use strict;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Test::Most tests => 13; # Define the number of tests
# Mock database
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
return bless \%args, $class;
sub selectall_hashref {
# Return mock data
return [
{ first => 'John', last => 'Smith', url => '' },
{ first => 'Jane', last => 'Smith', url => '' },
sub fetchrow_hashref {
# Return a single record
return { first => 'John', last => 'Smith', url => '' };
# Test directory setup
my $temp_dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
# Test object creation
my $obj = Genealogy::Wills->new(directory => $temp_dir);
ok($obj, 'Object created successfully');
# Test invalid directory
my $invalid_dir_obj = Genealogy::Wills->new(directory => '/invalid/directory');
ok(!defined($invalid_dir_obj), 'Object creation fails with invalid directory');
# Test missing required arguments in `new`
eval { Genealogy::Wills->new('foo') };
like($@, qr/Invalid arguments passed/, 'Fails gracefully when required arguments are missing in `new`');
# Test object properties
is($obj->{'directory'}, $temp_dir, 'Directory property set correctly');
# Test search with valid parameters
my @results = $obj->search(last => 'Smith');
is(scalar(@results), 2, 'Search returned correct number of results');
is($results[0]->{'first'}, 'John', 'First result matches expected value');
like($results[0]->{'url'}, qr/^https:\/\//, 'URL in results is correctly formatted');
# Test search with missing parameters
dies_ok(sub { $obj->search() }, 'Search with missing parameters dies');
# Test cloning existing object
my $cloned_obj = $obj->new(logger => sub { print @_ });
ok($cloned_obj, 'Successfully cloned an existing object');
is($cloned_obj->{'directory'}, $obj->{'directory'}, 'Cloned object retains original directory');
# Test overwriting default properties
my $custom_obj = Genealogy::Wills->new(directory => $temp_dir, cache_duration => '2 days');
is($custom_obj->{'cache_duration'}, '2 days', 'Custom cache_duration property is set correctly');
# Test search returning no results
no warnings 'redefine'; # Mock `selectall_hashref` to return an empty list
*Genealogy::Wills::wills::selectall_hashref = sub { [] };
my @no_results = $obj->search(last => 'Nonexistent');
is(scalar(@no_results), 0, 'Search with non-existent name returns no results');
# Test URL formatting
no warnings 'redefine'; # Mock `selectall_hashref` to return URLs without protocol
*Genealogy::Wills::wills::selectall_hashref = sub {
return [{ first => 'John', last => 'Smith', url => '' }];
my @results = $obj->search(last => 'Smith');
like($results[0]->{'url'}, qr/^https:\/\//, 'URL formatting correctly prepends https://');