#!/usr/bin/env perl
### generate_signature.pl ############################################################################
# Generate mutation input varfile according to the Trinucleotide Signature and Proportions specified
# - read the signatures file table for mutation types and probabilities
# - calculate mutation number and probabilities for each signature specified
# - randomly choose positions in the chromosome according to mutation type (BY INDEPENDENT SAMPLING)
# - specify chromosome, start, end, vaf, and alternative base in BEDfile format as output (varfile)
# - take in custome mutations vcf file and incorporate according to chromosome
# - take in cancer file and cancer name to generate cancer proportioned mutations and rates
# - take in covered bases bed file and only spike in mutation in bases with over 10x coverage
# Usage: <generate_signature.pl> [options] [file ...]
# Options:
# --help brief help message
# --man full documentation
# --config configuration file in YAML format containing signature information (Required)
# --chromosome the chromosome that mutations are generated for (Required)
# --cb_bed the bed file for the callable bases of the chromosome (default = "None")
# --mut_num number of sites to generate (default = 0)
# --mut_rate rate of mutation to generate (default = 0)
# --seed seed used for reproducible random mutation location generation (default = "None")
# --mut_file file to output mutations to (default = "./mut_file.txt")
# --minvaf minimum variant allele fraction (default = 0.25)
# --maxvaf maximum variant allele fraction (default = 0.5)
# --vafbeta1 left shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs (default = 2.0)
# --vafbeta2 right shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs (default = 2.0)
### HISTORY #######################################################################################
# Version Date Developer Comments
# 0.01 2015-05-15 lliu Initial code development.
# 0.02 2016-01-10 lliu Incorporate replication timing effect in mutation rate
# 0.03 2016-05-01 lliu Incorporate mutation rate and signature variations
### INCLUDES ######################################################################################
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Path qw(make_path); # makes directories given paths
use FindBin qw($Bin); # finds bin where this method was invoked
use YAML qw(LoadFile);
use List::MoreUtils qw( each_array );
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use Bio::SeqIO; # reads reference genome fasta file
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use File::ShareDir ':ALL';
### COMMAND LINE DEFAULT ARGUMENTS ################################################################
# list of arguments and default values go here as hash key/value pairs
our %opts = (
config => "$Bin/../share/config.yaml", ### the yaml config file
chromosome => undef,
reference => undef,
cb_bed => undef, ### full path to chromosome callable bases bed file
mut_num => 0,
mut_rate => 0,
seed => "None", ###seed to make reproducible random picks
mut_file => "./snv_mutations.txt", ###file to output mutations to
$opts {'scripts'} = {
### MAIN CALLER ###################################################################################
my $result = main();
### FUNCTIONS #####################################################################################
### main ##########################################################################################
# Description:
# Main subroutine for program
# Input Variables:
# %opts = command line arguments
# Output Variables:
# N/A
sub main {
"config|c=s" => \$opts{'config'}, ### YAML file,
"chromosome|chrom=s" => \$opts{'chromosome'},
"reference|ref=s" => \$opts{'reference'},
"cb_bed=s" => \$opts{'cb_bed'},
"mut_num|n:i" => \$opts{'mut_num'},
"mut_rate:f" => \$opts{'mut_rate'},
"seed:i" => \$opts{'seed'},
"mut_file|mf:s" => \$opts{'mut_file'},
) or pod2usage(64);
if ($opts{'help'}) { pod2usage(1) };
if ($opts{'man'}) { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) };
### check for undef arguments in %opts ###
while(my ($arg, $value) = each(%opts)) {
if (!defined $value) {
print("ERROR: Missing argument $arg\n");
pod2usage(128); # prints out SYNOPSIS
