Changes for version 3.22

  • use XML::SAX::Parser rather than ParserFactory
  • test the namespace on NamespaceURI rather than the XMLNS attribute, which is reported differently between XML::LibXML::SAX and XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser
  • added debug class HTTP::OAI::Debug
  • added check in 01parse test case for file open
  • added test case for basic XML::SAX function
  • added "trace" and "saxtrace" options to


Command line OAI repository browser


API for the OAI-PMH
debug the HTTP::OAI libraries
Base class for data objects that contain DOM trees
Encapsulates OAI error codes
An OAI GetRecord response
Agent for harvesting from Open Archives version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and static ('2.0s') compatible repositories
Encapsulates an OAI header structure
Encapsulation of 'header' values
Provide access to an OAI Identify response
Provide access to an OAI ListIdentifiers response
Provide access to an OAI ListMetadataFormats response
Provide access to an OAI ListRecords response
Provide access to an OAI ListSets response
Base class for data objects that contain DOM trees
METS accessor utility
Easy access to OAI Dublin Core
Encapsulates OAI metadataFormat XML data
Encapsulates an OAI record
Documentation for building an OAI compliant repository using OAI-PERL
An OAI response
Encapsulates an OAI resumption token
SAX2 utility filter
Encapsulates OAI set XML data
Extension of the LWP::UserAgent for OAI HTTP requests


in lib/HTTP/OAI/
in lib/HTTP/OAI/
in lib/HTTP/
in lib/HTTP/OAI/Metadata/
in lib/HTTP/OAI/Metadata/
in lib/HTTP/OAI/
in lib/HTTP/OAI/