$new_master<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (!$new_master && ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
          || exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel})) {
      return "__Master_${$}__",'','','','','','','','';
   my $ftp_handle='';my $ftr_cmd='';my $su_login='';
   my $ftm_errmsg='';my $die='';my $s_err='';my $shell_pid=0;
   my $retrys=0;my $local_transfer_dir='';my $cmd_type='';
   my $ms_host='';my $ms_hostlabel='';my $fpx_handle='';
   my $work_dirs={};my $die_login_id='';my $ftm_only=0;
   my $ms_su_id='';my $ms_login_id='';
   my $ms_ms_domain='';my $ms_ms_share='';my $ftm_type='';
   my $desthostlabel='';my $p_uname='',my $fpx_passwd='';
   my $ftm_passwd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt(
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[0]) if
   my $ftp_pid='';my $fpx_pid='';
   my @errorstack=();
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   $login_id=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username() if !$login_id;
   while (1) {
      eval {
         foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
         if ($ftm_type eq 'ftp' ||
               !(exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
               $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'} &&
               $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'})) {
            if ($hostlabel!~/__Master_${$}__/ && !$identityfile
                  && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'cyberark'})
                  && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CyberArk'})
                  && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CYBERARK'})) {
            unless ($password) {
               if ($su_id) {
                  if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
                  } else { $su_id='' }
               if (!$su_id) {
            } else {
         if ($spawn ne 'bash') {
            my $looped=0;
            while ($looped++<2) {
               $stderr=$@ if $@;
               if ($stderr) {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nhhhhhhh Error getting \$ftp_handle via ",
                     "Rem_Command::cmd() hhhhhhh: ",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  print "\nhhhhhhh Error getting \$ftp_handle ",
                     "via Rem_Command::cmd() hhhhhhh: ",
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               } else { last }
               $stderr,'-1','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
         my $fm_cnt=-1;my $key_authentication=0;
         CM2: foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
            if ($stderr && $connect_method ne $previous_method) {
               print "Warning (3), Preferred Connection ",
                  "$previous_method Failed\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet);
               print "\n".$stderr."\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet);
            } else { $previous_method=$connect_method;$stderr='' }
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
               if ($spawn eq 'bash') {
                        "ftp $host",'',
                        or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                        "couldn't launch ftp subprocess");
                  $ftp_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $ftp_handle,
                        Timeout => $timeout);
               my $ftp__cmd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ftp')."ftp $host";
               $ftp_handle->print(' '.$ftp__cmd);
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (keys
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           last FH;

               ## Send Login ID.
               my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                  if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  # Logging (2)
                  print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "$connect_method  . . .\n\n";
                        [0,"\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                        "$connect_method  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "\n       Logging (2) into $host ($hostl) ",
                     "via $connect_method  . . .\n\n";
                        [0,"\n       Logging (2) into $host ($hostl) ".
                        "via $connect_method  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\n       Logging (2) into $host ($hostlabel) via ",
                     "$connect_method  . . .\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $s_err=' ';
               my $gotname=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     my $allines='';
                     my $fc='';
                     my $al='';
                     my $cmdseen=0;
                     ## Send Login ID.
                     ID: while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\nFFFFFFF (2) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                           "FTP RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        print "\nFFFFFFF (2) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                          "FTP RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        if (-1<index $allines,'_funkyPrompt_') {
                           my $fp='_funkyPrompt_';
                           my $stub=$line;
                           my $fs=$1;
                           if (!$fs) {
                              my $bs=$1;
                           } else {
                           } $line=~s/^.*_funkyPrompt_//s;
                        if (!$cmdseen) {
                           next if $allines=~s/^\s$//s;
                           if (-1<index $ftp__cmd,$allines) {
                           } elsif ((-1<index $allines,$ftp__cmd) ||
                                 ($ftp__cmd eq $allines)) {
                              print $ftp__cmd,"\n" if
                                              !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\n       ==>$ftp__cmd<==\n",
                                 "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if ($line=~/^$fc\s*/s) {
                           if ($line=~/^$fc\s*$/s) {
                           } else {
                        if ($line=~/^[^f].+\n/s && $line=~/ft?p?>? ?$/s) {
                           if ($line!~/ftp> $/s) {
                        } elsif ($line!~/^.*ftp> $/) {
                           if ($line=~/[.]\s*$/s) {
                              my $lline=$allines;
                           } elsif ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
                              if ($line=~/(.+)\n.+$/s) {
                                 my $stub=$1;
                                 my $tall=$allines;
                                 $tall=~s/Name.*[: ]+$//si;
                                 my $ll=$tall;
                                 if (-1<index $ll, $stub) {
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,'A remote host refused') {
                              $line=~s/\s*ftp> $//s;
                              die $line;
                           } else {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM2:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        print "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM2:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        my $tline=$line;
                        if (-1<index $allines,'Unknown host') {
                           die "ftp: connect: Unknown host";
                        if (-1<index $allines,'ftp: connect:') {
                           my $m=$1;$m||='';
                           if ((-1==index $allines,'Address already in use')
                                 && (-1==index $allines,'Connection timed out')
                                 && (-1<index $allines,'Connection refused')) {
                              die "ftp: connect: $m";
                           } elsif ($retrys++<2) {
                                 $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if
                                 && $shell_pid ne
                                 $ftp_pid,$kill_arg) if
                                 && $ftp_pid ne
                              $ftp_handle->close if defined fileno $ftp_handle;
                              sleep int $ftp_handle->timeout/3;
                              my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
                              my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
                              my $fm_cnt=-1;
                              if ($spawn ne 'bash') {
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                       "ftp $host",'',
                                    or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                                       "couldn't launch ftp subprocess");
                                    Fhopen => $ftp_handle,
                                    Timeout => $timeout);
                              FH1: foreach my $hlabel (
                                    keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                                 foreach my $sid (keys
                                       {$hlabel}}) {
                                    foreach my $type (keys
                                          {$hlabel}{$sid}}) {
                                       if ($ftp_handle eq ${
                                             {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                                          my $value=
                                          last FH1;
                           } else {
                                 $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if
                                 && $shell_pid ne
                                 $ftp_pid,$kill_arg) if
                                 && $ftp_pid ne
                                 "ftp: connect: $m\n       "
                                 ."$retrys Attempts Tried",'-8','__cleanup__');
                        } elsif (-1<index $allines,'421 Service' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'No address associated with name'
                              || (-1<index $allines,'Connection' &&
                              (-1<index $allines,'Connection closed' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out'))) {
                          $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
                          die "$allines\n      $!";
                        $tline=~s/ftp> $//s;
                        print $tline if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\n       DISPLAYED TO USER ==>$tline<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out') {
                           $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?\s*$//s;
                           die "$allines\n     $!";
                        } elsif ((-1<index $allines,'A remote host refused')
                               || (-1<index $allines,
                               'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                           my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "HOSTTEST4444=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           if ($ms_share && !$ftm_only) {
                              if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                                 my $mswin_cwd='';
                                 if (!$stderr) {
                                    my %cmd=(
                                       _cmd_handle => 
                                       _cmd_type   => '',
                                       _work_dirs  => $work_dirs,
                                       _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,'' ],
                                       _hostname   => $hostname,
                                       _ip         => $ip,
                                       _uname      => $uname,
                                       _luname     => $^O,
                                       _cmd_pid    =>
                                    $ftr_cmd=bless \%cmd, 'Rem_Command';
#print "RETURNTHREE and FTR_CMD=$ftr_cmd\n";<STDIN>;
                                    return '','',$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
                                 } elsif (unpack('a10',$stderr) eq 'System err'
                                       && $stderr=~/unknown user name/s) {
                                 } else { $die=$stderr }
                              } else {
                           } else {
#print "NOWWWLINE=$line AND DIE=$die<==\n";
                           if ($die) {
                              $die.="Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                                  ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an attempted "
                                  ."connect operation.\n\n       Check for a "
                                  ."running FTP daemon on $hostlabel";
                              die $die;
                        if ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
#print "WHAT IS THE FTP_EVAL_ERROR2222=$@ and GOTNAME\n";
                  if (!$gotname && ((-1==index $@,'Unknown host') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'Connection refused') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'A remote host refused'))) {
                     if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                        next CM2;
                  if ($@) {
                     if ($@=~/read timed-out/) {
                        my $die="&ftm_login() timed-out while\n       "
                               ."waiting for a login prompt from\n       "
                               ."Remote Host - $host,\n       HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n\n       The Current Timeout"
                               ." Setting is $fttimeout Seconds.";
                     } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "ftplogin() EVALERROR=$@<==\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        die $@;
                  } last

               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
                  { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     die $stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
               my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
               my $sshport='';
               if (exists
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                  my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                     $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
               if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                     $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'} &&
                     $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                  my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                     $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($spawn eq 'bash') {
                        'sftp '."${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host",'',
                        or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                        "couldn't launch ftp subprocess");
                  $ftp_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $ftp_handle,
                        Timeout => $timeout);
               } else {
                        'sftp '."${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host");
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           last FH;
               my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                  if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet &&
                     !$quiet) {
                  # Logging (3)
                  print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "$connect_method  . . .\n\n";
                        [0,"\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                        "$connect_method  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "\n       Logging (3) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "$connect_method  . . .\n\n";
                        [0,"\n       Logging (3) into $host ($hostl) via ".
                        "$connect_method  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\n       Logging (3) into $host ($hostl) via $connect_method ",
                     " . . .\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               ## Wait for password prompt.
                  { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     if (defined $main::aws) {
                        sleep 10;
                        die $stderr;
                     } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                        print STDERR $stderr."\n";
                     die $stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

         ## Send password.
         unless ($key_authentication) {
         } else {

         my $lin='';my $asked=0;my @choices=();
         my $authyes=0;
         while (1) {
            while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get(Timeout=>$fttimeout)) {
               if ($line=~/command not found/) {
                  die 'Permssion Denied';
               } elsif (-1<index $line,"Too many bad authentication attempts") {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() ",
                  "LOOKING FOR $ftm_type PROMPT AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               print "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() ",
                  "LOOKING FOR $ftm_type PROMPT AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               if ((-1<index $lin,'Perm') || $lin=~/\s*[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                  if ($lin=~/[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                     if ($su_id && $su_id ne $login_id) {
                        if (!$asked++) {
                           my $error='';
                           if ($error=~/^\s*[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                              $error='Password *NOT* accepted';
                           $error||='Password *NOT* accepted';
                           my $asktimeout=300;my $a='';my $choice='';
                           eval {
                              local $SIG{ALRM} = 
                                 sub {
                                 }; # \n required
                              alarm $asktimeout;
                              my $banner="\n       *** THIS SCREEN WILL "
                                  ."TIMEOUT IN 5 MINUTES ***\n"
                                  ."\n    The Host \"$hostlabel\" is "
                                  ."configured to attempt a su\n    with "
                                  ."the ID \'$su_id\'\; however, the first "
                                  ."attempt\n    resulted in the following "
                                  ."Error :\n\n           $error\n\n    It "
                                  ."may be that sftp is configured to "
                                  ."disallow logins\n    with \'$su_id\'\."
                                  ."\n\n    Please Pick an Operation :\n"
                                  ."\n    NOTE:    Choice will affect all "
                                  ."future logins!\n";
                                  "Re-enter password and re-attempt with "
                                  "Attempt login with base id \'$login_id\'";
                              chomp $choice;
                           if ($choice ne ']quit[') {
                              if ($choice=~/$su_id/s) {
                                 my $passwd_timeout=350;
                                 my $te_time=time;
                                 my $show='';my $save_passwd='';
                                 eval {
                                    local $SIG{ALRM} = 
                                       sub { 
                                       # \n required
                                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                                    if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                       print "\n$show (5): ";
                                    } else {
                                       print "\n$show ";
                                    Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 2;
                                    Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 0;
                                if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                                   print "\n\n";
                                   my $errmsg.="\n\n       Time Allowed for ".
                                         "Password Input has Expired.\n";
                                   if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
                                         lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq
                                         'notify_on_error') {
                                      my $body='';
                                      if ($errmsg) {
                                         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                            $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE (6) "
                                                 ."-> $errmsg";
                                         } else {
                                            $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE -> "
                                      $body.=$show;my $subject='';
                                      if ($host) {
                                         $subject="Login Failed for $su_id ".
                                            "on $host";
                                      } else {
                                         $subject="Authentication Failed";
                                      my %mail=(
                                         'Body'    => $body,
                                         'Subject' => $subject
                                      "Time Allowed for Password Input ".
                                      "has Expired.",'__cleanup__');
                                 chomp $save_passwd;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $show
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              } else {
                                 while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LLINE44=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                                    last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                                    last if $line=~/Killed by signal 2\.$/s;
                                 } $lin='';
                                 my $sshport='';
                                 if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                                       $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                    my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                       $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                                 if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                                       $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                                    my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                                       $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
                                 $ftp_handle->print(' '.
                                    'sftp '."${sshport}$login_id\@$host");

                                 ## Wait for password prompt.
                                       { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                                         _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                                         _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
                                 if ($stderr) {
                                    if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                                       die $stderr;
                                    } else {
                                       my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                                 ## Send password.
                                 my $ftm_passwd=
                                 my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                                        if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
                                 if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                       !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                                       !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                                    # Logging (4)
                                    print "\n       Logging into $host (",
                                       "$hostl) ",
                                       "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                                          "\n       Logging into $host (".
                                          "$hostl) ",
                                          "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"])
                                       if $cache;
                                 } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                       "\n       Logging (4) into $host (",
                                       "$hostl) ",
                                       "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                                          "\n       Logging (4) into $host (".
                                          "$hostl) ",
                                          "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"])
                                       if $cache;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                       "\n       Logging (4) into $host (",
                                       "$hostl) ",
                                       "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                    && -1<index
                           } else { 
                        } elsif ($asked<4) {
                     } else {

                        ## Send password.
                        my $showerr='';
                        $showerr='' if $showerr=~/Password Authentication/s;
                        if ($login_id eq 'root') {
                           $showerr="$showerr\n\n  HINT: sftp may not be "
                                   ."configured to allow \'root\' access."
                                   ."\n    If ssh connectivity & su root is "
                                   ."available, try setting\n    SU_ID =>"
                                   ." \'root\' in "
                        my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                        my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                               if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                              !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                           # Logging (5)
                           print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) ",
                              "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                                 "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) ".
                                 "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"])
                              if $cache;
                        } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostl) ",
                              "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                           $cache->set($cache->{'key'},[0,"\n       ".
                                 "Logging (5) into $host ($hostl) ".
                                 "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"])
                              if $cache;
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostl) ",
                              "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                           && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  } elsif ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|Connection closed/s) {
                     my $sshport='';
                     if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                        my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                     if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                           $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                        my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                           $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
                     $ftp_handle->print(' '.
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp').'sftp '.
                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                           { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                           die $stderr;
                        } else {
                           my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                     ## Send password.

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "333 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
   && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                     my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(

                     my $showsftp="\n       LoggingF into "
                                 ."$host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
                     print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $showsftp
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                     $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {
                  my $question=$lin;
                  $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
                  $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
                  while (1) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print "\n$question ";
                     my $answer=<STDIN>;
                     chomp $answer;
                     if (lc($answer) eq 'yes') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               } elsif ($lin=~/channel is being closed/s) {
                  my $warning=$lin;
                  $warning=~s/^/       /gm;
                  $warning="WARNING! - sftp on Host $host is not configured\n"
                          ."              for user $login_id :\n\n$warning";
                  die $lin;
               } elsif ($line=~/^530 /m) {
                  $line=~s/\n/\n       /s;
                  die "$line\n";
               if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
               } elsif ($lin=~/Perm/s && $lin=~/password[: ]+$/si) { last }
            if ($lin=~/Perm/s) {
               die "$lin\n";
            } else { last }
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $ftp_handle,
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $^O,
            _work_dirs  => $work_dirs,
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,
                             '_hostlabel'}->[0] ],
            _ftp_pid    => $ftp_pid

         # Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
         $ftp_handle->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");

            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;

         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $rwd='Remote working directory:';
         my $icd=' is the current directory';
         ($homedir=$output)=~s/^(?:257 ["]|$rwd\s+)(.*)?(?:["]$icd)*$/$1/s;

         if ($_connect ne 'connect_sftp' && $_connect ne 'connect_ftp') {
            my $ftmtype='';
            if ($ms_hostlabel) {
                  if $stderr;
               $ftm_type=$ftmtype if $ftmtype;
               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
            } else {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               $ftm_type=$ftmtype if $ftmtype;
#$ftp_handle->print("quote stat");
#while ($line=$ftp_handle->get) {
#   print "FTPLINE2=$line\n";
#   last if $line=~/ftp>\s*/s;
      if ($@) {
         handle_error($@) if $@=~/^FATAL ERROR/;
         print "sub ftm_login FTM_LOGIN_ERROR=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "sub ftm_login FTM_LOGIN_ERROR=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if (unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read' ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'421 Service') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Connection refused') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Connection closed') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Unknown host') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'A remote host refused')) {
            my $host= $hostname ? $hostname : $ip;

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $hostl=$hostlabel;
            $hostl=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{HostName} if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
            $ftm_errmsg="$@\n       While Attempting "
                ."Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
            if (unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read') {
                 $ftm_errmsg.="       Current Timeout "
                            ."Setting is ->  " . $ftp_handle->timeout
                            ." seconds.\n\n";
            if (($retrys<10 && defined $main::aws) ||
                  ($retrys<2 && unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read')) {
               warn "$ftm_errmsg      $!" unless defined $main::aws;
               if (defined fileno $ftp_handle) {
                  $ftp_handle->print; # if defined fileno $ftp_handle;
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "File_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR PROMPT=$line\n and ERROR=$@\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                        if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
                           return $ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
                        } elsif ($line=~
                              /logout|Connection.*closed|A remote host refused|_funkyPrompt_/s) {
               FTH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                        $hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           last FTH;
               if ($ftm_errmsg=~/421 Service/s ||
                     $ftm_errmsg=~/Connection closed/s) {
            } else {
               print "\nEXITING from ftm_login()  ERROR: $@\n       at Line ",
                  __LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nEXITING FROM ftm_login()  ERROR: $@\n       at Line ",
                  __LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if ($retrys<2 &&
               (-1==index $ftm_errmsg,'No more authentication methods')) {
            if ($ftm_errmsg=~/530 |Perm|(channel is being closed)/) {
               my $shipht=$1;
               shift @connect_method if $shipht;
               if ($su_login) {
               } else {
               $retrys=0 if $shipht;
               print "\nRETRYING from ftm_login()  ERROR: $ftm_errmsg\n",
                  "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nRETRYING FROM ftm_login()  ERROR: $ftm_errmsg\n",
                  "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                  last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_|221 Goodbye/s;
                  if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid)
                  && $shell_pid ne
                  if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($ftp_pid)
                  && $ftp_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost{_cmd_pid};
               if (-1<$#connect_method && ($shipht ||
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron)) {
            } elsif (unpack('a10',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'System err' &&
                 $ftm_errmsg=~/unknown user name/s) {
               if ($su_login) {
               } else {
               } $retrys++;next if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron;
         } else { shift @connect_method;next if $#connect_method }
         if (unpack('a10',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'The System') {
         } else {
            my $f_t=$ftm_type;$f_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
            $ftm_errmsg=~s/^(.*)\n *(.*)$/$1\n   $2/s;
            $die="The Host $host Returned\n              the "
                ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
                ."              Rejecting the $f_t Login Attempt"
                ." of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id:"
                ."\n\n       $ftm_errmsg\n$s_err"
                ."       at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(2))[2].".\n\n      ";
         } last;
      } else { last }
      last if $die;
   } return $ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$homedir,$ftr_cmd,

} ## END of &ftm_login

sub wait_for_passwd_prompt

   ## Wait for password prompt.
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::wait_for_passwd_prompt() ",
      "(((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nINFO: File_Transfer::wait_for_passwd_prompt() ",
      "(((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $filehandle=$_[0];
   my $timeout=$_[1]||$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
   my $notnew=$_[2]||'';
   my $login_Mast_error=$_[3]||'';
   my $loop_count=$_[4]||0;
   my $hostlabel=$_[5]||'localhost';
   my $password=$_[6]||'';
   my $lin='';my $authyes=0;my $gotpass=0;my $warning='';
   my $eval_stdout='';my $eval_stderr='';$@='';
   my $connect_err=0;my $count=0;
   my $starttime=time;
   unless ($notnew) {
      my $ssh_notice=<<END;

  ################### NOTICE ####################
  It appears that this is the first time FullAuto
  is starting on this host. It may take a few
  seconds - or even *MINUTES* (in rare cases) for
  the intial configuration of Secure Shell to
  complete. All future FullAuto startups will go
  *MUCH* faster. Please be patient.


      my $dotsshpath=($^O eq 'cygwin')?$ENV{HOME}:'/root';
      unless (-e $dotsshpath.'/.ssh' &&
            $dotsshpath.'/.ssh/known_hosts',qr/^localhost/)) {
          print $ssh_notice unless $login_Mast_error;
   my ($returned)=eval {
      while (1) {
         last if $gotpass;
         PW: while (my $line=$filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->get(
               Timeout=>$timeout)) {
            local $SIG{ALRM} =
               sub {
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("read timed-out:do_slave\n")
               # \n required
            alarm $timeout+1;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nPPPPPPP wait_for_passwd_prompt() PPPPPPP ",
               "CMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print "\nPPPPPPP wait_for_passwd_prompt() PPPPPPP ",
               "CMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            if ((-1<index $line,
                  'Next authentication method: keyboard-interactive') ||
                  (-1<index $line,'Next authentication method: password')) {
               if ($lin=~/can[']t open \/dev\/tty: No such device or/s ||
                     $lin=~/ssh_askpass.*No such file or directory/s) {
                  die "can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\n";
               } elsif ($lin=~/password[: ]+$/s) {
                  $gotpass=1;last PW;
               } else { next }
            } elsif (-1<index $line,'/dev/tty: No') {
               die "can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\n";
            } elsif ((-1<index $line,'ssh_askpass') &&
                  (-1<index $line,'No such file or directory')) {
               die "can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\n";
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Authentication succeeded (publickey)') {
               return $lin,'';
            } elsif ((-1<index $lin,'Authenticated to ') &&
                  (-1<index $lin,'using "publickey"')) {
               return $lin,'';
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'/bin/bash: Operation not permitted') {
            } elsif ($line=~/sftp>\s*$/s) {
               return 'key_authenticated','';
            } elsif ($warning || (-1<index $line,'@@@@@@@@@@') ||
                  (-1<index $line,'No more authentication methods to try')) {
               $count++ if $line=~/^\s*$/s;
               if ((-1<index $warning,'UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY') ||
                     (-1<index $line,'No more authentication methods to try')) {
                  print "\n",$warning;
                  die $warning;
               } elsif ($warning=~/Connection closed|Connection reset/s
                     || $count==10) {
                  $warning=~s/^/       /gm;
                  if ($count==10) {
                     die "read timed-out\n";
                  die "\n".$warning;
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Address already in use') {
               die 'Connection closed';
            } elsif (-1< index $lin,'Write failed: Broken pipe') {
                die "read timed-out\n";
            } elsif (-1<index $line,'Permission denied') {
               if (-1<index $line, 'publickey') {
                  chomp $line;
                  die $line;
               die 'Permission denied';
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Connection reset by peer') {
               if ($lin=~s/^.*(ssh:.*)$/$1/s) {
                  $lin=~s/Could/       Could/s;
                  die $lin;
               } else {
                  $lin='Connection closed';
               die $lin;
            } elsif (7<length $line && unpack('a8',$line) eq 'Insecure') {
               die $line;
            } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                  $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {

               # \
               # 152781-bash-capturing-anything-showed-screen-2.html  \
               # ?s=f57e76256a75d0cda455148a30e86152

               unless ($authorize_connect) {
                  my $question=$lin;
                  $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
                  $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
                  while (1) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print "\n$question ";
                     my $authtimeout=120;my $a='';
                     my $answer='';
                     eval {
                        local $SIG{ALRM} = 
                           sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("alarm\n") };
                           # \n required
                        alarm $authtimeout;
                     if (!$authorize_connect && ($@ || !$answer)) {
                           "\n\n","This request for autenticity timed",
                           " out and FullAuto terminated.",
                           "\nTo provide permission for this request",
                           " run FullAuto with the\n --authorize_connect",
                           " argument.\n\n";
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\n\n","This request for autenticity timed",
                           " out and FullAuto terminated.",
                           "\nTo provide permission for this request",
                           " run FullAuto with the\n --authorize_connect",
                           " argument.\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } elsif ($a=~/^[Nn]$/s) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     chomp $answer;
                     if (lc($answer) eq 'yes' or $authorize_connect) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               } else {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            } elsif ($lin=~/password[: ]+$|passphrase/si) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "wait_for_passwd_prompt() PASSWORD PROMPT=$lin<==\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if $filehandle->{_hostlabel}->[0]=~/__Master_${$}__/;
               $gotpass=1;last PW;
            } elsif ((-1<index $lin,'530 ')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'421 ')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Connection refused')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Connection closed')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Connection timed')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'ssh: Could not')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'name not known')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Could not create')) {
               my $fulllin=$lin;
               $lin=~/(^530[ ].*$)|(^421[ ].*$)
                      |(^Connection[ ]refused.*$)
                      |(^Connection[ ]closed.*$)
                      |(^ssh:[ ]Could[ ]not.*$)
                      |(^ssh:[ ]connect[ ]to.*$)/xm;
               $lin=$1 if $1;$lin=$2 if $2;
               $lin=$3 if $3;$lin=$4 if $4;
               $lin=$5 if $5;$lin=$6 if $6;
               if (-1<index $lin,'Connection refused') {
                  die 'Connection refused';
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Permanently added' &&
                     -1<index $lin,'Roaming not allowed' &&
                     -1<index $lin,'Connection closed') {
                  die $lin;
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'name not known') {
                  die $lin;
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Connection closed') {
                  if ($line=~/(_fu?n?k?y?P?r?o?m?p?t?_*$)/) {
                     my $fcmd=$1;
                     $fulllin.="\n   HINT: Be sure you can run COMMAND:\n"
                             ."\n      $fcmd\n\n   successfully outside of "
                             ."   before running FullAuto again.\n\n  ";
                     die $fulllin;
                  die $lin;
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Could not create') {
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     my $die="$lin\n       ".
                             "Hint: Make sure there are no quote characters\n".
                             "             used in the /etc/passwd file.\n"; 
                     die $eval_stderr;
                  die $eval_stderr;
               } else {
                  die $eval_stderr;
            if ($lin=~/Warning/s) {
               print "\n$lin";sleep 1;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         } alarm(0);
         last if $gotpass;
   if ($@) {
      if (wantarray) {
         my $error=$@;
         if ($error=~/Permission denied/) {
            if ($error=~/publickey/) {
               my $publickey_failed=<<'END';
    ___      _    _ _    _  __
   | _ \_  _| |__| (_)__| |/ /___ _  _
   |  _/ || | '_ \ | / _| ' </ -_) || |
   |_|  \_,_|_.__/_|_\__|_|\_\___|\_, |
      _       _   _            _   _         _   _
     /_\ _  _| |_| |_  ___ _ _| |_(_)__ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _
    / _ \ || |  _| ' \/ -_) ' \  _| / _/ _` |  _| / _ \ ' \
   /_/ \_\_,_|\__|_||_\___|_||_\__|_\__\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|

    (                              ____
    )\ )           (        (     |   /
   (()/(    )  (   )\   (   )]\ ) |  /
    /(_))( /(  )\ ((_) ))\ (()/(  | /
   (_))_|)(_))((_) _  /((_) ((_)) |/
   | |_ ((_)_  (_)| |(_))   _| | (
   | __|/ _` | | || |/ -_)/ _` | )\
   |_|  \__,_| |_||_|\___|\__,_|((_)

               if (grep { /__Master_${$}__/ } @{$filehandle->{_hostlabel}}) {

                  my $amazon='';
                  if ($amazon=
                        &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::check_for_amazon_localhost) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print $publickey_failed;
                     sleep 3;
                     my $user=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username; 
                     my $user_path=($user eq 'root')?'/root':"/home/$user";
                     my $pbf_banner=<<END;

              []![] PublicKey Authentication FAILED []![] 
   FullAuto works with Amazon EC2 Servers the same way you do. You
   connected to this server with a private key file similar to this:

       ssh -i <filename>.pem $user\@$amazon->[1]

   In order for FullAuto to connect, the same key must be used:

       fa -i <filename>.pem   <== Always use THIS on Amazon EC2

   Upload this *same* key from your local computer to this host with
   this single command (run this from your local computer - NOT here):

       scp -i <filename>.pem <filename>.pem $user\@$amazon->[1]:$user_path

   -OR- with PuTTY scp (but only if you are using PuTTY):

       pscp -i <filename>.ppk <filename>.pem $user\@$amazon->[1]:$user_path

                     my $wait_banner=<<'END';

    ___  _  _ _                _ _   _
   |_ _|( )| | |  __ __ ____ _(_) |_| |
    | |  V | | |  \ V  V / _` | |  _|_|
   |___|   |_|_|   \_/\_/\__,_|_|\__(_)  (for 5 minutes)

   If you can, go ahead and upload the private key mentioned on the
   previous page right now. (If you need to review the instructions
   again, just use the LEFTARROW [<] to navigate back to the previous

   The key should be uploaded to the /home/$user directory. When
   FullAuto detects the key in the /home/$user directory, it will
   authenticate and proceed to the next page automatically. Otherwise,
   FullAuto will timeout and gracefully exit in 5 minutes.

