=head1 NAME
Protocol::HTTP::ResponseParser - HTTP response parser
use Protocol::HTTP::ResponseParser;
my $parser = Protocol::HTTP::ResponseParser->new;
$parser->set_context_request(Protocol::HTTP::Request->new({method => METHOD_GET}));
my $buffer =
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n".
"Host: host1\r\n".
"Content-Length: 0\r\n".
my ($res, $state, $pos, $err) = $parser->parse($buffer);
if ($err) {
die "http error: $err";
if ($state < Protocol::HTTP::Message::STATE_DONE) {
# wait for more data
This class represents client HTTP request parser. Parser is incremental so that you don't need to pass the whole http packet at once.
Parser is an FSM so it's really fast.
The context request should be set to help parser on validation, for example
if the request method was C<HEAD> and the response contains B<chunks>,
this is violation of HTTP protocol and error is emitted, despite the
fact that the response by itself is valid.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new()
Constructs new response parser instance.
=head2 set_context_request($request)
Sets context request for which response will be parsed. This property is automatically cleared after each sucessfull parsing (STATE_DONE)
so that you need to set next context request before you start parsing next response.
=head2 context_request()
Returns current context request.
=head2 parse($buffer)
=head2 parse_shift($buffer)
my ($res, $state, $pos, $err) = $parser->parse($buffer);
The behaviour is the same as for request parser, see L<Protocol::HTTP::RequestParser>.
You must set a context request via C<set_context_request()> after each successfull parsing (STATE_DONE) and before you start parsing next response.
=head2 reset()
Resets internal parser state, so it is ready to parse new responses.
Parser automatically resets itself after each successfully parsed message, so you only need to call this method if you plan to re-use parser after
errors, or you decided to stop parsing not yet fully parsed message and begin parsing another one.
C<reset()> drops current context request as well, so that you need to set another context request before you start parsing next response.
=head2 eof()
my ($res, $state, $err) = $parser->eof();
Tells the parser that peer (server) has closed the connection and no more data should be awaited.
The result may be either success or fail.
If we were parsing a message without C<Content-Length> header and not chunked (that is "read-body-until-eof" message),
and we were in "parsing body" state, then the result would be success, C<$state> == STATE_DONE, C<$err> is absent, and C<$res> would contain a complete
L<Protocol::HTTP::Response> object.
If we were not expecting a response (i.e. we were between "request-response" series: nothing was parsing at the moment, and no context request was set),
the result would be success, C<$state> == STATE_HEADERS (initial state), C<$err> is absent and C<$res> would contain an empty L<Protocol::HTTP::Response> object.
Otherwise the result is a fail, C<$state> == STATE_ERROR, C<$err> == Protocol::HTTP::Error::unexpected_eof and C<$res> will contain
a non-complete L<Protocol::HTTP::Response> object.
=head1 SEE ALSO