Revision history for ELF-Extract-Sections
1.001001 2015-09-26T06:22:10Z 5cf1ba0
Dependencies changed since 1.001000, see misc/*.deps* for details
configure: +3 -1
develop: +3 ↑1 -1 (suggests: ↑1)
Now have a cursory white/black list of known good/bad objdump versions.
Not yet possible to clearly make sense of how to parse objdump's version directly and its not yet known exactly
which version introduces the required functions.
[Installation: TODO]
work out how to extract the list of supported targets to make sure that the ELF target is supported, and that all
the machine targets that the test files are coded in are supported.
1.001000 2015-08-14T06:32:18Z 4d78d05
Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
runtime: +1
test: +2
Parameter handling delegated to MooseX::Params::Validate
TODO: guard against spurious bless() causing problems, re rt#106192
Probing for version data to make a better verison check
1.000000 2015-07-30T16:49:16Z 1c37bc4
This release includes some respectably significant changes.
[01 Install Side Tooling change]
Previously, Module::Build was used as the installer.
This is now ExtUtils::MakeMaker
[02 Version Scheme Change]
Previously used a lengthy 0.{'0' x '8'} scheme.
Now uses a 0.{'0' x 6} scheme for clarity.
The 1.x on the box is due in part to this change.
[03 Internals Overhaul]
MooseX::Declare is too pesky to use with perltidy (even sweetened)
So everything has been entirely rewritten in pure Moose with simple type checks.
Class::Load has been replaced with Module::Runtime
Dependencies changed since 0.03000101, see misc/*.deps* for details
build: -1
configure: +3 -1 (recommends: +1)
develop: +55 -4 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
runtime: +3 -2 (recommends: +1)
test: +4 ↑1 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +4)
0.03000101 2013-05-07T08:56:28Z
[!Major Changes]
Path::Class replaced with Path::Tiny
Tests/Utils use Path::Iterator::Rule instead of File::Find::Rule
Packaging toolchain updated
Carp warnings now only Log4Perl warnings so you can hide them if needed.
Dependencies changed since 0.02071411, see misc/*.deps* for details
build: ↑1
configure: ↑1
develop: +8 (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
runtime: +3 -1
test: +2 ↑1 -3
license copyright year update
license reindent
license address update
add README.mkdn
add $AUTHORITY to all packages
move $VERSION declaration out of BEGIN
__END__ before =pod
Code now tidyied successfully under Perl::Tidy::Sweetened
add x_authortiy
bug tracker = github issues
use test_requires in Build.PL
leave xt/ tests in xt/
versions via git
0.02071411 2011-04-04T08:40:21Z
Add temporary hack for rt#67210 - methods with return types fail in void context.
Fix some 'invalid' changelog entries.
Dependencies changed since 0.02021113, see misc/*.deps* for details
build: ↑1
configure: ↑1
develop: +1 (recommends: +1, suggests: +1)
runtime: +1 -7
test: +9
Use Class::Load instead of eval for loading extensions.
Rework Changelog to CPAN::Changes form.
Move to @Author::KENTNL
Remove hand written boilerplate/kwalitee/critic tests.
Ship new (generated) tests report-versions-tiny, cpan-changes, eol and kwalitee
0.02021113 2009-11-28T23:43:20Z
Hard Dep on Perl5.10 due to Advanced regex usage ( Thanks CPAN Testers )
Dependencies changed since 0.02020505, see misc/*.deps* for details
build: +1
configure: +1
runtime: +1 ↑1
0.02020505 2009-11-22T02:28:46Z
Added license data for binary .so's used for testing. See LICENSE.tests, and LICENSES/
0.02020308 2009-11-20T05:05:28Z
Fixed t/ by using Compile Tests. ( You can thank JAWNSY for bugging me about this )
Moved To AutoVersion::Relative
Dropped EUMM
0.0105 2009-08-22T15:17:47Z
Tweaked Authortests/Release tests bundling somewhat so they actually work.
Added Perl Critic tests and satisfied criteria.
Documenting the hell out of the Objdump default scanner, partially to see how CPAN renders this abuse. With a bit
of luck, it will produce mean as API breakdowns for me :)
0.0104 2009-08-21T17:34:29Z
Fixed Extrac typo which lead to dual indexing.
Dist::Zilla automatic tests now included.
0.0103 2009-07-19T14:59:11Z
Muted warning in tests
Moved to Dist::Zilla instead of MI
Updated to MooseX::Has::Sugar 0.0300
0.0102 2009-05-16T04:19:31Z
Dependancy Fixups, yes, more of them.
0.0101 2009-05-16T03:46:44Z
Re-Release with fixed inc/
using MX::Has::Sugar
dropped Hard dependancy on Perl 5.10
0.01.00 2009-05-11T02:04:58Z
First Version. Mostly working.