#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use RDF::NS '20131205';
#$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} = "/DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO/100" unless $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
my $ns = RDF::NS->new('20131205'); # check at runtime
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(ldp => 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#'));
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(sio => 'http://semanticscience.org/ontology/'));
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(obo => 'http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/'));
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(hydra => 'http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#'));
print "Content-Type: text/turtle\n\n";
unless ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}){
printProfilerInfo(); # send out the list of profiles that I can project
# this is the profiler for the LDP running at http://antirrhinum.net/cgi-bin/LDP/Alleles
# so get the URLs from that LDP server
my $sortedURLs = getLDPRecordURLs('http://antirrhinum.net/cgi-bin/LDP/Alleles');
my ($blank, $profile_schema, $position) = split '/', $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
my ($model_to_return, $current_position);
if ($profile_schema =~ /DragonDB_Allele_ProfileAlleleDescriptions/){
($model_to_return, $current_position) = alleleDescriptions($sortedURLs, $position);
} elsif ($profile_schema =~ /DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesEDAM/){
($model_to_return, $current_position) = alleleImagesEDAM($sortedURLs, $position);
} elsif ($profile_schema =~ /DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO/){
($model_to_return, $current_position) = alleleImagesSIO($sortedURLs, $position);
createPagination($model_to_return, scalar(@$sortedURLs), $current_position); # hypermedia controls
sub createPagination {
my ($model, $total, $current) = @_;
my $this_script = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} || "/DragonDB_LDF_Profiler";
my $server = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} || "biordf.org";
my $path = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} || "/DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO/100";
my $this_page= "http://$server/$this_script/$path";
$path =~ s/\d+$//; # get rid of trailing digits on the path, since these are the pagination controls that we are goingto remake
my $baseURL = "http://$server/$this_script/$path";
if ($current > 0) {
# there is a previous page
my $prevpage = $current - 11; #from 106 to 95
$prevpage = 0 if $prevpage < 0;
my $prevURL = $baseURL . $prevpage;
my $statement = statement($this_page, $ns->hydra('previousPage'), $prevURL);
if ($total - $current > 0) {
# there is a next page
my $nextpage = $current; # current is actually 1 more than the last position serialized, so it is the "next"
my $nextURL = $baseURL . $nextpage;
my $statement = statement($this_page, $ns->hydra('nextPage'), $nextURL);
sub getLDPRecordURLs {
my $LDPServer = shift;
#my ($ldprdf) = get($LDPServer);
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store::Memory->new();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new($store);
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new('turtle');
$parser->parse_url_into_model($LDPServer, $model);
my $query = RDF::Query->new("Select DISTINCT ?o where {?s <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#contains> ?o}");
die "query Select DISTINCT ?o where {?s <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#contains> ?o} has syntax error" unless $query;
my @rows = $query->execute($model);
my @sortedurls = map {$_->{'o'}->value} (sort {$a->{'o'}->value cmp $b->{'o'}->value} @rows);
# now we have sorted URLs that we will process as per the profile
return \@sortedurls;
sub getTrineModelForURL {
my ($url) = shift;
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store::Memory->new();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new($store);
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new('turtle');
$parser->parse_url_into_model($url, $model);
return $model;
sub alleleDescriptions {
my ($URLs, $position) = @_;
$position ||=0;
my @URLs = @$URLs[$position.. scalar(@$URLs)]; # remove all URLs up to this point
my $model = createFreshTrineModel();
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $url(@URLs){
$counter++; # count one URL
last if ($counter > 5) ; # only process 5 at a time
my $LDPmodel = getTrineModelForURL($url);
my $query = RDF::Query->new("SELECT ?s ?url where {
?s <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format> 'application/xml' .
?s <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#downloadURL> ?url .}");
my @rows = $query->execute($LDPmodel);
my $xmlrecord = $rows[0]->{'url'}->value;
my $alleleURL = $rows[0]->{'s'}->value;
my $xml = get($xmlrecord);
my ($gene, $desc, $images) = extractDataFromXMLRecord($xml);
my $statement;
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->obo('SO_0001023'));
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
$statement = statement($ns->obo('SO_0001023'), $ns->rdfs('label'), "Allele");
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
if ($desc) {
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->dc('description'), $desc);
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
if ($gene) {
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->obo('so_variant_of'), $gene);
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
$statement = statement($gene, $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->obo('SO_0000704'));
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
$statement = statement($ns->obo('SO_0000704'), $ns->rdfs('label'), "Gene");
$model->add_statement($statement); $statement = "";
return ($model, ($position + $counter));
sub alleleImagesEDAM {
my ($URLs, $position) = @_;
$position ||=0;
my @URLs = @$URLs[$position .. scalar(@$URLs)];
my $model = createFreshTrineModel();
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $url(@URLs){
last if ($counter > 5) ; # only process 5 at a time
my $LDPmodel = getTrineModelForURL($url);
my $query = RDF::Query->new("SELECT ?s ?url where {
?s <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format> 'application/xml' .