} # while
#load seed
if ($opts{'seed'} eq 'None') {
} else {
#read in files
my $config = YAML::LoadFile($opts{'config'});
my $cb_bed = $opts{'cb_bed'};
my $chromosome = $opts{'chromosome'};
#read in chromosome genome
my $genome = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => "<$opts{'reference'}",
-format => "largefasta");
my $primary_id;
my $seq;
while ($seq = $genome->next_seq){
$primary_id = $seq->primary_id;
last if ($primary_id eq $chromosome);
croak "ERROR: chromosome $chromosome inputted not found in the reference genome given" if ($primary_id ne $chromosome);
#read in signature file
my $signature_file = dist_file('NGS-Tools-BAMSurgeon', 'signatures.txt');
croak "ERROR: no signatures file given, please use --picksomatic to generate random mutations" if (not $signature_file);
my $signatures = &read_signature($signature_file);
#read in proportions from config file
my ($signature, $mut_rate, $vaf_param) = &read_config($config, $signatures, $config->{'cancer'}->{'sig_vary'});
#determine number of mutations to pick and basic information of the chromosome
my $num_picks;
my $min_loc; # smallest covered base location
my $max_loc; # largest covered base location
my $bases; # number of covered bases
if ($opts{'mut_rate'} != 0){ #if mutation rate is given
$mut_rate = $opts{'mut_rate'};
($num_picks, $min_loc, $max_loc, $bases) = &calculate_muts($mut_rate, $cb_bed, $chromosome);
} elsif ($mut_rate != 0){ #if given cancer
($num_picks, $min_loc, $max_loc, $bases) = &calculate_muts($mut_rate, $cb_bed, $chromosome);
} else { #use default mutation rate
($num_picks, $min_loc, $max_loc, $bases) = &calculate_muts(0.0000002, $cb_bed, $chromosome);
if ($opts{'mut_num'} != 0) { # if mutation number is given, takes precedence
$num_picks = $opts{'mut_num'};
say ("INFO: choosing $num_picks mutations.");
} else {
say ("INFO: choosing $num_picks mutations with mutation rate of $mut_rate.");
my $locations = []; #chosen mutations
my %loc = (); #variable for testing for duplicate locations
my $vcf_num = 0;
#read vcf file and extract relevant mutations
if ($config->{'vcf_file'}) {
my $vcf_file = $config->{'vcf_file'};
my $vcf_mutations = &read_vcf($vcf_file, $chromosome);
my @vcf_muts;
foreach my $i (0..scalar(@{$vcf_mutations})-1) {
if (exists $loc{${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[1]}) {
say ("WARN: duplicated location in vcf file, omitted");
} else {
my $vaf = &choose_vaf($vaf_param);
push (@vcf_muts, [${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[0], ${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[1], ${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[1], $vaf, ${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[2]]);
$loc{${${$vcf_mutations}[$i]}[1]} = 1;
$vcf_num = scalar(@vcf_muts);
say ("INFO: added $vcf_num SNVs from vcf file");
push (@{$locations}, @vcf_muts);
$num_picks -= $vcf_num;
say ("INFO: choosing $num_picks after subtracting from vcf file");
#read in replication timing
my $timing_effect = $config->{'rep_time_effect'};
my $rep_time_file = dist_file('NGS-Tools-BAMSurgeon', 'imputed_byref.csv');
$timing_effect = 1 if ((!defined $timing_effect) & (defined $rep_time_file));
my $rep_time = &read_replication_time($rep_time_file, $chromosome, $timing_effect);
my $i = 1; #number chosen so far
my @alt_C = ('A', 'T', 'G');
my @alt_T = ('A', 'C', 'G');
my $current_signature = {};
while ($i <= $num_picks) {
my $vaf = &choose_vaf($vaf_param);
my $location = []; #current mutation in construction
push (@{$location}, $chromosome); #chrom[0]
my ($base, $tri_region) = &sample_base($bases, $min_loc, $max_loc, $cb_bed, $seq);
push (@{$location}, $base); #location[1]
push (@{$location}, substr($tri_region, 1, 1)); #ref[2]
my ($mut_prob, $NA_use) = &mutation_probability($base, $rep_time);
if ($NA_use){
say ("WARN: position with no replication information ".join(" ", @{$location})." chosen at number $i, choosing again");
if (exists $loc{${$location}[1]}) {
say ("WARN: duplicated location ".join(" ", @{$location})." chosen at number $i, choosing again");
#Layer 1: replication time
my $rand_num = random_uniform(1, 0, 1);
next if ($rand_num > $mut_prob);
#Layer 2: signature
my $alt;
if (substr($tri_region, 1, 1) eq 'C'){
$alt = $alt_C[rand @alt_C];
