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App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileTypeIcon - present users with pretty icons depending on file type


# first of all, get icon images (they are also in the examples/ dir of this distro)

    wget;tar -xvvf fileicons.tar.gz;rm fileicons.tar.gz;

In your ZofCMS Template or Main Config File:

    plug_file_type_icon => {
        files => [  # mandatory
            qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
            sub {
                my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
                return 'meow.wmv';
        # all the defaults for reference:
        resource    => 'pics/fileicons/',
        prefix      => 'fileicon_',
        as_arrayref => 0, # put all files into an arrayref at $t->{t}{ $prefix }
        only_path   => 0, # i.e. do not generate the <img> element
        icon_width  => 16,
        icon_height => 16,
        code_after  => sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
            die "Weeee";
        xhtml       => 0,

In your HTML::Template file:

    <tmpl_var name='fileicon_0'>
    <tmpl_var name='fileicon_1'>
    <tmpl_var name='fileicon_2'>
    <tmpl_var name='fileicon_3'>


The module is a plugin for App::ZofCMS that provides a method to show pretty little icons that vary depending on the extension of the file (which is just a string as far as the module is concerned).

This documentation assumes you've read App::ZofCMS, App::ZofCMS::Config and App::ZofCMS::Template


There are 69 icons plus the "unknown file" icon in an archive that is in examples/ directory of this distribution. You can also get it from my website:

    tar -xvvf fileicons.tar.gz;
    rm fileicons.tar.gz;

As well as the original website from where I got them:

Alternatively, you may want to draw your own icons; in that case, the filenames for the icons are made out as $lowercase_filetype_extension.png. If you draw some icons yourself and would like to share, feel free to email them to me at

These images would obviously need to be placed in web-accessible directory on your website.



    plugins => [ qw/FileTypeIcon/ ],

You obviously need to include the plugin in the list of plugins to execute. You're likely to use this plugin with some other plugins, so make sure to get priority right.


    plug_file_type_icon => {
        files => [  # mandatory
            qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
            sub {
                my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
                return 'meow.wmv';
        # all the defaults for reference:
        resource    => 'pics/fileicons/',
        prefix      => 'fileicon_',
        as_arrayref => 0, # put all files into an arrayref at $t->{t}{ $prefix }
        only_path   => 0, # i.e. do not generate the <img> element
        icon_width  => 16,
        icon_height => 16,
        code_after  => sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
            die "Weeee";
        xhtml       => 0,

Plugin won't run if plug_file_type_icon is not set or its files key does not contain any files. The plug_file_type_icon first-level key takes a hashref as a value. The keys of this hashref can be set in either ZofCMS Template or Main Config Files; keys that are set in both files will take their values from ZofCMS Template file. The following keys/values are valid in plug_file_type_icon:


    files => [
        qw/ foo.png bar.doc beer.pdf /,
        { 'beer.doc' => 'doc_file' },
        sub {
            my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
            return 'meow.wmv';

Mandatory. The files key takes either an arrayref, a subref or a hashref as a value. If its value is NOT an arrayref, then it will be converted to an arrayref with just one element - the original value.

The elements of files arrayref can be strings, hashrefs or subrefs. If the value is a subref, the sub will be executed and its return value will replace the subref. The @_ of the sub will contain $t, $q, $conf (in that order) where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is a hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object.

If the element is a hashref, it must contain only one key/value pair and the key will be treated as a filename to process and the value will become the name of the key in t ZofCMS special key (see prefix key below). If the element is a regular string, then it will be treated as a filename to process.


    resource => 'pics/fileicons/',

Optional. Specifies the path to directory with icon images. Must be relative to file and web-accessible, as this path will be used in generating path/filenames to the icons. Defaults to: pics/fileicons/


    prefix => 'fileicon_',

Optional. When the plugin generates path to the icon or the <img> element, it will stick it into t ZofCMS special key. The prefix key takes a string as a value and specifies the prefix to use for keys in t ZofCMS special key. If as_arrayref key (see below) is set to a true value, then prefix will specify the name of the key, in t ZofCMS special key where to store that arrayref. When the element of files arrayref is a hashref, the value of the only key in that hashref will become the name of the key in t special key WITHOUT the prefix; otherwise, the name will be constructed by using prefix and a counter; the elements of files arrayref that are hashrefs do not increase that counter. Defaults to: fileicon_ (note that underscore at the end)


    as_arrayref => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will create an arrayref of generated <img> elements (or just paths) and stick it in t special key under prefix (see above) key. Defaults to: 0


    only_path   => 0,

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value, the plugin will not generate the code for <img> elements, but instead it will only provide paths to appropriate icon image. Defaults to: 0

icon_width and icon_height

    icon_width  => 16,
    icon_height => 16,

Optional. All the icon images to which I referred you above are sized 16px x 16px. If you are creating your own icons, use icon_width and icon_height keys to set proper dimensions. You cannot set different sizes for individual icons, but you can use Image::Size in the code_after sub (see below). Defaults to: 16 (for both)


    code_after => sub {
        my ( $t, $q, $conf ) = @_;
        die "Weeee";

Optional. Takes a subref as a value, this subref will be run after all filenames in files arrayref have been processed. The @_ will contain (in that order) $t, $q, $conf where $t is ZofCMS Template hashref, $q is hashref of query parameters and $conf is App::ZofCMS::Config object. By defaults: is not specified.


    xhtml => 0,

Optional. If you wish to close <img> elements as to when you're writing XHTML, then set xhtml argument to a true value. Defaults to: 0


The plugin generates the following HTML code:

<img class="file_type_icon" src="pics/fileicons/png.png" width="16" height="16" alt="PNG file" title="PNG file">


'Zoffix, <'zoffix at'> (,,

Icons were obtained from


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-zofcms-plugin-filetypeicon at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc App::ZofCMS::Plugin::FileTypeIcon

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2009 'Zoffix, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.