?s <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#downloadURL> ?url .}");
my @rows = $query->execute($LDPmodel);
my $xmlrecord = $rows[0]->{'url'}->value;
my $alleleURL = $rows[0]->{'s'}->value;
my $xml = get($xmlrecord);
my ($gene, $desc, $images) = extractDataFromXMLRecord($xml);
my $statement;
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->obo('SO_0001023'));
$statement = statement($ns->obo('SO_0001023'), $ns->rdfs('label'), "Allele");
foreach my $imageURL(@$images){
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->sio('SIO_000205'), $imageURL);
$statement = statement($imageURL, $ns->rdf('type'), "http://edamontology.org/data_2968");
$statement = statement("http://edamontology.org/data_2968", $ns->rdfs('label'), "Image");
return ($model, ($position + $counter));
sub alleleImagesSIO {
my ($URLs, $position) = @_;
$position ||=0;
my @URLs = @$URLs[$position .. scalar(@$URLs)];
my $model = createFreshTrineModel();
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $url(@URLs){
last if ($counter > 5) ; # only process 5 at a time
my $LDPmodel = getTrineModelForURL($url);
my $query = RDF::Query->new("SELECT ?s ?url where {
?s <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format> 'application/xml' .
?s <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#downloadURL> ?url .}");
my @rows = $query->execute($LDPmodel);
my $xmlrecord = $rows[0]->{'url'}->value;
my $alleleURL = $rows[0]->{'s'}->value;
my $xml = get($xmlrecord);
my ($gene, $desc, $images) = extractDataFromXMLRecord($xml);
my $statement;
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->obo('SO_0001023'));
$statement = statement($ns->obo('SO_0001023'), $ns->rdfs('label'), "Allele");
foreach my $imageURL(@$images){
$statement = statement($alleleURL, $ns->sio('SIO_000205'), $imageURL);
$statement = statement($imageURL, $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->sio('SIO_000081'));
$statement = statement($ns->sio('SIO_000081'), $ns->rdfs('label'), "Image");
return ($model, ($position + $counter));
sub extractDataFromXMLRecord {
my $xml = shift;
my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $xml);
my $geneid = $xp->getNodeText('/Allele/Source/gene/@value'); # find all paragraphs
my $nodeset = $xp->find('/Allele/Description/Phenotype/@value'); # find all paragraphs
my $desc;
foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
$desc .= $node->getData . "\n";
my $imgnodeset = $xp->find('/Allele/Phenotype_picture/@value'); # find all paragraphs
my @images;
foreach my $node ($imgnodeset->get_nodelist) {
my $imgname = uri_escape($node->getData);
push @images, $img_url;
return ($geneURL, $desc, \@images);
sub statement {
my ($s, $p, $o) = @_;
unless (ref($s) =~ /Trine/){
$s =~ s/[\<\>]//g;
$s = RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new($s);
unless (ref($p) =~ /Trine/){
$p =~ s/[\<\>]//g;
$p = RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new($p);
unless (ref($o) =~ /Trine/){
if (($o =~ m'^http://') || ($o =~ m'^https://')){
$o =~ s/[\<\>]//g;
$o = RDF::Trine::Node::Resource->new($o);
} elsif ($o =~ /\D/) {
$o = RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new($o);
} else {
$o = RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new($o);
my $statement = RDF::Trine::Statement->new($s, $p, $o);
return $statement;
sub serializeThis{
my $model = shift;
my $serializer = RDF::Trine::Serializer->new('turtle');
print $serializer->serialize_model_to_string($model);
sub printProfilerInfo {
my $ns = RDF::NS->new('20131205'); # check at runtime
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(fair => 'http://datafairport.org/schemas/FAIR-schema.owl#'));
die "can't set namespace $!\n" unless ($ns->SET(proj => "http://biordf.org/cgi-bin/DataFairPort/DragonDB_LDF_Profiler/"));
my $model = createFreshTrineModel();
my $stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileAlleleDescriptions'), $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->fair('dataProjectorDescriptor'));
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO'), $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->fair('dataProjectorDescriptor'));
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesEDAM'), $ns->rdf('type'), $ns->fair('dataProjectorDescriptor'));
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileAlleleDescriptions'), $ns->fair('projectsSource'), "http://antirrhinum.net");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileAlleleDescriptions'), $ns->fair('projectsFAIRProfile'), "http://biordf.org/DataFairPort/ProfileSchemas/Allele_Profile_Descriptive.rdf");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileAlleleDescriptions'), $ns->fair('usesAccessor'), "http://antirrhinum.net/cgi-bin/LDP/Alleles");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO'), $ns->fair('projectsSource'), "http://antirrhinum.net");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO'), $ns->fair('projectsFAIRProfile'), "http://biordf.org/DataFairPort/ProfileSchemas/Allele_Profile_EDAM.rdf");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesSIO'), $ns->fair('usesAccessor'), "http://antirrhinum.net/cgi-bin/LDP/Alleles");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesEDAM'), $ns->fair('projectsSource'), "http://antirrhinum.net");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesEDAM'), $ns->fair('projectsFAIRProfile'), "http://biordf.org/DataFairPort/ProfileSchemas/Allele_Profile_SIO.rdf");
$stm = statement($ns->proj('DragonDB_Allele_ProfileImagesEDAM'), $ns->fair('usesAccessor'), "http://antirrhinum.net/cgi-bin/LDP/Alleles");
sub createFreshTrineModel {
my $store = RDF::Trine::Store::Memory->new();
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new($store);
return $model;