} else {
$alt = $alt_T[rand @alt_T];
#my $alt_rand = random_uniform(1, 0, 1);
#next if ($alt_rand > ($signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt} / $signature->{'max'}));
if (!$current_signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt}){
$current_signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt} = 0;
my $current_rate = $current_signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt} / $i;
next if ($current_rate >= $signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt});
#Passed all layers
push (@{$location}, $alt); #alt[3]
$current_signature->{$tri_region}->{$alt} += 1;
#actual format required by BAMsurgeon
#'chr', 'start', 'end', 'vaf', 'alt'
push (@{$locations}, [${$location}[0], ${$location}[1], ${$location}[1], $vaf, ${$location}[3]]);
#used for testing with R script
#'chr', 'start', 'ref', 'alt'
#push (@{$locations}, $location);
say "INFO: ".$i." mutations chosen" if ($i % 100 == 0);
$loc{${$location}[1]} = 1;
$i += 1;
my $mut_file = $opts{'mut_file'};
#sort mutations by ascending location
@{$locations} = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @{$locations};
(open my $mutation_file, ">", "$mut_file") or croak "ERROR: unable to open mut_file file at: $mut_file";
foreach my $location (@{$locations}) {
print ($mutation_file join("\t", @{$location})."\n");
close ($mutation_file);
return 0;
} #main
### read_signature #################################################################################
# Description:
# Read the signature file provided assuming that the third column is "Somatic Mutation Type"
# Input Variables:
# $signature_file = signature file
# Output Variables:
# $signatures = all of the signatures stored in a hash of hash of hash
sub read_signature {
my ($signature_file) = @_;
say "INFO: reading signatures file $signature_file";
open (my $sig_in, '<', $signature_file) or croak "ERROR: unable to open signatures file at : $signature_file";
my $signatures = {};
my $header = <$sig_in>;
$header =~ s/\W+$//;
my @header = split('\t', $header);
#read the header line and make a key for each of the valid mutations
foreach my $signature (@header){
#if ($signature =~ m/Signature\s\d/) { #assume that signatures that begin with a number are validated
if ($signature =~ m/Signature/){
$signatures->{$signature} = {};
} else {
say ("WARN: unvalidated signature $signature dropped") if ($signature =~ m/Signature/);
#read each line and assign the probabilities of each mutation to each signature
while (<$sig_in>){
my %row;
@row{@header} = split('\t');
foreach my $signature (keys %$signatures){
$signatures->{$signature}->{$row{$header[2]}} = $row{$signature}; #assume that the 3rd column is 'somatic mutation type'
#validate that each signature has probabilities rdding up to 1
foreach my $signature (keys %{$signatures}) {
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $mutation (keys %{$signatures->{$signature}}) {
$sum += $signatures->{$signature}->{$mutation};
$sum = int(($sum * 10000.0) + 0.5) / 10000.0;
if ($sum != 1.0000) {
delete $signatures->{$signature};
say ("WARN: $signature dropped for probabilities not added up to 1");
print $sum;
return ($signatures);
### read_config ####################################################################################
# Description:
# Read the config hash specified by the YAML file
# Input Variables:
# $config = config of signature type or cancer type to simulate
# $signatures = the hash of probabilities of all signatures from file
# $sig_vary = file containing variation in cancer signature
# Output Variables:
# $signature = the overall trinucleotide signature to follow
# $mut_rate = the mutation rate determined by the cancer or by default
sub read_config {
my ($config, $signatures) = @_;
my $proportions = {};
my $mut_rate = 0.000001;
#checking if signature or cancer information present, if both present signature info is used
if ((not $config->{'signatures'}) && (not $config->{'cancer'}->{'name'})) {
croak "ERROR: no signature or cancer type has been specified, please use randomsites.py to generate random mutations";
} elsif (not $config->{'signatures'}) {
#read in cancer related files
my ($cancer_sigs) = &read_cancer($config, $config->{'cancer'}->{'mut_vary'});
