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Test::STDmaker - generate test scripts, demo scripts from a test description short hand


# Procedural (subroutine) interface
use Test::STDmake qw(find_t_roots get_data perl_command);
@t_path = find_t_paths()
$date = get_date();
$myperl = perl_command();
# Class interface
$std = new Test::STDmaker( @options ); # From File::Maker
$success = $std->check_db($std_pm);
@t_path = $std->find_t_paths()
$date = $std->get_date();
$myperl = $std->perl_command();
$std->tmake( @targets, \%options );
$std->tmake( @targets );
$std->tmake( \%options );
# Internal (Private) Methods
$success = $std->build($std_driver_class);
$success = $std->generate();
$success = $std->print($file_out);


The Test::STDmaker program module provides the following capabilities:

  1. Automate Perl related programming needed to create a test script resulting in reduction of time and cost.

  2. Translate a short hand Software Test Description (STD) file into a Perl test script that eventually makes use of the Test module.

  3. Translate the sort hand STD data file into a Perl demo script that demonstrates the features of the the module under test.

  4. Provide in the POD of a STD file information required by a Military/Federal Government Software Test Description (STD) document that may easily be index and accessed by automated Test software. ISO, British Military require most of the same information, US agencies such as the FAA. The difference is that ISO, British Military do not dictate detail format. US agencies such as FAA will generally tailor down the DOD required formats. Thus, there is an extremely wide variation in the format of the same information among ISO certified comericail activities and militaries other than US. Once the information is in a POD, different translators may format nearly exactly as dictated by the end user, whether it is the US DOD, ISO certified commericial activity, British Military or whoever. By being able to provide the most demanding, which is usually US DOD, capabilities is there for all the others.

The Test::STDmaker package relieves the designer and developer from the burden of filling out word processor boiler plate templates (whether run-off, Word, or vi), counting oks, providing documentation examples, tracing tests to test requirments, making sure it is in the proper corporate, ISO or military format, and other such extremely time consuming, boring, development support tasks. Instead the designers and developers need only to fill in a form using a test description short hand. The Test::STDmaker will take it from there and automatically and quickly generate the desired test scripts, demo scripts, and test description documents. It does not make economically sense to have expensive talent or even suppport clerks to manually do this work when it can so easily be automated.

The Test::STDmaker class package automates the generation of Software Test Descriptions (STD) Plain Old Documentation (POD), test scripts, demonstrations scripts and the execution of the generated test scripts and demonstration scripts. It will automatically insert the output from the demonstration script into the POD -headx Demonstration section of the file being tested.

The inputs for Test::STDmaker class package is the __DATA__ section of Software Test Description (STD) program module and a list of targets. The __DATA__ section must contain a STD forms text database in the Tie::Form format. Most of the targets are the ouputs. Each output has its own program module in the Test::STDmaker:: repository. The targets are the name of a program module that process the form database as follows:

target output program module description
Check Test::STDmaker::Check cleans database, counts oks
Demo Test::STDmaker::Demo generates demo script
STD Test::STDmaker::STD generates STD POD
Verify Test::STDmaker::Verify generates test script

The interface between the Test::STDmaker package each of the driver packages in the Test::STDmaker:: repository is the same. New driver packages may be added by putting them in the Test::STDmaker:: repository without modifying the Test::STDmaker package. The Test::STDmaker package will find it and add it to is target list.

The STD program modules that contain the forms database should reside in a 't' subtree whose root is the same as the 'lib' subtree. For the host site development and debug, the lib directory is most convenient for test program modules. However, when building the distribution file for installation on a target site, test library program modules should be placed at the same level as the test script.

For example, while debugging and development the directory structure may look as follows:

MyTopLevel # code program module # test library program modules # test library program modules
MyTopLevel # STD program module
# @INC contains the absolute path for development_dir

while a target site distribution directory for the MyUnitUnderTest would be as follows:

MyTopLevel # code program module
MyTopLevel # STD program module # test library program modules # test library program modules
# @INC contains the absolute path for MyUnitUnderTest_dir
# and does not contain the absolute path for devlopment_dir

When Test::STDmaker methods searches for a STD PM, it looks for it first under all the directories in @INC This means the STD program module name must start with "t::". Thus the program module name for the Unit Under Test (UUT), MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest, and the UUT STD program module, t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest, are always different.

Use the (test make), found in the distribution file, cover script for Test::STDmaker to process a STD database module to generate a test script for debug and development as follows:

tmake -verbose -nounlink -pm=t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUnderTest

The tmake script creates a $std object and runs the tmake method

my $std = new Test::STDmaker(\%options);

which replaces the POD in t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest STD program module and creates the following files

MyUnitUNderTest.t # test script
MyUnitUNderTest.d # demo script # calculates test steps and so forth

The names for these three files are determined by fields in the __DATA__ section of the t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest STD program module. All geneated scripts will contain Perl code to change the working directory to the same directory as the test script and add this directory to @INC so the Perl can find any test library program modules placed in the same directory as the test script.

The first step is to debug in the development_dir

perl -d

Make any correction to the STD program module t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest not to and repeat the above steps. After debugging, use the same procedure to debug MyUnitUnderTest.t, MyUnitUnderTest.d

perl -d MyUnitUnderTest.t
perl -d MyUnitUnderTest.d

Again make any correction to the STD program module t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest not to MyUnitUnderTest.t MyUnitUnderTest.d

Once this is accomplished, develop and debug the UUT using the test script as follows:

perl -d MyUnitUnderTest.t

Finally, when the MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest is working replace the =head1 DEMONSTRATION in the MyTopLevel::MyUnitUNderTest with the output from MyUnitUnderTest.d and run the MyUnitUnderTest.t under Test::Harness with the following:

tmake -verbose -test_verbose -demo -report -run -pm=t::MyTopLevel::MyUnitUnderTest

Since there is no -unlink option, tmake removes the file.

Keep the t subtree under the development library for regression testing of the development library.

