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App::Dochazka::REST::Spec - Dochazka REST technical specification


Version 0.074


This is the technical specification of App::Dochazka::REST, the module that implements the REST interface, data model, and underlying database of Dochazka, the open-source Attendance/Time Tracking (ATT) system. App::Dochazka::REST is written in Perl. It uses PostgreSQL 9.2 for its database backend and Plack for its web-related functions.

The specification attempts to fully explain Dochazka REST's design and function.

Dochazka as a whole aims to be a convenient, open-source ATT solution. Its reference implementation runs on the Linux platform.

Dochazka architecture

There is more to Dochazka than App::Dochazka::REST, of course. Dochazka REST is the "server component" of Dochazka, consisting of a web server, a data model, and an underlying PostgreSQL database. In order to actually use Dochazka, a client is needed. Several clients are planned: a command-line interface (Dochazka CLI), a web front-end (Dochazka WWW). Stand-alone report generators and other utilities can also be thought of as clients.

REST interface

Dochazka REST implements a REST interface. A client sends HTTP(S) requests (usually GET and POST) to a well-known hostname and port where a Dochazka REST instance is listening. Dochazka REST processes the incoming HTTP requests and sends back HTTP responses. Simpler requests are made using the GET method with the details of the request specified in the URL itself (e.g., More complex requests are encoded in JSON and handed to the server by the POST method. All responses from the server are in JSON.


This section describes the App::Dochazka::REST data model. Conceptually, Dochazka data can be seen to exist in the following classes of objects:

  • Policy (parameters set when database is first created)

  • Employee (an individual employee)

  • Privhistory (history of changes in an employee's privilege level)

  • Schedule (a schedule)

  • Schedhistory (history of changes in an employee's schedule)

  • Activities (what kinds of work are recognized)

  • Intervals ("work", "attendance", and/or "time tracked")

  • Locks (determining whether a reporting period is locked or not)

These classes are described in the following sections.


High-level description

Dochazka is an Attendance and Time Tracking application. To simplify the matter, "Attendance and Time" can be replaced by the word "Work". We could also call Dochazka a "Work Tracking" application. Because "work" is usually done by "employees", all users of Dochazka are referred to as "employees" regardless of their actual legal status. You could even say that "employee" is the Dochazka term for "user".

Employees are distinguished by an internal employee ID number (EID), which is assigned by Dochazka itself when the employee record is created.

Other than the EID, Dochazka need not record any other employee identification data. That said, Dochazka has three optional employee identification fields (full name, nick, email address), which some sites may wish to use, but these can be left blank if needed or desired by the site. Dochazka does not verify the contents of these fields.

Dochazka doesn't care about the employee's identification information for two principal reasons: first, "Dochazka is not an address book" (there are other, better systems -- such as LDAP -- for that); and second, privacy.

Employees in the database

At the database level, App::Dochazka::REST needs to be able to distinguish one employee from another. This is accomplished by the EID. All the other fields in the employees table are optional.

The employees database table is defined as follows:

    CREATE TABLE employees (
        eid       serial PRIMARY KEY,
        nick      varchar(32) UNIQUE,
        fullname  varchar(96) UNIQUE,
        email     text UNIQUE,
        passhash  text,
        salt      text,
        remark    text,
        stamp     json


The Employee ID (EID) is Dochazka's principal means of identifying an employee. At the site, employees will be known by other means, like their full name, their username, their user ID, etc. But these can and will change from time to time. The EID should never, ever change.


The nick field is intended to be used for storing the employee's username. While storing each employee's username in the Dochazka database has undeniable advantages, it is not required - how employees are identified is a matter of site policy, and internally Dochazka does not use the nick to identify employees. Should the nick field have a value, however, Dochazka requires that it be unique.

fullname, email

Dochazka does not maintain any history of changes to the employees table.

The full_name and email fields must also be unique if they have a value. Dochazka does not check if the email address is valid.

# # FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED depending on how App::Dochazka::REST is configured, # these fields may be read-only for employees (changeable by admins only), or # the employee may be allowed to maintain their own information.

passhash, salt

The passhash and salt fields are optional. See "AUTHENTICATION" for details.

remark, stamp


Employees in the Perl API

Individual employees are represented by "employee objects". All methods and functions for manipulating these objects are contained in App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee. The most important methods are:

  • constructor (spawn)

  • basic accessors (eid, fullname, nick, email, passhash, salt, remark)

  • privilege accessor (priv)

  • schedule accessor (schedule)

  • reset (recycles an existing object by setting it to desired state)

  • insert (inserts object into database)

  • update (updates database to match the object)

  • delete (deletes record from database if nothing references it)

  • load_by_eid (loads a single employee into the object)

  • load_by_nick (loads a single employee into the object)

App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Employee also exports some convenience functions:

  • eid_by_nick (given a nick, returns EID)

For basic employee object workflow, see t/004-employee.t.


High-level description

Dochazka has four privilege levels: admin, active, inactive, and passerby:

  • admin -- employee can view, modify, and place/remove locks on her own attendance data as well as that of other employees; she can also administer employee accounts and set privilege levels of other employees

  • active -- employee can view her own profile, attendance data, modify her own unlocked attendance data, and place locks on her attendance data

  • inactive -- employee can view her own profile and attendance data

  • passerby -- employee can view her own profile

Dochazka's privhistory object is used to track changes in an employee's privilege level over time. Each time an employee's privilege level changes, a Dochazka administrator (i.e., an employee whose current privilege level is 'admin'), a record is inserted into the database (in the privhistory table). Ordinary employees (i.e. those whose current privilege level is 'active') can read their own privhistory.

Thus, with Dochazka it is possible not only to determine not only an employee's current privilege level, but also to view "privilege histories" and to determine employees' privilege levels for any date (timestamp) in the past.

See also "When history changes take effect".

Privilege levels in the database


The privilege levels themselves are defined in the privilege enumerated type:

    CREATE TYPE privilege AS ENUM ('passerby', 'inactive', 'active',


Employees are associated with privilege levels using a privhistory table:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS privhistory (
        int_id     serial PRIMARY KEY,
        eid        integer REFERENCES employees (eid) NOT NULL,
        priv       privilege NOT NULL;
        effective  timestamp NOT NULL,
        remark     text,
        stamp      json

Stored procedures

There are also two stored procedures for determining privilege levels:

  • priv_at_timestamp Takes an EID and a timestamp; returns privilege level of that employee as of the timestamp. If the privilege level cannot be determined for the given timestamp, defaults to the lowest privilege level ('passerby').

  • current_priv Wrapper for priv_at_timestamp. Takes an EID and returns the current privilege level for that employee.

Privhistory in the Perl API

When an employee object is loaded (assuming the employee exists), the employee's current privilege level and schedule are included in the employee object. No additional object need be created for this. Privhistory objects are created only when an employee's privilege level changes or when an employee's privilege history is to be viewed.

In the data model, individual privhistory records are represented by "privhistory objects". All methods and functions for manipulating these objects are contained in App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Privhistory. The most important methods are:

  • constructor (spawn)

  • basic accessors (int_id, eid, priv, effective, remark)

  • reset (recycles an existing object by setting it to desired state)

  • load (loads a single privhistory record)

  • insert (inserts object into database)

  • delete (deletes object from database)

For basic privhistory workflow, see t/005-privhistory.t.


High-level description

In addition to actual attendance data, Dochazka sites may need to store schedules. Dochazka defines the term "schedule" as a series of non-overlapping "time intervals" (or "timestamp ranges" in PostgreSQL terminology) falling within a single week. These time intervals express the times when the employee is "expected" or "supposed" to work (or be "at work") during the scheduling period.

Example: employee "Barb" is on a weekly schedule. That means her scheduling period is "weekly" and her schedule is an array of non-overlapping time intervals, all falling within a single week.

In its current form, Dochazka is only capable of handling weekly schedules only. Some sites, such as hospitals, nuclear power plants, fire departments, and the like, might have employees on more complicated schedules such as "one week on, one week off", alternating day and night shifts, "on call" duty, etc.

Dochazka can still be used to track attendance of such employees, but if their work schedule cannot be expressed as a series of non-overlapping time intervals contained within a contiguous 168-hour period (i.e. one week), then their Dochazka schedule should be set to NULL.

Schedules in the database


Schedules are stored the schedules table. For any given schedule, there is always only one record in the table -- i.e., individual schedules can be used for multiple employees. (For example, an organization might have hundreds of employees on a single, unified schedule.)