my $cancer = $config->{'cancer'}->{'name'};
$cancer = lc ($cancer);
my $proportions_sum = 0;
my @sig_list;
my $pro_hash;
#TODO find better way to generation variation in signatures
if ((defined $config->{'cancer'}->{'sig_vary'}) && ($config->{'cancer'}->{'sig_vary'}) == 1) {
#read in cancer signatures variation file
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read(dist_file('NGS-Tools-BAMSurgeon', 'cancer_sig_vary.yaml'));
my $cancer_var = $yaml->[0];
#save lowercase cancer keys
foreach my $cancer (keys %{$cancer_var}) {
my $mod_cancer = lc ($cancer);
$cancer_var->{$mod_cancer} = $cancer_var->{$cancer};
if ($cancer_var->{$cancer}){
#pick a signature proportion for the cancer at random
my @cancer_pp = @{$cancer_var->{$cancer}};
my $chosen_pp = $cancer_pp[rand @cancer_pp];
@sig_list = (keys $chosen_pp);
$pro_hash = $chosen_pp;
else {
say "WARN: sig_vary chosen as 1 but no sig_vary information available for ".$cancer.", using default signatures";
if ((!@sig_list) || (!defined $pro_hash)){
croak "ERROR: $cancer signature is not defined in the cancer files provided" if (scalar (keys %{$cancer_sigs->{$cancer}}) <= 1);
@sig_list = keys %{$cancer_sigs->{$cancer}};
$pro_hash = $cancer_sigs->{$cancer};
my @requests = ();
foreach my $request (@sig_list) {
next if ($request eq 'Mut rate');
if ($signatures->{$request}) {
push (@requests, $request);
$proportions_sum += $pro_hash->{$request};
} else {
say "WARN: $request is not defined in signatures file, proportions recalculated";
say ("INFO: using signature information of $cancer");
foreach my $request (@requests) {
next if ($request eq 'Mut rate');
$proportions->{$request}->{'mutations'} = $signatures->{$request};
$proportions->{$request}->{'proportion'} = ($pro_hash->{$request})/$proportions_sum;
say "INFO: $request with proportion ".$proportions->{$request}->{'proportion'};
if (!$cancer_sigs->{$cancer}->{'Mut rate'}){
say "WARN: $cancer mutation rate is not defined in the cancer files provided, using default of 0.0000002 if necessary";
$mut_rate = 0.0000002;
} else {
$mut_rate = $cancer_sigs->{$cancer}->{'Mut rate'};
} else {
my @requests = (keys %{$config->{'signatures'}});
my $proportions_sum = 0;
say ("INFO: using specified signature information");
foreach my $request (@requests) {
my $mod_request = ucfirst (lc ($request));
$mod_request =~ s/1a$/1A/;
$mod_request =~ s/1b$/1B/;
croak "ERROR: $mod_request is not defined in signatures file" if (not $signatures->{$mod_request});
$proportions->{$request}->{'mutations'} = $signatures->{$mod_request};
$proportions->{$request}->{'proportion'} = $config->{'signatures'}->{$request};
$proportions_sum += $proportions->{$request}->{'proportion'};
say "INFO: $request with proportion ".$proportions->{$request}->{'proportion'};
croak "ERROR: signatures proportions not adding up to 1" if ($proportions_sum != 1);
my $signature = &concat_signature($proportions);
my $vaf_param;
$vaf_param->{'minvaf'} = (defined $config->{'minvaf'})? $config->{'minvaf'} : 1;
$vaf_param->{'maxvaf'} = (defined $config->{'maxvaf'})? $config->{'maxvaf'} : 1;
$vaf_param->{'vafbeta1'} = (defined $config->{'vafbeta1'})? $config->{'vafbeta1'} : 2.0;
$vaf_param->{'vafbeta2'} = (defined $config->{'vafbeta2'})? $config->{'vafbeta2'} : 2.0;
return ($signature, $mut_rate, $vaf_param);
### read_cancer ####################################################################################
# Description:
# Read the config hash with regards to the cancer information
# Input Variables:
# $config = config of signature type or cancer type to simulate
# $mut_vary = file containing information of the mutation rate distribution of cancers
# Output Variables:
# $cancer_sigs = the trinucleotide signatures and mutation rate information of cancers
sub read_cancer {
my ($config, $mut_vary) = @_;
my $cancer_sigs = YAML::LoadFile(dist_file('NGS-Tools-BAMSurgeon', 'cancer_sigmut.yaml'));
#save lowercase cancer keys
foreach my $cancer (keys %{$cancer_sigs}) {
my $mod_cancer = lc ($cancer);
$cancer_sigs->{$mod_cancer} = $cancer_sigs->{$cancer};
#alter chosen cancer mutation and signature according to vary options
my @cancers = (keys %{$cancer_sigs});
my $cancer = $config->{'cancer'}->{'name'};
$cancer = lc ($cancer);