Use ExtUtils::SVDmaker to automatically build a release directory from the development directory, run the test script using only the files in the release directory, bump revisions for files that changed since the last distribution, and package the UUT program module, test script and test library program modules and other files for distrubtion.

STD Program Module

The input(s) for the Test::STDmaker package are Softare Test Description Program Modules (STM PM).

A STD PM consists of three sections as follows:

Perl Code Section

The code section contains the following Perl scalars: $VERSION, $DATE, and $FILE. STDmaker automatically generates this section.

STD POD Section

The STD POD section is either a tailored Detail STD format or a tailored STD2167 format described below. STDmaker automatically generates this section.

STD Form Database Section

This section contains a STD Form Database that STDmaker uses (only when directed by specifying STD as the output option) to generate the Perl code section and the STD POD section.

POD Section

The POD sectin contains the detail STD for the program module under test. US DOD 490A 3.1.2 allows for general/detail separation of requirement for a group of configuration items with a set of common requirements. Perl program modules qualify as such. This avoids repetition of common requirements in detail specifications. The detail specification and the referenced general specification then constitute the total requirements.

Form Database Section

The Test::STDmaker module uses the Tie::Form lenient format to access the data in the Data Section.

The requirements of Tie::Form lenient format govern in case of a conflict with the description herein.

In accordance with Tie::Form, STD PM data consists of series of field name and field data pairs.

The Tie::Form format separator strings are as follows:

End of Field Name: [^:]:[^:]
ENd of Field Data: [^\^]\^[^\^]
End of Record : ~-~

In other words, the separator strings have a string format of the following:

(not_the_char) . (char) . (not_the_char)

The following are valid FormDB fields:

name: data^

Separator strings are escaped by added an extra chacater. For example,

DIR:::Module: $data ^
unescaped field name: DIR::MOdule
DIR::Module:: : $data ^
unescaped field name: DIR:Module:

Since the field name ends in a colon the format requires a space between the field name and the end of field name colon. Since the FormDB format ignores leading and trailing white space for field names, this space is not part of the field name. space.

This is customary form that all of us have been forced to fill out through out our lives with the addition of ending field punctuation. Since the separator sequences are never part of the field name and data, the code to read it is trivial. For being computer friendly it is hard to beat. And, altough most of us are adverse to forms, it makes good try of being people friendly.

An example of a STD Form follows:

File_Spec: Unix^
UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
Revision: -^
End_User: General Public^
STD2167_Template: ^
Detail_Template: ^
Classification: None^
Demo: TestGen1.d^
Verify: TestGen1.t^
T: 0^
R: L<Test::t::TestGen1/Description> [1]^
my $x = 2
my $y = 3
A: $x + $y^
SE: 5^
N: Two Additions
A: ($x+$y,$y-$x)^
E: (5,1)^
N: Two Requirements^
L<Test::t::TestGen1/Description> [2]
L<Test::t::TestGen1/Description> [3]
A: ($x+4,$x*$y)^
E: (6,5)^
U: Test under development ^
S: 1^
A: $x*$y*2^
E: 6^
S: 0^
A: $x*$y*2^
E: 6^
Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds.^

This is a very compact database form. The actual test code is Perl snippets that will be passed to the appropriate build-in, behind the scenes Perl subroutines.

STD PM Form Database Fields

The following database file fields are information needed to generate the documentation files and not information about the tests themselves:

Author field

The prepare for STD title page entry.

Classification field

Security classification.

Any copyright and license requirements. This is integrated into the Demo Script, Test Script and the STD module.

Detail_Template field

This field contains a template program module that the Test::STDmaker package method uses to generate the STD POD section of the STD PM. Normally this field is left blank and the Test::STDmaker package methods uses its built-in detail template.

The Test::STDmaker package methods merges the following variables with the template in generating the STD file:

Date UUT_PM Revision End_User Author Classification Test_Script SVD Tests STD_PM Test_Descriptions See_Also Trace_Requirement_Table Trace_Test_Table Copyright

Demo field

The file for the Demo output relative to the STD PM directory.

End_User field

The prepare for STD title page entry.

File_Spec field

the operating system file specification used for the following fields:

Verify Demo

Valid values are Unix MacOS MSWin32 os2 VMS epoc. The scope of this value is very limited. It does not apply to any file specification used in the test steps nor the files used for input to the Test::STDmaker package method.

Revision field

Enter the revision for the STD POD. Revision numbers, in accordance with standard engineering drawing practices are letters A .. B AA .. ZZ except for the orginal revision which is -.

STD2167_Template field

Similar to the Detail_Template field except that the template is a tailored STD2167 template.

See_Also field

This section provides links to other resources.

Test Description Fields

The Test Description Fields are described in the next section.

UUT field

The Unit Under Test (UUT).

Verify field

The file for the Verify output relative to the STD PM directory.

STD PM Form Database Test Description Fields

The test description fields are order sensitive data as follows:


A: actual-expression

This is the actual Perl expression under test and used for the STD 4.x.y.3 Test inputs.


E: expected-expression

This is the expected results. This should be raw Perl values and used for the <STD 4.x.y.4 Expected test results.|Docs::US_DOD::STD/4.x.y.4 Expected test results.>

This field triggers processing of the previous fields as a test. It must always be the last field of a test. On failure, testing continues.


C: code

The code field data is free form Perl code. This field is generally used for STD 4.x.y.2 Prerequisite conditions.


DO: comment

This field tags all the fields up to the next A: actual-expression for use only in generating a Demo output


DM: msg

This field assigns a diagnostic message to the test step. The test software prints out this message on test failure.


N: name_data

This field provides a name for the test. This is usually the same name as the base name for the STD file.


ok: test_number

The ok: test_number is a the test number that results from the execution of &TEST::ok by the previous E: data or SE: data expression. A STD file does not require any ok: fields since The Test::STDmaker package methods will automatically generate the ok: test_number fields.


QC: code

This field is the same as a C: code field except that for the demo script. The demo script will exectue the code, but will not print it out.


R: requirement_data

The requirement_data cites a binding requirement that is verified by the test. The test software uses the requirement_data to automatically generate tracebility information that conforms to STD 4.x.y.1 Requirements addressed.