      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schedules (
        sid        serial PRIMARY KEY,
        schedule   text UNIQUE NOT NULL

The value of the 'schedule' field is a JSON array which looks something like this:

        { low_dow:"MON", low_time:"08:00", high_dow:"MON", high_time:"12:00" ],  
        { low_dow:"MON", low_time:"12:30", high_dow:"MON", high_time:"16:30" ],  
        { low_dow:"TUE", low_time:"08:00", high_dow:"TUE", high_time:"12:00" ],  
        { low_dow:"TUE", low_time:"12:30", high_dow:"TUE", high_time:"16:30" ],

Or, to give an example of a more convoluted schedule:

        { low_dow:"WED", low_time:"22:15", high_dow:"THU", high_time:"03:25" ], 
        { low_dow:"THU", low_time:"05:25", high_dow:"THU", high_time:"09:55" ],
        { low_dow:"SAT", low_time:"19:05", high_dow:"SUN", high_time:"24:00" ] 

The intervals in the JSON string must be sorted and the whitespace, etc. must be consistent in order for the UNIQUE constraint in the 'schedule' table to work properly. However, these precautions will no longer be necessary after PostgreSQL 9.4 comes out and the field type is changed to 'jsonb'.

Process for creating new schedules

It is important to understand how the JSON string introduced in the previous section is assembled -- or, more generally, how a schedule is created. Essentially, the schedule is first created in a schedintvls table, with a record for each time interval in the schedule. This table has triggers and a gist index that enforce schedule data integrity so that only a valid schedule can be inserted. Once the schedule has been successfully built up in schedintvls, it is "translated" (using a stored procedure) into a single JSON string, which is stored in the schedules table. This process is described in more detail below:

First, if the schedule already exists in the schedules table, nothing more need be done -- we can skip to Schedhistory

If the schedule we need is not yet in the database, we will have to create it. This is a three-step process: (1) build up the schedule in the schedintvls table (sometimes referred to as the "scratch schedule" table); (2) translate the schedule to form the schedule's JSON representation; (3) insert the JSON string into the schedules table.

The schedintvls, or "scratch schedule", table:

      CREATE SEQUENCE scratch_sid_seq;

      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schedintvls (
          scratch_sid  integer NOT NULL,
          intvl        tsrange NOT NULL,
          EXCLUDE USING gist (scratch_sid WITH =, intvl WITH &&)

As stated above, before the schedule table is touched, a "scratch schedule" must first be created in the schedintvls table. Although this operation changes the database, it should be seen as a "dry run". The gist index and a trigger assure that:

  • no overlapping entries are entered

  • all the entries fall within a single 168-hour period

  • all the times are evenly divisible by five minutes

# # FIXME: expand the trigger to check for "closed-open" [ ..., ... ) tsrange #

If the schedule is successfully inserted into schedintvls, the next step is to "translate", or convert, the individual intervals (expressed as tsrange values) into the four-key hashes described in "Schedules in the database", assemble the JSON string, and insert a new row in schedules.

To facilitate this conversion, a stored procedure translate_schedintvl was developed.

Successful insertion into schedules will generate a Schedule ID (SID) for the schedule, enabling it to be used to make Schedhistory objects.

At this point, the scratch schedule is deleted from the schedintvls table.

Schedules in the Perl API

Schedintvls class

  • constructor (spawn)

  • reset method (recycles an existing object)

  • basic scratch_sid accessor

  • intvls accessor (arrayref containing all tsrange intervals in schedule)

  • schedule accessor (arrayref containing "translated" intervals)

  • load method (load the object from the database and translate the tsrange intervals)

  • insert method (insert all the tsrange elements in one go)

  • delete method (delete all the tsrange elements when we're done with them)

  • json method (generate JSON string from the translated intervals)

For basic workflow, see t/007-schedule.t.

Schedule class

  • constructor (spawn)

  • reset method (recycles an existing object)

  • basic accessors (sid, schedule, remark)

  • insert method (inserts the schedule if it isn't in the database already)

    # FIXME =item load method (not implemented yet) # FIXME

  • get_json function (get JSON string associated with a given SID)

For basic workflow, see t/007-schedule.t.


High-level description

The schedhistory table contains a historical record of changes in the employee's schedule. This makes it possible to determine an employee's schedule for any date (timestamp) in the past, as well as (crucially) the employee's current schedule.

Every time an employee's schedule is to change, a Dochazka administrator must insert a record into this table. (Employees who are not administrators can only read their own history; they do not have write privileges.) For more information on privileges, see "AUTHORIZATION".

