@ISA = qw( Podcast::LoggerInterface );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless ( $self, $class );
return $self;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = shift;
$self->{ 'host' } = $attr->{ 'host' } || $attr->{ 'hostname' };
$self->{ 'username' } = $attr->{ 'username' };
$self->{ 'password' } = $attr->{ 'password' };
$self->{ 'path' } = $attr->{ 'path' };
$self->{ 'protocol' } = $attr->{ 'protocol' } || 'ftp';
$self->{ 'remote_root' } = $attr->{ 'remote_root' };
$self->{ 'remote_root' } .= "/" unless $self->{ 'remote_root' } =~ /\/$/;
my $self = shift;
$self->{ 'ftp_handle' }->quit if $self->{ 'ftp_handle' };
$self->{ 'ftp_handle' } = 0;
sub clean {
my $self = shift;
my $items = shift;
if( $self->{ 'clean' } ) {
my $ftp = $self->{ 'ftp_handle' };
if( $ftp ) {
# Go over each MP3 file, and delete if we are past expiration
# and the file is not in our list
my @remote_files = grep /\.mp3$/, $ftp->ls();
# Iterate over each one, pull out the ones we have in the podcast
foreach my $to_delete ( @remote_files ) {
# Make sure we don't have this in the current podcast
my $dont_delete = 0;
foreach my $current ( @{$items} ) {
$dont_delete = 1 if $to_delete =~ /$current->{'mp3'}/;
if( not $dont_delete ) {
my $do_delete = 0;
# If we want to delete it, make sure expiration date is OK
my $now = time;
my $expiration = $self->{ 'clean_expiration' };
if( $expiration ) {
if( $expiration < ( $now - $ftp->mdtm( $to_delete ) ) ) {
$self->log_message( "Elapsed time: " . ( $now - $ftp->mdtm( $to_delete ) ) .
" vs. $expiration" );
$do_delete = 1;
else {
$do_delete = 1;
if( $do_delete ) {
$self->log_message( "Deleting from remote site: $to_delete and MD5 hash" );
$ftp->delete( $to_delete );
$ftp->delete( $to_delete . ".md5" );
sub set_cleanup {
my $self = shift;
my $hash = shift;
$self->{ 'clean' } = $hash->{ 'clean' };
$self->{ 'clean_expiration' } = $hash->{ 'expires' };
sub get_upload_pref {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $rv = $self->{ 'alt_upload' } ? $self->{ 'alt_upload' }->{ $key } : $self->{ $key };
return $rv;
sub ftp_upload
my $self = shift;
my $item = shift;
# $self->log_message( "Inside ftp upload" );
my $file = ( $item->{ 'xml' } ? $item->{ 'xml' } :
( -e $item->{ 'mp3' } ? $item->{ 'mp3' } :
( $item->{ 'local_root' } . $item->{ 'mp3' } ) ) );
my $short_name = $1 if $file =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/;
# Create ftp object if not there
use Net::FTP;
$self->{ 'ftp_handle' } = new Net::FTP( $self->get_upload_pref( 'host' ) )
unless $self->{ 'ftp_handle' };
my $ftp = $self->{ 'ftp_handle' };
if( $ftp ) {
# Disable these for now, since we often get without true error
# $self->log_message( "Unable to login with username: " . $self->{ 'username' } .
#", message: " . $ftp->message )
# unless
$ftp->login( $self->get_upload_pref( 'username' ), $self->get_upload_pref( 'password' ) );
# $self->log_message( "Unable to move to " . $self->{ 'path' } .
# ", message: " . $ftp->message )
$ftp->cwd( $self->get_upload_pref( 'path' ) );
my $size = -s $file;
$return_value = $self->upload_if_necessary( $ftp, $short_name, $file );
# Disabled for now, sizes seem different regardless, bytes might be
# incorrectly reported.
if( 0 && $self->get_upload_pref( 'remote_root' ) ) {
# Verify the file is there
my $full_path = $self->get_upload_pref( 'remote_root' ) . $short_name;
my @result = head( $full_path );
$self->log_error( "Remote size ($result[1] vs $size) and local sizes are " .
