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eBay::API::XML::Call::GetProductFamilyMembers::GetProductFamilyMembersRequestType inherits from the eBay::API::BaseCall class


GetProductFamilyMembers is intended to be used combination with GetProductSearchResults. If a search result returned from GetProductSearchResults does not return all product versions in a family, and if the user wants to see more versions (editions) of the product, you can use GetProductFamilyMembers to retrieve all versions of the product. That is, if GetProductSearchResultsonly returns the product family header (ParentProduct), use this call to zoom in on a particular family of product versions. (This situation usually occurs when you call GetProductSearchResults and more more matches are found than the MaxChildrenPerFamily value you specified.)<br> <br> The structure of tGetProductFamilyMembers is similar to that of GetProductSearchResults. Instead of passing in a query, you pass in a product ID. This product ID is used to find all the members of the product family that the specified product is a member of. The results are compatible with the results from GetProductSearchResults, so similar application logic can be used to handle both requests and responses. This call supports batch requests. This means you can retrieve products in multiple families by using a single request. To perform a batch request, pass an array of ProductSearch objects in the call.<br> <br> For each ProductSearch object, GetProductFamilyMembers returns a list of all the products in the specified product family. Each product is represented as a list of attributes (Item Specifics) plus other identifying information, such as a product ID and a stock photo.<br> <br> Once the user selects a product from the results, pass its ID in a GetProductSellingPages request to retrieve more detailed information about the product, including a set of optional Item Specifics that the seller can use in addition to the pre-filled Item Specifics (see GetProductSellingPages). <br> <br> To use this data in a listing, pass the product ID and the optional Item Specifics in the seller's listing request (AddItem).




Specifies the ID of a product in the family to be retrieved, along with pagination and sorting instructions. ProductSearch is a required input.

SeeLink: URL: Title: Retrieving All Members of a Product Family

  RequiredInput: Yes
#    Argument: reference to an array  
                      of 'ns:ProductSearchType'


# Returns: reference to an array of 'ns:ProductSearchType'


eBay::API, eBay::API::BaseCall


Please visit for more eBay API information.


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