# ABSTRACT: App::Spec framework to run your app
use strict;
use 5.010;
our $VERSION = '0.013'; # VERSION
use Getopt::Long qw/ :config pass_through bundling /;
use Ref::Util qw/ is_arrayref /;
use Moo;
has spec => ( is => 'ro' );
has options => ( is => 'rw' );
has parameters => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { +{} } );
has commands => ( is => 'rw' );
has argv => ( is => 'rw' );
has argv_orig => ( is => 'rw' );
#has runmode => ( is => 'rw', default => 'normal' );
has validation_errors => ( is => 'rw' );
has op => ( is => 'rw' );
has cmd => ( is => 'rw' );
has response => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { App::Spec::Run::Response->new } );
has subscribers => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { +{} } );
my %EVENTS = (
print_output => 1,
global_options => 1,
sub process {
my ($self) = @_;
my $plugins = $self->spec->plugins || [];
for my $plugin (@$plugins) {
my @callbacks;
my $subscriber_events = $self->subscribers;
for my $key (qw/ global_options print_output /) {
my $subscribers = $subscriber_events->{ $key };
for my $sub (@$subscribers) {
my $plugin = $sub->{plugin};
my $method = $sub->{method};
my $callback = sub {
$plugin->$method( run => $self, @_);
push @callbacks, $callback;
$self->response->add_callbacks($key => \@callbacks);
my $argv = $self->argv;
unless ($argv) {
$argv = \@ARGV;
$self->argv_orig([ @$argv ]);
my %option_specs;
my %param_specs;
unless ($self->op) {
option_specs => \%option_specs,
param_specs => \%param_specs,
unless ($self->response->halted) {
my $opt = App::Spec::Run::Validator->new({
options => $self->options,
option_specs => \%option_specs,
parameters => $self->parameters,
param_specs => \%param_specs,
my %errs;
my $ok = $opt->process( $self, \%errs );
unless ($ok) {
# if we are in completion mode, some errors might be ok
if (not $completion_parameter) {
unless ($self->response->halted) {
my $op = $self->op;
if ($completion_parameter) {
param_specs => \%param_specs,
option_specs => \%option_specs,
completion_parameter => $completion_parameter,
else {
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self->event_processed;
sub run_op {
my ($self, $op, $args) = @_;
$self->cmd->$op($self, $args);
sub out {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text .= "\n" if (not ref $text and $text !~ m/\n\z/);
sub err {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text .= "\n" if (not ref $text and $text !~ m/\n\z/);
sub halt {
my ($self, $exit) = @_;
$self->response->exit($exit || 0);
sub finish {
my ($self) = @_;
my $res = $self->response;
if (my $exit = $res->exit) {
exit $exit;
sub completion_output {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $completion_parameter = $args{completion_parameter};
my $param_specs = $args{param_specs};
my $option_specs = $args{option_specs};
my $shell = $ENV{PERL5_APPSPECRUN_SHELL} or return;
my $param = $param_specs->{ $completion_parameter };
$param ||= $option_specs->{ $completion_parameter };
my $unique = $param->{unique};
my $completion = $param->completion or return;
my $op;
if (ref $completion) {
$op = $completion->{op} or return;
else {
my $possible_values = $param->values or return;
$op = $possible_values->{op} or return;
my $args = {
runmode => "completion",
parameter => $completion_parameter,
my $result = $self->run_op($op, $args);
my $string = '';
my %seen;
if ($unique) {
my $params = $self->parameters;
my $value = $params->{ $completion_parameter };
$value = [$value] unless is_arrayref $value;
# cmd param1 param2<TAB> results in
# @ARGV = ["param1", "param2"]
# cmd param1 param2 <TAB> results in
# @ARGV = ["param1", "param2", ""]
# so we know that there is a new value to be completed
my $last = pop @$value;
@seen{ @$value } = (1) x @$value;
for my $item (@$result) {
if (ref $item eq 'HASH') {
my $name = $item->{name};
$unique and $seen{ $name }++ and next;
my $desc = $item->{description};
$string .= "$name\t$desc\n";
else {
$unique and $seen{ $item }++ and next;
$string .= "$item\n";
sub error_output {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errs = $self->validation_errors;
my @error_output;
for my $key (sort keys %$errs) {
my $errors = $errs->{ $key };
if ($key eq "parameters" or $key eq "options") {
for my $name (sort keys %$errors) {
