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Net::MovableType - light-weight MovableType client


  use Net::MovableType;
  my $mt = new Net::MovableType('');

  my $entries = $mt->getRecentPosts(5);
  while ( my $entry = shift @$entries ) {
    printf("[%02d] - %s\n\tURI: %s\n",
           $entry->{postid}, $entry->{title}, $entry->{'link'} )


Using Net::MovableType you can post new entries, edit existing entries, browse entries and users blogs, and perform most of the features you can perform through accessing your MovableType account.

Since Net::MovableType uses MT's remote procedure call gateway, you can do it from any computer with Internet connection.


Net::MovableType promises an intuitive, user friendly, Object Oriented interface for managing your web sites published through MovableType. Most of the method names correspond to those documented in MovableType's Programming Interface Manual.


Before you start doing anything, you need to have a MovableType object handy. You can create a MovableType object by calling new() - constructor method:

    $mt = new MovableType('');
    # or
    $mt = new MovableType('');
    # or even..
    $mt = new MovableType('/home/sherzodr/public_html/author/rsd.xml');

Notice, you need to pass at least one argument while creating MT object, that is the location of your either mt-xmlrpc.cgi file, or your web site's rsd.xml file. Default templates of MT already generate rsd.xml file for you. If they don't, you should get one from

If your rsd.xml file is available locally, you should provide a full path to the file instead of providing it as a URL. Reading the file locally is more efficient than fetching it over the Web.

Giving it a location of your rsd.xml file is preferred, since it will ensure that your blogId() will be set properly. Otherwise, you will have to do it manually calling blogId() (see later).

It is very important that you get this one right. Otherwise, Net::MovableType will know neither about where your web site is nor how to access them.

MovableType requires you to provide valid username/password pair to do most of the things. So you need to tell MovableType object about your username and passwords, so it can use them to access the resources.

You can login in two ways; by either providing your username and password while creating MT object, or by calling username() and password() methods after creating MT object:

    # creating MT object with valid username/password:
    $proxy = '';
    $mt = new MovableType($proxy, 'author', 'password');

    # or
    $mt = new MovableType($proxy);

username() and password() methods are used for both setting username and password, as well as for retrieving username and password for the current logged in. Just don't pass it any arguments should you wish to use for the latter purpose.


Defining a blog id may not be necessary if you generated your Net::MovableType object with an rsd.xml file. Otherwise, read on.

As we will see in subsequent sections, most of the MovableType's methods operate on specific web log. For defining a default web log to operate on, after setting above username and password, you can also set your default blog id using blogId() method:


To be able to do that, you first need to know your blog id. There are no documented ways of retrieving your blog id, except for investigating the URL of your MovableType account panel. Just login to your MovableType control panel (through mt.cgi script). In the first screen, you should see a list of your web logs. Click on the web log in question, and look at the URL of the current window. In my case, it is:

Notice blog_id parameter? That's the one!

Wish you didn't have to go through all those steps to find out your blog id? Net::MovableType provides resolveBlogId() method, which accepts a name of the web log, and returns correct blogId:

    $blog_id = $mt->resolveBlogId('lost+found');

Another way of retrieving information about your web logs is to get all the lists of your web logs by calling getUsersBlogs() method:

    $blogs = $mt->getUsersBlogs();

getUsersBlogs() returns list of blogs, where each blog is represented with a hashref. Each hashref holds such information as blogid, blogName and url. Following example lists all the blogs belonging to the current logged in user:

    $blogs = $mt->getUsersBlogs();
    for $b ( @$blogs ) {
        printf("[%02d] %s\n\t%s\n", $b->{blogid}, $b->{blogName}, $b->{url})


By now, you know how to login and how to define your blog_id. Now is a good time to post a new article to your web log. That's what newPost() method is for.

newPost() expects at least a single argument, which should be a reference to a hash containing all the details of your new entry. First, let's define a new entry to be posted on our web log:

    $entry = {
        title       => "Hello World from Net::MovableType",
        description => "Look ma, no hands!"

Now, we can pass above $entry to our newPost() method:


In the above example, description field corresponds to Entry Body field of MovableType. This is accessible from within your templates through MTEntryBody tag. MovableType allows you to define more entry properties than we did above. Following is the list of all the attributes we could've defined in our above $entry:


Authored Date attribute of the entry. Format of the date should be in ISO.8601 format


Should comments be allowed for this entry


should pings be allowed for this entry


Should it use "Convert Breaks" text formatter?


Extended entry


Excerpt of the entry


Keywords for the entry


List of track back ping urls

Above entry is posted to your MT database. But you still don't see it in your weblog, do you? It's because, the entry is still not published. There are several ways of publishing an entry. If you pass a true value to newPost() as the second argument, it will publish your entry automatically:

    $mt->newPost($entry, 1);

You can also publish your post by calling publishPost() method. publishPost(), however, needs to know id of the entry to publish. Our above newPost(), luckily, already returns this information, which we've been ignoring until now:

    my $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry);

You can also publish your post later, manually, by simply rebuilding your web log from within your MT control panel.


MovableType also allows entries to be associated with specific category, or even with multiple categories. For example, above $entry, we just published, may belong to category "Tutorials".

Unfortunately, structure of our $entry doesn't have any slots for defining its categories. This task is performed by a separate procedure, setPostCategories().

setPostCategories() expects two arguments. First should be postid of the post to assign categories to, and second argument should either be a name of the primary category, or a list of categories in the form of an arrayref. In the latter case, the first category mentioned becomes entry's primary category.