   If you would like to quit and continue later, just press the ESC key.


                     my $i_will_wait_sub=sub {

                        package i_will_wait_sub;
                        use Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;
                        my $key=
                        if (-e $key) {
                           my $cmd="/usr/local/bin/fa ".
                                   "-i \'$key\' ".
                                   "--iset-amazon --log";
                           print "\n";
                              no warnings;
                              exec $cmd;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
                        my %i_will_wait=(

                           Name => 'i_will_wait',
                           Banner => $wait_banner,
                           Result => sub {
                              package i_will_wait;
                              use Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;
                              my $key=$main::aws->{credpath}.
                              my $gotkey=0;
                              foreach my $sec (1..300) {
                                 sleep 1;
                                 if (-e $key) {
                              my $cmd="/usr/local/bin/fa ".
                                      "-i \'$key\' ".
                                      "--iset-amazon --log";
                              if ($gotkey) {
                                 print "\n";
                                    no warnings;
                                    exec $cmd;#<-DO NOT REMOVE
                              } else {
                        return \%i_will_wait;

                     my %publickey_failed=(

                        Name => 'publickey_failed',
                        Result => $i_will_wait_sub,
                        Banner => $pbf_banner,

               } elsif (wantarray) {
#print "WHAT IS ERROR=$@ and CALLER=",caller,"\n";
                  return '',$@;
               print "NO ERROR HANDLER for $@\n"; 
#print "do_slave ONE and ERROR=$error\n";
            return ('','read timed-out:do_slave')
         } elsif ($@=~/can[']t open \/dev\/tty: No such device or/s) {
            return '',
               "can\'t open /dev/tty: No such device or address\n";
         } elsif ($@!~/Connection closed/ &&
               (-1==index $@, 'name not known')) {
            my $err=$@;
            eval {
               my $cnt=0;
               while (my $line=$filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/s;
                  last if $cnt++==10;
               if ($cnt==11 and (-1<index $err,'read timed-out')
                     && !$slave) {
#print "do_slave TWO and ERROR=$error\n";
                  $error='read timed-out:do_slave';
            if ($error eq 'read timed-out:do_slave') {
#print "do_slave THREE and ERROR=$error\n";
               return ('','read timed-out:do_slave')
         } return '', $error;
      } else {
   } elsif ($returned) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return $returned,'';
      } else {
         return $returned;
   } elsif (wantarray) {
      return $eval_stdout,$eval_stderr;
   } elsif ($eval_stderr) {
   } else {
      return $eval_stdout;
} ## END of &wait_for_passwd_prompt

sub connect_share
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::connect_share() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "File_Transfer::connect_share() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my (@outlines,@errlines)=();
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   my $cnct_passwd='';
   my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;    
   my @output=$cmd_handle->cmd(
      "net view \\\\\\\\$host | perl -pe 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1");
   for (@output) {
      push @{ s/stdout: // ? \@outlines : \@errlines }, $_;
   } $stdout=join '', @outlines;
   $stderr=join '',@errlines;@output=();
   if ($stdout) {
      my $ms_cnct='net use \\\\'.$host.'\\'.$ms_share;
      $login_id=$su_id if $su_id;
      my $dom='';
      if ($ms_domain) {
      } else {
         if (($host=~tr/.//)==2) {
            $dom=substr($host,0,(index $host,'.')) . '\\';
         } else {
      if ($su_id) {
      } else {
      while (1) {
         my $ms_cmd="$ms_cnct $cnct_passwd /USER:$dom"
            { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
              _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },$ms_cmd);
         if (!$stderr ||
               (-1<index $stderr,'credentials supplied conflict')) {
            return "\\\\$host\\$ms_share\\",'';
         } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'Logon failure') {
            if ($su_id) {
            } else {
         } else {
            $stderr="From Command :\n\n       $ms_cmd\n\n       "
                   ."$stderr\n       $!";
            return '','',$stderr;
   } else {
      $stderr=~s/^/       /mg;
      $stderr="From Command :\n\n       "
             ."net view \\\\\\\\$host | perl -pe 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1"
             ."\n\n$stderr\n       $!";
      return '','',$stderr;


sub cwd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $target_dir=$_[1];
   my $timeout=0;my $debug=0;my $display=0;
   my $log=0;my $delay='';my $cache='';my $return_all_output='';
   if (1<$#_) {
      foreach my $i (2..$#_) {
         if ($_[$i]=~/^[0-9]+/) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__to__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__timeout__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__log__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__display__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__debug__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__return_all_output__') {
         } elsif (-1<index $_[$i],'Cache::FileCache') {
         } elsif ((-1<index $_[$i],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
               && ($_[$i]->chi_root_class)) {
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() target_dir arg:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::cwd() target_dir arg:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if $target_dir ne '/' && $target_dir ne '\\';
   my $len_tdir=length $target_dir;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if (unpack('a1',$target_dir) eq '.') {
      if ($target_dir eq '.') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '\'.\' is Current Directory','';
         } else { return '\'.\' is Current Directory' }
      } elsif (1<$len_tdir &&
              (unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq './')
              || unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq '.\\') {
   my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]||$self->{_hostlabel}->[1];
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
   if (!$target_dir) {
      my @caller=caller;
      my $die="The First Argument to cwd is being "
             ."read by\n       $0 as a null or ''.  "
             ."Hint: (Perhaps a\n       variable being "
             ."used to pass the destination-\n       "
             ."directory-name is misspelled) in file\n"
             ."       -> $caller[1]  line $caller[2]\n\n";
      if (wantarray) {
        return '',$die;
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   if ((exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
         $target_dir eq $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) ||
         (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
         $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
         $target_dir eq $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin})) {
      if (wantarray) {
         print return 'CWD command successful.','';
      } else { return 'CWD command successful.' }
   } elsif ($target_dir eq '-' || $target_dir eq '~'
         || $target_dir=~/^\.\./) {
      if ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre}) {
         my $chdir='';
         if ($target_dir eq '-') {
         } elsif ($target_dir!~/^\.\./) {
         } else { $chdir=$target_dir }
         if (exists $self->{_cmd_handle} && $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
               ($output,$stderr)=$self->{_cmd_handle}->cmd("cd \"$chdir\"");
               print "_cmd_handle cd \"$chdir\" ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$self->{_cmd_handle}->cmd("cd $chdir");
               print "_cmd_handle cd $chdir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
         $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
	 $stderr=~tr/\33//d if $stderr;
         if ($stderr && (-1<index $stderr,'[?2004')) {
         if ($stderr) {
            my $die="\n\n   --> $target_dir\n\n"
                   ."       DOES NOT EXIST!: $!";
            if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
            else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die,'-7') }
         if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd \"$chdir\"",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$chdir\" ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd $chdir",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $chdir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else {
         my $save_pre=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre};
         if ($chdir=~/^\.\./) {
            if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
                   { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                     _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                     _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
               $output=~s/Remote working directory: (.*)/$1/;
               $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
                  else {
	    if (exists $self->{_cmd_handle} && $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
         } else {
            if ($target_dir eq '-') {
            } else {
         if (wantarray) {
            return 'CWD command successful.','';
         } else { return 'CWD command successful.' }
      } elsif (wantarray) {
         return 'CWD command successful.','';
      } else { return 'CWD command successful.' }
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "CWD GOING TO EVAL and $self->{_uname}\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   print "CWD GOING TO EVAL and $self->{_uname}\n"
      if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
   my @return=eval {
      if (($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') &&
             && (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
             1<length $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
             eq '\\\\') && !(exists $self->{_cygdrive} &&
             $target_dir=~/^$self->{_cygdrive}/))) {
         my $td=$1;my $tar_dir='';
         if ($td) {
            if ($td=~/^[\/\\][^:]/) {
               if ($ms_share) {
                  if (($tar_dir=$target_dir)=~s/\//\\/g) {
               } else {
                  my $die='Cannot Determine Root -or- Drive -or- Share'
                         ."\n       for Directory $target_dir";
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            } elsif (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
                  1<length $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
                  eq '\\\\') {
               if (($tar_dir=$target_dir)=~s/\//\\/g) {
            } else {
               my $die='Cannot Determine Root -or- Drive -or- Share'
                      ."\n       for Directory $target_dir";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
         } else {
         my @output=();my $cnt=0;
         while (1) {
                  cmd("cmd /c dir /-C \"$tar_dir\"");
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if (!$stderr && substr($output,-12,-2) ne 'bytes free') {
               $output='';next unless $cnt++;
               my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                      ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$tar_dir\"\n"
                      ."\n       run on the host $hostlabel FAILED";
            } else { last }
         my $outdir='';
         ($outdir=$output)=~s/^.*Directory of ([^\n]*).*$/$1/s;
         if ($outdir eq $tar_dir) {
            $output="CWD command successful";
         } else {
            $output=~s/^.*Directory of [^\n]*(.*)$/$1/s;
            my $leaf=substr($tar_dir,(rindex $tar_dir,"\\")+1);
            foreach my $line (split /\n/, $output) {
               if ($line=~/$leaf$/ and $line!~/\<DIR\>/) {
                  my $die="Cannot cwd to the FILE:"
                      ."\n\n       --> $tar_dir\n\n"
                      ."       Because First cwd() Argument"
                      ."\n       Must be a Directory.\n";
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
                  else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            my $die="Cannot cwd to the Directory:"
                . "\n\n       --> $tar_dir\n\n"
                . "       The Directory DOES NOT EXIST!\n";
            if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
            else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } elsif ($target_dir=~/^([^~.\/\\][^:])/) {
	 print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() target_dir BEFORE MOD:\n",
            "       ==>$target_dir<==\n",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $debug);
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() target_dir BEFORE MOD:\n",
            "       ==>$target_dir<==\n",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
         } else {
	 print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() target_dir AFTER MOD:\n",
            "       ==>$target_dir<==\n",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $debug);
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() target_dir AFTER MOD:\n",
            "       ==>$target_dir<==\n",
            (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if (exists $self->{_cmd_handle} && $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
            if ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
	       $delay='__delay__=200' unless $delay;
	       if ($debug) {
                  if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                     my $astar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                     my $bstar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar",$delay);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                        "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
	          } else {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $target_dir",$delay);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               } else {
                  if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                     my $astar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                     my $bstar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar",$delay,$debug);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                        "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
	          } else {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $target_dir",$delay,$debug);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } elsif ($delay) {
               if ($debug) {
                  if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                     my $astar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                     my $bstar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar",$delay,$debug);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                        "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
	          } else {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $target_dir",$delay,$debug);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               } else {
                  if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                     my $astar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                     my $bstar='';
                     if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar",$delay);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                        "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
	          } else {
                        { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                          _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                          "cd $target_dir",$delay);
                     print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
                        "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } elsif ($debug) {
               if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  my $astar='';
                  if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                  my $bstar='';
                  if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                     { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                       _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                       "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar",$debug);
		  print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                     "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                     "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               } else {
                     { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                       _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                       "cd $target_dir",$debug);
                  print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
		     "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
               if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  my $astar='';
                  if (substr($target_dir,-1) eq '*') {
                  my $bstar='';
                  if (substr($target_dir,0,1) eq '*') {
                     { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                       _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                       "cd $bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar");
                  print "_cmd_handle cd ",
                     "$bstar\"$target_dir\"$astar OUTPUT:",
                     "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               } else {
                     { _cmd_handle=>$self->{_cmd_handle},
                       _host_label=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                       "cd $target_dir");
                  print "_cmd_handle cd $target_dir OUTPUT:",
                     "\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
         } elsif ((exists $self->{_ftm_type}) &&
               $self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  "cd \"$target_dir\"",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$target_dir\" ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
                  "cd $target_dir",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $target_dir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
         my $phost=$hostlabel;
         if ($stderr) {
            my $die="The Destination Directory on Host "
                   ."- $phost :"
                   ."\n\n              --> $target_dir\n\n"
                   ."       DOES NOT EXIST!: $!";
            if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
            else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die,'-12') }
         if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd \"$target_dir\"",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$target_dir\" ",
	          "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd $target_dir",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $target_dir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else {
         if ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
            my $tdir='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$target_dir}) {
            } else {
               ($tdir,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cygpath -w \"$target_dir\"",
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     print "WE ARE STDERR RETURNING HERE\n";return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
	    return $tdir,'';
      } elsif ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
            $target_dir=~/^[A-Za-z]:/) {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$target_dir);
         my $tar_dir=$self->{_cygdrive}.'/'.lc($drive).$path;
         if (-1<index $tar_dir,' ') {
            ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd \"$tar_dir\"");
            print "self->cmd cd \"$tar_dir\" ",
               "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
         } else {
            ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd $tar_dir");
            print "self->cmd cd $tar_dir ",
               "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
         $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return $output,$stderr;
            } else {
         if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
            if (-1<index $tar_dir,' ') {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd \"$tar_dir\"",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$tar_dir\" ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
                  { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                  "cd $tar_dir",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $tar_dir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
      } else {
         if (1<$len_tdir && unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq '..') {
            if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
               if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                     { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                     "cd \"$target_dir\"",$cache);
                  print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$target_dir\" ",
                     "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               } else {
                     { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                     "cd $target_dir",$cache);
                  print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $target_dir ",
                     "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
                  else {
            if (exists $self->{_cmd_handle} && $self->{_cmd_handle}) { 
               ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd('cd ..');
               print "self->cmd cd .. ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
               $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
                  else {
         } elsif (unpack('a1',$target_dir) ne '/' &&
               unpack('a1',$target_dir) ne '\\' &&
               unpack('x1 a1',$target_dir) ne ':') {
            if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
            } elsif (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
         if ((exists $self->{_ftm_type}) &&
               $self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
                  "cd \"$target_dir\"",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd \"$target_dir\" ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
            } else {
                  "cd $target_dir",$cache);
               print "Rem_Command::ftpcmd cd $target_dir ",
                  "OUTPUT:\n==>$output<==\nat LINE ",__LINE__,"\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) ||
                $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=$target_dir.'/' unless $stderr;
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
         if (($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_host') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_secure') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_insecure') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_shell') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_ssh') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_telnet') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_telnet_ssh')) {
	    my $cwd='';
            if (-1<index $target_dir,' ') {
               ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd \'$target_dir\'",
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) }
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd $target_dir",
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) }
            my $pwd='';
            $stderr=$output if -1<index $output,"Couldn't can";
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
	    } elsif (!exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
	       if ($cwd ne $pwd) {
	       } else {
	       if ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $tdir='';
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$target_dir}) {
                  } else {
                     ($tdir,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cygpath -w \"$target_dir\"",
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$stderr;
                        } else {
            } else {
               if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre_mswin}) {
                  my $tdir='';
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$target_dir}) {
                  } else {
                     ($tdir,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cygpath -w \"$target_dir\"",
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$stderr;
                        } else {
               $output='CWD command successful';
	       return $output,'';
   if ($@) {
      if (-1<index $@,"Transfer Directory") {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '', $@;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
      } else {
         my $die=$@;
         $die=~s/( line.*)[.]$/\n      $1/s;
         if ($hostlabel=~/Master/) {
         $die.=" on Host $hostlabel\n";
         my $cnt='';my $hnames='';
         foreach my $host (@{$self->{_hostlabel}}) {
            next if !$cnt++;
            next if !$host;
            $hnames.="\'$host\', ";
         } substr($hnames,-2)='';
         $die.="       (Host also has Labels - $hnames)\n"
            if $hnames;
         if (wantarray) {
            return '', "$die";
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   } elsif (wantarray) {
      return @return;
   } else {
      return $return[0];


sub pwd
   my ($self) = @_;
   if ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
      return $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
   } else {
      my $pwd=join '',$self->{"_$self->{_ftm_type}_handle"}->cmd('pwd');
      chomp $pwd;return $pwd;


sub tmp

   my $self=$_[0];
   my $path=$_[1];
   my $token=$_[2];
   my ($output,$stderr)=('','');
   if ($token=~/[Ww_1]/ && $token!~/[UuXx]/) { $token=1 } else { $token=0 }
   if ($path) {
      if ($path=~/^[\/|\\]|[a-zA-Z]:/) {
            "Path: $path\n       Must NOT be Fully "
            ."Qualified\n       "
            ."(Hint: Must not begin with Drive Letter, or UNC, or '/')"
            ."\n       Example:  path/to/tmp  -Not-  b:\\path\\to\\tmp"
            ."\n                              or  \\\\computer\\share\\path"
            ."\n                              or  /path/to/tmp");

   my $tdir='tmp'.$self->{_cmd_pid}.'_'
   push @{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$self->{_cmd_handle}}},
      [ $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp},$tdir ];
   my $return_path='';
   if ($token) {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
      $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
         'mkdir -p '.$m.$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}.'/'.$tdir);
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } else {
      my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
      my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
      $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
         'mkdir -p '.$m.$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}.'/'.$tdir);
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } return $return_path, $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}.$tdir;

sub diff
   push @_, '_diff';
   return &mirror(@_);

sub mirror

   my $_diff=0;
   if ($_[$#_] eq '_diff') {
      pop @_;
   my ($baseFH, %args) = @_;
   unless (exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle} ||
         !$same_host_as_Master{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
      my $die="The \"BaseHost =>\" Argument to &mirror()"
             ."\n              ->  \"$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]\" "
             ." Does not have an embedded SFTP connection\n        "
             ."      ->  Be sure to use &connect_host() when"
             ." creating a base\n                  host connection to"
             ." be used with &mirror() when base"
             ."\n                  host is not the localhost.";
      if (wantarray) {
         return '',$die;
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   my $username=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username();
   my $dest_output='';my $base_output='';my $lsgnu=0;
   my $num_of_levels='';my $mirrormap='';my $trantar='';
   my $trandir='';my $chk_id='';my $local_transfer_dir='';
   my $destFH={};my $bprxFH='';my $dprxFH='';
   my $sub=(caller(1))[3];$sub=~s/\s*FA_Core::/&/;
   my $caller='';my $cline='';my $mirror_output='';
   my $debug_info='';$deploy_info='';my $dir='';
   my $mirror_debug='';my $excluded='';
   my $base_unzip_path='';my $dest_unzip_path='';
   my $base_zip_path='';my $tarlistmpdir='';
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   if (!exists $args{Cache} || !$args{Cache} && $main::cache) {
   my $cache=$args{Cache};

print "WHAT IS CACHE=$cache\n" if $cache;
print "KEYS=",(join " | ",keys %{$cache}),"\n" if $cache;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "CACHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE=",$cache->{'key'},"\n";
   if (ref $args{DestHost} eq 'ARRAY') {
   } elsif (4<length $args{DestHost} && unpack('a5',$args{DestHost})
         eq 'ARRAY') {
         "quotes improperly surround destination hostlabel(s) arg");
   } else { @dhostlabels=();push @dhostlabels, $args{DestHost} }
   foreach my $dest_hlabel (@dhostlabels) {
      unless (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$dest_hlabel}) {
         my $die="The \"DestHost =>\" Argument to &mirror()"
                ."\n              ->  \"$dest_hlabel\" Called"
                ." from the User Defined Subroutine\n        "
                ."      ->  $sub   is NOT\n              a Valid"
                ." Host Label in the \"subs\" Subroutine File"
                ."\n              ->  $caller line $cline.\n";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } else {
   my $bhostlabel=$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my $dhostlabel=$dhostlabels[0];
   my $base_fdr=$args{BaseFileOrDir} || $args{BaseDir} || $args{BaseFile};
   my $verbose=(exists $args{Verbose} && $args{Verbose}) ? 1 : 0;
   my $skip_empty_dirs=
         (exists $args{SkipEmptyDirs} && $args{SkipEmptyDirs}) ? 1 : 0;
   my $index_base_once=
         (exists $args{IndexBaseOnce} && $args{IndexBaseOnce}) ? 1 : 0;
   if (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) eq '~') {
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd('echo ~');
   my $dest_fdr=$args{DestDir};
   my ($bip,$bhostname,$buse,$bms_share,$bms_domain,
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$btimeout) {
      $btimeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout if !$btimeout;
   my $bhost=($buse eq 'ip')?$bip:$bhostname;
   my ($dip,$dhostname,$duse,$dms_share,$dms_domain,
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$dtimeout) {
      $dtimeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout if !$dtimeout;
   } my $do_dest_tmp_cwd=1;
   if ($baseFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' &&
         $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] ne "__Master_${$}__") {
      ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($baseFH,'lcd .',$cache);
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
      unless ($output) {
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
      } else {
         $local_transfer_dir=unpack('x20 a*',$output);
      ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cwd($base_fdr) if $base_fdr;
      if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
      } else { $stderr='' }
   if ($baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my $test_chr1='';my $test_chr2='';
      if ($base_fdr) {
         if (1<length $base_fdr) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($base_fdr=~/$baseFH->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
                  if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$stderr;
                     } else {
                  } else { $stderr='' }
               } elsif ($bms_share) {
               } else {
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$dir}) {
                  } else {
                     ($dir,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("cygpath -w \"$dir\"",
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$stderr;
                     } else {
                  } else { $stderr='' }
                  if (exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle} ||
                        !$same_host_as_Master{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]}) {
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                  $test_chr2 eq '\\\\') {
            } elsif ($test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
               } else { $stderr='' }
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
               } else { $stderr='' }
            } elsif ($test_chr1 ne '~') {
                  "Base Directory (1) - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~
                  /$baseFH->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
            } else {
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '.') {
         } elsif ($test_chr1 ne '~') {
               "Base Directory (2) - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
         } my $cnt=0;
      } else {
      } my $cnt=0;
      if (!exists $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
            $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir ||
            !$index_base_once) {
         while (1) {
               "cmd /c dir /s /-C /A- \"$dir\"",'__delay__=20');
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die=$stderr;
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            deep_delete_data_hash($baseFH,'_bhash') if
               exists $baseFH->{_bhash} && $baseFH->{_bhash};
               if $index_base_once;
            if (exists $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash} &&
                  $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
               if ($index_base_once) {
               } else {
            if (!$stderr && $base_output!~/bytes free\s*/s) {
               delete $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} if
                  exists $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH};
               $base_output='';next unless $cnt++;
               my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                      ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"\n\n       run"
                      ." on the host $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED\n";
            } else { last }
      } else { # cygwin
         deep_delete_data_hash($baseFH,'_bhash') if
            exists $baseFH->{_bhash} && $baseFH->{_bhash};
         if (exists $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash} &&
               $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
            if ($index_base_once) {
            } else {
      } &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } elsif ($base_fdr) {
      my $dir='';
      if (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) ne '/' && $base_fdr!~/^\W/) {
      } elsif (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) eq '/') {
      } else {
            "Base Directory (3) - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
      if (!exists $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
               $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir ||
               !$index_base_once) {
         if (exists $args{BaseZip} && -f $dir.'/'.$args{BaseZip}) {
            if (-e '/usr/bin/unzip') {
            } elsif (-e '/bin/unzip') {
            } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/unzip') {
            if (-e '/usr/bin/zip') {
            } elsif (-e '/bin/zip') {
            } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/zip') {
               "${base_unzip_path}unzip -l $dir/$args{BaseZip}");
            $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
               if $stderr;
            if ($args{ZipBDir}) {
               my $bo='';
               foreach my $ln (split "\n", $base_output) {
                  next if -1<index $ln,'Archive:';
                  next unless -1<index $ln,$args{ZipBDir};
               } chop $bo;
         } else {
            my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$baseFH);
            ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
            if (-1<index $base_output,'GNU') {
                  "${ls_path}ls -lRFs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
               $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
                  if $stderr;
            } else {
                  $baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls -lRFs \'$dir\'");
               $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
                  if $stderr;
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die=$stderr;
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            } elsif (unpack('x2a1',$base_output) eq 'l' ||
                        unpack('x4a1',$base_output) eq 'l') {
               $dir=substr($base_output,(index $base_output,'-> .')+4);
               if ($lsgnu) {
                     "${ls_path}ls -lRFs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
                  $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__
                         ."\n" if $stderr;
               } else {
                     "${ls_path}ls -lRFs \'$dir\'");
                  $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__
                         ."\n" if $stderr;
               if ($stderr) {
                  my $die=$stderr;
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      deep_delete_data_hash($baseFH,'_bhash') if
         exists $baseFH->{_bhash} && $baseFH->{_bhash};
         if $index_base_once;
      if (exists $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash} &&
            $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
         if ($index_base_once) {
         } else {
   } elsif (!exists $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
         $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir ||
         !$index_base_once) {
      my $dir=$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
      $main::base_shortcut_info{$baseFH}=$dir if $index_base_once;
      my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$baseFH);
      ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $base_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
         $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
            if $stderr;
      } else {
         ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dir\'");
         $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
            if $stderr;
      deep_delete_data_hash($baseFH,'_bhash') if
         exists $baseFH->{_bhash} && $baseFH->{_bhash};
         if $index_base_once;
      if (exists $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash} &&
            $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
         if ($index_base_once) {
         } else {
   } else {
   if ($stderr) {
      if (unpack('a10',$stderr) eq 'The System') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) }
      } else {
         my $die="The System $bhostlabel Returned\n       "
                ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $stderr";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
            && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }

   my $mdh=0;
   my $timehash={};

   if (!$baseFH->{_bhash}) { 
      my $hostlabel='';
      eval {
         my $ignore='';
         if ($stderr) {
            if ($stderr eq 'redo ls') {
               while (1) {
                  my $err='';
                  my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$baseFH);
                  if ($lsgnu) {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$_[0]\'");
                  } else {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$_[0]\'");
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($err,'-3') if $err;
                  next if $stderr eq 'redo ls';
            } else {
      if ($@) {
         if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
            return '','','',"$@";
         } else {
            my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned\n       "
                   ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                   ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            return '','','',$die;


      foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         if (ref $baseFH->{_bhash}->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $elem (@{$baseFH->{_bhash}->{$key}}) {
               if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                  push @{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}->{$key}}, $elem;
               } else {
                  my %newelem=();
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                  push @{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}->{$key}}, \%newelem;
         } else {


   foreach my $dhostlabel (@dhostlabels) {

      my $activity=0;
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
      } elsif (!$dtimeout) {
         $dtimeout=$timeout if !$dtimeout;


      if ((($dip eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
            "__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'}) ||
            ($dhostname eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
            "__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'})) && !exists
            'sshport'}) {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } else {
         if ($dsu_id) { $chk_id=$dsu_id }
         elsif ($dlogin_id) { $chk_id=$dlogin_id }
         else { $chk_id=$username }
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
               "${dhostlabel}__%-$chk_id"}) {
            if ($destFH->{_uname} ne $baseFH->{_uname} ||
                  $do_dest_tmp_cwd) {
               if (defined $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                     if $stderr;
         } else {
            if (exists $args{DestTimeout}) {
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }

      my $dest_dir='';
      my $dhost=($duse eq 'ip')?$dip:$dhostname;
      my $die="The System $dhost Returned"
             ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
             ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
             ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       ";
      my $err='';
      if ($err) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$err;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($err,'-7'); }
      if (ref $dest_first_hash eq 'HASH') {
      my $hostlabel='';
      eval {
         my $ignore='';
         if ($stderr) {
            if ($stderr eq 'redo ls' ||
                  $stderr=~/does not exist/s) {
               while (1) {
                  my $dest_output='';my $err='';
                  my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$destFH);
                  if ($lsgnu) {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_fdr\'");
                  } else {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_fdr\'");
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($err,'-3') if $err;
                  next if $stderr eq 'redo ls';
            } else {
      if ($@) {
         if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
            return '','','',"$@";
         } else {
            my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned\n       "
                   ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                   ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            return '','','',$die;
      my $newborn_dest_first_hash_flag=0;
      if (ref $dest_first_hash eq 'HASH') {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$dest_first_hash}) {
            if (ref ${$dest_first_hash}{$key} ne 'ARRAY') {
               undef ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
            my $elems=($#{$dest_first_hash->{$key}})+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{$dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (exists $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]->{$key} &&
                           ref $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]->{$key}
                           eq 'ARRAY') {
                        undef @{$dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]->{$key}};
                     } delete $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]->{$key};
                  } undef %{$dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef $dest_first_hash->{$key}[$elems];
            } undef $dest_first_hash->{$key};
            delete $dest_first_hash->{$key};
         } undef %{$dest_first_hash};
      foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
         if (ref ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $elem (@{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}) {
               if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                  push @{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}, $elem;
               } else {
                  my %newelem=();
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     if (${${$elem}{$key}}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE') {
                  push @{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}, \%newelem;
         } else {

      my $shortcut=1;

      if (!$newborn_dest_first_hash_flag) {
         my $fdh=0;
         TK: foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
#print "SEARCHINGKEY=$key and VALUE=${$dest_first_hash}{$key}<==\n";
            if (exists ${$dest_first_hash}{$key}) {
               my %firstscalelems=();
               my %firsthashelems=();
#print "MAKING NEW FIRSTHASHELEMS and ALL=",@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}},"\n";
               foreach my $felem (@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}) {
#print "ARE ALL FELEMS HASHES=$felem<==\n";
                  if ($felem eq 'EXCLUDE') {
                     delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                     next TK;
                  if (ref $felem ne 'HASH') {
                     #delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
#print "KEYSSSSBABYYYY=",keys %{${${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}[1]},"<==\n";
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$felem}) {
#print "POPULATINGFIRST KEY=$key and VALUE=@{${$felem}{$key}}\n";
               } my $elemnum=-1;
               foreach my $elem (@{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}) {
                  if ($elem eq 'EXCLUDE') {
                     delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                     next TK;
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     if (!exists $firstscalelems{$elem}) {
                  } else {
#print "PARENTKEY=$key\n";
#print "ELEMSKEYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS=",keys %{$elem},"<==\n";
#print "FIRSTHASHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS=",keys %firsthashelems,"<==\n";
                     if (keys %{$elem}) {
                        if (keys %firsthashelems) {
                           foreach my $elm (keys %{$elem}) {
                              if (!exists $firsthashelems{$elm}) {
                                 my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                                 if ($return &&
                                    (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                                    next TK;
                              } else {
                                 my $arr1=join '',@{${$elem}{$elm}};
                                 my $arr2=join '',@{$firsthashelems{$elm}};
                                 if ($arr1 ne $arr2) {
                                    my ($mn1,$dy1,$hr1,$mt1,$yr1,$sz1)=
                                       split ' ',$arr1;
                                    my ($mn2,$dy2,$hr2,$mt2,$yr2,$sz2)=
                                       split ' ',$arr2;
                                    if ($sz1==$sz2) {
                                       my $testnum='';
                                       if ($hr1<$hr2) {
                                       } else { $testnum=$hr1-$hr2 }
                                       if ($testnum==1 || ($hr1==23
                                             && ($testnum==12 ||
                                             $testnum==11)) ||
                                             ("$mn1$dy1" eq "$mn2$dy2" 
                                             && (($hr1 eq '12' &&
                                             $mt1 eq '00') ||
                                             ($hr2 eq '12' &&
                                             $mt2 eq '00')))) {
                                          delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                                          next TK;
#print "0_ELEM VALUE=",$arr1,"<== DOES NOT EXIST IN FIRST\n";
#print "OKAY WHAT THE HECK IS THE ELEM VALUE=",$arr1,"<==\n";
#print "OKAY WHAT THE HECK IS THE FVALUE=",$arr2,"<==\n";#<STDIN>;
#print "SETTING SHORTCUT TO ZERO 3\n";sleep 3;
                           } last if !$shortcut;
                        } else {
#print "0_ELEM BUT NOT FIRST\n";
                     } elsif (keys %firsthashelems) {
#print "0_FIRSTHASHELEMS=",keys %firsthashelems,"\n";
               } last if !$shortcut;
            } else {
               my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub;
               if ($return &&
                     -1<index $returned_modif,'e') {
                  next TK;
               } else { $shortcut=0;
#print "SETTING SHORTCUT TO ZERO 6\n";sleep 6;
            } last if !$shortcut;
         } $dest_first_hash={} if !$fdh;

      } else {


         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
#print "DO WE HAVE A KEY=$key<==\n";<STDIN>;
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {
               ${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}=[ ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key} ];

      if ($shortcut) {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key} ne 'ARRAY') {
               delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
            my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
            delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};$baseFH->{_bhash}={};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_first_hash}}) {
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                     keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
            delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$destFH->{_dhash}};$destFH->{_dhash}={};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$dest_first_hash}) {
            if (ref ${$dest_first_hash}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {

      $bhostlabel="localhost - $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname"
         if -1<index $bhostlabel,'__Mas';
      $dhostlabel="localhost - $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname"
         if -1<index $dhostlabel,'__Mas';
      my $dhostname=$destFH->{'_hostname'};
      if ($dhostlabel!~/^localhost/) {
         unless ($dhostname) {
         if ($dhostname) {
            $dhostlabel.=" - $dhostname";
      my $bhostname=$baseFH->{'_hostname'};
      if ($bhostlabel!~/^localhost/) {
         unless ($bhostname) {
         if ($bhostname) {
            $bhostlabel.=" - $bhostname";

      $mirror_output.="\n### mirror() output for Base Host:"
                    ." $bhostlabel\n             and Destination Host:"
                    ." $dhostlabel\n\n$deploy_info";

      $mirror_debug.="\n### mirror() debug for Base Host:\n"
                   ." $bhostlabel\n             and Destination Host:"
                   ." $dhostlabel\n\n$debug_info";

#print "WHAT IS THIS=",keys %{$baseFH},"\n";
#print "KEYSBASEHASH=",keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}},"\n";
#print "KEYSDESTHASH=",keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}},"\n";
#print "KEYSTIMEHASH=",keys %{$timehash},"\n";

      if (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         if ($baseFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' ||
               $base_fdr!~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ ||
               !$bms_share || !$#{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
            my $base__dir=$base_fdr;
            if ($base__dir!~/[^\/]\/$/ && $base__dir ne '/') {
            my $bcurdir=$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
            my $aix_tar_input_variable_flag=0;
            my $aix_tar_input_variable1='';
            my $aix_tar_input_variable2='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_file_flag=0;
            my $gnu_tar_input_file1='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_file2='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_list1='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_list2='';
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable_flag=0;
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable1='';
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable2='';
            my @dirt=();my $tmp_dir='';
            if ($baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' && 
                  $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
                  $dest_fdr=~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]*/ &&
                  $dms_share && $#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
               $de_f=~tr/\//\\/;my $ps='/';
               my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
               while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                  my @files=();
                  foreach my $file
                        (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                     if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                           {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                           && unpack('a4',
                           {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                        push @files, $file;
                  } my $tar_cmd='';my $save_dir='';
                  my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                  my $tdir='';my $filecount=0;my $fil_='';
                  foreach my $file (@files) {
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        $farg.="\'$base__dir$file\' ";
                     } else {
                        $farg.="\'$base__dir$key/$file\' ";
                        my $tkey=$key;
                        $tkey=~tr/\//\\/ if ($ps ne '/');
                     if (1500 < length "cp -fpv $farg\'$tdir\'") {
                           "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                        if ($stderr) {
                           if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir$ps$file\"");
                           } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                     } $filearg=$farg;
                  if ($filearg) {
                     if ($filecount==1) {
                        my $testd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
                        if ($testd) {
                           if ($testd eq 'READ') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir\"");
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 my $die="Destination Directory $tdir\n"
                                        .'       is NOT Writable!';
                                 if (wantarray) {
                                    return '',$die;
                                 } else {
                              } else {
                           } else {
                                 "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                       "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir$ps$fil_\"");
                                 } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                        } else {
                           my $mode=
                           my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":'';
                           $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
                              "cmd /c mkdir $m\"$tdir\"",'__live__');
                              if $stderr;
                              "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                              if $stderr;
                     } else {
                           "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                        if ($stderr) {
                           if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir/$fil_\"");
                           } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } else {
               if (!$shortcut) {
                  if (0<$#dhostlabels && !$newborn_dest_first_hash_flag
                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tranback && $activity) {
                        "cp ${bcurdir}transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ".
                        if $stderr;
                  } $activity=0;
                  my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
                  my $f_cnt=0;
                  ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("tar --help");

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE12 and TAROOUT=$output\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1<index $stderr,'-LInputList') {
                     } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'BDeEFhilmnopPqTvw') {
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($output) {
                     if (-1<index $output,'GNU' ||
                           -1<index $output,'-T, --files-from=NAME') {
                  #my $cppath='';
                  #my $diffpath='';
                  while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                     my @files=();
                     foreach my $file
                           (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                               {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                               && unpack('a4',
                               {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                           push @files, $file;
                     } my $tar_cmd='';my $save_dir='';my $zdir_flag=0;
                     foreach my $file (sort @files) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY2\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        my $base___dir='';
                        my $dir= ($key eq '/') ? '' : "$key/";
#print "WHAT IS DIR=$dir<== and KEY=$key\n";
                        if ($dir && $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
                           if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathu{$dir}) {
                           } else {
                                 "cygpath -u \"$dir\"",'__delay__=200');
                              if ($stderr) {
                           my $bcd='';
                           if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathu{
                                 $base_fdr}) {
                           } else {
                                 "cygpath -u \"$base_fdr\"",'__delay__=200');
                              if ($stderr) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY2 and DIR=$dir and BCD=$bcd\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY2AFTER and DIR=$dir and BASE__DIR=$base__dir<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        my $dirt='';

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE10\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                        if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::file_rename{
                              "$dir$file"}) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE9\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                           my $cmd="cp -Rpv \"$base__dir$dir$file\" "
                           $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                              $stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
                           $dirt=substr($dir,0,(index $dir,'/'));
                           if ($gnu_tar_input_file_flag) {
                                 if !$gnu_tar_input_file2;

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE11 and FILE=$file\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable_flag) {
                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable_flag) {
                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } next
                        } else { $base___dir=$base__dir }
                        if ($_diff) {
                           if ($args{BaseZip}) {
                              if ($args{DestZip}) {
                              } else {
#print "ZIP=$args{BaseDir}/$args{BaseZip} and FILEEEE=$args{ZipBDir}/$dir$file<== and THIS=$baseFH->{_cwd}\n";
#my $env=$baseFH->cmd('env');
#print "WHAT IS ID=$env<== and $ENV{HOME}\n";<STDIN>;
                                    "$base_unzip_path/unzip -o -d ".
                                    "$baseFH->{_cwd}FA_Diff_Report_Zip ".
                                    "$args{BaseDir}/$args{BaseZip} ".
                                 if ($stderr) {
                                 if ($same_host_as_Master{$destFH->{_ip}}) {
                                       'cp',$baseFH)."cp -fp ".
                                       "$args{DestDir}/$dir$file ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       'diff',$baseFH)."diff ".
                                       "/$dir/$file ".$baseFH->{_cwd}.
                                       "/$dir/$file.dest > ".$baseFH->{_cwd}.
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("rm -rf ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("rm -rf ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                           } elsif ($args{DESTZIP}) {

                           } else {

                        } elsif ($gnu_tar_input_file_flag) {
                              if !$gnu_tar_input_file1;
                        } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable1) {
                        } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable1) {
                        } else {
                           my $tar_cmd='';
                           if (!$f_cnt) {
                                 "tar cvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                                 "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                           } else {
                                 "tar rvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                                 "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                           $tar_cmd.="-C \"$base___dir\" \"$dir$file\"";
                           if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                    || $verbose) {
                              print "mirror() TAR CMD =>$tar_cmd<==",
                                    " and BASE DIR=$base_fdr AND ATTRIBUTES=",
                                    " AND DIRECTORY=$key AND FILE=$file\n";
                                    "mirror() TAR CMD =>$tar_cmd<==".
                                    " and BASE DIR=$base_fdr AND ATTRIBUTES=".
                                    " AND DIRECTORY=$key AND FILE=$file\n"])
                                 if $cache;
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "mirror() TAR CMD =>$tar_cmd<==",
                                    " and BASE DIR=$base_fdr AND ATTRIBUTES=",
                                    " AND DIRECTORY=$key AND FILE=$file\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              $stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                           if ($dirt) {
                              my $cmd="rm -rf \"$base___dir/$dirt\"";
                                 if $stderr;
                                 $stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
                     } @files=();
                     if (!$activity && !$skip_empty_dirs && $key ne '/'
                           && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'ALL') {
                        # this block handles empty directories
                        if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && (-1<index $dir,'\\')) {
                           my $cdr='';
                              $localhost,"cygpath \"$dir\"",'__delay__=200');
                           &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                           "cp -Rfp $dir/$key $bcurdir");
                           $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                        my $tar_cmd='';
                        if (!$f_cnt) {
                              "tar cvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                              "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                        } else {
                              "tar rvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                              "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                        $tar_cmd.="-C \"$bcurdir\" \"$key\"";
                           $stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                           "rm -rf ${bcurdir}$key");
                           $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tranback==2 && $activity) {
                     "cp ${bcurdir}transfer".
                     "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]_1.tar ".
                     if $stderr;
               } else { $activity=0 }
            if ($_diff) {
               my $curdir=$baseFH->{_cwd};
               if ($stderr) {
                  "$base_zip_path/zip -r ".
                  "fa_diff_report *");
               if ($stderr) {
                   "mv ..");
               if ($stderr) {
                   "rm -rf $curdir/FA_Diff_Report_Zip");
               if ($stderr) {
                   "chown $username $curdir/");
               if ($stderr) {
            } else {
               if ($activity) {
                  if ($gnu_tar_input_list1) {
                     chomp $gnu_tar_input_list1;
                     my @files=split /^/, $gnu_tar_input_list1;
                     my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                     foreach my $fil (@files) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE20 =$farg<= and $filearg<=\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                        if (1601 < length
                              "echo \"$farg\" >> \$gnu_tar_input_file1") {
                           chomp $filearg;
                              "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file1");
                              if $stderr;
                        } $filearg=$farg;
                     if ($filearg) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE21 =$filearg<=\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                        chomp $filearg;
                           "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file1");
                           if $stderr;
                     my $tar_cmd=
                        "tar cvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                     $tar_cmd.="-C \"$base__dir\" -T \"$gnu_tar_input_file1\"";
                        if $stderr;
                  if ($gnu_tar_input_list2) {
                     chomp $gnu_tar_input_list2;
                     my @files=split /^/, $gnu_tar_input_list2;
                     my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                     foreach my $fil (@files) {
                        if (1601 < length
                               "echo \"$farg\" >> \$gnu_tar_input_file2") {
                           chomp $filearg;
                              "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file2");
                              if $stderr;
                        } $filearg=$farg;
                     if ($filearg) {
                        chomp $filearg;
                           "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file2");
                           if $stderr;
                     my $tar_cmd=
                        "tar rvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                     $tar_cmd.="-C \"$tmp_dir\" -T \"$gnu_tar_input_file2\"";
                        if $stderr;
                     foreach my $dirt (@dirt) {
                        my $cmd="rm -rf \"$tmp_dir/$dirt\"";
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                           if $stderr;
                  } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable1) {
                  } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable1) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY3" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if (!$shortcut) {
                        "chmod -v 777 ${bcurdir}transfer".
                        if $stderr;
#print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
#print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
#print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
#print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
#print "LOCALTRANSFERDIR=$local_transfer_dir\n";
#print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
#print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
#print "DHOSTLABEL=$dhostlabel\n";
                  if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' && 
                        $dest_fdr=~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ &&
                        $dms_share && $#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
                  my $ignore='';
                  my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
                  while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                     my @files=();
                     foreach my $file
                           (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (-1<index ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[0],
                              'DIFF_TIME') {
                           my $ts=${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[1];
                           if ((split ' ',$ts)[4]==0) {
                              $ts=~s/^(\d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ )0( \d+)$/$1$curyear$2/;
                           $ts=unpack('x12 a4',$ts).unpack('a2',$ts).
                               unpack('x3 a2',$ts).unpack('x6 a2',$ts).
                               unpack('x9 a2',$ts);
                           my $key_dir=($key ne '/') ? "/$key/" : '/';
                              "touch -t $ts \"$dest_fdr$key_dir$file\"");
                              if $stderr;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                     my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                     next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                  } $excluded=0;
                  if (exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                     foreach my $file (keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                        if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                              $args{DeleteOnDest}) && (!exists
                              {$key}[1]{$file})) {
#print "SHORTCUT=$shortcut and THISSS=",
#   ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[1]{$file},"<== and KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n";#<STDIN>;
                           if ($key eq '/') {
                              if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 $mirror_output.="DELETED (a) File ==> $file\n";
                                 $mirror_debug.="DELETED (a) File ==> $file\n";
                              } else {
                                 $mirror_output.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                                 $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                              if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 print "DELETING (a) File ==> $file\n";
                                       "DELETING (a) File ==> $file\n"])
                                 if $cache;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "DELETING (a) File ==> $file\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                    $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                 my $fil=$file;
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                           } else {
                              if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                    "DELETED (b) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                    "DELETED (b) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              } else {
                                    "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                    "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 print "DELETING (b) File ==> $file\n";
                                       "DELETING (b) File ==> $file\n"])
                                 if $cache;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
                                 "DELETING (b) File ==> $file\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                    $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                 my $fil="$key/$file";
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                        $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                        (!$shortcut || !exists
                        ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                     $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        $mirror_output.="DELETED (c) Directory ==> $key\n";
                        $mirror_debug.="DELETED (c) Directory ==> $key\n";
                     } else {
                        $mirror_output.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                        $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                           || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "DELETING (c) Directory ==> $key\n";
                              "DELETING (c) Directory ==> $key\n"])
                        if $cache;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "DELETING (c) Directory ==> $key\n"
                         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                         && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                           $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                        my $dir=$key;
                        my ($output,$stderr)=
                           $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$dir\"");
                           if $stderr;
                     } else {
                        my ($output,$stderr)=
                           $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$key\"");
                           if $stderr;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
                  if (defined ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[3]
                        && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[3] eq 'NOT_ON_DEST') {
                     ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("mkdir -p $key");
                        if $stderr;
                     my $mode=
                     ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("chmod -Rv $mode $key");
                        if $stderr;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WHAT THE HECK1 IS ACTIVITY=$activity\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

            my $nodif="\n       THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES "
                     ."BETWEEN THE BASE AND TARGET\n\n";
            if ((!$activity) && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $verbose)
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)) {
               print $nodif;
                  if $cache;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $nodif
               if (!$activity) &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            $mirror_output.=$nodif if !$activity;
            $mirror_debug.=$nodif if !$activity;
            push @main::test_tar_output, $mirror_output;
         } else {
            if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{'/'}[0] eq 'ALL') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY7" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            } else {
#print "HERE WE ARE FFFFTOP and $#{[keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}]}\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE ARE HERE FFFFTOP and ",
#"$#{[keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}]}\n"
#   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};my @files=();
               while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
#print "BASEKEYYYYYY=$key and ==>",${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0],"<==\n";
                  if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'ALL' ||
                        ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'NOT_ON_DEST'
                        || ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq
                        'ALL_DIR_ON_DEST') {
#print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
#print "KEY=$key\n";
#print "DEST_FDR=$dest_fdr\n";
#print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
#print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
#print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
#print "LOCAL=$local_transfer_dir\n";
#print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
#print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
#print "KEYYYYY=$key and DIREC=",${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0],"\n";<STDIN>;
                     my $parentkey='';
                     if ($key ne '/') {
                        if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                           substr($parentkey,(rindex $parentkey,'/'))='';
                           next if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$parentkey}[0]
                              && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$parentkey}[0] eq 'ALL';
                     if ($basekeys[0] && (-1<index $basekeys[0],'/')) {
                        my $lkey=0;my $lbky=0;
                        $lkey=length $key;
                        $lbky=length $basekeys[0];
                        while ($lkey<=$lbky &&
                                  eq $key &&
                                  (-1<index $basekeys[0],'/')) {
                           shift @basekeys;
                     } $activity=1;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY8" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  } elsif (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                        && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[2] ne
                        'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                     foreach my $file
                        (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                               {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                               && unpack('a4',
                               {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                           push @files, $file;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY9" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  } elsif (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ACTIVITY10" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if ($activity && $trantar) {
               if (!$shortcut) {
                  foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::file_rename) {
                     my $cmd=
                        "mv \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/$file\""
                        ." \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/"
                     my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd($cmd);
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                        if $stderr;
                  my $cmd="cmd /c tar -C "
                         ."\'transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\' -cvf "
                         ."\'transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar\' .";
   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "TARRRPWDDDDD=$output\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                  my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd($cmd);
                     if $stderr;
                     "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer".
                     if $stderr;
                  if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
                        "transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]")) {
                        "chmod -Rv 777 transfer".
                        if $stderr;
                        "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer".
                        if $stderr;
#print "DO MOVETARFILE\n";
               if (keys %{$timehash}) {
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }

                  ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("touch --version");
                     if $stderr &&
                     (-1==index $stderr,'Not a recog') &&
                     (-1==index $stderr,'illegal opt');
#print "TOUCHOUT=$output and STDERR=$stderr\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "TOUCHOUT=$output and STDERR=$stderr and EVAL=$@\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  my $touch='';
                  $touch='GNU' if -1<index $output,'GNU';
                  foreach my $file (keys %{$timehash}) {
                     my $time='';
                     $time=~tr/ //d;
                     if ($touch eq 'GNU') {
                     } else {
#print "GOING TO TOUCH TIME=$time and FILE=$file\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GOING TO TOUCH TIME=$time and FILE=$file\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     my ($output,$stderr)=
                        $destFH->cmd('touch -t'." $time \"$file\"");
                        if $stderr;
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                     } $excluded=0;
                     if (!$shortcut && exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                        foreach my $file (
                              keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                           my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                           next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                           if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest}
                                 && $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                                 (!$shortcut || !exists
                                 {$key}[1]{$file})) {
                              if ($key eq '/') {
                                 if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                       "DELETED (d) File ==> $file\n";
                                       "DELETED (d) File ==> $file\n";
                                 } else {
                                       "DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                                       "DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                                 if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                       || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                    print "DELETING (d) File ==> $file\n";
                                          "DELETING (d) File ==> $file\n"])
                                    if $cache;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "DELETING (d) File ==> $file\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                       $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                    my $fil=$file;
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                 if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                       "DELETED (e) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                       "DELETED (e) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                 } else {
                                       "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                       "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                 if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                       || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                    print "DELETING (e) File ==> $file\n";
                                          "DELETING (e) File ==> $file\n"])
                                       if $cache;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "DELETING (e) File ==> $file\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                       $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                    my $fil="$key/$file";
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                     } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                           $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                           (!$shortcut || !exists
                           ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                        $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           $mirror_output.="DELETED (f) Directory ==> $key\n";
                           $mirror_debug.="DELETED (f) Directory ==> $key\n";
                        } else {
                           $mirror_output.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                           $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                              || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           print "DELETING (f) Directory ==> $key\n";
                                 "DELETING (f) Directory ==> $key\n"])
                              if $cache;
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "DELETING (f) Directory ==> $key\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                           && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                              $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                           my $dir=$key;
                           my ($output,$stderr)=
                              $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$dir\"");
                              if $stderr;
                        } else {
                           my ($output,$stderr)=
                              $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$key\"");
                              if $stderr;
            } elsif (!$activity) {
               my $nodif='';my $excluded=0;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                     my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                     next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                  } $excluded=0;
                  if (exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                     foreach my $file (keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                        if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                              $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                              (!$shortcut || !exists
                              {$key}[1]{$file})) {
                           if ($key eq '/') {
                              if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 $mirror_output.="DELETED (g) File ==> $file\n";
                                 $mirror_debug.="DELETED (g) File ==> $file\n";
                              } else {
                                 $mirror_output.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                                 $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                              if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 print "DELETING (g) File ==> $file\n";
                                       "DELETING (g) File ==> $file\n"])
                                    if $cache;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "DELETING (g) File ==> $file\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              my ($output,$stderr)=
                                 $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                           } else {
                              if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                    "DELETED (h) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                    "DELETED (h) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              } else {
                                    "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                    "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 print "DELETING (h) File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                       "DELETING (h) File ==> $key/$file\n"])
                                    if $cache;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "DELETING (h) File ==> $key/$file\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              my ($output,$stderr)=
                                 $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                        $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                        (!$shortcut || !exists
                        ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                     $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        $mirror_output.="DELETED (i) Directory ==> $key\n";
                        $mirror_debug.="DELETED (i) Directory ==> $key\n";
                     } else {
                        $mirror_output.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                        $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                           || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "DELETING (i) Directory ==> $key\n";
                              "DELETING (i) Directory ==> $key\n"])
                           if $cache;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "DELETING (i) Directory ==> $key\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                        && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     my ($output,$stderr)=
                        $destFH->cmd("rm -rf $key");
                        $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WHAT THE HECK2 IS ACTIVITY=$activity\n"
   if defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG;
               $nodif="\n       THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES "
                     ."BETWEEN THE BASE AND TARGET\n\n";
               if ((!$activity) && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $verbose)
                     || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)) {
                  print $nodif;
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $nodif
                  if (!$activity) &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $mirror_output.=$nodif if !$activity;
               $mirror_debug.=$nodif if !$activity;
               push @main::test_tar_output, $mirror_output;
   if (exists $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre}
         && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} ne $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}
         && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} ne $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $mirror_output,$mirror_debug;
   } else { return $mirror_output }


sub make_deep_data_copy

   my $deep_data=$_[0];
   my $new_copy={};
   foreach my $key (keys %{$deep_data}) {
      if (ref $deep_data->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
         foreach my $elem (@{$deep_data->{$key}}) {
            if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
               push @{$new_copy->{$key}}, $elem;
            } else {
               my %newelem=();
               foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
               push @{$new_copy->{$key}}, \%newelem;
      } else {
   return $new_copy;


sub deep_delete_data_hash

   my $dataFH=$_[0];
   my $hash=$_[1];
   foreach my $key (keys %{$dataFH->{$hash}}) {
      if (ref $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key} ne 'ARRAY') {
         delete $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key};
      my $elems=($#{$dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}})+1;
      while (-1<--$elems) {
         if (ref $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
            undef $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems];
         } else {
            foreach my $key (
                  keys %{$dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems]}) {
               if ($dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems]->{$key}) {
               } delete $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems]->{$key};
            } undef %{$dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems]};
            undef $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key}[$elems];
      } undef $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key};
      delete $dataFH->{$hash}->{$key};
   } undef %{$dataFH->{$hash}};undef $dataFH->{$hash};


