use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.02';
=head1 NAME
Labyrinth::Test::Harness - Test Harness for Labyrinth Plugin modules
my $harness = Labyrinth::Test::Harness->new( %options );
my $res = $harness->prep('file1.sql','file2.sql');
$res = $harness->labyrinth(@plugins);
$res = $harness->action('Base::Admin');
$harness->refresh( \@plugins );
{ test1 => 1 },
{ test2 => 2 } );
my $vars = $harness->vars;
my $params = $harness->params;
$harness->set_params( name => 'Test', test => 1 );
$harness->set_vars( name => 'Test', test => 1 );
my $error = $harness->error;
my $config = $harness->config;
my $directory = $harness->directory;
Contains all the harness code around Labyrinth, to enable plugin testing.
# Libraries
use Module::Pluggable search_path => ['Labyrinth::Plugin'];
# Required Core
use Labyrinth::Globals qw(:all);
# Default Test Variables
my $CONFIG = 't/_DBDIR/test-config.ini';
# Class Methods
sub new {
my ($class, %hash) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->keep( $hash{keep} || 0 );
$self->config( $hash{config} || $CONFIG );
$self->directory( $hash{directory} || $DIRECTORY );
return $self;
my $self = shift;
$self->cleanup unless($self->keep);
# Object Methods
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( config directory keep ));
sub prep {
my ($self,%hash) = @_;
$self->{error} = '';
my $directory = $self->directory;
# prep test directories
mkpath($directory) or ( $self->{error} = "cannot create test directory" && return 0 );
for my $dir ('html','cgi-bin') {
next unless(-d "vhost/$dir");
unless ($self->copy_files("vhost/$dir","$directory/$dir")) {
$self->{error} = "cannot create test files: " . $self->{error};
return 0;
mkpath("$directory/html/cache") or ( $self->{error} = "cannot create cache directory" && return 0 );
# copy additional files
if($hash{files}) {
for my $source (keys %{$hash{files}}) {
my $target = "$directory/$hash{files}{$source}";
unless ($self->copy_file($source,$target)) {
$self->{error} = "cannot create test files: " . $self->{error};
return 0;
# prep database
eval "use Test::Database";
if($@) {
$self->{error} = "Unable to load Test::Database: $@";
return 0;
my $td1 = Test::Database->handle( 'mysql' );
unless($td1) {
$self->{error} = "Unable to load a test database instance.";
return 0;
my %opts;
($opts{dsn}, $opts{dbuser}, $opts{dbpass}) = $td1->connection_info();
($opts{driver}) = $opts{dsn} =~ /dbi:([^;:]+)/;
($opts{database}) = $opts{dsn} =~ /database=([^;]+)/;
($opts{database}) = $opts{dsn} =~ /dbname=([^;]+)/ unless($opts{database});
($opts{dbhost}) = $opts{dsn} =~ /host=([^;]+)/;
($opts{dbport}) = $opts{dsn} =~ /port=([^;]+)/;
my %db_config = map {my $v = $opts{$_}; defined($v) ? ($_ => $v) : () }
qw(driver database dbfile dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass);
# prep config files
unless( $self->create_config(\%db_config,$hash{config}) ) {
$self->{error} = "Failed to create config file";
return 0;
# prep environment variables
my %env = (
HTTP_HOST => '',
PATH_INFO => undef
for my $key (keys %env) {
$ENV{$key} = $hash{ENV}{$key} || $env{$key};
return 1;
sub cleanup {
my ($self) = @_;
my $directory = $self->directory;
# remove test directories
# remove test database
eval "use Test::Database";
return if($@);
my $td1 = Test::Database->handle( 'mysql' );
return unless($td1);
sub labyrinth {
my ($self,@plugins) = @_;
$self->{error} = '';
my $config = $self->config;
eval {
# configure labyrinth instance
$self->{labyrinth} = Labyrinth->new;
