use strict;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Util qw(isHiddenAttr);
our $VERSION = '2.19.0';
extends qw(
has ott => (
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
my $ott =
$ott->timeout( $_[0]->{conf}->{formTimeout} );
return $ott;
has displayHistoryRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has unrestrictedUsersRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayEmptyValuesRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayEmptyHeadersRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayPersistentInfoRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayComputedSessionRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayHiddenAttributesRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has displayNormalizedHeadersRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has idRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 1 } );
has sorted => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
has merged => ( is => 'rw', default => '' );
# Prefix used for renaming session attributes during impersonation process
has prefix => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
return $self->conf->{impersonationPrefix};
sub persistentAttrs {
|| '_loginHistory _2fDevices notification_ _oidcConsents';
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->addAuthRoute( checkuser => 'check', ['POST'] )
->addAuthRouteWithRedirect( checkuser => 'display', ['GET'] );
# Parse checkUser rules
$self->p->buildRule( $self->conf->{checkUserIdRule}, 'checkUserId' ) );
return 0 unless $self->idRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayEmptyValuesRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayEmptyHeadersRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayPersistentInfoRule;
return 0 unless $self->unrestrictedUsersRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayComputedSessionRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayNormalizedHeadersRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayHistoryRule;
return 0 unless $self->displayHistoryRule;
# Init. other options
$self->sorted( $self->conf->{impersonationRule}
|| $self->conf->{contextSwitchingRule} );
$self->merged( $self->conf->{impersonationMergeSSOgroups}
&& $self->conf->{impersonationRule} ? 'Merged' : '' );
return 1;
sub display {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $history = [ [], [] ];
my ( $attrs, $array_attrs ) = ( $req->userData, [] );
$self->logger->debug("Display current session data...");
$self->userLogger->info("Using spoofed SSO groups if exist")
if ( $self->conf->{impersonationRule} );
$history = $self->_concatHistory( $attrs->{_loginHistory} )
if $self->displayHistoryRule->( $req, $req->userData )
&& $self->conf->{loginHistoryEnabled};
$attrs =
$self->_removeKeys( $attrs, $self->persistentAttrs,
'Remove persistent session attributes...' )
unless $self->displayPersistentInfoRule->( $req, $req->userData );
# Create an array of hashes and dispatch attributes for template loop
$array_attrs = $self->_dispatchAttributes(
$self->_createArray( $req, $attrs, $req->userData ) );
my $params = {
MSG => 'checkUser' . $self->merged,
ALERTE => ( $self->merged ? 'alert-warning' : 'alert-info' ),
LOGIN => $req->{userData}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} },
HISTORY => ( @{ $history->[0] } || @{ $history->[1] } ) ? 1 : 0,
SUCCESS => $history->[0],
FAILED => $history->[1],
@{ $array_attrs->[0] }
|| @{ $array_attrs->[1] }
|| @{ $array_attrs->[2] }
) ? 1 : 0,
ATTRIBUTES => $array_attrs->[2],
MACROS => $array_attrs->[1],
GROUPS => $array_attrs->[0],
TOKEN => (
$self->ottRule->( $req, {} )
? $self->ott->createToken()
: ''
return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $params ) if $req->wantJSON;
# Display form
return $self->p->sendHtml( $req, 'checkuser', params => $params );
sub check {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my ( $attrs, $array_attrs, $array_hdrs ) = ( {}, [], [] );
my $msg = my $auth = my $computed = '';
my $savedUserData = $req->userData;
my $unUser = $self->unrestrictedUsersRule->( $req, $savedUserData ) || 0;
my $history = [ [], [] ];
# Check token
if ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) ) {
my $token;
if ( $token = $req->param('token') ) {
unless ( $self->ott->getToken($token) ) {
