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Apache2::AuthenMSAD - Microsoft Active Directory authentication for Apache


    <Directory /foo/bar>
    # Authentication Realm and Type (only Basic supported)

    AuthName "Microsoft Active Directory Authentication"
    AuthType Basic

    # Authentication  method/handler

    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenMSAD

    # The Microsoft Active Directory Domain Name must be set
    # The Active Directory Server Name will default to the domain.

    PerlSetVar MSADDomain
    PerlSetVar MSADServer

    # Require lines can be any of the following -- any user, one of a list

    require valid-user
    require user joe mary tom

    These directives can also be used in a .htaccess file.


This perl module is designed to work with mod_perl2 and Net::LDAP. It will authenticate users in a Windows 2000 or later Microsoft Active Directory -- hence the acronym MSAD. Configuration parameters give the DNS name used for the cluster of Microsoft Domain Controllers and the Microsoft Domain name used within the Active Directory.

This relies on a surprising feature first brought to our attention by Yvan Rodrigues here at the University of Waterloo. You can authenticate with a Distinguished Name like "" (ie. the userPrincipalName in the Active Directory) and you don't need to resort to the X509 Distinguished Name. Most LDAP authentication methods require a guest account where you can login to find the user's Distinguished Name and then login again as that name. Active Directory has this extra feature which makes life much simpler.

At our site the domain mentioned in the userPrincipalName is "" -- that is also the name we use for our collection of Domain Controllers. You might not implement that convention. If you do the MSADServer parameter is optional -- it defaults to the MSADDomain.This version is patched to use mod_per2 (>=2.0x) and apache2. It was tested in an production environment to work perfectly.


This builds on the Net::LDAP interface and as such passes the userid and password in the clear. We've not been able to get Net::LDAPS to work with Microsoft Active Directory. If anyone else has we'd dearly love to hear from them.


Yvan Rodrigues <> Reg Quinton <> Franz Skale <>


Copyright (c) 2005 by the authors.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.