# FILE: 11-Geo-ReadGRIB-times.t
# DESCRIPTION: test for correct start and end dates
# FILES: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Frank Lyon Cox (Dr), <frank@pwizardry.com>
# COMPANY: Practial Wizardry
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 11/18/2009 4:45:49 PM Pacific Standard Time
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 6; # last test to print
## Find path to test file
foreach my $inc (@INC) {
if (-e "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/akw.HTSGW.grb") {
$TEST_FILE = "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/akw.HTSGW.grb";
ok(-e "$TEST_FILE") or
diag("Path to sample GRIB file not found");
my $w = Geo::ReadGRIB->new("$TEST_FILE");
#print STDERR "first time: ", $w->{TIME};
#print STDERR "last time: ", $w->{LAST_TIME};
ok( $w->{TIME} == 1142078400 ) or
diag("base time should be 1142078400");
ok( $w->{LAST_TIME} == 1142726400 ) or
diag("last time should be 1142726400");
foreach my $inc (@INC) {
if (-e "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/2009100900_P000.grib") {
$TEST_FILE = "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/2009100900_P000.grib";
ok(-e "$TEST_FILE") or
diag("Path to sample GRIB file not found");
$w = Geo::ReadGRIB->new("$TEST_FILE");
#print STDERR "first time: ", $w->{TIME};
#print STDERR "last time: ", $w->{LAST_TIME};
ok( $w->{TIME} == 1255046400 ) or
diag("base time should be 1142078400");
ok( $w->{TIME} == 1255046400 ) or
diag("last time should be 1255046400");