'CheckUser called with an expired/bad token');
$token = $self->ott->createToken();
else {
$self->userLogger->warn('CheckUser called without token');
$msg = PE_NOTOKEN;
$token = $self->ott->createToken();
my $params = {
MSG => "PE$msg",
ALERTE => 'alert-warning',
LOGIN => '',
TOKEN => $token,
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $params )
if $req->wantJSON && $msg;
# Display form
return $self->p->sendHtml( $req, 'checkuser', params => $params )
if $msg;
## Check user session datas
# Use submitted attributes if exists
my $url = $req->param('url') || '';
my $user = $req->param('user') || '';
if ( $user and $user !~ /$self->{conf}->{userControl}/ ) {
$user = '';
$attrs = {};
return $self->p->sendError( $req, 'Malformed user', 400 )
if $req->wantJSON;
return $self->p->sendHtml(
params => {
ALERTE => 'alert-warning',
LOGIN => '',
TOKEN => (
$self->ottRule->( $req, {} )
? $self->ott->createToken()
: ''
if ( !$user || $req->{user} eq $user ) {
$self->userLogger->info("checkUser requested for himself");
$self->userLogger->info("Using spoofed SSO groups if exist")
if $self->conf->{impersonationRule};
$attrs = $req->userData;
$user = $req->{user};
else {
$self->userLogger->info("checkUser requested for $user");
# Try to retrieve session from sessions DB
$self->logger->debug('Try to retrieve session from DB...');
my $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions} || {};
$moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{globalStorage};
my $sessions = {};
my $searchAttrs =
? $self->conf->{whatToTrace} . ' '
. $self->conf->{checkUserSearchAttributes}
: $self->conf->{whatToTrace};
foreach ( split /[,\s]+/, $searchAttrs ) {
$self->logger->debug("Searching with: $_ = $user");
$sessions = $self->module->searchOn( $moduleOptions, $_, $user );
last if ( keys %$sessions );
my $age = '1';
foreach my $id ( keys %$sessions ) {
# searchOn() returns sessions indexed by their storage ID, then
# it is required to set hashStore to 0
my $session = $self->p->getApacheSession( $id, hashStore => 0, )
or next;
if ( $session->{data}->{_utime} gt $age ) {
$attrs = $session->{data};
$age = $session->{data}->{_utime};
unless ( defined $attrs->{_session_id} ) {
$req->{user} = $user;
"No session found in DB. Compute userData...");
$attrs = $self->_userData($req);
$computed = 1;
# Check identities rule
$self->logger->info( '"'
. $savedUserData->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }
. '" is an unrestricted user!' )
if $unUser;
unless ( $unUser || $self->idRule->( $req, $attrs ) ) {
"checkUser requested for an invalid user ($user)");
$req->{sessionInfo} = {};
$self->logger->debug('Identity not authorized');
; # Catch error to preserve protected Id
if ( $req->error ) {
$msg = 'PE' . $req->{error};
$array_attrs = [ [], [], [] ];
$attrs = {};
else {
$msg = 'checkUser' . $self->merged;
$history = $self->_concatHistory( $attrs->{_loginHistory} )
if $self->displayHistoryRule->( $req, $savedUserData )
&& $self->conf->{loginHistoryEnabled};
$attrs =
$self->_removeKeys( $attrs, $self->persistentAttrs,
'Remove persistent session attributes...' )
unless $self->displayPersistentInfoRule->( $req, $savedUserData );
if ($computed) {
if ( $self->displayComputedSessionRule->( $req, $savedUserData ) ) {
$msg = 'checkUserComputedSession';
if ( $self->conf->{impersonationRule} ) {
$self->logger->debug("Map real attributes...");
my %realAttrs =
map { $self->prefix . $_ => $attrs->{$_} }
keys %$attrs;
$attrs = { %$attrs, %realAttrs };
# Compute groups and macros with real and spoofed attributes
"Compute groups and macros with real and spoofed attributes"
delete $req->sessionInfo->{groups};
[ $self->p->groupsAndMacros, 'setLocalGroups' ] );
if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) {
$self->logger->debug("Process returned error: $error");
return $req->error($error);
else {
$attrs = {};
$msg = 'checkUserNoSessionFound';
# Create an array of hashes and dispatch attributes for template loop
$array_attrs = $self->_dispatchAttributes(
$self->_createArray( $req, $attrs, $savedUserData ) );
if ( $self->p->checkXSSAttack( 'CheckUser URL', $url ) ) {
$url = '';
$auth = 'VHnotFound';
# Check if user is allowed to access submitted URL and compute headers
if ( $url and %$attrs ) {
# Check url format
my $originalUrl;
( $url, $originalUrl ) = $self->_resolveURL( $req, $url );
