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Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Copy.
1.31 2013-06-27
* Remove devendencies on Cwd package.
* Broken links are not unescaped.
* Ignore template toolikit's variables in links.
* Fixed spelling mistakes in the document.
* Thanks to gregor herrmann.
* Fixed failing tests with Perl 5.18.
* Thanks to gregor hermman.
1.3 2008-02-20
* HTML::Copy can accept file handles instead file pathes.
* htmlcopy can use standard input and output.
* The working in MS Windows platform is expected again.
* Thanks to Taro Nishino.
1.24 2008-01-24
* The test may success in MS Windows platform.
1.23 2008-01-16
* Add error handling routine when a souce file can't be opened.
1.22 2007-08-10
* add HTTP::Headers to Makefile.PL as a prerequired module(PREREQ_PM).
1.21 2007-08-09
* copy_to and parse_to can be accept a path of directory.
* automatically make missing directory
1.2 2007-05-31
* support XHTML
* process with taking account of <base> tag
* use URI module instead of File::Spec to convert link path.
* HTML::Copy may work on non-unix platform.
1.13 2007-03-22
* fix a problem that processing a link including an anchor is not correct.
1.12 2007-02-22
* fix error in POD
* use Class::Accessor
* fix invalid warnning when a file does not exist
1.11 2007-02-19
* blush up POD
* blush up code
* add use 5.008
* First version to update CPAN