sub get_drive
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "get_drive() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "get_drive() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($folder,$base_or_dest,$cmd_handle,$hostlabel)=('','','','');
   my ($output,$stderr)=('','');
   my %drvs=();my $dir='';
   my $drvs='';my $ms_dir='';
   if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::drives{$hostlabel}) {
   } else {
      if ($cmd_handle) {
         bless $cmd_handle, 'File_Transfer';
         ($drvs,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cmd("ls $cmd_handle->{_cygdrive}");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } else {
         print "\n",'   ERROR - $cmd_handle parameter is REQUIRED at Line ',
   my $die="Cannot Locate Directory $folder\n"
          ."       Anywhere on Local $base_or_dest Host "
   foreach my $drv (split /\s*/, $drvs) {
      last unless $drv;
      if ($cmd_handle) {
         my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
         if ($result ne 'NODIR') {
   if (keys %drvs) {
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cmd('df');
      my %avail=();my $cygloc='';
      my ($drv,$blks,$used,$avail,$use,$mnted)=
      if ($stdout) {
         foreach my $line (split /\n/, $stdout) {
            next unless $line=~/^.:/;
               split / +/,$line;
	    my $dr=substr($drv,0,2);
            $cygloc=$drv if 2<length $drv;
	    next unless exists $drvs{lc($dr)};
         my @avail=sort keys %avail;
         if (keys %avail && $cygloc=~/^$avail{$avail[0]}->[0]/) {
            my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
            if ($result=~/WRITE/s) {
            } else {
               my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
               if ($result eq 'WRITE') {
               } else {
                  unless wantarray;
                  return '',$die;
         } elsif (keys %avail && exists $drvs{lc($avail{$avail[0]}->[0])}) {
         } elsif ($cygloc=~/$drv/i) {
            my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
            if ($result eq 'WRITE') {
            } else {
               unless wantarray;
               return '',$die;
         } elsif (exists $drvs{lc(substr($cygloc,0,2))}) {
            my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
            if ($result eq 'WRITE') {
            } else {
               unless wantarray;
               return '',$die;
            "cygpath -w \"$folder\"",'__delay__=200');
         $ms_dir=~s/\\/\\\\/g unless $stderr;
      } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
         unless wantarray;
      return '',$die;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $folder,$ms_dir
   } else { return $folder }


sub get_dest_ls_output {

   my $destFH=$_[0];
   my $dest_fdr=$_[1]||'';
   my $dms_share=$_[2]||'';
   my $dhost=$_[3]||'';
   my $die=$_[4]||'';
   my $dest_dir='';
   my $dest_output='';
   my $stderr='';my $lsgnu=0;
   if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my ($test_chr1,$test_chr2)='';
      if ($dest_fdr) {
         if (1<length $dest_fdr) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($dest_dir=~s/$destFH->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
               } else {
                  my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                 $test_chr2 eq '\\\\') {
#print "NAKED\n";<STDIN>;
            } elsif ($test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
#print "NAKED\n";<STDIN>;
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
            } else {
               my $die="Destination Directory (1) - $dest_fdr"
                      ." CANNOT Be Located";
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if ($dest_dir=~s/$destFH->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
#print "OLSKDKF\n";
            } else {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
#print "WOOEEE\n";
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
#print "BLECKKK\n";
            $dest_dir=$test_chr1 . ':\\';
         } else {
            my $die="Destination Directory (2) - $dest_fdr"
                   ." CANNOT Be Located";
      } else {
      } my $cnt=0;
      while (1) {
            "cmd /c dir /s /-C /A- \"$dest_dir\"");
            " when attempting command:\n\n".
            "       cmd /c dir /s /-C /A- \"$dest_dir\"",
            '-1') if $stderr;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($dest_output!~/bytes free\s*/s) {
            $dest_output='';next unless $cnt++;
            my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                   ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dest_dir\"\n"
                   ."\n       run on the host "
                   ."$destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED";
         } else { last }
   } elsif ($dest_fdr) {
      my $test_char=unpack('a1',$dest_fdr);
      if ($test_char ne '/' && $test_char ne '.') {
      } else {
      my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$destFH);
      ($dest_output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $dest_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_dir\'");
      } else {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_dir\'");
      if ($stderr) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "$die$stderr"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return '', '', "$die$stderr";
   } else {
      my $dest_dir=$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
      my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',$destFH);
      ($dest_output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $dest_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_dir\'");
      } else {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_dir\'");
      if ($stderr) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "$die$stderr"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return '', '', "$die$stderr";
   return $dest_output,$dest_dir,'';


sub move_tarfile
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "move_tarfile() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "move_tarfile() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($baseFH,$btransfer_dir,$destFH,$shortcut,$cache,$tarlistmpdir,
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   my $bprxFH='';my $dprxFH='';my $d_fdr='';
   my $trandir_parent='';
   my $phost= $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]?
   unless ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
         $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      if ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__") {
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {  # DEST-Master has trandir
               "lcd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
               "lcd \"$dest_fdr\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) { # If BASE has remote trandir
                                              # cd ftp handle to it
               "cd $baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
               "cd $baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            "get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar",$cache);
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
      } elsif ($baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__") {
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                  "lcd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
            if (exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle}) {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {            # If DEST has trandir
               "cd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
               # cd ftp handle to trandir
         } else {                                   # No trandir on DEST,
            ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # use $dest_fdr for transfer
               $destFH,"cd \"$dest_fdr\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # Transfer the tar file
            $destFH,"!id",$cache);               # 'put' because DEST is remote
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT (1)\n"; 
                  "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT (1)\n"])
               if $cache;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT (1)\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # Transfer the tar file
            $destFH,                             # 'put' because DEST is remote
            "put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar",$cache);
         if (-1<index "$output","permissions do not") {
            die "$output       $!"
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               $destFH,                          # lcd ftp handle back to parent
               "lcd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
      } elsif (&ftm_connect($destFH,$phost)) {
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $destFH->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $destFH->{_ftm_type},
            _hostname   => $destFH->{_hostname},
            _ip         => $destFH->{_ip},
            _uname      => $destFH->{_uname},
            _luname     => $baseFH->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0],$phost ],
            _ftp_pid    => $destFH->{_ftp_pid}
         if ($destFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' ||
               $dest_fdr!~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ ||
               !$destFH->{_ms_share} || !$#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
               "lcd \"$dest_fdr\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
            if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                  "lcd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            my $mode=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygwin_berkeley_db_mode;
            my $m=($^O eq 'cygwin')?"-m $mode ":''; 
            $m='-m 777 ' if $^O ne 'cygwin' &&
               "!mkdir ${m}transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               "lcd transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]",$cache);
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cwd(
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         } else {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}\"",$cache);
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            "get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar",$cache);
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         my $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
         while (my $line=$destFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
            last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/s;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         DH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
            foreach my $sid (
                  keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
               foreach my $type (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                       {$sid}}) {
                  if ($destFH->{_cmd_handle}
                        eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                     my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     last DH;
   } else {
        || do{ die "copy failed: $!" };

   if ($d_fdr eq $dest_fdr) {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cwd(  # cd cmd handle to folder
          $d_fdr);                     # that now has tar file
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      my $tdr='';
      my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($destFH,
      if ($testf ne 'WRITE' && $testf ne 'READ') {
            if $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
         "chmod -v 755 ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # chmod it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         "tar xovf ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # un-tar it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      if (!$shortcut) {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::rename_file) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::renamefile) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
   } else {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cwd(  # cd cmd handle to dest folder
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      my $tdr='';
      my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($destFH,
      if ($testf ne 'WRITE' && $testf ne 'READ') {
            if $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("chmod -v 777 ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # chmod it
      if ($stderr) {
         if (-1<index $stderr,'chmod: ERROR: invalid mode') {
            my $l=__LINE__;$l-=3;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $stderr."\nat Line: ".
               "$l\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         } else {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("tar xovf ${d_fdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # un-tar it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      if (!$shortcut) {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::rename_file) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("tar tvf ${d_fdr}transfer".
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::renamefile) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;


sub ftm_connect
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "ftm_connect() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ftm_connect() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller)," and HOSTLABEL=$_[1]\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $ftpFH=$_[0];my $hostlabel=$_[1];my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $cache=$_[3]||'';my $ftm_type='';my $ftm_passwd='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my @connect_method=@{$ftr_cnct};
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$fctimeout) {
      $fctimeout=$timeout if !$fctimeout;
   my @hosts=();
   if ($use eq 'ip') {
   } else {
   } my $host='';
   if ($ping) {
      while (1) {
         my $error=0;
         eval {
            while ($host=pop @hosts) {
               $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ping')."ping $host");
               while (my $line=
                     Timeout=>5)) {
                  if ($line=~/ from /s) {
#print "TEN003\n";
                     while (my $ln=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                        last if $ln=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                     } return;
                  } elsif (-1<index $line,'NOT FOUND'
                        || -1<index $line,'Bad IP') {
                     if ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
         if ($@) {
            next if $error;
            if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
#print "ELEVEN003\n";
               while (my $ln=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  last if $ln=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
               } return 0;
            } elsif ((-1<index $@,'read error') ||
                     (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')) {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO LOGIN_RETRY".
#   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($stderr) {
                  $stderr="$@\n       $stderr";
                  return 0;
               } elsif (!$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}) {
                  return 0;
                  "cd $ftpFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}");
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
         } elsif ($error) {
         } last;
   } elsif ($use eq 'ip') {
   } else { $host=$hostname }
   if ($su_id) {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ftm_connect::cmd() BACK FROM PASSWD at Line: ",
#   __LINE__,"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (!$su_id) {
   my $fm_cnt=-1;
   WE: while (1) {
      foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
         if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if ($cfh_error) {
               if ($cfh_error ne 'Invalid filehandle') {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO FTP LOGIN_RETRY".
#   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                  next WE;
               } else {
            my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                   if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
               # Logging (6)
               print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "ftp  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "ftp  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n       Logging (6) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "ftp  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging (6) into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "ftp  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\n       Logging (6) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                  "ftp  . . .\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
            $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
               "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
            FP: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        {$sid}}) {
                     if ($ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        last FP;
            my $lin='';$stderr='';
            eval {
               while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  my $tline=$line;
                  if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     print $tline;
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $tline
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if ($lin=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
                  if ($lin=~/s*ftp> ?$/s) {
                     $stderr=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
            if ($@) {
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                  if $cfh_error;
               return 0;

            if ($su_id) {
            } else {

            ## Wait for password prompt.
            my $ignore='';
            if ($stderr) {
               if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

         } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if ($cfh_error && $cfh_error ne 'Invalid filehandle') {
#print "YEP GOT TO LOGIN_RETRY<==\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO SFTP LOGIN_RETRY".
#   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               next WE;
            my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                   if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
               # Logging (7)
               print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n       Logging (7) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging (7) into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\n       Logging (7) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                  "sftp  . . .\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $sshport='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
               my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                  $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
               my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                  $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
            if ($su_id) {
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$su_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$su_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                  "sftp ${sshport}$su_id\@$host");
            } else {
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                  "sftp ${sshport}$login_id\@$host");

            ## Wait for password prompt.
            my $ignore='';
            if ($stderr) {
               if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

            SP: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                          {$sid}}) {
                     if ($ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type};
                        last SP;


      } last;
   my $die='';my $die_login_id='';my $ftm_errmsg='';
   my $su_login='';my $retrys=0;
   my %ftp=();my @choices=();
   while (1) {
      eval {
            _ftp_handle => $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel, $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] ],
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $ftpFH->{_uname},
            _ftp_pid    => $ftpFH->{_ftp_pid}
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
eval {
         $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");
#print "GOT PAST THE PROMPT and EVALERR=$@\n";

         my $lin='';my $asked=0;my $authyes=0;
         while (1) {
            while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
#print "LOOKING FOR FTPPROMPTLINE12=$line<==\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LOOKING FOR FTPPROMPTLINE12=$line<==\n"
      #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($lin=~/Perm/s && $lin=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
                  if ($su_id) {
                     if (!$asked++) {
                        my $error='';
                        my $banner="\n    The Host \"$hostlabel\" is "
                                  ."configured to attempt a su\n    with "
                                  ."the ID \'$su_id\'\; however, the first "
                                  ."attempt\n    resulted in the following "
                                  ."Error :\n\n           $error\n\n    It "
                                  ."may be that sftp is configured to "
                                  ."disallow logins\n    with \'$su_id\'\."
                                  ."\n\n    Please Pick an Operation :\n"
                                  ."\n    NOTE:    Choice will affect all "
                                  ."future logins!\n";
                        $choices[0]="Re-enter password and re-attempt with "
                        $choices[1]="Attempt login with base id \'$login_id\'";
                        my $choice=&Menus::pick(\@choices,$banner);
                        chomp $choice;
                        if ($choice ne ']quit[') {
                           if ($choice=~/$su_id/s) {
                              my $show='';
                              while (1) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                                 print "\n$show ";
                                 my $newpass=<STDIN>;
                                 chomp $newpass;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $show
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           } else {
#print "TWELVE003\n";
                              while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LLINE44=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                                 last if $line=~/Killed by signal 2\.$/s;
                              my $sshport='';
                              if (exists
                                    $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                 my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                    $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                              if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                                    $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                                 my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                                    $hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
                              print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                                    'sftp ',
                                    "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                                    'sftp ',
                                    "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                                 'sftp '."${sshport}$login_id\@$host");

                              ## Wait for password prompt.
                              my $ignore='';
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                                    return '',$stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                              ## Send password.
#print "444 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n";
                              my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                              my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                                     if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
                              if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                    !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                                    !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                                 # Logging (8)
                                 print "\n       ",
                                    "Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                                    "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                                       "\n       ".
                                       "Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                                       "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                                    if $cache;
                              } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                 print "\n       ",
                                    "Logging (8) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                                    "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                                       "\n       Logging (8) ".
                                       "into $host ($hostl) via ".
                                       "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                                 if $cache;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\n       Logging (8) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                                    "sftp  . . .\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        } else { 
                     } elsif ($asked<4) {
                  } else {

                     ## Send password.
#print "555 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n";<STDIN>;
                     my $showerr='';
                     my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                     my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                            if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                           !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                        # Logging (9)
                        print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                           "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                              "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                              "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                        if $cache;
                     } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        print "\n       ",
                           "Logging (9) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                           "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                              "\n       Logging (9) ".
                              "into $host ($hostl) via ".
                              "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                           if $cache;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\n       Logging (9) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                           "sftp  . . .\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                        && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                     $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {
                  my $question=$lin;
                  $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
                  $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
                  while (1) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print "\n$question ";
                     my $answer=<STDIN>;
                     chomp $answer;
                     if (lc($answer) eq 'yes') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
               } elsif ($lin=~/Perm/s) { last }
            if ($lin=~/Perm/s) {
               shift @connect_method;
               die $lin;
            } else { last }
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      if ($@=~/ogin incor/ && $retrys<2) {
	 if ($su_login) {
	 } else {
         while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) { 
	    last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
         my $sshport='';
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
            my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
         if (exists 
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
            my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
               "'".' ';
         my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
         if ($ftm_type eq 'ftp') {
            print "\nFTP CONNECT: ",
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ftp'),'ftp ',
                  "$host at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nFTP CONNECT: ",
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ftp'),'ftp ',
                  "$host at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               " ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
         } elsif ($ftm_type eq 'sftp') {
            if ($su_id) {
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$su_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$su_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                  "sftp ${sshport}$su_id\@$host");
            } else {
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$login_id\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print(' '.
                  "sftp ${sshport}$login_id\@$host");
	       waitfor(-match => '/Name.*[: ]+$/i');
      } elsif ($@) {
         my $f_t=$ftm_type;$f_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         $die="The System $host Returned\n              the "
             ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
             ."              XRejecting the $f_t Login Attempt"
             ." of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id "
             ."at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
             ."line ".(caller(2))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
      } else { last }
   if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
      if (unpack('@1 a1',$transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 @2 a*',$transfer_dir);
      my ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd(\%ftp,
            "cd \"$transfer_dir\"",$cache);
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print $line;
               if $cache;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $line
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         next if $line!~/^\d/;
         if (unpack('a3',$line)!=250) {
            my $warn="The FTP Service Cannot Change to "
                    ."the Transfer Directory"
                    ."\n\n       -> $line\n";
            warn "$warn       $!";return 0;
      } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}}{cd}=$transfer_dir;
   } return 1;


sub dup_Processes
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
      foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
         foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                 {$sid}}) {
            if ($cmd_handle
                  eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
               return 1;
   } return 0;

sub map_mirror
   my $mirrormap=$_[0];
   my $map='mirrormap';
   my @keys=split '/',"$_[1]";
   my $file="$_[3]";
   my $reason="$_[4]";
   my $num_of_levels=$#keys;
#print "REASON=$reason\n";
#print "KEYS=@keys\n";
#print "NUM_OF_LEVELS=$num_of_levels\n";
   if ($_[1] eq '/') {
      eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0,1,2]=(\'all\',\'/\',\'\')";
   } elsif ($file ne '') {
      if ("$_[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
         eval "push \@{\${\${\$$map}[0]}[4]}, [ \"\$file\",\"\$reason\" ]";
      } else {
         eval "push \@{\${\${\$$map}[0]}[3]}, [ \"\$file\",\"\$reason\" ]";
   } else {
      my $num_decrement=$num_of_levels;
      my ($exclude,$num,$num_of_elem)='';
      while (-1<$num_decrement--) {
         $num_of_elem=eval "\$\#{$map}";
         $num_of_elem=0 if $num_of_elem==-1;
#print "NUM=$num and KEYS=$#keys\n";
         if ("$_[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
#print "MAPP1=$map and $keys[$num]\n";
            eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0]=\'some\'";
#print "MIRRORMAP=$mirrormap and THIS=${${${$mirrormap}[0]}[0]}[0]\n";<STDIN>;
#            print "GOT THE GOODS=",eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[2]","\n";
            if (eval "\${\${\$$map}[0]}[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
         } elsif ($#keys==$num) {
            eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0,1,2]=(\'all\',\'$keys[$num]\',\'\')";
#print "MIRRORMAP=$mirrormap and THIS=${${${$mirrormap}[0]}[0]}[0]\n";<STDIN>;
   return $mirrormap;
sub move_files
#print "MOVE_FILESCALLER=",caller,"\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($baseFH,$key,$file,$dest_fdr,
       $dhostlabel,$parentkey,$shortcut) = @_;
#print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
#print "KEY=$key\n";
#print "FILE=$file\n";
#print "DEST_FDR=$dest_fdr\n";
#print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
#print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
#print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
#print "NOSUBS=$nosubs\n";
#print "LOCALTRANSFERDIR=$local_transfer_dir\n";
#print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
#print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
#print "DHOSTLABEL=$dhostlabel\n";<STDIN>;
   my $basefile='';my $basedir='';my $destdir='';my $msprxFH='';
   my $w32copy='';my $output='';my $stderr='';my $destd='';my $baseprx='';
   if ($bms_share || $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;
      if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         if ($dhostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__") {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif (unpack('a1',$dest_fdr) eq '/') {
            my $testd=&test_dir($destFH,$dest_fdr);
            if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
               my $testd=&test_dir($destFH,$dest_fdr);
               if ($testd ne 'WRITE') {
                  if ($testd eq 'NODIR') {
                     my $destdir_mswin='';
                     my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                            .'       Does NOT Exist!:\n\n        '
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$die;
                        } else {
                  } else {
                     my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                            .'       is NOT Writable!';
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$die;
                     } else {
               $dest_fdr=$destFH->cmd('cmd /c chdir','__delay__=20');
            } elsif ($testd ne 'WRITE') {
               if ($testd eq 'NODIR') {
                  my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                          .'       Does NOT Exist!';
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else {
               } else {
                  my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                         .'       is NOT Writable!';
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif (unpack('x1 a1',$dest_fdr) eq ':') {
            my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$dest_fdr);
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } else {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
      } else {
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif ($key ne '/') {
   } elsif ($dms_share) {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;
      $destdir.='/' if $file;
   } else {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;

   my $b_OS='';my $m_OS='';my $d_OS='';my $FH='';
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($bms_share || ($baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
            $bhostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         } else {
         } $msprxFH=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost;
      } elsif ($dms_share) {
#print "HEREEEEEEEEE7\n";
         if ($msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
            my ($output,$stderr)=$msprxFH->cwd(
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> "
                      ."$msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\n        $stderr";
            } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[0]=$msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
         } else {
      } else {
   } else {
      if ($bms_share || $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
#print "HEREEEEEEEEE8\n";
         } else {
      } elsif ($dms_share) {
#print "HEREEEEEEEEE9\n";
      } else {
      if !$shortcut || !$msprxFH || $b_OS ne 'cygwin';

   return $trantar;


sub move_file_list
my @topcaller=caller;
#print "MOVEFILELISTCALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
#   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
#      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   my ($file,$basedir,$destdir,$msprxFH,$baseFH,
#print "BASEDIR=$basedir<===\n";#<STDIN>;
   my $farg='';my $filearg='';my $proxydir='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if ($msprxFH) {                      ### if MS Proxy Needed
      if ($b_OS eq 'cygwin') {           ### if Base Needs Proxy
         if ($d_OS eq 'cygwin') {        ### Dest Does Not Need Proxy
            foreach my $fil (@{$file}) {
               $farg.="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
               if (1500<length "$farg$destdir") {
                  $destdir.=$key if $key;
                  chop $filearg;
                  my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
                      "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap_');
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                  $farg="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
               } $filearg=$farg;
            if ($filearg) {
               chop $filearg;
               my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
                  "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } #else {
              # &move_MSWin_stderr('','',$destdir,$msprxFH,'')
         } else {                       ### Dest Needs Proxy
            if ($key && $key ne '/' && ($file
                  || $parentkey eq ')DIRONLY')) {
            } else {
            my $td="--target-directory=$proxydir";
            if ($file) {
               foreach my $fil (@{$file}) {
                  $farg.="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
                  if (1500<length "$farg$proxydir") {
                     chop $filearg;
                         "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                     $farg="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
                  } $filearg=$farg;
               if ($filearg) {
                  chop $filearg;
                     "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
               } #else {
                 # &move_MSWin_stderr('','',$proxydir,$msprxFH,'')
            } elsif ($parentkey ne ')DIRONLY') {
               my $fdot='';
               $fdot='/.' if $key eq '/';
                  "cmd /c cp -Rfpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } else {
      } else {                          ### Dest Needs Proxy
         my $td.=$destdir;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
             "cmd /c cp -Rfpv ./transfer".
             "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/* \"$td\"");
         if ($stderr) {
            my $die="Could not Execute the Command :"
                   ."\n\n       cmd /c cp -Rfpv ./transfer"
                   ."$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/* \"$td\"\n\n       "
                   . $stderr;

sub clean_process_files
   my @topcaller=caller;
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $pid_ts=pop @FA_Core::pid_ts;
   $pid_ts||='';return '','' if !$pid_ts;
   my $str="echo \"del rm${pid_ts}.bat\"";
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   $str.=" >> rm${pid_ts}.bat";
   if ($stderr) {
      push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
      my $die= "$stderr\n\n       From Command -> " . "\"$str\"";
   if ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      $output=join '',$self->{_cmd_handle}->cmd(
         "cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat");
   } else {
      $output=join '',$self->{_cmd_handle}->{_cmd_handle}->cmd(
         "cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat");
   if ($stderr) {
      push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
      my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
          ."\"cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat\"";


sub move_MSWin_stderr
#print "MSWin_stderrCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($stderr,$filearg,$destdir,$FH,$option)=@_;
   my $output='';
   if (!$stderr || (-1<index $stderr,"No such file")
         || (-1<index $stderr,"not a directory")) {
      my $destd='';
      if (unpack('a10',$destdir) eq '/cygdrive/') {
         $destd=unpack('x10 a*',$destdir);
      } else { $destd=$destdir }
         "cmd /c mkdir \"$destd\"");
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr
         && (-1==index $stderr,'already exists');
      if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[4] &&
            17<length $destd &&
            -1<index $destd,"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]") {
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[1]= ($FH->{_hostlabel}->[1]) ?
            $FH->{_hostlabel}->[1] : $FH->{_hostlabel}->[0];
      } return if !$filearg;
      my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
      my $e_cnt=0;
         "cmd /c cp -${option}fpv $filearg $td");
      if ($stderr) {
         my $subwarn="WARNING! COPY ERROR";
         my %mail=(
            'Body'    => "$stderr",
            'Subject' => "$subwarn AND \$filearg=$filearg"
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $stderr
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-12') if $stderr
            && (-1==index $stderr,'already exists');
   } else {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $stderr 
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';


sub build_mirror_hashes
   my $hostlabel='';
   my $timehash={};my $num_of_files=0;my $num_of_basefiles=0;
   my $timekey='';my $deploy_needed=0;my $output='';
   my $baseFH=$_[0];
   my $destFH=$_[1];
   my $bhostlabel=$_[2];
   my $dhostlabel=$_[3];
   my $verbose=$_[4];
   my $cache=$_[5];
   my $base_uname='';
   my $dest_uname='';
   my $base_windows_daylight_savings=0;
   my $dest_windows_daylight_savings=0;
   my $stdout='';
   my $stderr='';
   my $deploy_empty_dir=0;
   my $dest_dir_status='';
   my $deploy_info='';
   my $debug_info='';
   eval {
         if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
      delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
         if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
      delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      if ($num_of_files) {
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print "mirror() NUM_OF_FILES=$num_of_files\n",
               "mirror() NUM_OF_BASEFILES=$num_of_basefiles\n";
                  "mirror() NUM_OF_FILES=$num_of_files\n".
                  "mirror() NUM_OF_BASEFILES=$num_of_basefiles\n"])
               if $cache;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "mirror() NUM_OF_FILES=$num_of_files\n",
            "mirror() NUM_OF_BASEFILES=$num_of_basefiles\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      foreach my $key (sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         next if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'EXCLUDE';
         my @keys=();
         if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[2] eq 'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
            if (-1<index $key,'/') {
               my $chkkey=$key;
               while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                              (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                  unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                  last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
            } unshift @keys, '/';
            foreach my $key (@keys) {
            } next
         my $dest_dir_status='';
         if ($key ne '/') {
            if (-1==$#keys) {
               if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                  my $chkkey=$key;
                  while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                                 (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                     unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                     last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
               } unshift @keys, '/';
            if (!exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}) {
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "mirror() ERROR: WHAT IS THE BAD KEY==>$key<==\n";
                        "mirror() ERROR: WHAT IS THE BAD KEY==>$key<==\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "mirror() ERROR: WHAT IS THE BAD KEY==>$key<==\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
#print "HERE1=$key\n";

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE3\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

               $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY EMPTY DIR $key - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
               $debug_info.="DEPLOY EMPTY DIR $key - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
            } else {
#print "HERE2=$key\n";
         my $skip=0;my $deploy=0;
         foreach my $file (sort keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {

#if ($key=~/yglasa/) {
   #print "DEST_DIR_STATUS=$dest_dir_status and KEY=$key\n";
   #print "FILE=$file and BASEHASH=",
   #      @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}},"<==\n";
   #print "DESTHASH=",${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file},"\n" if exists
   #   ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file};<STDIN>;

            if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[0] eq 'EXCLUDE') {
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "mirror() SKIP1=> KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n";
                        "mirror() SKIP1=> KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "mirror() SKIP1=> KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  $debug_info.="SKIP FILE $file - EXCLUDED_BY_FILTER\n";
               } else {
                  $debug_info.="SKIP FILE $key/$file - EXCLUDED_BY_FILTER\n";
            } my $dchmod='';my $dtime='';my $dyear='';my $dsize='';
            my $dtime1='';my $dtime2='';my $dtime3='';
            my $y=qr(\d\d\d\d|0);my $k=qr(\s+\d+\s+\d+|\s+--\s+--);
            if (exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}) {
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
                  print "mirror() DEST_FILE_DATA_STRING=",
                     " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n";
                        "mirror() DEST_FILE_DATA_STRING=".
                        " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "mirror() DEST_FILE_DATA_STRING=",
                        " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $dtime2="0$dtime2" if length $dtime2==1;
            my $btime1=$1||0;my $btime2=$2||0;
            my $btime3=$3||0;
            my $byear=$4||0;my $bsize=$5||0;my $bchmod=$6||0;
            $btime2="0$btime2" if length $btime2==1;
            my $btime=$btime1.$btime2.$btime3;
            if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
               print "mirror() BASE_FILE_DATA_STRING=",
                  " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n";
                     "mirror() BASE_FILE_DATA_STRING=".
                     " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n"])
                  if $cache;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "mirror() BASE_FILE_DATA_STRING=",
                     " and FILE=$file AND DIRECTORY=$key\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if ($dest_dir_status eq 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST') {
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY FILE $file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY FILE $file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE7\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
               } else {
                     "    DEPLOY FILE $key/$file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY FILE $key/$file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE8\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE4\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

