# Test to see if a Geo::ReadGRIB object can return the
# expected parameter data.
# For this to work there needs to be a specific sample GRIB file
# and the module has to be able to find wgrib.exe
BEGIN{ unshift @INC, '.'}
use Test::More tests => 7;
# Object create test
## Find path to test file
foreach my $inc (@INC) {
if (-e "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/akw.HTSGW.grb") {
$TEST_FILE = "$inc/Geo/Sample-GRIB/akw.HTSGW.grb";
ok(-e "$TEST_FILE") or
diag("Path to sample GRIB file not found");
my $w = Geo::ReadGRIB->new("$TEST_FILE");
ok( not $w->getError ) or
diag( $w->getError );
$tpit = $w->extractLaLo( "HTSGW", 56, 170, 55, 171, 1142218800 );
print $w->getError, "\n" if defined $w->getError;
ok( not $w->getError ) or
diag( $w->getError );
ok( not defined $tpit->isSorted ) or
diag( "PlaceIterator data should not be sorted at this point" );
for ( 1 .. 4 ) {
ok( $tpit->current->data('HTSGW') == 2.53) or
diag( "5th data value should be 2.53" );
ok( $tpit->isSorted ) or
diag( "PlaceIterator data should be sorted at this point" );
ok ( $tpit->{count_of_places} == 15 ) or
diag( "count_of_places should be 15" );