Many times the relationship between binding requirements and the a test is vague and can even stretch the imagination. Perhaps by tracing the binding requirement down to an actual test number, will help force requirements that have clean cut tests in qualitative terms that can verify and/or validate a requirement.


S: expression

The mode S: expression provides means to conditionally preform a test. The condition is usually platform dependent. In other words, a feature may be provided, say for a VMS platform that is not available on a Microsoft platform.


SF: value,msg

This field assigns a value to the skip flag and optional message to the skip flag. A zero turns it off; otherwise, it is turned on. The test software prints out the msg for each file skipped.


SE: expected-expression

This field is the same as E: expected-expression except that testing stops on failure. The test software implements the stop by turning on the skip flag. When the skip flag is on, every test will be skip.


T: number_of_tests - todo tests

This field provides the number of tests and the number of the todo tests. The Test::STDmaker package methods will automatically fill in this field.


TS: \&subroutine

This field provides a subroutine used to determine if an actual result is within expected parameters with the following synopsis:

$success = &subroutine($acutal_result,$expected_paramters)


U: comment

This tags a test as testing a feature or capability under development. The test is added to the todo list.


VO: comment

This field tags all the fields up to the next E: expected-expression for use only in generating a Verify output


The STDmaker class inherits the all the methods from the File::Maker class. The additional STDmaker methods are follows.


$success = $std->load_std($std_pm);

The load_std loads a STD database in the Tie::Form format from the __DATA__ section of $std_pm. The subroutine adds the following to the object hash, $std:

key description
std_db ordered name,data pairs from the $std_pm database
Record complete $std_pm database record
std_pm $std_pm;
Date date using $std->get_date()
file base file of $std_pm
vol volume of $std_pm
dir directory of $std_pm

It changes the class of object $std to Test::STDmaker::Check, keeping the same data hash as the incoming object. Since the class is now Test::STD:Check and this class inherits methods from Test::STDmaker and the methods of both classes are now visible.

The $std then executes the incoming object data using first the generate method and then the print method herein which in turn use the methods from the Test::STDmaker::Check class.


@t_path = find_t_paths()

The find_t_roots subroutine operates on the assumption that the test files are a subtree to a directory named t and the t directories are on the same level as the last directory of each directory tree specified in @INC. If this assumption is not true, this method most likely will not behave very well.


$date = $std->get_date();

The get_date subroutine returns the $date in the yyyy/mm/dd format.


$std->tmake( @targets, \%options );
$std->tmake( @targets );
$std->tmake( \%options );

The tmake method reads the data from the form database (FormDB) section of a Software Test Description program module (STD PM), clean it, and use the cleaned data to generate the output file(s) based on the targets as follows:

target description
all generates all outputs
Demo generates demo script
Verify generates a test script
STD generates and replaces the STD PM POD
Check checks test description database

No target is the same as the all target.

The @options are as follows:

demo option
demo => 1

run the all demo scripts and use thier output to replace the Unit Under Test (UUT) =headx Demonstration POD section. The STD PM UUT field specifies the UUT file.

nounlink => 1

do not delete the check test script

pm => $program_module

The STD PM is a Perl program module specified using the Perl '::' notation. The module must be in one of the directories in the @INC array. For example, the STD PM for this program module is

pm => t::Test::STDmaker::STDmaker

If there is no pm option, the tmake subroutine uses t::STD

report option
report => 1

run the all test scripts and use thier output to replace the Unit Under Test (UUT) =headx Test Report POD section. The STD PM UUT field specifies the UUT file.

run option
run => 1

run all generated test scripts using the Test::Harness

test_verbose option
test_verbose => 1

use verbose mode when using the Test::Harness

verbose option
verbose => 1

print out informative messages about processing steps and such


The methods in this section are methods internal to the Test::STDmaker. The are more of design in nature and not part of the functional interface for the package. Typically they will never be used outside of the Test::STDmaker. They do provide some insight on the form data processing and the exchange between the c<Test::STDmaker> package and the driver packages in the Test::STDmaker:: repository.


$success = $std->build($std_driver_class);

The $output_type is the name of a driver in the Test::STDmaker repository. The build subroutine takes $output_type and recast the $std class to Test::STDmaker::$std_driver_class driver class The bless subroutine does do class recasting as follows:

$std_driver = bless $std, Test::STDmaker::$output_type

Typically the recasted class is one of the following:


New drivers class may be added by including them in the Test::STDmaker:: repository and thus expand the above list. The Test::STDmaker methods will automatically find the new driver classes.

The build subroutine then uses the recast object to call the generate method followed by the print methods described below. Since the object is now of the Test::STDmaker::$std_driver_class class which inherits the Test::STDmaker class, it used the &Test::STDmaker::generate and &Test::STDmaker::print methods to communicate with the methods in the Test::STDmaker::$output_type class.


$sucess = $std_driver->generate();

The c<generate> subroutine is the work horse. It takes each ordered $name,$data pair from the @{$std-{std_pm}}> array and executes the method $name with $name,$data as arguments. The $name variable is the test description short hands A E and so on, STD PM Form Database Test Description Fields.


$myperl = perl_command();

When running under some CPAN testers setup, the test harness perl executable may not be the same as the one for the backtick `perl $command` and crash and burn with errors such as

Perl lib version (v5.8.4) doesn't match executable version (v5.6.1) at /usr/local/perl-5.8.4/lib/5.8.4/sparc-linux/ line 32.

The perl_command uses $^X to return the current executable Perl that may be used in backticks without crashing and burning.


$success = $std_driver->print($file_out);

The print method prints any data accumulated in $std hash to $file_out. The method initiates the post_print method, provided it exists as a Test::STDmaker::$output_type method.


This section establishes the functional requirements for the Test::STDmaker module and the Test::STDmaker package package methods. All other subroutines in the Test::STDmaker module and modules used by the Test::STDmaker module support the Test::STDmaker package methods. Their requirements are of a design nature and not included. All design requirements may change at any time without notice to improve performance as long as the change does not impact the functional requirements and the test results of the functional requirements.