#print "HERE3=$key\n";
#print "DESTKEYS=",keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}},"\n";<STDIN>;
                  ="NOT_ON_DEST $bsize $dsize";
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
                  print "mirror() DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and ",
                     "FILE=$file because DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                        "mirror() DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and ".
                        "FILE=$file because DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n"])
                     if $cache;

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "DO WEX REALLY GET HERE5\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "mirror() DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and ",
                  "FILE=$file because DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $btime=~tr/ //;
               if ($key ne '/') {
               } else { $timekey=$file }
               if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
                  print "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n";
                        "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ".
                        "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                  "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if (exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}) {
               if ($bsize ne $dsize) {
                      ="DIFF_SIZE $bsize $dsize";
                  if ($key eq '/') {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(a) $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY(a) $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     } else {
                        $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                        my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                  } else {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(b) $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY(b) $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     } else {
                        $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                        my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
                     print "DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and FILE=$file ",
                        "because DIFF SIZE BSIZE=$bsize and DSIZE=$dsize\n";
                           "DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and FILE=$file ".
                           "because DIFF SIZE BSIZE=$bsize and DSIZE=$dsize\n"])
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and FILE=$file ",
                     "because DIFF SIZE BSIZE=$bsize and DSIZE=$dsize\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                     if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                  $btime=~tr/ //;
                  if ($key ne '/') {
                  } else { $timekey=$file }
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose) {
                     print "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                        "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n";
                           "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ".
                           "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"])
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               my ($bmndy,$bhr,$bmt)
                  =unpack('a5 x1 a2 x1 a2',$btime);
               my ($dmndy,$dhr,$dmt)
                  =unpack('a5 x1 a2 x1 a2',$dtime);
               if ($btime ne $dtime) {
                  my $btim=unpack('x6 a2',$btime);
                  my $dtim=unpack('x6 a2',$dtime);
                  my $testdhr=$dtime;
                  my $testbhr=$btime;
                  if ($btim eq '--' || $dtim eq '--') {
                  } else {
                     my $btme=$btime;
                     my $dtme=$dtime;
                     my $testnum='';
                     if ($dtim<$btim) {
                     } else { $testnum=$dtim-$btim }
                     if ($dhr eq '23') {
                     } else {
                        my $ddhr=$dhr+1;
                        $ddhr='0'.$ddhr if length $ddhr==1;
                     if ($bhr eq '23') {
                     } else {
                        my $bbhr=$bhr+1;
                        $bbhr='0'.$bbhr if length $bbhr==1;
                  my $dff=$btim-$dtim;
                  $dff*=-1 if $dff<0;
                  $dest_uname=$destFH->{_uname} unless $dest_uname;
                  if ($dest_uname eq 'cygwin' && $dff==1) {
                     my $key_dir=($key ne '/')?"$key/":'';
                        "stat \"$key_dir$file\"");
                     my $isto=(index $stdout,'Modify: ')+19;
                     $stdout=unpack("x$isto a2",$stdout);
                     my $st=unpack('x6 a2',
                     $dest_windows_daylight_savings=($st ne $stdout)?1:0;
                  $base_uname=$baseFH->{_uname} unless $base_uname;
                  if ($base_uname eq 'cygwin' && $dff==1) {
                     my $key_dir=($key ne '/')?"$key/":'';
                     ($stdout,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("stat \"$key_dir$file\"");
                     my $isto=(index $stdout,'Modify: ')+19;
                     $stdout=unpack("x$isto a2",$stdout);
                     my $st=unpack('x6 a2',
                     $base_windows_daylight_savings=($st ne $stdout)?1:0;
                  my $bddd=$base_windows_daylight_savings-
                  $bddd*=-1 if $bddd<0;
                  if ((!$btim && !$dtim) || ($dff==1 && $bddd==1)) {
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                           "SKIP FILE $file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP1\n";
                     } else {
                           "SKIP FILE $key/$file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP1\n";
                         ="SAME $btime $bsize";
                  } elsif ($dtim<$btim &&
                         exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                         && lc($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$dhostlabel}
                         {'TimeStamp'}) eq 'newer') {
                         ="NEWR_TIME $btime $dtime";
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(c) $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY(c) $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        } else {
                           $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     } else {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              "    DEPLOY(d) $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY(d) $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        } else {
                              "    DEPLOY $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                  } else {
                        ="DIFF_TIME $btime $dtime";
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(e) $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY(e) $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        } else {
                           $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     } else {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              "    DEPLOY(f) $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY(f) $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        } else {
                              "    DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                           $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
               } else {
                  delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                     if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                     ="SAME $btime $bsize";
                  if ($key eq '/') {
                        "SKIP FILE $file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP2\n";
                  } else {
                        "SKIP FILE $key/$file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP2\n";
            } else {
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(g) $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY(g) $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  } else {
                     $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
               } else {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY(h) $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY(h) $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  } else {
                     $deploy_info.="    DEPLOY $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
            $btime=~tr/ //;
            if ($key ne '/') {
            } else { $timekey=$file }
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "UPDATEING TIMEHASH3=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
               "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if ($skip) {
            if ($deploy) {
               foreach my $key (@keys) {
            } else {
               delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}
                  if !keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]};
                  if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'SOME'
                  && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'NOT_ON_DEST';
         } elsif ($deploy) {
         } else {
            delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}
               if !keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]};
               if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'SOME'
               && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'NOT_ON_DEST' 
               && !$deploy_empty_dir;
         } $deploy_empty_dir=0;
      } ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{'/'}[0]='EXCLUDE' if !$deploy_needed;
   if ($@) {
      if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
         return '','','','',$@;
      } else {
         my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned"
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die 
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return '','','','',$die;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "KEYSBASEHASHTEST=",keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}},"\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return $baseFH, $destFH, $timehash, $deploy_info, $debug_info;


sub build_base_dest_hashes
#print "BBDH CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my $modifiers='';my $mod_dirs_flag='';
   my $mod_files_flag='';my $s=0;
   my $num_of_included=0;my $num_of_excluded=0;
   my @modifiers=();
   my $base_or_dest_folder=$_[0];
   my $ms_share=$_[4];$ms_share||='';
   my $ms_domain=$_[5];$ms_domain||='';
   my $cygwin = (-1<index lc($_[6]),'cygwin') ? 1 : 0;
   my $cmd_handle=$_[7];$cmd_handle||='';
   my $base_dest=$_[8];
   my $lsgnu=$_[9];
   my $zipdir=$_[10]||'';
   my $cache=$_[11]||'';
   my $bd='';
   $bd=($base_dest eq 'BASE')?'b':'d';
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   my %navhash=();
   eval {
      if ($_[2]) { # If we have Directives
         my @directives=@{$_[2]};my @delim=();
         foreach my $directive (@directives) {
            $s=0;$s=1 if $directive=~/^s/;
            if ($s==1 || substr($directive,0,1) eq 'm') {
            } else { $delim[0]=substr($directive,0,1); }
            if ($delim[0] eq '(') { $delim[1]=')' }
            elsif ($delim[0] eq '[') { $delim[1]=']' }
            elsif ($delim[0] eq '{') { $delim[1]='}' }
            else { $delim[1]=$delim[0] }
            my $rindex=rindex $directive,$delim[1];
            my $modifiers=lc(substr($directive,$rindex+1));
            my $regex=substr($directive,(index $directive,$delim[0])+1,
            my $perl_mods='';
            my $mods='';
            if ($directive=~/^s/) {
               $perl_mods.='g' if -1<index $modifiers,'g';
               $perl_mods.='e' if -1<index $modifiers,'e';
            } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') { $mods.='e' }
            $perl_mods.='i' if -1<index $modifiers,'i';
            if (-1<index $modifiers,'d') {
               if ($s) {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"s$mods",'d' ];
               } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,$mods,'d' ];
               } else {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"${mods}i",'d' ];
               } $mod_dirs_flag=1;
            } else {
               if ($s) {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"s$mods",'f' ];
               } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,$mods,'f' ];
               } else {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"${mods}i",'f' ];
               } $mod_files_flag=1;

         sub regx_prog
            my @topcaller=caller;
            print "regx_prog() CALLER=",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "regx_prog() CALLER=",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $ex=$_[0];my $type=$_[1];
            my $sub = sub {
               my $result=0;my $string='';$_[1]||='';
               if ($type eq 'f' && $_[1] ne ''
                     && -1<index ${$ex}[0],'/') {
                  if ($_[1] eq '/') {
                  } else {
               } else { $string=$_[0] }
               if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'s') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#sgi;
                     } else {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#sg;
                  } else {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#si;
                     } else {
                       $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#s;
               } elsif (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'m') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mgi;
                     } else {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mg;
                  } else {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mi;
                     } else {
                       $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#m;
               } elsif (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                     $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#gi;
                  } else {
                     $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#g;
               } else {
                  $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#;
               } return $result,${$ex}[2]||'';
            $sub; # Save Pound Sign
      my $len_dir='';my $archive_flag=0;
      if ($zipdir) {
         my $ln=substr(${$_[1]},0,(index ${$_[1]},"\n"));
         $len_dir=length " xx-xx-xx 00:00    $zipdir";
      } elsif (!$ms_share && !$ms_domain && !$cygwin) {
         $len_dir=(length $base_or_dest_folder)+2;
      } elsif ($base_or_dest_folder=~/$cmd_handle->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
         my $tmp_basedest=$base_or_dest_folder;
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$tmp_basedest/";
      } elsif ($ms_share) {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
            if substr($base_or_dest_folder,-2) eq '/.';
      } elsif ($base_or_dest_folder=~/^\w:/) {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$base_or_dest_folder/";
      } elsif ($cygwin) {
         my $tmp_bd=unpack('x1 a*',$base_or_dest_folder);
         $tmp_bd=substr($tmp_bd,(index $tmp_bd,'/'));
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$tmp_bd/";
      } else {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$base_or_dest_folder/";
      my $time='';my $files_flag='';my $mn=0;my $dy=0;
      my $yr=0;my $hr=0;my $mt=0;my $pm='';my $size='';
      my $file='';my $fchar='';my $u='';my $tm='';
      my $g='';my $o='';my $topkey='';my $lchar_flag='';
      my $excluded_parent_dir=0;my $included_parent_dir=0;
      my $fileyr=0;my $bit=0;my $chmod='';
      my $cur_dir_excluded=0;my $file_count=0;my $dofiles=0;
      my @keys=();my $addbytes=0;my $nt5=0;
      my $prevkey='';my $savekey='';my $savetotal=0;
      $cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}->{'/'}=[ 'ALL', {},
                       'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
      my $key='/';my $bytesize=0;my $total=0;
#if (!$cygwin) {
#print BK ${$_[1]};
#CORE::close BK;
      my @sublines=();my $lenflag=0;my $bs=0;my $bl=0;
#print "OUTPUT==>${$_[1]}<==\n";
      FL: foreach my $line (split /^/, ${$_[1]}) {
         my $parse=1;my $trak=0;
         if ($savekey) {
#print "SAVEKEY=$savekey and LINE=$line<==\n";<STDIN>;
         next if $line=~/^\s*$/;
         WH: while ($parse || ($line=pop @sublines)) {
            if ($ms_share || $ms_domain
                          || $cygwin) { # If Base is MSWin
               unless ($lenflag) {
                  if (unpack('a1',$line) ne ' ') {
                     if (unpack('x24 a1',$line) eq '<') {
                     } else {
                  } else { next }
               if ($bl<length $line) {
                  if ($bs==23) {
                     if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @23 a14 @38 a*'
                     } else {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @23 a14 @38 a*'
                  } else {
                     if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
                     } else {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
               } else { $mn=unpack('a2',$line) }
#if ($key=~/bcbsa_assets/ and ($file=~/Print_Pre/)) {
#print "MSWin_LINE=$line and KEY=$key and HR=$hr and MN=$mn and file=$file and MT=$mt and SIZE=$size\n";sleep 2;
               next if $mn eq '' || $mn eq '  '
                              || unpack('a1',$size) eq '<';
               foreach my $pid_ts (@FA_Core::pid_ts) {
                  next FL if $file eq "rm${pid_ts}.bat"
                              || $file eq "cmd${pid_ts}.bat"
                              || $file eq "end${pid_ts}.flg"
                              || $file eq "err${pid_ts}.txt"
                              || $file eq "out${pid_ts}.txt";
               if ($file eq '' && $mn ne ' D') { next }
            } else { # Else Base is UNIX
#if ($line=~/entry_flash.swf/s && !$cygwin) {
#print "UNIX_LINE=$line<-- and KEY=$key and ZIPDIR=$zipdir\n";
               next if $line eq '';
               my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
               if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/' || $lchar eq ':') {
                  if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                  } chop $line;
               my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
               if ($line=~s/^\s*([0-9]+)\s//) {
                  if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     print "LS OUTPUT LINE=$line<==\n";
                           "LS OUTPUT LINE=$line<==\n"])
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "LS OUTPUT LINE=$line<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  unless ($zipdir) {
                     ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                  } elsif ($bytesize==0) {
                  if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     print "ADDING BYTES TO TOTAL ==>$bytesize<==\n";
                           "ADDING BYTES TO TOTAL ==>$bytesize<==\n"])
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "ADDING BYTES TO TOTAL ==>$bytesize<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                     print "TOTAL BYTESIZE==>$addbytes<==\n";
                           "TOTAL BYTESIZE==>$addbytes<==\n"])
                        if $cache;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "TOTAL BYTESIZE==>$addbytes<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if ($endofline eq '..' || $endofline eq ' .') { next }
               } else {
                  ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                  if ($fchar eq 't') {
#print "TOTAL=$total and ADDBYTES=$addbytes and PREVKEY=$prevkey\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "TOTAL=$total and ADDBYTES=$addbytes and ",
                     "PREVKEY=$prevkey\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if ($dofiles && $total!=$addbytes) {
#print "WE HAVE A PROBLEM HOUSTON and KEY=$prevkey<--\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE HAVE A PROBLEM HOUSTON and KEY=$prevkey<--\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        $savetotal=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
                        die 'redo ls' if $key eq '/';
                        my $ls_path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('ls',
                        while (1) {
                              "${ls_path}ls --version") unless $lsgnu;
                           if ($lsgnu || (-1<index $stdout,'GNU')) {
                                 "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$key\'");
                           } else {
                                 "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$key\'");
                              if $stderr;
                           my $add_bytes=0;
#print "LS LOOPING STDOUT=$stdout\n";
                           foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
                              next if $line eq '';
                              if ($line=~/^total /) {
                                 $total+=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
                              my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
                              if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/'
                                     || $lchar eq ':') {
                                 if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                                 } chop $line;
                              my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
                              if ($line=~s/^\s*([0-9]+)\s//) {
                                 my $bytesize=$1;
                                 next if $bytesize!~/\d+/;
                                 ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                                 if ($endofline eq '..'
                                       || $endofline eq ' .') { next }
                                 push @sublines, $line;
                           } last if $add_bytes==$total;
                        } next WH;
                     } else {
                        $total=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           print "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY==>$total<==\n";
                                 "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY==>$total<==\n"])
                              if $cache;
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY ==>$total<==\n",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $total,'stdout:') {
                           push @sublines, $2;
               my $per=lc("$u$g$0");
               if ($fchar=~/[-dl]/ && (-1<index $per,'s'
                     || -1<index $per,'t')) {
                  if (-1<index lc($u),'s') {
                     if (-1<index lc($g),'s') {
                        if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                        } else {
                     } else {
                        if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                        } else {
                  if ($bit<6 && -1<index lc($g),'s') {
                     if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($bit<2 && -1<index lc($o),'t') {
                  } else {
#if ($key=~/careers/) {
#if ($excluded_parent_dir) {
#   print "KEY=$key and MODS=@modifiers and EXCLUDE_PARENT_DIR=$excluded_parent_dir\n";
#} elsif ($included_parent_dir) {
#   print "KEY=$key and MODS=@modifiers and INCLUDE_PARENT_DIR=$included_parent_dir\n";
#print "CYGWINNNNN=$cygwin and FCHAR=$fchar and MN=$mn and SIZE=$size and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
            if ((!$cygwin && $fchar eq '/') || ($mn eq ' D')) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#   print "VERYGOOGGDDDDD - WE ARE HERE and MOD=$mod_dirs_flag and LINE=$line\n";<STDIN>;
               if ($mod_dirs_flag) {
                  foreach my $modif (@modifiers) {
                     next if ${$modif}[3] eq 'f';
                     if (${$modif}[3] eq 'd') {
                        if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                           # Get New Directory Key
                           $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
                           if ($ms_share || $ms_domain || $cygwin) {
                        if ($key ne '/') {
                           if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                              my $chkkey=$key;
                              while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                                    (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                                 unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                                 last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
                           } else { unshift @keys, $key }
                        } unshift @keys, '/';
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "KEY=$key and KEYSNOW33=@keys\n";
#if ($key eq '/') { # && $file=~/index/) {
#print "KEY=$key RETURN=$return and RETURNED_MODIF=$returned_modif\n";<STDIN>;
                        if ($return) {
                           if (-1<index $returned_modif,'e') {
                                 =[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                 'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
#print "BASE_DEST=$base_dest and EXCLUDEDKEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                              if ($base_dest eq 'BASE') {
                           } else {
                              ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                                 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                              foreach my $key (@keys) {
                                 if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[0]
                                       eq 'EXCLUDE') {
#print "HERE I AMMM777 AND KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                        } elsif ($excluded_parent_dir &&
                                length $excluded_parent_dir<length
                                $key && unpack("a".length $excluded_parent_dir,
                                $key) eq $excluded_parent_dir) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } elsif ($included_parent_dir &&
                                length $included_parent_dir<length
                                $key && unpack("a".length $included_parent_dir,
                                $key) eq $included_parent_dir) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                                'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } elsif ((-1<index ${$modif}[2],'i') &&
                              (-1==index ${$modif}[2],'e')) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } else {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "OUTHASH_ELSE_KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                              'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                     } else {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "YEERRRRR=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                        if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                           # Get New Directory Key
                           $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
#print "KEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=$key and LINE=$line and LENDIR=$len_dir\n";sleep 2;
#print "KEYHERERERERER2222222 and LINE=$line\n" if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
#<STDIN> if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
                           if ($ms_share || $ms_domain || $cygwin) {
                        ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                           'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
               } else {
                  if ($mod_files_flag &&
                        eq 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "HERE I AMMM888 AND KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
#print "WHAT IS THE LEN_DIR=$len_dir and LINE=$line<==\n";
                  if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                     # Get New Directory Key
                     $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
#print "KEYHERERERERER33333 and LINE=$line and len_dir=$len_dir and KEY=$key<==\n";sleep 5;# if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
#<STDIN> if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
                     if ($ms_share || $ms_domain || $cygwin) {
                  ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                     'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
            } elsif ((!$cygwin && $fchar eq '-' || $zipdir) ||
                  ($cygwin && $mn ne ' D' && unpack('a5',$size) ne '<DIR>')) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "UNIXXXYYLINE=$line and CYGWINNNN=$cygwin and MN=$mn and SIZE=$size and FILE=$file and KEY=$key and ZIPDIR=$zipdir\n";<STDIN>;
               if (!$cygwin && ($fchar eq '-' || $fchar eq 'l')) {
                  my $up=unpack('x10 a*',$line);
                  $up=~s/^[.+ ]?\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)$/$1/;
                  ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                  my $yr='';
                  if ($mn=~/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
                     $dy='0'.$dy if $dy=~/^\d$/;
                  } elsif (-1==index 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec',
                        $mn) {
                     if ((-1==index $up,' Jan ') && (-1==index $up,' Feb ') &&
                           (-1==index $up,' Mar ') && (-1==index $up,' Apr ') &&
                           (-1==index $up,' May ') && (-1==index $up,' Jun ') &&
                           (-1==index $up,' Jul ') && (-1==index $up,' Aug ') &&
                           (-1==index $up,' Sep ') && (-1==index $up,' Oct ') &&
                           (-1==index $up,' Nov ') && (-1==index $up,' Dec ')) {
                           "ls -l \"$file\"");
                           if $stderr;
                        my $lchar=substr($stdout,-1);
                        if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/'
                               || $lchar eq ':') {
                           if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                           } chop $line;
                        push @sublines, $stdout;
                        next WH;
                     } else {
                        substr($up,-(length $file))='';
                        $dy='0'.$dy if $dy=~/^\d$/;
                  $mn=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn} if length $mn==3;
                  if (length $tm==4) {
                  } elsif ($yr) {
                     ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                  } else {
                     ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                     $yr=unpack('x1 a2',"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear");
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
                        $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                     } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
                        my $filetime=timelocal(
                        if (time()<$filetime) {
                           $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                  $file=s/ -> .*$// if -1<index $file,' -> ';
               } elsif ($zipdir) {
                  my $fullfile='';
                  ($dy,$tm,$fullfile)=split / +/, $line;
                  ($mn,$dy,$yr)=split '-', $dy;
                  ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $tm;
                  $file=substr($fullfile,(rindex $fullfile,'/')+1);
                  if ($fullfile ne $zipdir.'/'.$key.'/'.$file) {
                     my @kdirs=($key);
                     if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                        @kdirs=split '/',$key;
                     if ($#kdirs==0) {
                     } else {
                        while (pop @kdirs) {
                           my $di=join '/', @kdirs;
                           if ($fullfile eq $zipdir.'/'.$di.'/'.$file) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "CYGWINNNNN\n" if $cygwin;
#print "WITH CAREER AND FILE DIR=$key and FILE=$file and MODFILEFLAG=$mod_files_flag\n";#<STDIN>;
               if ($mod_dirs_flag && ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[0]
                      eq 'EXCLUDE') {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "HERE WE ARE EXCLUDING and MODDIR=$mod_dirs_flag and OUTHASHENTRY=",${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{"$key"}[0],"\n";
                     =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
               } elsif ($mod_files_flag) {
                  foreach my $modif (@modifiers) {
                     if (${$modif}[3] eq 'f') {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                        my $fileyr=0;
#if ($key eq '/') {
#   print "FILE=$file and RETURN=$return and MODIF=$returned_modif\n";
#   <STDIN>;
                        if ($return || (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                           if ($return && (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                                 =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
                              if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                   'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                           } else {
                              if (!$ms_share && !$ms_domain && !$cygwin) {
                                 my $up=unpack('x10 a*',$line);
                                 my $rx=qr/\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)/;
                                 $up=~s/^[.+ ]?$rx$/$1/;
                                 ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                                    if length $mn==3;
                                 $fileyr=0;my $hr=0;my $mt='';
                                 if (length $tm==4) {
                                 } else {
                                    ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                                    my $yr=unpack('x1 a2',
                                    if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth <
                                          $mn-1) {
                                       $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                                    } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth
                                          ==$mn-1) {
                                       my $filetime=timelocal(
                                       if (time()<$filetime) {
                                          $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                                 next if !$file;
                              } $chmod=" $chmod" if $chmod;
                              my $dt=(3==length $mn)?$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn}:$mn;
#if ($file eq 'Print_Preview.gif') {
#print "GOOOOOOODDDDDFILE===$file and KEY=$key and HR=$hr\n";<STDIN>;
                                 [ '',"$dt $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod" ];
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "WE JUST DID OUTHASH and KEY=$key and $#{[keys %{$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}]}\n";
                              if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                   'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                        } else {
                              =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
                           if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                              if ($file_count==++$cur_dir_excluded) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "HERE WE ARE and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
               } elsif ($hr=~/^\d\d$|^--$/) {
                  $chmod=" $chmod" if $chmod;
#print "ALL GOING==>$mn $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod<== and FILE=$file and FILEYR=$fileyr<--\n";
#if ($file eq 'Print_Preview.gif') {
#print "GOOOOOOODDDDDFILE222===$file and KEY=$key and STRING=$mn $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod\n";<STDIN>;
                     [ '',"$mn $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod" ];
               } else {
                  my $fileyr=0;
                  if (!$cygwin) {
                     if ($zipdir) {
                        ($dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $line;
                        ($mn,$dy,$yr)=split '-', $dy;
                        ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $tm;
                        $file=substr($file,(rindex $file,'/')+1);
                     } else {
                        my $up=unpack('x10 a*',"$line");
                        $up=~s/^[.+ ]?\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)$/$1/;
                        ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                        my $yr='';$fileyr='';
                        if ($mn=~/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
                        if length $mn==3;
                     my ($hr,$mt)='';
                     if (length $tm==4) {
                     } elsif (!$fileyr) {
                        ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                        $yr=unpack('x1 a2',$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear);
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
                           $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                        } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
                           my $filetime=timelocal(
                           if (time()<$filetime) {
                              $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                     $file=s/ -> .*$// if -1<index $file,' -> ';
                  } $chmod=" $chmod" if $chmod;
                  my $dt=(3==length $mn)?$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn}:$mn;
#if ($file eq 'Print_Preview.gif') {
#print "GOOOOOOODDDDDFILE222===$file and KEY=$key and HR=$hr\n";<STDIN>;
                     [ '',"$mn $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod" ];
#if ($key=~/pdf|common|stylesheet|header/ && $file=~/index/ && !$cygwin) {
#print "JUST UPDATED OUTHASH=",@{${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[1]{$file}},"\n";<STDIN>;
   if ($@) {
      return '','redo ls' if unpack('a7',$@) eq 'redo ls';
      if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
         return '',$@;
      } else {
         my $hostlabel='localhost';
         if ($cmd_handle->{_hostlabel}->[0] ne "__Master_${$}__") {
         my $die="FATAL ERROR! - The System $hostlabel Returned"
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       ".$@;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return '', $die;
   } ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"}=$num_of_included;
   return '','';


package Rem_Command;

sub new {

   print "Rem_Command::new CALLER=",caller,"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "Rem_Command::new CALLER=",(caller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   our $timeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
   our $test=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test;
   my $self = { };
   my $class=ref $_[0]||$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1]||'';#"__Master_${$}__";
   my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
   my $cache='';
   my $override_login_id='';
   my $berkeley_db_path='';
   if (defined $_[4]) {
      if (-1<index $_[4],'Cache::FileCache') {
      } elsif ((-1<index $_[4],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
            && ($_[4]->chi_root_class)) {
      } else {
   my $looped=$_[5]||0;
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $chk_id='';
   if ($su_id) { $chk_id=$su_id }
   elsif ($login_id) { $chk_id=$login_id }
   else { $chk_id=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username() }
   my $cmd_handle='';my $work_dirs='';my $cmd_type='';
   my $ftm_type='';my $stderr='';my $cmd_pid='';my $shell='';
   my $shell_pid=0;my $cygdrive='';my $homedir='';
   if ($stderr) {
      $stderr=~s/(at .*)$/\n\n       $1/s;
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - $stderr";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return $cmd_handle,$die if wantarray;
   $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
   if ($cygdrive) {
   return $self,''


sub handle_error
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(@_);

sub close
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::close() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::close() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':15;
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
      $self->{_shell_pid},$kill_arg) if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid(
   delete $self->{_cmd_handle};
   return 0;


sub docker_run

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::docker_run() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   my $cmd=join " ",@_;
   $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("docker run -i -t $cmd");
   my @connect_method=();