my @full_names = grep/$cancer/i, @cancers;
#TODO change variation to scale
if ((defined $mut_vary) && $mut_vary == 1) {
#read in mutation rate variation file
my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read(dist_file( 'NGS-Tools-BAMSurgeon', 'cancer_mut_vary.yaml'));
my $cancer_muts = $yaml->[0];
#save lowercase cancer keys
foreach my $cancer_mut (keys %{$cancer_muts}) {
my $mod_cancer = lc ($cancer_mut);
$cancer_muts->{$mod_cancer} = $cancer_muts->{$cancer_mut};
if (not $cancer_muts->{$cancer}){
say "WARN: mut_vary chosen as 1 but no mut_vary information available for ".$cancer.", using default mutation rates";
else {
foreach my $name (@full_names) {
$cancer_sigs->{$name}->{'Mut rate'} = &cancer_mut_sim($cancer_muts->{$cancer});
#also add in name in case it is not found in sigmut file
$cancer_sigs->{$cancer}->{'Mut rate'} = &cancer_mut_sim($cancer_muts->{$cancer});
return ($cancer_sigs);
### cancer_mut_sim ###############################################################################
# Description:
# Simulate the mutation rate of the cancer according to 2 Normal Gaussian mixture model *see R script
# Input Variables:
# $cancer_model: the lambda, mu, sigma parameters of the specific cancer
# Output Variables:
# $rate = the simulated mutation rate of the cancer
sub cancer_mut_sim {
my ($cancer_model) = @_;
my $mu;
my $sigma;
my $rate;
my $rand_num = random_uniform(1, 0, 1);
if ($rand_num <= $cancer_model->{'lambda'}->[0]){
$mu = $cancer_model->{'mu'}->[0];
$sigma = $cancer_model->{'sigma'}->[0];
} else {
$mu = $cancer_model->{'mu'}->[1];
$sigma = $cancer_model->{'sigma'}->[1];
my $log_rate = random_normal(1, $mu, $sigma);
$rate = 10**$log_rate/1000000;
return ($rate);
### concat_signature ###############################################################################
# Description:
# Calcualte the overall trinucleotide signature
# Input Variables:
# $proportion = the mutations and their proportion makeup of the signature
# Output Variables:
# $signature = the overall trinucleotide signature to follow
sub concat_signature {
my ($proportions) = @_;
my @nucleotides = ('A', 'T', 'C', 'G');
my $signature = {};
#generate all trinucleodie combinations
foreach my $first (@nucleotides) {
foreach my $middle ('C', 'T') {
foreach my $last (@nucleotides) {
$signature->{"$first$middle$last"} = {};
#cumulate the effects of all signatures
foreach my $mut_sig (keys %{$proportions}) {
foreach my $mutation (keys %{$proportions->{$mut_sig}->{'mutations'}}){
$proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}->{$mutation} += $proportions->{$mut_sig}->{'mutations'}->{$mutation} * $proportions->{$mut_sig}->{'proportion'};
#find the maximum for normalization
my $pro_max = 0;
foreach my $mutation (keys %{$proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}}){
if ($proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}->{$mutation} > $pro_max){
$pro_max = $proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}->{$mutation};
#assign to "XXX" -> "ALT" format
foreach my $mutation (keys %{$proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}}){
my $mut_tri = substr($mutation, 0, 1).substr($mutation, 2, 1).substr($mutation, 6, 1);
my $alt_base = substr($mutation, 4, 1);
$signature->{$mut_tri}->{$alt_base} += $proportions->{'Total'}->{'mutations'}->{$mutation};
$signature->{'max'} = $pro_max;
return ($signature);
### sample_base ###################################################################################
# Description:
# Randomly sampling a base location in the genome, in the covered bases given
# Input Variables:
# $bases = total number of callable bases
# $min_loc = minimum location of covered base
# $max_loc = maximum location of covered base
# $cb_bed = cb_bed file
# $seq = the genome sequence
# Output Variables:
# $base = the randomly sampled location
# $tri_region = the trinucleotide context of the location
sub sample_base {
my ($bases, $min_loc, $max_loc, $cb_bed, $seq) = @_;
my $flag = 0;
my $base;
my $tri_region;
while (!$flag){
my $position = random_uniform_integer(1, 1, $bases);
$base = &find_location($position, $cb_bed);
$tri_region = $seq->subseq($base-1,$base+1);
$tri_region = uc($tri_region);
my $ref = substr($tri_region, 1, 1);
if ($ref =~ m/A|G/) {