Binding functional requirements, in accordance with DOD STD 490A, are uniquely identified with the pharse 'shall[dd]' where dd is an unique number for each section. The phrases such as will, should, and may do not identified binding requirements. They provide clarifications of the requirements and hints for the module design.

The general Test::STDmaker Perl module requirements are as follows:

load [1]

shall[1] load without error and

pod check [2]

shall[2] passed the Pod::Checker check without error.

Clean Form Database Section requirements

Before generating any output from a Form Database Section read from a STD PM, the Test::STDmaker package methods fill clean the data. The requirements for cleaning the data are as follows:

clean Form Database Section [1]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[1] ensure there is a test step number field ok: $test_number^ after each E: $expected ^ and each E: $expected^ field. The $test_number will apply to all fields preceding the ok: $test_number^ to the previous ok: $test_number^ or <T: $total_tests^> field

clean Form Database Section [2]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[2] ensure all test numbers in the ok: test_number^ fields are numbered the same as when executed by the test script.

clean Form Database Section [3]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[3] ensure the first test field is T: $total_tests^ where $total_tests is the number of ok: $test_number^ fields.

clean Form Database Section [4]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[4] include a $todo_list in the T: $total_tests - $todo_list^ field where each number in the list is the $test_number for a U: ^ field.

The Test::STDmaker package methods will perform this processing as soon as it reads in the STD PM. All file generation will use the processed, cleaned internal test data instead of the raw data directly from the STD PM.

Verify output file

When the tmake subroutine c<@targets> contains verify, all (case insensitive) or is empty, the Test::STDmaker package methods, for each input STD PM, will produce an verify ouput file. The functional requirements specify the results of executing the verify output file. The contents of the verify output file are of a design nature and function requirements are not applicable.

The requirements for the generated verify output file are as follow:

verify file [1]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[1] obtained the name for the verify output file from the Verify field in the STD PM and assume it is a UNIX file specification relative to STD PM.

verify file [2]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[2] generate a test script that when executed will, for each test, execute the C: $code fields and compared the results obtained from the A: $actual^ actual expression with the results from the E: $epected^ expected expression and produce an output compatible with the <Test::Harness module. A test is the fields between the ok: $test_number fields of a cleaned STD PM. The generated test script will provide skip test functionality by processing the S: $skip-condition, DO: comment and U: comment test fields and producing suitable Test::Harness output.

verify file [3]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[3] output the N: $name^ field data as a <Test::Harness compatible comment.

The Test::STDmaker package methods will properly compare complex data structures produce by the A: $actual^ and E: $epected^ expressions by utilizing modules such as Data::Secs2 subroutines.

Demo output file

When the tmake subroutine c<@targets> contains demo, all (case insensitive) or is empty, the Test::STDmaker package methods, for each input STD PM, will produce a demo ouput file. The functional requirements specify the results of executing the demo output file. The contents of the demo output file are of a design nature and function requirements are not applicable.

The requirements for the generated demo output file are as follow:

demo file [1]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[1] obtained the name for the demo output file from the Demo field in the STD PM and assume it is a UNIX file specification relative to STD PM.

demo file [2]

The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[2] generate the a demo script that when executed will produce an output that appears as if the actual C: ^ and A: ^ where typed at a console followed by the results of the execution of the A: ^ field. The purpose of the demo script is to provide automated, complete examples, of the using the Unit Under Test. The generated demo script will provide skip test functionality by processing the S: $skip-condition, VO: comment and U: comment test fields.


When the tmake subroutine c<@targets> contains STD, all (case insensitive) or is empty, the Test::STDmaker package methods, for each input STD PM, will generate the code and POD sections of the STD PM from the Form Database Section section. The requirements for the generated STD output file are as follow:


The Test::STDmaker package methods shall[2] produce the STD output file by taking the merging STD template file from either the Detail_Template field STD2167_Template field in the STD PM or a built-in template with the

Copyright Revision End_User Author SVD Classification

fields from the Form Database Section and the generated

Date UUT_PM STD_PM Test_Descriptions Test_Script Tests Trace_Requirement_Table Trace_Requirement_Table


The Test::STDmaker package methods will generate fields for merging with the template file as follows:


The current data


The Perl :: module specfication for the UUT field in the Form Database Section database


The Perl :: module specification for the Form Database Section Unix file specification


The the Verify field in the Form Database Section database


The number of tests in the Form Database Section database


A description of a test defined by the fields between ok: fields in the Form Database Section database. The test descriptions will be in a STD format as tailored by STDtailor


A table that relates the R: requirement fields to the test number in the Form Database Section database.


A table that relates the test number in the Form Database Section database to the R: requirement fields.

The usual template file is the STD/STD001.fmt file. This template is in the STD format as tailored by STDtailor.

Options requirements

The tmake option processing requirements are as follows:

file_out option [1]

When the c<@targets> has only target, specifying the option

{ file_out => $file_out }

shall[1] cause the tmake method to print the ouput to the file $file_out instead of the file specified in the STD PM. The $file_out specification will be in the UNIX specification relative to the STD PM.

replace option [2]

Specifying the option

{ replace => 1 } or { demo => 1 }

with c<@targets> containing Demo, shall[2] cause the c<tmake> method to execute the demo script that it generates and replace the /(\n=head\d\s+Demonstration).*?\n=/i section in the module named by the UUT field in Form Database Section with the output from the demo script.

run option [3]

Specifying the option

{ run => 1 }

with the c<@targets> list containing Verify, shall[3] cause the c<tmake> method to run the Test::Harness with the test script in non-verbose mode.

verbose option [4]

Specifying the options

{ run => 1, test_verbose => 1 }

with the c<@targets> containg Verify, shall[4] cause the tmake method to run the Test::Harness with the test script in verbose mode.

fspec_out option [5]

Specifying the option

{ fspec_out => I<$file_spec> }

shall[5] cause the Test::STDmaker methods to translate the file names in the STD file output to the file specification $file_spec.

fspec_in option [6]

Specifying the option

{ fspec_in => I<$file_spec> }

shall[6] cause the Test::STDmaker methods to use file specification $file_spec for the files in the STD PM database.