For example, let's re-post our above $entry, but this time assign it to "Tutorials" category:

    $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry, 0);  # <-- not publishing it yet
    $mt->setPostCategories($new_id, "Tutorials");

We could also assign a single entry to multiple categories. Say, to both "Tutorials" and "Daily Endeavors". But say, we want "Daily Endeavors" to be the primary category for this entry:

    $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry, 0);  # <-- not publishing it yet
    $mt->setPostCategories($newPid, ["Daily Endeavors", "Tutorials"]);

Notice, in above examples we made sure that newPost() method didn't publish the entry by passing it false value as the second argument. If we published it, we again would end up having to re-publish the entry after calling setPostCategories(), thus wasting unnecessary resources.


Say, you want to be able to retrieve a list of entries from your web log. There couple of ways for doing this. If you just want titles of your entries, consider using getRecentPostTitles() method. getRecentPostTitles() returns an array of references to a hash, where each hashref contains fields dateCreated, userid, postid and title.

getRecentPostTitles() accepts a single argument, denoting the number of recent entries to retrieve. If you don't pass any arguments, it defaults to 1:

    $recentTitles = $mt->getRecentPostTitles(10);
    for my $post ( @$resentTitles ) {
        printf("[%03d] %s\n", $post->{postid}, $post->{title})

Remember, even if you don't pass any arguments to getRecentPostTitles(), it still returns an array of hashrefs, but this array will hold only one element:

    $recentTitle = $mt->getRecentPostTitles();
    printf("[%03d] %s\n", $recentTitles->[0]->{postid}, $recentTitles->[0]->{title});

Another way of browsing a list of entries, is through getRecentPosts() method. Use of this method is identical to above-discussed getRecentPostTitles(), but this one returns a lot more information about each post. It can accept a single argument, denoting number of recent entries to retrieve.

Elements of the returned hash are compatible with the $entry we constructed in earlier sections.


Sometimes, you may want to retrieve a specific entry from your web log. That's what getPost() method does. It accepts a single argument, denoting an id of the post, and returns a hashref, keys of which are compatible with the $entry we built in earlier sections (see POSTING NEW ENTRY):

    my $post = $mt->getPost(134);
    printf("Title: %s (%d)\n", $post->{title}, $post->{postid});
    printf("Excerpt: %s\n\n", $post->{mt_excerpt} );
    printf("BODY: \n%s\n", $post->{description});
    if ( $post->{mt_text_more} ) {
        printf("\nEXTENDED ENTRY:\n", $post->{mt_text_more} );


Editing an entry means to re-post the entry. This is done almost the same way as the entry has been published. editPost() method, which is very similar in use to newPost(), but accepts a postid denoting the id of the post that you are editing. Second argument should be a hashref, describing fields of the entry. Structure of this hashref was discussed in earlier sections (see POSTING NEW ENTRY):

    $mt->editPost($postid, $entry)


You can delete a specific entry from your database (and weblog) using deletePost() method. deletePost() accepts at least one argument, which is the id of the post to be deleted:

    $mt->deletePost(122);   # <-- deleting post 122

By default entries are deleted form the database, not from your web log. They usually fade away once your web log is rebuilt. However, it may be more desirable to remove the entry both from the database and from the web site at the same time.

This can be done by passing a true value as the second argument to deletePost(). This ensures that your pages pertaining to the deleted entry are rebuilt:

    $mt->deletePost(122, 1); # <-- delet post 122, and rebuilt the web site


With Net::MovableType, you can also upload files to your web site. Most common use of this feature is to associate an image, or some other downloadable file with your entries.

Net::MovableType provides upload() method, which given a file contents, uploads it to your web site's archives folder. On success, returns the URL of the newly uploaded file.

upload() method accepts either a full path to your file, or a reference to its contents. Second argument to upload() should be the file's name. If you already provided file's full path as the first argument, Net::MovableType resolves the name of the file automatically, if it's missing.

If you passed the contents of the file as the first argument, you are required to provide the name of the file explicitly.

Consider the following code, which uploads a logo.gif file to your web site:

    $url = $mt->upload('D:\images\logo.gif');

Following example uploads the same file, but saves it as "my-log.gif", instead of "logo.gif":

    $url = $mt->upload('D:\images\logo.gif', 'my-logo.gif');

Following example downloads a file from some remote location, using LWP::Simple, and uploads it to your web site with name "image.jpeg":

    use LWP::Simple;

    $content = get('');
    $url = $mt->upload( \$content, 'image.jpeg' )


If you noticed, we didn't even try to check if any of our remote procedure calls succeeded. This is to keep the examples as clean as possible.

For example, consider the following call:

    $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry, 1);

There is no guarantee that the above entry is posted, nor published. You username/password might be wrong, or you made a mistake while defining your mt-xmlrpc gateway? You may never know until its too late.

That's why you should always check the return value of the methods that make a remote procedure call.

All the methods return true on success, undef otherwise. Error message from the latest procedure call is available by calling errstr() static class method. Code of the error message (not always as useful) can be retrieved through errcode() static class method:

    $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry, 1);
    unless ( defined $new_id ) {
        die $mt->errstr

or just:

    $new_id = $mt->newPost($entry, 1) or die $mt->errstr;

If you are creating your MovableType object with an rsd.xml file, you should also check the return value of new():

    $mt = new Net::MovableType($rsd_url);
    unless ( defined $mt ) {
        die "couldn't create MT object with $rsd_url: " . Net::MovableType->errstr


Should implement a caching mechanism

Manual is still not complete, more methods are left to be documented properly


Following people have contributed to the library with their suggestions and patches. The list may not be complete. Please help me with it.

Atsushi Sano

For rsd.xml and newMediaObject() support.


Copyright (C) 2003, Sherzod B. Ruzmetov. All rights reserved.

This library is a free software, and can be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.


Sherzod Ruzmetov <sherzodr AT>