my $error = $errors->{ $name };
$key =~ s/s$//;
push @error_output, "Error: $key '$name': $error";
else {
require Data::Dumper;
my $err = Data::Dumper->Dump([$errs], ['errs']);
push @error_output, $err;
my $help = $self->spec->usage(
commands => $self->commands,
highlights => $errs,
colored => $self->colorize_code('err'),
for my $msg (@error_output) {
$msg = $self->colored('err', [qw/ error /], $msg);
sub colorize_code {
my ($self, $out) = @_;
? sub {
my $colored = $self->colored($out, $_[0], $_[1]);
unless (defined wantarray) {
$_[1] = $colored;
return $colored;
: sub { $_[1] },
sub colorize {
my ($self, $out) = @_;
$out ||= 'out';
if (($ENV{PERL5_APPSPECRUN_COLOR} // '') eq 'always') {
return 1;
if (($ENV{PERL5_APPSPECRUN_COLOR} // '') eq 'never') {
return 0;
if ($out eq 'out' and -t STDOUT or $out eq 'err' and -t STDERR) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub process_parameters {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $param_list = $args{parameter_list};
my $parameters = $self->parameters;
my $param_specs = $args{param_specs};
for my $p (@$param_list) {
my $name = $p->name;
my $type = $p->type;
my $multiple = $p->multiple;
my $required = $p->required;
my $value;
if ($multiple) {
$value = [@{ $self->argv }];
@{ $self->argv } = ();
else {
$value = shift @{ $self->argv };
$parameters->{ $name } = $value;
$param_specs->{ $name } = $p;
sub process_input {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my %options;
my @cmds;
my $spec = $self->spec;
my $option_specs = $args{option_specs};
my $param_specs = $args{param_specs};
my $global_options = $spec->options;
my $global_parameters = $spec->parameters;
my @getopt = $spec->make_getopt($global_options, \%options, $option_specs);
my $op = $self->op;
parameter_list => $global_parameters,
param_specs => $param_specs,
my $commands = $spec->subcommands;
my $opclass = $self->spec->class;
my $cmd_spec;
my $subcommand_required = 1;
while (keys %$commands) {
my $cmd = shift @{ $self->argv };
if (not defined $cmd) {
if (not $op or $subcommand_required) {
commands => \@cmds,
colored => $self->colorize_code('err'),
highlights => {
subcommands => 1,
$self->err( $self->colorize_error("Missing subcommand(s)") );
$cmd_spec = $commands->{ $cmd } or do {
commands => \@cmds,
colored => $self->colorize_code('err'),
highlights => {
subcommands => 1,
$self->err( $self->colorize_error("Unknown subcommand '$cmd'") );
$subcommand_required = $cmd_spec->{subcommand_required} // 1;
my $cmd_options = $cmd_spec->options;
my @getopt = $spec->make_getopt($cmd_options, \%options, $option_specs);
push @cmds, $cmd;
$commands = $cmd_spec->subcommands || {};
$op = '::' . $cmd_spec->op if $cmd_spec->op;
$opclass = $cmd_spec->class if $cmd_spec->class;
parameter_list => $cmd_spec->parameters,
param_specs => $param_specs,
unless ($self->response->halted) {
unless ($op) {
if ($spec->has_subcommands) {
$self->err( "Missing op for commands (@cmds)\n" );
my $help = $spec->usage(
commands => \@cmds,
colored => $self->colorize_code('err'),
$self->err( $help );
else {
$op = "::execute";
if ($op =~ m/^::/) {
$op = $opclass . $op;
return $op;
sub colorize_error {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$msg = $self->colored('err', [qw/ error /], $msg) . "\n";
sub colored {
my ($self, $out, $colors, $msg) = @_;
$colors = [ map { $_ eq 'error' ? qw/ bold red / : $_ } @$colors ];
require Term::ANSIColor;
and $msg = Term::ANSIColor::colored($colors, $msg);
return $msg;
sub subscribe {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
for my $event (sort keys %args) {
next unless exists $EVENTS{ $event };
my $info = $args{ $event };
push @{ $self->subscribers->{ $event } }, $info;
sub event_globaloptions {
my ($self) = @_;
my $subscribers = $self->subscribers->{global_options};
for my $sub (@$subscribers) {
my $plugin = $sub->{plugin};
my $method = $sub->{method};
$plugin->$method( run => $self);
#sub event_processed {
# my ($self) = @_;
# my $plugins = $self->spec->plugins_by_type->{GlobalOptions};
# for my $plugin (@$plugins) {
# next unless $plugin->can("event_processed");
# $plugin->event_processed(
# run => $self,
# );
# }
=head1 NAME
App::Spec::Run - App::Spec framework to run your app
App::Spec::Run is the framework which runs your app defined by the spec.