$tri_region =~ tr/ATCG/TAGC/;
$tri_region =~ s/^(.)(.)(.)$/$3$2$1/;
#skip regions that are not given in the reference genome
$flag = ($tri_region !~ m/N+/);
say "WARN: callable trinucleotide region ".$base." ".$tri_region." contains N in reference genome, choosing again" if (!$flag);
return ($base, $tri_region);
### find_location #############################################################################
# Description:
# Find location of base in covered bases
# Input Variables:
# $position = position of base in covered bases
# $cb_bed = covered bases bed file
# Output Variables:
# $base = location of base
sub find_location {
my ($position, $cb_bed) = @_;
my $base;
my $sum = 0;
open (my $bed_in, '<', $cb_bed) or croak "ERROR: unable to open bed file at : $cb_bed";
while (<$bed_in>) {
my @row = split('\t');
my $pos = $position + $row[1] - 1;
if ($pos >= $row[2]){
$position = $position - ($row[2] - $row[1]);
} else {
$base = $pos;
#correct for the fact that bed files are 0 based
$base = $base + 1;
return ($base);
### mutation_probability #########################################################################
# Description:
# Calcualte the probability that the given base would be mutated, based on replication timing
# Input Variables:
# $base = the location of the base
# $rep_time = replicating timing data
# Output Variables:
# $mut_prob = probability of mutation of given base
# $NA_use = whether the region has no replication timing information
sub mutation_probability {
my ($base, $rep_time) = @_;
my $mut_prob;
my $NA_use = 0;
my $base_region = ceil($base / 100000) - 1;
$mut_prob = $rep_time->[$base_region];
if (!defined $mut_prob) {
$NA_use = 1;
return ($mut_prob, $NA_use);
### read_replication_time #########################################################################
# Description:
# Read and process file storing replication time of the genome
# Input Variables:
# $rep_time_file = csv file storing chromosome location and replication time
# $chromosome = the current chromosome
# $timing_effect = how much the mutation rate of regions should be affected by replication
# Output Variables:
# $rep_times = store replciation times of chromosome locations
sub read_replication_time {
my ($rep_time_file, $chromosome, $timing_effect) = @_;
my $rep_time = [];
my @equal_time = (1)x3000;
$chromosome = 23 if ($chromosome eq 'X');
if (not $rep_time_file){
say "WARN: no replication timing effect file given, treating all bases as with same replication time";
$rep_time = \@equal_time;
return $rep_time;
if ($chromosome eq 'Y'){
say "WARN: no replication timing available for chromosome Y, treating all bases as with same replication time";
$rep_time = \@equal_time;
return $rep_time;
open (my $csv_in, '<', $rep_time_file) or croak "ERROR: unable to open vcf file at : $rep_time_file";
my $header_line = <$csv_in>;
$header_line =~ s/\W+$//;
my @header = split('\t', $header_line);
my ($index) = grep {$header[$_] eq 'corr' } (0 .. @header-1);
if (not defined $index){
say "WARN: replication timing effect file does not have \'corr\' column, treating all bases as same";
$rep_time = \@equal_time;
return $rep_time;
my $min = 2000;
my $max = -2000;
#read each line and assign the mutation rate to the chromosome location
while (<$csv_in>){
my $row = [split('\t')];
next if (${$row}[0] != $chromosome); #skip to current chromosome
if (${$row}[$index] eq "NA" || ${$row}[$index] eq "NaN"){
push (@{$rep_time}, undef);
} else{
my $corr = ${$row}[$index];
$corr = 10**$corr;
push (@{$rep_time}, $corr);
$max = $corr if ($corr > $max);
$min = $corr if ($corr < $min);
my $diff = $max - $min;
my $scale = ($max - $diff * $timing_effect) / $max;
#my $scale = 1 - abs(($diff * $timing_effect) / $max);
#scale the range by timing effect
foreach my $i (0..scalar(@{$rep_time})-1) {
next if (!defined $rep_time->[$i]);
$rep_time->[$i] = ((1 - $scale)*($rep_time->[$i] - $min)) / $diff + $scale;
return ($rep_time);
### rep_mut_correlation ###########################################################################
# Description:
# Use correlation to calculate mutation rate of region by replication time
# Input Variables:
# $replication = replication time of region
# $$rep_mut_numbers = contains coefficients and values used to calculate mutation rate
# Output Variables:
# $with_error = mutation of region calculated
sub rep_mut_correlation {
