=head1 NAME
SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Camera - A movable viewpoint in the game world
# Start the camera 1.5 metres above the ground, 10 metres back from
# the world origin, looking north and slightly downwards.
my $camera = SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Camera->new(
X => 0,
Y => 1.5,
Z => 10,
angle => 0,
elevation => -5,
The B<SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Camera> represents the viewpoint that the
user controls to move through the 3D world.
In this initial skeleton code, the camera is fixed and cannot be moved.
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use OpenGL;
use constant D2R => CORE::atan2(1,1) / 45;
our $VERSION = '0.23';
=head2 new
# Start the camera at the origin, facing north and looking at the horizon
my $camera = SDL::Tutorial::3DWorld::Camera->new(
X => 0,
Y => 0,
Z => 0,
angle => 0,
elevation => 0,
The C<new> constructor creates a camera that serves as the primary
abstraction for the viewpoint as it moves through the world.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless { @_ }, $class;
# The default position of the camera is at 0,0,0 facing north
$self->{X} ||= 0;
$self->{Y} ||= 0;
$self->{Z} ||= 0;
$self->{angle} ||= 0;
$self->{elevation} ||= 0;
# Ignore the mouse origin position.
# We'll set this to the real values during init.
$self->{mouse_origin} = [ 0, 0 ];
# The speed of the camera in metres per second when we are moving
$self->{speed} ||= 0.2;
# Key tracking
$self->{down} = {
# Move camera forwards and backwards
SDL::Constants::SDLK_w => 0,
SDL::Constants::SDLK_s => 0,
# Strafe camera left and right
SDL::Constants::SDLK_a => 0,
SDL::Constants::SDLK_d => 0,
# Shift makes us run
SDL::Constants::SDLK_LSHIFT => 0,
return $self;
=head2 X
The C<X> accessor provides the location of the camera in metres on the east
to west dimension within the 3D world. The positive direction is east.
sub X {
=head2 Y
The C<Y> accessor is location of the camera in metres on the vertical
dimension within the 3D world. The positive direction is up.
sub Y {
=head2 Z
The C<Z> accessor provides the location of the camera in metres on the north
to south dimension within the 3D world. The positive direction is north.
sub Z {
=head2 angle
The C<angle> accessor provides the direction the camera is facing on the
horizontal plane within the 3D world. Positive indicates clockwise degrees
from north. Thus C<0> is north, C<90> is east, C<180> is south and C<270>
is west.
The C<angle> is more correctly known as the "azimuth" but we prefer the
simpler common term for a gaming API. For more details see
sub angle {
=head2 elevation
The C<elevation> accessor provides the direction the camera is facing on
the vertical plane. Positive indicates degrees above the horizon. Thus
C<0> is looking at the horizon, C<90> is facing straight up, and
C<-90> is facing straight down.
The C<elevation> is more correctly known as the "altitude" but we prefer the
simpler common term for a gaming API. For more details see
sub elevation {
# Engine Interface
# Note that this doesn't position the camera, just sets it up
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{width} = shift;
$self->{height} = shift;
# Calculate the mouse origin position
$self->{mouse_origin} = [
int( $self->{width} / 2 ),
int( $self->{height} / 2 ),
# As a mouselook game, we don't want users to see the cursor.
# We also position the cursor at the exact centre of the window.
# (This will result in another spurious mouse event)
SDL::Mouse::show_cursor( SDL::Constants::SDL_DISABLE );
SDL::Mouse::warp_mouse( @{$self->{mouse_origin}} );
# Select and reset the projection, flushing any old state
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
# Set the perspective we will look through.
# We'll use a standard 60 degree perspective, removing any
# shapes closer than one metre or further than one kilometre.
gluPerspective( 45.0, $self->{width} / $self->{height}, 0.1, -1000 );
# Work super hard to make perspective calculations not suck
sub display {
my $self = shift;