# perl STDmaker.d

~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~

The results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines as comments. For example,

2 + 2
# 4

~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~

use vars qw($loaded);
use File::Glob ':glob';
# For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
my $restore_testerr = tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
my $fp = 'File::Package';
my $snl = 'File::SmartNL';
my $s = 'Text::Scrub';
my $test_results;
my $loaded = 0;
my @outputs;
# Load UUT
my $errors = $fp->load_package( 'Test::STDmaker' )
# ''
# Test::STDmaker Version 1.12
# '1.12'
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.03';
#$DATE = '2004/04/09';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
#File_Spec: Unix^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#Version: 0.01^
#End_User: General Public^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Detail_Template: ^
#Classification: None^
#Demo: tgA1.d^
#Verify: tgA1.t^
# T: 0^
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
#QC: my $expected1 = 'hello world'; ^
# N: Quiet Code^
# A: 'hello world'^
# E: $expected1^
# N: ok subroutine^
#TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 99^
# E: [100, 10]^
# N: skip subroutine^
# S: 0^
#TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 80 ^
# E: [100, 10] ^
# N: Pass test^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
# N: Todo test that passes^
# U: xy feature^
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
# R:
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [2]>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [1]>
# ^
# N: Test that fails^
# A: $x+4^
# E: 7^
# N: Skipped tests^
# S: 1^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
# N: Todo Test that Fails^
# U: zyw feature^
# S: 0^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
# N: demo only^
#DO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $y^
# N: verify only^
#VO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $x^
# N: Test loop^
# C:
# my @expected = ('200','201','202');
# my $i;
# for( $i=0; $i < 3; $i++) {
# ^
# A: $i+200^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-C [1]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
# A: $i + ($x * 100)^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [4]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
# };
# N: Failed test that skips the rest^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [2]>^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 6^
# N: A test to skip^
# A: $x + $y + $x^
# E: 9^
# N: A not skip to skip^
# S: 0^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y^
# E: 10^
# N: A skip to skip^
# S: 1^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y + $x^
# E: 10^
# sub tolerance
# {
# my ($actual,$expected) = @_;
# my ($average, $tolerance) = @$expected;
# use integer;
# $actual = (($average - $actual) * 100) / $average;
# no integer;
# (-$tolerance < $actual) && ($actual < $tolerance) ? 1 : 0;
# }
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1> ^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain.^
#HTML: ^
copy '', '';
my $tmaker = new Test::STDmaker(pm =>'t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1');
$tmaker->tmake( 'STD' );
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.00';
#$DATE = 'Feb 6, 1969';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
## The Test::STDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__
## token to automatically generate the this file.
## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead
## the data after the __DATA__ token.
## the next time Test::STDmaker generates this file.
#=head1 TITLE PAGE
# Detailed Software Test Description (STD)
# for
# Perl Test::STDmaker::tg1 Program Module
# Revision: -
# Version: 0.01
# $DATE: Feb 6, 1969
# Prepared for: General Public
# Prepared by:
# Classification: None
#=head1 SCOPE
#This detail STD and the
#L<General Perl Program Module (PM) STD|Test::STD::PerlSTD>
#establishes the tests to verify the
#requirements of Perl Program Module (PM) L<Test::STDmaker::tg1|Test::STDmaker::tg1>
#The format of this STD is a tailored L<2167A STD DID|Docs::US_DOD::STD>.
#in accordance with
#L<Detail STD Format|Test::STDmaker/Detail STD Format>.
## 4.1 Test 001
## ..
## 4.x Test x
#The test descriptions uses a legend to
#identify different aspects of a test description
#in accordance with
#L<STD FormDB Test Description Fields|Test::STDmaker/STD FormDB Test Description Fields>.
#=head2 Test Plan
# T: 19 - 5,8^
#=head2 ok: 1
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
# ^
# QC: my $expected1 = 'hello world';^
# N: Quiet Code^
# A: 'hello world'^
# E: $expected1^
# ok: 1^
#=head2 ok: 2
# N: ok subroutine^
# TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 99^
# E: [100, 10]^
# ok: 2^
#=head2 ok: 3
# N: skip subroutine^
# S: 0^
# TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 80^
# E: [100, 10]^
# ok: 3^
#=head2 ok: 4
# N: Pass test^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
# SE: 5^
# ok: 4^
#=head2 ok: 5
# N: Todo test that passes^
# U: xy feature^
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
# ok: 5^
#=head2 ok: 6
# R:
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [2]>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [1]>
# ^
# N: Test that fails^
# A: $x+4^
# E: 7^
# ok: 6^
#=head2 ok: 7
# N: Skipped tests^
# S: 1^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
# ok: 7^
#=head2 ok: 8
# N: Todo Test that Fails^
# U: zyw feature^
# S: 0^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
# ok: 8^
#=head2 ok: 9
# N: demo only^
# DO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $y^
# N: verify only^
# VO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $x^
# ok: 9^
#=head2 ok: 10,12,14
# N: Test loop^
# C:
# my @expected = ('200','201','202');
# my $i;
# for( $i=0; $i < 3; $i++) {
# ^
# A: $i+200^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-C [1]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
# ok: 10,12,14^
#=head2 ok: 11,13,15
# A: $i + ($x * 100)^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [4]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
# ok: 11,13,15^
#=head2 ok: 16
# C: };^
# N: Failed test that skips the rest^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [2]>^
# A: $x + $y^
# SE: 6^
# ok: 16^
#=head2 ok: 17
# N: A test to skip^
# A: $x + $y + $x^
# E: 9^
# ok: 17^
#=head2 ok: 18
# N: A not skip to skip^
# S: 0^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y^
# E: 10^
# ok: 18^
#=head2 ok: 19