# User is allowed ?
"checkUser requested for user: $attrs->{ $self->{conf}->{whatToTrace} } and URL: $url | alias: $originalUrl"
$auth = $self->_authorization( $req, $originalUrl, $attrs );
if ( $auth >= 0 ) {
$auth = $auth ? "allowed" : "forbidden";
"checkUser: $attrs->{ $self->{conf}->{whatToTrace} } is "
. "$auth to access to $url" );
# Return VirtualHost headers
$array_hdrs =
$self->_headers( $req, $originalUrl, $attrs, $savedUserData );
else {
$auth = 'VHnotFound';
$self->userLogger->info("checkUser: $url has no configuration");
my $alert_auth = 'alert-warning';
if ( $auth eq 'allowed' ) { $alert_auth = 'alert-success' }
elsif ( $auth eq 'forbidden' ) { $alert_auth = 'alert-danger' }
my $params = {
MSG => $msg,
ALERTE => ( $msg eq 'checkUser' ? 'alert-info' : 'alert-warning' ),
LOGIN => $user,
URL => $url,
ALLOWED => $auth,
ALERTE_AUTH => $alert_auth,
HEADERS => $array_hdrs,
HISTORY => ( @{ $history->[0] } || @{ $history->[1] } ) ? 1 : 0,
SUCCESS => $history->[0],
FAILED => $history->[1],
@{ $array_attrs->[0] }
|| @{ $array_attrs->[1] }
|| @{ $array_attrs->[2] }
) ? 1 : 0,
ATTRIBUTES => $array_attrs->[2],
MACROS => $array_attrs->[1],
GROUPS => $array_attrs->[0],
TOKEN => (
$self->ottRule->( $req, {} )
? $self->ott->createToken()
: ''
return $self->p->sendJSONresponse( $req, $params ) if $req->wantJSON;
# Display form
return $self->p->sendHtml( $req, 'checkuser', params => $params );
sub _resolveURL {
my ( $self, $req, $url ) = @_;
my ($proto) = $url =~ m#^(https?://).*#i;
my ( $vhost, $appuri ) = $url =~ m@^(?:https?://)?([^/#]*)(.*)@i;
my ($port) = $vhost =~ m#^.+(:\d+)$#;
$port ||= '';
$vhost =~ s/:\d+$//;
$vhost .= $self->p->getCookieDomain($req) unless ( $vhost =~ /\./ );
$proto =
$self->p->HANDLER->_isHttps( $req, $vhost ) ? 'https://' : 'http://'
unless $proto;
$self->logger->debug( 'VHost is ' . uc( ( split( /:/, $proto ) )[0] ) );
my $originalVhost = $self->p->HANDLER->resolveAlias($vhost);
return (
lc("$proto$vhost$port") . $appuri,
lc("$proto$originalVhost$port") . $appuri
sub _userData {
my ( $self, $req ) = @_;
my $realAuthLevel = $req->userData->{authenticationLevel};
# Compute session
my $steps =
defined $realAuthLevel
? [
'getUser', 'setAuthSessionInfo',
'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros
: [ 'getUser', 'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros ];
? push @$steps, 'setPersistentSessionInfo', 'setLocalGroups'
: push @$steps, 'setLocalGroups';
if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) {
'checkUser requested for an invalid user (' . $req->{user} . ")" )
if ( $error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS );
$self->logger->debug("Process returned error: $error");
return $req->error(PE_BADCREDENTIALS);
unless ( defined $req->sessionInfo->{uid} ) {
# Avoid error with SAML, OIDC, etc...
$self->logger->debug("\"$req->{user}\" NOT found in userDB");
return $req->error(PE_BADCREDENTIALS);
# Compute groups & macros again with real authenticationLevel
$req->sessionInfo->{authenticationLevel} = $realAuthLevel;
delete $req->sessionInfo->{groups};
[ 'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros, 'setLocalGroups' ] );
if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) {
$self->logger->debug("CheckUser: process returned error ($error)");
return $req->error($error);
$self->logger->debug("Return \"$req->{user}\" sessionInfo");
return $req->{sessionInfo};
sub _authorization {
my ( $self, $req, $uri, $attrs ) = @_;
my ( $vhost, $appuri ) = $uri =~ m@^https?://([^/#]*)(.*)@;
my $exist = 0;
$vhost =~ s/:\d+$//;
foreach my $vh ( keys %{ $self->conf->{locationRules} } ) {
if ( $vh eq $vhost ) {
$exist = 1;
$self->logger->debug("VirtualHost: $vh found in Conf");
$req->env->{REQUEST_URI} = $appuri;
"Return \"$attrs->{ $self->{conf}->{whatToTrace} }\" authorization");
return $exist
? $self->p->HANDLER->grant( $req, $attrs, $appuri, undef, $vhost )
: -1;
sub _headers {
my ( $self, $req, $uri, $attrs, $savedUserData ) = @_;
my ($vhost) = $uri =~ m@^https?://([^/#]*).*@;
$vhost =~ s/:\d+$//;
$req->{env}->{HTTP_HOST} = $vhost;
$self->p->HANDLER->headersInit( $self->{conf} );
my $headers = $self->p->HANDLER->checkHeaders( $req, $attrs );
# Remove hidden headers relative to VHost if required
unless ( $self->unrestrictedUsersRule->( $req, $savedUserData ) ) {
