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=head1 Multi::Simple
This module shows how to use Net::Curl::Multi interface correctly in its
simpliest form. Uses perl builtin select(). A more advanced code would use
callbacks and some event library instead.
=head2 Motivation
Writing a proper multi wrapper code requires a rather good understainding
of libcurl multi interface. This code provides a recipie for those who just
need something that "simply works".
package Multi::Simple;
use strict;
# make new object, preset the data
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $active = 0;
return $class->SUPER::new( \$active );
# add one handle and count it
sub add_handle($$)
my $self = shift;
my $easy = shift;
$self->SUPER::add_handle( $easy );
# perform until some handle finishes, does all the magic needed
# to make it efficient (check as soon as there is some data)
# without overusing the cpu.
sub get_one($)
my $self = shift;
if ( my @result = $self->info_read() ) {
$self->remove_handle( $result[ 1 ] );
return @result;
while ( $$self ) {
my $t = $self->timeout;
if ( $t != 0 ) {
$t = 10000 if $t < 0;
my ( $r, $w, $e ) = $self->fdset;
select $r, $w, $e, $t / 1000;
my $ret = $self->perform();
if ( $$self != $ret ) {
$$self = $ret;
if ( my @result = $self->info_read() ) {
$self->remove_handle( $result[ 1 ] );
return @result;
return ();
Sample application using this module looks like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Multi::Simple;
package main;
use strict;
use Net::Curl::Share qw(:constants);
sub easy
my $uri = shift;
my $share = shift;
require Net::Curl::Easy;
my $easy = Net::Curl::Easy->new( { uri => $uri, body => '' } );
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_VERBOSE(), 1 );
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_URL(), $uri );
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER(),
\$easy->{headers} );
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_FILE(),
\$easy->{body} );
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_SHARE(), $share );
# This wasn't needed prior to curl 7.67, which changed the interface
# so that an easy that uses a cookie-share now requires an explicit
# cookie-engine enable to use cookies. Previously the easy's use of
# a cookie-share implicitly enabled the easy's cookie engine.
$easy->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE(), q<> );
return $easy;
my $multi = Multi::Simple->new();
my @uri = (
# share cookies between all handles
my $share = Net::Curl::Share->new();
$multi->add_handle( easy( shift ( @uri ), $share ) );
my $ret = 0;
while ( my ( $msg, $easy, $result ) = $multi->get_one() ) {
print "\nFinished downloading $easy->{uri}: $result:\n";
printf "Body is %d bytes long\n", length $easy->{body};
print "=" x 80 . "\n";
$ret = 1 if $result;
$multi->add_handle( easy( shift ( @uri ), $easy->share ) )
if @uri;
exit $ret;
# vim: ts=4:sw=4