The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Mojo::Weixin;
our $VERSION = '1.4.6';
use Mojo::Weixin::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter';
use File::Spec ();
use POSIX ();
use Carp ();
use base qw(Mojo::Weixin::Util Mojo::Weixin::Model Mojo::Weixin::Client Mojo::Weixin::Plugin Mojo::Weixin::Request);
has http_debug => sub{$ENV{MOJO_WEIXIN_HTTP_DEBUG} || 0 } ;
has ua_debug => sub{$_[0]->http_debug};
has ua_debug_req_body => sub{$_[0]->ua_debug};
has ua_debug_res_body => sub{$_[0]->ua_debug};
has ua_retry_times => 5;
has ua_connect_timeout => 10;
has ua_request_timeout => 35;
has ua_inactivity_timeout => 35;
has log_level => 'info'; #debug|info|msg|warn|error|fatal
has log_path => undef;
has log_encoding => undef; #utf8|gbk|...
has log_head => undef;
has log_console => 1;
has log_unicode => 0;
has download_media => 1;
has disable_color => ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0); #是否禁用终端打印颜色
has send_interval => 3; #全局发送消息间隔
has json_codec_mode => 0; #0表示使用from_json/to_json 1表示使用decode_json/encode_json
has is_fetch_notice => 1; #是否启动时获取公告
has is_init_group_member => 0;
has is_update_group_member => 1;
has is_update_all_friend => 1;
has account => sub{ $ENV{MOJO_WEIXIN_ACCUNT} || 'default'};
has start_time => time;
has tmpdir => sub {$ENV{MOJO_WEIXIN_TMPDIR} || File::Spec->tmpdir();};
has media_dir => sub {$_[0]->tmpdir};
has cookie_path => sub {File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->tmpdir,join('','mojo_weixin_cookie_',$_[0]->account || 'default','.dat'))};
has qrcode_path => sub {File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->tmpdir,join('','mojo_weixin_qrcode_',$_[0]->account || 'default','.jpg'))};
has pid_path => sub {File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->tmpdir,join('','mojo_weixin_pid_',$_[0]->account || 'default','.pid'))};
has state_path => sub {File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->tmpdir,join('','mojo_weixin_state_',$_[0]->account || 'default','.json'))};
has ioloop => sub {Mojo::IOLoop->singleton};
has keep_cookie => 1;
has fix_media_loop => 1;
has synccheck_interval => 1;
has synccheck_delay => 1;
has _synccheck_interval => sub{ $_[0]->synccheck_interval};
has sync_interval => 0;
has emoji_to_text => 1;
has stop_with_mobile => 0;
has http_max_message_size => undef; #16777216;
has controller_pid => sub{$ENV{MOJO_WEIXIN_CONTROLLER_PID}};
has user => sub {+{}};
has friend => sub {[]};
has group => sub {[]};
has data => sub {+{}};
has version => $Mojo::Weixin::VERSION;
has plugins => sub{+{}};
has log => sub{
encoding => $_[0]->log_encoding,
unicode_support => $_[0]->log_unicode,
path => $_[0]->log_path,
level => $_[0]->log_level,
head => $_[0]->log_head,
disable_color => $_[0]->disable_color,
console_output => $_[0]->log_console,
has is_ready => 0;
has is_stop => 0;
has is_first_login => -1;
has login_state => 'init';
has qrcode_upload_url => undef;
has qrcode_uuid => undef;
has qrcode_count => 0;
has qrcode_count_max => 10;
has media_size_max => sub{20 * 1024 * 1024}; #运行上传的最大文件大小
has media_chunk_size => sub{512 * 1024};#chunk upload 每个分片的大小
has http_agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062';
has ua => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
#local $ENV{MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG} = $_[0]->ua_debug;
local $ENV{MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE} = $_[0]->http_max_message_size if defined $_[0]->http_max_message_size;
require Mojo::UserAgent;
require Storable if $_[0]->keep_cookie;