sub docker_attach

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::docker_attach() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   my $cmd=join " ",@_;
   $self->cmd("docker start $cmd");
   $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("docker attach $cmd");
   my @connect_method=();


sub docker_exit
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::docker_exit() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;

sub print

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::print() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   return $self->{_cmd_handle}->print(@_);


sub prompt

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "Rem_Command::prompt() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=shift @_;
   if (-1<$#_) {
      return $self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(@_);
   } return substr($self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);


sub get
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "Rem_Command::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $stderr="ERROR MESSAGE! :"
             ."\n\n                The $self->{_connect} method does"
             ."\n                not enable file transfer get()"
             ."\n                functionality. To do file transfer"
             ."\n                transfer use a method such as"
             ."\n                \'connect_secure\' or \'connect_host\'"
             ."\n                etc.\n\n";
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',"\n\n        ".(caller(1))[3]." $stderr       at ".
                $topcaller[1]." - Line $topcaller[2].\n";
   } else {

sub put
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "Rem_Command::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $stderr="ERROR MESSAGE! :"
             ."\n\n                The $self->{_connect} method does"
             ."\n                not enable file transfer put()"
             ."\n                functionality. To do file transfer"
             ."\n                transfer use a method such as"
             ."\n                \'connect_secure\' or \'connect_host\'"
             ."\n                etc.\n\n";
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',"\n\n       ".(caller(1))[3]." $stderr       at ".
                $topcaller[1]." - Line $topcaller[2].\n";
   } else {

sub cmd_login

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $new_master=$_[1]||0;
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $override_login_id=$_[3]||'';
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my $cache=$_[4]||$main::cache||'';
   my $looped=$_[5]||0;
   my $timeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;

print "WE GOT HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "WE GOT HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   if ($override_login_id) {

print "WE ARE BACK FROM LOOKUP and IP=$ip and HOSTNAME=$hostname<== and PASSWORD=$password<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE ARE BACK FROM LOOKUP<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$cdtimeout) {
      $cdtimeout=$timeout if !$cdtimeout;
   unless ($login_id) {
      if (defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::usrname) {
      } else {
   my $cmd_handle='';my $work_dirs='';my $cmd_type='';
   my $ftm_type='';my $use_su_login='';my $id='';my $cygwin='';
   my $su_login='';my $die='';my $login_passwd='';my $ms_su_id='';
   my $ms_ms_domain='';my $ms_ms_share='';my $ms_login_id='';
   my $ms_hostlabel='';my $ms_host='';
   my $cmd_errmsg='';my $host='';my $output='';my $shell_pid=0;
   my $retrys=0;my $login_tries=0;my $cmd_pid='';my $shell='';
   my $su_scrub='';my @connect_method=();my $homedir='';
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel} && exists
         $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'password'}) {
   } elsif (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel} &&
         exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'label'} &&
         ($Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'label'} eq "__Master_${$}__")
         || $_connect eq 'connect_shell') {
   } elsif ($hostlabel!~/__Master_${$}__/ && !$identityfile
         && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'cyberark'})
         && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CyberArk'})
         && !(exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'CYBERARK'})) {
   $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
   $host='localhost' if exists $same_host_as_Master{$host}
      && !exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'};
   if ($host eq 'localhost' && exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}
         && exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'label'}
         && $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'label'} ne 'localhost'
         && $_connect eq 'connect_telnet') {
   } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_shell') {
   } elsif ($host eq 'localhost' &&
         exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'}) {
      my $loc=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'};
      unless ($loc eq 'connect_ssh'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet_ssh') {
          my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - \"Local\" has "
                 ."*NOT* been Properly\n              Defined in the "
                 ."\"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host\" File.\n"
                 ."              This "
                 ."Element must have one of the following\n"
                 ."              Values:\n\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh'or 'connect_telnet'\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh_telnet' or\n       "
                 ."          'connect_telnet_ssh'\n\n"
                 ."       \'$loc\' is INCORRECT.\n\n";
          print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $die
             if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
             -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_telnet') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') {
      } else {
   } else { @connect_method=@{$cmd_cnct} }
   my $previous_method='';my $sshloginid='';
   my $ignore='';my $preferred=0;my $outpt='';my $cygdrive='';my $prompt='';
   while (1) {
      undef $@;
      eval {
         if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__" && !$new_master) {
         } else {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   "GOINGKKK FOR NEW CMD_HANDLE and CONNECT_METH=@connect_method<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

            WH: while (1) {
               my $rm_cnt=-1;
               CM3: foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
                  if ($previous_method && !$preferred) {
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                           $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
                           !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet &&
                           (-1==index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') &&
                           !$main::aws) {
                        print "Warning (4), Preferred Connection ",
                           "$previous_method Failed\n";
                              "Warning, Preferred Connection ".
                              "$previous_method Failed\n"])
                           if $cache;
                  } else { $previous_method=$connect_method }
                  if (lc($connect_method) eq 'shell') {
                     print "\nSHELL CONNECT: ",
                        " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "\nSHELL CONNECT: ",
                        " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                        "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                     $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
                        Timeout => $cdtimeout);
                        " export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
                     $cmd_handle->print();my $out='';
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>$timeout)) {
                        last if $out=~/_funkyPrompt_\s*$/;
                        select(undef,undef,undef,0.02); # sleep for 1/50th
                                                        # second;
                     # Find out what the shell is.
                     $cmd_handle->print('ps -p $$');
                     while (1) {
                        my $shell=eval {
                           while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(
                                    Timeout=>5)) {
                              if ($shell=~/(bash|ksh|zsh)/s) {
                                 return $shell;
                        last if $shell;
                        { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                          _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'echo $$');
                     my $homedir=File::HomeDir->my_home||$ENV{'HOME'}||'';
                     if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        my $path=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mount');
                           { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },
                           $path."mount -p",'__delay__=2000');
                        $transfer_dir,$hostlabel,{ _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                           _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],_shell=>$shell,
                           _uname=>$uname },$cmd_type,$cygdrive,$_connect);
                     return $cmd_handle,$work_dirs,$homedir,$uname,$cmd_type,
                  } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'telnet') {
                     eval { 
                        my $telnetpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('telnet');
                        my $telnetport='';
                        if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}->{'telnetport'}) {
                        if ($telnetport) {
                              or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                              "couldn't launch telnet subprocess");
                        } else {
                              or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                              "couldn't launch telnet subprocess");
#print "CMD_PIDTELNETNNNNNNN=$cmd_pid<====\n";
                        $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
                           Timeout => $cdtimeout);
                        # Find out what the shell is.
                        $cmd_handle->print('ps -p $$');
                        while (1) {
                           my $shell=eval {
                              while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(
                                       Timeout=>5)) {
                                 if ($shell=~/(bash|ksh|zsh)/s) {
                                    return $shell;
                           last if $shell;
                        if ($su_id) {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','',$shell ];
                        } else {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','',$shell ];
                     if ($@) {
                        #if ($rm_cnt==$#connect_method) {
                        if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                           undef $@;next;
                        } else {
                           my $die=$@;undef $@;
                           die $die;
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {

#print "TELNET_CMD_HANDLE_LINE=$line\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

                        my $showline=$line;
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                              && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                           print $showline;
                              if $cache;
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $showline
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $line,'Connection refused') {
                              if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
                              if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($cmd_pid);
                           if ($su_id) {
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                           } else {
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                           my $lchl=lc($hostlabel);
                           if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                              next CM3;
                           } else {
                        if (-1<index $line,'CYGWIN') {
                           if ($su_id) {
                              if ($su_id ne $login_id) {
                              } else { $su_id='' }
                              my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                        } elsif (-1<index $line,'AIX') {
                        last if $line!~/Last login/i &&
                           $line=~/login[: ]*$|username[: ]*$/i;
                        if ($line=~/(repl\d*)>\s*$/s) {
                           $cmd_handle->prompt("/$shell> \$/");
                           return $cmd_handle,$work_dirs,$homedir,$uname,
                     if ($cmd_errmsg &&
                           (-1==index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to')) {
                     } else {
                     if ($cmd_handle->errmsg) {
                     } $cmd_type='telnet';
                           { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _connect=>$_connect });
                     if ($stderr && $rm_cnt!=$#connect_method) {
                        next CM3;
                     } last
                  } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'ssh') {
                     if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Proxy'}) {
                        my $error='';
                     eval {
                        my $sshport='';
                        if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                        if ($proxy &&
                              exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'} &&
                              $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                              "ls -l ".$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'});
                           if ($stderr) {
                        if ($sshport) {
                           if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'} &&
                                 $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                              my $i=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'};
                              if (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i \'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i \'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                     "ssh -$v -i \'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                     or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                         "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                              } elsif ($proxy) {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 print "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 $cmd_handle->print("ssh -$v -i\'$i\' ".
                                    "-p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host");
                              } else {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 my $li=$sshloginid;
                                 if (-1<index $i,' ') {
                                       "ssh -$v -i \'$i\' $sshport $li\@$host",
                                       or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                       "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                                 } else {
                                       "ssh -$v -i$i -p$sshport $li\@$host",
                                       or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                                       "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                           } else {
                              if (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                     "ssh -$v -p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host",
                                     or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                         "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                              } elsif ($proxy) {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}
                                       && $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                                    my $i=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'};
                                    my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                                    print "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                       "ssh -$v $id\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                       " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                       if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                       "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                       "ssh -$v $id\'$i\' -p$sshport ".
                                       " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                       if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                       -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,
                                    $cmd_handle->print("ssh -$v $id\'$i\' ".
                                       "-p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host");
                                 } else {
                                    print "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                       "ssh -$v -p$sshport ".
                                       " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                       if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                       "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                       "ssh -$v -p$sshport ".
                                       " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                       if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                       -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,
                                    $cmd_handle->print("ssh -$v ".
                                       "-p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host");
                              } else {
                                 my $v='v';
                                 print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                    "ssh -$v -p$sshport $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                    or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                                    "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                        } elsif (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}
                              && $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                           my $i=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'};
                           my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                           if (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                              my $v='v';
                              print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $id\'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $id\'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                  "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } elsif ($proxy) {
                              my $v='v';
                              print "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' ".
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v -i\'$i\' ".
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              $cmd_handle->print("ssh -$v -i\'$i\' ".
                                 " $sshloginid\@$host");
                           } else {
                              print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -v -i\'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -v -i\'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              if (-1<index $i,' ') {
                                    "ssh -v -i \'$i\' $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                    "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                              } else {
                                    "ssh -v -i$i $sshloginid\@$host",
                                    or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                                    "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                        } else {
                           if (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                              my $v='v';
                              print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                  "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                  or (&release_fa_lock(6543) &&
                                      "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                           } elsif ($proxy) {
                              my $v='v';
                              print "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH PROXY CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              $cmd_handle->print("ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host");
                           } else {
                              my $v='v';
                              print "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nSSH CONNECT: ",
                                 "ssh -$v $sshloginid\@$host",
                                 " at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                                 "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                        $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
                           Timeout => $cdtimeout);
                        if ($su_id) {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','','' ];
                        } else {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','','' ];
                     if ($@) {
                        if ($rm_cnt==$#connect_method) {
                           undef $@;next;
                        } else {
                           my $die=$@;undef $@;
                           die $die;
                     unless ($password) {
                        unless (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}
                              && $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'IdentityFile'}) {
                           if ($cmd_errmsg &&
                                 (-1==index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to') ||
                                 (-1==index $cmd_errmsg,'password:')) {
                           } else {
                     } else {
                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                           { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _connect=>$_connect },0,'_notnew_','','',
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (-1<index $stderr,'/dev/tty: No') {
                           next WH;
                        } elsif (exists
                              $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'noretry'} &&
                              $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'noretry'}) {
                           return '','','','','','',$stderr,'','','','','','';
                        } elsif ((-1<index $stderr,'Connection timed out') ||
                              (-1<index $stderr,'Connection refused') ||
                              (-1<index $stderr,'Host key verification failed')
                              ) {
                           $stderr='/dev/tty: No';
                           if ($retrys++<21) {
                              print "\n   Waiting for sshd service on ",
                                    "$hostlabel to start  . . .\n"; 
                              sleep 10;
                           } else {
                              die $stderr;
                           next WH;
                        } elsif ((-1<index $stderr,'Permanently added') &&
                           (-1<index $stderr,'Roaming not allowed') &&
                           (-1<index $stderr,'Connection closed')) {
                           $stderr='/dev/tty: No';
                           next WH;
                        } elsif ($stderr=~/password:\s+$/s) {
                        } elsif ($rm_cnt!=$#connect_method) {
                           next CM3;
                  } last
               if ($stderr && $stderr!~/^\s*$/s) {
                  if (-1<index $stderr, 'read timed-out') {
                     if ($retrys++<21) {
                        print "\n   Waiting for sshd service on ",
                              "$hostlabel to start  . . .\n";
                        sleep 10;
                        $stderr='/dev/tty: No';
                        next WH;
                  return '','','','','','',$stderr,'','','','','','';
               } last
            my $hostl=$hostlabel;
               if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet &&
                  $hostlabel!~/^__Master/) {
               # Logging (10)
               print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                   "$cmd_type  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "$cmd_type  . . .\n\n"])
               if $cache;
            } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n       Logging (10) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                  "$cmd_type  . . .\n\n";
                     "\n       Logging (10) into $host ($hostl) via ".
                     "$cmd_type  . . .\n\n"])
                  if $cache;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\n       Logging (10) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                  "$cmd_type  . . .\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error=''; 
            unless ($cmd_type eq 'shell') {
               ## Send password.
               # Find out what the shell is.
               $cmd_handle->print('ps -p $$');
               while (1) {
                  my $shell=eval {
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(
                              Timeout=>5)) {
                        if ($shell=~/(bash|ksh|zsh)/s) {
                           return $shell;
                  last if $shell;
                  if $cfh_error;
            } else { $shell='bash' }
            my $ctt=2;
            while ($ctt--) {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'uname');
               if (!$uname && !$stderr) {
                     if $cfh_error;
               } last if $uname;
            die 'no-uname' if !$uname || $stderr;

            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() UNAME: ==>$uname<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() UNAME: ==>$uname<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

            if (lc($uname)=~/cygwin/) {
            } elsif ($uname eq 'AIX') {


               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'echo $$');
            if (!$shell_pid) {
               $cmd_handle->print;my $ct=0;
               $cmd_handle->print(' '.
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;echo $$;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';$ct=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(
                              Timeout=>5)) {
                        if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
                  if ($@) {
                  } elsif (!$shell_pid && $ct++<50) {
                  } else {
            if ($su_id) {
            } else {
            if (!$cygwin) {
               if ($su_id) {
                  my ($ignore,$su_err)=
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($su_err) if $su_err;
            } else {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('mount')."mount -p");
         if (!$uname) {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'uname');
            if (!$uname) {
               $cmd_handle->print(' '.
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;uname;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';my $ct=0;
               while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
                  if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
                  } else {
                  } last if $ct++==10;
               if $cfh_error;
            if (lc($uname)=~/cygwin/) {
            } elsif ($uname eq 'AIX') {
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'pwd');
            if (!$homedir) {
               $cmd_handle->print(' '.
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;uname;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';my $ct=0;
               while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
                  if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
                  } else {
                  } last if $ct++==10;
               if $cfh_error;
         my $homedir=File::HomeDir->my_home||$ENV{'HOME'}||'';
                    $hostlabel,{ _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],_shell=>$shell,
                    _uname=>$uname },$cmd_type,$cygdrive,
         my $curdir='';
         if ($uname eq 'cygwin') {
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
            &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
            my $cdr='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                  },"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"",'__delay__=200');
               &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
         } else {
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'pwd');
            &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
            $curdir.='/' if $curdir ne '/';

         return $cmd_handle,$work_dirs,$homedir,$uname,
      if ($@) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\ncmd_login() Login ERROR!".
            " - The Username or Password is INCORRECT\n",
            "       $cmd_errmsg -> Login Name Used: $sshloginid\n",
            "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print "\ncmd_login() Login ERROR!".
            " - The Username or Password is INCORRECT\n",
            "       $cmd_errmsg -> Login Name Used: $sshloginid\n",
            "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         if ((-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'timed-out') ||
               (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'filehandle isn') ||
               (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'no-uname')) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WHAT IS THE ERROR=$cmd_errmsg<=== and RETRYS=$retrys\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
#$print "GOING TO RETRY\n";
            if ($retrys<10 || (!(defined $main::aws) && $retrys<2)) {
#print "EXCELLENT and RETRYS=$retrys\n";
               if ($main::aws) {
                  $cmd_errmsg='/dev/tty: No';
                  if (5<$retrys) {
                  print "\n   Waiting for a response from ",
                        "$hostlabel . . .\n";
               if (($su_login || $use_su_login) &&
                     exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}
                     {$su_id}{"cmd_su_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                     {"cmd_id_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                  $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if
                  $shell_pid && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
                  $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if
               $cmd_handle->close if $cmd_handle;next;
            } else {
               my $host= $hostname ? $hostname : $ip;
               my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                  if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
               $cmd_errmsg="$@\n\n        While Attempting "
                   . "Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
                   . "\'$hostl\'\n\n";
               if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'timed-out') {
                  $cmd_errmsg.=" \'$hostl\'\n\n       Current Timeout "
                             ."Setting is ->  $cdtimeout seconds.";
               } &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($cmd_errmsg);
         } my $die_login_id='';
         if (($su_login || $use_su_login) &&
               exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}
               {$su_id}{"cmd_su_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if $shell_pid
               && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
               $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if 
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
               {"cmd_id_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$login_id}
               $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if $shell_pid
               && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
               $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if   
            $cmd_handle->close if $cmd_handle;
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
            if ($su_login || $use_su_login) {
            } else {
         my $unam='';
         my $hostl=$hostlabel;
            if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
         if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to') {
            if (2<=$retrys) {
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } else { $retrys++;next }
         } elsif ($cmd_errmsg=~/invalid log|ogin incor|sion den/s
                    && $cmd_errmsg!~/No more auth/s) {
            if ($ms_domain && 2<=$retrys) {
               $cmd_errmsg.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                         ." Danger of locking out MS Domain\n"
                         ."                  ID - $login_id!\n\n";
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } elsif (2<=$retrys) {
               $unam='MS Windows' if $unam eq 'cygwin';
               $cmd_errmsg.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                          ." Danger of locking out $unam\n"
                          ."                  $hostl ID - "
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } else { $retrys++;next }
         my $c_t=$cmd_type;$c_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'Could not resolve hostname') {
            ($die=$cmd_errmsg)=~s/: hostname/:\n\n       hostname/s;
         } else {
            $die="The System $hostname Returned\n              the "
                ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
                ."              Rejecting the $c_t Login Attempt "
                ."of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id "
                ."at ".(caller(2))[1]." line ".(caller(2))[2]
                ." :\n\n       $cmd_errmsg";
         $die.="\n       While Attempting "
             . "Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
             . "\'$hostl\'\n\n";
         if ($ms_domain
                && $cmd_errmsg=~/invalid log|ogin incor|ogon fail/) {
            $die.="\nHint: Your MS Domain -> $ms_domain Login ID may be "
                ."locked out.\n      Contact Your System "
                ."Administrator for Assistance.\n\n";
      } else { last }
      last if $die;
   return $cmd_handle,$work_dirs,$homedir,$uname,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,

} ## END of &cmd_login()

sub clean_filehandle

   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::clean_filehandle(@_);


sub wait_for_prompt {

   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   my $timeout=$_[1];
   my @connect_method=@{$_[2]};
   my $hostlabel=$_[3];
   my $from_su=$_[4]||'';
   my $looped=$_[5]||0;
   unless ($from_su) {
      $cmd_handle->print(' cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
             ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
             '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('printf').
             'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
             '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
   my $previous_method='';my $sshloginid='';my $ignore='';
   my $preferred=0;my $outpt='';my $cygdrive='';my $prompt='';
   my $output='';my $ct=0;my $tymeout=1;
   while (1) {
      if (($ct==1) && (5<$timeout)) {
      } elsif (($ct==2) && (10<$timeout)) {
      } elsif (2<$ct) {
      eval {

         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
            "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
            "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

         local $SIG{ALRM} = 
            sub { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::die("read timed-out\n") };
            # \n required

         while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>$tymeout)) {

            alarm $timeout+1;

            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
               "(Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
               "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
               "(Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
               "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

            if ($line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m ||
                  unpack('a10',$line) eq 'Login inco'
                  || (-1<index $line,'Perm')) {
               while (1) {
                  if (-1<$#connect_method) {
                     last if $previous_method eq $connect_method[0];
                     shift @connect_method;
                  } else { last }
               if ($output=~/^.*(Perm.*)$/s) {
                  my $one=$1;
                  if ($output=~/^.*(No more auth.*)$/s) {
                     die "$1\n";
                  }print "GOING HERE\n";die "$one\n";
               die "$output\n";
            } elsif ($output=~
                  /Connection (?:to localhost closed|closed|reset)/s) {
               die "$output\n";
            } elsif (-1<index $line,'/bin/bash: Operation not permitted') {
            if ($outpt=~
                  /${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-(.*)$/s) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:",
                  "\n       ==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=".
                  "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
                  "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            } elsif ($outpt=~/^((?:bash)*[\$%#>])\s*cmd \//m) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:",
                  "\n       ==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      if ($@) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ERROR in \"wait_for_prompt()\":\n       ",
            "==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
            "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ",
            "ERROR in \"wait_for_prompt()\":\n       ",
            "==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
            "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
            && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         my $ev_err=$@;
         if ($ev_err=~/read timed-out/s && $ct++<3) {
            $cmd_handle->print(' cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('printf').
                'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
         } elsif ($sshloginid &&
               $ev_err=~/Permission denied/s) {
            if ($ev_err=~/No more auth/s) {
               die $ev_err;
            } else {
               $cmd_handle->print(' cmd /Q /C "set /A '
                  .${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                  '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('printf').
                  'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2]
                  '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
         } else { die $ev_err }
      } else { last }
      " export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      if $cfh_error;
   return $cmd_handle;