Schedhistory in the database


Once we know the SID of the schedule we would like to assign to a given employee, it is time to insert a record into the schedhistory table:

      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schedhistory (
        int_id     serial PRIMARY KEY,
        eid        integer REFERENCES employees (eid) NOT NULL,
        sid        integer REFERENCES schedules (sid) NOT NULL,
        effective  timestamp NOT NULL,
        remark     text,
        stamp      json

Stored procedures

This table also includes two stored procedures -- schedule_at_timestamp and current_schedule -- which will return an employee's schedule as of a given date/time and as of 'now', respectively. For the procedure definitions, see

See also "When history changes take effect".

Schedhistory in the Perl API

Schedhistory class

  • constructor (spawn)

  • reset method (recycles an existing object)

  • basic accessors (int_id, eid, sid, effective, remark)

  • load method (load schedhistory record from EID and optional timestamp)

  • insert method (straightforward)

  • delete method (straightforward) -- not tested yet # FIXME

For basic workflow, see t/007-schedule.t.


High-level description

While on the job, employees "work" -- i.e., they engage in various activities that are tracked using Dochazka. The activities table contains definitions of all the possible activities that may be entered in the intervals table.

The initial set of activities is defined in the site install configuration (DOCHAZKA_ACTIVITY_DEFINITIONS) and enters the database at installation time. Additional activities can be added later (by administrators), but activities can be deleted only if no intervals refer to them.

Each activity has a code, or short name (e.g., "WORK") -- which is the primary way of referring to the activity -- as well as an optional long description. Activity codes must be all upper-case.

Activities in the database

   CREATE TABLE activities (
       aid        serial PRIMARY KEY,
       code       varchar(32) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
       long_desc  text,
       remark     text

Activity codes will always be in ALL CAPS thanks to a trigger (entitled code_to_upper) that runs the PostgreSQL upper function on the code before every INSERT and UPDATE on this table.

Activities in the Perl API


  • constructor (spawn)

  • basic accessors (aid, code, long_desc, remark)

  • reset (recycles an existing object by setting it to desired state)

  • insert (inserts object into database)

  • update (updates database to match the object)

  • delete (deletes record from database if nothing references it)

  • load_by_aid (loads a single employee into the object)

  • load_by_code (loads a single employee into the object)

App::Dochazka::REST::Model::Activity also exports some convenience functions:

  • aid_by_code (given a code, returns AID)

For basic activity object workflow, see t/008-activity.t.


High-level description

Intervals are the heart of Dochazka's attendance data. For Dochazka, an interval is an amount of time that an employee spends doing an activity. In the database, intervals are represented using the tsrange range operator introduced in PostgreSQL 9.2.

Optionally, an interval can have a long_desc (employee's description of what she did during the interval) and a remark (admin remark).

Intervals in the database

The intervals database table has the following structure:

    CREATE TABLE intervals (
       int_id      serial PRIMARY KEY,
       eid         integer REFERENCES employees (eid) NOT NULL,
       aid         integer REFERENCES activities (aid) NOT NULL,
       intvl       tsrange NOT NULL,
       long_desc   text,
       remark      text,
       EXCLUDE USING gist (eid WITH =, intvl WITH &&)

Intervals in the Perl API



High-level description

In Dochazka, a "lock" is a record in the "locks" table specifying that a particular user's attendance data (i.e. activity intervals) for a given period (tsrange) cannot be changed. That means, for intervals in the locked tsrange:

  • existing intervals cannot be updated or deleted

  • no new intervals can be inserted

Employees can create locks (i.e., insert records into the locks table) on their own EID, but they cannot delete or update those locks (or any others). Administrators can insert, update, or delete locks at will.

How the lock is used will differ from site to site, and some sites may not even use locking at all. The typical use case would be to lock all the employee's attendance data within the given period as part of pre-payroll processing. For example, the Dochazka client application may be set up to enable reports to be generated only on fully locked periods.

"Fully locked" means either that a single lock record has been inserted covering the entire period, or that the entire period is covered by multiple locks.

Any attempts (even by administrators) to enter activity intervals that intersect an existing lock will result in an error.

Clients can of course make it easy for the employee to lock entire blocks of time (weeks, months, years . . .) at once, if that is deemed expedient.

