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Net::Posterous - read and post from Posterous blogs


    my $api   = Net::Posterous->new($user, $pass);
    # Get a list of sites the user owns as Net::Posterous::Site objects
    my @sites = $api->get_sites;
    # Set the site to use

    # Create a post 
    my $post = Net::Posterous::Post->new(%opts);
    my $res  = $api->post($post);
    # Update the post
    $post->title("New Title");
    my $res  = $api->post($post);
    # Get a list of posts
    my @posts = $api->get_posts;
    # Get an individual post using the shortcode
    # i.e 123abc in
    my $post  = $api->get_post($post->short_code);
    # Get a list of tags
    my @tags  = $api->get_tags;
    # Create a post with an video attached
    my $video = Net::Posterous::Media::Local->new(file => $path_to_movie);
    my $vpost = Net::Posterous::Media::Post->new( title => "My movie", media => $video );
    my $res   = $api->post($vpost);
    # Create a post with a flipbook of pictures
    my @images = map {  Net::Posterous::Media::Local->new(file => $_) } qw(1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg);
    my $ipost  = Net::Posterous::Media::Post->new( title => "My flipbook", media => \@images );
    my $res    = $api->post($ipost);
    # Add a comment
    my $comment = Net::Posterous::Comment->new( body => "Nice flipbook!" );
    my $res     = $api->comment($ipost, $comment);


This allows reading a writing from Posterous sites.

It's very similar to the Posterous module but:

It doesn't require Perl 5.10
It's slightly more user friendly
It's more CPAN namespace friendly


new <username> <password> [site]

Create a new client object.

Requires a username and a password.

Optionally you can pass in either a site id or a Net::Posterous::Site object to specify which site to read/write from.

If it's not passed in then it can be passed in later or your default site will be used.

site [site]

Get or set the current site being used.

May return undef.

site_from_id <id>

Return a Net::Posterous::Site object based on a site id.

Returns undef if the site can't be found.


Get a list of all the user's sites.

get_posts [opt[s]]

Get the posts from a site.

Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site, the site set by the user, the default site.

The options are


The id of the site to read from


Subdomain of the site to read from


How many posts you want. Default is 10, max is 50.


What 'page' you want (based on num_posts). Default is 1


Only get items with this tag.

get_post <short code>

Get an id via the short code i.e 123abc in

get_tags [opt[s]]

Get a list of tags for a site.

Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site, the site set by the user, the default site.

The options are


Optional. Id of the site to read from


Optional. Subdomain of the site to read from

post <post> [opt[s]]

Post or update a Net::Posterous::Post or <Net::Posterous::Media> object.

Uses, in order - the site passed in using the option key site, the site set by the user, the default site.

comment <post> <comment>

Add a comment to the post.


Get or set the last error


The way to add media is to create a new Net::Posterous::Media::Local file and then add that to the Net::Posterous::Post object that's going to be created or updated.

It will then be turned into a proper Net::Posterous::Media object when the Post is retrieved.


The Posterous API docs mention being able to post "common document formats" but there's no docs for it.

I'll add it when I come across it.


The latest code for this module can be found at


Simon Wistow, < >


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-posterous at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Net::Posterous

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2010 Simon Wistow, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.