Revision history for WWW-Purolator-TrackingInfo
1.0105 2014-01-18
Improved the return value to handle the 'Tracking system
currently unvailable' error
Improved the tests to actually FAIL the tests, unless the
error is a Network error or Trac. Sys. Cur. Unavailable error.
1.0104 2014-01-18
Doubled up the test, since I can obtain new tracking numbers
by the handful; makes sense to test more.
1.0103 2014-01-18
Fixed a broken test
1.0102 2014-01-17
Forgot to fix up/update the Changes file in the previous upload
1.001 2014-01-17
Made the module work again
API changed entirely, due to the website changes by Purolator
0.0101 2009-09-17
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.