use Test::More tests => 5;
use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';
#Local lib
use lib 't/lib';
#Create a form
my $form = Spark::Form->new;
my $email = TestApp::Form::Field::Email->new(name => 'email', form => $form);
my $pass1 = TestApp::Form::Field::Password->new(name => 'password', form => $form);
my $pass2 = TestApp::Form::Field::Password->new(name => 'confirm_password', confirm => 'password', form => $form);
#Add an email
#Add a password
#And a confirm password
$form->add($pass2, confirm => 'password');
cmp_ok(scalar $form->fields, '==', 3, "3 fields added");
my $other_form = $form->clone_all();
$form->data({email => 'blah', password => 'password', confirm_password => 'foo'});
is(scalar $form->errors, 3, 'Three errors on original form');
$other_form->data({email => 'blah', password => 'password', confirm_password => 'foo'});
is(scalar $other_form->errors, 3, 'Three errors on cloned form');
$other_form->data({email => '', password => 'password', confirm_password => 'password'});
is(scalar $other_form->errors, 0, 'No error on cloned form');
#Check it hasn't tampered with the existing form
is(scalar $form->errors, 3, 'Three errors on original form still');