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Code - notes and coding rules


The documentation for using wurst lives in wurst.pod. This is a description of internals, conventions and how to change the code.



Have a look at some example files. There is a standard layout for making functions stand out. Please do not use your own layout, even if it is prettier. The aim is consistency and predictability.


There are no tab characters. Use spaces. Use four spaces to indent in functions and loops.


Indentation is almost pure Kernighan and Ritchie with four spaces.

Line size

Try to make code readable in a window of 80 columns or printed page of 80 columns. This may mean shortening your line or breaking it in a place you think makes it more readable for others.

Version control

All the files have lines like this:

  #if !defined (lint) && !defined (DONT_SEE_RCS)
      static const char *rcsid =
      "$Id: coding.pod,v 1.11 2006/02/18 14:14:24 torda Exp $";
  #endif /* !defined (lint) && !defined (DONT_SEE_RCS) */

These come after the #include directives.

Function headings

Begin every function as in the examples. Do not use your own style, even if you think yours is better. Every function begins:

    /* ---------------- foobar  -----------------------------------
     * This function takes an argument and makes coffee.
    static int
    foobar (int zot) 

To list the properties:

  • the comment style at the start should be respected, including the little stars and the empty column.

  • function type on its own line

  • the opening brace is on its own line


There should usually be a space after punctuation, for exactly the same reasons as in English (helping readability). Commas and semi-colons definitely want to be followed by a space.

Do not write

    for (a=0;a<lim;a++){


    for (a = 0; a < lim; a++) {

If the line is going to go beyone 79 spaces, delicately delete spaces while trying to keep readability.


A typedef is useful for complicated structures. In many other places it obscures the meaning. In wurst, typedefs should never go into function prototypes. If they do, then other files cannot easily include the function prototype. Consider a very complicated structure of type struct tree. In a header you may write

 struct tree;
 int function (struct tree *t);

Then anyone can include it without needing the definition of struct tree.

If you write

 int function (treestruct *t);

Then nobody can include it without seeing the typedef.

include files
  • Do not include files from other include files.

  • Split the description of the internal structures from the interface. Call the file with the internal structures, blah.h and the one with the interface, blah_i.h.


Do not add your own type with a name like "boolean" for true/false. If you are talking about errors, use EXIT_SUCCESS/EXIT_FAILURE since these are ANSI standard. If you have a yes/no situation, then there is a header file with a simple enumerated type in yesno.h. The problem with your own boolean is that it gets redefined by different people, TRUE and FALSE often appear in unrelated header files and the most recent C standard has its own idea about boolean types.




The order in which you declare variables should make no difference. On the compaq, at least within structures, the compiler makes noise unless you order objects from largest to smallest. This avoids padding to get best alignment.

Function declarations

If a function can possibly be made static, it should be. Symbols should be no more visible than is necessary. There are also optimisation advantages (the compiler can assume a function is local and generate only an inlined version).

If you have a static function you must

  • Not declare it, then define it and use it. Instead,

  • You should define it once, before it is used.

In other words, do

 static int function (int arg) { ... }
 b = function (a);

Rather than

 static int function (int arg);
 static int function (int arg) { ... }
 b = function (a);

Obviously this rule has to be broken if there is mutual recursion.

This rule exists for consistency (it is used in every file) and to follow the principle that we should write things the minimum number of times and lastly, to ensure that whenever possible, a compiler is given all the information about a static function by the time it is used.

Return values and errors

There are two aspects to this.

Error messages

Generally, the C functions do not print out too much information in case of error. They must, however, return an error code to the interpreter. The C functions should use err_printf() to pass on the result of strerror()/perror(). Typically, this means the lower level C code will write something like no such file or directory, but it is up to the interpreter/script to decide whether or not to go on.

Return codes

Most of the C code returns EXIT_SUCCESS if it is happy and EXIT_FAILURE (as defined in stdlib.h). This leads to a problem. EXIT_FAILURE may be defined as 1, but the perl interpreter usually takes 1 as indicating success. The convention in this code is that

  • The C code returns EXIT_SUCCESS/EXIT_FAILURE as it pleases. The interface code (Wurst.xs) handles swapping the sense when necessary. So, if C code returns an error, the interface code may do XSRETURN_UNDEF.