# N: A skip to skip^
# S: 1^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y + $x^
# E: 10^
# ok: 19^
# Requirement Test
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 4>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [2]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 6>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [1]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 6>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [2]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 16>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 18>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 19>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [4]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 11,13,15>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-C [1]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 10,12,14>
# Test Requirement
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 10,12,14> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-C [1]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 11,13,15> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [4]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 16> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [2]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 18> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 19> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 4> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 6> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [2]>
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgA1/ok: 6> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [1]>
## 6. NOTES
#=head1 NOTES
#This STD is public domain.
#=head1 SEE ALSO
#=for html
#File_Spec: Unix^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#End_User: General Public^
#Detail_Template: ^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Version: 0.01^
#Classification: None^
#Demo: tgA1.d^
#Verify: tgA1.t^
# T: 19 - 5,8^
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
#QC: my $expected1 = 'hello world';^
# N: Quiet Code^
# A: 'hello world'^
# E: $expected1^
#ok: 1^
# N: ok subroutine^
#TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 99^
# E: [100, 10]^
#ok: 2^
# N: skip subroutine^
# S: 0^
#TS: \&tolerance^
# A: 80^
# E: [100, 10]^
#ok: 3^
# N: Pass test^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
#ok: 4^
# N: Todo test that passes^
# U: xy feature^
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
#ok: 5^
# R:
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [2]>
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [1]>
# N: Test that fails^
# A: $x+4^
# E: 7^
#ok: 6^
# N: Skipped tests^
# S: 1^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
#ok: 7^
# N: Todo Test that Fails^
# U: zyw feature^
# S: 0^
# A: $x*$y*2^
# E: 6^
#ok: 8^
# N: demo only^
#DO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $y^
# N: verify only^
#VO: ^
# A: $x^
# E: $x^
#ok: 9^
# N: Test loop^
# C:
# my @expected = ('200','201','202');
# my $i;
# for( $i=0; $i < 3; $i++) {
# A: $i+200^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-C [1]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
#ok: 10,12,14^
# A: $i + ($x * 100)^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [4]>^
# E: $expected[$i]^
#ok: 11,13,15^
# C: };^
# N: Failed test that skips the rest^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [2]>^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 6^
#ok: 16^
# N: A test to skip^
# A: $x + $y + $x^
# E: 9^
#ok: 17^
# N: A not skip to skip^
# S: 0^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y^
# E: 10^
#ok: 18^
# N: A skip to skip^
# S: 1^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-B [3]>^
# A: $x + $y + $x + $y + $x^
# E: 10^
#ok: 19^
# sub tolerance
# {
# my ($actual,$expected) = @_;
# my ($average, $tolerance) = @$expected;
# use integer;
# $actual = (($average - $actual) * 100) / $average;
# no integer;
# (-$tolerance < $actual) && ($actual < $tolerance) ? 1 : 0;
# }
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1>^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain.^
#HTML: ^
# Clean STD pm with a todo list
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgB1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.01';
#$DATE = '2004/04/09';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
## The Test::STDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__
## token to automatically generate the this file.
## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead
## the data after the __DATA__ token.
## the next time Test::STDmaker generates this file.
#File_Spec: Unix^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#End_User: General Public^
#Detail_Template: ^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Version: 0.01^
#Classification: None^
#Demo: tgB1.d^
#Verify: tgB1.t^
# T: 2^
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
#ok: 1^
# A: [($x+$y,$y-$x)]^
# E: [5,2]^
#ok: 2^
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1>^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain^
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
copy '', '';
$tmaker->tmake('STD', 'verify', {pm => 't::Test::STDmaker::tgB1'} );
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgB1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.00';
#$DATE = 'Feb 6, 1969';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
## The Test::STDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__
## token to automatically generate the this file.
## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead
## the data after the __DATA__ token.
## the next time Test::STDmaker generates this file.
#=head1 TITLE PAGE
# Detailed Software Test Description (STD)
# for
# Perl Test::STDmaker::tg1 Program Module
# Revision: -
# Version: 0.01
# $DATE: Feb 6, 1969
# Prepared for: General Public
# Prepared by:
# Classification: None
#=head1 SCOPE
#This detail STD and the
#L<General Perl Program Module (PM) STD|Test::STD::PerlSTD>
#establishes the tests to verify the
#requirements of Perl Program Module (PM) L<Test::STDmaker::tg1|Test::STDmaker::tg1>
#The format of this STD is a tailored L<2167A STD DID|Docs::US_DOD::STD>.
#in accordance with
#L<Detail STD Format|Test::STDmaker/Detail STD Format>.
## 4.1 Test 001
## ..
## 4.x Test x
#The test descriptions uses a legend to
#identify different aspects of a test description
#in accordance with
#L<STD FormDB Test Description Fields|Test::STDmaker/STD FormDB Test Description Fields>.
#=head2 Test Plan
# T: 2^
#=head2 ok: 1
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
# ^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
# SE: 5^
# ok: 1^
#=head2 ok: 2
