Changes for Padre-Plugin-Moose
0.21 2012.3.15
Fix segfault when new files are open without any open files (AZAWAWI,
Reported by El_Che)
Updated Padre Italian translation (SBLANDIN)
Unload P:P:Moose when the plugin is disabled (BOWTIE)
Focus on the class and role tab after showing the error message: You can
only add X to a class or role (AZAWAWI)
Less code in Makefile.PL (AZAWAWI)
0.20 2012.3.10 (AZAWAWI)
Added missing README
Highlight the current editor. This is needed when a plugin is enabled for
the first time
Added more button accelerator + Perl tidy
Rename NeedsSaveAsEvent to NeedsPluginEvent
0.19 2012.3.10 (AZAWAWI)
Moved TextMate-style TAB-completion feature into Padre::Plugin::Snippet.
No need to provide a Perl document subclass to Padre therefore no problems
with other Perl document subclassing plugins.
In MooseX::Declare, around modifier has $self and $orig predefined
Documentation updates.
No more "Enable Snippets" in preferences dialog.
One can choose between the namespace::clean or the purist approach to
using Moose and Mouse.
0.18 2012.3.7 (AZAWAWI)
Perfected TextMate-style TAB-completion feature.
Thanks for BOWTIE++ for throughly testing it.
Added perl snippets that are on by default regardless of current
code generator type
0.17 2012.3.3
Perl tidy and fix missing updated Changes.
Must have been sleeping when I released 0.16 (AZAWAWI)
0.16 2012.3.3
Removing the static box sizers from the design for a cleaner look (ADAMK)
Added missing $VERSION to ClassMember (ADAMK)
Completed plugin dependencies (ADAMK)
Added modal preferences dialog (AZAWAWI)
Renamed the dialog to "Moose Assistant" (AZAWAWI)
Added MooseX::Declare keyword syntax highlighting (AZAWAWI)
Added MooseX::Declare and Mouse snippets (AZAWAWI)
Added more documentation (AZAWAWI)
Switch from YAML::Tiny to YAML for stopping the leading whitespace loss
Added t/eol.t author test (AZAWAWI)
Snippets YAML files is divided by type: Moose, Mouse and MooseX::Declare
Added snippets checkbox to toggle functionality (AZAWAWI)
0.15 2012.2.29 (AZAWAWI)
Add Moose keywords highlighting
Add YAML-based TextMate-style Moose keyword snippet
completion (Thanks for El_Che and perigrin)
Added basic constructor/destructor support
Switch order of members tab to be most used first: attributes,
methods, subtypes, constructor and then destructor.
Inspector is now bigger since it is a scrolled window.
Fix q{editable inspector in Program node at startup} TODO
Dialog is no longer cramped (width is 750 instead of 640 pixels)
0.14 2012.2.27 (AZAWAWI)
Added MooseX::Declare code generation
Code generation options UI
Minimum dialog size is 640x480 and it is now resizable (bowtie++)
Ability to change generation code target (Moose, Mouse or MooseX::Declare)
via a combo box
Fixed immutable/namespace::clean order (GabrielVieira++ for the bug
Perl tidy + Makefile.PL now includes plugin homepage as wiki page
0.13 2012.2.27 (AZAWAWI)
Add Mouse support
Added method modifiers list completion
Added support for class attributes via MooseX::ClassAttribute
Added support for singletons via MooseX::Singleton
Inspector is now a scrolled window
Added to attributes the following options: coerce, does, weak_ref,
lazy, builder, default, clearer, predicate, documentation.
0.12 2012.2.26 (AZAWAWI)
Delete key and right-click (context menu) now work on the delete option.
No actual deletion is done at the moment
Add the UI/event hooks for constructor/destructor buttons.
No code generation at the moment
Choice combo list is now in inspector. (bowtie++ for the idea)
0.11 2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
New polished dialog UI :)
Added method modifiers (around, before, after)
Removed About button and moved its information to the dialog title
0.10 2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
Fixed future timestamp for recently released 0.09. Stupid old dev VM
image :)
0.09 2012.2.24 (AZAWAWI)
Escape regular expression while positioning the preview editor
Current editor theme is always applied.
No need to hide controls. Let us do the right way and validate each
action (bowtie++).
Use Moose sugar 'blessed' instead of Scalar::Util::blessed - which is the
same but cooler :)
Fixed ellipsis in plugin manager (bowtie++)
Stop doing that grid focus automatically. It screws up navigation
Various POD updates regarding methods.
Clicking on a tree element scrolls to the first line of its generated code
instead of the Padre-default centerize
About dialog is reusing ->message() and is modal friendly
::Main now does('Padre::Wx::Role::Dialog'). Alias++
::Role::CanHandleInspector now requires 'get_grid_data'. No global
%INSPECTOR in ::Main
has 'attribute'; # is now supported, no default values. Just the basics :)
Better attribute/subtype code generation
Each tree element knows how to handle the inspector via
Various name refactoring and more roles in ::Role namespace
0.08 2012.2.23 (AZAWAWI)
Refactored the dialog to be modal and improved its UI
The dialog is resident until the plugin is disabled.
Generate closes the dialog but does not destroy your work. Added "reset"
Class members can be added now when inside a class/role. There is no need
to click on the parent again as before.
Disable adding class members when you're over Program node
Added q{ my $self = shift } to generated method body.
Subtype has now a base type and is usable now.
0.07 2012.2.22
Show the generated code that is related the currently selected element
Added keyboard button accelerators and "Insert code" is now "Generate"
Added a simple inspector help text field that explains the current element
The code generator is now called at startup (AZAWAWI)
The buttons are shown/hidden instead of enabled/disabled (AZAWAWI)
Inside Program elements, you can create class/role (AZAWAWI)
Inside Class/Role elements, you can create attribute, subtype or method
0.06 2012.2.22 (HOTFIX to 0.05)
Tree item selection is now done in EVT_IDLE lifecycle to prevent deep
recursion when editing (AZAWAWI)
0.05 2012.2.22
Added Inspector edit mode (AZAWAWI)
Fixed Recommended order for namespace::clean (AZAWAWI)
Install share directory with MO files (AZAWAWI)
Add q{use Moose::Util::TypeConstraint} when needed (AZAWAWI)
q{Add Method} implemented (AZAWAWI)
Added Padre::Plugin::Moose::CodeGen role. Less POD cruft. Lazy loading.
0.04 2012.2.21
Added namespace::clean as a dependency (AZAWAWI)
Fixed a role code generation bug (AZAWAWI)
Added Program Inspector (AZAWAWI)
Added Program Outline (AZAWAWI)
Basic Attribute/Subtype code generation (AZAWAWI)
0.03 2012.2.21
Fixed dialog not properly closing on non-win32 platforms (BOWTIE, AZAWAWI)
Refactor variable names (AZAWAWI)
Sample code is now correct (AZAWAWI)
q{Moose} is now q{Moose...} :) (BOWTIE, AZAWAWI)
0.02 2012.2.20
The following feature list is here: (AZAWAWI)
Added Moose website/manual/cookbook hyperlinks
Added "Add class/role/attribute/subtype" tabs
Added code generation readonly preview editor
Added comments/main code generation checkboxes
Added insert code
0.01 2012.2.15
Initial release to CPAN (AZAWAWI)