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POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BasePoCoWrap - base talking/ban/trigger functionality for plugins using POE::Component::*


    package POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WrapExample;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BasePoCoWrap';
    use POE::Component::WWW::Google::Calculator;

    sub _make_default_args {
        return (
            response_event   => 'irc_google_calc',
            trigger          => qr/^calc\s+(?=\S)/i,

    sub _make_poco {
        return POE::Component::WWW::Google::Calculator->spawn(
            debug => shift->{debug},

    sub _make_response_message {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $in_ref = shift;
        return [ exists $in_ref->{error} ? $in_ref->{error} : $in_ref->{out} ];

    sub _make_response_event {
        my $self = shift;
        my $in_ref = shift;

        return {
            ( exists $in_ref->{error} 
                ? ( error => $in_ref->{error} )
                : ( result => $in_ref->{out} )

            map { $_ => $in_ref->{"_$_"} }
                qw( who channel  message  type ),

    sub _make_poco_call {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data_ref = shift;

        $self->{poco}->calc( {
                event       => '_poco_done',
                term        => delete $data_ref->{what},
                map +( "_$_" => $data_ref->{$_} ),
                    keys %$data_ref,



The module is a base class to use for plugins which use a POE::Component::* object internally. It provides: triggering with a trigger, listening for requests in public channels, /notice and /msg (with ability to configure which exactly) as well as auto-responding to those requests. It provides "banned" feature which allows you to ignore certain people if their usermask matches a regex.

I am not sure how flexible this base wrapper can get, just give it a try. Suggestions for improvements/whishlists are more than welcome.


This document uses word "plugin" to refer to the plugin which uses this base class.

Of course, by providing more functionality you need to document it. At the end of this document you will find a POD snippet which you can simply copy/paste into your plugin's docs. I recommend that you read that snippet first as to understand what functionality this base class provides.



    sub _make_default_args {
        return (
            response_event   => 'irc_google_calc',
            trigger          => qr/^calc\s+(?=\S)/i,

This sub must return a list of key/value arguments which you need to override. What you specify here will be possible to override by the user from the new() method of the plugin.

A (sane) plugin would return a response_event and trigger arguments from this sub. There are some mandatory, or I shall rather say "reserved" arguments (they have defaults) which you can return from this sub which are as follows. On the left are the argument name, on the right is the default value it will take if you don't return it from the _make_default_args sub:

        debug            => 0,
        auto             => 1,
        response_event   => 'irc_poco_wrap_response',
        banned           => [],
        addressed        => 1,
        eat              => 1,
        trigger          => qr/^poco_wrap\s+(?=\S)/i,
        listen_for_input => [ qw(public notice privmsg) ],

Read the "PLUGIN DOCUMENTATION" section to understand what each of these do.


    sub _make_poco {
        return POE::Component::WWW::Google::Calculator->spawn(
            debug => shift->{debug},

This sub must return your POE::Component::* object. The arguments which are available to the user in the new() method of the plugin (i.e. the ones which you returned from _make_default_args and the default ones) will be available as hash keys in the first element of @_ which is also your plugin's object.


    sub _make_poco_call {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data_ref = shift;

        $self->{poco}->calc( {
                event       => '_poco_done',
                term        => delete $data_ref->{what},
                map +( "_$_" => $data_ref->{$_} ),
                    keys %$data_ref,

In this sub you would make a call to your POE::Component::* object asking for some data. After the plugin returns the calls to _make_response_message and _make_response_event will be made and @_[ARG0 .. $#_ ] will contain whatever your PoCo returns.

NOTE: your PoCo must send the response to an event named _poco_done otherwise you'll have to override more methods which is left as an exercise. (RTFS! :) )

The first element of @_ in _make_poco_call sub will contain plugin's object, the second element will contain a hashref with the following keys/values:

    $VAR1 = {
        'who' => 'Zoffix__!n=Zoffix@unaffiliated/zoffix',
        'what' => '',
        'type' => 'public',
        'channel' => '#zofbot',
        'message' => 'CalcBot, rank'

The mask of the other who triggered the request


The input after stripping the trigger (note, leading/trailing white-space is stripped as well)


This will be either public, privmsg or notice and will indicate where the message came from.


This will be the channel name if the request came from a public channel


This will be the full message of the user who triggered the request.


    sub _make_response_message {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $in_ref = shift;
        return [ exists $in_ref->{error} ? $in_ref->{error} : $in_ref->{out} ];

This sub must return an arrayref. Each element will be "spoken" in the channel/notice/msg (depending on the type of the request). The <@_> array will contain plugin's object as the first element and @_[ARG0 .. $#_] will be the rest of the elements.


    sub _make_response_event {
        my $self = shift;
        my $in_ref = shift;

        return {
            ( exists $in_ref->{error} 
                ? ( error => $in_ref->{error} )
                : ( result => $in_ref->{out} )

            map { $_ => $in_ref->{"_$_"} }
                qw( who channel  message  type ),

This sub will be called internally like this:

        $self->{response_event} =>
        $self->_make_response_event( @_[ARG0 .. $#_] )

Therefore it must return something that you would like to see in the even handler set up to handle response_even. The @_ will contain plugin's object as the first element and @_[ARG0 .. $#_]


This base class likes to play with the following modules under the hood:



The examples/ directory of this distribution contains an example plugin written using POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BasePoCoWrap as well as a google calculator bot which uses that plugin.