my $keysToRemove = '';
$keysToRemove = '__ALL__'
if exists $self->conf->{checkUserHiddenHeaders}->{$vhost};
$keysToRemove = $self->conf->{checkUserHiddenHeaders}->{$vhost}
if ( $keysToRemove
&& $self->conf->{checkUserHiddenHeaders}->{$vhost} =~ /\w+/ );
if ( $keysToRemove && $keysToRemove eq '__ALL__' ) {
"Overwrite for VirtualHost: $vhost ALL valued header(s)...");
@$headers = map {
$_->{value} =~ /\w+/
? { key => $_->{key}, value => '******' }
: $_
} @$headers;
elsif ($keysToRemove) {
"Mask hidden header(s) for VirtualHost: $vhost");
my $hash = { map { $_->{key} => $_->{value} } @$headers };
$hash = $self->_removeKeys( $hash, $keysToRemove,
"Overwrite valued \"$keysToRemove\" header(s)...", 1 );
@$headers = (
map { { key => $_, value => $hash->{$_} } }
sort keys %$hash
# Remove empty headers if required
unless ( $self->displayEmptyHeadersRule->( $req, $savedUserData ) ) {
$self->logger->debug("Remove empty headers...");
@$headers = grep $_->{value} =~ /.+/, @$headers;
# Normalize headers name if required
if ( $self->displayNormalizedHeadersRule->( $req, $savedUserData ) ) {
$self->logger->debug("Normalize headers...");
@$headers = map {
; # Prevent compilation error with old Perl versions
no strict 'refs';
key => &{ $self->p->HANDLER . '::cgiName' }( $_->{key} ),
value => $_->{value}
} @$headers;
"Return \"$attrs->{ $self->{conf}->{whatToTrace} }\" headers");
return $headers;
sub _createArray {
my ( $self, $req, $attrs, $userData ) = @_;
my $array_attrs = [];
my @hidden = split /[,\s]+/, $self->conf->{checkUserHiddenAttributes};
foreach ( sort keys %$attrs ) {
push @$array_attrs,
{ key => $_, value => $attrs->{$_} }
unless ( ( isHiddenAttr( $self->conf, $_, @hidden )
&& !$self->displayHiddenAttributesRule->( $req, $userData )
|| ( !$attrs->{$_}
&& !$self->displayEmptyValuesRule->( $req, $userData ) )
return $array_attrs;
sub _dispatchAttributes {
my ( $self, $attrs ) = @_;
my ( $grps, $mcrs, $others ) = ( [], [], [] );
my $macros = $self->{conf}->{macros};
$self->logger->debug("Dispatch attributes...");
while (@$attrs) {
my $element = shift @$attrs;
$self->logger->debug( "Processing element: $element->{key} => "
. ( $element->{value} // '' ) );
my $ok = 0;
if ( $element->{key} eq 'groups' ) {
$self->logger->debug('Key "groups" found');
my $separator = $self->{conf}->{multiValuesSeparator};
my @tmp = split /\Q$separator/, $element->{value};
$grps = [ map { { value => $_ } } sort @tmp ];
if (%$macros) {
foreach my $key ( sort keys %$macros ) {
if ( $element->{key} eq $key ) {
$self->logger->debug('Macro found');
push @$mcrs, $element;
$ok = 1;
push @$others, $element unless $ok;
# Sort real and spoofed attributes if required
if ( $self->sorted ) {
$self->logger->debug('Sort real and spoofed attributes...');
my ( $realAttrs, $spoofedAttrs ) = ( [], [] );
my $prefix = $self->prefix;
while (@$others) {
my $element = shift @$others;
$self->logger->debug( "Processing attribute $element->{key} => "
. ( $element->{value} // '' ) );
if ( $element->{key} =~ /^$prefix.+$/ ) {
push @$realAttrs, $element;
$self->logger->debug(' -> Real attribute');
else {
push @$spoofedAttrs, $element;
@$others = ( @$spoofedAttrs, @$realAttrs );
return [ $grps, $mcrs, $others ];
sub _removeKeys {
my ( $self, $attrs, $hidden, $msg, $mask ) = @_;
my $regex = '^(?:' . join( '|', split( /\s+/, $hidden ) ) . ')';
my @keys = grep /$regex/, keys %$attrs;
if ($mask) {
$self->userLogger->info('Hide some headers...');
foreach (@keys) {
$attrs->{$_} = '******' if $attrs->{$_} =~ /\w+/;
else {
$self->userLogger->info('Remove some headers...');
delete @$attrs{@keys};
return $attrs;
sub _concatHistory {
my ( $self, $history ) = @_;
my ( $success, $failed ) = ( [], [] );
$self->logger->debug('Concatenate history...');
@$success = map {
my $element = $_;
my $utime = delete $element->{_utime};
utime => $utime,
values => join $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator},
map "$_=$element->{$_}", sort keys %$element
} @{ $history->{successLogin} };
@$failed = map {
my $element = $_;
my $utime = delete $element->{_utime};
utime => $utime,
values => join $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator},
map "$_=$element->{$_}", sort keys %$element
} @{ $history->{failedLogin} };
return [ $success, $failed ];