} ## END OF &wait_for_prompt

sub ftpcmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $handle=$_[0];
   my $cmd=$_[1];
   my $ftperr='';my $timeout=0;my $debug=0;
   my $display=0;my $log=0;my $delay='';
   my $cache='';my $return_all_output='';
   if (1<$#_) {
      foreach my $i (2..$#_) {
         if ($_[$i]=~/^[0-9]+/) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__to__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__timeout__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__log__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__display__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__debug__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__return_all_output__') {
         } elsif (-1<index $_[$i],'Cache::FileCache') {
         } elsif ((-1<index $_[$i],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
               && ($_[$i]->chi_root_class)) {
   my $hostlabel=$handle->{_hostlabel}->[1]
      || $handle->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my $ftm_type=$handle->{_ftm_type};
   my $output='';my $nfound='';my $allbytes='';
   my $ready='';my $more='';my $retrys=0;
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $hashcount=0;
   my $keepcount=0;my $gpfile='';my $seen=0;
   $gpfile=unpack('a3',$cmd) if 2<length $cmd;
   my $prcnt=0;my $firstvisit=0;my $gf='';
   if ($ftm_type eq 'ftp' && ($gpfile eq 'get' || $gpfile eq 'put')) {
      my $ex=($gpfile eq 'put')?'!':'';
      chomp $gpfile;my $lsline='';
      if ($gf eq $gpfile && (-1<index $gpfile,' ')) {
         $gf=substr($gf,0,(index $gf,' '));
      ($output,$stderr)=&ftpcmd($handle,"${ex}ls -1",$cache);
      print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() (S)FTP OUTPUT ",
            "FROM (!)ls cmd:\n       OUTPUT=$output<== ",
            "and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() (S)FTP OUTPUT FROM (!)ls cmd:\n       ",
         "OUTPUT=$output<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return $output,$stderr;
         } else {
      } my $gpf=substr($gf,(rindex $gf,'/')+1);
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         if (-1<index $line,'total 0') {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',"$cmd: No Files Found";
            } else {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$cmd: No Files Found");
         next if unpack('a1',$line) ne '-';
         $line=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	 $line=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
         if ($line=~s/$gpf$//) {
      if (!$lsline) {
         ($output,$stderr)=&ftpcmd($handle,"${ex}ls -l",$cache);
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
            if (-1<index $line,'total 0') {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',"$cmd: No Files Found";
               } else {
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$cmd: No Files Found");
            next if unpack('a1',$line) ne '-';
            $line=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	    $line=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
            if ($handle->{_luname} eq 'cygwin') {
               if ($gf eq '*') {
                  if ($line=~/[*]$/i) {
               } elsif ($line=~/$gf$/i) {
            } else {
               if ($gf eq '*') {
                  if ($line=~/[*]$/) {
               } elsif ($line=~/$gf$/) {
      my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
      my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
      if ($ftm_type ne 'sftp') {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   } elsif ($gpfile eq 'lcd') {
      my $llcd=$cmd;
   } else { $gpfile='' }
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\nGOING TO RUN FTP CMD: $cmd\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   eval {
   if ($@) {
         "$@\n       and COMMAND=$cmd and GPFILE=$gpfile".
         "and FTP_HANDLE=$handle->{_ftp_handle}\n",'-4');
      if $handle->{_ftp_handle}->errmsg;
   my $cmdflag=0;my $tcmd='';my $loop=0;my $save='';
   while (1) {
      my $starttime=time();
      eval {
         while (1) {
            if (!$more) {
               $nfound = select
                  '', '', $handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout;
            } $output='';
            if ($nfound > 0 || $more) {
               sysread $handle->{_ftp_handle},
               $more='' if $more;
            } elsif (!$stdout) {
	    if ($delay) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "(S)FTP-OUTPUT: ==>$output<==\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            $output=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	    $output=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
            if ($gpfile && (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)) {
               if ($allbytes && (1<$hashcount) && ($ftm_type ne 'sftp')) {
                  if (!$firstvisit) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                           || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                           && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                        print "\n";
                  $keepcount=$allbytes if $allbytes<$keepcount;
                  my $plin="$keepcount bytes, ";
                  if (unpack('a1',$prcnt) eq '1') {
                  } else { $prcnt=substr($prcnt,2,2) }
                  substr($prcnt,0,1)='' if unpack('a1',$prcnt) eq '0';
                  $plin.="${prcnt}% of $gpfile transferred  . . . ";
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                     printf("\r% 0s",$plin);
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "FTP STDOUT: ==>$plin<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && 
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  sleep 1;
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                     print "\n" if $keepcount==$allbytes;
               } elsif (!$keepcount) {
                  foreach my $line (split /\n+/, $output) {
                     $line=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
		     $line=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
                     $line=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s if !($line=~s/^\s*$//m);
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        uc($ftm_type)." STDOUT: ==>$line<==\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     my $upcnt=$line=~/Upload/gs;
                     if ($upcnt) {
                        if ($seen) { next }
                     $line=~s/Upload.*$//s if 1<$upcnt;
                     my $ftcnt=$line=~/Fetch/gs;
                     if ($ftcnt) {
                        if ($seen) { next }
                     $line=~s/Fetch.*$//s if 1<$ftcnt;
                     if ((-1==index $line,'421 Service not')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 Timeout')
                           || (-1==index $line,'Not connected')
                           || (-1==index $line,'file access p')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 User limit')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 You are not')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 Max con')
                           || (-1==index $line,'426 Connection')
                           || (-1==index $line,'not found')
                           || (-1==index $line,"Couldn't")) {
                        my $tl=$line;
                        if ($line=~s/^\n*Uploading/\n\nUploading/gs) {
                           if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                 && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                              print $line."\n\n";
                        } elsif ($line=~s/^\n*Fetch/\n\nFetch/gs) {
                           if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                 && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                              print $line,"\n\n";
                        } elsif ($line=~/(stalled -|\d\d:\d\d *E*T*A*)$/) {
                           if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                 && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                              printf("\r% 0s",$line);
                        } elsif (!$cmdflag &&
                              $stdout=~/^((?:get|put) ["][^"]+["]).*/s) {
                           my $printthis=$1;
                           if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                 && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                              print $printthis;
                        } elsif ($cmd!~/$tl/) {
                        } else {
                           $cmdflag=1 if $cmd eq $tcmd;
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                           $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        if (5<length $line) { 
                           if (unpack('a6',$line) eq '150 Op') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              print "\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                           } elsif (unpack('a6',$line) eq '125 St') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              print "\n\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                           } elsif (unpack('a4',$line) eq '"get') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              print "\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                           } elsif (unpack('a4',$line) eq '"put') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              print "\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                     if ($allbytes && $line=~/(\d+) bytes/) {
                        my $bytestransferred=$1;
                        my $warn="WARNING! - The transfer of file $gf\n"
                                ."             size $allbytes bytes\, "
                                ."aborted at $bytestransferred "
                                ."\n             bytes transferred.";
                           if $allbytes ne $bytestransferred;
            if ($output || $stdout=~/s*ftp> ?$/s) {
               if ((-1<index $stdout,'bash: ') ||
                     (-1<index $stdout,'age too lo')) {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "TOO MANY LOOPS - GOING TO RETRY11<=======\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  die "421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out";
               $output=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	       $output=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
               my $prompt=($handle->{_ftm_type} eq 'ftp')?'ftp>':'sftp>';
                  if $display;
               if ($output=~/s*ftp> ?$/s || $stdout=~/s*ftp> ?$/s || $more) {
                     '', '', 0;
                  if ($nfound) {
                  } else {
                     my $last=0;
                     if ($stdout=~s/\s*(?:s?ftp>\s*)*$//s) {
                     last if $last;
               } elsif ($stdout=~s/^(.*)Couldn[']t wait for child.*$/$1/s) {
                  my $hand=Net::FullAuto::connect_sftp($hostlabel,'__quiet__');
            } elsif ((!$gpfile && $loop++==10) || (-1<index $stdout,'bash: ')) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "TOO MANY LOOPS - GOING TO RETRY<22=======\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $stdout="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out";die
            } elsif ($handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout<time()-$starttime) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "$ftm_type read timed out<=======\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "$ftm_type read timed out1 and OUTPUT=$output<=======\n";
               if ($retrys<2) {
                  $stdout="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out at Line ".
               } else {
                  my $tmot="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out\n"
                          ."       Timeout=".$handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout
                          ."\n       at Line: ".__LINE__;
         } print "\n" if $output && $gpfile
              && $keepcount && !($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
              $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FTP-STDOUT-COMPLETED=$stdout<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if ($stdout=~/^5\d+\s+$/m && $stdout!~/^5\d+\s+bytes.*$/m) {
         $stderr=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	 $stderr=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FTP-STDERR-500-DETECTED=$stderr<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,":5") && $stdout=~/^(.*:5\d\d\s.*)$/m) {
         my $line=$1;
         $line=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
	 $line=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
         $stderr="$line\n       $!" if $line!~/^\d+\s+bytes/;
      } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,'file access p')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'not found')
               || (-1<index $stdout,"Couldn't")) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "$ftm_type File ERROR: ==>$stdout<==\n\n".
            "       and HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel\n\n"
            if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stdout;
         } else {
            return $stdout;
      } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,'421 Service not')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 Timeout')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'Not connected')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 User limit')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 You are not')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 Max con')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'426 Connection')) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "$ftm_type 400 SERIES ERROR: ==>$stdout<==\n\n".
            "       and HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel\n\n"
            if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print "\n\n$ftm_type 400 SERIES ERROR:\n\n".
               "       ==>$stdout<==\n\n".
               "Attempting to reconnect and retry . . .\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
         } elsif (!$fctimeout) {
            $fctimeout=$timeout if !$fctimeout;
         my $ftm_errmsg='';
         my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
         my $sav_ftp_handle='';my $ftp_handle='';
         while (my $line=$handle->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
            last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
            if ($line=~/logout/s) {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($sav_ftp_handle eq 
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                           delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        } elsif ($handle->{_ftp_handle} eq
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
         if ( -1<index $stdout,'file access p') {
            if ($stderr) {
               $stderr="$stdout\n       $stderr";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
            } elsif (!$handle->{_ftp_handle}) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stdout;
               } else {
         } my $ftm_passwd='';
         if ($su_id) {
         if (!$su_id) {
         my $fm_cnt=-1;
         foreach my $connect_method (@{$ftr_cnct}) {
            $fm_cnt++;my $gotname=0;
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
               my $go_next=0;
               eval {
                  my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
                     " ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
                  ## Look for Name Prompt.
                  while (my $line=$handle->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
                     my $tline=$line;
                     if (-1<index $tline,'ftp: connect:') {
                        if ((-1==index $tline,'Address already in use')
                              && (-1==index $tline,'Connection timed out')) {
                           if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                           } else {
                                 "ftp: connect: $1");
                        } else {
                              if defined fileno $handle->{_ftp_handle};
                           sleep int $handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout/3;
                              if $stderr;
                           $handle->{_ftp_handle}->print(' '.
                              "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
                           FH1: foreach my $hlabel (
                                 keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                              foreach my $sid (
                                    keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                                 foreach my $type (
                                       keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                                       {$sid}}) {
                                    if ($handle->{_ftp_handle}
                                          eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                                          {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                                       last FH1;
                     } elsif (-1<index $tline,'421 Service' ||
                           -1<index $tline,'No address associated with name'
                           || (-1<index $tline,'Connection' &&
                           (-1<index $tline,'Connection closed' ||
                           -1<index $tline,
                           'ftp: connect: Connection timed out'))) {
                        $tline=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                     print "TLIN=$tline"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "TLIN=$tline"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if (-1<index $tline,
                           'ftp: connect: Connection timed out') {
                        $tline=~s/s*ftp> ?\s*$//s;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                     } elsif ((-1<index $line,'A remote host refused')
                            || (-1<index $line,
                            'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                        my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
                        my $die=$line;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                           $die.="Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an "
                               ."attempted connect operation.\n       "
                               ."Check for a running FTP daemon on "
                     if ($line=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
               if ($@) {
                  if ($@=~/read timed-out/) {
                     my $die="&ftm_login() timed-out while\n       "
                            ."waiting for a login prompt from\n       "
                            ."Remote Host - $host,\n       HostLabel "
                            ."- $hostlabel\n\n       The Current Timeout"
                            ." Setting is ".$handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout
                            ." Seconds.";
                  } elsif ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                  } else {
               } next if $go_next || !$gotname;
               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                     { _cmd_handle=>$handle->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _connect=>$handle->{_connect} });
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } last
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
               my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
               my $sshport='';
               if (exists
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                  my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
               if (exists
                     {'IdentityFile'}) {
                  my $id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpifil;
                     {'IdentityFile'}."'".' ';
               print "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host at Line: ",
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nSFTP CONNECT: ",
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp'),'sftp ',
                     "${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host at Line: ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               $handle->{_ftp_handle}->print(' '.
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::gbp->('sftp').'sftp '.
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($handle->{_ftp_handle} eq
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                           last FH;
               my $hostl=$hostlabel;
                      if $hostlabel=~/^__Mast/;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  # Logging (11)
                  print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ",
                        "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                        "\n       Logging into $host ($hostl) via ".
                       "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "\n       Logging (11) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                        "sftp  . . .\n\n";
                        "\n       Logging (11) into $host ($hostl) via ".
                        "sftp  . . .\n\n"])
                     if $cache;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\n       Logging (11) into $host ($hostl) via ",
                     "sftp  . . .\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                     { _cmd_handle=>$handle->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _connect=>$handle->{_connect} });
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } last
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $handle->{_ftp_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $handle->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,$handle->{_hostlabel}->[0] ]
         $handle->{_ftp_handle}->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else {
               return $stderr;
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else {
               return $stderr;
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd}) {
               "cd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd}",
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd};
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         } elsif (exists
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{cd}) {
               "cd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{cd}",
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd}) {
               "lcd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd}",
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd};
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         } elsif (exists
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{lcd}) {
            ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd(\%ftp,'lcd '.
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         if ($gpfile && $ftm_type ne 'sftp') {
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
      } elsif ($ftm_type eq 'sftp') {
         if (exists $handle->{_cmd_handle} && $handle->{_cmd_handle}) {
            if ($stdout=~/Couldn\'t canonicalise:/s) {
               if ($cmd=~/^ls$|^ls /) {
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } else { $stdout=$output }
               } elsif ($cmd=~/^cd /) {
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } else {
                     $output=~s/^.*direcotory: (.*)$/$1/;
                     my $out='';
                     if ($stderr) {
                     } else {
                        chomp $output;
                        ($out,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("cd $output");
                        if ($stderr) { $stderr=$stdout }
               } else { $stderr=$stdout }
            } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,'Permission denied') ||
                  (-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file')) {
               if ($cmd=~/^ls$|^ls /) {
                  if (!exists $GLOBAL{'nested_ls'}) {
                  } else {
                     delete $GLOBAL{'nested_ls'};
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } elsif (-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file') {
                  } else { $stdout=$output }
               } elsif (unpack('a4',$cmd) eq 'get ') {
                  if ((-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file') ||
                       (-1<index $stdout,'t get handle')) { 
                     my $stder='';
                     if ($cmd=~/^get\s+\"((?:\/|[A-Za-z]:).*)\"$/) {
                        my $path=$1;
                        my $dir=$1;my $file=$2;my $getfile='';
                        my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($handle,
                        if ($testf eq 'WRITE' || $testf eq 'READ') {
                           if (exists $handle->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) { 
                              ($output,$stder)=$handle->cmd("cp -p $path ".
                                 if $stder;
                           } elsif (exists
                                 $handle->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_mswin}) {
                              ($output,$stder)=$handle->cmd("cp -p $path ".
                                 if $stder;
                              $handle,"get \"$getfile\"",$cache);
                           if (!$stderr) {
                                 "rm -f \"$getfile\"");
                                 if $stderr;
                           } $stdout=$output;
               } elsif (unpack('a4',$cmd) eq 'put ') {
                  if (-1<index $stdout,'Uploading') {
                     if (-1<index $stdout,'t get handle') {
                     } #elsif (-1<index $stdout,'t open local file') {
      } elsif ($stdout=~/^4\d+\s+/m && $stdout!~/^4\d+\s+bytes.*$/m) {
         my $line='';
         foreach my $lin (split /^/, $stdout) {
            $line.="              $lin" if unpack('a1',$lin) eq '4';
      } elsif ($stdout=~/ftp: \w+: /) {
         my $line='';
         foreach my $lin (split /^/, $stdout) {
            $line.="              $lin";
      } else {
         my $c='';
         my $tmpso=$stdout;$stdout='';
      if (!$stderr && $gpfile) {
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() <<<<<<<RETURNING>>>>>>>:\n       ",
         "STDOUT=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() <<<<<<<RETURNING>>>>>>>:\n       ",
         "STDOUT=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if (wantarray) {
         return $stdout,$stderr;
      } elsif (!$stdout && $stderr) {
         return $stderr;
      } else { return $stdout }


sub cmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
      "\nRem_Command::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];my $cache='';
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my @args=@_;shift @args;shift @args;
   my $command=$_[1];$command||='';my $delay=0;
   my $ftp=0;my $live=0;my $display=0;my $log=0;
   my $wantarray= wantarray ? wantarray : '';
   my $cmd_timeout='X';my $sav_timeout='X';my $sem='';
   my $notrap=0;my $ignore='';my $login_retry=0;
   my $allow_no_output=0;my $return_all_output=0;
   my $debug=0;my $lock_label='';my $no_log=0;
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   if (1<$#_) {
      foreach my $i (2..$#_) {
         if ($_[$i]=~/^[0-9]+/) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__to__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__timeout__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__delay__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__log__') {
	 } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__no_log__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__display__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__debug__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__live__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__ftp__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__notrap__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__allow_no_output__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__retry_on_error__') {
         } elsif (lc($_[$i]) eq '__return_all_output__') {
         } elsif (-1<index $_[$i],'Cache::FileCache') {
         } elsif ((-1<index $_[$i],'Moose::Meta::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL')
               && ($_[$i]->chi_root_class)) {
         } elsif ($_[$i]=~/__lock__[=]?(.*)$/i) {
            unless ($lock_label) {
               if ($wantarray) {
                  return 1,"ERROR - Must Provide LABEL with __lock__=<label> argument";
               } else { return "ERROR - Must Provide LABEL with __lock__=<label> argument" }
            if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_semaphore($lock_label)) {
               if ($wantarray) {
                  return 0,"Semaphore Blocking Command";
               } else { return 'Semaphore Blocking Command' }
            } else {
   my $login_id='';
   my $cmd_prompt='';
   if (!$ftp) {
   while (1) {
      if ($cmd_timeout eq 'X') {
         if ($ftp) {
         } else {
      } elsif ($ftp) {
      } else {
      my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
      $caller='' unless defined $caller;
      my $fullerror='';my $allines='';
      my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
      if ($login_id) {
         my $new_cmd='';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::kill($new_cmd->{_cmd_pid},$kill_arg) if   
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_fa_lock($sem) if $sem;
         return $stdout,$stderr if $wantarray;
         return $stdout if !$stderr;
         return $stderr;
      my $output='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $pid_ts='';
      my $end=0;my $newtel='';my $restart='';my $syntax=0;
      my $doeval='';my $dots='';my $dcnt=0;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
         "\nccccccc UNMODIFIED COMMAND as RECEIVED by Rem_Command::cmd() ccccccc: ".
         "==>$command<== and LIVE=$live and THIS=$_[$#_-1]\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      print "\nccccccc UNMODIFIED COMMAND as RECEIVED by Rem_Command::cmd() ccccccc: ".
         "==>$command<== and LIVE=$live and THIS=$_[$#_-1]\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
      eval {
         my $line='';my $testline='';
         my $testcmd='';my $ms_cmd='';
         ($ms_cmd=$command)=~tr/ //s;
         $ms_cmd=(-1<index lc($command),'cmd /c') ? 1 : 0;
         if ($ftp) {
            if ($stderr) {
               my $host=($self->{_hostlabel}->[1])
                       ? $self->{_hostlabel}->[1]
                       : $self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
               my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
                      ."\"$command\"\n       for \'$host\'\.";
         } else {
            my $bckgrd=0;
            $bckgrd=1 if $command=~s/[\t ][&](?>\s*)$//s;
            my $live_command='';
            if ($command=~/^cd[\t ]/) {
               $live_command=" $command 2>&1";
               if (-1<$#{$self->{_hostlabel}} &&
                     eq "__Master_${$}__") {
                  my $lcd=$command;
                  if (-1<index $command,';') {
                     $lcd=~s/^cd[\t ]*(.*?);.*$/$1/;
                  #chdir $lcd;
            } else {
                  ' ('.$command.';echo $?) | '.
                  "sed -e 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1";
            $live_command.=' &' if $bckgrd;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\n+++++++ RUNNING FULLAUTO MODIFIED COMMAND +++++++: ".
               "==>$live_command<==\n       and ",
               "SELECT_TIMEOUT=$cmd_timeout and KEYSSELF=",
               (join ' ',@{[keys %{$self}]}),"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print "\n+++++++ RUNNING FULLAUTO MODIFIED COMMAND +++++++: ".
               "==>$live_command<==\n       ",
               "and ", "SELECT_TIMEOUT=$cmd_timeout and KEYSSELF=",
               (join ' ',@{[keys %{$self}]}),"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
            my $growoutput='';my $ready='';my $firstout=0;
            my $fulloutput='';my $lastline='';my $errflag='';
            my $test_out='';my $first=-1;#my $starttime=0;
            my $starttime=time();my $restart_attempt=1;my $nl='';
            my $select_timeout=2;my $appendout='';my $retry=0;
            my $command_stripped_from_output=0;my $save='';
            my $test_stripped_output='';my $test_for_no_output=0;
            my $loop_count=0;my $loop_max=5;my $fetchflag=0;
            FETCH: while (1) {
               my $output='';$nl='';$loop_count++;
               my $tim=time()-$starttime;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug)) {
                  print "INFO: ======= AT THE TOP OF MAIN OUTPUT LOOP =======;".
                     " at Line ".__LINE__."\n" if $first || $starttime;
                  print "INFO: STARTTIME=$starttime and TIMENOW=",time(),
                     " and TIMEOUT=$cmd_timeout and Diff=$tim\n";
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "INFO: ======= AT THE TOP OF MAIN OUTPUT LOOP =======;".
                     " at Line ".__LINE__."\n",
                     "INFO: STARTTIME=$starttime and TIMENOW=",time(),
                     " and TIMEOUT=$cmd_timeout and Diff=$tim and ",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($select_timeout!=2 && $select_timeout==$tim
                     && (!$cmd_timeout || $tim<=$cmd_timeout)) {
                  my $errhost='';
                  if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
                  } else { $errhost=$hostlabel }
                  my $errmsg="\n\n       read timed-out for command :"
                            ."\n\n       -> $live_command"
                            ."\n\n       invoked on \'$errhost\'"
                            ."\n\n       Current Timeout "
                            ."Setting is ->  $cmd_timeout seconds"
                            ."\n\n       Increase the timeout?\n\n";
                  print $errmsg;
                  sleep 2;
                  my ($cfh_ignore,$cfh_error)=
                  my $lv_errmsg=$growoutput.$errmsg;
                  if ($wantarray) {
                  } else {
               } elsif (select
                     '', '', $select_timeout) {
                  sysread $self->{_cmd_handle},$output,
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "INFO: Got past the Timeout Alarm; at Line ".__LINE__."\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  $output=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
                  $output=~tr/\33//d; # DELETE ESCAPE CHARACTER
                  if (-1<index $output,'[A') {
                  if (-1<index $output,'7[r') {
                  if (-1<index $output,'[?2004') {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nCMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  print "\nCMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== at Line ",
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                  $first=1 if $first==0;
                  if (!$firstout) {
                     if ($output=~/^\s*$cmd_prompt$/) {
                        print "INFO: Got PROMPT - $cmd_prompt; ".
                           "Setting \$firstout=1 and next FETCH\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                     } else {
                        print "INFO: Setting \$firstout=1 and CONTINUING\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                  if ($first<0) {
                     print "\nOUTPUT BEFORE NEW LINE ENCOUNTERED: ",
                        "==>$output<== :\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                        "\nOUTPUT BEFORE NEW LINE ENCOUNTERED: ==>$output<== :",
                        "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if ($appendout) {
                     } else {
                     my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                     my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                     my $s='-e\'s/^/stdout:/\'2>&1';
                     if (-1<index $stripped_live_command,'22>') {
                     } else {
                     my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                     if (($test_stripped_output eq $stripped_live_command) ||
                           (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                           (substr($test_stripped_output,-$lslc) eq
                           $stripped_live_command)) ||
                           (($ltso-$lslc==1) && (
                           (-1<index $test_stripped_output,'11') ||
                           (-1<index $test_stripped_output,'00')))) {
                        print "\nSTRIPPED OUTPUT equals STRIPPED LIVE COMMAND",
                           " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
                           "\nSTRIPPED OUTPUT equals STRIPPED LIVE COMMAND",
                           " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } elsif ($output=~/\n/s) {
                        print "\nNNNNNNN OUTPUT HAS NEW LINE CHAR NNNNNNN ".
                           "RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== ".
                           "\n\n TEST_STRIPPED_OUTPUT=$test_stripped_output".
                           "\n\n STRIPPED_LIVE_COMMAND=$stripped_live_command".
                           "\n at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG 
                           "\nNNNNNNN OUTPUT HAS NEW LINE CHAR NNNNNNN RAW ".
                           "OUTPUT: ==>$output<== ".
                           "\n\n TEST_STRIPPED_OUTPUT=$test_stripped_output".
                           "\n\n STRIPPED_LIVE_COMMAND=$stripped_live_command".
                           "\n at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && 
                           (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') &&
                        die 'logout' if $output=~/imed out/s
                           || $output=~/logout$|closed\.$/mg;
                        if (-1<index $output,'[A[C[C') {
                           my $one='';my $two='';my $thr='';
                           my $qrx=qr/\s*stdout:.*|\s*_funkyPrompt_/;
                           my $grx=qr/(?:\[A(?:\[C)+(?:\[K1)*)/;
                           $one=$1 if defined $1;
                           $two=$2 if defined $2;
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              "\nNNNNNNN OUTPUT AFTER [A[C[K STRIPPED NNNNNNN ".
                              "OUTPUT: ==>$output<== ".
                              "\n at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                           (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') &&
                           $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                        my $last_line='';
                        my $ptest=substr($output,(rindex $output,'|'),-1)
                             if -1<index $output,'|';
                        if ($last_line && ($last_line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s
                              || $bckgrd)) {
                           print "LAST_LINE=$last_line<== and OUTPUT=$output<==\n"
                              if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              "LAST_LINE=$last_line<== and OUTPUT=$output<==\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           print "LengthStrippedLiveCommand=$lslc and ",
			         "LengthTestStrippedOutput=$ltso\nand ",
				 "COMPARE StrippedOutput=",
				 " and StrippedLiveCommand=$stripped_live_command\n"
				 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
				 ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
			         "LengthStrippedLiveCommand=$lslc and ",
				 "LengthTestStrippedOutput=$ltso and ",
				 "COMPARE StrippedOutput=",
				 " and StrippedLiveCommand=$stripped_live_command\n"
				 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
				 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              my $oup=unpack("a$llc",$output);
                              if ($oup ne $live_command) {
                                 if (substr($oup,-1) eq 's') {
                                    $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
                                 } else {
                                    my $o=$output;my $c=0;
                                    while (1) {
                                       last if $c++==5;
                                       my $op=unpack("a$llc",$o);
                                       if ($op eq $live_command) {
                                          $op=unpack("x$llc a*",$o);
                              } elsif (substr($oup,-1) eq 's') {
                                 $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
                              } else {
                                 $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
                              my $tou=$output;
                              my $ltu=length $tou;
                              my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                              if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                    (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                    $stripped_live_command)) {
                                 my $llc=length $live_command;
                                 $growoutput=unpack("x$llc a*",$tou);
                              } else {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
			         "Gathering OUTPUT after COMMAND Removed=",
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log 
                                 && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*');
                                 $live_command) if $display;
                           } elsif (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (-1<index $test_stripped_output,
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              if ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s &&
                                    $growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                 $live_command) if $display;
                           } elsif ((-1<index $output,'stdout:') &&
                                 \n$cmd_prompt)$/$1/sx) {
                                 $live_command) if $display;
                           } else {
                              my $stripang_live_command=$stripped_live_command;
                              my $lsac=(length $stripang_live_command)+1;
                              if ($lsac==$lslc) {
                                 $output=unpack("x$ltso a*",$output);
                                 if ($output=~s/^\s*(stdout.*
                                       \n$cmd_prompt)$/$1/sx) {
                                 } else {
                              if (!$first && !$command_stripped_from_output) {
                                 my $tsst=unpack("a$lslc",
                        } elsif ($ptest eq
                              "|sed-e's/^/stdout:/'2>&1") {
                        } elsif (unpack('a7',$output) eq 'stdout:') {
                        } elsif ((length $stripped_live_command<length
                              $test_stripped_output) and
                              length $stripped_live_command) eq
                              $stripped_live_command)) {
                           $first=1;my $ignore='';
                                 split /2\s*\>\s*\&\s*1\s*/s,
                              $live_command) if $display;
                        } else {
                              $live_command) if $display;
                        print "\nThis FETCH Loop Gathered NO OUTPUT: ",
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                           ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\nThis FETCH Loop Gathered NO OUTPUT: ",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

#print BK "$output";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "OPUT=$output<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";
#print BK "$lv_cmd";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "LV_CMD=$lv_cmd<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";
#print "EXAMINERR=>OPUT=$output<= and LV_CMD=$lv_cmd<=\n";

                     } else {
                     } my $line_number_marker1;
                  } my $line_number_marker2;
                  print "\nOUTPUT ***After First-Line Loop***=$output<==\n",
			$command_stripped_from_output,"\nand GROWOUTPUT=",
			$growoutput,"<== and OUTPUT=$output<==\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
		       	&& ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug)
		       	&& $loop_count<$loop_max;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
		        "\nOUTPUT ***After First-Line Loop***=$output<==\n",
                        "and COMMAND_STRIPPED_FROM_OUTPUT=",
                        $command_stripped_from_output,"\nand GROWOUTPUT=",
                        $growoutput,"<== and OUTPUT=$output<==\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
		       	-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if ($command_stripped_from_output) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
		        "\nGOT STRIPPED_COMMAND_FLAG AND GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<==\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
		       	(-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*')
		       	&& $loop_count<$loop_max;
                     my $lcp=length $cmd_prompt;
                     unless ($growoutput) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "\nNO GROWOUTPUT\n"
		       	   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
			   (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*');
                        if ($output && unpack('a1',$output) eq '[') {
                           if ($output=~/^\[A(\[C)+\[K?1?\s*/s) {
                              next FETCH;
                        if ($output=~/^\s?$cmd_prompt/) {
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              "\nGOT $cmd_prompt AND EMPTY \$growoutput ",
                              "and OUTPUT ==>$output<==\n",
                              "       at Line ",__LINE__,
                              " -> DETERMINE FETCH\n\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           my $tou=$output;
                           my $ltu=length $tou;
                           my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                           my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                           my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              $growoutput=unpack("x$llc a*",$tou);
                              if ($growoutput=~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                    $live_command) if $display;
                              } else {
                                 next FETCH;
                           } elsif ($output ne $cmd_prompt &&
                                 $output!~/^\s*($cmd_prompt\s*)+$/s) {
                                 $live_command) if $display;
                              next FETCH;
                           } last FETCH;
                        } elsif (-1<index $output,'Connection reset by peer') {
                           last FETCH;
                        } elsif ($output=~/^\s?$/) {
                           next FETCH;
                        } elsif ($output=~/^(stdout: .*)$cmd_prompt$/) {
                        } elsif ($fetchflag) {
                              $live_command) if $display;
                           next FETCH
                     } elsif (($output=~/^stdout: (?!\/')/) &&
                           ($growoutput=~/ 2\>&1\s?$/)) {
                        if ($output!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                              $live_command) if $display;
                           next FETCH
                     } elsif ($growoutput && ($output eq $cmd_prompt)) {
                        chomp $growoutput;
                           $live_command) if $display;
                     } elsif ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                        if ($output=~
                              /^(.*)stdout: (\d)\s+\]0;.*$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                           $output="${1}stdout: $2\n$cmd_prompt";
                           $live_command) if $display;
                     } elsif ($output=~/^\n$/s) {
                            $live_command) if $display;
                     } elsif (unpack("a$lcp",$output) eq
                           $cmd_prompt.'cmd /Q /C "set /A ') {
                  } elsif ($output eq 'Connection closed') {
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        return 0,$output;
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($output eq '>') {
                     if (substr($growoutput,-1) eq '2') {
                           $live_command) if $display;
                        next FETCH;
                     my $die="The Command:\n\n       $command"
                            ."\n\nHas a Syntax Error. The Command "
                            ."Shell\n       Entered Interacive Mode '>'";
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        return 0,$die;
                     } else {
		  my $tmp_output='';
		  my $test_for_newline_is_last=($output=~/\n$/s)?1:0;
		  foreach my $line (split /\n/,$output) {
                     if ($line=~/^stdout:/) {
                     } elsif (-1<index $line,'stdout:') {
                     } else {
                  $output=~s/\n$//s unless $test_for_newline_is_last;
                     if $display;
                  if ($growoutput && $growoutput!~/\n$/s && $output=~/^stdout: /) {
		  } else {

