Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# (c) Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox.net>
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.0.1'; # VERSION
use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorstrip);
sub execute {
my ( $class, %opts ) = @_;
# make sure all the keys are sane
my @required_keys = ( 'vm', 'device', 'path' );
foreach my $key (@required_keys) {
if ( !defined( $opts{$key} ) ) {
die 'The required variable "' . $key . '" is not set';
# make sure it does not contain any possible characters we don't want
if ( ( $key ne 'path' )
&& ( $opts{$key} =~ /[\t\ \=\\\/\'\"\n\;\&]/ ) )
die 'The value for "'
. $key . '", "'
. $opts{$key}
. '", matched /[\t\ \=\/\\\'\"\n\;\&]/, meaning it is not a valid value';
elsif ( $opts{$key} =~ /[\t\'\"\n\;\&]/ ) {
die 'The value for "'
. $key . '", "'
. $opts{$key}
. '", matched /[\t\'\"\n\;\&]/, meaning it is not a valid value';
# put together the command
my $command
= 'cbsd bhyve-p9shares mode=attach jname='
. $opts{vm}
. ' device='
. $opts{device}
. " path='"
. $opts{path} . "'";
Rex::Logger::debug( "Adding CBSD p9share via... " . $command );
my $returned = i_run( $command, fail_ok => 1 );
# the output is colorized, if there is an error
$returned = colorstrip($returned);
# check for this second as no VM will also exit non-zero
if ( $? != 0 ) {
die( "Error running '" . $command . "'" );
return 1;