Revision history for Perl extension MojoX::AIO
0.06 Thu, Jan 23 2014
contribution from Olivier Duclos to work with recent mojolicious
0.05 Mon, Jan 30 2011 20:57:00 PST
updated to work with newer versions of Mojolicious
with backward compat for previous versions
0.04 Thu, Aug 18 2011 22:57:00 PST
updated to work with Mojolicious 1.65+
0.03 Wed, Jul 13 2011 21:26:00 PST
not released on cpan-
0.02 Mon, Oct 25 2010 21:54:00 CDT
updated MojoX::AIO internals to not muck with Mojo internals
prereq on Mojolicious v0.999931, and IO::AIO v2
0.01 Mon, Oct 25 2010 01:24:00 CDT
original version