# A: [($x+$y,$y-$x)]^
# E: [5,2]^
# ok: 2^
# Requirement Test
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgB1/ok: 1>
# Test Requirement
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgB1/ok: 1> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>
## 6. NOTES
#=head1 NOTES
#This STD is public domain
#=head1 SEE ALSO
#=for html
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#File_Spec: Unix^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#End_User: General Public^
#Detail_Template: ^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Version: 0.01^
#Classification: None^
#Demo: tgB1.d^
#Verify: tgB1.t^
# T: 2^
# C:
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
#ok: 1^
# A: [($x+$y,$y-$x)]^
# E: [5,2]^
#ok: 2^
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1>^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain^
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
# Clean STD pm without a todo list
$test_results = `perl tgB1.t`;
$snl->fout('tgB1.txt', $test_results);
# '1..2
#ok 1
#not ok 2
## Test 2 got: 'U1[1] 80
#N[2] 5 1
#' (xxxx.t at line 000)
## Expected: 'U1[1] 80
#N[2] 5 2
## Failed : 2
## Passed : 1/2 50%
# Generated and execute the test script
# Cleaned
# Internal Storage
my $probe = 3;
my $actual_results = Dumper([0+$probe]);
my $internal_storage = 'undetermine';
if( $actual_results eq Dumper([3]) ) {
$internal_storage = 'number';
elsif ( $actual_results eq Dumper(['3']) ) {
$internal_storage = 'string';
my $expected_results;
# 'string'
# Generated and execute the test script
$snl->fin( '' )
# '#!perl
## Documentation, copyright and license is at the end of this file.
#package Test::STDmaker::tg1;
#use 5.001;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION);
#$VERSION = '0.03';
#=head1 Requirements
#=head2 Capability-A
#The requriements are as follows:
#=over 4
#=item capability-A [1]
#This subroutine shall[1] have feature 1.
#=item capability-A [2]
#This subroutine shall[2] have feature 2.
#=head2 Capability-B
#=over 4
#=item Capability-B [1]
#This subroutine shall[1] have feature 1.
#=item Capability-B [2]
#This subroutine shall[2] have feature 2.
#=item Capability-B [3]
#This subroutine shall[3] have feature 3.
#=head1 SEE ALSO
# Individual generate outputs using options
# Make sure there is no residue outputs hanging
# around from the last test series.
@outputs = bsd_glob( 'tg*1.*' );
unlink @outputs;
copy '', '';
copy '', '';
my @cwd = File::Spec->splitdir( cwd() );
pop @cwd;
pop @cwd;
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir( @cwd ); # put UUT in lib path
$tmaker->tmake('demo', { pm => 't::Test::STDmaker::tgA1', demo => 1});
shift @INC;
# expected results depend upon the internal storage from numbers
if( $internal_storage eq 'string') {
$expected_results = '';
else {
$expected_results = '';
# '#!perl
## Documentation, copyright and license is at the end of this file.
#package Test::STDmaker::tg1;
#use 5.001;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION);
#$VERSION = '0.00';
#=head1 Requirements
#=head2 Capability-A
#The requriements are as follows:
#=over 4
#=item capability-A [1]
#This subroutine shall[1] have feature 1.
#=item capability-A [2]
#This subroutine shall[2] have feature 2.
#=head2 Capability-B
#=over 4
#=item Capability-B [1]
#This subroutine shall[1] have feature 1.
#=item Capability-B [2]
#This subroutine shall[2] have feature 2.
#=item Capability-B [3]
#This subroutine shall[3] have feature 3.
# #########
# # perl tgA1.d
# ###
#~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~
#The results from executing the Perl Code
#follow on the next lines as comments. For example,
# 2 + 2
# # 4
#~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~
# #########
# # For "TEST" 1.24 or greater that have separate std err output,
# # redirect the TESTERR to STDOUT
# #
# tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', \*STDOUT );
# ##################
# # Quiet Code
# #
# 'hello world'
# # 'hello world'
# #
# ##################
# # ok subroutine
# #
# 99
# # 99
# #
# ##################
# # skip subroutine
# #
# 80
# # 80
# #
# ##################
# # Pass test
# #
# my $x = 2
# my $y = 3
# $x + $y
# # '5'
# #
# ##################
# # Todo test that passes
# #
# $y-$x
# # '1'
# #
# ##################
# # Test that fails
# #
# $x+4
# # '6'
# #
# ##################
# # Skipped tests
# #
# ##################
# # Todo Test that Fails
# #
# $x*$y*2
# # '12'
# #
# ##################
# # demo only
# #
# $x
# # 2
# #
# ##################
# # verify only
# #
# ##################
# # Test loop
# #
# my @expected = ('200','201','202');
# my $i;
# for( $i=0; $i < 3; $i++) {
# $i+200
# # '200'
# #
# $i + ($x * 100)
# # '200'
# #
# };
# $i+200
# # '201'
# #
# $i + ($x * 100)
# # '201'
# #
# };
# $i+200
# # '202'
# #
# $i + ($x * 100)
# # '202'
# #
# };
# ##################
# # Failed test that skips the rest
# #
# $x + $y
# # '5'
# #
# ##################
# # A test to skip
# #
# $x + $y + $x
# # '7'
# #
# ##################
# # A not skip to skip
# #
# $x + $y + $x + $y
# # '10'
# #
# ##################
# # A skip to skip
# #
#=head1 SEE ALSO
# Generate and replace a demonstration
no warnings;
use warnings;
open STDOUT, ">tgA1.txt";
$tmaker->tmake('verify', { pm => 't::Test::STDmaker::tgA1', run => 1, test_verbose => 1});
close STDOUT;
# For some reason, test harness puts in a extra line when running u
# under the Active debugger on Win32. So just take it out.
# Also the script name is absolute which is site dependent.
# Take it out of the comparision.
$test_results = $snl->fin('tgA1.txt');
$test_results =~ s/.*?1..9/1..9/;
$test_results =~ s/------.*?\n(\s*\()/\n $1/s;
# '~~~~
#ok 1 - Quiet Code
#ok 2 - ok subroutine
#not ok 3 - skip subroutine
## Test 3 got: '0' (xxxx.t at line 000)
## Expected: '1' (
## got: 80
## expected: U1[1] 80
## N[2] 100 10
#ok 4 - Pass test
#ok 5 - Todo test that passes # (xxxx.t at line 000 TODO?!)
#not ok 6 - Test that fails
## Test 6 got: '6' (xxxx.t at line 000)
## Expected: '7'
#ok 7 - Skipped tests # skip
#not ok 8 - Todo Test that Fails
## Test 8 got: '12' (xxxx.t at line 000 *TODO*)
## Expected: '6'
#ok 9 - verify only
#ok 10 - Test loop
#ok 11
#ok 12 - Test loop
#ok 13
#ok 14 - Test loop
#ok 15
#not ok 16 - Failed test that skips the rest
## Test 16 got: '5' (xxxx.t at line 000)
## Expected: '6'
#ok 17 - A test to skip # skip - Test not performed because of previous failure.
#ok 18 - A not skip to skip # skip - Test not performed because of previous failure.
#ok 19 - A skip to skip # skip - Test not performed because of previous failure.
## Skipped: 7 17 18 19
## Failed : 3 6 8 16
## Passed : 11/15 73%
#FAILED tests 3, 6, 16