my ($replication, $rep_mut_numbers) = @_;
my $slope = $rep_mut_numbers->{'rep_mut_regression'}->{'slope'};
my $intercept = $rep_mut_numbers->{'rep_mut_regression'}->{'intercept'};
my $se = $rep_mut_numbers->{'rep_mut_regression'}->{'se'};
my $rep_mut = $replication*$slope + $intercept;
#my $with_error = random_normal(1, $rep_mut, $se);
return ($rep_mut);
### choose_vaf ###############################################################################
# Description:
# Choose the variant allele fraction according to parameters described
# Input Variables:
# $vaf_param = the parameters for generating vaf
# Output Variables:
# $vafs = the vafs generated
sub choose_vaf {
my ($vaf_param) = @_;
my $vaf = Math::Random::random_beta(1, $vaf_param->{'vafbeta1'}, $vaf_param->{'vafbeta2'});
$vaf = $vaf * ($vaf_param->{'maxvaf'}-$vaf_param->{'minvaf'}) + $vaf_param->{'minvaf'};
return ($vaf);
### calculate_muts #################################################################################
# Description:
# Calculate the number of picks from the covered bases
# Input Variables:
# $mut_rate = mutation rate per callable base
# $cb_bed = bed file containing callable bases
# $chromosome = the fasta chromosome
# Output Variables:
# $SNV_num = number of SNVs to spike in
sub calculate_muts {
my ($mut_rate, $cb_bed, $chromosome) = @_;
my $bases = 0;
my $min_loc = 0;
my $max_loc;
open (my $bed_in, '<', $cb_bed) or croak "ERROR: unable to open bed file at : $cb_bed";
my $first_line = <$bed_in>;
my @first_row = split('\t', $first_line);
croak "ERROR: primary_id of fasta file not the same as chromosome of bed file given" if ($first_row[0] ne $chromosome);
#bed file includes position at chromSTART and excludes position at chromEND
#range calculated by END - START + 1 - 1
$bases += ($first_row[2] - $first_row[1]);
$min_loc = $first_row[1];
my @last_row;
while (<$bed_in>) {
my @row = split('\t');
croak "ERROR: primary_id of fasta file not the same as chromosome of bed file given" if ($row[0] ne $chromosome);
$bases += ($row[2] - $row[1]);
@last_row = @row;
$max_loc = $last_row[2] - 1;
print "INFO: Chromosome: $chromosome\tCovered bases: $bases\tMin: $min_loc\tMax: $max_loc\n";
my $SNV_num = 200;
if ($bases){
$SNV_num = $bases * $mut_rate;
$SNV_num = sprintf("%.0f", $SNV_num);
} else {
say ("INFO: cannot obtain readcount information for chromosome $chromosome, picking 200 mutations.");
return ($SNV_num, $min_loc, $max_loc, $bases);
### check_location ################################################################################
# Description:
# Check if the location generated is one of the callable bases
# Input Variables:
# $location = location to spike in mutation
# $cb_bed = covered bases bed file
# Output Variables:
# $flag = 0 for location exists, 1 for location not covered
sub check_location {
my ($location, $cb_bed) = @_;
# preset flag assuming that location is NOT found
my $flag = 1;
#correct for the fact that bed files are 0 based
my $pos = $location - 1;
open (my $bed_in, '<', $cb_bed) or croak "ERROR: unable to open bed file at : $cb_bed";
while (<$bed_in>) {
my @row = split('\t');
#bed file includes position at chromSTART and excludes position at chromEND
if ($pos >= $row[1] && $pos < $row[2]){
$flag = 0;
return ($flag);
### read_vcf #################################################################################
# Description:
# Read the vcf file with the required mutations and record those applicable to this chromosome
# Input Variables:
# $vcf_file = vcf file
# $chromosome = the current chromosome
# Output Variables:
# $vcf_mutations = the mutations listed in the vcf file for the current chromosome
sub read_vcf {
my ($vcf_file, $chromosome) = @_;
say "INFO: reading vcf file $vcf_file";
open (my $vcf_in, '<', $vcf_file) or croak "ERROR: unable to open vcf file at : $vcf_file";
my $vcf_mutations = [];
while (<$vcf_in>) {
my @row = split('\t');
#$row[0] =~ s/chr//;
if ($row[0] eq $chromosome) {
# check that line represents a SNV
if (length($row[3]) == 1 && length($row[4]) == 1) {
push (@{$vcf_mutations}, [$chromosome, $row[1], $row[4]]);
return ($vcf_mutations);