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Retrieves summary feedback data if Transaction ID or Item ID are specified. Retrieves the accumulation of feedback left for the specified user by other users if a User ID is specified. Retrieves the accumulation of feedback left for the requesting user if no ID value is entered. <br> If a detail level value of ReturnAll is specified, the data for each feedback record is returned.




Returns feedback of a specified type (positive, negative, or neutral) in a FeedbackDetailArray. You can include two CommentTypes in your call if you want to exclude the third type from your results. If no CommentType is specified, all of the feedback details will be returned.

  RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: reference to an array  
                      of 'ns:CommentTypeCodeType'


# Returns: reference to an array of 'ns:CommentTypeCodeType'


An ID that uniquely identifies a feedback record to be retrieved. Used by the Feedback notification only.

  RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


Specifies the item ID whose feedback data is to be returned. If not specified, then the feedback for all items is returned. When an Item ID is specified, the maximum number of feedback records returned is 100 and Pagination is ignored.

MaxLength: 19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)

  RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:ItemIDType'


# Returns: 'ns:ItemIDType'


Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements, EntriesPerPage and PageNumber, specify the maximum number of individual feedback records to return per call and which page of data to return. Only applicable if a detail level value of ReturnAll is specified and the UserID or no ID (requester option) is specified. Feedback summary data is not paginated (but is still returned when pagination is used). <br> Valid Pagination.EntriesPerPage input for GetFeedback is limited to 25, 50, 100, and 200. Other values will be treated as the closest valid input less than the value specified or 25. If a value of zero or less or a value greater than 200 is specified, the call fails with an error. When pagination is used and feedback detail entries are being returned, the summary data is returned after the last feedback detail entry on the last page of data.

  RequiredInput: No
  OnlyTheseValues: 25, 50, 100, 200
#    Argument: 'ns:PaginationType'


# Returns: 'ns:PaginationType'


Transaction ID whose feedback record should be returned. If not specified, then the feedback for all transactions will be returned. When a Transaction ID is specified, since only one record is returned, Pagination is ignored.

MaxLength: 19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, transaction IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits.)

  RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:string'


# Returns: 'xs:string'


Specifies the user whose feedback data is to be returned. If not specified, then the feedback returned is for the requesting user.

  RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:UserIDType'


# Returns: 'ns:UserIDType'