Conventions and internal routines

Wurst code may not call any of the following directly.


At least not to stderr.


There are some general areas to think about.


Functions should not print to stdout or stderr directly. Everything should go via err_printf() or mprintf() or mfprintf().

If you have to print, you code must include

#include "mprintf.h"


Takes exactly the same arguments as printf().


Exactly the same as fprintf().


This is a replacement for fprintf(stderr, "blah"), but it is not a direct wrapper. The convention is

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "mprintf.h"
 foo_bar (...)
     const char *this_sub = "foo_bar";
     if (error)
         err_printf (this_sub, "blah %s message\n", args);

This will result in a printing to something like stderr a string like

 Function foo_bar: blah args messsage

All these functions with names like mxxx(), behave exactly as xxx().

Passing strings to interpreter

If you have a static string to pass back to the interpreter, declare the function as

 char *
 some_func (..)

and all will be well. This. however, is the exception. Normally, there is a string to be printed out and it has been dynamically allocated. After the interpreter has finished with the string, it should be free()'d. There are two ways to go about this.

  • perls SV mechanism

  • our internal scr_xxx() mechanism

Both the approaches are fine, but perhaps the first (perl's mechanism) should be preferred from now on.

Imagine your function allocates space for a string, writes something into it and you want the interpreter to be able to print it out.

In the C code, declare your function returning char * like

    char *
    my_func (...)
        char *x = E_MALLOC (sizeof (x[0] * length);
        strcpy (x, "something");
        return x;

Then, in the file, something.xs, use an interface like

SV * my_func (a) int a; CODE: { char *s = my_func(...); RETVAL = newSVpv (s, 0); free (s); } OUTPUT: RETVAL

This will copy the string into a SV which the interpreter knows how to deal with. We can immediately free() the pointer from our function.

The second method is to use the scratch space routines, scr_printf() like this.

    #include "scratch.h"

    char *s;
    s = scr_printf ("blah %s\n", foo);
    s = scr_printf ("more text\n");
    return s;

The first call scr_reset() is necessary to tell our scratch space to free any old strings. Subsequent calls append the strings.

Memory allocation and malloc

Do not call malloc(). Instead, call the macro E_MALLOC(). This takes exactly the same arguments as malloc(), but expands to print out the file and line number if malloc() fails.

It is a conscious design decision that we do not do any error recovery there. If we run out of memory, we are cactus.

Memory allocation philosophy and responsibility

Most of the time, memory is malloc()'d and free()'d at the same level of code. There is a major exception to this. Objects which are passed back to the interpreter rely on the interpreter's garbage collection. You must declare and appropriate routine like foo_blah_DESTROY(). This will be called by the interpreter when the reference count for the object goes to zero. This routine must clean up any allocated space.

This approach works well for objects like score matrices. These are allocated once. Although their contents may be manipulated, they do not move. Other objects, such as sequence arrays may grow or shrink and move about as determined by calls to E_REALLOC(). This means we have an extra level of redirection and the interpreter is actually given a pointer to a pointer to a sequence array.

Score matrix storage

The score matrix for two objects of size M and N is of size, (M + 2) * (N + 2). The reason is that it is easier to do special treatment of ends and end gaps this way. This means one has to be careful when coding around the score matrices.

Sequences and sequence arrays

In an early version, functions operated on arrays of sequences. This is being phased out. Some functions may still be able to handle arrays of sequences, mainly for getting sequences in FASTA format.

Structures and special rules

struct seq

These items hold a sequence. The size element holds the number of residues, but the string is allocated for (n + 1) so we can really treat it as a string with a null terminator.


Sequence strings can either be conventional, one-letter amino acid names or in 'thomas' format. The strings have an enumerated type to say what state they are in. If your code depends on some format, then call the appropriate function to convert the string from one style to the other. For example, score functions will often force strings to 'THOMAS' format. Before printing, strings will usually be converted to 'PRINTABLE' format.

struct coord

The coordinate structure not only holds coordinates, it holds a corresponding sequence in a struct seq containe within. The number of elements in the coord and seq structures must be the same.

