use strict;
=head1 NAME
Net::SolarWinds::ConstructorHash - Default Hash object constructor
package MyClass;
use base qw(Net::SolarWinds::ConstructorHash);
my $pkg=new MyClass(key=>'value');
This library provides a common base line construcotor that accepts an arbitrary key=>value pair set.
=head1 Setting default constructor values.
To create default constructor values, simply use the inherited OO constructor example:
sub new {
my ($class,%args)=@_;
return $class->SUPER::new(
=head1 OO Methods provided
=over 4
=item * Object constructor
This class provides a basic object constructor that accepts hash key value pairs as its arguments. Keep in mind there are a few reserved hash keys.
Reserved hash keys:
# wich is used to manage the shutdown state.
log=>undef|Net::SolarWinds::Log instance
# this key represents the log object ( if passed into the constructor as class->new(log=>Net::SolarWinds::Log->new()) )
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
my $self = bless { log => undef, _shutdown => 0, %args }, $class;
return $self;
=item * $self->is_shutdown
This method should be used when running infinate loops to see if the application should stop running its extended loop.
sub is_shutdown { return $_[0]->{_shutdown} }
=item * $self->set_shutdown
Sets the object into the shutdown state.
sub set_shutdown { $_[0]->{_shutdown} = 1 }
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Shipper