my $transactor = Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor->new(name => $self->http_agent);
my $default_form_generator = $transactor->generators->{form};
$transactor->add_generator(form => sub{
#my ($self, $tx, $form, %options) = @_;
my($type,$deep,$key) = @_;
return 1 if $type ne 'HASH';
return 1 if $deep == 0;
return 0 if $deep == 1 and $key =~ /^filename|file|content$/;
return 1;
return $_[1];
proxy => sub{ my $proxy = Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy->new;$proxy->detect;$proxy}->(),
max_redirects => 7,
connect_timeout => $self->ua_connect_timeout,
request_timeout => $self->ua_request_timeout,
inactivity_timeout => $self->ua_inactivity_timeout,
transactor => $transactor,
has message_queue => sub{$_[0]->gen_message_queue()};
has pass_ticket => '';
has skey => '';
has wxsid => '';
has wxuin => '';
has domain => '';
has lang => 'zh_CN';
has _sync_running => 0;
has _synccheck_running => 0;
has _synccheck_error_count => 0;
has _synccheck_connection_id => undef;
has sync_key => sub{+{List=>[]}};
sub synccheck_key {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{synccheck_key} // $self->sync_key;
$self->{synccheck_key} = $_[0];
return $self;
sub deviceid { return "e" . substr(rand() . ("0" x 15),2,15);}
sub state {
my $self = shift;
$self->{state} = 'init' if not defined $self->{state};
if(@_ == 0){#get
return $self->{state};
elsif($_[0] and $_[0] ne $self->{state}){#set
my($old,$new) = ($self->{state},$_[0]);
$self->{state} = $new;
sub on {
my $self = shift;
my @return;
my($event,$callback) = (shift,shift);
push @return,$self->SUPER::on($event,$callback);
return wantarray?@return:$return[0];
sub emit {
my $self = shift;
sub wait_once {
my $self = shift;
my ($timer_id, $subscribe_id);
$timer_id = $self->timer($timeout,sub{
$timeout_callback->(@_) if ref $timeout_callback eq "CODE";
$subscribe_id = $self->once($event=>sub{
$event_callback->(@_) if ref $event_callback eq "CODE";
sub wait {
my $self = shift;
my ($timer_id, $subscribe_id);
$timer_id = $self->timer($timeout,sub{
$timeout_callback->(@_) if ref $timeout_callback eq "CODE";;
$subscribe_id = $self->on($event=>sub{
my $ret = ref $event_callback eq "CODE"?$event_callback->(@_):0;
if($ret){ $self->ioloop->remove($timer_id);$self->unsubscribe($event,$subscribe_id); }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
#$ENV{MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG} = $self->{ua_debug};
for my $env(keys %ENV){
my $attr = lc $1;
next if $attr =~ /^plugin_/;
$self->$attr($ENV{$env}) if $self->can($attr);
$self->info("当前正在使用 Mojo-Weixin v" . $self->version);
my ($reactor, $err) = @_;
$self->error("reactor error: " . Carp::longmess($err));
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub{$self->warn(Carp::longmess @_);};
my ($self, $err) = @_;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = sub{
if($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $_[0] eq 'INT' and !-t){
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my($self) = @_;
my $count = $self->qrcode_count;
if($self->qrcode_count >= $self->qrcode_count_max){
my($self,$msg) = @_;
$self->synccheck_interval($msg->format eq "media"?3:1);
my($self,$msg,$status) = @_;
$self->synccheck_interval($msg->format eq "media"?3:1);
$msg->reply(" ") if $self->fix_media_loop == 2;
my $self = shift;
my $filehelper = Mojo::Weixin::Friend->new(name=>"文件传输助手",id=>"filehelper");
$self->add_friend($filehelper) if not $self->search_friend(id=>"filehelper");
$Mojo::Weixin::Message::SEND_INTERVAL = $self->send_interval;
$Mojo::Weixin::_CLIENT = $self;