This section lists a "default" plugin's documentation which you can copy/paste (and EDIT!) into your brand new plugin to describe the functionality this base class offers. Make sure to proof read ;)

    =head1 SYNOPSIS

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use POE qw(Component::IRC  Component::IRC::Plugin::EXAMPLE);

        my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
            nick        => 'EXAMPLE',
            server      => '',
            port        => 6667,
            ircname     => 'EXAMPLE',

            package_states => [
                main => [ qw(_start irc_001) ],


        sub _start {
            $irc->yield( register => 'all' );
                'XKCD' =>

            $irc->yield( connect => {} );

        sub irc_001 {
            $_[KERNEL]->post( $_[SENDER] => join => '#zofbot' );

        <Zoffix_> EXAMPLE, example example
        <EXAMPLE> HUH?!?!! This is just an example?!?! :(

    =head1 DESCRIPTION

    This module is a L<POE::Component::IRC> plugin which uses
    L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin> for its base. It provides interface to
    It accepts input from public channel events, C</notice> messages as well
    as C</msg> (private messages); although that can be configured at will.

    =head1 CONSTRUCTOR

    =head2 new

        # plain and simple
            'EXAMPLE' => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::EXAMPLE->new

        # juicy flavor
            'EXAMPLE' =>
                    auto             => 1,
                    response_event   => 'irc_EXAMPLE',
                    banned           => [ qr/aol\.com$/i ],
                    addressed        => 1,
                    trigger          => qr/^EXAMPLE\s+(?=\S)/i,
                    listen_for_input => [ qw(public notice privmsg) ],
                    eat              => 1,
                    debug            => 0,

    The C<new()> method constructs and returns a new
    C<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::EXAMPLE> object suitable to be
    fed to L<POE::Component::IRC>'s C<plugin_add> method. The constructor
    takes a few arguments, but I<all of them are optional>. The possible
    arguments/values are as follows:

    =head3 auto

        ->new( auto => 0 );

    B<Optional>. Takes either true or false values, specifies whether or not
    the plugin should auto respond to requests. When the C<auto>
    argument is set to a true value plugin will respond to the requesting
    person with the results automatically. When the C<auto> argument
    is set to a false value plugin will not respond and you will have to
    listen to the events emited by the plugin to retrieve the results (see
    EMITED EVENTS section and C<response_event> argument for details).
    B<Defaults to:> C<1>.

    =head3 response_event

        ->new( response_event => 'event_name_to_recieve_results' );

    B<Optional>. Takes a scalar string specifying the name of the event
    to emit when the results of the request are ready. See EMITED EVENTS
    section for more information. B<Defaults to:> C<irc_EXAMPLE>

    =head3 banned

        ->new( banned => [ qr/aol\.com$/i ] );

    B<Optional>. Takes an arrayref of regexes as a value. If the usermask
    of the person (or thing) making the request matches any of
    the regexes listed in the C<banned> arrayref, plugin will ignore the
    request. B<Defaults to:> C<[]> (no bans are set).

    =head3 trigger

        ->new( trigger => qr/^EXAMPLE\s+(?=\S)/i );

    B<Optional>. Takes a regex as an argument. Messages matching this
    regex will be considered as requests. See also
    B<addressed> option below which is enabled by default. B<Note:> the
    trigger will be B<removed> from the message, therefore make sure your
    trigger doesn't match the actual data that needs to be processed.
    B<Defaults to:> C<qr/^EXAMPLE\s+(?=\S)/i>

    =head3 addressed

        ->new( addressed => 1 );

    B<Optional>. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value
    all the public messages must be I<addressed to the bot>. In other words,
    if your bot's nickname is C<Nick> and your trigger is
    you would make the request by saying C<Nick, trig EXAMPLE>.
    When addressed mode is turned on, the bot's nickname, including any
    whitespace and common punctuation character will be removed before
    matching the C<trigger> (see above). When C<addressed> argument it set
    to a false value, public messages will only have to match C<trigger> regex
    in order to make a request. Note: this argument has no effect on
    C</notice> and C</msg> requests. B<Defaults to:> C<1>

    =head3 listen_for_input

        ->new( listen_for_input => [ qw(public  notice  privmsg) ] );

    B<Optional>. Takes an arrayref as a value which can contain any of the
    three elements, namely C<public>, C<notice> and C<privmsg> which indicate
    which kind of input plugin should respond to. When the arrayref contains
    C<public> element, plugin will respond to requests sent from messages
    in public channels (see C<addressed> argument above for specifics). When
    the arrayref contains C<notice> element plugin will respond to
    requests sent to it via C</notice> messages. When the arrayref contains
    C<privmsg> element, the plugin will respond to requests sent
    to it via C</msg> (private messages). You can specify any of these. In
    other words, setting C<( listen_for_input => [ qr(notice privmsg) ] )>
    will enable functionality only via C</notice> and C</msg> messages.
    B<Defaults to:> C<[ qw(public  notice  privmsg) ]>

    =head3 eat

        ->new( eat => 0 );

    B<Optional>. If set to a false value plugin will return a
    C<PCI_EAT_NONE> after
    responding. If eat is set to a true value, plugin will return a
    C<PCI_EAT_ALL> after responding. See L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin>
    documentation for more information if you are interested. B<Defaults to>:

    =head3 debug

        ->new( debug => 1 );

    B<Optional>. Takes either a true or false value. When C<debug> argument
    is set to a true value some debugging information will be printed out.
    When C<debug> argument is set to a false value no debug info will be
    printed. B<Defaults to:> C<0>.

    =head1 EMITED EVENTS

    =head2 response_event


    The event handler set up to handle the event, name of which you've
    specified in the C<response_event> argument to the constructor
    (it defaults to C<irc_xkcd>) will recieve input
    every time comic request is completed. The input will come in EXAMPLE.
    The EXAMPLE as follows:



Zoffix Znet, <zoffix at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-poe-component-irc-plugin-basepocowrap at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BasePoCoWrap

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.