#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug) {
#print BK "$growoutput";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "OD_GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";

		  my $test_growoutput_for_cmd_prompt=($growoutput=~/$cmd_prompt$/s);
                  print "\nTEST FOR CMD-OUTPUT-ENDING CMD_PROMPT:\n",
		     "Is ",$cmd_prompt," at the end of GROWOUTPUT?: ",
		     $test_growoutput_for_cmd_prompt."\nand GROWOUTPUT=",
		     $growoutput,"<==\nand OUTPUT=",$output,"<=="
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "Is ",$cmd_prompt," at the end of GROWOUTPUT?: ",
                     $test_growoutput_for_cmd_prompt."\nand GROWOUTPUT=",
                     $growoutput,"<==\nand OUTPUT=",$output,"<=="
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                  if (15<length $growoutput &&
                        unpack('a16',$growoutput) eq '?Invalid command') {
                        "?Invalid Command ftp> -> $live_command");
                  } elsif (-1<index lc($growoutput),'killed by signal 15') {
                     die 'Connection closed';
                  } elsif ((-1==index $growoutput,'stdout:') &&
                        (-1<index $growoutput,' sync_with_child: ')) {
                  } elsif (1<($growoutput=~tr/\n//) ||
                             $growoutput=~/($cmd_prompt)$/s) {
                     my $oneline=$1;$oneline||=0;
                     print "\nLAST LINE OF GROWOUTPUT=$lastline<==\n"
		        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
		       	($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
		        "LAST LINE OF GROWOUTPUT=$lastline<==\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
		       	-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     if ($lastline eq $growoutput &&
                           && (length $growoutput<7 ||
                           unpack('a7',$growoutput) ne 'stdout:')) { 
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                           "\nCLEARING OUT GROWOUTPUT\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
			   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                     } else {
                        if ($growoutput=~/$cmd_prompt/s) {
                           print "\nGROWOUTPUT CONTAINS CMD_PROMPT:\n",
			      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
			      ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
			      (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*')
			      && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                           if ($growoutput=~/stdout: PS1=/m) {
                           } elsif ($growoutput=~s/^\n*$cmd_prompt\n*//s) {
                              my $test_stripped_output=$growoutput;
                              my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                              my $testgrow=$test_stripped_output;
                              my $thisout=$2;
                              if ($testgrow eq $stripped_live_command) {
                              my $lvc=$live_command;
                              last FETCH if !$growoutput && ($allow_no_output
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*c[dp]\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*ls\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*mkdir\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*mv\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*rm\s/ || $lvc=~/[\/]ls\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/[\/]rm\s/ || $lvc=~/[\/]mkdir\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/[\/]cp\s/
                                 || $lvc=~/^ ?[(]*touch\s/ );
                              next FETCH if !$growoutput;
                              if (-1<index $growoutput,'stdout: /') {
                                 my $stub=substr($growoutput,0,
                                       (index $growoutput,'stdout: /'));
                                 if (substr($live_command,0,(length $stub))
                                       eq $stub) {
                                    my $go=$growoutput;
                                    $growoutput=substr($go,(length $stub));
                              } elsif ((-1<index $live_command, $growoutput) &&
                                    (length $growoutput)) eq $growoutput)) {
                                 $growoutput='';next FETCH;
                              if ($growoutput) {
                                 if ($growoutput=~/^\s*$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                    last FETCH; 
                                 } elsif ($growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/) {
                                    next FETCH;
                              print "GROWOUTPUT GATHERING AND CLEANING COMPLETE:\n",
			         "$growoutput\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
				 && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug)
				 && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
				 "=$growoutput\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
				 && !$no_log
				 && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*')
				 && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                           } elsif ((-1<index $growoutput,$live_command) &&
                                 ((-1<index $growoutput,'[C[C[K1') ||
                                 (-1<index $growoutput,'[A[C[C'))) {
                        } elsif (!$lastline) {
                           my $tmp_grow=$growoutput;
                           chomp $tmp_grow;
                        my $l=length $live_command;
                        if ($first<0) {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
				 (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*')
				 && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                           if ($growoutput=~/2\s*>\s*&1\s*$/s) {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
			         "\nFOUND FIRST LINE by MATCHING 2>&1\n",
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
				 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           } elsif ($oneline) {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nGATHERING FIRST LINE and LOOKING FOR CMD\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              if ($growoutput=~s/^$live_command//) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nDETERMINED ENTIRE FIRST ",
				    "LINE by MATCHING CMD\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           } else {
			      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                 "\nGATHERING FIRST LINE and LOOKING FOR 2>&1\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              my $f_line=$1;
                              if ($f_line=~/[2]\s*[>]\s*[&][1]\s*$/s) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nDETERMINED ENTIRE FIRST ",
                                    "LINE by MATCHING 2>&1\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                              } elsif ($live_command=~
                                    /cd.*[;]pwd\s*[2]\s*[>]\s*[&][1]\s*$/s) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                                    "\nGATHERING FIRST LINE ",
                                    "FOR cd;pwd SO PREPENDING stdout:\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 $growoutput="stdout: $f_line";
                        } elsif ($command_stripped_from_output==0) {
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
			      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                           my $test_stripped_output=$growoutput;
                           my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                           my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                           my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                           print "\nLengthStrippedLiveCommand=$lslc and ",
                              "LengthTestStrippedOutput=$ltso\nand ",
                              "COMPARE StrippedOutput=",
                              " and StrippedLiveCommand=$stripped_live_command\n"
                              if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              my $oup=unpack("a$llc",$output);
                              if ($oup ne $live_command) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
				    "=$oup\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
				    &&  !$no_log
				    && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                 my $o=$growoutput;my $c=0;
                                 while (1) {
                                    last if $c++==5;
                                         # -e 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1#xm;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "ONNNNNTTTT=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                    my $op=unpack("a$llc",$o);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "OPPPPPPTTTTP=$op<== and LC=$live_command<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                    if ($op eq $live_command) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "OOOOOOOOTTTT=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
                                       $op=unpack("x$llc a*",$o);
                                    } elsif (substr($op,-1) eq 's') {
                                       $op=unpack("x$llc a*",$o);
                              } else {
                                 $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GRO_OUT_AFTER_MEGA_STRIPTTTTTTTTTT=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*');
                              if ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s &&
                                    $growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                    $live_command) if $display;
                              } else {
                                 next FETCH;                                 
                           } elsif ($growoutput=~/^stdout:.*stdout:/s) {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FIRST_FifTEENe and GO=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print "DONE TRIMMING GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                     if ($growoutput) {
                        if ($wantarray) {
                           my @strings=split /^/, $growoutput;
                           my $str_cnt=$#strings;
                           foreach my $line (@strings) {
print "LETS LOOK AT LINE=$line<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug) && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LETS LOOK AT LINE=$line<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                              if ($line ne $lastline || 0<$str_cnt) {
                                 if ($line=~s/^stdout: ?//) {
                                 } elsif (($line!~/^\[[AK]$|^\n$/s &&
                                       $line ne $live_command &&
                                       \:\s*\/\'\s2\>\&1\s*$/sx) ||
                                       ($fullerror && $line=~/^\n$/s)) {
                                 } elsif ($fulloutput || $line!~/^\s*$/s) {
                        } elsif ($fulloutput || $line!~/^\s*$/s) {
                        } elsif ($growoutput) {
                           $growoutput=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
print "GROW_ADDED_TO_FULL=$growoutput<==\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug) && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GROW_ADDED_TO_FULL=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                     if ($growoutput) {
                        if ($log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') {
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG $growoutput
                              if $loop_count<$loop_max;
                     if ($lastline && -1<index $lastline, $cmd_prompt) {
print "WE HAVE LASTLINE CMDPROMPT AND ARE GOING TO EXIT and FO=$fulloutput and MS_CMD=$ms_cmd and FULLERROR=$fullerror<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                        $stderr=$fullerror; #if $fulloutput!~/^.*\n0$/s;
		        chomp $stdout if $stdout;
                        chomp $stderr if $stderr;
                        last FETCH;
                     } elsif ($lastline=~/^\s*$/) {
                     } elsif (!$command_stripped_from_output) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GRO_GONNA_LOOP==>$growoutput<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                  } elsif (15<length $growoutput &&
                        unpack('a16',$growoutput) eq '[sudo] password ') {
                  } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "PAST THE ALARM4\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GRO_OUT AT THE BOTTOM==>$growoutput<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
   (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
               } elsif ($starttime && (($cmd_timeout<time()-$starttime)
                     || ($select_timeout<time()-$starttime))) {
                  if (!$restart_attempt) {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
                     my $lv_errmsg="read timed-out for command :"
                                  ."\n\n       -> $live_command"
                                  ."\n\n       invoked on \'$hostlabel\'"
                                  ."\n\n       Current Timeout "
                                  ."Setting is ->  $cmd_timeout seconds.\n\n";
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        die $lv_errmsg;
                     } else {
                  } else {
               } elsif (!$starttime) {
            } # END OF FETCH LOOP
            $stderr=$lastline if $lastline=~/Connection to.*closed/s;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "cmd() STDERRBOTTOM=$stderr<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if ($stderr!~s/^\s*$//s && $stderr!~/^\s*_funkyPrompt_\s*$/s) {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if !$wantarray;
            $stderr='' if $stderr eq '_funkyPrompt_';
            if (-1<index $stderr,'_funkyPrompt_') {
               my $test_stderr=$stderr;
               $stderr='' unless $test_stderr;
      #   if $display && $stdout && $stdout!~/^\s+$/s;
         if defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle};
      my $eval_error='';
      if ($@) {
         print "\nEEEEEEE *just thrown* EEEEEEE RAW ERROR: $@".
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
            "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
            "\n       Contents of \$stderr (raw error could be different):".
            "\n       $stderr\n".
            (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\nEEEEEEE *just thrown* EEEEEEE RAW ERROR: $@".
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
            "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
            "\n       Contents of \$stderr (raw error could be different):".
            "\n       $stderr\n".
            (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         $eval_error=$@;undef $@;
      if ($ftp) {
      } else {
      $eval_error=$stderr if $stderr && !$eval_error; 
      if ($eval_error) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
            "\n",(caller(2))[3]," CLEANED (eval) ERROR:\n       ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         print "\n",(caller(2))[3]," CLEANED (eval) ERROR:\n       ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_fa_lock($sem) if $sem;
         if ((-1<index $command,"kill ") &&
               (-1<index $eval_error,"eof")) {
            my $prc=substr($command,-3);
            if ($wantarray) {
               return "process \#$prc killed","";
            } else { return "process \#$prc killed" }
         } $login_retry++;
         my $num_of_err_lines=0;
         $num_of_err_lines=0 if $num_of_err_lines!~/^\d+$/;
         if ((-1<index $eval_error,'logout') ||
               (-1<index $eval_error,'Connection closed') ||
               ((-1<index $eval_error,'read timed-out') &&
               && !$login_retry && !$cleanup) {
            my $sav_self=$self->{_cmd_handle};
            my $curdir=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}
               || $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin};
               $self->{_cmd_pid},$kill_arg) if
            if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}) {
            } else {
            CH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid
                     (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type
                        (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        {$sid}}) {
                     if ($sav_self
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        last CH;
            } next if $self;
         } elsif (!$ftp && !$login_retry && !$notrap && !$cleanup
               && (-1==index $eval_error,'space in the')) {
            print "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
               "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
               "\n       Trying to retrieve new handle with &login_retry()\n".
               (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
               "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
               "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
               "\n       Trying to retrieve new handle with &login_retry()\n".
               (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            my $save_cwd='';
            if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}
                  && $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}=~/^\\\\/) {
            } else {
            if ($self->{_cmd_handle}) {
               print "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                  "\n       Trying to use new handle to change to saved cwd:".
                  "\n       $save_cwd".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                  "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                  "\n       Attempting to use new handle to change to saved cwd:". 
                  "\n       $save_cwd".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&  !$no_log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$eval_error;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($eval_error) }
               } else {
                  print "\nRRRRRRR recovered RRRRRRR from ERROR: $eval_error".
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                     "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                     (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug || $debug);
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
                     "\nRRRRRRR recovered RRRRRRR from ERROR: $eval_error".
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                     "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                     (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LOGINRETRY2=$login_retry and ",
   "ERROR=$eval_error<== and FTP=$ftp and NOTRAP=$notrap\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         $eval_error=~s/_funkyPrompt_//gs if $eval_error &&
            -1<index $eval_error,'_funkyPrompt_';
         if ($wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE ARE RETURNING ERROR=$eval_error\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !$no_log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            if ($stdout=~/^.*\n\d+$/s) {
            my @stdout_contents=split "\n",$stdout;
            my $exitcode=pop(@stdout_contents);
            $exitcode=-1 unless defined $exitcode;
            $stdout=join "\n", @stdout_contents;
            return $stdout,$eval_error,$exitcode;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($eval_error) }
      pop @FA_Core::pid_ts if $pid_ts;
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_fa_lock($sem) if $sem;
      my $exitcode=0;
      if ($stdout=~/\n/s) {
         my @stdout_contents=split "\n",$stdout;
         my $exit_code=pop(@stdout_contents);
         $exit_code=pop(@stdout_contents) if $exit_code=~/^\s*$/s;
         if (!defined $exit_code || $exit_code!~/^\d+$/s) {
            if ($exit_code=~/^(.*)(0|1|2|123|126|127|130|137|255)\s*$/s) {
         } else {
         $stdout=join ":${$}FA:", @stdout_contents;
      } elsif ($stdout=~/\d+$/s) {
         if ($stdout=~/^(.*)(0|1|2|123|126|127|130|137|255)$/s) {
      if ($wantarray) {
         $stderr=~s/_funkyPrompt_//gs if $stderr &&
            -1<index $stderr,'_funkyPrompt_';
         my $howmny=Want::howmany()||'';
         if (!$howmny || $howmny==1) {
            return $stdout;
         } elsif ($howmny==2) {
            return $stdout,$stderr;
         return $stdout,$stderr,$exitcode;
      } else { return $stdout }


sub cmd_raw

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_raw() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nRem_Command::cmd_raw() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   bless $self;
   my $cmd=$_[1];
   my $delay=0;
   my $display=0;
   foreach my $item (@_) {
      if (-1<index $item, '__delay__') {
         if (-1<index $item, '__delay__=') {
         } else {
      } elsif (-1<index $item, '__display__') {
   my $prompt=substr($self->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);
   if ($delay) {
   my $save='';
   my $output='';
   while (1) {
      last if $output=~/$prompt/;
         if $display;
   return $output;


sub display

   my $print_line_debugging=1;
   my $log='';
   if ($print_line_debugging) {
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      $print_line_debugging=0 unless $log;
   my $line=$_[0];
   return '' if -1<index $line,'[sudo]';
   my $cmd_prompt=$_[1];
   my $save=$_[2]||'';
   my $cmd=$_[3]||'';
   my $tline=$line;
   my $ttline=unpack('A1',$tline);
   if (($ttline eq '<') or ($ttline eq '>')) {
      if (quotemeta($ttline) ne $ttline) {
         if ($ttline eq '<' || $ttline eq '>') {
      } else {
      $line=~s/$tline//s if $cmd=~/$tline/s;
   if (-1<index $cmd,'git') {
      if ((-1<index $cmd,'git clone') ||
            (-1<index $cmd,'git checkout') ||
            (-1<index $cmd,'git pull')) {
         return unless $line;
         if (-1<index $line,'[K') {
         if (($line!~/[).,;'"]\s*$/s) &&
               ($line!~/MiB\/s\s*$/s)) {
            return $save;
         if (-1<index $line,'Receiving objects:') {
            $line.="\n" if $line!~/\n$/s;
         if (-1<index $line,'Resolving deltas:') {
            $line.="\n" if $line!~/\n$/s;
         if (-1<index $line,'Updating files:') {
            $line.="\n" if $line!~/\n$/s;
         if (-1<index $line,'remote') {
            $line.="\n" if $line!~/\n$/s;
   if ((-1<index $line,'[K') &&
         ($line eq '[K' ||
         (substr($line,-2) eq '[K') ||
         (-1<index $line,'Kre') ||
         (-1<index $line,'KRe') ||
         (-1<index $line,'KUp'))) {
      if ($line=~/\[K?$/s) {
         return $save;
      if (-1<index $line,'remote: T') {
      } elsif (-1<index $line,')remote') {
   } elsif ($save eq '[K') {
      if (-1<index $line,'remote: T') {
      } elsif (-1<index $line,')remote') {
   } elsif ($line=~/^\s*\[c\s*$/s) {
   my $testbl=sub {
      my $line=$_[0];
      unless ($line=~/^tdout: /s) {
         unless ($line=~/^dout: /s) {
            unless ($line=~/^out: /s) {
               unless ($line=~/^ut: /s) {
                  unless ($line=~/^t: /s) {
                     unless ($line=~/^: /s) {
                        return 0
                     } else { return 1 }
                  } else { return 1 }
               } else { return 1 }
            } else { return 1 }
         } else { return 1 }
      } else { return 1 }
   my $testel=sub {
      my $line=$_[0];
      my $lastline=$line;
      unless ($lastline eq 'stdout') {
         unless ($lastline eq 'stdou') {
            unless ($lastline eq 'stdo') {
               unless ($lastline eq 'std') {
                  unless ($lastline eq 'st') {
                     unless ($lastline eq 's') {
                        return 0
                     } else { return $line,'s' }
                  } else { return $line,'st' }
               } else { return $line,'std' }
            } else { return $line,'stdo' }
         } else { return $line,'stdou' }
      } else { return $line,'stdout' }
   my $print_out=0;
   $print_out=1 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if ($line=~/^\s*stdout: .*$/s) {
      if ($line=~/stdout: \d\d?\d?\s*$/s) {
         return $save;
      } elsif ($testel->($line)) {
         return $save;
      $line=~s/(?:stdout: \d(?:\d|\d\d)*)*(?:\n*$cmd_prompt)+$//s;
      $line=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
      if ($print_line_debugging) {
         print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
         print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
         print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
         print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
      print $line;
      print $OUTPUT $line if $print_out;
      return '';
   } elsif ((-1<index $line,':') && $testbl->($line)) {
      my $l=$1||'';my $ll=$2||'';
      $l=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
      print $l;
      return $save;
   } elsif (length $line<length $cmd_prompt) {
      if (-1<index $cmd_prompt,substr($line,(rindex $line,$cmd_prompt))) {
         return $save;
      } else {
         if ($line=~/^\d+$/) {
            return $save;
         if ($print_line_debugging) {
            print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
            print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
            print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
            print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
         print $line;
         print $OUTPUT $line if $print_out;
         return '';
   } elsif ($line=~s/\n*$cmd_prompt//gs) {
      if (-1<index $line,']0') {
         unless ($line=~s/^(.*)\s*0\s*[]]0.*$/$1/s) {
            unless ($line=~s/^(.*)[]]0.*$/$1/s) {
               $line=~s/^[]]0;.*$/$1/s if $line!~/\n/s;
      $line=~s/(?:stdout: \d(?:\d|\d\d)*)*$//s;
      $line=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
      if ($print_line_debugging) {
         print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
         print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
         print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
         print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
      print $line."\n";
      print $OUTPUT "\n" if $print_out;
      return '';
   } elsif (-1<index $cmd_prompt,$line) {
      substr($line,(rindex $line,$cmd_prompt))=0;
      return $save;
   } elsif ($cmd && (-1<index $cmd,'wget')
         && (-1<index $line,'K .')) {
      $line=~s/stdout: //g;
      if ($print_line_debugging) {
         print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
         print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
         print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
         print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
      print $line;
      print $OUTPUT $line if $print_out;
      return '';
   } elsif ((-1<index $line,']0') &&
         ($line=~/^.*\s*0\s*[]]0.*$/s) &&
         (-1==index $line,$cmd_prompt)) {
      return $save;
   } else {
      my $tline=$line;
      if ($line=~/ETA$|stalled -$/) {
         if ($print_line_debugging) {
            print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
            print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
            print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
            print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
         print $line,"\n";
         print $OUTPUT $line,"\n" if $print_out;
      } elsif ($cmd!~/^$tline/s) {
         $line=~s/(?:stdout: \d(?:\d|\d\d)*)*\n*//s;
         $line=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
         my ($l,$ll)=$testel->($line);
         if ($l) {
            print $l;
            return $save;
         if ($print_line_debugging) {
            print $log "display() CALLER=",(join " ",caller),"\n";
            print $log "display() ORIGINAL LINE=$_[0]<==\n";
            print $log "display() MODIFIED LINE=$line<==\n";
            print $log "display() print line = ".__LINE__."\n";
         print $line;
         print $OUTPUT $line if $print_out;
      return '';

sub login_retry
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::login_retry() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nRem_Command::login_retry() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];my $_connect=$_[1];
   my $cmd_type=$_[2];my $error=$_[3];
   my $sid='';my $hostlabel='';
   if ($self eq $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
      my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   } else {
      LR: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $slid
               (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                     {$slid}}) {
               if ($self eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                     {$slid}{$type}}[0]) {
                  last LR;
   my $new_handle='';my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WHAT IS THE ERROR=$error\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if ((-1<index $error,'filehandle isn') ||
         (-1<index $error,'read error') ||
         (-1<index $error,'Connection closed') ||
         !defined fileno $self) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "WE ARE GETTING NEW HANDLE\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      my $handleid="$self";
      my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
      KFH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $sid (
               keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (
                 keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                      {$sid}}) {
               if ($handleid eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[2],$kill_arg) if
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[1],$kill_arg) if
                  last KFH;
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
         else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
      } $self->close;
      RL: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                  {$sid}}) {
               if ($self eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                  last RL;
      return $new_handle->{_cmd_handle},'';
   } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $su_id) {
      my $id='';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "GOT NEW UNIX ID=$id and STDERR=$stderr and SU_ID=$su_id\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      return '',$error if $stderr;
      if ($id eq $su_id) {
         if (wantarray) { return '',$error }
         else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error,'-3') }
      } else {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if $cfh_error;
         my ($ignore,$su_err)=
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($su_err) if $su_err;
         return $self,'';
   } else { return $self,$error }

sub cwd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nRem_Command::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   return &File_Transfer::cwd(@_);

package Bad_Handle;

sub new {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $stderr=$_[2];
   my $self = { };
   my $_connect='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
   if (wantarray) {
      return $self,'';
   } else {
      return $self;

sub close {

   return 0,'';


sub cmd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub cwd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub repl
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::repl() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::repl() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub select_dir
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::select_dir() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::select_dir() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub get_vlabel
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::get_vlabel() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::get_vlabel() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub ftp
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::ftp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::ftp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub get
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub put

   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub lcd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub ls
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::ls() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "\nBad_Handle::ls() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

package Net::FullAuto::MemoryHandle;

use strict;
   my $class = shift;
   bless [], $class;

sub PRINT {
   my $self = shift;
   push @$self, join '', @_;

sub PRINTF {
   my $self = shift;
   my $fmt = shift;
   push @$self, sprintf $fmt, @_;

   my $self = shift;
   shift @$self;

package Net::FullAuto::FA_DB;

use strict;
use BerkeleyDB;

sub new
   my $class=shift;
   my $self={};

sub add
   print " add CALLER=",caller,"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "add CALLER=".(caller)."\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to $self->{_dbfile}.db";
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $line=$_[2];
   if (!$line) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return '','ERROR - no entry specified';
      } else {
            "FullAutoDB: ERROR - no entry specified\n");
   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $size=$1;my $timestamp=$2;
   my $mt='';my $hr=0;my $dy=0;my $mn=0;my $fileyr=0;
   eval {
      ($mn,$dy,$mt)=split /\s+/, $timestamp;
      if (-1<index $mt,':') {
         ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $mt;
      } else {
   if ($@) {
         "$@ - LSLINE=$line<- AND TIMESTAMP=$timestamp<- AND MN=$mn<-");
   my $ipc_key="$timestamp$size";
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($line,time);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return 1,'';

sub query
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_DB::query() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::query() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to $self->{_dbfile}.db";
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $line=$_[2];
   if (!$line) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return '','ERROR - no query specified';
      } else {
            "FullAutoDB: ERROR - no query specified\n");
print "LINE TO STRIP TIMEINFO=$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "LINE TO STRIP TIMEINFO=$line\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $size=$1;my $timestamp=$2;my $filename=$3;
   my $mt='';my $hr=0;my $dy=0;my $mn=0;my $fileyr=0;
   ($mn,$dy,$mt)=split /\s+/, $timestamp;
   if (-1<index $mt,':') {
      ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $mt;
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG
      "TIMEINFO=> MT=$mt HR=$hr DYX=$dy MN=$mn FY=$fileyr\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $ipc_key="$timestamp$size";

print "STARTING TIE\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "STARTING TIE\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';

   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $result=0;
   my $dbcopy='';my $status='';
   # print the contents of the file
   my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   my %dbcopy=();
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
   undef $cursor ;
   if (exists $dbcopy{$line}) {
      $result='File has Already been Transferred';
   } elsif (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_semaphore($ipc_key)) {
      $result='Another Process is Transferring File';
   } elsif (!$hr && testtime(\%dbcopy,$filename,$size,
         $mn,$dy,$rx1,$rx2,$hostlabel)) {
      $result='File has Already been Transferred';
   } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
      if (time-$timestamp<600 && $timestamp<time) {
         return 'File Less then 10 Minutes Old','';
      my $acc='';my $ln='';
      ($acc,$ln)=split /\|\%\|/, $line;
      $ln=~tr/ //s;
      my $banner="\n   The $acc Account File :\n\n      $ln\n\n"
                ."   Is Ready to Transfer\n\n   Choose One :";
      my @output=("Do NOT Transfer NOW","Do NOT Transfer EVER",
                  "TRANSFER Now");
      my $output=&Menus::pick(\@output,$banner,7);
      if ($output eq 'Do NOT Transfer NOW') {
         return "User Declines to Transfer File Now",'';
      } elsif ($output eq ']quit[') {
      } elsif ($output eq 'Do NOT Transfer EVER') {
         my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($line,time);
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         return 'User Declines to EVER Transfer File','';
      } else {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::query() QUERYLINE=",
               "$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::query() ALL_LINES=",
               (join "\n",sort keys %dbcopy),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
         return 0,'';
   } else {
      if (time-$timestamp<600) {
         $result='File Less then 10 Minutes Old';
      } else {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::query() QUERYLINE=",
               "$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::query() ALL_LINES=",
               (join "\n",sort keys %dbcopy),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return $result,'';

sub testtime
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_DB::testtime() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::testtime() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
   my $dbcopy=$_[0];
   my $filename=$_[1];
   my $size=$_[2];
   my $mn=$_[3];my $dy=$_[4];
   my $rx1=$_[5];my $rx2=$_[6];
   my $hostlabel=$_[7];
   foreach my $dbline (keys %{$dbcopy}) {
      my $dbhostlabel='';
      ($dbhostlabel,$dbline)=split /\|\%\|/,$dbline;
      next if $dbhostlabel ne $hostlabel;
      my $dbsize=$1;my $dbtimestamp=$2;my $dbfilename=$3;
      my $dbmt='';my $dbdy=0;my $dbmn=0;
      ($dbmn,$dbdy,$dbmt)=split /\s+/, $dbtimestamp;
      next if -1==index $dbmt,':';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG "FA_DB::testtime() FILENAME=$filename and DBFN=$dbfilename",
" SIZE=$size and DBS=$dbsize and MN=$mn and DBM=$dbmn and DY=$dy and DBDY=$dbdy\n"
 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::LOG,'*';
      if ($filename eq $dbfilename && $size eq $dbsize
            && $mn eq $dbmn && $dy eq $dbdy) {
         return 1;
   } return 0;

sub mod
   my $self=shift;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my $banner="\n   Please Pick a SkipDB Entry to Delete :";
   my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   my @output=();
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      push @output, $k;
   undef $cursor;
   my $output=&Menus::pick(\@output,$banner,7);
   my $status=$bdb->db_del($output);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub close
   my @caller=caller;
   print "CLOSE_Caller=",(join ' ',@caller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
      && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   my $self=shift;
   my ($dbenv,$bdb)=
   my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      my $hostlabel=substr($k,0,(index $k,'|%|'));
      if (exists ${$self->{_host_queried}}{$hostlabel}
            && !exists ${$self->{_line_queried}}{$k}) {
         my $status=$bdb->db_del($k);
   undef $cursor;
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


package Net::FullAuto::Getline;
# file: IO/

# Figure 13.2: The Getline module
# line-oriented reading from sockets/handles with access to
# internal buffer.

use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
use IO::Handle;