Within the coord structure, code may not assume that the secondary strucure (sec_s) is complete, nor the phi angles (phi). If these are NULL pointers, it means they have not been read up, calculated or filled out. The coord_DESTROY routine has a look to see if these are NULL pointers and calls free() only if they are non-NULL.

struct prob_vec

Probability vectors are complicated because

  • They can be in the simple array or a compact format

  • They may be normalised in two different ways.

  • The number of sites and probability vectors may vary.

In more detail

prob_vec data storage

In expanded form, the data is in a dynamically allocated 2D array. In mship[a][b], the slower changing index, a is the site in the protein. The faster, b, is the class index.


In the mship[a][b] example, most of the elements are near zero. In the compressed form, cmpct_n->cmpct_n is an array where each element tells us how many non-zero probabilities are associated with site a. For site i, cmpct_n[i] says how many probabilities are stored in prob_vec->cmpct_prob. For each of those probabilities, there is a corresponding entry in prob_vec->cmpct_ndx which is the number (index) of the associated class. The number of elements in cmpct_prob will be the same as in cmpct_ndx.


If there is no compressed data, prob_vec->cmpct_n must point to NULL. If prob_vec->cmpct_n is non-null, the pointer will be assumed valid. If there is no expanded data, prob_vec->mship must point to NULL.

prob_vec normalisation

In terms of probabilities, the vector should be normalised so that all the entries sum to 1.0. When comparing objects, we want to treat the probability vectors as vectors of unit length, so we can take the dot product in order to see the similarity. We also have to allow for not knowing the state of our vectors. These three situations are coded for by setting prob_vec->norm_type to




prob_vec number of sites / vectors

Describe the number of sites.


To add a function to wurst, you have to add something to


This is the C/perl interface


This advertises the symbols which the scripts can use.

The C file

The actual code to be called.


This is the documentation.

In more detail. If you want to add a function, do_stuff which acts on something of type thing_struct, then do at least the following.

C code

In do_stuff.c, or wherever, define the function like

  do_stuff (struct thing_struct *thing) {

In do_stuff.h, prototype the function interface like

  int do_stuff (struct thing_struct *thing);

Don't define the structure here. It is not necessary for the perl interface to see structure internals.

XS code

In Wurst/Wurst.xs, add

  #include "do_stuff.h"

and a typedef

  typedef struct thing_struct Thing_struct;

The capitalisation is not a joke. Perl likes it. Finally, still in Wurst/Wurst.xs, add the function interface,

  do_stuff (x)
      Thing_struct *x;

.pm code

Go to Find the @EXPORT section and add do_stuff.

.pod documentation

Go to pod/wurst.pod and add a description of the new function under the heading, FUNCTIONS

If the function returns some data type back to the interpreter, add a mention of that data type as well.


General debugging

There are two kinds of debugging:

perl debugging

This is not so interesting. Use the perl debugger.

debugging the C code

This is more fun and discussed below.

Wurst is coded as a perl extension, but perl does not have debugging symbols. During development, we will typically compile the extension with -g. The problem is that you cannot set breakpoints since at program load time, the perl extension (a dynamically loaded library) is not there and the debugger does not see a symbol table.

This is not a terrible problem. The trick is to send a little signal after the program has started, but before the breakpoint. There are two ways to do this.

signal from perl

Somewhere early in the perl script, before entering the function where you want a breakpoint, insert

    $SIG{TRAP} = 'IGNORE';
    kill 'TRAP', $$;

You could also set $SIG{TRAP} to point to some function of your own.

These lines say that we will ignore TRAP signals. Then the code sends a TRAP to itself. The debugger notices the signal and gives you a command prompt. Now, the dynamic library is loaded and breakpoints can be set. This works with either gdb or dbx.

The nice aspect of this approach is that when one is not debugging, the script runs fine. The signal is sent, but ignored.

signal from C

Sometimes one knows pretty well which function is going to be a problem, and where one wants to look closely. We can use the same mechanism by calling kill() from the C code. The easiest way to do this is to find the file of interest. At the top of the file,

    #include "dbg.h"

In the subroutine of interest, insert a line


This little function just gets out the current process ID and sends it a trap'able signal. The debugger will give you a command prompt inside the breaker() function which can be quickly stepped out of.

