0.08 2011-06-08
Fix the delete_change option to work without a database error (trs)
0.07 unreleased
Support two ways of overriding the collection of Changes displayed (trs)
0.06 2011-02-26
Refactor change-update template so its components are reusable (Sartak)
Bump Jifty dependency (Sartak)
0.05 2011-02-24
Refactor current_user_can to be simpler and more correct (Sartak)
0.04 2011-02-18
Allow control of cascaded_delete (Sartak)
Allow control over current_user_can on Change and ChangeField by
implementing current_user_can_for_change in your record class (Sartak)
Provide a way to create a delete_change for record delete (Sartak)
0.03 2011-02-17
Provide a brief description of the object being viewed in the page title (trs)
Rename the record template to record_type (trs)