# Transform the location of the entire freaking world in the opposite
# direction and angle to where the camera is and which way it is
# pointing. This makes it LOOK as if the camera is moving but it isn't.
glRotatef( $self->{elevation}, -1, 0, 0 );
glRotatef( $self->{angle}, 0, 1, 0 );
glTranslatef( -$self->X, -$self->Y, -$self->Z );
sub move {
my $self = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $speed = $self->{speed} * $step;
my $down = $self->{down};
# Find the camera-wards and sideways components of our velocity
my $move = $speed * (
$down->{SDL::Constants::SDLK_s} -
my $strafe = $speed * (
$down->{SDL::Constants::SDLK_d} -
# Apply this movement in the direction of the camera
my $angle = $self->{angle} * D2R;
$self->{X} += (cos($angle) * $strafe) - (sin($angle) * $move);
$self->{Z} += (sin($angle) * $strafe) + (cos($angle) * $move);
sub event {
my $self = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $type = $event->type;
if ( $type == SDL::Constants::SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
# Ignore mouse motion events at the mouse origin
$event->motion_x == $self->{mouse_origin}->[0] and
$event->motion_y == $self->{mouse_origin}->[1] and
return 1;
# Convert the mouse motion to mouselook behaviour
my $x = $event->motion_xrel;
my $y = $event->motion_yrel;
$x = $x - 65536 if $x > 32000;
$y = $y - 65536 if $y > 32000;
$self->{angle} = ($self->{angle} + $x / 5) % 360;
$self->{elevation} -= $y / 10;
$self->{elevation} = 90 if $self->{elevation} > 90;
$self->{elevation} = -90 if $self->{elevation} < -90;
# Move the mouse back to the centre of the window so that
# it can never escape the game window.
SDL::Mouse::warp_mouse( @{$self->{mouse_origin}} );
return 1;
if ( $type == SDL::Constants::SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
my $key = $event->key_sym;
if ( exists $self->{down}->{$key} ) {
$self->{down}->{$key} = 1;
return 1;
if ( $type == SDL::Constants::SDL_KEYUP ) {
my $key = $event->key_sym;
if ( exists $self->{down}->{$key} ) {
$self->{down}->{$key} = 0;
return 1;
# We don't care about this event
return 0;
# Support Methods
# Is a bounding box visible to the camera
# Test each corner as a point, shortcutting if one is visible
sub visible_box {
my $self = shift;
# Find the vector for camera-relative forwards
# For angle = 0, elevation = 0 this should be 0, 0, 1
my $angle = $self->{angle} * D2R;
my $elevation = $self->{elevation} * D2R;
my $XB = sin($angle) * cos($elevation);
my $YB = sin($elevation);
my $ZB = -cos($angle) * cos($elevation);
# Offset the bounding box by the camera position and
# multiple by vector component for each axis.
# This gives the contribution to how "forward" each
# face makes a point for that axis.
my $X1 = $XB * ($_[0] - $self->{X});
my $Y1 = $YB * ($_[1] - $self->{Y});
my $Z1 = $ZB * ($_[2] - $self->{Z});
my $X2 = $XB * ($_[3] - $self->{X});
my $Y2 = $YB * ($_[4] - $self->{Y});
my $Z2 = $ZB * ($_[5] - $self->{Z});
# If the sum of the most positive value on each axis
# results in a negative value then the most forward
# corner of the bounding box is behind us, and there is
# no possible way any part of the actor needs to be
# drawn on screen. Thus, the actor is not visible.
my $sum = ($X1 > $X2 ? $X1 : $X2)
+ ($Y1 > $Y2 ? $Y1 : $Y2)
+ ($Z1 > $Z2 ? $Z2 : $Z2);
return 1 if $sum > 0;
return 0;
# Is a point visible to the camera
sub visible_point {
my $self = shift;
# Find the vector for camera-relative forwards
# For angle = 0, elevation = 0 this is 0, 0, -1
my $angle = $self->{angle} * D2R;
my $elevation = $self->{elevation} * D2R;
my $XB = sin($angle) * cos($elevation);
my $YB = sin($elevation);
my $ZB = -cos($angle) * cos($elevation);
# Multiply the camera-relative position by the vector.
# A positive total means the point is behind us.
my $behind = $XB * ($_[0] - $self->{X})
+ $YB * ($_[1] - $self->{Y})
+ $ZB * ($_[2] - $self->{Z});
return 0 if $behind > 0;
return 1;
# Sort a series of vectors by distance from the camera, returning
# the result as a list of index positions.
sub distance_isort {
my $self = shift;
my $X = $self->{X};
my $Y = $self->{Y};
my $Z = $self->{Z};
# Calculate the distances
my @distance = map {
($X - $_->[0]) ** 2 + ($Y - $_->[1]) ** 2 + ($Z - $_->[2]) ** 2
} @_;
# Sort index by distance
my @order = sort {
$distance[$b] <=> $distance[$a]
} ( 0 .. $#_ );
return @order;
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<SDL>, L<OpenGL>
Copyright 2010 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.