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Org::Parser - Parse Org documents


version 0.01


 use 5.010;
 use Org::Parser;
 use Data::Dump::OneLine qw(dump1);
 my $orgp = Org::Parser->new();
 $op->handler(sub {
     my ($orgp, $ev, $args) = @_;
     say "\$ev=$ev, $args=", dump1($args);
 #+FILETAGS: :tag1:tag2:tag3:
 text1 ...
 * h1 1  :tag1:tag2:
 ** TODO h2 1
 ** DONE h2 2
 * h1 2
 text2 *bold* ...
 | a | b |
 | 1 | 2 |
 | 3 | 4 |
 - unordered
 - list
   1. ordered
   2. list
     * term1 :: description1
     * term2 :: description2
   3. back to ordered list
 - back to unordered list

Will output something like:

 $ev:element, $args={element=>'setting', setting=>'FILETAGS', raw_arg=>':tag1:tag2:tag3', tags=>[qw/tag1 tag2 tag3/], raw=>"#+FILETAGS :tag1:tag2:tag3:\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'text', text=>"text1 ...\n", raw=>"text1 ...\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'headline', level=>1, title=>'h1 1', tags=>['tag1', 'tag2'], raw=>"* h1 1  :tag1:tag2:\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'headline', level=>2, title=>'h2 1', is_todo=>1, todo_state=>'TODO', raw=>"** TODO h2 1\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'headline', level=>2, title=>'h2 1', is_todo=>1, is_done=>1, todo_state=>'DONE', raw=>"** DONE h2 2\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'headline', level=>1, title=>'h1 2', raw=>"* h1 2\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'text', text=>'text2 ', raw=>"text2 "}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'text', is_bold=>1, text=>"bold", raw=>"*bold*"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'text', text=>"...\n", raw=>"...\n"
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'table', table=>[['a', 'b'], '--', [1, 2], [3, 4]], raw=>"| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| 1 | 2 |\n| 3 | 4 |\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'link', target=>'link', description=>'description', raw=>'[[link][description]]'}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'text', text=>"\n", raw=>"\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'unordered',   level=>1, bullet=>'-',  seq=>1, item=>'unordered', raw=>"- unordered\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'unordered',   level=>1, bullet=>'-',  seq=>2, item=>'list', raw=>"- list\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'ordered',     level=>2, bullet=>'1.', seq=>1, item=>'ordered', raw=>"  1. ordered\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'ordered',     level=>2, bullet=>'2.', seq=>2, item=>'list', raw=>"  2. list\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'description', level=>3, bullet=>'*',  seq=>1, term=>'term1', description=>'description1', raw=>"    * term1 :: description1\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'description', level=>3, bullet=>'*',  seq=>2, term=>'term2', description=>'description2', raw=>"    * term2 :: description2\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'ordered',     level=>2, bullet=>'3.', seq=>3, item=>'back to ordered list', raw=>"  3. back to ordered list\n"}
 $ev:element, $args={element=>'list item', type=>'unordered',   level=>1, bullet=>'-',  seq=>3, item=>'back to unordered list', raw=>"- back to unordered list\n"}


NOTE: This module is in alpha stage. See "BUGS/TODO/LIMITATIONS" for the list of stuffs not yet implemented.

This module parses Org documents. See for more details on Org documents.

This module uses Log::Any logging framework.

This module uses Moo object system.


handler => CODEREF

The handler which will be called repeatedly by the parser during parsing. The default handler will do nothing ('sub{1}').

Handler will be passed these arguments:

 $orgp, $ev, \%args

$orgp is the parser instance, $ev is the type of event (currently only 'element') and %args are extra information depending on $ev and type of elements. See the SYNOPSIS for the various content of %args.



Create a new parser instance.

$orgp->parse($str | $arrayref | $coderef | $filehandle)

Parse document (which can be contained in a scalar $str, an array of lines $arrayref, a subroutine which will be called for chunks until it returns undef, or a filehandle.

Will call handler (specified in 'handler' attribute) for each element being parsed. See documentation for 'handler' attribute for more details.

Will die if there are syntax errors in documents.


Just like parse(), but will load document from file instead.


  • Single-pass parser

    Parser is currently a single-pass parser, so you need to preset stuffs before using them. For example, when declaring custom TODO keywords:

     #+TODO: TODO | DONE
     * FIXED blah

    and not:

     * FIXED blah (at this point, custom TODO keywords not yet recognized)
     #+TODO: TODO | DONE
  • What's the syntax for multiple in-buffer settings on a single line?

    Currently the parser assumes a single in-buffer settings per line

  • Difference between TYP_TODO and TODO/SEQ_TODO?

    Currently we assume it to be the same as the other two.

  • Parse link & link abbreviations (#+LINK)

  • Parse timestamps & timestamp pairs

  • Parse repeats in schedule timestamps

  • Parse tables

  • Parse text markups

  • Parse headline percentageS

  • Parse {unordered,ordered,description,check) lists

  • Process includes (#+INCLUDE)




Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.