Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Copy.
1.31 2013-06-27
Remove devendencies on Cwd package.
Broken links are not unescaped.
Ignore template toolikit's variables in links.
Fixed spelling mistakes in the document.
Thanks to gregor herrmann.
Fixed failing tests with Perl 5.18.
Thanks to gregor hermman.
1.3 2008-02-20
HTML::Copy can accept file handles instead file pathes.
htmlcopy can use standard input and output.
The working in MS Windows platform is expected again.
Thanks to Taro Nishino.
1.24 2008-01-24
The test may success in MS Windows platform.
1.23 2008-01-16
Add error handling routine when a souce file can't be opened.
1.22 2007-08-10
add HTTP::Headers to Makefile.PL as a prerequired module(PREREQ_PM).
1.21 2007-08-09
copy_to and parse_to can be accept a path of directory.
automatically make missing directory
1.2 2007-05-31
support XHTML
process with taking account of <base> tag
use URI module instead of File::Spec to convert link path.
HTML::Copy may work on non-unix platform.
1.13 2007-03-22
fix a problem that processing a link including an anchor is not correct.
1.12 2007-02-22
fix error in POD
use Class::Accessor
fix invalid warnning when a file does not exist
1.11 2007-02-19
blush up POD
blush up code
add use 5.008
First version to update CPAN