Locks in the database

    CREATE TABLE locks (
        lid     serial PRIMARY KEY,
        eid     integer REFERENCES Employees (EID),
        period  tsrange NOT NULL,
        remark  text

There is also a stored procedure, fully_locked, that takes an EID and a tsrange, and returns a boolean value indicating whether or not that period is fully locked for the given employee.

Locks in the Perl API



History examples

Mr. Fu joins the firm

For example, Mr. Fu was hired and his first day on the job was 2014-06-04. The privhistory entry for that might be:

    int_id     1037 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
    eid        135 (Mr. Fu's Dochazka EID)
    priv       'active'
    effective  '2014-06-04 00:00'

Let's say Mr. Fu's initial schedule is 09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday. To reflect that, the schedintvls table might contain the following intervals for sid = 9

    '[2014-06-02 09:00, 2014-06-02 17:00)'
    '[2014-06-03 09:00, 2014-06-03 17:00)'
    '[2014-06-04 09:00, 2014-06-04 17:00)'
    '[2014-06-05 09:00, 2014-06-05 17:00)'
    '[2014-06-06 09:00, 2014-06-06 17:00)'

and the schedhistory table would contain a record like this:

    sid       1037 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
    eid       135 (Mr. Fu's Dochazka EID)
    sid       9
    effective '2014-06-04 00:00'

(This is a straightfoward example.)

Mr. Fu goes on night shift

A few months later, Mr. Fu gets assigned to the night shift. A new schedhistory record is added:

    int_id     1215 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
    eid        135 (Mr. Fu's Dochazka EID)
    sid        17 (link to Mr. Fu's new weekly work schedule)
    effective  '2014-11-17 12:00'

And the schedule intervals for sid = 17 could be:

    '[2014-06-02 23:00, 2014-06-03 07:00)'
    '[2014-06-03 23:00, 2014-06-04 07:00)'
    '[2014-06-04 23:00, 2014-06-05 07:00)'
    '[2014-06-05 23:00, 2014-06-06 07:00)'
    '[2014-06-06 23:00, 2014-06-07 07:00)'

(Remember: the date part in this case designates the day of the week)

Mr. Fu moves on

Some weeks later, Mr. Fu decides he doesn't like the night shift and resigns. His last day on the job is 2014-12-31. To reflect this, a Dochazka admin adds a new record to the privhistory table:

    int_id     1263 (automatically assigned by PostgreSQL)
    eid        135 (Mr. Fu's Dochazka EID)
    priv       'inactive'
    effective  '2015-01-01 00:00'

Note that Dochazka will begin enforcing the new privilege level as of effective, and not before. However, if Dochazka's session management is set up to use LDAP authentication, Mr. Fu's access to Dochazka may be revoked at any time at the LDAP level, effectively shutting him out.


Weekly schedules only

Unfortunately, the weekly scheduling period is hard-coded at this time. Dochazka does not care what dates are used to define the intervals -- only that they fall within a contiguous 168-hour period. Consider the following contrived example. If the scheduling intervals for EID 1 were defined like this:

    "[1964-12-30 22:05, 1964-12-31 04:35)"
    "[1964-12-31 23:15, 1965-01-01 03:10)"

for Dochazka that would mean that the employee with EID 1 has a weekly schedule of "WED/22:05-THU/04:35" and "THU/23:15-FRI/03:10", because the dates in the ranges fall on a Wednesday (1964-12-30), a Thursday (1964-12-31), and a Friday (1964-01-01), respectively.

When history changes take effect

The effective field of the privhistory and schedhistory tables contains the effective date/time of the history change. This field takes a timestamp, and a trigger ensures that the value is evenly divisible by five minutes (by rounding). In other words,

    '1964-06-13 14:45'

is a valid effective timestamp, while

    '2014-01-01 00:00:01'

will be rounded to '2014-01-01 00:00'.


Installation is the process of creating (setting up, bootstrapping) a new Dochazka instance, or "site" in Dochazka terminology.

It entails the following steps:

  • Server preparation Dochazka REST needs hardware (either physical or virtualized) to run on. The hardware will need to have a network connection, etc. Obviously, this step is entirely beyond the scope of this document.

  • Software installation Once the hardware is ready, the Dochazka REST software and all its dependencies are installed on it. This could be accomplished by downloading and unpacking the tarball (or running git clone) and following the installation instructions, or, more expediently, by installing a packaged version of Dochazka REST if one is available.