"different [$full_path]" )
unless $result[ 1 ] == $size;
return $return_value;
sub check_success {
my $self = shift;
my $out = shift;
my $success = 0;
if( open OUTPUT, $out ) {
undef $/;
my $file = <OUTPUT>;
$success = $file !~ /unsuccessful/i;
$self->log_message( "Logged in successfully" ) if $success;
return $success;
sub piab_upload {
my $self = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $return_value = 0;
# print "Inside piab upload".
# Don't upload any XML files
return if $item->{ 'xml' };
my $file = -e $item->{ 'mp3' } ? $item->{ 'mp3' } :
( $item->{ 'local_root' } . $item->{ 'mp3' } );
# Don't upload if we've already done this.
return 1 if $item->{ 'uploaded' };
# Get a temp file for the cookies
my $cookies = "/tmp/" . time() . ".piab-cookies.tmp";
my $out = "/tmp/" . time() . ".out.tmp";
eval {
my $host = $self->get_upload_pref( "host" );
my $username = $self->get_upload_pref( "username" );
my $password = $self->get_upload_pref( "password" );
my $login_url = "https://$host/user/login";
my $create_url = "https://$host/episode/create";
# Login first
my @args = ( "curl", "-c", $cookies,
"-k", "-s", "-d",
( $login_url || "https://podasp.com/user/login" ),
"-o", $out );
my $cmd_str = join " ", @args;
$cmd_str =~ s/user\[login\]=\S+/user\[login\]=xxxx/;
$cmd_str =~ s/user\[password\]=\S+/user\[password\]=xxxx/;
$self->log_message( "Commands for login: " . $cmd_str );
# Check to see if the out file indicates success or failure
if( 0 == system( @args ) and check_success( $self, $out ) ) {
$self->log_message( "Logged in" );
# Get the metadata
my $scrubbed_title = $item->{ 'title' };
$scrubbed_title = "Upload from PIAB" unless $scrubbed_title;
my $scrubbed_description = $item->{ 'description' };
$scrubbed_description = ( "Upload from PIAB, IP " . WIAB::Network::get_ip() . ", on "
. Class::Date::now() ) unless $scrubbed_description;
my $scrubbed_podcast = $item->{ 'associated_podcast' };
@args = ( "curl", "-b", $cookies, "-c", $cookies,
"-H", "Expect:",
"-k", "-s", "-o", '/dev/null',
"-F", "episode[title]=$scrubbed_title",
"-F", "episode[description]=$scrubbed_description",
( $scrubbed_podcast ? ( "-F", "episode[podcast]=$scrubbed_podcast" ) : () ),
"-F", "episode_mp3_file=\@" . $file,
$self->log_message( "Commands for creation: " . join " ", @args );
if( 0 == system( @args ) ) {
$self->log_message( "Created file [$item->{'mp3'}]" );
$return_value = 1;
else {
$self->log_error( "Unable to create file" );
else {
$self->log_message( "Unable to login: $!" );
# Make sure to delete these files.
unlink $cookies;
unlink $out;
return $return_value;
sub upload {
my $self = shift;
my $item = shift;
$self->{ 'alt_upload' } = shift;
my $return_value = 0;
my $protocol = $self->get_upload_pref( 'protocol' );
if( $protocol eq 'ftp' ) {
$return_value = $self->ftp_upload( $item );
elsif( $protocol eq 'piab' ) {
$return_value = $self->piab_upload( $item );
elsif( $protocol eq 'off' ) {
$return_value = 1;
return $return_value;
sub upload_if_necessary {
my $self = shift;
my $ftp = shift;
my $short_name = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $return_value = 0;
my $skip_upload = 0;
# Get the message hash, to be sure.
my $remote_digest_filename = "/tmp/" . $short_name . ".md5";
$self->log_message( "Unable to find MD5 file for $remote_digest_filename" ) unless
$ftp->get( $short_name . ".md5", $remote_digest_filename );
# OK, got remote digest, now check local one
$ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
if( open FILE, $file ) {
$ctx->addfile( *FILE );
$local_digest = $ctx->hexdigest;
my $remote_digest;
if( -e $remote_digest_filename ) {
# Read in the local remote digest, to compare
$fh = new IO::File;
if( $fh->open("< $remote_digest_filename") ) {
$remote_digest = <$fh>;
# $self->log_message( "Hash: $remote_digest" );;
# Now, use the same filename to write the new digest
my $fh = new IO::File;
if( $fh->open( "> $remote_digest_filename" ) ) {
print $fh $local_digest;
# $self->log_message( "Wrote new digest: $local_digest" );
if( $local_digest eq $remote_digest ) {
$skip_upload = 1;
else {
$self->log_message( "MD5 hash mismatch ($local_digest vs $remote_digest)" );
if( not $skip_upload ) {
$self->log_message( "Uploading $file and $remote_digest_filename" );
if( $ftp->put( $file ) and
$ftp->put( $remote_digest_filename ) ) {
$return_value = 1;
$self->log_message( "Uploaded $file and $remote_digest_filename" );
else {
$self->log_error( "Unable to upload $file and $remote_digest_filename" );
else {
# $self->log_message( "MD5 matches" );
$return_value = 1;
return $return_value;