# Failed 3/19 tests, 84.21% okay (less 4 skipped tests: 12 okay, 63.16%)
#Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
# (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 4 subtests skipped.
#Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 3/19 subtests failed, 84.21% okay.
#Finished running Tests
# Generate and verbose test harness run test script
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgC1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.03';
#$DATE = '2004/04/09';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
## The Test::STDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__
## token to automatically generate the this file.
## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead
## the data after the __DATA__ token.
## the next time Test::STDmaker generates this file.
#File_Spec: Unix^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#End_User: General Public^
#Detail_Template: ^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Version: 0.01^
#Classification: None^
#Temp: xx/^
#Demo: yy/zz/tg1B.d^
#Verify: ccc/tg1B.t^
# T: 2^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
#ok: 1^
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
#ok: 2^
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1>^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain^
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
copy '', '';
$tmaker->tmake('STD', { pm => 't::Test::STDmaker::tgC1', fspec_out=>'os2'});
# '#!perl
## The copyright notice and plain old documentation (POD)
## are at the end of this file.
#package t::Test::STDmaker::tgC1;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use warnings::register;
#use vars qw($VERSION $DATE $FILE );
#$VERSION = '0.00';
#$DATE = 'Feb 6, 1969';
#$FILE = __FILE__;
## The Test::STDmaker module uses the data after the __DATA__
## token to automatically generate the this file.
## Don't edit anything before __DATA_. Edit instead
## the data after the __DATA__ token.
## the next time Test::STDmaker generates this file.
#=head1 TITLE PAGE
# Detailed Software Test Description (STD)
# for
# Perl Test::STDmaker::tg1 Program Module
# Revision: -
# Version: 0.01
# $DATE: Feb 6, 1969
# Prepared for: General Public
# Prepared by:
# Classification: None
#=head1 SCOPE
#This detail STD and the
#L<General Perl Program Module (PM) STD|Test::STD::PerlSTD>
#establishes the tests to verify the
#requirements of Perl Program Module (PM) L<Test::STDmaker::tg1|Test::STDmaker::tg1>
#The format of this STD is a tailored L<2167A STD DID|Docs::US_DOD::STD>.
#in accordance with
#L<Detail STD Format|Test::STDmaker/Detail STD Format>.
## 4.1 Test 001
## ..
## 4.x Test x
#The test descriptions uses a legend to
#identify different aspects of a test description
#in accordance with
#L<STD FormDB Test Description Fields|Test::STDmaker/STD FormDB Test Description Fields>.
#=head2 Test Plan
# T: 2^
#=head2 ok: 1
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
# SE: 5^
# ok: 1^
#=head2 ok: 2
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
# ok: 2^
# Requirement Test
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]> L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgC1/ok: 1>
# Test Requirement
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
# L<t::Test::STDmaker::tgC1/ok: 1> L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>
## 6. NOTES
#=head1 NOTES
#This STD is public domain
#=head1 SEE ALSO
#=for html
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#File_Spec: os2^
#UUT: Test::STDmaker::tg1^
#Revision: -^
#End_User: General Public^
#Detail_Template: ^
#STD2167_Template: ^
#Version: 0.01^
#Classification: None^
#Temp: xx\^
#Demo: yy\zz\tg1B.d^
#Verify: ccc\tg1B.t^
# T: 2^
# R: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1/capability-A [1]>^
# C: my $x = 2^
# C: my $y = 3^
# A: $x + $y^
#SE: 5^
#ok: 1^
# A: $y-$x^
# E: 1^
#ok: 2^
#See_Also: L<Test::STDmaker::tg1>^
#Copyright: This STD is public domain^
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="NOTICE" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="OPT-IN" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
#<!-- BLK ID="LOG_CGI" -->
#<!-- /BLK -->
# Change File Spec
# find_t_roots
my $OS = $^O; # Need to escape the form delimiting char ^
unless ($OS) { # on some perls $^O is not defined
require Config;
$OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(cwd(),'lib');
$dir =~ s=/=\\=g if $OS eq 'MSWin32';
unshift @INC,$dir;
my @t_path = $tmaker->find_t_roots( );
$t_path[0] = $t_path[0]; # stop warning
$dir = cwd();
$dir =~ s=/=\\=g if $OS eq 'MSWin32';
# 'E:\User\SoftwareDiamonds\installation\t\Test\STDmaker'
# Make sure there is no residue outputs hanging
# around from the last test series.
@outputs = bsd_glob( 'tg*1.*' );
unlink @outputs;
unlink '';
unlink '';
unlink '';
tech_config( 'Test.TESTERR', $restore_testerr);
# Suppress some annoying warnings
sub __warn__
my ($text) = @_;
return $text =~ /STDOUT/;
CORE::warn( $text );


The module "t::Test::STDmaker::STDmaker" is the Software Test Description file (STD) for the "Test::STDmaker". module. This module contains all the information necessary for this module to verify that this module meets its requirements. In other words, this module will verify itself. This is valid because if something is wrong with this module, it will not be able to verify itself. And if it cannot verify itself, it cannot verify that another module meets its requirements.

To generate all the test output files, run the generated test script, run the demonstration script, execute the following in any directory:

tmake -verbose -demo -report -run -pm=t::Test::STDmaker::STDmaker

Note that must be in the execution path $ENV{PATH} and the "t" directory on the same level as the "lib" that contains the "Test::STDmaker" module. The distribution file contains a copy of the test make script.

And yes, the <Test::STDmaker> program module generates the test script to test the <Test::STDmaker> program module which is perfectly legal. If <Test::STDmaker> is not working, <Test::STDmaker> will fail to generate a valid test script.


Binding Requirements

In accordance with the License, Software Diamonds is not liable for any requirement, binding or otherwise.


The author, holder of the copyright and maintainer is


copyright © 2003


Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  3. Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds.



Software Test Description
Specification Practices
Software Development

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 858:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '©'. Assuming CP1252