  • PostgreSQL setup One of Dochazka REST's principal dependencies is PostgreSQL server (version 9.2 or higher). This needs to be installed and most likely also enabled to start automatically at boot.

  • Site configuration Before the Dochazka REST service can be started, the site administrator will need to go over the core configuration defaults in and prepare the site configuration,, which will contain just those parameters that need to be different from the defaults.

  • Syslog setup It is much easier to administer a Dochazka instance if syslog is running and configured properly to place Dochazka's log messages into a separate file in a known location. Dochazka REST provides a syslog_test script to help the administrator complete this step.

  • Database initialization Once is ready, the administrator executes the database initialization script as the PostgreSQL superuser, postgres. The script will send log messages to syslog so these can be analyzed in case the script generates an error.

  • Service start The last step is to start the Dochazka REST service using a command like systemctl start dochazka.service -- and, if desired, enable the service to start automatically at boot. Here again, an examination of the syslog messages generated by Dochazka REST will tell whether the service has started properly.

The above procedure only includes the most basic steps. Sites with reverse proxies, firewalls, load balancers, connection pools, etc. will need to set those up, as well.


Since employees do not access the database directly, but only via the App::Dochazka::REST web server, the web server needs to tie all incoming requests to an EID. This is done when the session is established (see "Session management"). In the site configuration, the administrator associates an LDAP field with either EID or nick. When an employee initiates a session by contacting the server, App::Dochazka::REST first looks up the employee in the LDAP database and determines her EID, either directly or via the employee's nick. If the EID is valid, the password entered by the employee is checked against the password stored in the LDAP database.

Alternatively, App::Dochazka::REST can be configured to authenticate employees against passwords stored in the Dochazka database.

When the REST server registers an incoming request, it first checks to see if it is associated with an active session. If it is, the request is processed. If it is not, the incoming request is authenticated.

Authentication consists of:

  • a check against Dochazka's own list (database) of employees

  • an optional, additional check against an LDAP database

Depending on how the REST server is configured, one of these will include a password check. The server will send the client a session key, etc.


After authentication, the session undergoes authorization. This entails looking up the employee's current privilege level in the EmployeeHistory table. See "EmployeeHistory" for details.


Reporting is a core functionality of Dochazka: for most sites, the entire point of keeping attendance records is to generate reports, at regular (or irregular) intervals, based on those records. One obvious use case for such reports is payroll.

That said, the REST server and its underlying database are more-or-less "reporting neutral". In other words, care was taken to make them as general as possible, to enable Dochazka to be useful in many different site and reporting scenarios.

Thus, in Dochazka a report generator is always implemented either a separate client or as part of a client. Never as part of the server.


Dochazka REST recognizes the following site configuration parameters:



In Dochazka, some commonly-used terms have special meanings:

  • employee -- Regardless of whether they are employees in reality, for the purposes of Dochazka employees are the folks whose attendance/time is being tracked. Employees are expected to interact with Dochazka using the following functions and commands.

  • administrator -- In Dochazka, administrators are employees with special powers. Certain REST/CLI functions are available only to administrators.

  • CLI client -- CLI stands for Command-Line Interface. The CLI client is the Perl script that is run when an employee types dochazka at the bash prompt.

  • REST server -- REST stands for ... . The REST server is a collection of Perl modules running on a server at the site.

  • site -- In a general sense, the "site" is the company, organization, or place that has implemented (installed, configured) Dochazka for attendance/time tracking. In a technical sense, a site is a specific instance of the Dochazka REST server that CLI clients connect to.

#=head2 Site policy # #Dochazka is configurable in a number of ways. Some configuration parameters #are set once at installation time and, once set, can never be changed -- #these are referred to as "site policy" parameters. Others, referred to as #"site configuration parameters" or "site params", are set in configuration #files such as (see "SITE CONFIGURATION") and #can be changed more-or-less at will. # #The key difference between site policy and site configuration is that #site policy parameters cannot be changed, because changing them would #compromise the referential integrity of the underlying database. # #Site policy parameters are set at installation time and are stored, as a #single JSON string, in the SitePolicy table. This table is rendered #effectively immutable by a trigger. # ##FIXME: TRIGGER DEFINITION (missing in # # #=head3 Site policy in the database # # SitePolicy # # defaults json # # #=head3 Site policy parameters # #Dochazka implements the following site policy parameters: # ##FIXME: WHAT OTHER POLICY PARAMETERS ARE THERE?