CGI::Ex::Dump - A debug utility


  use CGI::Ex::Dump; # auto imports dex, dex_warn, dex_text and others

  my $hash = {
    foo => ['a', 'b', 'Foo','a', 'b', 'Foo','a', 'b', 'Foo','a'],

  dex $hash; # or dex_warn $hash;


  dex "hi";

  dex $hash, "hi", $hash;

  dex \@INC; # print to STDOUT, or format for web if $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}

  dex_warn \@INC;  # same as dex but to STDOUT

  print FOO dex_text \@INC; # same as dex but return dump

  # ALSO #

  use CGI::Ex::Dump qw(debug);
  debug; # same as dex


Uses the base Data::Dumper of the distribution and gives it nicer formatting - and allows for calling just about anytime during execution.

Calling &CGI::Ex::set_deparse() will allow for dumped output of subroutines if available.

perl -e 'use CGI::Ex::Dump; dex "foo";'

See also Data::Dumper.

Setting any of the Data::Dumper globals will alter the output.


Paul Seamons <perlspam at seamons dot com>