# ABSTRACT: move js loading to the end of the document
use strict;
use version 0.77;
our $VERSION = '0.08';
sub register {
my ($self, $app, $config) = @_;
my $base = $config->{base} || '';
if ( $base and substr( $base, -1 ) ne '/' ) {
$base .= '/';
$app->helper( js_load => sub {
my $c = shift;
return '' unless _match_browser($c, @_);
if ( $_[1]->{check} ) {
my $asset = $c->app->static->file(
$_[1]->{no_base} ? $_[0] : "$base$_[0]"
return '' if !$asset;
if ( $_[1]->{inplace} ) {
my ($file,$config) = @_;
my $local_base = $config->{no_base} ? '' : $base;
$local_base = $c->url_for( $local_base ) if $local_base;
$config->{no_file} = 1 if $config->{js};
my $js = $config->{no_file} ?
qq~<script type="text/javascript">$file</script>~ :
qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="$local_base$file"></script>~;
return Mojo::ByteStream->new( $js );
push @{ $c->stash->{__JSLOADERFILES__} }, [ @_ ];
return 1;
} );
$app->hook( after_render => sub {
my ($c, $content, $format) = @_;
return if $format ne 'html';
return if !$c->stash->{__JSLOADERFILES__};
return if 'ARRAY' ne ref $c->stash->{__JSLOADERFILES__};
my $load_js =
join "\n",
my ($file,$config) = @{ $_ };
$file //= '';
my $local_base = $config->{no_base} ? '' : $base;
$config->{no_file} = 1 if $config->{js};
$local_base = $c->url_for( $local_base ) if $local_base;
if ( $config->{no_file} and $config->{on_ready} ) {
$file = sprintf '$(document).ready( function(){%s});', $file;
my $return = $config->{no_file} ?
qq~<script type="text/javascript">$file</script>~ :
qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="$local_base$file"></script>~;
$file ? $return : ();
@{ $c->stash->{__JSLOADERFILES__} };
return if !$load_js;
${$content} =~ s!(</body(?:\s|>)|\z)!$load_js$1!;
sub _match_browser {
my ($c,$file,$config) = @_;
return 1 if !$config;
return 1 if ref $config ne 'HASH';
return 1 if !$config->{browser};
return 1 if ref $config->{browser} ne 'HASH';
my $ua_string = $c->req->headers->user_agent;
my $ua = HTML::ParseBrowser->new( $ua_string );
my $name = $ua->name;
my $browser = $config->{browser};
if ( !exists $browser->{$name} ) {
return exists $browser->{default} ? 1 : '';
my ($op,$version) = $browser->{$name} =~ m{\A\s*([lg]t|!)?\s*([0-9\.]+)};
return if !defined $version;
$op = '' if !defined $op;
if ( $op eq 'gt' ) {
return version->parse( $version ) <= version->parse( $ua->v );
elsif ( $op eq 'lt' ) {
return version->parse( $version ) >= version->parse( $ua->v );
elsif ( $op eq '!' ) {
return version->parse( $version ) != version->parse( $ua->v );
return version->parse( $ua->v ) == version->parse( $version );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Plugin::JSLoader - move js loading to the end of the document
=head1 VERSION
version 0.08
In your C<startup>:
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
# do some Mojolicious stuff
$self->plugin( 'JSLoader' );
# more Mojolicious stuff
In your template:
<% js_load('js_file.js') %>
=head1 HELPERS
This plugin adds a helper method to your web application:
=head2 js_load
This method requires at least one parameter: The path to the JavaScript file to load.
An optional second parameter is the configuration. You can switch off the I<base> for
this JavaScript file this way:
# <script type="text/javascript" src="$base/js_file.js"></script>
<% js_load('js_file.js') %>
# <script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain/js_file.js"></script>
<% js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {no_base => 1}); %>
=head3 config for js_load
There are several config options for C<js_load>:
=over 4
=item * no_base
Do not use the base url configured on startup when I<no_base> is set to a true value.
# <script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain/js_file.js"></script>
<% js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {no_base => 1}); %>
=item * no_file
If set to a true value, you have to pass pure JavaScript
# <script type="text/javascript">alert('test');</script>
<% js_load("alert('test')", {no_file => 1}); %>
=item * on_ready
If set to a true value - in combination with a true value for I<no_file> - the javascript
code is wrapped in C<$(document).ready( function(){...});>. This is quite handy when you
have jquery installed and you want to run some javascript when the document is loaded.
# <script type="text/javascript">alert('test');</script>
<% js_load("alert('test')", {no_file => 1}); %>
=item * inplace
Do not load the javascript at the end of the page, but where C<js_load> is called.
# <script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain/js_file.js"></script>
<%= js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {no_base => 1, inplace => 1}); %>
=item * browser
Load the javascript when a specific browser is used.
# Load the javascript when Internet Explorer 8 is used
# <script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain/js_file.js"></script>
<%= js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {inplace => 1, browser => { "Internet Explorer" => 8 }}); %>
# Load the javascript when Internet Explorer lower than 8 or Opera 6 is used
# <script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain/js_file.js"></script>
<%= js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {inplace => 1, browser => {"Internet Explorer" => 'lt 8', Opera => 6} }); %>
# Load the javascript when Internet Explorer is not version 8
<%= js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {inplace => 1, browser => {"Internet Explorer" => '!8' } } ); %>
There's the "special" browser default. So you are able to load javascript for e.g. everything but IE6
# Load the javascript when Internet Explorer is not version 6
<%= js_load('http://domain/js_file.js', {inplace => 1, browser => {"Internet Explorer" => '!6', default => 1 } } ); %>
=item * check
If you want to avoid 404 errors that might occur when the filname is built dynamically, you can pass C<check> in the
config options:
# <public>/test.js exists, <public>/tester.js doesn't
% js_load( 'tester.js' );
% js_load( 'test.js' );
# -> you'll get a 404 error for "tester.js"
# <public>/test.js exists, <public>/tester.js doesn't
% js_load( 'tester.js', { check => 1 } );
% js_load( 'test.js', { check => 1 } );
# -> no 404 error, the javascript tag for tester.js isn't added to the HTML
When you pass C<check>, it is checked whether Mojolicious can create a L<static file|Mojolicious::Static/file> or not.
So the "file" doesn't have to be a file on disk, but a "file" in the C<__DATA__> section is ok, too.
Your class
@@ checktest.js
$(document).ready( function(){ alert('check') } );
Your template:
% js_load( 'checktest.js' ); # works
% js_load( 'checktest.js', { check => 1 } ); # works
% js_load( 'checktest2.js', { check => 1 } ); # tag is not added as checktest2.js doesn't exist
=head1 HOOKS
When you use this module, a hook for I<after_render> is installed. That hook inserts
the C<< <script> >> tag at the end of the document or right before the closing
C<< <body> >> tag.
To avoid that late loading, you can use I<inplace> in the config:
<%= js_load( 'test.js', {inplace => 1} ) %>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 register
Called when registering the plugin. On creation, the plugin accepts a hashref to configure the plugin.
# load plugin, alerts are dismissable by default
$self->plugin( 'JSLoader' );
=head3 Configuration
$self->plugin( 'JSLoader' => {
base => 'http://domain/js', # base for all <script> tags
=head1 NOTES
This plugin uses the I<stash> key C<__JSLOADERFILES__>, so you should avoid using
this stash key for your own purposes.
=head1 AUTHOR
Renee Baecker <reneeb@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Renee Baecker.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)