Your app class should inherit from L<App::Spec::Run::Cmd>.
sub your_command {
my ($self, $run) = @_;
my $options = $run->options;
$run->out("It works");
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item Constructor
You can create the object yourself like this:
my $run = App::Spec::Run->new(
spec => $appspec,
cmd => App::YourApp->new,
Or you use the runner method of L<App::Spec>, which will create it for you:
my $run = $appspec->runner(...);
Both methods take optional arguments:
my $run = App::Spec::Run->new(
spec => $appspec,
cmd => App::YourApp->new,
# Custom array instead of the default ARGV.
# The contents of this array will be modified
argv => \@my_arguments,
=item run
Actually runs your app. Calls C<process> and C<finish>.
=item process
Processes input, validates, runs your command and fills the
response object.
Does not print the output and does not exit.
=item out
$run->out("Hello world!");
Appends to response output. Adds a newline if not present. You can also
pass a data structure:
This will be formatted with L<Data::Dumper>.
See also L<App::Spec::Plugin::Format>.
=item err
$run->err("Oops, that went wrong");
Appends to response error output. Adds a newline if not present
=item halt
Further processing is halted.
=item finish
Prints the output and exits with the exit code stored in C<response>.
=item process_input
option_specs => \%option_specs,
param_specs => \%param_specs,
=item process_parameters
parameter_list => $global_parameters,
param_specs => $param_specs,
=item run_op
# shortcut for
=item completion_output
param_specs => \%param_specs,
completion_parameter => $completion_parameter,
Is called when in completion mode
=item colored
Returns the given text colored, if colors are active for the given
$msg = $run->colored('err', [qw/ error /], "Oops");
$msg = $run->colored('out', [qw/ green /], "Everything is fine!");
=item colorize
my $color_active = $run->colorize('out');
my $color_error_active = $run->colorize('err');
Returns 1 or 0 if given output color are active. That means, the output
is going to a terminal instead of being redirected.
=item colorize_code
my $colored = $run->colorize_code('out');
my $text = $colored->(['green'], "Hurray");
# or
my $text = "Hurray";
$colored->(['green'], $text);
Returns a coderef which you can use for coloring
=item colorize_error
my $msg = $run->colorize_error("ouch");
Returns the message in the standard error color (bold red).
=item error_output
Outputs any errors.
Calls C<halt>
=item event_globaloptions
Calls any plugin that needs to know
=item subscribe
A plugin can subscribe for an event:
print_output => {
plugin => $self,
method => "print_output",
=over 4
=item spec
Your spec, (App::Spec)
=item options
A hashref with the given options
verbose => 1,
foo => 23,
=item parameters
A hashref with the given parameters
=item commands
An arrayref containing all subcommands from the commandline
=item argv_orig
This contains the original contents of C<argv> before processing
=item argv
This is a reference to the commandline arguments array C<@ARGV>, or the
array reference you specified otherwise. When calling your command method,
it will contain the rest of the arguments which weren't processed as
any subcommand, option or parameter.
=item validation_errors
Contains errors from option/parameter validation
=item op
Contains the operation (subroutine) which will be executed to run
yor command
=item cmd
This is an instance of your app class
=item response
This contains the response of your command (exit code, output, ...)
See L<App::Spec::Run::Response>
=item subscribers
Contains a hashref
print_output => {
module => $plugin,
method => 'print_output',