Labyrinth::Variables::init(); # initial standard variable values
UnPublish(); # Start a fresh slate
LoadSettings($config); # Load All Global Settings
load_plugins( @plugins );
return 1 unless($@);
$self->{error} = "Failed to load Labyrinth: $@";
return 0;
sub action {
my ($self,$action) = @_;
$self->{error} = '';
eval {
# run plugin action
return 1 unless($@);
$self->{error} = "Failed to run action: $action: $@";
return 0;
sub refresh {
my ($self,$plugins,$vars,$params) = @_;
$self->set_vars( %$vars ) if($vars);
$self->set_params( %$params ) if($params);
sub login {
my ($self,$id) = @_;
return unless($dbi && $id);
my $user = $dbi->GetQuery('hash','GetUserByID',$id);
sub clear {
my ($self) = @_;
%tvars = ();
%cgiparams = ();
sub vars {
my ($self) = @_;
return \%tvars;
sub set_vars {
my ($self,%hash) = @_;
for my $name (keys %hash) {
$tvars{$name} = $hash{$name}
sub params {
my ($self) = @_;
return \%cgiparams;
sub set_params {
my ($self,%hash) = @_;
for my $name (keys %hash) {
$cgiparams{$name} = $hash{$name}
sub error {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{error};
# Internal Functions
sub copy_files {
my ($self,$source_dir,$target_dir) = @_;
unless($source_dir) {
$self->{error} = "no source directory given";
return 0;
unless($target_dir) {
$self->{error} = "no target directory given";
return 0;
unless(-f $source_dir || -d $source_dir) {
$self->{error} = "failed to find source directory/file: $source_dir";
return 0;
my @dirs = ($source_dir);
while(@dirs) {
my $dir = shift @dirs;
my @files = glob("$dir/*");
for my $filename (@files) {
my $source = $filename;
if(-f $source) {
my $target = $filename;
$target =~ s/^$source_dir/$target_dir/;
next if(-f $target);
mkpath( dirname($target) );
if(-d dirname($target)) {
copy( $source, $target );
} else {
$self->{error} = "failed to created directory: " . dirname($target);
return 0;
} elsif(-d $source) {
push @dirs, $source;
} else {
$self->{error} = "failed to to find source: $source";
return 0;
return 1;
sub copy_file {
my ($self,$source,$target) = @_;
unless($source) {
$self->{error} = "no source file given";
return 0;
unless($target) {
$self->{error} = "no target file given";
return 0;
unless(-f $source) {
$self->{error} = "failed to find source file: $source";
return 0;
my $dir = dirname($target);
mkpath($dir) unless(-d $dir);
if(-d $dir) {
copy( $source, $target );
} else {
$self->{error} = "failed to created directory: $dir";
return 0;
sub create_config {
my ($self,$db_config,$user_config) = @_;
my $config = $self->config;
my $directory = $self->directory;
# main config
unlink $config if -f $config;
my %CONFIG = (
icode => 'testsite',
iname => 'Test Site',
administrator => '',
mailhost => '',
cookiename => 'session',
timeout => 3600,
autoguest => 1,
copyright => '2013-2014 Me',
lastpagereturn => 0,
minpasslen => 6,
maxpasslen => 20,
evalperl => 1
phrasebook => "$directory/cgi-bin/config/phrasebook.ini",
logfile => "$directory/html/cache/audit.log",
loglevel => 4,
logclear => 1
HTTP => {
webpath => '',
cgipath => '/cgi-bin',
realm => 'public',
basedir => "$directory",
webdir => "$directory/html",
cgidir => "$directory/cgi-bin",
requests => "$directory/cgi-bin/config/requests"
CMS => {
htmltags => '+img',
maxpicwidth => 500,
randpicwidth => 400,
blank => 'images/blank.png',
testing => 0
if($user_config) {
for my $section (keys %$user_config) {
for my $key (keys %{$user_config->{$section}}) {
$CONFIG{$section}{$key} = $user_config->{$section}{$key};
