use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions :config bundling);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Encode qw(find_encoding decode_utf8);
my $encode = 'utf8';
my $overwrite = 0;
my $verbose = -t STDOUT ? 1 : 0; # don't be verbose on dump terminal
my $interval = 1; # sec
my $proxy = undef;
'C|no-colors!' => \my $disable_colors,
'U|url!' => \my $playback_url,
'o|output=s' => \my $output,
'F|fmt=i', => \my $fmt,
's|skip' => \my $skip,
'n|dry-run' => \my $dry_run,
'v|verbose!' => \$verbose,
'i|interval=i' => \$interval,
'e|encode=s' => \$encode,
'f|force!' => \$overwrite,
'p|proxy=s' => \$proxy,
'q|quiet!' => sub { $verbose = 0 },
'h|help' => sub { help() },
'm|man' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2) },
'V|version!' => sub { show_version() },
) or help();
challeng_load_argv_from_fh() unless @ARGV;
help() unless @ARGV;
my $encoder = find_encoding($encode) or throw("not supported encoding: $encode");
$output = $encoder->decode($output) if $output;
my $client = WWW::YouTube::Download->new;
if ($proxy) {
$client->{ua}->proxy(['http','https'] => $proxy);
print "--> Using proxy $proxy\n";
main: {
while (@ARGV) {
my $video_id = shift @ARGV;
my $meta_data = $client->prepare_download($video_id);
chatty("--> Working on $meta_data->{video_id}");
if ($fmt && !$client->_is_supported_fmt($video_id, $fmt)) {
throw("[$meta_data->{video_id}] this video has not supported fmt: $fmt");
if ($playback_url) {
my $p_url = $client->playback_url($video_id, { fmt => $fmt });
chatty("Playback URL: $p_url");
# multibyte fixes
my $filename = $client->_format_filename($output, {
video_id => $meta_data->{video_id},
user => $meta_data->{user},
resolution => $meta_data->{resolution},
title => decode_utf8($meta_data->{title}),
suffix => $fmt ? $meta_data->{video_url_map}{$fmt}{suffix} : $meta_data->{suffix},
fmt => $fmt || $meta_data->{fmt},
$filename = filename_normalize($filename);
$filename = $encoder->encode($filename, sub { sprintf 'U+%x', shift });
if ($dry_run) {
print "$filename\n";
if ($skip && -e $filename) {
print "Skipping existing file: $filename\n";
eval {
$client->download($video_id, {
filename => $filename,
fmt => $fmt,
verbose => $verbose,
overwrite => $overwrite,
if (my $e = $@) {
unlink $filename if -e $filename && !-s $filename;
throw("[$meta_data->{video_id}] $e");
chatty(pcolor(['green'], 'Download successful!'));
Time::HiRes::sleep($interval) if @ARGV;
sub challeng_load_argv_from_fh {
return unless $0 ne '-' && !-t STDIN;
# e.g. $ youtube-download < video_list
while (defined (my $line = <STDIN>)) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/#.*$//; # comment
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim spaces
push @ARGV, $line;
sub filename_normalize {
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ s#[[:cntrl:]]##smg; # remove all control characters
$filename =~ s#^\s+|\s+$##g; # trim spaces
$filename =~ s#^\.+##; # remove multiple leading dots
$filename =~ tr#"/\\:*?<>|#'\-\-\-_____#; # NTFS and FAT unsupported characters
return $filename;
sub throw {
die pcolor(['red'], 'ERROR: ', @_), "\n";
sub chatty {
print @_, "\n";
sub pcolor {
my ($color, @msg) = @_;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $disable_colors || !-t STDOUT) {
return @msg;
eval { require Term::ANSIColor };
return @msg if $@; # module not available
return Term::ANSIColor::colored($color, @msg);
sub show_version {
print "youtube-download (WWW::YouTube::Download) version $WWW::YouTube::Download::VERSION\n";
sub help {
print << 'HELP';
youtube-download [options] video_id_or_video_url ...
-C, --no-colors Disable colored output
-o, --output Output filename, supports `{$value}` format
-e, --encode File system encoding (e.g. cp932)
-F, --fmt Video quality (SEE ALSO Wikipedia)
-f, --force Force overwrite output file
-s, --skip Skip download when output file exists
-i, --interval Download interval
-p, --proxy Use the stated proxy
-n, --dry-run Do not download any videos, print target filenames
-v, --verbose Turns on chatty output (default: enabled)
-q, --quiet Turns off progress
-U, --url Display playback URL for a video
-h, --help Display help
-m, --man Display man page
-V, --version Display version
supported `{$value}` format are:
{video_id} / {user} / {title} / {fmt} / {suffix} / {resolution}
$ youtube-download -o "[{video_id}] {title}.{suffix}"
$ youtube-download -p socks:// -o "{title} (youtube {video_id}).{suffix}"
exit 1;
=head1 NAME
youtube-download - Download video(s) from YouTube
$ youtube-download bT8yLWy4B5w
$ youtube-download < video_list_file
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -C, --no-colors
Force disable colored output
=item -o, --output
output filename, supports `{$value}` format (default: {video_id}.{suffix})
=item -i, --interval
Download interval (default: 1 (sec))
=item -p
Use the given proxy. Requires LWP::Protocol::socks to be installed for socks proxies. See examples for syntax. (default: no proxy)
=item -e, --encode
File system encoding (default: utf8)
=item -s, --skip
Skip downloading a video, if target file exists.
=item -f, --force
Force overwrite output file (default: disabled)
=item -n, --dry-run
Do not download any videos, but print their target filenames,
as defined by -o option. This option still sends query to
Google servers to fetch details about given video.
=item -F, --fmt
Video quality (SEE ALSO Wikipedia)
=item -v, --verbose
Turns on chatty output (default: enabled)
=item -U, --url
Show playback URL of a video, but do not download it
=item -q, --quiet
Turns off the most output
=item -h, --help
Display help
=item -m, --man
Display help page
=item -V, --version
Display version
=head2 supported `{$value}` format
{video_id} / {user} / {title} / {fmt} / {suffix} / {resolution}
$ youtube-download -o "[{video_id}] {title}.{suffix}"
=head1 AUTHOR
Yuji Shiamda (xaicron)