Memory debugging

This is a challenge. One wants to work with a debugging malloc() library, which looks for leaks and so on. When building perl, it offers you the use of its own malloc() library or the system one. It is probably useful to build perl with the system library. The memory checking under dbx on Solaris works fine. Getting an add-on library like electric fence to work under solaris is a bore. Wild use of the LD_PRELOAD environment variable results in a program which gobbles up all available memory. Under linux, it seems to be no problem to link electric fence in.

We assume that perl itself is free of leaks and we only want to instrument our library.


Please follow these rules when writing wurst code.

Function interfaces

Keep the definition of the interface minimal and separate from the definition of the innards. If you have a C file call foo.c, then

  • Put the public interface in foo_i.h

  • Put the innnards in a file like foo.h

For example

You may have some code like

    struct cow {
        int legs;
        float weight;

    print_cow ( struct cow * daisy)

Now there are a few files which have to know the innards of a struct cow and others which will want to call print_cow(). In this case, create a file cow.h which defines the structure:

    struct cow {
        int legs;
        float weight;

and in a separate file, cow_i.h,

    struct cow;
    int print_cow (struct cow *c);


  • Callers of print_cow() do not need to see the innards of the cow struct.

  • You should not use a typedef in the function defintion or prototype. If the code said

      struct cow {...}.
      typedef struct cow Cow;
      typedef struct cow *CowPtr;

    then the prototype for print_cow() would be

      int print_cow (CowPtr);

    but then every caller would need a definition of CowPtr. Please do not do that.

Text and messages


Use the wrappers in mprintf.c. These may not do anything fancy now, but they allow us to wrap our output at a later stage. For example, a Tcl extension is not allowed to read or write to stdout / stderr. In that case, the wrappers can do whatever is necessary to get printf(), fprintf() functions.

File Opening

It is so frequent that we call fopen() with an error message, that this is now in the wrapper, mfopen() in fio.c. Use

 #include "fio.h"
 FILE * mfopen (const char *fname, const char *mode, const char *s)

where fname and mode are as for fopen() and s is a string which will go into error messages. Typically, this will be the name of the caller.

File Reading and Caching

We have a hook to ask the OS not not to cache a file after reading it for opening. Use the function file_no_cache(fp) on the FILE pointer, fp. This somtimes makes a surprising difference in performance. When reading a library of structures or profiles, wurst may read almost 10000 files sequentially. The OS tries to cache each one, although they will not be read again. The damage is that it pushes useful pages such as other people's programs out of the cache. The function file_no_cache() is a wrapper around a posix function which may not be present, so the wrapper checks appropriate #defined values and is a no-op if the posix functions do not seem to be present. A typical usage would be, if ((fp = mfopen (fname, "r", this_sub)) == NULL) return NULL;

        int tmp;
        const char *s = "Turning off caching for %s:\n\"%s\"\n";
        if ((tmp = file_no_cache(fp)) != 0)
            err_printf (this_sub, s, fname, strerror (tmp));

RETURN value is zero on success or errno on failure.

Reading lines from files

Very often, we want to read a line from a file, hopping over blank lines and lines that begin with a hash (#). Do not write another function to do this.

 #include "misc.h"
 get_nline (FILE *fp, char *buf, int *nr_line, size_t maxbuf)

Reads a line from fp. into buffer buf whose size is given by maxbuf. nr_line points to a line counter. get_nline() will increment the variable on every line read.

The routine throws away anything on a line after the hash (#) character, so you can have inline comments.

amino acids

There are a couple of common conversions for amino acid names and types. We may go from one to three letter codes and, internally, from Thomas to standard one letter codes. All functions for this kind of thing live in amino_a.c.

memory allocation

standard malloc()

All memory allocation must be done through the macros E_MALLOC() and E_REALLOC() which live in e_malloc.c. They take the standard arguments and return the standard results, but, on failure, print out a line saying where the error occurred, how much memory was requested and then they die. This is generally good behaviour. Fancier code could attempt error recovery, but usually when malloc() fails, it means there was a code error.


All two dimensional matrices should be allocated via the routines which have their roots in Thomas' code (which is basically the outline given in Numerical Recipes).

Function naming

Some days, I call my functions print_thing() and print_foo(). On others, I use foo_print() and thing_print(). Neither is better than the other. Here is the rule...

Functions should be named thing_print().

Note, I am aware of the disadvantage that you cannot see all the things you can print or copy or whatever.