# just in case, do this last to avoid being overwritten.
$CONFIG{DATABASE} = $db_config;
my $fh = IO::File->new($config,'w+') or return 0;
for my $section (keys %CONFIG) {
print $fh "[$section]\n";
for my $key (keys %{$CONFIG{$section}}) {
print $fh "$key=$CONFIG{$section}{$key}\n";
print $fh "\n";
return 1;
# this is primitive, but works :)
sub create_mysql_databases {
my ($db1,$files) = @_;
return unless($files && @$files > 0);
my (@statements);
my $sql = '';
for my $file (@$files) {
#print STDERR "# file=$file\n";
my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'r') or next;
while(<$fh>) {
next if(/^--/); # ignore comment lines
s/;\s+--.*/;/; # remove end of line comments
s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces
next unless($_);
#print STDERR "# line=$_\n";
$sql .= ' ' . $_;
#print STDERR "# sql=$sql\n";
if($sql =~ /;$/) {
$sql =~ s/;$//;
push @statements, $sql;
$sql = '';
#print STDERR "# statements=".join("\n# ",@statements)."\n";
sub dosql {
my ($db,$sql) = @_;
for(@$sql) {
#diag "SQL: [$db] $_";
eval { $db->dbh->do($_); };
if($@) {
diag $@;
return 1;
return 0;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 The Constructor
=item new( %options )
Harness object constructor.
Defines a default config file and directory, unless otherwise provided.
Options available are:
keep => 1 # default is 0
config => $config
directory => $directory
env => \%environment
When a harness object goes out of scope, the DESTROY method is called, unless
'keep' is a true value, the cleanup method will be automatically called.
'config' and 'directory' preset the respective file and directory names,
although these can also be set by the respective methods calls prior to
calling the prep method.
'env' can contain settings for internal environment variables that are used
within Labyrinth. The environment variables that can be overridden, together
with their current defaults, are:
HTTP_HOST => '',
PATH_INFO => undef
=head2 Public Methods
=item keep( $value )
If set to a true value, don't cleanup when object oes out of scope.
=item config( $value )
Set the name of the file to use as the configuration file. Default is
=item directory( $value )
Set the name of the working directory. Default is 't/_DBDIR'.
=item prep( %options )
Prepares the environment. Copies files from the current vhost directory,
creates a database, and runs the necessary SQL to create the required tables
and add the appropriate data. Saves the configuration settings to the
designated config file.
The options allow for overides and additional test information to be provided.
Example option are:
sql => [ 'file1', 'file2' ],
files => { 'file3.jpg' => 'html/images/file3.jpg' },
config => { SECTION => { key => 'value' } }
SQL files listed in 'sql' are loaded and run prior to testing. After the
initial copyin of the vhost files, the list in 'files' are copied. Note that
files should be listed as source => target (beneath the $directory) as a
key/value pair.
In the 'config' list, the additional sections and parameters can be provided,
which override the default configurations if necessary. Default sections are
PROJECT, INTERNAL, HTTP and CMS. DATABASE is also provide, but cannot be
=item labyrinth( @plugins )
Loads an instance of Labyrinth. Will also pre-load the list of given plugins.
=item action( $action )
Runs the named plugin action.
=item refresh( \@plugins, $vars_hash, $params_hash )
Refreshes the current instance by reloading the Labyrinth instances, together
with the name plugins, and adding the variables and parameters to the current
internal hashes.
Essentially a short cut to calling labyrinth(), set_vars() and set_params()
=item login( $id )
Given a user id, will automatically log that user into the system. This then
loads the appropriate permissions for that user.
=item cleanup
Clean up the instance, removes the current directory and deletes the test
=head2 Internal Variables
=item clear
Clear the internal variables and parameters hashes.
=item params
returns the current parameters hash.
=item set_params( %hash )
Adds the given parameters to the current paraments hash.
=item vars
returns the current variables hash.
=item set_vars( %hash )
Adds the given variables to the current variables hash.
=item error
Returns the last error recorded.
=head2 Internal Methods
=item copy_files( $source, $target )
Copies files between the source and target directories.
=item copy_file( $source, $target )
Copies a single file from source to target.
=item create_config( $db_config )
Creates a configuration file.
=item create_mysql_databases( @files )
Creates the test database. The @files array, lists the SQL files containing
SQL statements to run on the test database.
=item dosql
Runs an SQL command.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Barbie, <> for
Miss Barbell Productions, L<>
Copyright (C) 2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.